Rehabilitative Interventions

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Condition: Meningitis
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Linkage with rehabilitation centres for deafness, learning impairment or behavioural problems
< 5 years
  • Linkage with rehabilitation centres for deafness, learning impairment or behavioural problems
5 - 11 years
  • Physiotherapy
  • Occupational therapy
  • Language and speech therapy
  • Assisting in hearing devices
12 - 24 years
  • Physiotherapy
  • Occupational therapy
  • Language and speech therapy
  • Assisting in hearing devices
25 - 59 years
  • Rehabilitation and follow up of adults with complications as a result of meningitis
  • Physical therapy to improve motor coordination and mobility
  • Occupational therapy to develop everyday skills
  • Hearing rehabilitation including provision of hearing aids Referral downwards to Primary care facilities for further or continued rehabilitation
60+ years
Condition: Whooping Cough
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
  • Physical rehabilitation
  • Rehabilitation services depending on complications
12 - 24 years
  • Rehabilitation services depending on complications physical rehabilitation
25 - 59 years
  • Physical rehabilitation
  • Rehabilitation services depending on complications.
60+ years
  • Physical rehabilitation
  • Rehabilitation services depending on complications
Condition: Encephalitis
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Physical therapy to improve motor coordination and function
  • Speech therapy
  • Occupational therapy to develop every day skills
  • Referral downwards to primary care facilities and to communities for rehabilition
  • Follow up to manage any complications incluidng complications related to motor funations
< 5 years
  • Physical therapy to improve motor coordination anf function
  • Speech therapy
  • Occupational therapy to develop everyday skills Referral downwards to primary care facilities and to communities for follow up and rehabilitation
5 - 11 years
  • Physical therapy to improve motor coordination and mobility function
  • Speech therapy
  • Occupationla therapy to develop every day skills Referral downwards to primary care facilities and communities for follow up and rehabilitation
12 - 24 years
  • Physical therapy to improve motor coordination and mobility function
  • Speech therapy
  • Occupational therapy to develop every day skills Referral downwards to primary care facilities and communities for follow up and rehabilitation
25 - 59 years
  • Follow-up therapy for complications of encephalitis
  • Referral downwards to primary care facilities for rehabilitation
  • Physical therapy to improve motor coordination and function
  • Speech therapy
  • Occupational therapy to develop every day skills
60+ years
  • Follow-up therapy for complications of encephalitis
  • Referral downwards to primary care facilities for rehabilitation
  • Physical therapy to improve motor coordination anf function
  • Speech therapy
  • Occupational therapy to develop every day skills
Condition: Measles
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
  • Linkage with rehabilitation centres for deafness, learning impairment or behavioural problems
5 - 11 years
  • Linkage with rehabilitation centres for deafness, learning impairment or behavioural problems
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Tuberculosis
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
  • Breathing exercise
5 - 11 years
  • Breathing exercise
12 - 24 years
  • Breathing exercise
25 - 59 years
  • Breathing exercise
60+ years
  • Breathing exercise
Condition: Syphilis
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn

Treatment with PenicillinTreatment of sex partners

< 5 years
  • Physiotherapy, speech therapy services
  • Training on use of assisting devices
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
  • Specialist care for people with cardiovascular and other systemic residual effects of syphilis
  • Specialist physiotherapy and neurology care for people with residual neurologic effects of neurosyphilis
25 - 59 years
  • Specialist care for people with cardiovascular and other systemic residual effects of syphilis
  • Specialist physiotherapy and neurology care for people with residual neurologic effects of neurosyphilis
60+ years
  • Specialist care for people with cardiovascular and other systemic residual effects of syphilis
  • Specialist physiotherapy and neurology care for people with residual neurologic effects of neurosyphilis
Condition: HIV/AIDS
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
  • Self-management education for parents
  • Support parents for disclosure
5 - 11 years
  • Self-management education for parents
  • Support for disclosure
12 - 24 years
  • Self-management education
  • Physical exercise
  • Nutritional support
25 - 59 years
  • Self-management education
  • Physical exercise
  • Nutritional support
60+ years
  • Self-management education
  • Physical exercise
  • Nutritional support
Condition: Gonorrhoea
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
  • Investigation and treatment of men and women with infertility
  • Investigation and treatment of men with urethral stricture
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Chlamydia
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
  • Investigation and treatment of men and women with infertility (adolescent)
  • Investigation and treatment of men with urethral stricture (adolescent)
25 - 59 years
  • Investigation and treatment of men and women with infertility (adult)
  • Investigation and treatment of men with urethral stricture (adult)
60+ years
Condition: Lymphatic filariasis
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
  • Counseling
  • Occupational and physiotherapy
  • Tertiary prevention
12 - 24 years
  • Counseling
  • Occupational and physiotherapy
  • Tertiary prevention
25 - 59 years
  • Counseling
  • Occupational and physiotherapy
  • Tertiary prevention
60+ years
  • Counseling
  • Occupational and physiotherapy
  • Tertiary prevention
Condition: Diabetes mellitus
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Physical rehabilitation services for mother with diabetic complications such as diabetic foot/i.e. those amputated
  • sight Rehabilitation for those with retinopathy
  • Physical, occupational and speech rehabilitation to help with mobility
  • speech and cognitive impairments related to diabetes
< 5 years
  • Physical, speech rehabilitation to help with mobility, speech impairments related to diabetes
5 - 11 years
  • Self-management education
  • Physical activity counselling and exercise training
12 - 24 years
  • Self-management education
  • Physical activity counselling and exercise training
  • Provision and training in the use of assistive products
25 - 59 years
  • Self-management education
  • Physical activity counselling and exercise training
  • Provision and training in the use of assistive products
60+ years
  • Self-management education
  • Physical activity counselling and exercise training
  • Provision and training in the use of assistive products
Condition: Acute Hepatitis C
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Leprosy
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Work with communities to Promote societal inclusion by addressing all forms of discrimination and stigma
  • Work with communities to Empower persons affected by leprosy and strengthening their capacity to participate actively in leprosy services
  • Promoting coalition-building among persons affected by leprosy including self care groups, such groups encourage each other on self care needs
  • supporting community-based rehabilitation for people with leprosy-related disabilities
< 5 years
  • Physical rehabilitation services for under 5s with complications of Leprosy/leprosy related disabilities
  • Linkage of parents/families of under 5s with leprosy to support groups /self care groups
  • Guidance to communities on need for inclusion of families with under 5s affected by leprosy by addressing all forms of discrimination and stigma.
  • Guidance to parents with under 5s affected by leprosy on how to participate actively in leprosy services..
5 - 11 years
  • Promoting societal inclusion by addressing all forms of discrimination and stigma
  • Empowering persons affected by leprosy and strengthening their capacity to participate actively in leprosy services
  • Promoting coalition-building among persons affected by leprosy including self care groups, such groups encourage each other on self care needs
  • Supporting community-based rehabilitation for people with leprosy-related disabilities.
12 - 24 years
  • Promoting societal inclusion by addressing all forms of discrimination and stigma

  • Empowering persons affected by leprosy and strengthening their capacity to participate actively in leprosy services

  • Promoting coalition-building among persons affected by leprosy including self care groups –such groups encourage each other on self care needs

  • Supporting community-based rehabilitation for people with leprosy-related disabilities

  • Working towards abolishing discriminatory laws and promote policies facilitating inclusion of persons affected by leprosy

  • Promoting societal inclusion by addressing all forms of discrimination and stigma

  • Empowering persons affected by leprosy and strengthening their capacity to participate actively in leprosy services

  • Promoting coalition-building among persons affected by leprosy including self care groups–such groups encourage each other on self care needs

  • Supporting community-based rehabilitation for people with leprosy-related disabilities

25 - 59 years
  • Promoting societal inclusion by addressing all forms of discrimination and stigma
  • Empowering persons affected by leprosy and strengthening their capacity to participate actively in leprosy services
  • Promoting coalition-building among persons affected by leprosy including self care groups –such groups encourage each other on self care needs
  • Supporting community-based rehabilitation for people with leprosy-related disabilities
  • Working towards abolishing discriminatory laws and promote policies facilitating inclusion of persons affected by leprosy.
60+ years
  • Promoting societal inclusion by addressing all forms of discrimination and stigma
  • Work with communities to Empower persons affected by leprosy and strengthening their capacity to participate actively in leprosy services
  • Promoting coalition-building among persons affected by leprosy including self care groups,such groups encourage each other on self care needs
  • Supporting community-based rehabilitation for people with leprosy-related disabilities
Condition: Tetanus
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Physiotherapy, rehabilitation for muscle movements e.g swallowing and oral motor movements
< 5 years
  • Physiotherapy, rehabilitation for muscle movements e.g swallowing and oral motor movements
5 - 11 years
  • Physiotherapy, rehabilitation for muscle movements e.g swallowing and oral motor movements
12 - 24 years
  • Physiotherapy, rehabilitation for muscle movements e.g swallowing and oral motor movements
25 - 59 years
  • Physiotherapy, rehabilitation for muscle movements e.g swallowing and oral motor movements
60+ years
  • Physiotherapy, rehabilitation for muscle movements e.g swallowing and oral motor move
Condition: Birth asphyxia
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
  • managemnet of any complications eg speech therapy if speech is affected; physical rehabilitation
  • Follow up children treated for birth asphyxia to detect any signs of neurologic dysfunction such as delayed developmental milestones
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Birth trauma
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Health education to mothers on birth trauma and prevention measures
  • Health education on need for ANC attendance
  • Promotion of eraly health seeking behaviour
  • Promotion of facility based deliveries
< 5 years
  • Psychological support to parents of babies with birth-related complications
  • Follow up neonates treated for birth asphyxia to detect any signs of neurologic dysfunction such as delayed developmental milestones
  • Linkage with rehabilitation centres for physical rehabilitation, speech, etc
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Maternal conditions
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Preterm birth complications
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Follow up of babies delivered preterm who have been discharged home for monitoring of neuro developmental milestones
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
  • Physical therapy for children with neurological complications
  • Education and counselling support to families to care for their sick, vulnerable, preterm or LBW infant
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Colon and rectum cancers
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
  • Self-management education
  • Exercise and physical activity
  • Nutritional support
60+ years
  • Self-management education
  • Physical exercise
  • Nutritional support
Condition: Larynx cancer
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
  • Esophageal dilatation
  • Speech therapy
60+ years
  • Esophageal dilatation
  • Speech therapy
Condition: Leukemia
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
  • Physical therapy
  • Occupational therapy
5 - 11 years
  • Physical therapy
  • Occupational therapy
12 - 24 years
  • Physical therapy
  • Occupational therapy
25 - 59 years
  • Psycho social support for people diagnosed with the condition
60+ years
  • Psycho social support for people diagnosed with the condition
Condition: Liver Cancer
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
  • Physical exercise
  • Nutritional support
Condition: Trachea, bronchus, lung cancers
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
  • Self-management skills
  • Breathing re-training
  • Physiotherapy
  • Speech and language therapy
  • Assistive technology (e.g. for communication or voice)
  • Pulmonary rehabilitation
60+ years
  • Self-management skills
  • Breathing re-training
  • Physiotherapy
  • Speech and language therapy
  • Assistive technology (e.g. for communication or voice)
  • Pulmonary rehabilitation
Condition: Multiple myeloma
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Nasopharynx cancer and other pharyngeal cancers
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Oesophagus cancer
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
  • Esophageal dilatation
  • Stents to maintain esophageal patency
60+ years
  • Physical exercise
  • Nutritional support
Condition: Pancreas cancer
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Stomach cancer
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
  • Physical exercise
  • Nutritional support
60+ years
  • Physical exercise
  • Nutritional support
Condition: Breast cancer
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
  • Physiotherapy/
  • exercises
  • Reconstructive plastic surgery after mastectomies
25 - 59 years
  • Physical exercise
  • Nutritional support
  • Cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT)
60+ years
  • Physical exercise
  • Nutritional support
  • Cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT)
Condition: Cervix uteri cancer
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
  • Physical exercise
  • Nutritional support
60+ years
  • Physical exercise
  • Nutritional support
Condition: Corpus uteri cancer
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
  • Institute Specialist teams to offer Multidisciplinary care in Clinical Psychology, Dietetics and Physiotherapy
60+ years
  • Institute Specialist teams to offer Multidisciplinary care in Clinical Psychology, Dietetics and Physiotherapy
Condition: Alzheimer disease and other dementias
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
  • Cognitive training and rehabilitation
Condition: Autism and Asperger syndrome
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
  • Physiotherapy support including physical exercises
  • Speech rehabilitation-speech therapy to improve communication skills
5 - 11 years
  • Physiotherapy including physical exercises
  • Speech and language therapy
  • Social skills development training,
  • Occupational therapy
  • Sensory integration therapy
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Eating disorders
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
  • physical rehabilitation program to enhance mobility and endurance for the elderly persons with eating disorders
Condition: COVID-19
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
  • Screening of vulnerable groups
  • Promote hand washing facilities
  • Promote use of face masks
  • Promote maintenance of physical and social distance
12 - 24 years
  • Physiotherapy services
  • Physical exercises
25 - 59 years
  • Physiotherapy services
  • Physical exercises
60+ years
  • Physiotherapy services
  • Physical exercises
Condition: Trachoma
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
  • Visual rehabilitation /provision of visual aids
  • Provide close support for daily activities incase of blindness complication
  • Linkage to rehbiliation centre
  • Linkage to appropriate schools --eg school with facilities for visually impaired
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Onchocerciasis
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
  • Orientation and mobility training
  • Eye care to prevent blindness and treat ophthalmic comorbidities
  • Provision of a white cane and other assistive products to support senses other than sight (e.g. alarm signallers, talking watches)
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Eye Conditions
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
  • Eye rehabilitation
  • Mobility and training in daily activities
  • Occupational rehabilitation
  • Provision of visual aids
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Attention deficit/hyperactivity syndrome
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
  • Physical therapy
  • Promote exercises
5 - 11 years
  • Physical therapy
  • Promote exercises
12 - 24 years
  • Physical therapy
  • Promote exercises
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Epilepsy
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Migraine
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Physiotherapy services as a way of relieving migraine
< 5 years
  • Physiotherapy services as a way of relieving migraine
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
  • Physical therapy
25 - 59 years
  • Physical therapy
60+ years
Condition: Parkinson disease
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
  • Regular Physical Exercise programs for elderly persons with Parkinsonism disease to improve mobility and flexibility
  • Physiotherapy services for elderly with parkinsonians improve mobility, gait, speed, flexibility
  • Generalized relaxation techniques such as gentle rocking to improve flexibility
  • Speech therapy-Lee Silverman Voice treatment
  • Occupational therapy to promote health and quality of life by helping elderly persons with the disease to participate in as many of their daily living activities as possible.
60+ years
  • Occupational therapy
  • Physical therapy
  • Speech therapy
  • Strength training, gait and balance training and hydrotherapy
Condition: Ischaemic (Coronary) Heart Disease
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
  • Physical activity counselling and exercise training
  • Provision and training in the use of assistive products
60+ years
  • Physical activity counselling and exercise training
  • Provision and training in the use of assistive products
Condition: Haemorrhagic Stroke
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
  • Occupational, therapy to help the patient participate in gainful occupation
  • Physical therapy /exercises for motor function
  • Rehabilitation to help regain motor skills and coordination.
  • Speech therapy to help regain lost speech
  • Therapy to help regain sensory function
Condition: Ischaemic Stroke
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
  • Cardiac rehabilitation: nutritional counselling, weight management, blood pressure management, lipid management, diabetic management, smoking cessation, psychological management, physical activity counselling, exercise training
  • Provision and training in the use of assistive products
  • Occupational therapy
  • Speech and language therapy
60+ years
  • Early physical, mental and speech rehabilitation
Condition: Multiple Sclerosis
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
  • Occupational therapy on how to perform daily tasks.
  • Physical therapy
  • physical for muscle strengthening exercises
  • Physical therapy to manage leg weakness and other gait problems often associated with MS.
Condition: Rheumatic Heart Disease
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
  • Physical rehabilitation
  • Occupational therapy
  • Family or caregiver educational training
25 - 59 years
60+ years
  • Physical rehabilitation/physical exercises
Condition: Cardiomyopathy - Myocarditis
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
  • Occupational, therapy to help the patient participate in gainful occupation
  • Speech therapy to help regain lost speech
  • Physical therapy/exercises for motor function
  • Rehabilitation to help regain motor skills and coordination.
  • Therapy to help regain sensory function
60+ years
  • Occupational, therapy to help the patient participate in gainful occupatio
  • Speech therapy to help regain lost speech
  • Rehabilitation to help regain motor skills and coordination.
  • Therapy to help regain sensory function
Condition: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
  • Pulmonary Rehabilitation: exercise, dietary advice, disease education, psychological intervention, behavioural intervention
60+ years
  • Pulmonary rehabilitation
  • Addition of person-centered care services to usual care in chronic heart failure or COPD for individualised health plan
Condition: Hypertensive heart disease
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Physical rehabilitation services/physical exercise to promote healthy living
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
  • Self-management education
  • Physical exercise
60+ years
  • Physical rehabilitation services/physical exercise to promote healthy living
Condition: Dental Caries
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
  • Provision of dentures
60+ years
  • Provision of dentures
Condition: Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs)
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Neonatal sepsis and infections
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Maternal Abortion and Miscarriage
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Post-abortion counselling, education and family-planning services
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
  • Psychosocial and emotional support on abortion, including miscarriage and intrauterine foetal death
25 - 59 years
  • Psychosocial and emotional support on abortion, including miscarriage and intrauterine foetal death
60+ years
Condition: Chronic Liver Disease(Cirrhosis)
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
  • Counselling and support for complete abstinence from alcohol
  • Nutritional management
25 - 59 years
  • Counselling and support for complete abstinence from alcohol
  • Nutritional management
60+ years
  • Counselling and support for complete abstinence from alcohol
  • Nutritional management
Condition: Chronic Kidney Disease
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
  • Renal rehabilitation: exercise training, diet & fluid management, medication & medical surveillance, education, psychological & vocational counselling
25 - 59 years
60+ years
  • Renal rehabilitation
Condition: Low back pain
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
  • Self-management education
  • Physical exercise
25 - 59 years
  • Self-management education
  • Physical exercise
60+ years
  • Self-management education
  • Physical exercise
Condition: Intracerebral Haemorrage
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
  • Cardiac rehabilitation: nutritional counselling, weight management, blood pressure management, lipid management, diabetic management, smoking cessation, psychological management, physical activity counselling, exercise training
  • Occupational therapy
  • Speech and language therapy
25 - 59 years
  • Physical activity counselling and exercise training
  • Provision and training in the use of assistive products
  • Occupational therapy
  • Speech and language therapy
60+ years
  • Physical activity counselling and exercise training
  • Provision and training in the use of assistive products
  • Occupational therapy
  • Speech and language therapy
Condition: Age related hearing losd
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
  • Support with hearing assistive technology and services
  • Rehabilitative therapy to enhance perceptive skills, communication and linguistic abilities.
12 - 24 years
  • Support with hearing assistive technology and services
  • Rehabilitative therapy to enhance perceptive skills, communication and linguistic abilities
25 - 59 years
  • Assistive devices, such as amplification device
60+ years
  • Assistive devices, such as amplification device
Condition: Prostate Cancer
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Asthma
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
  • Counselling on personalised asthma management
  • Physical exercise
5 - 11 years
  • Counselling on personalised asthma management
  • Physical exercise
12 - 24 years
  • Counselling on personalised asthma management
  • Physical exercise
25 - 59 years
  • Counselling on personalised asthma management
  • Physical exercise
60+ years
  • Counselling on personalised asthma management
  • Physical exercise
Condition: Depression
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
  • Self-management education
  • Physical exercise
  • Social skills training
25 - 59 years
  • Self-management education
  • Physical exercise
  • Social skills training
60+ years
  • Self-management education
  • Physical exercise
  • Social skills training
Condition: Falls
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
  • Physical rehabilitation
  • Occupational therapy
  • Family or caregiver educational training
  • Provide assistive products such as wheelchairs
12 - 24 years
  • Physical rehabilitation
  • Occupational therapy
  • Family or caregiver educational training
  • Provide assistive products such as wheelchairs,
25 - 59 years
  • Physical rehabilitation
  • Occupational therapy
  • Family or caregiver educational training
  • Provide assistive products such as wheelchairs,
  • Remove barriers to social and economic services
60+ years
  • Physical rehabilitation
  • Occupational therapy
  • Family or caregiver educational training
  • Provide assistive products such as wheelchairs,
  • Remove barriers to social and economic services
Condition: Road traffic Injuries
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
  • Advanced physiotherapy, speech therapy services
  • Training on use of assisting devices
5 - 11 years
  • Physical rehabilitation
  • Occupational therapy
  • Family or caregiver educational training
  • Provide assistive products such as wheelchairs,
  • Remove barriers to social and economic services
12 - 24 years
  • Physical rehabilitation
  • Occupational therapy
  • Family or caregiver educational training
  • Provide assistive products such as wheelchairs,
  • Remove barriers to social and economic services
25 - 59 years
  • Physical rehabilitation
  • Occupational therapy
  • Family or caregiver educational training
  • Provide assistive products such as wheelchairs,
  • Remove barriers to social and economic services
60+ years
  • Physical rehabilitation
  • Occupational therapy
  • Family or caregiver educational training
  • Provide assistive products such as wheelchairs,
  • Remove barriers to social and economic services
Condition: Thyroid Disorders
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
  • Physical exercise training
25 - 59 years
  • Physical exercise training
60+ years
  • Adherence to medication
  • Physical exercise training
Condition: Malaria
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
  • Cognitive exercises
  • Physical therapy
  • Speech therapy
25 - 59 years
  • Cognitive exercises
  • Physical therapy
  • Speech therapy
60+ years
Condition: Anxiety Disorders
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
  • Physical exercise training
12 - 24 years
  • Physical exercise training
25 - 59 years
  • Physical exercise training
60+ years
Condition: Alcohol Use Disorders
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
  • Promote functioning in activities of daily living and rehabilitation and inclusion in the community
  • Enrolling in self-help group
60+ years
Condition: Schizophrenia
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
  • Self-management education
  • Physical exercise
  • Social skills training
60+ years
Condition: Conduct disorder
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
  • Physiotherapy support including physical exercises
  • Speech therapy
12 - 24 years
  • Physiotherapy support including physical exercises
  • Speech therapy
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Sickle cell anemia/disorder
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
  • Physiotherapy: exercise, breathing exercises and massages
5 - 11 years
  • Physiotherapy: aerobic exercises, breathing exercises, and massages
12 - 24 years
  • Physiotherapy: aerobic exercises, breathing exercises, and massages
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Premenstrual Syndrome
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
  • Physical activity counselling and exercise training
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Bipolar Disorders
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
  • Regular social, educational and occupational support
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Persistent depressive disorders (Dysthymia)
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
  • Self-management education
  • Physical exercise
  • Social skills training
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Atopic Dermatitis
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
  • Topical calcineurin inhibitors
  • Ultraviolet phototherapy
  • Antibiotics when indicated.
  • Antiviral drugs when indicated
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Brain and Central Nervous System (CNS) Cancer
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
  • Physical therapy
  • Occupational therapy
  • Speech therapy
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Fire, heat, and hot substances injuries
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
  • Physical therapy
  • Occupational therapy
5 - 11 years
  • Physical therapy
  • Occupational therapy
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Maternal Sepsis
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Early mobilization in the hospital
  • Physical therapy,
  • Occupational therapy
  • Speech therapy
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Prolonged and Obstructed Labor including Obstetric Fistula
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Social reintegration and rehabilitation of obstetric fistula patients before and after repair
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Neonatal encephalopathy due to birth asphyxia and trauma
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Physical therapy for children with neurological complications
< 5 years
  • Physical therapy for children with neurological complications
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Neonatal Preterm Birth
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Physical therapy for children with neurological complications
  • Education and counselling support to families to care for their sick, vulnerable, preterm or LBW infant
< 5 years
  • Physical therapy for children with neurological complications
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Neonatal Jaundice
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Linkage with rehabilitation centres for physical, speech rehabilitation
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Neural Tubal Defect
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Long term rehabilitation support including physical therapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy
  • Family or caregiver educational training
  • Provide assistive products
< 5 years
  • Long term rehabilitation support including physical therapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy
  • Family or caregiver educational training
  • Provide assistive products
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Congenital anomalies
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Long term rehabilitation support including physical therapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy
  • Family or caregiver educational training
  • Provide assistive products
< 5 years
  • Long term rehabilitation support including physical therapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy
  • Family or caregiver educational training
  • Provide assistive products
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Digestive congenital anomalies (Oesophageal Atresia/Tracheo-Oesophageal Fistula)
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Physiotherapy, speech therapy services
  • Comprehensive and holistic care for the long-term management of problems associated with post-operative care
< 5 years
  • Physiotherapy, speech therapy services
  • Comprehensive and holistic care for the long-term management of problems associated with post-operative care
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Congenital musculoskeletal and limb anomalies
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Physiotherapy and occupational therapy
  • Comprehensive and holistic care for the long-term management of problems associated with the congenital abnormality
< 5 years
  • Physiotherapy and occupational therapy
  • Comprehensive and holistic care for the long-term management of problems associated with the congenital abnormality
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Congenital urogenital anomalies
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Physiotherapy and occupational therapy
  • Comprehensive and holistic care for the long-term management of problems associated with the congenital abnormality
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Down Syndrome
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Speech therapy
  • Physiotherapy
  • Occupational therapy
< 5 years
  • Speech therapy,
  • Physiotherapy
  • Occupational therapy
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Protein-energy malnutrition
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
  • Nutritional rehabilitation
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years