Condition: Meningitis
Community Level
Primary Care
Referral Facility: General
Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
- Linkage with rehabilitation centres for deafness, learning impairment or behavioural problems
< 5 years
- Linkage with rehabilitation centres for deafness, learning impairment or behavioural problems
5 - 11 years
- Physiotherapy
- Occupational therapy
- Language and speech therapy
- Assisting in hearing devices
12 - 24 years
- Physiotherapy
- Occupational therapy
- Language and speech therapy
- Assisting in hearing devices
25 - 59 years
- Rehabilitation and follow up of adults with complications as a result of meningitis
- Physical therapy to improve motor coordination and mobility
- Occupational therapy to develop everyday skills
- Hearing rehabilitation including provision of hearing aids
Referral downwards to Primary care facilities for further or continued rehabilitation
60+ years
Condition: Whooping Cough
Community Level
Primary Care
Referral Facility: General
Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
- Physical rehabilitation
- Rehabilitation services depending on complications
12 - 24 years
- Rehabilitation services depending on complications physical rehabilitation
25 - 59 years
- Physical rehabilitation
- Rehabilitation services depending on complications.
60+ years
- Rehabilitation services depending on complications
Condition: Encephalitis
Community Level
Primary Care
Referral Facility: General
Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
- Physical therapy to improve motor coordination and function
- Speech therapy
- Occupational therapy to develop every day skills
- Referral downwards to primary care facilities and to communities for rehabilition
- Follow up to manage any complications incluidng complications related to motor funations
< 5 years
- Physical therapy to improve motor coordination anf function
- Speech therapy
- Occupational therapy to develop everyday skills
Referral downwards to primary care facilities and to communities for follow up and rehabilitation
5 - 11 years
- Physical therapy to improve motor coordination and mobility function
- Speech therapy
- Occupationla therapy to develop every day skills
Referral downwards to primary care facilities and communities for follow up and rehabilitation
12 - 24 years
- Physical therapy to improve motor coordination and mobility function
- Speech therapy
- Occupational therapy to develop every day skills
Referral downwards to primary care facilities and communities for follow up and rehabilitation
25 - 59 years
- Follow-up therapy for complications of encephalitis
- Referral downwards to primary care facilities for rehabilitation
- Physical therapy to improve motor coordination and function
- Speech therapy
- Occupational therapy to develop every day skills
60+ years
- Follow-up therapy for complications of encephalitis
- Referral downwards to primary care facilities for rehabilitation
- Physical therapy to improve motor coordination anf function
- Speech therapy
- Occupational therapy to develop every day skills
Condition: Measles
Community Level
Primary Care
Referral Facility: General
Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
- Linkage with rehabilitation centres for deafness, learning impairment or behavioural problems
5 - 11 years
- Linkage with rehabilitation centres for deafness, learning impairment or behavioural problems
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Tuberculosis
Community Level
Primary Care
Referral Facility: General
Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Syphilis
Community Level
Primary Care
Referral Facility: General
Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
Treatment with PenicillinTreatment of sex partners
< 5 years
- Physiotherapy, speech therapy services
- Training on use of assisting devices
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
- Specialist care for people with cardiovascular and other systemic residual effects of syphilis
- Specialist physiotherapy and neurology care for people with residual neurologic effects of neurosyphilis
25 - 59 years
- Specialist care for people with cardiovascular and other systemic residual effects of syphilis
- Specialist physiotherapy and neurology care for people with residual neurologic effects of neurosyphilis
60+ years
- Specialist care for people with cardiovascular and other systemic residual effects of syphilis
- Specialist physiotherapy and neurology care for people with residual neurologic effects of neurosyphilis
Condition: HIV/AIDS
Community Level
Primary Care
Referral Facility: General
Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
- Self-management education for parents
- Support parents for disclosure
5 - 11 years
- Self-management education for parents
- Support for disclosure
12 - 24 years
- Self-management education
- Physical exercise
- Nutritional support
25 - 59 years
- Self-management education
- Physical exercise
- Nutritional support
60+ years
- Self-management education
- Physical exercise
- Nutritional support
Condition: Gonorrhoea
Community Level
Primary Care
Referral Facility: General
Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
- Investigation and treatment of men and women with infertility
- Investigation and treatment of men with urethral stricture
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Chlamydia
Community Level
Primary Care
Referral Facility: General
Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
- Investigation and treatment of men and women with infertility (adolescent)
- Investigation and treatment of men with urethral stricture (adolescent)
25 - 59 years
- Investigation and treatment of men and women with infertility (adult)
- Investigation and treatment of men with urethral stricture (adult)
60+ years
Condition: Lymphatic filariasis
Community Level
Primary Care
Referral Facility: General
Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
- Counseling
- Occupational and physiotherapy
- Tertiary prevention
12 - 24 years
- Counseling
- Occupational and physiotherapy
- Tertiary prevention
25 - 59 years
- Counseling
- Occupational and physiotherapy
- Tertiary prevention
60+ years
- Counseling
- Occupational and physiotherapy
- Tertiary prevention
Condition: Diabetes mellitus
Community Level
Primary Care
Referral Facility: General
Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
- Physical rehabilitation services for mother with diabetic complications such as diabetic foot/i.e. those amputated
- sight Rehabilitation for those with retinopathy
- Physical, occupational and speech rehabilitation to help with mobility
- speech and cognitive impairments related to diabetes
< 5 years
- Physical, speech rehabilitation to help with mobility, speech impairments related to diabetes
5 - 11 years
- Self-management education
- Physical activity counselling and exercise training
12 - 24 years
- Self-management education
- Physical activity counselling and exercise training
- Provision and training in the use of assistive products
25 - 59 years
- Self-management education
- Physical activity counselling and exercise training
- Provision and training in the use of assistive products
60+ years
- Self-management education
- Physical activity counselling and exercise training
- Provision and training in the use of assistive products
Condition: Acute Hepatitis C
Community Level
Primary Care
Referral Facility: General
Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Leprosy
Community Level
Primary Care
Referral Facility: General
Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
- Work with communities to Promote societal inclusion by addressing all forms of discrimination and stigma
- Work with communities to Empower persons affected by leprosy and strengthening their capacity to participate actively in leprosy services
- Promoting coalition-building among persons affected by leprosy including self care groups, such groups encourage each other on self care needs
- supporting community-based rehabilitation for people with leprosy-related disabilities
< 5 years
- Physical rehabilitation services for under 5s with complications of Leprosy/leprosy related disabilities
- Linkage of parents/families of under 5s with leprosy to support groups /self care groups
- Guidance to communities on need for inclusion of families with under 5s affected by leprosy by addressing all forms of discrimination and stigma.
- Guidance to parents with under 5s affected by leprosy on how to participate actively in leprosy services..
5 - 11 years
- Promoting societal inclusion by addressing all forms of discrimination and stigma
- Empowering persons affected by leprosy and strengthening their capacity to participate actively in leprosy services
- Promoting coalition-building among persons affected by leprosy including self care groups, such groups encourage each other on self care needs
- Supporting community-based rehabilitation for people with leprosy-related disabilities.
12 - 24 years
Promoting societal inclusion by addressing all forms of discrimination and stigma
Empowering persons affected by leprosy and strengthening their capacity to participate actively in leprosy services
Promoting coalition-building among persons affected by leprosy including self care groups –such groups encourage each other on self care needs
Supporting community-based rehabilitation for people with leprosy-related disabilities
Working towards abolishing discriminatory laws and promote policies facilitating inclusion of persons affected by leprosy
Promoting societal inclusion by addressing all forms of discrimination and stigma
Empowering persons affected by leprosy and strengthening their capacity to participate actively in leprosy services
Promoting coalition-building among persons affected by leprosy including self care groups–such groups encourage each other on self care needs
Supporting community-based rehabilitation for people with leprosy-related disabilities
25 - 59 years
- Promoting societal inclusion by addressing all forms of discrimination and stigma
- Empowering persons affected by leprosy and strengthening their capacity to participate actively in leprosy services
- Promoting coalition-building among persons affected by leprosy including self care groups –such groups encourage each other on self care needs
- Supporting community-based rehabilitation for people with leprosy-related disabilities
- Working towards abolishing discriminatory laws and promote policies facilitating inclusion of persons affected by leprosy.
60+ years
- Promoting societal inclusion by addressing all forms of discrimination and stigma
- Work with communities to Empower persons affected by leprosy and strengthening their capacity to participate actively in leprosy services
- Promoting coalition-building among persons affected by leprosy including self care groups,such groups encourage each other on self care needs
- Supporting community-based rehabilitation for people with leprosy-related disabilities
Condition: Tetanus
Community Level
Primary Care
Referral Facility: General
Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
- Physiotherapy, rehabilitation for muscle movements e.g swallowing and oral motor movements
< 5 years
- Physiotherapy, rehabilitation for muscle movements e.g swallowing and oral motor movements
5 - 11 years
- Physiotherapy, rehabilitation for muscle movements e.g swallowing and oral motor movements
12 - 24 years
- Physiotherapy, rehabilitation for muscle movements e.g swallowing and oral motor movements
25 - 59 years
- Physiotherapy, rehabilitation for muscle movements e.g swallowing and oral motor movements
60+ years
- Physiotherapy, rehabilitation for muscle movements e.g swallowing and oral motor move
Condition: Birth asphyxia
Community Level
Primary Care
Referral Facility: General
Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
- managemnet of any complications eg speech therapy if speech is affected; physical rehabilitation
- Follow up children treated for birth asphyxia to detect any signs of neurologic dysfunction such as delayed developmental milestones
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Birth trauma
Community Level
Primary Care
Referral Facility: General
Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
- Health education to mothers on birth trauma and prevention measures
- Health education on need for ANC attendance
- Promotion of eraly health seeking behaviour
- Promotion of facility based deliveries
< 5 years
- Psychological support to parents of babies with birth-related complications
- Follow up neonates treated for birth asphyxia to detect any signs of neurologic dysfunction such as delayed developmental milestones
- Linkage with rehabilitation centres for physical rehabilitation, speech, etc
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Maternal conditions
Community Level
Primary Care
Referral Facility: General
Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Preterm birth complications
Community Level
Primary Care
Referral Facility: General
Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
- Follow up of babies delivered preterm who have been discharged home for monitoring of neuro developmental milestones
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
- Physical therapy for children with neurological complications
- Education and counselling support to families to care for their sick, vulnerable, preterm or LBW infant
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Colon and rectum cancers
Community Level
Primary Care
Referral Facility: General
Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
- Self-management education
- Exercise and physical activity
- Nutritional support
60+ years
- Self-management education
- Physical exercise
- Nutritional support
Condition: Larynx cancer
Community Level
Primary Care
Referral Facility: General
Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
- Esophageal dilatation
- Speech therapy
60+ years
- Esophageal dilatation
- Speech therapy
Condition: Leukemia
Community Level
Primary Care
Referral Facility: General
Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
- Physical therapy
- Occupational therapy
5 - 11 years
- Physical therapy
- Occupational therapy
12 - 24 years
- Physical therapy
- Occupational therapy
25 - 59 years
- Psycho social support for people diagnosed with the condition
60+ years
- Psycho social support for people diagnosed with the condition
Condition: Liver Cancer
Community Level
Primary Care
Referral Facility: General
Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
- Physical exercise
- Nutritional support
Condition: Trachea, bronchus, lung cancers
Community Level
Primary Care
Referral Facility: General
Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
- Self-management skills
- Breathing re-training
- Physiotherapy
- Speech and language therapy
- Assistive technology (e.g. for communication or voice)
- Pulmonary rehabilitation
60+ years
- Self-management skills
- Breathing re-training
- Physiotherapy
- Speech and language therapy
- Assistive technology (e.g. for communication or voice)
- Pulmonary rehabilitation
Condition: Multiple myeloma
Community Level
Primary Care
Referral Facility: General
Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Nasopharynx cancer and other pharyngeal cancers
Community Level
Primary Care
Referral Facility: General
Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Oesophagus cancer
Community Level
Primary Care
Referral Facility: General
Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
- Esophageal dilatation
- Stents to maintain esophageal patency
60+ years
- Physical exercise
- Nutritional support
Condition: Pancreas cancer
Community Level
Primary Care
Referral Facility: General
Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Stomach cancer
Community Level
Primary Care
Referral Facility: General
Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
- Physical exercise
- Nutritional support
60+ years
- Physical exercise
- Nutritional support
Condition: Breast cancer
Community Level
Primary Care
Referral Facility: General
Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
- Physiotherapy/
- exercises
- Reconstructive plastic surgery after mastectomies
25 - 59 years
- Physical exercise
- Nutritional support
- Cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT)
60+ years
- Physical exercise
- Nutritional support
- Cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT)
Condition: Cervix uteri cancer
Community Level
Primary Care
Referral Facility: General
Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
- Physical exercise
- Nutritional support
60+ years
- Physical exercise
- Nutritional support
Condition: Corpus uteri cancer
Community Level
Primary Care
Referral Facility: General
Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
- Institute Specialist teams to offer Multidisciplinary care in Clinical Psychology, Dietetics and Physiotherapy
60+ years
- Institute Specialist teams to offer Multidisciplinary care in Clinical Psychology, Dietetics and Physiotherapy
Condition: Alzheimer disease and other dementias
Community Level
Primary Care
Referral Facility: General
Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
- Cognitive training and rehabilitation
Condition: Autism and Asperger syndrome
Community Level
Primary Care
Referral Facility: General
Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
- Physiotherapy support including physical exercises
- Speech rehabilitation-speech therapy to improve communication skills
5 - 11 years
- Physiotherapy including physical exercises
- Speech and language therapy
- Social skills development training,
- Occupational therapy
- Sensory integration therapy
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Eating disorders
Community Level
Primary Care
Referral Facility: General
Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
- physical rehabilitation program to enhance mobility and endurance for the elderly persons with eating disorders
Condition: COVID-19
Community Level
Primary Care
Referral Facility: General
Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
- Screening of vulnerable groups
- Promote hand washing facilities
- Promote use of face masks
- Promote maintenance of physical and social distance
12 - 24 years
- Physiotherapy services
- Physical exercises
25 - 59 years
- Physiotherapy services
- Physical exercises
60+ years
- Physiotherapy services
- Physical exercises
Condition: Trachoma
Community Level
Primary Care
Referral Facility: General
Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
- Visual rehabilitation /provision of visual aids
- Provide close support for daily activities incase of blindness complication
- Linkage to rehbiliation centre
- Linkage to appropriate schools --eg school with facilities for visually impaired
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Onchocerciasis
Community Level
Primary Care
Referral Facility: General
Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
- Orientation and mobility training
- Eye care to prevent blindness and treat ophthalmic comorbidities
- Provision of a white cane and other assistive products to support senses other than sight (e.g. alarm signallers, talking watches)
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Eye Conditions
Community Level
Primary Care
Referral Facility: General
Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
- Eye rehabilitation
- Mobility and training in daily activities
- Occupational rehabilitation
- Provision of visual aids
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Attention deficit/hyperactivity syndrome
Community Level
Primary Care
Referral Facility: General
Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
- Physical therapy
- Promote exercises
5 - 11 years
- Physical therapy
- Promote exercises
12 - 24 years
- Physical therapy
- Promote exercises
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Epilepsy
Community Level
Primary Care
Referral Facility: General
Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Migraine
Community Level
Primary Care
Referral Facility: General
Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
- Physiotherapy services as a way of relieving migraine
< 5 years
- Physiotherapy services as a way of relieving migraine
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Parkinson disease
Community Level
Primary Care
Referral Facility: General
Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
- Regular Physical Exercise programs for elderly persons with Parkinsonism disease to improve mobility and flexibility
- Physiotherapy services for elderly with parkinsonians improve mobility, gait, speed, flexibility
- Generalized relaxation techniques such as gentle rocking to improve flexibility
- Speech therapy-Lee Silverman Voice treatment
- Occupational therapy to promote health and quality of life by helping elderly persons with the disease to participate in as many of their daily living activities as possible.
60+ years
- Occupational therapy
- Physical therapy
- Speech therapy
- Strength training, gait and balance training and hydrotherapy
Condition: Ischaemic (Coronary) Heart Disease
Community Level
Primary Care
Referral Facility: General
Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
- Physical activity counselling and exercise training
- Provision and training in the use of assistive products
60+ years
- Physical activity counselling and exercise training
- Provision and training in the use of assistive products
Condition: Haemorrhagic Stroke
Community Level
Primary Care
Referral Facility: General
Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
- Occupational, therapy to help the patient participate in gainful occupation
- Physical therapy /exercises for motor function
- Rehabilitation to help regain motor skills and coordination.
- Speech therapy to help regain lost speech
- Therapy to help regain sensory function
Condition: Ischaemic Stroke
Community Level
Primary Care
Referral Facility: General
Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
- Cardiac rehabilitation: nutritional counselling, weight management, blood pressure management, lipid management, diabetic management, smoking cessation, psychological management, physical activity counselling, exercise training
- Provision and training in the use of assistive products
- Occupational therapy
- Speech and language therapy
60+ years
- Early physical, mental and speech rehabilitation
Condition: Multiple Sclerosis
Community Level
Primary Care
Referral Facility: General
Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
- Occupational therapy on how to perform daily tasks.
- Physical therapy
- physical for muscle strengthening exercises
- Physical therapy to manage leg weakness and other gait problems often associated with MS.
Condition: Rheumatic Heart Disease
Community Level
Primary Care
Referral Facility: General
Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
- Physical rehabilitation
- Occupational therapy
- Family or caregiver educational training
25 - 59 years
60+ years
- Physical rehabilitation/physical exercises
Condition: Cardiomyopathy - Myocarditis
Community Level
Primary Care
Referral Facility: General
Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
- Occupational, therapy to help the patient participate in gainful occupation
- Speech therapy to help regain lost speech
- Physical therapy/exercises for motor function
- Rehabilitation to help regain motor skills and coordination.
- Therapy to help regain sensory function
60+ years
- Occupational, therapy to help the patient participate in gainful occupatio
- Speech therapy to help regain lost speech
- Rehabilitation to help regain motor skills and coordination.
- Therapy to help regain sensory function
Condition: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Community Level
Primary Care
Referral Facility: General
Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
- Pulmonary Rehabilitation: exercise, dietary advice, disease education, psychological intervention, behavioural intervention
60+ years
- Addition of person-centered care services to usual care in chronic heart failure or COPD for individualised health plan
Condition: Hypertensive heart disease
Community Level
Primary Care
Referral Facility: General
Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
- Physical rehabilitation services/physical exercise to promote healthy living
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
- Self-management education
- Physical exercise
60+ years
- Physical rehabilitation services/physical exercise to promote healthy living
Condition: Dental Caries
Community Level
Primary Care
Referral Facility: General
Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs)
Community Level
Primary Care
Referral Facility: General
Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Neonatal sepsis and infections
Community Level
Primary Care
Referral Facility: General
Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Maternal Abortion and Miscarriage
Community Level
Primary Care
Referral Facility: General
Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
- Post-abortion counselling, education and family-planning services
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
- Psychosocial and emotional support on abortion, including miscarriage and intrauterine foetal death
25 - 59 years
- Psychosocial and emotional support on abortion, including miscarriage and intrauterine foetal death
60+ years
Condition: Chronic Liver Disease(Cirrhosis)
Community Level
Primary Care
Referral Facility: General
Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
- Counselling and support for complete abstinence from alcohol
- Nutritional management
25 - 59 years
- Counselling and support for complete abstinence from alcohol
- Nutritional management
60+ years
- Counselling and support for complete abstinence from alcohol
- Nutritional management
Condition: Chronic Kidney Disease
Community Level
Primary Care
Referral Facility: General
Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
- Renal rehabilitation: exercise training, diet & fluid management, medication & medical surveillance, education, psychological & vocational counselling
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Low back pain
Community Level
Primary Care
Referral Facility: General
Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
- Self-management education
- Physical exercise
25 - 59 years
- Self-management education
- Physical exercise
60+ years
- Self-management education
- Physical exercise
Condition: Intracerebral Haemorrage
Community Level
Primary Care
Referral Facility: General
Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
- Cardiac rehabilitation: nutritional counselling, weight management, blood pressure management, lipid management, diabetic management, smoking cessation, psychological management, physical activity counselling, exercise training
- Occupational therapy
- Speech and language therapy
25 - 59 years
- Physical activity counselling and exercise training
- Provision and training in the use of assistive products
- Occupational therapy
- Speech and language therapy
60+ years
- Physical activity counselling and exercise training
- Provision and training in the use of assistive products
- Occupational therapy
- Speech and language therapy
Condition: Age related hearing losd
Community Level
Primary Care
Referral Facility: General
Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
- Support with hearing assistive technology and services
- Rehabilitative therapy to enhance perceptive skills, communication and linguistic abilities.
12 - 24 years
- Support with hearing assistive technology and services
- Rehabilitative therapy to enhance perceptive skills, communication and linguistic abilities
25 - 59 years
- Assistive devices, such as amplification device
60+ years
- Assistive devices, such as amplification device
Condition: Prostate Cancer
Community Level
Primary Care
Referral Facility: General
Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Asthma
Community Level
Primary Care
Referral Facility: General
Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
- Counselling on personalised asthma management
- Physical exercise
5 - 11 years
- Counselling on personalised asthma management
- Physical exercise
12 - 24 years
- Counselling on personalised asthma management
- Physical exercise
25 - 59 years
- Counselling on personalised asthma management
- Physical exercise
60+ years
- Counselling on personalised asthma management
- Physical exercise
Condition: Depression
Community Level
Primary Care
Referral Facility: General
Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
- Self-management education
- Physical exercise
- Social skills training
25 - 59 years
- Self-management education
- Physical exercise
- Social skills training
60+ years
- Self-management education
- Physical exercise
- Social skills training
Condition: Falls
Community Level
Primary Care
Referral Facility: General
Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
- Physical rehabilitation
- Occupational therapy
- Family or caregiver educational training
- Provide assistive products such as wheelchairs
12 - 24 years
- Physical rehabilitation
- Occupational therapy
- Family or caregiver educational training
- Provide assistive products such as wheelchairs,
25 - 59 years
- Physical rehabilitation
- Occupational therapy
- Family or caregiver educational training
- Provide assistive products such as wheelchairs,
- Remove barriers to social and economic services
60+ years
- Physical rehabilitation
- Occupational therapy
- Family or caregiver educational training
- Provide assistive products such as wheelchairs,
- Remove barriers to social and economic services
Condition: Road traffic Injuries
Community Level
Primary Care
Referral Facility: General
Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
- Advanced physiotherapy, speech therapy services
- Training on use of assisting devices
5 - 11 years
- Physical rehabilitation
- Occupational therapy
- Family or caregiver educational training
- Provide assistive products such as wheelchairs,
- Remove barriers to social and economic services
12 - 24 years
- Physical rehabilitation
- Occupational therapy
- Family or caregiver educational training
- Provide assistive products such as wheelchairs,
- Remove barriers to social and economic services
25 - 59 years
- Physical rehabilitation
- Occupational therapy
- Family or caregiver educational training
- Provide assistive products such as wheelchairs,
- Remove barriers to social and economic services
60+ years
- Physical rehabilitation
- Occupational therapy
- Family or caregiver educational training
- Provide assistive products such as wheelchairs,
- Remove barriers to social and economic services
Condition: Thyroid Disorders
Community Level
Primary Care
Referral Facility: General
Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
- Physical exercise training
25 - 59 years
- Physical exercise training
60+ years
- Adherence to medication
- Physical exercise training
Condition: Malaria
Community Level
Primary Care
Referral Facility: General
Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
- Cognitive exercises
- Physical therapy
- Speech therapy
25 - 59 years
- Cognitive exercises
- Physical therapy
- Speech therapy
60+ years
Condition: Anxiety Disorders
Community Level
Primary Care
Referral Facility: General
Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
- Physical exercise training
12 - 24 years
- Physical exercise training
25 - 59 years
- Physical exercise training
60+ years
Condition: Alcohol Use Disorders
Community Level
Primary Care
Referral Facility: General
Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
- Promote functioning in activities of daily living and rehabilitation and inclusion in the community
- Enrolling in self-help group
60+ years
Condition: Schizophrenia
Community Level
Primary Care
Referral Facility: General
Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
- Self-management education
- Physical exercise
- Social skills training
60+ years
Condition: Conduct disorder
Community Level
Primary Care
Referral Facility: General
Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
- Physiotherapy support including physical exercises
- Speech therapy
12 - 24 years
- Physiotherapy support including physical exercises
- Speech therapy
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Sickle cell anemia/disorder
Community Level
Primary Care
Referral Facility: General
Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
- Physiotherapy: exercise, breathing exercises and massages
5 - 11 years
- Physiotherapy: aerobic exercises, breathing exercises, and massages
12 - 24 years
- Physiotherapy: aerobic exercises, breathing exercises, and massages
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Premenstrual Syndrome
Community Level
Primary Care
Referral Facility: General
Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
- Physical activity counselling and exercise training
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Bipolar Disorders
Community Level
Primary Care
Referral Facility: General
Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
- Regular social, educational and occupational support
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Persistent depressive disorders (Dysthymia)
Community Level
Primary Care
Referral Facility: General
Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
- Self-management education
- Physical exercise
- Social skills training
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Atopic Dermatitis
Community Level
Primary Care
Referral Facility: General
Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
- Topical calcineurin inhibitors
- Ultraviolet phototherapy
- Antibiotics when indicated.
- Antiviral drugs when indicated
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Brain and Central Nervous System (CNS) Cancer
Community Level
Primary Care
Referral Facility: General
Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
- Physical therapy
- Occupational therapy
- Speech therapy
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Fire, heat, and hot substances injuries
Community Level
Primary Care
Referral Facility: General
Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn