Interventions for Sickle cell anemia/disorder

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Age Cohort: < 5 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Community education and awareness on sickle cell disease * Community education and sensitization with links to civil society organizations, parents’ groups, schools, and school clubs
  • Sensitize and use local governance structures to establish community-based intervention program
  • Genetic counselling for carriers of haemoglobin disorders, including premarital counselling
  • Prophylaxis for infection, pneumococcal vaccines, oral penicillin,
  • Insecticide treated bed nets,
  • Prophylaxis for Malaria
  • Folate supplementation with folic acid
  • Recognition of Sickle cell disease signs and symptoms
  • Immediate transfer of severe anaemia to a higher-level health care facility
  • Physiotherapy: exercise, breathing exercises and massages
  • Non-opioid analgesia for effective control of mild to moderate- pain
  • Symptomatic non-pharmacological treatment
  • Emotional, social, spiritual support for parents
Primary Care
  • Community education and awareness on sickle cell disease * Community education and sensitization with links to civil society organizations, parents’ groups, schools, and school clubs
  • Sensitize and use local governance structures to establish community-based intervention program
  • Genetic counselling for carriers of haemoglobin disorders, including premarital counselling
  • Prophylaxis for infection, pneumococcal vaccines, oral penicillin
  • Insecticide treated bed nets
  • Prophylaxis for Malaria
  • Folate supplementation with folic acid
  • Prenatal screening using rapid point of care test
  • Management of pain
  • Referral to the next higher level
  • Folic acid
  • Physiotherapy, exercise, breathing exercises and massages
  • Non-opioid analgesia for effective control of mild to moderate- pain
  • Symptomatic non-pharmacological treatment
  • Emotional, social, spiritual support for parents
Referral Facility: General
  • Parent/care takers education and awareness on sickle cell disease, physical activity and need of being mobile, breathing techniques
  • Genetic counselling for carriers of haemoglobin disorders, including premarital counselling
  • Prophylaxis for infection, pneumococcal vaccines, oral penicillin,
  • History
  • Physical examination
  • Pre-natal Screening
  • Neonatal screening
  • X-ray,
  • Ultrasound
  • Electrocardiogram (ECG)
  • Chemoprophylaxis
  • IV fluids
  • Supplemental oxygen
  • IM analgesics
  • IM/IV antibiotics
  • Blood and blood product transfusion
  • Referral to the next higher level
  • Physiotherapy: exercise, breathing exercises and massages
  • Opioid analgesia for effective control of moderate- to severe pain
  • Symptomatic non-pharmacological treatment
  • Emotional, social, spiritual support for parents
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Parent/care takers education and awareness on sickle cell disease, physical activity and need of being mobile, breathing techniques
  • Genetic counselling for carriers of haemoglobin disorders, including premarital counselling
  • Prophylaxis for infection, pneumococcal vaccines, oral penicillin,
  • History
  • Physical examination
  • Pre-natal screening
  • Neonatal screening
  • Incentive spirometry
  • X-ray,
  • Ultrasound,
  • Computed tomography (CT)
  • Electrocardiogram (ECG)
  • Chemoprophylaxis
  • Oral hydroxyurea
  • IV fluids
  • Supplemental oxygen
  • IV/IM analgesics
  • IV/IM antibiotics
  • Blood and blood product transfusion
  • Splenectomy
  • Red cell exchange transfusion
  • Physiotherapy: exercise, breathing exercises and massages
  • Opioid analgesia for effective control of moderate- to severe pain
  • Symptomatic non-pharmacological treatment
  • Emotional, social, spiritual support for parents
Age Cohort: 5 - 11 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Community education and awareness on sickle cell disease * Community education and sensitization with links to civil society organizations, parents’ groups, schools, and school clubs
  • Sensitize and use local governance structures to establish community-based intervention program
  • Genetic counselling for carriers of haemoglobin disorders, including premarital counselling
  • Prophylaxis for infection, pneumococcal vaccines, oral penicillin,
  • Insecticide treated bed nets,
  • Prophylaxis for Malaria
  • Folate supplementation with folic acid
  • Recognition of sickle cell disease signs and symptoms
  • Immediate transfer of severe anaemia to a higher-level health care facility
  • Physiotherapy: aerobic exercises, breathing exercises, and massages
  • Non-opioid analgesia for effective control of mild to moderate- pain
  • Symptomatic non-pharmacological treatment
  • Emotional, social, spiritual support
Primary Care
  • Community education and awareness on sickle cell disease * Community education and sensitization with links to civil society organizations, parents’ groups, schools, and school clubs
  • Sensitize and use local governance structures to establish community-based intervention program
  • Insecticide treated bed nets,
  • Prophylaxis for Malaria
  • Folate supplementation with folic acid
  • Prenatal screening using rapid point of care test
  • Management of pain
  • Referral to the next higher level
  • Folic acid
  • Opioid analgesia for effective control of moderate-to severe pain
  • Symptomatic non-pharmacological treatment
  • Emotional, social, spiritual support
  • Wound care for stasis ulcer
Referral Facility: General
  • Patient education and awareness on sickle cell disease, physical activity and need of being mobile, breathing techniques
  • Genetic counselling for carriers of haemoglobin disorders, including premarital counselling
  • Prophylaxis for infection, pneumococcal vaccines, oral penicillin,
  • Prophylaxis for Malaria
  • Folate supplementation with folic acid
  • History
  • Physical examination
  • Pre-natal Screening
  • Neonatal screening
  • X-ray,
  • Ultrasound
  • Electrocardiogram (ECG)
  • Condition-specific nutrition assessment and counselling
  • Chemoprophylaxis for sickle cell disease
  • Oral hydroxyurea for prevention of vaso-occlusive crises
  • Oral or intravenous fluid rehydration
  • Supplemental oxygen
  • Analgesics for pain relief
  • Antibiotics for bacterial infections
  • Blood and blood product transfusion
  • Referral to the next level facility
  • Physiotherapy: aerobic exercises, breathing exercises, and massages
  • Opioid analgesia for effective control of moderate-to severe pain
  • Symptomatic non-pharmacological treatment
  • Emotional, social, spiritual support
  • Wound care for stasis ulcer
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Patient education and awareness on sickle cell disease, physical activity and need of being mobile, breathing techniques
  • Genetic counselling for carriers of haemoglobin disorders, including premarital counselling
  • Prophylaxis for infection, pneumococcal vaccines, oral penicillin,
  • Prophylaxis for Malaria
  • Folate supplementation with folic acid
  • History
  • Physical examination
  • Pre-natal screening
  • Incentive spirometry
  • X-ray,
  • ultrasound, CT scan
  • Electrocardiogram (ECG)
  • Chemoprophylaxis
  • Oral hydroxyurea
  • IV fluids
  • Supplemental oxygen
  • IV/IM analgesics
  • IV/IM antibiotics
  • Blood and blood product transfusion
  • Splenectomy
  • Red cell exchange transfusion
  • Physiotherapy: aerobic exercises, breathing exercises, and massages
  • Opioid analgesia for effective control of moderate-to severe pain
  • Symptomatic non-pharmacological treatment
  • Emotional, social, spiritual support
  • Wound care for stasis ulcer
Age Cohort: 25 - 59 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Community engagement [community sensitization on screening for sickle cell disease, myths associated with sickle cell disease]
  • Community education and awareness regarding the transmission of disease, stigma related to disease and carrier states, and informing the community about appropriate prevention options * Community education and sensitization with links to civil society organizations, parents’ groups, schools, and school clubs
  • Sensitize and use local governance structures to establish community-based intervention program
  • Marriage counselling for genetics for carriers of haemoglobin disorders
  • Counselling on avoidance of triggers for vaso-occlusive crisis
  • Counselling on disease management and warning signs and when to seek treatment Vaccination: pneumococcal conjugate
  • Recognition of danger signs and referral for management
Primary Care
  • Community engagement [community sensitization on screening for sickle cell disease, myths associated with sickle cell disease]
  • Community education and awareness regarding the transmission of disease, stigma related to disease and carrier states, and informing the community about appropriate prevention options * Community education and sensitization with links to civil society organizations, parents’ groups, schools, and school clubs
  • Sensitize and use local governance structures to establish community-based intervention program
  • Genetic counselling for carriers of haemoglobin disorders, including premarital counselling
  • Education patients and caregivers about sickle cell disease including on warning signs and what to do in acute conditions before coming to the hospital.
  • Adequate hydration by teaching the patients to drink enough fluids to make their urine clear
  • Prophylaxis for infection, pneumococcal vaccines, oral penicillin, use of insecticide treated bed nets, and anti-malaria
  • Folate supplementation with folic acid
  • History and physical examination for sickle cell disease
  • Screening for sickle cell disease using rapid point of care test
  • Condition-specific nutrition assessment and counselling
  • Incentive spirometer to help improve lung function
  • Routine malaria chemoprophylaxis
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for relieving the inflammatory component of infarctive (vaso-occlusive) bone pains
  • Oral antibiotics to prevent and treat invasive pneumococcal diseases
  • Pulse oximetry to reliably estimate arterial oxygen saturation
  • Referral (for acute complication and for initial diagnosis)
Referral Facility: General
  • Community engagement [community sensitization on screening for sickle cell disease, myths associated with sickle cell disease]
  • Community education and awareness regarding the transmission of disease, stigma related to disease and carrier states, and informing the community about appropriate prevention options * Community education and sensitization with links to civil society organizations, parents’ groups, schools, and school clubs
  • Sensitize and use local governance structures to establish community-based intervention program
  • Genetic counselling for carriers of haemoglobin disorders, including premarital counselling
  • Education patients and caregivers about sickle cell disease including on warning signs and what to do in acute conditions before coming to the hospital.
  • Adequate hydration by teaching the patients to drink enough fluids to make their urine clear
  • Prophylaxis for infection, pneumococcal vaccines including Hep. B, oral penicillin, use of insecticide treated bed nets, and anti-malaria
  • Folate supplementation with folic acid
  • History and physical examination for sickle cell disease
  • Screening for sickle cell disease using rapid point of care test
  • Condition-specific nutrition assessment and counselling
  • History and physical examination *Basic and advanced laboratory tests
  • Investigations such as X-ray, Electrocardiogram (ECG)
  • Incentive spirometry for sickle cell disease
  • Chemoprophylaxis for sickle cell disease
  • Oral hydroxyurea for prevention of vaso-occlusive crises
  • Oral or intravenous fluid rehydration
  • Supplemental oxygen
  • Analgesics for pain relief
  • Antibiotics for bacterial infections
  • Blood and blood product transfusion
  • Referral to the next higher level
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Community engagement [community sensitization on screening for sickle cell disease, myths associated with sickle cell disease]
  • Community education and awareness regarding the transmission of disease, stigma related to disease and carrier states, and informing the community about appropriate prevention options * Community education and sensitization with links to civil society organizations, parents’ groups, schools, and school clubs
  • Sensitize and use local governance structures to establish community-based intervention program
  • Adequate hydration by teaching the patients to drink enough fluids to make their urine clear
  • Prophylaxis for infection, pneumococcal vaccines including Hep. B, oral penicillin, use of insecticide treated bed nets, and anti-malaria
  • Folate supplementation with folic acid
  • History and physical examination for sickle cell disease
  • Condition-specific nutrition assessment and counselling
  • Basic and advanced laboratory tests
  • Investigations such as X-ray, Electrocardiogram (ECG)
  • Incentive spirometry for sickle cell disease
  • Chemoprophylaxis for sickle cell disease
  • Oral hydroxyurea for prevention of vaso-occlusive crises
  • Oral or intravenous fluid rehydration
  • Supplemental oxygen
  • Analgesics for pain relief
  • Antibiotics for bacterial infections
  • Blood and blood product transfusion
  • Splenectomy for splenic sequestration crisis
  • Red cell exchange transfusion
Age Cohort: 60+ years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Community engagement [community sensitization on screening for sickle cell disease, myths associated with sickle cell disease]
  • Community education and awareness regarding the transmission of disease, stigma related to disease and carrier states, and informing the community about appropriate prevention options * Community education and sensitization with links to civil society organizations, parents’ groups, schools, and school clubs
  • Sensitize and use local governance structures to establish community-based intervention program
  • Marriage counselling for genetics for carriers of haemoglobin disorders
  • Counselling on avoidance of triggers for vaso-occlusive crisis
  • Counselling on disease management and warning signs and when to seek treatment Vaccination: pneumococcal conjugate
  • Recognition of danger signs and referral for management
Primary Care
  • Health education and awareness regarding the transmission of disease, stigma related to disease and carrier states
  • Genetic counselling for carriers of haemoglobin disorders, including premarital counselling
  • Education patients and caregivers about sickle cell disease including on warning signs and what to do in acute conditions before coming to the hospital.
  • Adequate hydration by teaching the patients to drink enough fluids to make their urine clear
  • Prophylaxis for infection, pneumococcal vaccines, oral penicillin, use of insecticide treated bed nets, and anti-malaria
  • Folate supplementation with folic acid
  • Condition-specific nutrition assessment and counselling
  • Incentive spirometer to help improve lung function
  • Routine malaria chemoprophylaxis
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for relieving the inflammatory component of infarctive (vaso-occlusive) bone pains
  • Oral antibiotics to prevent and treat invasive pneumococcal diseases
  • Pulse oximetry to reliably estimate arterial oxygen saturation
  • Referral (for acute complication and for initial diagnosis)
Referral Facility: General
  • Patient education and awareness regarding the transmission of disease, stigma related to disease and carrier states
  • Genetic counselling for carriers of haemoglobin disorders, including premarital counselling
  • Education patients and caregivers about sickle cell disease including on warning signs and what to do in acute conditions before coming to the hospital.
  • Adequate hydration by teaching the patients to drink enough fluids to make their urine clear
  • Prophylaxis for infection, pneumococcal vaccines including Hep. B, oral penicillin, use of insecticide treated bed nets, and anti-malaria
  • Folate supplementation with folic acid
  • Condition-specific nutrition assessment and counselling
  • Chemoprophylaxis for sickle cell disease
  • Oral hydroxyurea for prevention of vaso-occlusive crises
  • Oral or intravenous fluid rehydration
  • Supplemental oxygen
  • Analgesics for pain relief
  • Antibiotics for bacterial infections
  • Blood and blood product transfusion
  • Referral to the next level facility
Referral Facility: Specialist

Patient education and awareness regarding the transmission of disease, stigma related to disease and carrier states

  • Adequate hydration by teaching the patients to drink enough fluids to make their urine clear
  • Prophylaxis for infection, pneumococcal vaccines including Hep. B, oral penicillin, use of insecticide treated bed nets, and anti-malaria
  • Folate supplementation with folic acid
Age Cohort: 12 - 24 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Community education and awareness on sickle cell disease
  • Community education and sensitization with links to civil society organizations, parents’ groups, schools, and school clubs
  • Sensitize and use local governance structures to establish community-based intervention program
  • Insecticide treated bed nets,
  • Prophylaxis for Malaria
  • Folate supplementation with folic acid
  • Recognition of sickle cell disease signs and symptoms
  • Immediate transfer of severe anaemia to a higher-level health care facility
  • Physiotherapy: aerobic exercises, breathing exercises, and massages
Primary Care
  • Health education and awareness on sickle cell disease
  • Insecticide treated bed nets,
  • Prophylaxis for Malaria
  • Folate supplementation with folic acid
  • Prophylaxis for infection, pneumococcal vaccines, oral penicillin,
  • Prenatal screening using rapid point of care test
  • Management of pain
  • Referral to the next higher level
  • Folic acid
  • Physiotherapy: aerobic exercises, breathing exercises, and massages
  • Opioid analgesia for effective control of moderate-to severe pain
  • Symptomatic non-pharmacological treatment
  • Emotional, social, spiritual support
  • Wound care for stasis ulcer
Referral Facility: General
  • Opioid analgesia for effective control of moderate-to severe pain
  • Symptomatic non-pharmacological treatment
  • Emotional, social, spiritual support
  • Wound care for stasis ulcer
  • Genetic counselling for carriers of haemoglobin disorders, including premarital counselling
  • Prophylaxis for infection, pneumococcal vaccines, oral penicillin,
  • Prophylaxis for Malaria
  • Folate supplementation with folic acid
  • History
  • Physical examination
  • Pre-natal Screening
  • X-ray,
  • Ultrasound
  • Electrocardiogram (ECG)
  • Condition-specific nutrition assessment and counselling
  • Chemoprophylaxis for sickle cell disease
  • Oral hydroxyurea for prevention of vaso-occlusive crises
  • Oral or intravenous fluid rehydration
  • Supplemental oxygen
  • Analgesics for pain relief
  • Antibiotics for bacterial infections
  • Blood and blood product transfusion
  • Referral to the next level facility
  • Physiotherapy: aerobic exercises, breathing exercises, and massages
  • Opioid analgesia for effective control of moderate-to severe pain
  • Symptomatic non-pharmacological treatment
  • Emotional, social, spiritual support
  • Wound care for stasis ulcer
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Patient education and awareness on sickle cell disease, physical activity and need of being mobile, breathing techniques
  • Genetic counselling for carriers of haemoglobin disorders, including premarital counselling
  • Prophylaxis for infection, pneumococcal vaccines, oral penicillin,
  • Prophylaxis for Malaria
  • Folate supplementation with folic acid
  • History
  • Physical examination
  • Pre-natal screening
  • Neonatal screening
  • Incentive spirometry
  • X-ray,
  • ultrasound, CT scan
  • Electrocardiogram (ECG)
  • Chemoprophylaxis
  • Oral hydroxyurea
  • IV fluids
  • Supplemental oxygen
  • IV/IM analgesics
  • IV/IM antibiotics
  • Blood and blood product transfusion
  • Splenectomy
  • Red cell exchange transfusion
  • Physiotherapy: aerobic exercises, breathing exercises, and massages
  • Opioid analgesia for effective control of moderate-to severe pain
  • Symptomatic non-pharmacological treatment
  • Emotional, social, spiritual support
  • Wound care for stasis ulcer