Interventions for Gastrointestinal diseases including pancreatitis

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Age Cohort: 25 - 59 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level

Health education to parents, families and communities on Gastrointestinal and pancreas diseases their symptoms and when to seek care

Life style changes (avoiding excess alcohol, smoking, limiting consumption of NSAIDS) Maintain good sanitation, with handwashing and hygienic food

Early identification of symptoms and referral

Primary Care

Health education to parents, families and communities on Gastrointestinal and pancreas diseases their symptoms and when to seek care

Life style changes (avoiding excess alcohol, smoking, limiting consumption of NSAIDS) Maintain good sanitation, with handwashing and hygienic food

Antacid for symptomatic relief Early identification of danger symptoms and referral

Referral Facility: General

Health education to parents, families and communities on Gastrointestinal and pancreas diseases their symptoms and when to seek care

Life style changes (avoiding excess alcohol, smoking, limiting consumption of NSAIDS) Maintain good sanitation, with handwashing and hygienic food

History and physical examination Basic laboratory upper GI series X-ray upper GI endoscopy Advanced laboratory tests (amylase, lipase, LFTs, bilirubin levels Basic imaging, ultrasound Treatment of peptic ulcers and other GI disease Antibiotics for those infected with H. pylori and pancreatic necrosis Intravenous feeding in case of pancreatitis Blood transfusion in cases of upper GI bleeding Surgical removal of gall stone

Referral Facility: Specialist

History and physical examination Basic laboratory upper GI series X-ray upper GI endoscopy Advanced laboratory tests (amylase, lipase, LFTs, bilirubin levels) Basic imaging, ultrasound Treatment of peptic ulcers Cauterization and ligation for bleeding Antibiotics for those infected with H. pylori and pancreatic necrosis intravenous feeding in case of pancreatitis Surgical removal of gall stone

Age Cohort: 60+ years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level

Health education to parents, families and communities on Gastrointestinal and pancreas diseases their symptoms and when to seek care Awareness on NSAIDs use, caffeine intake, acidic and spicy food intake for the prevention of ulcers.

Life style changes (avoiding excess alcohol, smoking, limiting consumption of NSAIDS) Maintain good sanitation, with handwashing and hygienic food

Early identification of symptoms and referral

Primary Care

Health education to parents, families and communities on Gastrointestinal and pancreas diseases their symptoms and when to seek care

Life style changes (avoiding excess alcohol, smoking, limiting consumption of NSAIDS) Maintain good sanitation, with handwashing and hygienic food

Antacid for symptomatic relief Early identification of danger symptoms and referral

Referral Facility: General

Health education to parents, families and communities on Gastrointestinal and pancreas diseases their symptoms and when to seek care

Life style changes (avoiding excess alcohol, smoking, limiting consumption of NSAIDS) Maintain good sanitation, with handwashing and hygienic food

History and physical examination Basic laboratory upper GI series X-ray upper GI endoscopy Advanced laboratory tests (amylase, lipase, LFTs, bilirubin levels Basic imaging, ultrasound Treatment of peptic ulcers and other GI disease Antibiotics for those infected with H. pylori and pancreatic necrosis Intravenous feeding in case of pancreatitis Blood transfusion in cases of upper GI bleeding Surgical removal of gall stone

Referral Facility: Specialist

History and physical examination Basic laboratory upper GI series X-ray upper GI endoscopy Advanced laboratory tests (amylase, lipase, LFTs, bilirubin levels) Basic imaging, ultrasound Treatment of peptic ulcers Cauterization and ligation for bleeding Antibiotics for those infected with H. pylori and pancreatic necrosis intravenous feeding in case of pancreatitis Surgical removal of gall stone