Interventions for Syphilis

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Age Cohort: Pregnancy and newborn
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Social and behavioural change communication for parents
  • Community awareness on the risks and prevention of sexual abuse of children
  • Primary prevention of syphilis in adolescents and women of child bearing ages
  • Safe sexual practice including condom use

Onsite rapid syphilis screening during routine antenatal care

  • Recognition of syphilis signs and symptoms
  • Syphilis RDT
  • Referral to the next higher level

Onsite rapid syphilis screening and treatment with a single dose of benzathine penicillin into routine antenatal care

  • Emotional, social, spiritual support for parents
Primary Care
  • Education for high risk reproductive age women on regular condom use with non-regular partners
  • VDRL or RPR Testing for all pregnant women
  • Pregnant women with positive VDRL or RPR test should have the FTA test
  • Safe blood transfusion
  • Early syphilis screening and treatment of women
  • History
  • Physical examination
  • Treponemal test
  • Non-treponemal rapid plasma reagin (RPR) test
  • Syphilis testing of mother
  • Antibiotics
  • Referral to the next higher level

Onsite rapid syphilis screening and treatment with a single dose of benzathine penicillin into routine antenatal care

  • Emotional, social, spiritual support for parents
Referral Facility: General
  • Education for high risk reproductive age women on regular condom use with non-regular partners
  • VDRL or RPR Testing for all pregnant women
  • Pregnant women with positive VDRL or RPR test should have the FTA test
  • Safe blood transfusion
  • Screening pregnant women for syphilis
  • Treatment of syphilis in pregnant women
  • History
  • Physical examination
  • Treponemal test
  • Non-treponemal rapid plasma reagin (RPR) test
  • Syphilis testing of mother
  • X-ray
  • Antibiotics
  • Referral to the next higher level for corrective surgery

Onsite rapid syphilis screening and treatment with a single dose of benzathine penicillin into routine antenatal care

  • Treatment with PenicillinTreatment of sex partners
  • Emotional, social, spiritual support for parents
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Education for high risk reproductive age women on regular condom use with non-regular partners
  • VDRL or RPR Testing for all pregnant women
  • Pregnant women with positive VDRL or RPR test should have the FTA test
  • Safe blood transfusion
  • Screening pregnant women for syphilis
  • Treatment of syphilis in pregnant women
  • History
  • Physical examination
  • Treponemal test
  • Non-treponemal rapid plasma reagin (RPR) test
  • Lumbar puncture for CSF analysis
  • X-ray
  • Histological examination of the placenta and cord
  • Examination and reaginic tests of treated clients at 3, 6 and 12 months and annually until test is non-reactive
  • Screening of high risk women for sexually transmitted infections

Onsite rapid syphilis screening and treatment with a single dose of benzathine penicillin into routine antenatal care

Treatment with PenicillinTreatment of sex partners

Age Cohort: 5 - 11 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Education of parents on the risks and prevention of sexual abuse of children
  • Home based supervision of girls with confirmed Syphilis infection to comply with treatment and follow-up instructions
Primary Care
  • Screening of girls for evidence of sexual abusGirls with evidence of sexual abuse should be screened for sexually transmitted infections
  • Test is non-reactiveGirls with positive VDRL or RPR test should have the FTA test
  • Examination and reaginic tests of treated clients at 3, 6 and 12 months and annually until
  • Refer suspected cases of neurosyphilis to hospital for further investigation and treatment
  • Treatment with Penicillin
Referral Facility: General
  • Screening of girls for evidence of sexual abuse
  • Girls with evidence of sexual abuse should be screened for sexually transmitted infections
  • Girls with positive VDRL or RPR test should have the FTA testExamination and reaginic tests of treated clients at 3, 6 and 12 months and annually until test is non-reactive
  • For neurosyphilis, CSF testing every 6 months until CSF cell count is normal

Treatment with Penicillin

Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Screening of girls for evidence of sexual abuse Girls with evidence of sexual abuse should be screened for sexually transmitted infections
  • Girls with positive VDRL or RPR test should have the FTA test
  • Examination and reaginic tests of treated clients at 3, 6 and 12 months and annually until test is non-reactive
  • For neurosyphilis, CSF testing every 6 months until CSF cell count is normal

Treatment with Penicillin

Age Cohort: 12 - 24 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Adolescent centered education on delaying sexual debut and safe sex practices
  • School-based education on sexuality and safe sex practices
  • Education on symptoms of sexually transmitted infections and what to do in the event of occurrence of symptoms
  • Adolescent centered education on delaying sexual debut and safe sex practices
  • School-based education on sexuality and safe sex practicesEducation on symptoms of sexually transmitted infections and what to do in the event of occurrence of symptoms
  • Screening of female adolescents for sexual abuse during home visits by Community Health Workers
  • Referral of suspected cases of sexual abuse to appropriate authorities
  • Home based supervision of adolescents with confirmed Syphilis infection to comply with treatment and follow-up instructions
  • Referral of adolescents with genital ulcers for syphilis screening
  • Physiotherapy support for people with residual neurological effects of neurosyphilis
  • Pain relief with non-opioid analgesics for patients with late or tertiary syphilis
Primary Care
  • Men and women with genital ulcers should have VDRL Test
  • Men and women with positive VDRL or RPR test should have the FTA test
  • Screening of high risk women for sexually transmitted infections
  • Refer suspected cases of neurosyphilis to hospital for further investigation and treatment
  • Treatment ofTreatment with Penicillinex partners

Physiotherapy support for people with residual neurological effects of neurosyphilis

Pain relief with non-opioid analgesics for patients with late or tertiary syphilis

Referral Facility: General
  • Examination and reaginic tests of treated clients at 3, 6 and 12 months and annually until test is non-reactive
  • Screening of high risk women for sexually transmitted infectionsMen and women with genital ulcers should have VDRL Test
  • Men and women with positive VDRL or RPR test should have the FTA test.
  • For neurosyphilis, CSF testing every 6 months until CSF cell count is normal

Treatment with PenicillinTreatment of sex partners

  • Specialist care for people with cardiovascular and other systemic residual effects of syphilis
  • Specialist physiotherapy and neurology care for people with residual neurologic effects of neurosyphilis

Pain relief with opioid and non-opioid analgesics for patients with late or tertiary syphilis

Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Examination and reaginic tests of treated clients at 3, 6 and 12 months and annually until test is non-reactive
  • Screening of high risk women for sexually transmitted infections
  • Men and women with genital ulcers should have VDRL Test
  • Men and women with positive VDRL or RPR test should have the FTA test.
  • For neurosyphilis, CSF testing every 6 months until CSF cell count is normal

Treatment with PenicillinTreatment of sex partners

  • Specialist care for people with cardiovascular and other systemic residual effects of syphilis
  • Specialist physiotherapy and neurology care for people with residual neurologic effects of neurosyphilis

Pain relief with opioid and non-opioid analgesics for patients with late or tertiary syphilis

Age Cohort: 25 - 59 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Education on symptoms of sexually transmitted infections and what to do in the event of occurrence of symptoms
  • General public education on condom use and maintaining one sexual partner
  • Education on symptoms of sexually transmitted infections and what to do in the event of occurrence of symptoms
  • General public education on condom use and maintaining one sexual partner
  • Home based supervision of men and women with confirmed Syphilis infection to comply with treatment and follow-up instructions
  • Referral of men and women with genital ulcers for syphilis screening

Physiotherapy support for people with residual neurological effects of neurosyphilis

Pain relief with non-opioid analgesics for patients with late or tertiary syphilis

Primary Care
  • Examination and reaginic tests of treated clients at 3, 6 and 12 months and annually until test is non-reactive
  • Men and women with genital ulcers should have VDRL Test
  • Men and women with positive VDRL or RPR test should have the FTA test
  • Screening of high risk women for sexually transmitted infections
  • Treatment with Penicillin Treatment of sex partners
  • Refer suspected cases of neurosyphilis to hospital for further investigation and treatment

Physiotherapy support for people with residual neurological effects of neurosyphilis

Pain relief with non-opioid analgesics for patients with late or tertiary syphilis

Referral Facility: General
  • Examination and reaginic tests of treated clients at 3, 6 and 12 months and annually until test is non-reactive
  • Men and women with genital ulcers should have VDRL Test
  • Men and women with positive VDRL/RPR test should have the FTA
  • For neurosyphilis, CSF testing every 6 months until CSF cell count is normal
  • Screening of high risk women for sexually transmitted infections

Treatment with PenicillinTreatment of sex partners

  • Specialist care for people with cardiovascular and other systemic residual effects of syphilis
  • Specialist physiotherapy and neurology care for people with residual neurologic effects of neurosyphilis
  • Pain relief with opioid and non-opioid analgesics for patients with late or tertiary syphilis
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Examination and reaginic tests of treated clients at 3, 6 and 12 months and annually until test is non-reactive
  • Men and women with genital ulcers should have VDRL Test
  • Men and women with positive VDRL/RPR test should have the FTAFor neurosyphilis, CSF testing every 6 months until CSF cell count is normal
  • Screening of high risk women for sexually transmitted infections

Treatment with PenicillinTreatment of sex partners

  • Specialist care for people with cardiovascular and other systemic residual effects of syphilis
  • Specialist physiotherapy and neurology care for people with residual neurologic effects of neurosyphilis

Pain relief with opioid and non-opioid analgesics for patients with late or tertiary syphilis

Age Cohort: 60+ years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Education on symptoms of sexually transmitted infections and what to do in the event of occurrence of symptoms
  • General public education on condom use and maintaining one sexual partner
  • Education on symptoms of sexually transmitted infections and what to do in the event of occurrence of symptoms
  • General public education on condom use and maintaining one sexual partne
  • Home based supervision of men and women with confirmed Syphilis infection to comply with treatment and follow-up instructions
  • Referral of men and women with genital ulcers for syphilis screening

Physiotherapy support for people with residual neurological effects of neurosyphilis

Pain relief with non-opioid analgesics for patients with late or tertiary syphilis

Primary Care
  • Examination and reaginic tests of treated clients at 3, 6 and 12 months and annually until test is non-reactive
  • Men and women with genital ulcers should have VDRL Test
  • Men and women with positive VDRL or RPR test should have the FTA test
  • Treatment with PenicillinTreatment of sex partners
  • Refer suspected cases of neurosyphilis to hospital for further investigation and treatment

Physiotherapy support for people with residual neurological effects of neurosyphilis

Pain relief with non-opioid analgesics for patients with late or tertiary syphilis

Referral Facility: General
  • Men and women with genital ulcers should have VDRL Test
  • Men and women with positiveVDRL or RPR test should have the FTA test
  • Examination and reaginic tests of treated clients at 3, 6 and 12 months and annually until test is non-reactive
  • For neurosyphilis, CSF testing every 6 months until CSF cell count is normal

Treatment with PenicillinTreatment of sex partners

  • Specialist care for people with cardiovascular and other systemic residual effects of syphilis
  • Specialist physiotherapy and neurology care for people with residual neurologic effects of neurosyphilis
  • Screening of children for sexual abuse during home visits by Community Health Workers
  • Pain relief with opioid and non-opioid analgesics for patients with late or tertiary syphilis
  • Referral of children suspected to be victims of sexual abuse to the next level for examination and needed treatment
  • Referral of suspected cases of sexual abuse to appropriate authorities
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Men and women with genital ulcers should have VDRL Test
  • Men and women with positiveVDRL or RPR test should have the FTA test
  • Examination and reaginic tests of treated clients at 3, 6 and 12 months and annually until test is non-reactive
  • For neurosyphilis, CSF testing every 6 months until CSF cell count is normal

Treatment with PenicillinTreatment of sex partners

  • Specialist care for people with cardiovascular and other systemic residual effects of syphilis
  • Specialist physiotherapy and neurology care for people with residual neurologic effects of neurosyphilis
  • Screening of children for sexual abuse during home visits by Community Health Workers
  • Pain relief with opioid and non-opioid analgesics for patients with late or tertiary syphilis
  • Referral of children suspected to be victims of sexual abuse to the next level for examination and needed treatment
  • Referral of suspected cases of sexual abuse to appropriate authorities
Age Cohort: < 5 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Social and behavioural change communication for parents
  • Community awareness on the risks and prevention of sexual abuse of children
  • Primary prevention of syphilis in adolescents and women of child bearing ages
  • Safe sexual practice including condom use
  • Recognition of syphilis signs and symptoms
  • Syphilis RDT
  • Referral to the next higher level
  • Emotional, social, spiritual support for parents
Primary Care
  • Safe blood transfusion
  • Early syphilis screening and treatment of women
  • History
  • Physical examination
  • Treponemal test
  • Non-treponemal rapid plasma reagin (RPR) test
  • Syphilis testing of mother
  • Antibiotics
  • Referral to the next higher level
  • Physiotherapy, speech therapy services
  • Training on use of assisting devices
  • Emotional, social, spiritual support for parents
Referral Facility: General
  • Safe blood transfusion
  • Screening pregnant women for syphilis Treatment of syphilis in pregnant women
  • History
  • Physical examination
  • Treponemal test
  • Non-treponemal rapid plasma reagin (RPR) test
  • Syphilis testing of mother 8 X-ray
  • Antibiotics
  • Referral to the next higher level for corrective surgery
  • Physiotherapy, speech therapy services
  • Training on use of assisting devices
  • Emotional, social, spiritual support for parents
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Safe blood transfusion
  • Screening pregnant women for syphilis
  • Treatment of syphilis in pregnant women
  • History
  • Physical examination
  • Treponemal test
  • Non-treponemal rapid plasma reagin (RPR) test
  • Lumbar puncture for CSF analysis
  • X-ray
  • Histological examination of the placenta and cord
  • Antibiotics
  • Surgical repair of deformity
  • Physiotherapy, speech therapy services
  • Training on use of assisting devices
  • Emotional, social, spiritual support for parents