Interventions for Edentulism

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Age Cohort: 60+ years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Awareness creation among the population on oral health including prevention of dental conditions that lead to loss of teeth
  • Mass awareness campaigns on healthy lifestyles including on good nutrition
  • Awareness creation on good oral hygiene
  • Integration of oral health program into community health programmes.
  • Health educaton/ Guidance on preventive measures including:
  • appropriate diet and good nutrition
  • Practising good oral hygiene
  • Avoidance of tobacco smoking
  • Advice on seeking treatment early for other dental conditions that lead to edentulism including dental caries, periodontal diseases, trauma, and oral cancer.
  • Avoidance of lifestyle behavior that affects general health such as tobacco use, excessive alcohol consumption and poor dietary choices which are associated with increased risk of periodontal disease, dental caries which lead to edentulism (loss of all teeth)
  • Training/sensitising community helth workers on dental caries including preventon measures
  • Gudance on primary prevention measures including:
  • Good nutrition
  • Practicing good oral hygiene
  • Avoidance of tobacco smoking
  • Advice on seeking treatment early for other dental conditions that lead to edentulism including dental caries, periodontal diseases, trauma, and oral cancer.
  • Avoidance of lifestyle behavior that affects general health such as tobacco use, excessive alcohol consumption and poor dietary choices which are associated with increased risk of periodontal disease, dental caries which lead to edentulism (loss of all teeth)
  • Nutritional support for edentulous elderly patients
  • Oral hygiene measures for edentulous patients including keeping the lips, cheeks, alveolar ridge and tongue clean in order to avoid health complications
  • Use of mouth wash
  • Dentures care for edentulous patients with dentures already (cleaning the complete dentures)
  • Referral of edentulous elderly persons to a health facility for dentures
  • Psychosocial support to edentulous patients to adjust to the dentures and nutritional requirements
Primary Care
  • Awareness creation among the population on oral health including prevention of dental conditions that lead to loss of teeth
  • Mass awareness campaigns on healthy lifestyles including on good nutrition
  • Awareness creation on good oral hygiene
  • Integration of oral health program into community health programmes.
  • Multi-sectoral approach in provision of safe drinking water
  • Health workers training oral health; prevention edentulism and its management
  • Guidance on primary prevention measures
  • Appropriate diet and good nutriton
  • Practicing good oral hygiene
  • Avoidance of tobacco smoking
  • Advice on seeking treatment early for other dental conditions that lead to edentulism including dental caries, periodontal diseases, trauma and oral cancer.
  • Avoidance of lifestyle behavior that affects general health such as tobacco use, excessive alcohol consumption and poor dietary choices which are associated with increased risk of periodontal disease, dental caries which lead to edentulism.
  • Outreach services to the community including essential oral health care
  • Physical and clinical examination
  • Guidance on healthy Nutritional for edentulous elderly patients including vitamins supplementation
  • Oral hygiene instructions for edentulous patients including advice on keeping the lips, cheeks, alveolar ridge and tongue clean in order to avoid health complications
  • Use of mouth wash
  • Guidance on use and care of Dentures for edentulous patients with dentures already (cleaning the complete dentures)
  • Management of any conditions due to use of dentures such as mucosal changes: traumatic ulcers, denture stomatitis, candida infection, angular chelitis and soft tissue hyperplasia.
  • Referral of edentulous elderly persons to a hospital for dentures (for those with no dentures)
  • Psychosocial support to edentulous patients to adjust to the dentures and nutritional requirements
Referral Facility: General
  • Awareness creation among the population on oral health including prevention of dental conditions that lead to loss of teeth
  • Mass awareness campaigns on healthy lifestyles including on good nutrition
  • Awareness creation on good oral hygiene
  • Health workers training ooral health, prevention edentulism and its management
  • Multi-sectoral approach in provision of safe drinking water
  • Integration of oral health program into community health programmes.
  • Guidance on primary prevention measures
  • Appropriate diet and good nutriton
  • Practicing good oral hygiene
  • Avoidance of tobacco smoking
  • Advice on seeking treatment early for other dental conditions that lead to edentulism including dental caries, periodontal diseases, trauma and oral cancer.
  • Avoidance of lifestyle behavior that affects general health such as tobacco use, excessive alcohol consumption and poor dietary choices which are associated with increased risk of periodontal disease, dental caries which lead to edentulism.
  • Physical and clinical examination
  • Complete dentures as replacement of teeth in edentulous elderly i.e.
  • Complete Removable acrylic dentures
  • Digitally fabricated complete dentures
  • Tooth retained over denture
  • Dental implants/implant supported prosthesis for edentulous elderly patients
  • Management of any conditions due to use of dentures such as mucosal changes: traumatic ulcers, denture stomatitis, candida infection, angular chelitis and soft tissue hyperplasia.
  • Management of other cormobidities associated with being edentulous includng poor dietray habits and nutritional intake; increased risk of hypertension and coronary artery disease.
  • Nutritional support including vitamins supplementation
  • Patient education on use of the dentures
  • Radigraphc examination --Orthopantomography​ (OPG)
  • Recall and Follow up
  • Psychosocial support to edentulous patients to adjust to the dentures and nutritional requirements
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Awareness creation among the population on oral health including prevention of dental conditions that lead to loss of teeth
  • Mass awareness campaigns on healthy lifestyles including on good nutrition
  • Awareness creation on good oral hygiene
  • Health workers training ooral health, prevention edentulism and its management
  • Multi-sectoral approach in provision of safe drinking water
  • Integration of oral health program into community health programmes.
  • Guidance on primary prevention measures
  • Appropriate diet and good nutriton
  • Practicing good oral hygiene
  • Avoidance of tobacco smoking
  • Advice on seeking treatment early for other dental conditions that lead to edentulism including dental caries, periodontal diseases, trauma and oral cancer.
  • Avoidance of lifestyle behavior that affects general health such as tobacco use, excessive alcohol consumption and poor dietary choices which are associated with increased risk of periodontal disease, dental caries which lead to edentulism.
  • Physical and clinical examination
  • Complete dentures as replacement of teeth in edentulous elderly i.e.
  • Complete Removable acrylic dentures
  • Digitally fabricated complete dentures
  • Tooth retained over denture
  • Dental implants/implant supported prosthesis for edentulous elderly patients
  • Management of any conditions due to use of dentures such as mucosal changes: traumatic ulcers, denture stomatitis, candida infection, angular chelitis and soft tissue hyperplasia.
  • Management of other cormobidities associated with being edentulous includng poor dietray habits and nutritional intake; increased risk of hypertension and coronary artery disease.
  • Nutritional support including vitamins supplementation
  • Patient education on use of the dentures
  • Radigraphc examination --Orthopantomography​ (OPG)
  • Recall and Follow up
  • Psychosocial support to edentulous patients to adjust to the dentures and nutritional requirements