Interventions for Tetanus

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Age Cohort: Pregnancy and newborn
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Awareness Creation among mothers and families on Tetanus and preventive measures
  • Education and awareness creation on safe delivery to the mothers
  • Creation of awareness on importance of infant/child vaccination and on vaccination schedule
  • Health education activities to increase community awareness of the importance of tetanus immunization
  • Distribution of IEC materials
  • Training the community Health workers on tetanus, including prevention measures/on vaccination, detection of tetanus
  • Advice on need for Regular ANC attendance
  • Maternal immunization with Tetanus (Tetanus toxoid vaccination) to prevent neonatal tetanus
  • Advise on the need to deliver in health facilities to ensure clean delivery practices
  • Proper care for minor Wounds in mothers -thorough cleaning of the wound and covering to prevent infections advise and guidance to mothers on cord care
  • Effective neonatal tetanus surveillance to identify areas or populations at high risk of neonatal tetanus
  • Effective tetanus vaccination monitoring system including immunization register, personal vaccination cards and maternal health records.
  • Routine immunisation of mothers (outside of pregnancy) to prevent tetanus
  • Outreach activities in order to increase ANC and TT immunization coverage
  • Recognition of symptoms of neonatal tetanus which include muscle spasms, often preceded by the newborn’s inability to suck or breastfeed, and excessive crying
  • Recognition of symptoms indicative of tetanus in the mothers including jaw cramping or the inability to open the mouth (lock jaw), muscle spasms often in the back, abdomen and extremities, sudden painful muscle spasms often triggered by sudden noises, trouble swallowing, seizures, Headache, fever and sweating
  • Immediate referral to a health facility for mother or neonate suspected to have tetanus
  • Home based/community based physical therapy rehabilitation for muscle movements
  • Psycho social support and counseling
  • Linkage to patient support groups
Primary Care
  • Awareness Creation among mothers and families on Tetanus and preventive measures
  • Education and awareness creation on safe delivery to the mothers
  • Health education activities to increase community awareness of the importance of tetanus immunization
  • Creation of awareness on importance of infant/child vaccination and on vaccination schedule
  • Training the ANC Health care providers on tetanus on vaccination and cold chain management
  • Training Health workers on safe delivery methods
  • Training Health care workers on Tetanus, prevention measures and management
  • Advice to mothers on Regular ANC attendance
  • Maternal Immunization againts Tetanus (Tetanus Toxoid Vaccination)
  • Clean delivery practices
  • Proper cord care during delivery
  • Proper wound care
  • Effective surveillance to identify areas/populations at high risk of neonatal tetanus and maternal tetanus
  • Effective tetanus vaccination monitoring system including immunization register, personal vaccination cards and maternal health records
  • Data keeping/monitoring the impact of interventions and reporting
  • Outreach activities in order to increase ANC and TT immunization coverage
  • Physical and clinical examination
  • Clinical diagnosis of tetanus based on Clinical features
  • For neonatal tetanus–an illness occurring in an infant who has the normal ability to suck and cry in the first 2 days of life, but who loses this ability between days 3 and 28 of life and becomes rigid or has spasms
  • Non-neonatal tetanus requires at least one of the following signs; a sustained spasm of the facial muscles in which the person appears to be grinning, or painful muscular contractions
  • And with a history of injury or wound, tetanus (but may also occur in patients who are unable to recall a specific wound or injury)
  • Relieve of other symptoms such as headache with analgesics fever with anti pyretic
  • Immediate referral of the mother/neonate to a hospital for management
  • Physiotherapy, rehabilitation for muscle movements
  • Psycho social support and counseling
  • Linkage to patient support groups
Referral Facility: General
  • Awareness Creation among mothers on Tetanus and preventive measures
  • Education and awareness creation on safe delivery to the mothers
  • Creation of awareness on importance of infant/child vaccination and on vaccination schedule
  • Health education activities to increase awareness of the importance of tetanus immunization
  • Training the ANC Health care providers on tetanus on vaccination and cold chain management
  • Training Health workers on safe delivery methods
  • Training Health care workers on Tetanus, prevention measures and management
  • Advice to mothers on Regular ANC attendance
  • Maternal immunization against Tetanus (Tetanus toxoid vaccination)
  • Proper cord care during delivery
  • Clean delivery practices
  • Proper wound care
  • Effective surveillance to identify areas or populations at high risk of neonatal tetanus and maternal tetanus
  • Proper wound care for surgical and dental procedures
  • Data keeping/monitoring the impact of interventions and reporting
  • Physical and clinical examination
  • Clinical diagnosis of tetanus based on Clinical features
  • For neonatal tetanus–an illness occurring in an infant who has the normal ability to suck and cry in the first 2 days of life, but who loses this ability between days 3 and 28 of life and becomes rigid or has spasms
  • Non-neonatal tetanus (in this case affecting the mothers)requires at least one of the following signs; a sustained spasm of the facial muscles in which the person appears to be grinning, or painful muscular contractions. And with a history of injury or wound, tetanus (but may also occur in patients who are unable to recall a specific wound or injury)
  • Relieve of other symptoms such as headache with analgesics, fever with anti pyretic
  • Immediate admission for mothers with tetanus/neonates with neonatal tetanus (Tetanus is a medical emergency)
  • Administration of antibiotics
  • Immediate management with medicines human tetanus immune globulin (TIG)
  • Tetanus Vaccination for the mothers who have recovered since infection with tetanus does not confer natural immunity
  • Prevention and management of any complications such as respiratory failure
  • referral to specialised hospitals for further managemnet eg Intensive care services to mange severe tetanus/any complications eg for
  • Physiotherapy, rehabilitation for muscle movements e.g swallowing and oral motor movements
  • Psycho social support and counseling
  • Linkage to patient support groups
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Awareness Creation among mothers on Tetanus and preventive measures
  • Education and awareness creation on safe delivery to the mothers
  • Creation of awareness on importance of infant/child vaccination and on vaccination schedule
  • Health education activities to increase awareness of the importance of tetanus immunization
  • Training the ANC Health care providers on tetanus on vaccination and cold chain management
  • Training Health workers on safe delivery methods
  • Training Health care workers on Tetanus, prevention measures and management
  • Advice to mothers on Regular ANC attendance
  • Clean delivery practices
  • Maternal immunization against Tetanus (Tetanus toxoid vaccination)
  • Proper wound care
  • Proper wound care for surgical and dental procedures
  • Proper cord care during delivery
  • Data keeping/monitoring the impact of interventions and reporting
  • Effective surveillance to identify areas or populations at high risk of neonatal tetanus and maternal tetanus
    • Physical and clinical examination
  • Clinical diagnosis of tetanus based on Clinical features
  • For neonatal tetanus–an illness occurring in an infant who has the normal ability to suck and cry in the first 2 days of life, but who loses this ability between days 3 and 28 of life and becomes rigid or has spasms
  • Non-neonatal tetanus ( in this case affecting the mothers)requires at least one of the following signs; a sustained spasm of the facial muscles in which the person appears to be grinning, or painful muscular contractions. And with a history of injury or wound, tetanus (but may also occur in patients who are unable to recall a specific wound or injury)
  • Relieve of other symptoms such as headache with analgesics, fever with anti pyretic
  • Immediate admission for mothers with tetanus/neonates with neonatal tetanus (Tetanus is a medical emergency)
  • Immediate management with medicines human tetanus immune globulin (TIG)
  • Aggressive wound care for the mothers with tetanus
  • Management/control of muscle spasms
  • Administration of antibiotics
  • Tetanus Vaccination for the mothers who have recovered since infection with tetanus does not confer natural immunity ** Prevention and management of any complications such as respiratory failure
  • Intensive care services to mange severe tetanus/any complications eg for ventilation
  • Follow up
  • Physiotherapy, rehabilitation for muscle movements e.g swallowing and oral motor movements
    • Psycho social support and counseling
  • Linkage to patient support groups
Age Cohort: < 5 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Awareness Creation among communities/families on Tetanus and preventive measures
  • Creation of awareness on importance of child vaccination and on vaccination schedule
  • Health education activities to increase community awareness of the importance of tetanus immunization
  • Distribution of IEC materials on Tetanus
  • Training the community Health workers on tetanus, including prevention measures/on vaccination including schedules/detection of Tetanus
  • Immunization with tetanus-toxoid-containing vaccines (TTCV), which are included in routine immunization programmes
  • Advise to parents/families on proper wound care
  • Proper care for minor Wounds in children-thorough cleaning of the wound and covering to prevent infections
  • Effective surveillance to identify areas or populations at high risk of tetanus
  • Effective tetanus vaccination monitoring system including immunization register, personal vaccination cards
  • Outreach activities in order to increase TT immunization coverage
  • Recognition of symptoms indicative of tetanus in a child including jaw cramping or the inability to open the mouth (lock jaw), muscle spasms often in the back, abdomen and extremities, sudden painful muscle spasms often triggered by sudden noises, trouble swallowing, seizures, Headache, fever and sweating
  • Immediate referral to a health facility for a child suspected to have tetanus
  • Home based/community based physical therapy rehabilitation for muscle movements
  • Psycho social support and counseling
  • Linkage to patient support groups
Primary Care
  • Awareness Creation among parents and families on Tetanus and preventive measures
  • Creation of awareness on importance of infant/child vaccination and on vaccination schedule
  • Training Health care workers on Tetanus prevention measures and management among under 5s
  • Immunization with tetanus-toxoid-containing vaccines (TTCV), which are included in routine immunization programmes
  • Proper wound care for the under 5s
  • Effective surveillance to identify areas/populations at high risk of tetanus
  • Effective tetanus vaccination monitoring sy stem including immunization register,personal vaccination cards
  • Outreach activities in order to increase TT immunization coverage
  • Data keeping/monitoring the impact of interventions and reporting
  • Physical and clinical examination
  • Clinical diagnosis of tetanus based on Clinical features
  • Non-neonatal tetanus requires at least one of the following signs;
  • a sustained spasm of the facial muscles in which the person appears to be grinning, painful muscular contractions
  • And with a history of injury or wound, tetanus (but may also occur in patients /in a child whose parents/family are unable to recall a specific wound or injury)
  • Relieve of other symptoms such as headache with analgesics, fever with anti pyretic
  • Proper wound care
  • Immediate referral of the child to a hospital for management
  • Physiotherapy, rehabilitation for muscle movements
  • Psycho social support to parents/families and counseling
  • Linkage to patient/parents/families to support groups
Referral Facility: General
  • Awareness Creation among parents and families on Tetanus and preventive measures
  • Creation of awareness on importance of infant/child vaccination and on vaccination schedule
  • Training Health care workers on Tetanus, prevention measures and management among under 5s
  • Immunization with tetanus-toxoid-containing vaccines (TTCV), which are included in routine immunization programmes
  • Proper wound care for the under 5s
  • Proper wound care for surgical and dental procedures
  • Effective surveillance to identify areas or populations at high risk of tetanus
  • Data keeping/monitoring the impact of interventions and reporting

** Physical and clinical examination

  • Clinical diagnosis of tetanus based on Clinical features
  • Non-neonatal tetanus requires at least one of the following signs: a sustained spasm of the facial muscles in which the person appears to be grinning or painful muscular contractions and with a history of injury or wound, tetanus (but may also occur in children whose parents/families are unable to recall a specific wound or injury)
  • Relieve of other symptoms such as headache with analgesics, fever with anti pyretic
  • Management/control of muscle spasms
  • Administration of antibiotics
  • Tetanus Vaccination for the under 5 since infection with tetanus does not confer natural immunity
  • Prevention and management of any complications such as respiratory failure
  • Referral to specialised Intensive care services to manage any complications/severe tetanus e.g for ventilation
  • follow up
  • Physiotherapy, rehabilitation for muscle movements e.g swallowing and oral motor movements
  • Psycho social support of the parents/families and counseling
  • Linkage to parents/families to support groups
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Awareness Creation among parents and families on Tetanus and preventive measures
  • Creation of awareness on importance of infant/child vaccination and on vaccination schedule
  • Immunization with tetanus-toxoid-containing vaccines (TTCV), which are included in routine immunization programmes
  • Proper wound care for the under 5s
  • Proper wound care for surgical and dental procedures
  • Data keeping/monitoring the impact of interventions and reporting
  • Effective surveillance to identify areas or populations at high risk of tetanus
  • Outreach activities in order to increase TT immunization coverage
    • Physical and clinical examination
  • Clinical diagnosis of tetanus based on Clinical features
  • Non-neonatal tetanus requires at least one of the following signs: a sustained spasm of the facial muscles in which the person appears to be grinning or painful muscular contractions. And with a history of injury or wound, tetanus (but may also occur in children whose parents /families are unable to recall a specific wound or injury)*
  • Relieve of other symptoms such as headache with analgesics, fever with anti pyretic
  • Immediate admission for under 5 with tetanus(Tetanus is a medical emergency)
  • Immediate management with medicines human tetanus immune globulin (TIG)
  • Aggressive wound care for the under 5 with tetanus
  • Prevention and management of any complications such as respiratory failure
  • Intensive care services to manage any complications/severe tetanus e.g for ventilation
  • Management/control of muscle spasms
  • Administration of antibiotics
  • Tetanus Vaccination for the under 5 since infection with tetanus does not confer natural immunity
  • Follow up
  • Physiotherapy, rehabilitation for muscle movements e.g swallowing and oral motor movements
    • Psycho social support of the parents /families and counseling
  • Linkage to parents/families to support groups
Age Cohort: 5 - 11 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Awareness Creation among communities and families on Tetanus and preventive measures
  • Creation of awareness on importance of school age children vaccination (booster) and on vaccination schedule
  • Health education activities to increase community awareness of the importance of tetanus immunization
  • School health programs
  • Distribution of IEC materials on Tetanus
  • Training the community Health workers on tetanus including prevention measures/on vaccination, detection of tetanus
  • Immunization with tetanus-toxoid-containing vaccines (TTCV), which are included in routine immunization programmes (booster vaccination)
  • Advice to school age child/parents/families on proper wound care
  • Proper care for minor Wounds-thorough cleaning of the wound and covering to prevent infections
  • Effective surveillance to identify areas or populations at high risk of neonatal tetanus
  • Effective tetanus vaccination monitoring system including immunization register, personal vaccination cards
  • Recognition of symptoms indicative of tetanus in school age children including jaw cramping or the inability to open the mouth (lock jaw), muscle spasms often in the back, abdomen and extremities, sudden painful muscle spasms often triggered by sudden noises, trouble swallowing, seizures, Headache, fever and sweating
  • Immediate referral to a health facility for a child suspected to have tetanus
  • Home based/community based physical therapy rehabilitation for muscle movements
  • Psycho social support and counseling
  • Linkage to patient support groups
Primary Care
  • Effective tetanus surveillance to identify areas or populations at high risk of tetanus
  • Effective tetanus vaccination monitoring system including immunization register, personal vaccination cards and maternal health records.
  • Outreach activities inorder to increase TT immunizaton
  • Post exposure TT vaccination
  • Booster Tetanus vaccination Tetanus Toxoid containing vaccine /Immunization with tetanus-toxoid-containing vaccines (TTCV), which are included in routine immunization programmes
  • Proper wound care
  • School based health programs including TT vaccination
    • Physical and clinical examination
  • Clinical diagnosis of tetanus based on Clinical features
  • Recognition of any signs and symptoms indicating severe or complications of RHD eg severe chest pain, feet oedema
  • Relive pain
  • Relive fever
  • Management of inflammation with anti-inflammatory medications such as aspirin
  • Antibiotic prophylaxis to prevent recurrent infection with Group A streptococcus.
  • Referral to a hospital
Referral Facility: General
  • Awareness Creation among school going age children on Tetanus and preventive measures
  • Health education activities to increase awareness of the importance of tetanus immunization
  • Distribution of IEC materials
  • Training Health care workers on Tetanus prevention measures and management among adolescents
  • Post exposure vaccination for school going age children with Tetanus Toxoid containing vaccine
  • Proper wound care for the school going age children
  • Proper wound care for surgical and dental procedures
  • Effective surveillance to identify areas or populations at high risk of tetanus
  • Effective tetanus vaccination monitoring system including immunization register, personal vaccination cards
  • Data keeping/monitoring the impact of interventions and reporting

** Physical and clinical examination

  • Clinical diagnosis of tetanus based on Clinical features
  • Non-neonatal tetanus)requires at least one of the following signs: a sustained spasm of the facial muscles in which the person appears to be grinning or painful muscular contractions. And with a history of injury or wound, tetanus (but may also occur in patients who are unable to recall a specific wound or injury)*
  • Relieve of other symptoms such as headache with analgesics, fever with anti pyretic
  • Immediate admission for school age child with tetanus(Tetanus is a medical emergency)
  • Immediate management with medicines human tetanus immune globulin (TIG)
  • Prevention and management of any complications such as respiratory failure
  • Referral to specialsed hospital for further managemnet eg Intensive care services to manage any complications/severe tetanus eg for ventilation
  • Follow up
  • Physiotherapy, rehabilitation for muscle movements e.g swallowing and oral motor movements
  • Psycho social support and counseling
  • Linkage to patient support groups
Referral Facility: Specialist
    • Awareness Creation among school going age children on Tetanus and preventive measures
  • Health education activities to increase awareness of the importance of tetanus immunization
  • Distribution of IEC materials
  • Training Health care workers on Tetanus prevention measures and management among adolescents
  • Post exposure vaccination for school going age children with Tetanus Toxoid containing vaccine
  • Proper wound care for the school going age children
  • Proper wound care for surgical and dental procedures
  • Effective surveillance to identify areas or populations at high risk of tetanus
  • Effective tetanus vaccination monitoring system including immunization register, personal vaccination cards
  • Data keeping/monitoring the impact of interventions and reporting
    • Physical and clinical examination
  • Clinical diagnosis of tetanus based on Clinical features

  • Non-neonatal tetanus)requires at least one of the following signs: a sustained spasm of the facial muscles in which the person appears to be grinning or painful muscular contractions. And with a history of injury or wound, tetanus (but may also occur in patients who are unable to recall a specific wound or injury)*

  • Relieve of other symptoms such as headache with analgesics, fever with anti pyretic

  • Immediate admission for school age child with tetanus(Tetanus is a medical emergency)

  • Immediate management with medicines human tetanus immune globulin (TIG)

  • Aggressive wound care for the school age child with tetanus

  • Prevention and management of any complications such as respiratory failure

  • Intensive care services to manage any complications/severe tetanus eg for ventilation

  • Management/control of muscle spasms

  • Administration of antibiotics

  • Tetanus Vaccination for the school age child who has recovered from tetanus since infection with tetanus does not confer natural immunity

  • Follow up

  • Physiotherapy, rehabilitation for muscle movements e.g swallowing and oral motor movements
  • Psycho social support and counseling
  • Linkage to patient support groups
Age Cohort: 12 - 24 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Awareness Creation communities on Tetanus and preventive measures
  • Health education activities to increase community awareness of the importance of tetanus immunization including vaccination schedules Distribution of IEC materials
  • Training the community Health workers on tetanus, including prevention measures/on vaccination, detection of tetanus
  • Advice to adolescents on proper wound care
  • Proper care for minor Wounds-thorough cleaning of the wound and covering to prevent infections
  • Effective surveillance to identify areas or populations at high risk of neonatal tetanus
  • Effective tetanus vaccination monitoring system including immunization register, personal vaccination cards
  • Recognition of symptoms indicative of tetanus in the adolescents including jaw cramping or the inability to open the mouth (lock jaw), muscle spasms often in the back, abdomen and extremities, sudden painful muscle spasms often triggered by sudden noises, trouble swallowing, seizures, Headache, fever and sweating
  • Immediate referral to a health facility for adolescents suspected to have tetanus
  • Home based/community based physical therapy rehabilitation for muscle movements
  • Psycho social support and counseling
  • Linkage to patient support groups
Primary Care
  • Awareness Creation among adolescents on Tetanus and preventive measures
  • Creation of awareness on importance of /child vaccination and on vaccination schedule
  • Distribution of IEC materials on Tetanus
  • Training Health care workers on Tetanus prevention measures and management among adolescents
  • Booster Tetanus vaccination Tetanus Toxoid containing vaccine /Immunization with tetanus-toxoid-containing vaccines (TTCV), which are included in routine immunization programmes - Proper wound care - Post exposure TT vaccination
  • School based health programs including TT vaccination
  • Effective surveillance to identify areas or populations at high risk of tetanus
  • Effective tetanus vaccination monitoring system including immunization register, personal vaccination cards
  • Data keeping/monitoring the impact of interventions and reporting
  • Outreach activities in order to increase TT immunization coverage
  • Physical and clinical examination
  • Clinical diagnosis of tetanus based on Clinical features
  • Non-neonatal tetanus requires at least one of the following signs: a sustained spasm of the facial muscles in which the person appears to be grinning, or painful muscular contractions. And with a history of injury or wound, tetanus (but may also occur in patients who are unable to recall a specific wound or injury)
  • Relieve of other symptoms such as headache with analgesics, fever with anti pyretic
  • Proper wound care
  • Immediate referralof the Patient to a hospital for management
  • Psycho social support and counseling
  • Linkage to patient support groups
Referral Facility: General
  • Awareness Creation among adolescents on Tetanus and preventive measures
  • Health education activities to increase awareness of the importance of tetanus immunization
  • Distribution of IEC materials
  • Training Health care workers on Tetanus prevention measures and management among adolescents
  • Post exposure vaccination for adolescents with Tetanus Toxoid containing vaccine
  • Proper wound care for the adolescents
  • Proper wound care for surgical and dental procedures
  • Effective surveillance to identify areas or populations at high risk of tetanus
  • Effective tetanus vaccination monitoring system including immunization register, personal vaccination cards
  • Data keeping/monitoring the impact of interventions and reporting
  • Physical and clinical examination
  • Clinical diagnosis of tetanus based on Clinical features
  • Non-neonatal tetanus requires at least one of the following signs: a sustained spasm of the facial muscles in which the person appears to be grinning, or painful muscular contractions. And with a history of injury or wound, tetanus (but may also occur in adolescents who are unable to recall a specific wound or injury)**
  • Supportive therapy-Relieve of other symptoms such as headache with analgesics, fever with anti-pyretic
  • Immediate admission for adolescents with tetanus (Tetanus is a medical emergency)
  • Immediate management with medicines human tetanus immune globulin (TIG)
  • Prevention and management of any complications such as respiratory failure
    • Aggressive wound care for the adolescents with tetanus
  • Management/control of muscle spasms
  • Administration of antibiotics
  • Tetanus Vaccination for the adolescents who have recovered from tetanus since infection with tetanus does not confer natural immunity
  • referral to specialised hosptals for further managemnet eg Intensive care services to manage any complications/severe tetanus eg for ventilation
  • Follow up
  • Physiotherapy, rehabilitation for muscle movements e.g swallowing and oral motor movements
    • Psycho social support and counseling
  • Linkage to patient support groups
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Awareness Creation among adolescents on Tetanus and preventive measures
  • Health education activities to increase awareness of the importance of tetanus immunization
  • Distribution of IEC materials
  • Training Health care workers on Tetanus prevention measures and management among adolescents
  • Post exposure vaccination for adolescents with Tetanus Toxoid containing vaccine
  • Proper wound care for the adolescents
  • Proper wound care for surgical and dental procedures
  • Effective surveillance to identify areas or populations at high risk of tetanus
  • Effective tetanus vaccination monitoring system including immunization register, personal vaccination cards
  • Data keeping/monitoring the impact of interventions and reporting
    • Physical and clinical examination
  • Clinical diagnosis of tetanus based on Clinical features
  • Non-neonatal tetanus requires at least one of the following signs: a sustained spasm of the facial muscles in which the person appears to be grinning, or painful muscular contractions. And with a history of injury or wound, tetanus (but may also occur in adolescents who are unable to recall a specific wound or injury)**
  • Supportive therapy-Relieve of other symptoms such as headache with analgesics, fever with anti-pyretic
  • Immediate admission for adolescents with tetanus (Tetanus is a medical emergency)
  • Immediate management with medicines human tetanus immune globulin (TIG)
  • Aggressive wound care for the adolescents with tetanus
  • Prevention and management of any complications such as respiratory failure
  • Intensive care services to manage any complications/severe tetanus eg for ventilation
  • Management/control of muscle spasms
  • Administration of antibiotics
  • Tetanus Vaccination for the adolescents who have recovered from tetanus since infection with tetanus does not confer natural immunity
  • Follow up
  • Physiotherapy, rehabilitation for muscle movements e.g swallowing and oral motor movements
    • Psycho social support and counseling
  • Linkage to patient support groups
Age Cohort: 25 - 59 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Awareness Creation among communities on Tetanus and preventive measures
  • Health education activities to increase community awareness of the importance of tetanus immunization
  • Distribution of IEC materials
  • Training the community Health workers on tetanus, including prevention measures/on vaccination/vaccination schedules/detection
  • Advice to adults on proper wound care
  • Proper care for minor Wounds-thorough cleaning of the wound and covering to prevent infections
  • Effective surveillance to identify areas or populations at high risk of neonatal tetanus
  • Effective tetanus vaccination monitoring system including immunization register, personal vaccination cards
  • Recognition of symptoms indicative of tetanus in adults including jaw cramping or the inability to open the mouth (lock jaw), muscle spasms often in the back, abdomen and extremities, sudden painful muscle spasms often triggered by sudden noises, trouble swallowing, seizures, Headache, fever and sweating
  • Immediate referral to a health facility of adults suspected to have tetanus
  • Home based/community based physical therapy rehabilitation for muscle movements
  • Psycho social support and counseling
  • Linkage to patient support groups
Primary Care
  • Awareness Creation among adults on Tetanus and preventive measures
  • Health education activities to increase awareness of the importance of tetanus immunization
  • Training Health care workers on Tetanus prevention measures and management among adults
  • Post exposure vaccination for adults with Tetanus Toxoid containing vaccine
  • Proper wound care for adults
  • Outreach activities in order to increase TT immunization coverage
  • Effective surveillance to identify areas or populations at high risk of tetanus
  • Effective tetanus vaccination monitoring system including immunization register, personal vaccination cards
  • Data keeping/monitoring the impact of interventions and reporting
    • Physical and clinical examination
  • Clinical diagnosis of tetanus based on Clinical features
  • Non-neonatal tetanus requires at least one of the following signs: a sustained spasm of the facial muscles in which the person appears to be grinning, or painful muscular contractions. And with a history of injury or wound, tetanus (but may also occur in patients who are unable to recall a specific wound or injury.)
  • Relieve of other symptoms such as headache with analgesics, fever with anti pyretic
  • Proper wound care
  • Immediate referral of patient to a hospital for management
  • Physiotherapy, rehabilitation for muscle movements
    • Psycho social support and counseling
  • Linkage to patient support groups
Referral Facility: General
  • Awareness Creation among adults on Tetanus and preventive measures
  • Health education activities to increase awareness of the importance of tetanus immunization
  • Distribution of IEC materials
  • Training Health care workers on Tetanus prevention measures and management among adolescents
  • Advice to adults on proper wound care
  • Post exposure vaccination for adults with Tetanus Toxoid containing vaccine
  • Proper wound care for adults
  • Proper wound care for surgical and dental procedures
  • Effective surveillance to identify areas or populations at high risk of tetanus
  • Effective tetanus vaccination monitoring system including immunization register, personal vaccination cards
  • Data keeping/monitoring the impact of interventions and reporting
  • Physical and clinical examination
  • Clinical diagnosis of tetanus based on Clinical features
  • Non-neonatal tetanus requires at least one of the following signs: a sustained spasm of the facial muscles in which the person appears to be grinning or painful muscular contractions. And with a history of injury or wound, tetanus (but may also occur in adult patients who are unable to recall a specific wound or injury)*
  • Supportive therapy-Relieve of other symptoms such as headache with analgesics fever with anti pyretic
  • Immediate admission for adults with tetanus (Tetanus is a medical emergency)Immediate management with medicines human tetanus immune globulin (TIG)
  • Aggressive wound care for the adults with tetanus
  • Prevention and management of any complications
  • Management/control of muscle spasms
  • Administration of antibiotics
  • Tetanus Vaccination for the adults who have recovered from tetanus since infection with tetanus does not confer natural immunity
  • Referral to specialised hospitals for further managemnet eg Intensive care services to manage any complications/severe tetanus
  • Follow up
  • Physiotherapy, rehabilitation for muscle movements e.g swallowing and oral motor movements
  • Psycho social support and counseling
  • Linkage to patient support groups
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Awareness Creation among adults on Tetanus and preventive measures
  • Health education activities to increase awareness of the importance of tetanus immunization
  • Distribution of IEC materials
  • Training Health care workers on Tetanus prevention measures and management among adolescents
  • Post exposure vaccination for adults with Tetanus Toxoid containing vaccine
  • Proper wound care for adults
  • Proper wound care for surgical and dental procedures
  • Effective surveillance to identify areas or populations at high risk of tetanus
  • Effective tetanus vaccination monitoring system including immunization register, personal vaccination cards
  • Data keeping/monitoring the impact of interventions and reporting
    • Physical and clinical examination
  • Clinical diagnosis of tetanus based on Clinical features
  • Non-neonatal tetanus requires at least one of the following signs: a sustained spasm of the facial muscles in which the person appears to be grinning or painful muscular contractions. And with a history of injury or wound, tetanus (but may also occur in adult patients who are unable to recall a specific wound or injury)
  • Supportive therapy-Relieve of other symptoms such as headache with analgesics fever with anti pyretic
  • Immediate admission for adults with tetanus (Tetanus is a medical emergency)Immediate management with medicines human tetanus immune globulin (TIG)
  • Aggressive wound care for the adults with tetanus
  • Prevention and management of any complications
  • Intensive care services to manage any complications/severe tetanus
  • Management/control of muscle spasms
  • Administration of antibiotics
  • Tetanus Vaccination for the adults who have recovered from tetanus since infection with tetanus does not confer natural immunity
  • Follow up
  • Physiotherapy, rehabilitation for muscle movements e.g swallowing and oral motor movements
  • Psycho social support and counseling
  • Linkage to patient support groups
Age Cohort: 60+ years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Awareness Creation among communities on Tetanus and preventive measures
  • Health education activities to increase community awareness of the importance of tetanus immunization
  • Distribution of IEC materials
  • Training the community Health workers on tetanus, including prevention measures/on vaccination/vaccination schedules/detection
  • Advice to elderly on proper wound care
  • Proper care for minor Wounds-thorough cleaning of the wound and covering to prevent infections
  • Effective surveillance to identify areas or populations at high risk of neonatal tetanus
  • Effective tetanus vaccination monitoring system including immunization register, personal vaccination cards
  • Recognition of symptoms indicative of tetanus in the elderly including jaw cramping or the inability to open the mouth (lock jaw), muscle spasms often in the back, abdomen and extremities, sudden painful muscle spasms often triggered by sudden noises, trouble swallowing, seizures, Headache, fever and sweating
  • Immediate referral to a health facility for an elderly person suspected to have tetanus
  • Home based/community based physical therapy rehabilitation for muscle movements
  • Psycho social support and counseling
  • Linkage to patient support groups
Primary Care
  • Awareness Creation elderly on Tetanus and preventive measures
  • Health education activities to increase awareness of the importance of tetanus immunization
  • Training Health care workers on Tetanus, prevention measures and management among elderly
  • Post exposure vaccination for elderly with Tetanus Toxoid containing vaccine
  • Proper wound care for the elderly
  • Outreach activities in order to increase TT immunization coverage
  • Effective surveillance to identify areas or populations at high risk of tetanus
  • Effective tetanus vaccination monitoring system including immunization register, personal vaccination cards
  • Data keeping/monitoring the impact of interventions and reporting
  • Physical and clinical examination
  • Clinical diagnosis of tetanus based on Clinical features
  • Non-neonatal tetanus requires at least one of the following signs: a sustained spasm of the facial muscles in which the person appears to be grinning, painful muscular contractions. And with a history of injury or wound, tetanus (but may also occur in patients who are unable to recall a specific wound or injury)
  • Relieve of other symptoms such as headache with analgesics, fever with anti pyretic
  • Proper wound care
  • Immediate referral to the mother/or neonate hospital for management
  • Physiotherapy, rehabilitation for muscle movements
  • Psycho social support and counseling
  • Linkage to patient support groups
Referral Facility: General
  • Awareness Creation elderly on Tetanus and preventive measures
  • Health education activities to increase awareness of the importance of tetanus immunization
  • Distribution of IEC materials
  • Training Health care workers on Tetanus prevention measures and management among elderly
  • Post exposure vaccination for elderly with Tetanus Toxoid containing vaccine
  • Proper wound care for the elderly
  • Proper wound care for surgical and dental procedures
  • Effective surveillance to identify areas/populations at high risk of tetanus
  • Effective tetanus vaccination monitoring system including immunization register, personal vaccination cards
  • Data keeping /monitoring the impact of interventions. and reporting
  • Physical and clinical examination
  • Clinical diagnosis of tetanus based on Clinical features
  • Non-neonatal tetanus requires at least one of the following signs: a sustained spasm of the facial muscles in which the person appears to be grinning or painful muscular contractions and with a history of injury or wound, tetanus (but may also occur in elderly patients who are unable to recall a specific wound or injury)
  • Supportive management-Relieve of other symptoms such as headache with analgesics fever with anti pyretic
  • Immediate admission for the elderly person with tetanus(Tetanus is a medical emergency)
  • Immediate management with medicines human tetanus immune globulin (TIG)
  • Aggressive wound care for the elderly with tetanus
  • Prevention and management of any complications such as respiratory failure
  • Refferal to specialised hospitals for further managemnet eg Intensive care services to manage any complications/severe tetanus
  • Follow up of elderly patients with tetanus
  • Physiotherapy, rehabilitation for muscle movements e.g swallowing and oral motor move
  • Psycho social support and counseling
  • Linkage to patient support groups
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Awareness Creation elderly on Tetanus and preventive measures
  • Health education activities to increase awareness of the importance of tetanus immunization
  • Distribution of IEC materials
  • Training Health care workers on Tetanus prevention measures and management among elderly
  • Post exposure vaccination for elderly with Tetanus Toxoid containing vaccine
  • Proper wound care for the elderly
  • Proper wound care for surgical and dental procedures
  • Effective surveillance to identify areas/populations at high risk of tetanus
  • Effective tetanus vaccination monitoring system including immunization register, personal vaccination cards
  • Data keeping /monitoring the impact of interventions. and reporting
    • Physical and clinical examination
  • Clinical diagnosis of tetanus based on Clinical features
  • Non-neonatal tetanus requires at least one of the following signs: a sustained spasm of the facial muscles in which the person appears to be grinning or painful muscular contractions. And with a history of injury or wound, tetanus (but may also occur in elderly patients who are unable to recall a specific wound or injury)*
  • Supportive management-Relieve of other symptoms such as headache with analgesics fever with anti pyretic
  • Immediate admission for the elderly person with tetanus(Tetanus is a medical emergency)
  • Immediate management with medicines human tetanus immune globulin (TIG)
  • Aggressive wound care for the elderly with tetanus
  • Prevention and management of any complications such as respiratory failure
  • Intensive care services to manage any complications/severe tetanus
  • Management/control of muscle spasms
  • Administration of antibiotics
  • Tetanus Vaccination for the elderly who have recovered from tetanus since infection with tetanus does not confer natural immunity
  • Follow up of elderly patients with tetanus
  • Physiotherapy, rehabilitation for muscle movements e.g swallowing and oral motor move
  • Psycho social support and counseling
  • Linkage to patient support groups