Interventions for Diphtheria

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Age Cohort: Pregnancy and newborn
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Information and health education to women, families and community on Diphtheria including prevention measures
  • Provide Information to women, families, and community on;
    • Immunization
    • Educate mothers on well baby clinics
    • Good nutrition for the mother
  • Community health workers education on Diphtheria
  • Timely attendance to ANC clinic
  • Routine vaccination for women and girls of childbearing age with Tdap
  • Recognition of features of Diphtheria in pregnant women which include:
  • sore throat, low fever and swollen glands in the neck, a thick coating in the throat or nose, hoarse voice
  • Supportive management for pregnant women suspected to have Diphtheria
  • Plenty of rest
  • Proper nutrition for a pregnant woman with diphtheria
  • Referral to a health facility of pregnant women with suspected diphtheria
Primary Care
  • Maternal education on diphtheria and prevention measures
  • Maternal education on importance of immunization
  • Creation of awareness on the importance of immunization
  • Sensitization on proper hygiene practices
  • Health workers education on diphtheria including its management in pregnant women
  • Vaccination with Tdap during routine wellness visits to women and girls of childbearing age
  • Provide ANC services for women including health education on diptheria
  • Provide Post-natal care services
  • Clinical examination and diagnosis of diphtheria in pregnant women
  • Supportive management to pregnant mothers with diphtheria to/Relieve common symptoms
  • Relieve fever with anti pyretics/analgesics such as paracetamol and ibuprofen.
  • Provide nutritional support for the adults with diphtheria
  • Monitoring and recognition for any features of worsening of diphtherias in pregnant mothers which including shortness of breath/breathing difficulties
  • Immunization with diphtheria toxoid vaccine for pregnant mothers
  • Fetal monitoring
  • Emergency care with an aim of stabilizing the pregnant women with complications due to diphtheria before referral
  • Referral of pregnant with complications due to diphtheria-eg shortness of breath to a hospital
  • Referral to hospital for neonates with poor outcomes such as low birth weights, preterm babies
Referral Facility: General
  • Maternal education on diphtheria and prevention measures
  • Maternal education on importance of immunization
  • Creation of awareness on the importance of immunization
  • Sensitization on proper hygiene practices
  • Health workers education on diphtheria including its management in pregnant women
  • Vaccination with Tdap during routine wellness visits to women and girls of childbearing age
  • ANC services
  • Post-natal services
  • Clinical examination and diagnosis of diptheria in pregnant women Supportive management to pregnant mothers with diphtheria to/Relieve common symptoms
  • Relieve fever with anti pyretics/analgesics such as paracetamol and ibuprofen
  • Immunization with diphtheria toxoid vaccine for pregnant mothers
  • Fetal monitoring
  • Provide nutritional support for the adults with diphtheria
  • Monitoring and Management of complications of diphtheria in pregnant women such as shortness of breath/breathing difficulties
  • Management of neonates with low birth weights, preterm babies/as a result of diphtheria
  • Psycho social support to mothers who may have poor pregnancy outcomes due to diphtheria e.g low birth weight babies, preterm
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • workers education on diphtheria including its management in pregnant women
  • Maternal education on diphtheria and prevention measures
  • Maternal education on importance of immunization
  • Creation of awareness on the importance of immunization
  • Sensitization on proper hygiene practices
  • ANC services
  • Post-natal services
  • Vaccination with Tdap during routine wellness visits to women and girls of childbearing age
  • Provide nutritional support for the adults with diphtheria
  • Clinical examination and diagnosis of diptheria in pregnant women
  • Immunization with diphtheria toxoid vaccine for pregnant mothers
  • Fetal monitoring
  • Monitoring and Management of complications of diphtheria in pregnant women such as shortness of breath/breathing difficulties
  • Management of neonates with low birth weights, preterm babies/as a result of diphtheria Supportive management to pregnant mothers with diphtheria to/Relieve common symptoms
  • Relieve fever with anti pyretics/analgesics such as paracetamol and ibuprofen
  • Psycho social support to mothers who may have poor pregnancy outcomes due to diphtheria e.g low birth weight babies, preterm
Age Cohort: < 5 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Information and health education to parents, families and Communities on immunization including vaccination schedule for the young children
  • Families and community education on transmission and prevention of Diphtheria
  • Community education on proper nutrition for young children/under 5s
  • Education on hygiene measures for young children
  • Promoting proper planning especially in urban areas to avoid over-crowding through multi-sectoral approach
  • Community health workers education on Diphtheria including recognition of signs and symptoms in children and on prevention measures
  • Routine vaccination for diphtheria according to the national schedule
  • (use of Diphtheria toxoid-vaccine combined with tetanus toxoid (Td) as well with other antigens such as pertussis (DTwP/DTaP/Tdap)
  • Proper Nutrition for children under 5 years of age
  • Defaulter tracing for children who are not fully immunize
  • Identify trends of the disease in the community/Active surveillance and early detection of diphtheria
  • Record keeping/reporting
  • Contact tracing for those in contact with infected persons
  • Quarantine suspected cases
  • 0utreach services to the communities
  • Recording and reporting of diphtheria cases through established reporting mechanisms
  • Recognition of features of Diphtheria in under 5s which include: _ sore throat, low fever and swollen glands in the neck, a thick coating in the throat or nose, hoarse voice
  • Supportive management for children under 5 years of age with Diphtheria
  • Breastfeeding for the infants - Plenty of rest - Proper nutrition for a child with diphtheria
  • Referral to a health facility of the child with worsening condition due to suspected diphtheria
Primary Care
  • Sensitize parents and care givers to recognize when the child is sick and when to seek treatment
  • Sensitize parents and care givers regarding transmission and prevention of diphtheria in under 5s
  • Information and health education to parents, families and on immunization including vaccination schedule
  • Guidance to the parents and families on proper nutrition for the under 5s
  • Training/sensitizing health workforce on diphtheria, its prevention and management in under 5s
  • Update/training of health care workers on immunization as recommended in national immunization schedules.
  • Routine vaccination for diphtheria according to the national schedule
  • (use of Diphtheria toxoid-vaccine combined with tetanus toxoid (Td) as well with other antigens such as pertussis (DTwP/DTaP/Tdap)
  • Defaulter tracing for children who are not fully immunized
  • Outreach services to the communities
  • Active surveillance and early detection of diphtheria
  • Contact tracing for under 5s who have been in contact with persons infected with diphtheria
  • Post exposure vaccination for unvaccinated under 5s
  • Prophylactic antibiotics (penicillin or erythromycin) for under 5s who have been in close contact with some with diphtheria
  • Recording and reporting of diphtheria cases through established reporting mechanisms
  • History; Clinical examination and diagnosis of diphtheria in children under 5 years of age. -based on signs and symptoms of diphtheria - including
  • Supportive management to an under 5 with diphtheria to/Relieve common symptoms·
  • Relieve fever with anti pyretics/analgesics such as paracetamol and ibuprofen
  • Provide nutritional support for the under 5s with diphtheria
  • Immunization with diphtheria toxoid vaccine for children who have not been vaccinated or have not completed the appropriate course
  • Monitoring and recognition for any features of worsening of diphtheria in under 5s which includes, shortness of breath/breathing difficulties
  • Physical and Clinical examination and diagnosis of diphtheria in children under 5 years of age. -based on signs and symptoms of diphtheria including; - Fever
  • Emergency care with an aim of stabilizing the under 5s with complications due to diphtheria before referral
  • Referral of a child with diphtheria to a hospital
Referral Facility: General
  • Guidance to parents on prevention of diphtheria among children
  • Guidance to parents on hygiene practices for children
  • Education on importance of immunization for the children
  • Guidance to parents on proper nutrition for children
  • Health workers education on management of diphtheria among children
  • Identify close contacts such as caretakers, relatives, sexual contacts, friends; - Health care workers
  • Monitor close contacts for signs and symptoms of diphtheria
  • Prophylactic antibiotics (penicillin or erythromycin) for close contacts
  • Recording and reporting of diphtheria cases through established reporting mechanisms
  • Vaccination with diphtheria toxoid-containing vaccine for unvaccinated contacts and for Under-vaccinated contacts to complete their vaccination series
    • Physical and Clinical examination and diagnosis of diphtheria in children under 5 years of age. -based on signs and symptoms of diphtheria including; - Fever
  • Isolation. Respiratory droplet isolation of children under 5s with respiratory diphtheria and contact precautions for under 5s children with cutaneous diphtheria
  • Antitoxin treatment with DAT immediately diphtheria is strongly suspected in children under 5 years (without waiting for lab results)
  • Antibiotic treatment (penicillin or erythromycin) to eliminate the bacteria and toxin production
  • Immunization with diphtheria toxoid vaccine during convalescence for children who have not been vaccinated/have not completed the appropriate course
  • Tests, nasal/pharyngeal swabs for culture
  • Monitor and management of any diphtheria complications such as obstruction of the airways, systemic diphtheria -to the heart, kidney or peripheral nerves
  • Emergency management for diphtheria complication such as airway obstructions
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Guidance to parents on hygiene practices for children
  • Guidance to parents on prevention of diphtheria among children
  • Education on importance of immunization for the children
  • Guidance to parents on proper nutrition for children
  • Health workers education on management of diphtheria among children
  • Identify close contacts such as caretakers, relatives, sexual contacts, friends; - Health care workers
  • Monitor close contacts for signs and symptoms of diphtheria
  • Prophylactic antibiotics (penicillin or erythromycin) for close contacts
  • Recording and reporting of diphtheria cases through established reporting mechanisms
  • Vaccination with diphtheria toxoid-containing vaccine for unvaccinated contacts and for Under-vaccinated contacts to complete their vaccination series
  • Physical and Clinical examination and diagnosis of diphtheria in children under 5 years of age. -based on signs and symptoms of diphtheria including; - Fever
  • Antitoxin treatment with DAT immediately diphtheria is strongly suspected in children under 5 years (without waiting for lab results)
  • Antibiotic treatment (penicillin or erythromycin) to eliminate the bacteria and toxin production
  • Immunization with diphtheria toxoid vaccine during convalescence for children who have not been vaccinated/have not completed the appropriate course
  • Isolation. Respiratory droplet isolation of children under 5s with respiratory diphtheria and contact precautions for under 5s children with cutaneous diphtheria
  • Tests, nasal/pharyngeal swabs for culture
  • Monitor and management of any diphtheria complications such as obstruction of the airways, systemic diphtheria -to the heart, kidney or peripheral nerves
  • Emergency management for diphtheria complication such as airway obstructions
Age Cohort: 5 - 11 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Information/education on transmission and prevention of Diphtheria
  • Education on proper nutrition for primary school age children - Proper sanitation - School health program
  • Community health workers education on Diphtheria including recognition of signs and symptoms in primary school age children and on prevention measures
  • Vaccination-booster doses of diphtheria toxoid-containing vaccine
  • Contact tracing for primary school age children who have been in contacts with patients with Diphtheria
  • Quarantine for contacts
  • Recognition of features of worsening condition due to diphtheria – such as shortness of breath
  • Supportive management for primary school age children with Diphtheria - Plenty of rest
  • Proper nutrition for a child with diphtheria
  • Recognition of features of Diphtheria in primary school age children which include: _ sore throat, low fever and swollen glands in the neck, a thick coating in the throat or nose, hoarse voice
  • Referral to a health facility of the child with suspected diphtheria
Primary Care
  • Information/education on transmission and prevention of diphtheria
  • Creation of awareness on importance on immunization
  • Education on proper nutrition for school age children
  • School health programs
  • Provision of IEC materials through schools and communities
  • Training/sensitizing health workforce on diphtheria and its management
  • Training health workforce
  • Update/training of health care workers on immunization as recommended in national immunization schedules.
  • Routine vaccination (booster vaccination) for diphtheria according to the national schedule
  • Active surveillance and early detection of diphtheria
  • (use of Diphtheria toxoid-vaccine combined with tetanus toxoid (Td) as well with other antigens such as pertussis (DTwP/DTaP/Tdap)
  • Identify close contacts such as caretakers, relatives, sexual contacts, friend, Health care workers
  • Prophylactic antibiotics (penicillin or erythromycin) for close contacts
  • Monitor close contacts for signs and symptoms of diphtheria
  • Vaccination with diphtheria toxoid-containing vaccine for unvaccinated contacts and for Under-vaccinated contacts to complete their vaccination series
  • Recording and reporting of diphtheria cases through established reporting mechanisms
Referral Facility: General
  • Guidance to school children on prevention of diphtheria
  • Education on importance of immunization
  • Guidance to school children on hygiene practices
  • Guidance to school children on proper nutrition
  • Health workers education on management of diphtheria among primary school age children
  • Identify close contacts such as caretakers, relatives, sexual contacts, friends, Health care workers
  • Monitor close contacts for signs and symptoms of diphtheria
  • Prophylactic antibiotics (penicillin or erythromycin) for close contacts
  • Vaccination with diphtheria toxoid-containing vaccine for unvaccinated contacts and for Under-vaccinated contacts to complete their vaccination series
  • Recording and reporting of diphtheria cases through established reporting mechanisms
  • Physical and Clinical examination and diagnosis of diphtheria in children under 5 years of age. -based on signs and symptoms of diphtheria including; - Fever
  • Tests, Nasal/pharyngeal swabs for culture
  • Antitoxin treatment with DAT immediately diphtheria is strongly suspected in school age children (without waiting for lab results)
  • Antibiotic treatment (penicillin or erythromycin) to eliminate the bacteria and toxin production
  • Immunization with diphtheria toxoid vaccine during convalescence for school age children who are immunised/have not completed the appropriate course
  • Isolation. Respiratory droplet isolation of school age children with respiratory diphtheria and contact precautions for those with cutaneous diphtheria
  • Monitor and management of any diphtheria complications such as obstruction of the airways, systemic diphtheria -to the heart, kidney or peripheral nerves
  • Emergency management for diphtheria complication such as airway obstructions
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Guidance to school children on prevention of diphtheria
  • Education on importance of immunization
  • Guidance to school children on hygiene practices
  • Guidance to school children on proper nutrition
  • Health workers education on management of diphtheria among primary school age children
  • Identify close contacts such as caretakers, relatives, sexual contacts, friends, Health care workers
  • Monitor close contacts for signs and symptoms of diphtheria
  • Prophylactic antibiotics (penicillin or erythromycin) for close contacts
  • Recording and reporting of diphtheria cases through established reporting mechanisms
  • Vaccination with diphtheria toxoid-containing vaccine for unvaccinated contacts and for Under-vaccinated contacts to complete their vaccination series
  • Tests, Nasal/pharyngeal swabs for culture
  • Antitoxin treatment with DAT immediately diphtheria is strongly suspected in school age children (without waiting for lab results)
  • Antibiotic treatment (penicillin or erythromycin) to eliminate the bacteria and toxin production
  • Immunization with diphtheria toxoid vaccine during convalescence for school age children who are immunised/have not completed the appropriate course
  • Isolation. Respiratory droplet isolation of school age children with respiratory diphtheria and contact precautions for those with cutaneous diphtheria
  • Monitor and management of any diphtheria complications such as obstruction of the airways, systemic diphtheria -to the heart, kidney or peripheral nerves
  • Physical and Clinical examination and diagnosis of diphtheria in children under 5 years of age. -based on signs and symptoms of diphtheria including; - Fever
Age Cohort: 12 - 24 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Adolescents and Families education on transmission and prevention of Diphtheria
  • Community education on proper nutrition for adolescents
  • Proper sanitation
  • Promoting proper planning especially in urban areas to avoid over-crowding through multi sector al approach
  • Community health workers education on Diphtheria including prevention and recognition of signs of Diphtheria adolescents
  • Recognition of features of Diphtheria in adolescents which include: _ sore throat, low fever and swollen glands in the neck, a thick coating in the throat or nose, hoarse voice
  • Supportive management for adolescents with Diphtheria - Plenty of rest
  • Proper nutrition for adolescents with diphtheria
  • Recognition of features of worsening condition due to diphtheria – such as shortness of breath
  • Referral to a health facility of adolescent with suspected diphtheria
Primary Care
  • Information/education on transmission and prevention of diphtheria
  • Creation of awareness on importance on immunization
  • Education on proper nutrition for school age children
  • School health programs
  • Provision of IEC materials through schools and communities
  • Training/sensitizing health workforce on diphtheria and its management
  • Update/training of health care workers on immunization as recommended in national immunization schedules
  • Routine vaccination (booster vaccination) for diphtheria according to the national schedule
  • Active surveillance and early detection of diphtheria
  • (use of Diphtheria toxoid-vaccine combined with tetanus toxoid (Td) as well with other antigens such as pertussis (DTwP/DTaP/Tdap)
  • Identify close contacts such as caretakers, relatives, sexual contacts, friends, Health care workers
  • Monitor close contacts for signs and symptoms of diphtheria
  • Prophylactic antibiotics (penicillin or erythromycin) for close contacts
  • Recording and reporting of diphtheria cases through established reporting mechanisms
  • History and Clinical examination and diagnosis of diphtheria in school age children -based on signs and symptoms of diphtheria - including - Fever
  • Supportive management to school age children with diphtheria to Relieve common symptoms
  • Relieve fever with anti pyretics/analgesics such as paracetamol and ibuprofen
  • Immunization with diphtheria toxoid vaccine for school age children who have not been vaccinated or have not completed the appropriate course
  • Provide nutritional support for the school age children with diphtheria
  • Monitoring and recognition for any features of worsening of diphtheria in school age children which includes
  • Emergency care with an aim of stabilizing the child with complications due to diphtheria before referral
  • Shortness of breath/breathing difficulties
  • Referral of the child with diphtheria to a hospital
Referral Facility: General
  • Guidance to adolescents on prevention of diphtheria
  • Guidance to adolescents on hygiene practices
  • Education on importance of immunization
  • Guidance to adolescents on proper nutrition
  • Health workers education on management of diphtheria among adolescents
  • Identify close contacts such as caretakers, relatives, sexual contacts, friends, Health care workers
  • Monitor close contacts for signs and symptoms of diphtheria
  • Prophylactic antibiotics (penicillin or erythromycin) for close contacts
  • Vaccination with diphtheria toxoid-containing vaccine for unvaccinated contacts and for Under-vaccinated contacts to complete their vaccination series
  • Recording and reporting of diphtheria cases through established reporting mechanisms
  • History Clinical examination Isolation Respiratory droplet isolation of adolescents patients with respiratory diphtheria and contact precautions for those with cutaneous diphtheria
  • Antitoxin treatment with DAT immediately diphtheria is strongly suspected in adolescents (without waiting for lab results)
  • Antibiotic treatment (penicillin or erythromycin) to eliminate the bacteria and toxin production
  • Immunization with diphtheria toxoid vaccine during convalescence for adolescents who have not been immunized previously/have who had not completed the appropriate course
  • Tests, nasal/pharyngeal swabs for culture
  • Physical and Clinical examination and diagnosis of diphtheria in children under 5 years
  • Monitor and management of any diphtheria complications such as obstruction of the airways, systemic diphtheria -to the heart, kidney/peripheral nerves of age. -based on signs and symptoms of diphtheria including; - Fever
  • Emergency management for diphtheria complication such as airway obstructions
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Guidance to adolescents on hygiene practices
  • Guidance to adolescents on prevention of diphtheria
  • Education on importance of immunization
  • Guidance to adolescents on proper nutrition
  • Health workers education on management of diphtheria among adolescents
  • Identify close contacts such as caretakers, relatives, sexual contacts, friends, Health care workers
    • Monitor close contacts for signs and symptoms of diphtheria
  • Prophylactic antibiotics (penicillin or erythromycin) for close contacts
  • Recording and reporting of diphtheria cases through established reporting mechanisms
  • Vaccination with diphtheria toxoid-containing vaccine for unvaccinated contacts and for Under-vaccinated contacts to complete their vaccination series
  • Tests, nasal/pharyngeal swabs for culture
  • Antitoxin treatment with DAT immediately diphtheria is strongly suspected in adolescents (without waiting for lab results)
  • Antibiotic treatment (penicillin or erythromycin) to eliminate the bacteria and toxin production
  • Immunization with diphtheria toxoid vaccine during convalescence for adolescents who have not been immunized previously/have who had not completed the appropriate course<
  • Isolation. Respiratory droplet isolation of adolescents patients with respiratory diphtheria and contact precautions for those with cutaneous diphtheria
  • Monitor and management of any diphtheria complications such as obstruction of the airways, systemic diphtheria -to the heart, kidney/peripheral nerves
  • Physical and Clinical examination and diagnosis of diphtheria in children under 5 years of age. -based on signs and symptoms of diphtheria including; - Fever
Age Cohort: 25 - 59 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Families and community education on transmission and prevention of
  • Education on proper nutrition for adults
  • Proper sanitation
  • Promoting proper planning especially in urban areas to avoid over-crowding through multi sector al approach
  • Community health workers education on diphtheria including prevention measure
  • Vaccination-booster doses of diphtheria toxoid-containing vaccine for adolescents
  • Contact tracing
  • Quarantine for contacts
  • Recognition of features of Diphtheria in adults which include: _ sore throat, low fever and swollen glands in the neck, a thick coating in the throat or nose, hoarse voice
  • Supportive management for adults with Diphtheria - Plenty of rest
  • Recognition of features of worsening condition due to diphtheria –such as shortness of breath
  • Proper nutrition for adult with diphtheria
  • Referral to a health facility of adult with suspected diphtheria
Primary Care
  • Information/education on transmission and prevention of diphtheria
  • Creation of awareness on importance on immunization
  • Education on proper nutrition for adults
  • Provision of IEC materials through communities
  • Creation of awareness on good hygiene practices
  • Training/sensitizing health workforce on diphtheria and its management
  • Update/training of health care workers on immunization as recommended in national immunization schedules.
  • Active surveillance and early detection of diphtheria
  • Identify close contacts such as caretakers, relatives, sexual contacts, friends, Health care workers
  • Monitor close contacts for signs and symptoms of diphtheria
  • Prophylactic antibiotics (penicillin/erythromycin) for close contacts
  • Vaccination with diphtheria toxoid-containing vaccine for unvaccinated contacts and for Under-vaccinated contacts to complete their vaccination series
  • Recording and reporting of diphtheria cases through established reporting mechanisms
  • History and Clinical examination and diagnosis of diphtheria in adults
    -based on signs and symptoms of diphtheria - including - Fever
  • Supportive management to in adults with diphtheria to/Relieve common symptoms
  • Relieve fever with anti pyretics/analgesics such as paracetamol and ibuprofen.
  • Provide nutritional support for the adults with diphtheria
  • Immunization with diphtheria toxoid vaccine for adults who have not been vaccinated or have not completed the appropriate course
  • Monitoring and recognition for any features of worsening of diphtheria s in adults which includes
  • Shortness of breath/breathing difficulties
  • Emergency care with an aim of stabilizing the adults with complications due to diphtheria before referral
  • Referral of adults with diphtheria to a hospital
Referral Facility: General
  • Guidance to adults on prevention of diphtheria
  • Education on importance of immunization
  • Guidance to adults on proper nutrition
  • Guidance to adults on hygiene practices
  • Health workers education on management of diphtheria among the adults
  • Identify close contacts such as caretakers, relatives, sexual contacts, friends, Health care workers
    • Monitor close contacts for signs and symptoms of diphtheria
  • Prophylactic antibiotics (penicillin or erythromycin) for close contacts
  • Recording and reporting of diphtheria cases through established reporting mechanisms
  • Vaccination with diphtheria toxoid-containing vaccine for unvaccinated contacts and for Under-vaccinated contacts to complete their vaccination series
  • Identify close contacts such as caretakers, relatives, sexual contacts, friends, Health care workers
  • Monitor close contacts for signs and symptoms of diphtheria
  • Prophylactic antibiotics (penicillin or erythromycin) for close contacts
  • Vaccination with diphtheria toxoid-containing vaccine for unvaccinated contacts and for Under-vaccinated contacts to complete their vaccination series
  • Recording and reporting of diphtheria cases through established reporting mechanisms
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Guidance to adults on hygiene practices
  • Guidance to adults on prevention of diphtheria
  • Education on importance of immunization
  • Guidance to adults on proper nutrition
  • Health workers education on management of diphtheria among the adults
  • Identify close contacts such as caretakers, relatives, sexual contacts, friends, Health care workers
    • Monitor close contacts for signs and symptoms of diphtheria
  • Prophylactic antibiotics (penicillin or erythromycin) for close contacts
  • Recording and reporting of diphtheria cases through established reporting mechanisms
  • Vaccination with diphtheria toxoid-containing vaccine for unvaccinated contacts and for Under-vaccinated contacts to complete their vaccination series
  • Identify close contacts such as caretakers, relatives, sexual contacts, friends, Health care workers
  • Monitor close contacts for signs and symptoms of diphtheria
  • Prophylactic antibiotics (penicillin or erythromycin) for close contacts
  • Recording and reporting of diphtheria cases through established reporting mechanisms
  • Vaccination with diphtheria toxoid-containing vaccine for unvaccinated contacts and for Under-vaccinated contacts to complete their vaccination series
Age Cohort: 60+ years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Information to Families and community education on transmission and prevention of diphtheria
  • Awareness creation on hygiene measures
  • Community education on proper nutrition for the elderly
  • Proper sanitation
  • Promoting proper planning especially in urban areas to avoid over-crowding
  • Community health workers education on diphtheria including prevention measures
  • Vaccination-booster doses of diphtheria toxoid-containing vaccine for adolescents
  • Contact tracing
  • Quarantine for contacts
  • Recognition of features of Diphtheria in the elderly which include; _ sore throat, low fever and swollen glands in the neck, a thick coating in the throat or nose, hoarse voice
  • Supportive management for the elderly with Diphtheria - Plenty of rest
  • Proper nutrition for elderly with diphtheria
  • Recognition of features of worsening condition due to diphtheria –such as shortness of breath
  • Referral to a health facility of the elderly with suspected diphtheria
Primary Care
  • Information/education on transmission and prevention of diphtheria
  • Creation of awareness on importance on immunization
  • Education on proper nutrition for elderly
  • Creation of awareness on good hygiene practices
  • Provision of IEC materials
  • Training/sensitizing health workforce on diphtheria and its management
  • Physical and Clinical examination and diagnosis of diphtheria in the elderly based on signs and symptoms of diphtheria;
    • including - Fever
  • Supportive management to elderly with diphtheria to /Relieve common symptoms
  • Relieve fever with anti pyretics/analgesics such as paracetamol and ibuprofen
  • Provide nutritional support for the elderly with diphtheria
  • Immunization with diphtheria toxoid vaccine for elderly who have not been vaccinated or have not completed the appropriate course
  • Monitoring and recognition for any features of worsening of diphtheria s in elderly which includes,shortness of breath/breathing difficulties
  • Emergency care with an aim of stabilizing the elderly with complications due to diphtheria before referral
  • Referral of elderly persons with diphtheria to a hospital
Referral Facility: General
  • Guidance to elderly on prevention of diphtheria
  • Education on importance of immunization
  • Guidance to elderly on proper nutrition
  • Guidance to the elderly on hygiene practices
  • Health workers education on management of diphtheria among elderly
  • Identify close contacts such as caretakers, relatives, sexual contacts, friends, Health care workers
  • Monitor close contacts for signs and symptoms of diphtheria
  • Prophylactic antibiotics (penicillin/erythromycin) for close contacts
  • Recording and reporting of diphtheria cases through established reporting mechanisms
  • Vaccination with diphtheria toxoid-containing vaccine for unvaccinated contacts and for Under-vaccinated contacts to complete their vaccination series
  • Tests, Nasal/pharyngeal swabs for culture
    • Physical and Clinical examination and diagnosis of diphtheria in the elderly -based on signs and symptoms of diphtheria;
  • including - Fever
  • Antitoxin treatment with DAT immediately diptheria is strongly suspected in the elderly (without waiting for lab results)
  • Antibiotic treatment (penicillin or erythromycin) to eliminate the bacteria and toxin production
  • Immunization with diphtheria toxoid vaccine during convalescence for elderly who had not completed the appropriate course
  • Isolation. Respiratory droplet isolation of elderly patients with respiratory diphtheria and contact precautions for those with cutaneous diphtheria
  • Monitor and management of any diphtheria complications such as obstruction of the airways, systemic diphtheria -to the heart, kidney or peripheral nerves
  • Emergency management for diphtheria complication such as airway obstructions
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Guidance to elderly on prevention of diphtheria
  • Education on importance of immunization
  • Guidance to elderly on proper nutrition
  • Guidance to the elderly on hygiene practices
  • Health workers education on management of diphtheria among elderly
  • Identify close contacts such as caretakers, relatives, sexual contacts, friends, Health care workers
  • Monitor close contacts for signs and symptoms of diphtheria
  • Prophylactic antibiotics (penicillin/erythromycin) for close contacts
  • Recording and reporting of diphtheria cases through established reporting mechanisms
  • Vaccination with diphtheria toxoid-containing vaccine for unvaccinated contacts and for Under-vaccinated contacts to complete their vaccination series
  • Tests, Nasal/pharyngeal swabs for culture
    • Physical and Clinical examination and diagnosis of diphtheria in the elderly -based on signs and symptoms of diphtheria;
  • including - Fever
  • Antitoxin treatment with DAT immediately diptheria is strongly suspected in the elderly (without waiting for lab results)
  • Antibiotic treatment (penicillin or erythromycin) to eliminate the bacteria and toxin production
  • Immunization with diphtheria toxoid vaccine during convalescence for elderly who had not completed the appropriate course
  • Isolation. Respiratory droplet isolation of elderly patients with respiratory diphtheria and contact precautions for those with cutaneous diphtheria
  • Monitor and management of any diphtheria complications such as obstruction of the airways, systemic diphtheria -to the heart, kidney or peripheral nerves
  • Emergency management for diphtheria complication such as airway obstructions