Interventions for Dental Caries

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Age Cohort: Pregnancy and newborn
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Community awareness on dental caries and prevention measures
  • Multi sectoral approach in addressing socio-cultural determinants such as poor living conditions
  • Multi-sectoral approach in ensuring access to clean safe water
  • Community water fluoridation
  • Community dental outreach services
  • Training community health workers on dental caries including prevention measures
  • Oral hygiene through regular cleaning of teeth -tooth brushing and flossing
  • Diet modification -use of low sugar diets
  • Use of fluoridated tooth pastes
  • Avoidance of tobacco use.
  • Avoidance of alcohol use
  • Screening for early detection of dental caries
  • Pain relief with pain medications such as paracetamol and ibuprofen
  • Recognition of signs of dental caries including pain and difficulty with eating. holes in teeth
  • Recognition of symptoms of complications of dental caries including swelling of the tissue around the tooth, tooth loss and infection or abscess formation
  • Referral to a health facility for management
Primary Care
  • Community awareness on dental caries and prevention measures
  • Community dental outreaches services
  • Multi sectoral approach in addressing socio-cultural determinants such as poor living conditions
  • Multi-sectoral approach in ensuring access to clean safe water
  • Community water fluoridation
  • Training health workers on dental caries including prevention measures
  • Early screening for dental caries
  • Oral hygiene education
  • Advice on oral hygiene -teeth brushing and flossing
  • Advice on healthy diets -avoidance of sugars
  • Tobacco and alcohol cessation programs
  • Physical and clinical examination/assessment
  • Referral to a hospital for further management
  • Relieve of pain with analgesics
  • Monitor any complications of caries including development of abscesses
  • Monitor and manage for any complication such as gum inflammations and dental abscesses
Referral Facility: General
  • Community awareness on dental caries and prevention measures
  • Multi sectoral approach in addressing socio-cultural determinants such as poor living conditions
  • Multi-sectoral approach in ensuring access to clean safe water
  • Community water fluoridation
  • Community dental outreach services
  • Training health workers on dental caries including prevention measures
  • Oral hygiene education
  • Advice on oral hygiene -teeth brushing and flossing
  • Advice on healthy diets -avoidance of sugars
  • Tobacco and alcohol cessation programs
  • Application of topical fluorides/application of fluorides to prevent caries
  • Application of sealants
  • Early screening for dental caries
  • Investigations including dental x-rays
  • Relieve of pain with analgesics
  • Use of Local anesthetics, in some cases to relieve pain during or following treatment or to relieve anxiety during treatment.
  • Use of topical fluoride to promote remineralization for small lesions
  • Dental restorations -Dental fillings for carious lesions using amalgam or composite fillings
  • Repair or replacement of fillings where necessary
  • Dental extractions
  • Endodontic therapy/Root canal treatment
  • Use of Crown in extensive caries with little tooth structure left
  • Monitor and manage any complication as a result of dental caries such as dental abscesses; gum inflammations
  • Follow up
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Community awareness on dental caries and prevention measures
  • Community dental outreaches
  • Multi sectoral approach in addressing socio-cultural determinants such as poor living conditions
  • Multi-sectoral approach in ensuring access to clean safe water
  • Community water fluoridation
  • Training health workers on dental caries including prevention measures
  • Oral hygiene education
  • Advice on oral hygiene -teeth brushing and flossing
  • Advice on healthy diets -avoidance of sugars
  • Tobacco and alcohol cessation programs
  • Application of topical fluorides/application of fluorides to prevent caries
  • Application of sealants
  • Early screening for dental caries
  • Physical and clinical examination/assessment
  • Relieve of pain with analgesics
  • Use of Local anesthetics, in some cases to relieve pain during or following treatment or to relieve anxiety during treatment.
  • Use of topical fluoride to promote remineralization for small lesions
  • Dental restorations -Dental fillings for carious lesions using amalgam or composite fillings
  • Repair or replacement of fillings where necessary
  • Dental extractions
  • Endodontic therapy/Root canal treatment
  • Use of Crown in extensive caries with little tooth structure left
  • Investigations including dental x-rays
  • Bitewngs
  • Orthopantomography (OPG)
  • Intra-oral Periapical (IOPA)
  • Monitor and manage any complication as a result of dental caries such as dental abscesses; gum inflammations
  • Follow up
Age Cohort: < 5 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Community awareness on dental caries and prevention measures
  • Multi sectoral approach in addressing socio-cultural determinants such as poor living conditions
  • Multi-sectoral approach in ensuring access to clean safe water
  • Community water fluoridation
  • Community dental outreach services
  • Training community health workers on dental caries including prevention measures
  • Oral hygiene through regular cleaning of teeth -tooth brushing and flossing
  • Diet modification -use of low sugar diets
  • Use of fluoridated tooth pastes
  • Avoidance of tobacco use.
  • Avoidance of alcohol use
  • Screening for early detection of dental caries
  • Recognition of signs of dental caries including pain and difficulty with eating holes in teeth
  • Pain relief with pain medications such as paracetamol and ibuprofen
  • Recognition of symptoms of complications of dental caries including swelling of the tissue around the tooth, tooth loss and infection or abscess formation
  • Referral to a health facility for management
Primary Care
  • Community awareness on dental caries and prevention measures
  • Multi sectoral approach in addressing socio-cultural determinants such as poor living conditions
  • Multi-sectoral approach in ensuring access to clean safe water
  • Community water fluoridation
  • Community dental outreach services
  • Training health workers on dental caries including prevention measures
  • Oral hygiene education
  • Advice on oral hygiene -teeth brushing and flossing
  • Advice on healthy diets -avoidance of sugars
  • Tobacco and alcohol cessation programs
  • Early screening for dental caries
  • Oral Hygiene instructions
  • Relieve of pain with analgesics
  • Monitor any complications of caries including development of abscesses
  • Monitor and manage for any complication such as gum inflammations and dental abscesses
  • Referral to a hospital for further management
Referral Facility: General
  • Community awareness on dental caries and prevention measures
  • Multi sectoral approach in addressing socio-cultural determinants such as poor living conditions
  • Multi-sectoral approach in ensuring access to clean safe water
  • Community water fluoridation
  • Community dental outreach services
  • Training health workers on dental caries including prevention measures
  • Oral hygiene education
  • Advice on oral hygiene -teeth brushing and flossing
  • Advice on healthy diets -avoidance of sugars
  • Tobacco and alcohol cessation programs
  • Application of topical fluorides/application of fluorides to prevent caries
  • Application of sealants
  • Early screening for dental caries
  • Investigations including dental x-rays
  • Relieve of pain with analgesics
  • Use of Local anesthetics, in some cases to relieve pain during or following treatment or to relieve anxiety during treatment.
  • Use of topical fluoride to promote remineralization for small lesions
  • Dental restorations -Dental fillings for carious lesions using amalgam or composite fillings
  • Repair or replacement of fillings where necessary
  • Dental extractions
  • Endodontic therapy/Root canal treatment
  • Use of Crown in extensive caries with little tooth structure left
  • Monitor and manage any complication as a result of dental caries such as dental abscesses, gum inflammations
  • Follow up
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Community awareness on dental caries and prevention measures
  • Multi sectoral approach in addressing socio-cultural determinants such as poor living conditions
  • Multi-sectoral approach in ensuring access to clean safe water
  • Community water fluoridation
  • Community dental outreach services
  • Training health workers on dental caries including prevention measures
  • Oral hygiene education
  • Advice on oral hygiene -teeth brushing and flossing
  • Advice on healthy diets -avoidance of sugars
  • Tobacco and alcohol cessation programs
  • Application of topical fluorides/application of fluorides to prevent caries
  • Application of sealants
  • Early screening for dental caries
  • Investigations including dental x-rays
  • Relieve of pain with analgesics
  • Use of Local anesthetics, in some cases to relieve pain during or following treatment or to relieve anxiety during treatment.
  • Use of topical fluoride to promote remineralization for small lesions
  • Dental restorations -Dental fillings for carious lesions using amalgam or composite fillings
  • Repair or replacement of fillings where necessary
  • Dental extractions
  • Endodontic therapy/Root canal treatment
  • Use of Crown in extensive caries with little tooth structure left
  • Monitor and manage any complication as a result of dental caries such as dental abscesses, gum inflammations
  • Follow up
Age Cohort: 5 - 11 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Community awareness on dental caries and prevention measures
  • Multi sectoral approach in addressing socio-cultural determinants such as poor living conditions
  • Multi-sectoral approach in ensuring access to clean safe water
  • Community water fluoridation
  • Community/school dental outreach services
  • Training community health workers on dental caries including prevention measures
  • Oral hygiene through regular cleaning of teeth -tooth brushing and flossing
  • Diet modification -use of low sugar diets
  • Use of fluoridated tooth pastes
  • Avoidance of tobacco use.
  • Avoidance of alcohol use
  • Screening for early detection of dental caries
  • Recognition of signs of dental caries including pain and difficulty with eating holes in teeth
  • Pain relief with pain medications such as paracetamol and ibuprofen
  • Recognition of symptoms of complications of dental caries including swelling of the tissue around the tooth, tooth loss and infection or abscess formation
  • Referral to a health facility for management
Primary Care
  • Community awareness on dental caries and prevention measures
  • Multi sectoral approach in addressing socio-cultural determinants such as poor living conditions
  • Multi-sectoral approach in ensuring access to clean safe water
  • Community water fluoridation
  • Community dental outreach services
  • Training health workers on dental caries including prevention measures
  • Oral hygiene education
  • Advice on oral hygiene -teeth brushing and flossing
  • Advice on healthy diets -avoidance of sugars
  • Tobacco and alcohol cessation programs
  • Early screening for dental caries
  • Oral Hygiene instructions
  • Relieve of pain with analgesics
  • Monitor any complications of caries including development of abscesses
  • Monitor and manage for any complication such as gum inflammations and dental abscesses
  • Referral to a hospital for further management
Referral Facility: General
  • Community awareness on dental caries and prevention measures
  • Multi sectoral approach in addressing socio-cultural determinants such as poor living conditions
  • Multi-sectoral approach in ensuring access to clean safe water
  • Community water fluoridation
  • Community dental outreach services
  • Training health workers on dental caries including prevention measures
  • Oral hygiene education
  • Advice on oral hygiene -teeth brushing and flossing
  • Advice on healthy diets -avoidance of sugars
  • Tobacco and alcohol cessation programs
  • Application of topical fluorides/application of fluorides to prevent caries
  • Application of sealants
  • Early screening for dental caries
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Community awareness on dental caries and prevention measures
  • Multi sectoral approach in addressing socio-cultural determinants such as poor living conditions
  • Multi-sectoral approach in ensuring access to clean safe water
  • Community water fluoridation
  • Community dental outreach services
  • Multi sectoral approach in addressing socio-cultural determinants such as poor living conditions
  • Multi-sectoral approach in ensuring access to clean safe water
  • Community water fluoridation Community dental outreach services
  • Training health workers on dental caries including prevention measures
  • Early screening for dental caries
  • Oral hygiene education
  • Advice on oral hygiene -teeth brushing and flossing
  • Advice on healthy diets -avoidance of sugars
  • Tobacco and alcohol cessation programs
  • Application of topical fluorides/application of fluorides to prevent caries
  • Application of sealants
Age Cohort: 12 - 24 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Community awareness on dental caries and prevention measures
  • Multi sectoral approach in addressing socio-cultural determinants such as poor living conditions
  • Multi-sectoral approach in ensuring access to clean safe water
  • Community water fluoridation
  • Community/school dental outreach services
  • Training community health workers on dental caries including prevention measures
  • Recognition of signs of dental caries including pain and difficulty with eating.; holes in teeth
  • Pain relief with pain medications such as paracetamol and ibuprofen
  • Recognition of symptoms of complications of dental caries including swelling of the tissue around the tooth, tooth loss and infection or abscess formation
  • Referral to a health facility for management
Primary Care
  • Community awareness on dental caries and prevention measures
  • Community dental outreaches services
  • Multi sectoral approach in addressing socio-cultural determinants such as poor living conditions
  • Multi-sectoral approach in ensuring access to clean safe water
  • Community water fluoridation
  • Training health workers on dental caries including prevention measures
  • Oral hygiene education
  • Advice on oral hygiene -teeth brushing and flossing
  • Advice on healthy diets -avoidance of sugars
  • Tobacco and alcohol cessation programs
  • Early screening for dental caries
  • Oral Hygiene instructions
  • Relieve of pain with analgesics
  • Monitor any complications of caries including development of abscesses
  • Monitor and manage for any complication such as gum inflammations and dental abscesses
  • Referral to a hospital for further management
Referral Facility: General
  • Community awareness on dental caries and prevention measures
  • community dental outreaches
  • Multi sectoral approach in addressing socio-cultural determinants such as poor living conditions
  • Multi-sectoral approach in ensuring access to clean safe water
  • Community water fluoridation Community dental outreach services
  • Training health workers on dental caries including prevention measures
  • Oral hygiene education
  • Advice on oral hygiene -teeth brushing and flossing
  • Advice on healthy diets -avoidance of sugars
  • Tobacco and alcohol cessation programs
  • Application of topical fluorides/application of fluorides to prevent caries
  • Application of sealants
  • Early screening for dental caries
  • Investigations including dental x-rays
  • Relieve of pain with analgesics
  • Use of Local anesthetics, in some cases to relieve pain during or following treatment or to relieve anxiety during treatment.
  • Use of topical fluoride to promote remineralization for small lesions
  • Dental restorations -Dental fillings for carious lesions using amalgam or composite fillings
  • Repair or replacement of fillings where necessary
  • Dental extractions
  • Endodontic therapy/Root canal treatment
  • Use of Crown in extensive caries with little tooth structure left
  • Monitor and manage any complication as a result of dental caries such as dental abscesses, gum inflammations
  • Follow up
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Community awareness on dental caries and prevention measures
  • Multi sectoral approach in addressing socio-cultural determinants such as poor living conditions
  • Multi-sectoral approach in ensuring access to clean safe water
  • Community water fluoridation
  • Community dental outreach services
  • Training health workers on dental caries including prevention measures
  • Oral hygiene education
  • Advice on oral hygiene -teeth brushing and flossing
  • Advice on healthy diets -avoidance of sugars
  • Tobacco and alcohol cessation programs
  • Application of topical fluorides/application of fluorides to prevent caries
  • Application of sealants
  • Early screening for dental caries
  • Investigations including dental x-rays
  • Relieve of pain with analgesics
  • Use of Local anesthetics, in some cases to relieve pain during or following treatment or to relieve anxiety during treatment.
  • Use of topical fluoride to promote remineralization for small lesions
  • Dental restorations -Dental fillings for carious lesions using amalgam or composite fillings
  • Repair or replacement of fillings where necessary
  • Dental extractions
  • Endodontic therapy/Root canal treatment
  • Use of Crown in extensive caries with little tooth structure left
  • Monitor and manage any complication as a result of dental caries such as dental abscesses, gum inflammations
  • Follow up
Age Cohort: 25 - 59 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Community awareness on dental caries and prevention measures
  • Multi sectoral approach in addressing socio-cultural determinants such as poor living conditions
  • Multi-sectoral approach in ensuring access to clean safe water
  • Community water fluoridation
  • Community dental outreach services
  • Training community health workers on dental caries including prevention measures
  • Oral hygiene through regular cleaning of teeth -tooth brushing and flossing
  • Diet modification -use of low sugar diets
  • Use of fluoridated tooth pastes
  • Avoidance of tobacco use.
  • Avoidance of alcohol use
  • Screening for early detection of dental caries
  • Recognition of signs of dental caries including pain and difficulty with eating holes in teeth
  • Pain relief with pain medications such as paracetamol and ibuprofen
  • Recognition of symptoms of complications of dental caries including swelling of the tissue around the tooth, tooth loss and infection or abscess formation
  • Referral to a health facility for management
Primary Care
  • Community awareness on dental caries and prevention measures
  • Multi sectoral approach in addressing socio-cultural determinants such as poor living conditions
  • Multi-sectoral approach in ensuring access to clean safe water
  • Community water fluoridation
  • Community dental outreach services
  • Training health workers on dental caries including prevention measures
  • Oral hygiene education
  • Advice on oral hygiene -teeth brushing and flossing
  • Advice on healthy diets -avoidance of sugars
  • Tobacco and alcohol cessation programs
  • Early screening for dental caries
  • Oral Hygiene instructions
  • Relieve of pain with analgesics
  • Monitor any complications of caries including development of abscesses
  • Monitor and manage for any complication such as gum inflammations and dental abscesses
  • Referral to a hospital for further management
Referral Facility: General
  • Community awareness on dental caries and prevention measures
  • Multi sectoral approach in addressing socio-cultural determinants such as poor living conditions
  • Multi-sectoral approach in ensuring access to clean safe water
  • Community water fluoridation
  • Community dental outreach services
  • Training health workers on dental caries including prevention measures
  • Oral hygiene education
  • Advice on oral hygiene -teeth brushing and flossing
  • Advice on healthy diets -avoidance of sugars
  • Tobacco and alcohol cessation programs
  • Application of topical fluorides/application of fluorides to prevent caries
  • Application of sealants
  • Early screening for dental caries
  • Investigations including dental x-rays
  • Relieve of pain with analgesics
  • Use of Local anesthetics, in some cases to relieve pain during or following treatment or to relieve anxiety during treatment.
  • Use of topical fluoride to promote remineralization for small lesions
  • Dental restorations -Dental fillings for carious lesions using amalgam or composite fillings
  • Repair or replacement of fillings where necessary
  • Dental extractions
  • Endodontic therapy/Root canal treatment
  • Use of Crown in extensive caries with little tooth structure left
  • Monitor and manage any complication as a result of dental caries such as dental abscesses, gum inflammations
  • Follow up
  • Provision of dentures
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Community awareness on dental caries and prevention measures
  • Multi sectoral approach in addressing socio-cultural determinants such as poor living conditions
  • Multi-sectoral approach in ensuring access to clean safe water
  • Community water fluoridation
  • Community dental outreach services
  • Training health workers on dental caries including prevention measures
  • Oral hygiene education
  • Advice on oral hygiene -teeth brushing and flossing
  • Advice on healthy diets -avoidance of sugars
  • Tobacco and alcohol cessation programs
  • Application of topical fluorides/application of fluorides to prevent caries
  • Application of sealants
  • Early screening for dental caries
  • Investigations including dental x-rays
  • Relieve of pain with analgesics
  • Use of Local anesthetics, in some cases to relieve pain during or following treatment or to relieve anxiety during treatment.
  • Use of topical fluoride to promote remineralization for small lesions
  • Dental restorations -Dental fillings for carious lesions using amalgam or composite fillings
  • Repair or replacement of fillings where necessary
  • Dental extractions
  • Endodontic therapy/Root canal treatment
  • Use of Crown in extensive caries with little tooth structure left
  • Monitor and manage any complication as a result of dental caries such as dental abscesses, gum inflammations
  • Follow up
  • Provision of dentures
Age Cohort: 60+ years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Community awareness on dental caries and prevention measures
  • Multi sectoral approach in addressing socio-cultural determinants such as poor living conditions
  • Multi-sectoral approach in ensuring access to clean safe water
  • Community water fluoridation
  • Community dental outreach services
  • Training community health workers on dental caries including prevention measures
  • Oral hygiene through regular cleaning of teeth -tooth brushing and flossing
  • Diet modification -use of low sugar diets
  • Use of fluoridated tooth pastes
  • Avoidance of tobacco use.
  • Avoidance of alcohol use
  • Screening for early detection of dental caries
  • Recognition of signs of dental caries including pain and difficulty with eating.; holes in teeth
  • Pain relief with pain medications such as paracetamol and ibuprofen
  • Recognition of symptoms of complications of dental caries including swelling of the tissue around the tooth, tooth loss and infection or abscess formation
  • Referral to a health facility for management
Primary Care
  • Community awareness on dental caries and prevention measures
  • Multi sectoral approach in addressing socio-cultural determinants such as poor living conditions
  • Multi-sectoral approach in ensuring access to clean safe water
  • Community water fluoridation
  • Community dental outreach services
  • Training health workers on dental caries including prevention measures
  • Oral hygiene education
  • Advice on oral hygiene -teeth brushing and flossing
  • Advice on healthy diets -avoidance of sugars
  • Tobacco and alcohol cessation programs
  • Early screening for dental caries
  • Oral Hygiene instructions
  • Relieve of pain with analgesics
  • Monitor any complications of caries including development of abscesses
  • Monitor and manage for any complication such as gum inflammations and dental abscesses
  • Referral to a hospital for further management
Referral Facility: General
  • Community awareness on dental caries and prevention measures
  • Multi sectoral approach in addressing socio-cultural determinants such as poor living conditions
  • Multi-sectoral approach in ensuring access to clean safe water
  • Community water fluoridation
  • Community dental outreach services
  • Training health workers on dental caries including prevention measuress
  • Oral hygiene education
  • Advice on oral hygiene -teeth brushing and flossing
  • Advice on healthy diets -avoidance of sugars
  • Tobacco and alcohol cessation programs
  • Application of topical fluorides/application of fluorides to prevent caries
  • Application of sealants
  • Early screening for dental caries
  • Investigations including dental x-rays
  • Relieve of pain with analgesics
  • Use of Local anesthetics, in some cases to relieve pain during or following treatment or to relieve anxiety during treatment.
  • Use of topical fluoride to promote remineralization for small lesions
  • Dental restorations -Dental fillings for carious lesions using amalgam or composite fillings
  • Repair or replacement of fillings where necessary
  • Dental extractions
  • Endodontic therapy/Root canal treatment
  • Use of Crown in extensive caries with little tooth structure left
  • Monitor and manage any complication as a result of dental caries such as dental abscesses, gum inflammations
  • Follow up
  • Provision of dentures
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Community awareness on dental caries and prevention measures
  • Multi sectoral approach in addressing socio-cultural determinants such as poor living conditions
  • Multi-sectoral approach in ensuring access to clean safe water
  • Community water fluoridation
  • Community dental outreach services
  • Training health workers on dental caries including prevention measures
  • Oral hygiene education
  • Advice on oral hygiene -teeth brushing and flossing
  • Advice on healthy diets -avoidance of sugars
  • Tobacco and alcohol cessation programs
  • Application of topical fluorides/application of fluorides to prevent caries
  • Application of sealants
  • Early screening for dental caries
  • Investigations including dental x-rays
  • Relieve of pain with analgesics
  • Use of Local anesthetics, in some cases to relieve pain during or following treatment or to relieve anxiety during treatment.
  • Use of topical fluoride to promote remineralization for small lesions
  • Dental restorations -Dental fillings for carious lesions using amalgam or composite fillings
  • Repair or replacement of fillings where necessary
  • Dental extractions
  • Endodontic therapy/Root canal treatment
  • Use of Crown in extensive caries with little tooth structure left
  • Monitor and manage any complication as a result of dental caries such as dental abscesses, gum inflammations
  • Follow up
  • Provision of dentures