Interventions for Acute Hepatitis C

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Age Cohort: Pregnancy and newborn
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Create awareness to pregnant women on Hepatitis C including transmission, risk factors and prevention measures
  • Mass awareness campaigns during health days such as World Hepatitis Day
  • Education to mothers on safe sex practices
  • Community health workers training/sensitization on Hepatitis C, including transmission & prevention measures
  • Avoiding sharing personal care items that might have blood on them (razors, toothbrushes, nail clippers)
  • Safe handling and disposal of sharps and waste;
  • Safe sex practices
  • Prevention of exposure to blood during sex;
  • Promotion of Immunization with the hepatitis A and B vaccines to prevent coinfection from these hepatitis viruses and to protect their liver
  • Screening for Hepatitis C infection
  • Recognition of symptoms and signs
  • Proper nutrition, fluids; rest and relieve pain
  • Referral to a health facility if symptoms worsens
Primary Care
  • Create awareness to mothers and families on Hepatitis C including transmission, risk factors and prevention measures
  • Mass awareness campaigns during health days such as World Hepatitis Day
  • Provision of education; comprehensive harm-reduction services to mothers who inject drugs including sterile injecting equipment and effective and evidence-based treatment of dependence health education on hepatitis C
  • Eduaction on safe sex practices
  • Health workers training on Hepatitis C, including transmission &; prevention measures
  • Primary prevention measures
  • Injection safety -safe and appropriate use of health care injections
  • Safe handling and disposal of sharps and waste
  • Guidance to mothers on Safe sex practices
  • prevent exposure to blood during sex
  • Immunization with the hepatitis A and B vaccines to prevent coinfection from these hepatitis viruses and to protect their liver
  • Screening, for hepatitis C infection

• History • Physical examination • Viral hepatitis C serology • Point of care Viral load testing • Complete blood count • Urine test • Liver function tests

  • Proper nutrition
  • Optimum fluids therapy
  • Plenty of rest
  • Relieve of pain
  • Monitor for any complications
  • Referral to the next level if symptoms worsens
Referral Facility: General
  • Create awareness to mothers and families on Hepatitis C including transmission, risk factors and prevention measures
  • Mass awareness campaigns during health days such as World Hepatitis Day
  • Provision of education & comprehensive harm-reduction services to mothers who inject drugs including sterile injecting equipment and effective and evidence-based treatment of dependence
  • Education to mothers on safe sex practices
  • Distribution of IEC materials
  • Health workers training on Hepatitis C, including transmission, prevention measures and management
  • Primary prevention measures; Injection safety -safe and appropriate use of health care injections
  • safe handling and disposal of sharps and waste
  • screening/Testing of donated blood for HBV and HCV (as well as HIV and syphilis
  • Screening for hepatitis C infection for the pregnant women
  • Screening for HCV to children born to mothers infected with HCV
  • Education/guidance on Safe sex practices -prevent exposure to blood during sex
  • Immunization with the hepatitis A and B vaccines to prevent coinfection from these hepatitis viruses and to protect their liver
  • Physical and clinical
  • Diagnosis of hepatitis C in pregnant women based on signs and symptoms
  • Supportive therapies pregnant women with Hepatitis C including; - proper nutrition;
  • fluids therapy - plenty of rest - relieve of pain
  • Administration of Antiviral therapy
  • Regular Monitoring for early diagnosis and management of any complications such as liver cirrhosis and liver cancer
  • Nucleic acid test for HCV ribonucleic acid (RNA) to confirm chronic infection
  • Regular Monitoring for early diagnosis and management of any complications such as liver cirrhosis and liver cancer
  • Diagnostic tests
  • Serological tests for anti-HCV antibodies (hepatitis C antibody test)
  • Nucleic acid test for HCV ribonucleic acid (RNA) to confirm chronic infection
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Health workers training on Hepatitis C, including transmission ; prevention measures; and management
  • Education to mothers on safe sex practices
  • Provision of education & comprehensive harm-reduction services to mothers who inject drugs including sterile injecting equipment and effective and evidence-based treatment of dependence
  • Distribution of IEC materials
  • Mass awareness campaigns during health days such as World Hepatitis Day
  • Create awareness to mothers and families on Hepatitis C including transmission, risk factors and prevention measures
  • Primary prevention measures
    • Injection safety -safe and appropriate use of health care injections
    • safe handling and disposal of sharps and waste
    • Education /guidance on Safe sex practices -prevent exposure to blood during sex
  • Immunization with the hepatitis A and B vaccines to prevent coinfection from these hepatitis viruses and to protect their liver
  • screening/ Testing of donated blood for HBV and HCV (as well as HIV and syphilis
  • Screening, for hepatitis C infection for the pregnant women
  • Screening for HCV to children born to mothers infected with HCV
  • Physical and clinical examination
  • Diagnostic tests
  • Serological tests for anti-HCV antibodies (hepatitis C antibody test)
  • Nucleic acid test for HCV ribonucleic acid (RNA) to confirm chronic infection
  • Diagnosis of hepatitis C in pregnant women based on signs and symptoms
  • Regular Monitoring for early diagnosis and management of any complications such as liver cirrhosis and liver cancer
  • Supportive therapies pregnant women with Hepatitis C including
  • proper nutrition;
  • fluids therapy ;
  • plenty of rest;
  • relieve of pain
  • Administration of Antiviral therapy
Age Cohort: < 5 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Create awareness to parents and families on Hepatitis C including transmission, risk factors and prevention measures
  • Mass awareness campaigns during health days such as World Hepatitis Day
  • Community health workers training/sensitization on Hepatitis C, including
  • Guidance to children on primary prevention measures including
  • Avoiding sharing personal care items that might have blood on them (razors, toothbrushes, nail clippers)
  • Guidance to children on safe handling and disposal of sharps and waste
  • Immunization with the hepatitis A and B vaccines to prevent coinfection from these hepatitis viruses and to protect their liver
  • Screening for Hepatitis C infection
  • Recognition of features indicative of Hepatitis C in children under 5 years of age including fever, fatigue, decreased appetite, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, joint pain and yellowing of skin and the whites of the eyes
  • Supportive Home therapies for Children with Hepatitis C including; - proper nutrition - Plenty of fluids - plenty of rest - relieve pain
  • Referral to a health facility if symptoms worsens
Primary Care
  • Mass awareness campaigns during health days such as World Hepatitis Day
  • Create awareness to parents and families on Hepatitis C including transmission, risk factors and prevention measures
  • Health workers training on Hepatitis C, including on transmission and prevention measures
  • Primary prevention measures
  • Injection safety - safe and appropriate use of health care injections
  • Safe handling and disposal of sharps and waste
  • Immunization with the hepatitis A and B vaccines to prevent coinfection from these hepatitis viruses and to protect their liver
  • Screening for hepatitis C infection
  • Physical and clinical examination
  • Diagnosis of hepatitis C in children under 5 years of age based on signs and symptoms including fever, fatigue, decreased appetite, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, joint pain and yellowing of skin and the whites of the eyes.
  • Supportive therapies for under 5s with Hepatitis C including - proper nutrition;
  • fluids therapy - plenty of rest - relieve of pain
  • Monitor for any complications
  • Referral to a hospital if symptoms worsens
Referral Facility: General
  • Create awareness to parents and families on Hepatitis C including transmission, risk factors and prevention measures
  • Mass awareness campaigns during health days such as World Hepatitis Day
  • Health workers training on Hepatitis C, including transmission, prevention measures and management
  • Primary prevention measures; Injection safety -safe and appropriate use of health care injections
  • Safe handling and disposal of sharps and waste
  • Training of health personnel on hepatitis C
  • Screening for hepatitis C infection
  • Immunization with the hepatitis A and B vaccines for children with hepatitis C to prevent coinfection from these hepatitis viruses and to protect their liver
  • Physical and clinical examination
  • Diagnosis of hepatitis C in children based on signs and symptoms including fever, fatigue, decreased appetite, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, joint pain and yellowing of skin and the whites of the eyes
  • Supportive therapies for children with Hepatitis C including - proper nutrition - fluids therapy - PLenty of rest - relieve of pain
  • Monitor for any progression to Chronic Hepatitis C
  • Follow up
  • Deferring anti-retroviral treatment for children aged less than 12 years with chronic HCV infection until 12 years of age
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Health workers training on Hepatitis C, including transmission, prevention measures and management
  • Mass awareness campaigns during health days such as World Hepatitis Day
  • Create awareness to parents and families on Hepatitis C including transmission, risk factors and prevention measures
  • Primary prevention measures
    • Injection safety -safe and appropriate use of health care injections
    • Safe handling and disposal of sharps and waste
  • Training of health personnel on hepatitis C
  • Immunization with the hepatitis A and B vaccines for children with hepatitis C to prevent coinfection from these hepatitis viruses and to protect their liver
  • Screening, for hepatitis C infection
  • Physical and clinical examination
  • Diagnosis of hepatitis C in children based on signs and symptoms including fever, fatigue, decreased appetite, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, joint pain and yellowing of skin and the whites of the eyes
  • Supportive therapies for children with Hepatitis C including
  • proper nutrition;
  • fluids therapy ;
  • PLenty of rest;
  • relieve of pain
  • Monitor for any progression to Chronic Hepatitis C
  • Follow up
  • WHO -recommends Deferring anti-retroviral treatment for children aged less than 12 years with chronic HCV infection until 12 years of age
Age Cohort: 5 - 11 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Create awareness to school age children on Hepatitis C including transmission, risk factors and prevention measure
  • Mass awareness campaigns during health days such as World Hepatitis DayAwareness campaigns through schools
  • Community health workers sensitization on Hepatitis C, including transmission & prevention measures
  • school communities sensitization on Hepatitis C, including transmission & prevention measures
  • Guidance to children on Avoiding sharing personal care items that might have blood on them (razors, toothbrushes, nail clippers)
  • Guidance to children on safe handling and disposal of sharps and waste
  • Immunization with the hepatitis A and B vaccines to prevent coinfection from these hepatitis viruses and to protect their liver
  • Screening for Hepatitis C infection
  • Recognition of features indicative of Hepatitis C in school children including fever, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and yellowing of skin and the whites of the eyes
  • Supportive Home therapies for school children with Hepatitis C including - proper nutrition - Plenty of fluids - plenty of rest - relieve pain
  • Referral to a health facility if symptoms worsens
Primary Care
  • Create awareness to school age children on Hepatitis C including transmission, risk factors and prevention measures.
  • Mass awareness campaigns during health days such as World Hepatitis Day/ school health days
  • School communities sensitizations on Hepatitis C, including transmission and prevention measures.
  • Health workers training on on Hepatitis C, including transmission, prevention measures and management .
  • Primary prevention , Injection safety -safe and appropriate use of health care injections, Safe handling and disposal of sharps and waste
  • Screening for hepatitis C infection
  • Immunization with the hepatitis A and B vaccines to prevent coinfection from these hepatitis viruses and to protect their liver
  • Physical and clinical examination
  • Diagnosis of hepatitis C in primary school age children based on signs and symptoms including fever, fatigue, decreased appetite, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, joint pain and yellowing of skin and the whites of the eyes.
  • Supportive therapies for school age children with Hepatitis C including - proper nutrition - fluids therapy - plenty of rest - relieve of pain
  • Monitor for any complications
  • Referral to a hospital if symptoms worsens
Referral Facility: General
  • Create awareness to school age children on Hepatitis C including transmission, risk factors and prevention measures
  • Mass awarenes creation on Heaptitis C eg through world hepatitis Day/ through schools ie schools health programs
  • Health education to school age children on hepatitsi C
  • Distribution of IEC materuials on Hepatitis C
  • Training/sensitizing school communities on Hepatitis C, including transmission, prevention measures
  • Health workers trainings on Hepatitis C including transmission, prevention measures and management
  • Primary prevention measures
  • Injection safety, safe and appropriate use of health care injections
  • Safe handling and disposal of sharps and waste
  • Training of health personnel on hepatitis C
  • Secondary prevention measures
  • Screening, for hepatitis C infection
  • Injection safety -safe and appropriate use of health care injections
  • Immunization with the hepatitis A and B vaccines to children with hepatitis C infection to prevent coinfection from these hepatitis viruses and to protect their liver.
  • Physical and clinical examination
  • Monitor for any progression to Chronic Hepatitis C
  • Diagnosis of hepatitis C in children based on signs and symptoms including fever, fatigue, decreased appetite, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, joint pain and yellowing of skin and the whites of the eyes
  • Supportive therapies for children with Hepatitis C including; - proper nutrition - fluids therapy - PLenty of rest - relieve of pain
  • Monitor for any progression to Chronic Hepatitis C
  • Follow up
  • WHO -recommends Deferring anti-retroviral treatment for children aged less than 12 years with chronic HCV infection until 12 years of age
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Health workers trainings on Hepatitis C, including transmission; prevention measures and management
  • Training/sensitizing school communities on Hepatitis C, including transmission; prevention measures
  • Health education to school age children on hepatitsi C
    • Distribution of IEC materuials on Hepatitis C
  • Mass awarenes creation on Heaptitis C eg through world hepatitis Day/ through schools ie. schools health programs
  • Primary prevention measures
  • Training of health personnel on hepatitis C
  • Injection safety -safe and appropriate use of health care injections
  • Safe handling and disposal of sharps and waste
  • Immunization with the hepatitis A and B vaccines to children with hepatitis C infection to prevent coinfection from these hepatitis viruses and to protect their liver.
  • Physical and clinical examination
  • Diagnosis of hepatitis C in children based on signs and symptoms including fever, fatigue, decreased appetite, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, joint pain and yellowing of skin and the whites of the eyes
  • Supportive therapies for children with Hepatitis C including
  • proper nutrition;
  • fluids therapy ;
  • PLenty of rest;
  • relieve of pain
  • Monitor for any progression to Chronic Hepatitis C
  • Follow up
  • n/b WHO -recommends Deferring anti-retroviral treatment for children aged less than 12 years with chronic HCV infection until 12 years of age
Age Cohort: 12 - 24 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Create awareness to adolescents and families on Hepatitis C including transmission, risk factors and prevention measures
  • Mass awareness campaigns during health days such as World Hepatitis Day
  • Education to adolesents on Hepatitis C
  • Education to adolescents on safe sex practices
  • Distribution of IEC materials
  • Community health workers sensitization on Hepatitis C, including transmission & prevention measures
  • Guidance to adolescents on Avoiding sharing personal care items that might have blood on them (razors, toothbrushes, nail clippers)
  • Guidance to adolescents on Safe handling and disposal of sharps and waste
  • Avoiding sharing personal care items that might have blood on them (razors, toothbrushes, nail clippers)
  • Immunization with the hepatitis A and B vaccines to prevent coinfection from these hepatitis viruses and to protect their liver
  • Screening for Hepatitis C infection
  • Recognition of features indicative of Hepatitis C in adolescents including fever, decreased appetite, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, joint pain and yellowing of skin and the whites of the eyes
  • Supportive Home therapies for adolescents with Hepatitis C including - proper nutrition - Plenty of fluids - plenty of rest - relieve pain
  • Referral to a health facility if symptoms worsens
  • Community Rehabilitation centers for adolescent at risk e.g for provision comprehensive harm-reduction services to adults who inject drugs including sterile injecting equipment and effective and evidence-based treatment of dependence
Primary Care

Primary prevention measures,Injection safety -safe and appropriate use of health care injections

  • Safe handling and disposal of sharps and waste
  • Training of health personnel
  • Guidance on Safe sex practices-prevent exposure to blood during sex
  • Provision comprehensive harm-reduction services to adolescents who inject drugs including sterile injecting equipment and effective and evidence-based treatment of dependence
  • Immunization with the hepatitis A and B vaccines to prevent coinfection from these hepatitis viruses and to protect their liver
  • Screening for hepatitis C infection
  • Supportive therapies for adolescents with Hepatitis C including; proper nutrition - fluids therapy - plenty of rest - relieve of pain - physical and clincal examination
  • Diagnosis of hepatitis C in adolescents based on signs and symptoms including fever, fatigue, decreased appetite, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, joint pain and yellowing of skin and the whites of the eyes.
  • Monitor for any complications
  • Referral to a hospital if symptoms worsens
Referral Facility: General
  • Create awareness to adolescents and families on Hepatitis C including transmission, risk factors and prevention measures
  • Mass awareness campaigns during health days such as World Hepatitis Day
  • provision of education & comprehensive harm-reduction services to adolescents who inject drugs including sterile injecting equipment and effective and evidence-based treatment of dependence
  • Education to adolescents on safe sex practices
  • Distribution of IEC materuials on Hepatitis C
  • Health workers training on Hepatitis C, including transmission, prevention measures
  • Primary prevention measures
  • Injection safety -safe and appropriate use of health care injections
  • Safe handling and disposal of sharps and wastencluding to those at risk.
  • Training of health personnel on hepatitis C
  • Guidance/eduvation on Safe sex practices
  • Secondary prevention measures
  • Screening, for hepatitis C infection
  • Immunization with the hepatitis A and B vaccines to prevent coinfection from these hepatitis viruses and to protect their liver
  • Physical and clinical examination
  • Diagnosis of hepatitis C in elderly based on signs and symptoms
  • Supportive therapies to elderly with Hepatitis C including; - proper nutrition;
  • fluids therapy - Adequate rest - relieve pain
  • Administration of Antiviral therapy (use of pan-genotypic direct-acting antivirals (DAAs) for chronic HCV) after careful assessment
  • Serological tests for anti-HCV antibodies (hepatitis C antibody test)
  • Diagnostic tests
  • Monitoring for progression to Chronic Hepatitis C
  • Regular Monitoring for early diagnosis and management of any complications such as liver cirrhosis and liver cancer
  • Nucleic acid test for HCV ribonucleic acid (RNA) to confirm chronic infection
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Health workers training on Hepatitis C, including transmission & ; prevention measures
  • Create awareness to adolescents and families on Hepatitis C including transmission, risk factors and prevention measures
  • Mass awareness campaigns during health days such as World Hepatitis Day
  • provision of education & comprehensive harm-reduction services to adolescents who inject drugs including sterile injecting equipment and effective and evidence-based treatment of dependence;
  • Education to adolescents on safe sex practices
  • Distribution of IEC materuials on Hepatitis C
  • Training of health personnel on hepatitis C
  • Guidance /eduvation on Safe sex practices -prevent exposure to blood during sex
  • Immunization with the hepatitis A and B vaccines to prevent coinfection from these hepatitis viruses and to protect their liver
  • Primary prevention measures
    • Injection safety -safe and appropriate use of health care injections
    • Safe handling and disposal of sharps and wastencluding to those at risk.
  • Physical and clinical examination
  • Diagnostic tests
  • Serological tests for anti-HCV antibodies (hepatitis C antibody test)
  • Nucleic acid test for HCV ribonucleic acid (RNA) to confirm chronic infection
  • Diagnosis of hepatitis C in elderly based on signs and symptoms
  • Regular Monitoring for early diagnosis and management of any complications such as liver cirrhosis and liver cancer
  • Supportive therapies to elderly with Hepatitis C including
  • proper nutrition;
  • fluids therapy
  • Adequate rest;
  • relieve pain
  • Monitoring for progression to Chronic Hepatitis C
  • Administration of Antiviral therapy (use of pan-genotypic direct-acting antivirals (DAAs) for chronic HCV) after careful assessment
  • Regular Monitoring for early diagnosis and management of any complications such as liver cirrhosis and liver cancer
Age Cohort: 25 - 59 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Create awareness to adults and families on Hepatitis C including transmission, risk factors and prevention measures
  • Mass awareness campaigns during health days such as World Hepatitis Day
  • Provision of education & comprehensive harm-reduction services to elderly who inject drugs including sterile injecting equipment and effective and evidence-based treatment of dependence Health education on hepatitis C
  • Education on safe sex practices
  • Distribution of IEC materials
  • Community health workers sensitization on Hepatitis C, including transmission & prevention measures
  • Avoiding sharing personal care items that might have blood on them (razors, toothbrushes, nail clippers)
  • Safe handling and disposal of sharps and waste
  • Safe sex practices -prevention of exposure to blood during sex
  • Immunization with the hepatitis A and B vaccines to prevent coinfection from these hepatitis viruses and to protect their liver
  • Screening for Hepatitis C infection
  • Recognition of features indicative of Hepatitis C in adults including fever, fatigue, decreased appetite, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, joint pain and yellowing of skin and the whites of the eyes
  • Supportive Home therapies for adults with Hepatitis C including; proper nutrition - Plenty of fluids - plenty of rest - relieve pain
  • Referral to a health facility if symptoms worsens
  • Community Rehabilitation centers for Adults at risk e.g for provision comprehensive harm-reduction services to adults who inject drugs including sterile injecting equipment and effective and evidence-based treatment of dependence
Primary Care
  • Create awareness to adults and families on Hepatitis C including transmission, risk factors and prevention measures
  • Mass awareness campaigns during health days such as World Hepatitis Day
  • Provision of education & comprehensive harm-reduction services to adults who inject drugs including sterile injecting equipment and effective and evidence-based treatment of dependence health educatioN to adults on heaptitis C
  • Education to adults on safe sex practices
  • Distribution of IEC materials
  • Health workers training on Hepatitis C, including transmission, prevention measures
  • Primary prevention measures
  • Training of health personnel on heaptitis C
  • Immunization with the hepatitis A and B vaccines to prevent coinfection from these hepatitis viruses and to protect their liver
  • Safe handling and disposal of sharps and waste
  • Provision comprehensive harm-reduction services to Adults who inject drugs including sterile injecting equipment and effective and evidence-based treatment of dependence
  • Injection safety -safe and appropriate use of health care injections
  • Safe handling and disposal of sharps and waste
  • Education /Guidance on Safe sex practices -prevent exposure to blood during sex
  • Screening, for hepatitis C infection
  • Physical and clinical examination
  • Diagnosis of hepatitis C in adults based on signs and symptoms including fever, fatigue, decreased appetite, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, joint pain and yellowing of skin and the whites of the eyes
  • Supportive therapies for adults with Hepatitis C including; - proper nutrition - fluids therapy - Plenty of rest - relieve of pain
  • Monitor for any complications
  • Referral to a hospital if symptoms worsens
Referral Facility: General
  • Create awareness to the adults and families on Hepatitis C including transmission, risk factors and prevention measures
  • Mass awareness campaigns during health days such as World Hepatitis Day
  • provision of education and comprehensive harm-reduction services to adults who inject drugs including sterile injecting equipment and effective and evidence-based treatment of dependence;
  • Education to adults on safe sex practices
  • Distribution of IEC materuials on Hepatitis C
  • Health workers training on Hepatitis C, including transmission and prevention measures
  • Primary prevention measures
  • Injection safety -safe and appropriate use of health care injections
  • Safe handling and disposal of sharps and waste
  • Training of health personnel on hepatitis C
  • Guidance on Safe sex practices to prevent exposure to blood during sex; Secondary prevention measures
  • Screening for hepatitis C infection including to those at risk
  • Immunization with the hepatitis A and B vaccines for adults with hepatitis C infection to prevent coinfection from these hepatitis viruses and to protect their liver
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Health workers training on Hepatitis C, including transmission & prevention measures
  • Mass awareness campaigns during health days such as World Hepatitis Day
  • Create awareness to the adults and families on Hepatitis C including transmission, risk factors and prevention measures
  • provision of education & comprehensive harm-reduction services to adults who inject drugs including sterile injecting equipment and effective and evidence-based treatment of dependence;
  • Education to adults on safe sex practices
  • Distribution of IEC materuials on Hepatitis C
  • Primary prevention measures
    • Injection safety -safe and appropriate use of health care injections
    • Safe handling and disposal of sharps and waste
  • Training of health personnel on hepatitis C
  • Guidance on Safe sex practices to prevent exposure to blood during sex; Secondary prevention measures
  • Immunization with the hepatitis A and B vaccines for adults with hepatitis C infection to prevent coinfection from these hepatitis viruses and to protect their liver
Age Cohort: 60+ years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Create awareness to the elderly and families on Hepatitis C including transmission, risk factors and prevention measures
  • Mass awareness campaigns during health days such as World Hepatitis Day
  • Provision of education & comprehensive harm-reduction services to elderly who inject drugs including sterile injecting equipment and effective and evidence-based treatment of dependence
  • Health education on hepatitis C - Education on safe sex practices - Distribution of IEC materials
  • Community health workers sensitization on Hepatitis C, including transmission & prevention measures
  • Avoiding sharing personal care items that might have blood on them (razors, toothbrushes, nail clippers) - Safe handling and disposal of sharps and waste - Safe sex practices -prevention of exposure to blood during sex
  • Immunization with the hepatitis A and B vaccines to prevent coinfection from these hepatitis viruses and to protect their liver
  • Screening for Hepatitis C infection
  • Recognition of features indicative of Hepatitis C in the elderly including fever, fatigue, decreased appetite, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, joint pain and yellowing of skin and the whites of the eyes
  • Referral to a health facility if symptoms worsens
  • Supportive Home therapies for the elderly persons with Hepatitis C including; proper nutrition - Plenty of fluids - plenty of rest - relieve pain
  • Referral to a health facility if symptoms worsens
  • Community Rehabilitation centers for elderly at risk e.g for provision comprehensive harm-reduction services to elderly who inject drugs including sterile injecting equipment and effective and evidence-based treatment of dependence.
Primary Care
  • Create awareness to the elderly and families on Hepatitis C including transmission, risk factors and prevention measures
  • Provision of education & comprehensive harm-reduction services to elderly who inject drugs including sterile injecting equipment and effective and evidence-based treatment of dependence - Education to elderly on hepatitis C and prevention measures - Education on safe sex parctices - Distribution of IEC materials
  • Mass awreness campaigns during world heptitis day
  • Health workers education on Hepatitis C, including transmission and; prevention measures
  • Primary prevention measures
  • Injection safety -safe and appropriate use of health care injections
  • Safe handling and disposal of sharps and waste
  • Training of health personnelon hepatitis C
  • Guidance on Safe sex practices -prevent exposure to blood during sex
  • Provision comprehensive harm-reduction services to elderly who inject drugs including sterile injecting equipment and effective and evidence-based treatment of dependence
  • Screening, for hepatitis C infection
  • Immunization with the hepatitis A and B vaccines to prevent coinfection from these hepatitis viruses and to protect their liver
  • Physical and clinical examination
  • Diagnosis of hepatitis C in elderly based on signs and symptoms including fever, fatigue, decreased appetite, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, joint pain and yellowing of skin and the whites of the eyes.
  • Supportive therapies for the elderly with Hepatitis C including; - proper nutrition - fluids therapy - Plenty of rest - relieve of pain
  • Monitor for any complications
  • Referral to a hospital if symptoms worsens
Referral Facility: General
  • Create awareness to the elderly and families on Hepatitis C including transmission, risk factors and prevention measures
  • provision of education & comprehensive harm-reduction services to elderly who inject drugs including sterile injecting equipment and effective and evidence-based treatment of dependence;
  • Education to elderly on safe sex practices
  • Distribution of IEC materuials on Hepatitis C
  • Mass awareness campaigns during health days such as World Hepatitis Day
  • Health workers training on Hepatitis C, including transmission & amp prevention measures
  • Primary prevention measures,Injection safety -safe and appropriate use of health care injections
  • Safe handling and disposal of sharps and waste
  • Education on Safe sex practices prevent exposure to blood during sex
  • Training of health personnel on hepatitis C
  • Screening, for hepatitis C infection in elderly including to those at risk
  • Immunization with the hepatitis A and B vaccines to elderly with hepatis C to prevent coinfection from these hepatitis viruses and to protect their liver
  • Physical and clinical examination,Diagnostic tests
  • Diagnosis of hepatitis C in elderly based on signs and symptoms
  • Supportive therapies to elderly with Hepatitis C including
  • proper nutrition, fluids therapy,Adequate rest - relieve pain
  • Serological tests for anti-HCV antibodies (hepatitis C antibody test)
  • Monitoring for progression to Chronic Hepatitis C
  • Administration of Antiviral therapy (use of pan-genotypic direct-acting antivirals (DAAs) for chronic HCV) after careful assessment
  • Regular Monitoring for early diagnosis and management of any complications such as liver cirrhosis and liver cancer
  • Nucleic acid test for HCV ribonucleic acid (RNA) to confirm chronic infection
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Health workers training on Hepatitis C, including transmission & amp; prevention measures
  • Mass awareness campaigns during health days such as World Hepatitis Day
  • Create awareness to the elderly and families on Hepatitis C including transmission, risk factors and prevention measures
  • provision of education & comprehensive harm-reduction services to elderly who inject drugs including sterile injecting equipment and effective and evidence-based treatment of dependence;
  • Education to elderly on safe sex practices
  • Distribution of IEC materuials on Hepatitis C
  • Primary prevention measures
    • Injection safety -safe and appropriate use of health care injections
    • Safe handling and disposal of sharps and waste
    • Education on Safe sex practices prevent exposure to blood during sex
  • Training of health personnel on hepatitis C
  • Immunization with the hepatitis A and B vaccines to elderly with hepatis C to prevent coinfection from these hepatitis viruses and to protect their liver
  • Screening, for hepatitis C infection in elderly including to those at risk
  • Physical and clinical examination
  • Diagnostic tests
  • Serological tests for anti-HCV antibodies (hepatitis C antibody test)
  • Nucleic acid test for HCV ribonucleic acid (RNA) to confirm chronic infection
  • Diagnosis of hepatitis C in elderly based on signs and symptoms
  • Supportive therapies to elderly with Hepatitis C including
  • proper nutrition;
  • fluids therapy
  • Adequate rest;
  • relieve pain
  • Monitoring for progression to Chronic Hepatitis C
  • Administration of Antiviral therapy (use of pan-genotypic direct-acting antivirals (DAAs) for chronic HCV) after careful assessment
  • Regular Monitoring for early diagnosis and management of any complications such as liver cirrhosis and liver cancer