Interventions for Trichuriasis

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Age Cohort: Pregnancy and newborn
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Health education to pregnant women/families on Trichuriasis and prevention measures
  • Pregnant women/families/Community education on personal hygiene as well as proper
  • Community awareness on effective sewerage disposal systems disposal of human faeces
  • Community Health workers education on trichuriasis including prevention measures
  • Proper cleaning and cooking of food
  • Practicing proper handwashing/good hand hygiene practices before handing food and after handling soil/manure
  • Avoiding consuming and avoidance of contact with soil that may be contaminated with human feacal matter
  • Proper waste disposal-Not passing stool in the soil or outdoors
  • Wash, peel, or cook all raw vegetables and fruits before eating, particularly those that have been grown in soil that has been fertilized with manure
  • Taking safety precautions like wearing gloves when handling soil/manure
  • Promoting good nutrition for the pregnant women
  • Identification of features/signs indicative of trichuriasis including frequent, painful passage of stool that contains a mixture of mucus, water, and blood,abdominal pain The diarrhea typically has an pungent smell
  • Supportive therapy including relieve of any abdominal pain with painkillers, nutritional support (proper nutrition
  • Referral to health facility for definitive diagnosis and treatment
Primary Care
  • Health education to pregnant women on Trichuriasis and prevention measures
  • Pregnant women education on personal hygiene as well as proper disposal of human faeces
  • Health workers training on Trichuriasis including prevention measures and management
  • Guidance to pregnant women on proper cleaning and cooking of food
  • Teaching on proper handwashing/good hand hygiene practices before handing food and after handling soil/manure
  • Teaching/advice on Avoidance consuming or getting into contact with soil that may be contaminated with human feacal matter
  • Advice mothers on Proper waste disposal-Not passing stool in the soil or outdoors
  • Advice on Washing, peeling or cook all raw vegetables and fruits before eating, particularly those that have been grown in soil that has been fertilized with manure
  • Advice on safety precautions like wearing gloves when handling soil/manure
  • Promoting good nutrition for pregnant women
  • Clinical diagnosis of Trichuriasis based on features such as including frequent, painful passage of stool that contains a mixture of mucus, water, and blood, abdominal pain, the diarrhea typically has a pungent smell
  • Supportive therapy including relieve of any abdominal pain with analgesics, nutritional support (proper nutrition
  • Lab Diagnostic test-Stool sample for microscopy for identifying the trichuria eggs
  • Treatment using Anthelminthic medications such as albendazole and mebendazole, ivermectin
  • Foetal monitoring
  • Follow up and prevention of complications e.g anaemia
  • Referral to hospital for management of complications due to trichuriasis
Referral Facility: General
  • Health education to pregnant women on Trichuriasis and prevention measures
  • Pregnant women education on personal hygiene as well as proper disposal of human faeces
  • Health workers training on Trichuriasis including prevention measures and management
  • Guidance to pregnant women on proper cleaning and cooking of food
  • Teaching on proper handwashing/good hand hygiene practices before handing food and after handling soil/manure
  • Teaching/advice on Avoidance consuming or getting into contact with soil that may be contaminated with human feacal matter
  • Advice mothers on Proper waste disposal-Not passing stool in the soil or outdoors
  • Advice on Washing, peeingl or cook all raw vegetables and fruits before eating, particularly those that have been grown in soil that has been fertilized with manure<
  • Advice on safety precautions like wearing gloves when handling soil/manure
  • Promoting good nutrition for pregnant women
  • Physical and clinical examination
  • Clinical diagnosis of Trichuriasis, history of passage of a live worm, in faeces, abdominal pain while others may have cough, difficulty in breathing or fever
  • Supportive therapy including relieve of any abdominal pain with painkillers, nutritional support (proper nutrition)
  • Treatment using Anthelminthic medications such as albendazole and mebendazole
  • Diagnostic tests,
  • Microscopy–stool for identifying trichuris eggs
  • Endoscopy to see adult worms in GIT
  • Prevention and management of any complications due to Trichuriasis e.g Viatmin A deficiency, anaemia, rectal prolapse
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Health education to pregnant women on Trichuriasis and prevention measures
  • Pregnant women education on personal hygiene as well as proper disposal of human faeces
  • Health workers training on Trichuriasis including prevention measures and management
  • Guidance to pregnant women on proper cleaning and cooking of food
  • Teaching on proper handwashing/good hand hygiene practices before handing food and after handling soil/manure
  • Teaching/advice on Avoidance consuming or getting into contact with soil that may be contaminated with human feacal matter
  • Advice mothers on Proper waste disposal-Not passing stool in the soil or outdoors
  • Advice on Washing, peeingl or cook all raw vegetables and fruits before eating, particularly those that have been grown in soil that has been fertilized with manure<
    • Advice on safety precautions like wearing gloves when handling soil/manure
  • Promoting good nutrition for pregnant women
  • Physical and clinical examination
  • Clinical diagnosis of Trichuriasis, history of passage of a live worm, in faeces, abdominal pain while others may have cough, difficulty in breathing or fever
  • Supportive therapy including relieve of any abdominal pain with painkillers, nutritional support (proper nutrition)
  • Treatment using Anthelminthic medications such as albendazole and mebendazole
  • Diagnostic tests
  • Microscopy–stool for identifying trichuris eggs
  • Endoscopy to see adult worms in GIT
  • Prevention and management of any complications due to Trichuriasis e.g Viatmin A deficiency, anaemia, rectal prolapse
Age Cohort: < 5 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Community engagement on the importance of clean water and safe sanitation and waste disposal
  • Education and social mobilization for the prevention and control of trichuriasis
  • Proper handwashing/good hand hygiene practices before handing food and after handling soil/manure
  • Avoidance of consuming or contact with soil that may be contaminated with human faecal matter
  • Mass drug administration with albendazole
  • Deworming
  • Passage of worms in stool
  • Anthelmintic
  • Antispasmodics
  • Analgesics
Primary Care
  • Health education on risk factors for trichuriasis and preventive measures such as good sanitation and hygiene practice
  • Guidance to parents on Proper cleaning and cooking of food for the under
  • Teaching children on proper handwashing/good hand hygiene practices
  • Teaching children on avoidance of consuming or getting into contact with soil that may be contaminated with human feacal matter
  • Guidance to children on Proper waste disposal-Not passing stool in the soil or outdoors
  • Guidance to parents to Wash, peel or cook all raw vegetables and fruits before eating, particularly those that have been grown in soil that has been fertilized with manure before giving children
  • Taking safety precautions for children like wearing gloves when handling soil/manure
  • Promoting good nutrition for children
  • History
  • Physical examination
  • Eggs in stool exam
  • Complete blood count
  • Anthelmintic
  • Antispasmodics
  • Analgesics
Referral Facility: General
  • Health education to parents/families on Trichuriasis and prevention measures in children
  • Families/parents education on personal hygiene as well as proper disposal of human faeces including children fecal matter
  • Health workers education on Trichuriasis including prevention measures and its management in children
  • Guidance to parents on Proper cleaning and cooking of food for the under 5s
  • Teaching children on proper handwashing/good hand hygiene practices
  • Teaching children on avoidance of consuming or getting into contact with soil that may be contaminated with human feacal matter
  • Guidance to children on Proper waste disposal-Not passing stool in the soil or outdoors
  • Guidance to parents to Wash, peel or cook all raw vegetables and fruits before eating, particularly those that have been grown in soil that has been fertilized with manure before giving children
  • Taking safety precautions for children like wearing gloves when handling soil/manure
  • Promoting good nutrition for children
  • History
  • Physical examination
  • Eggs in stool exam
  • Complete blood count
  • Proctoscopy
  • Anthelmintic
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Families/parents education on personal hygiene as well as proper disposal of human faeces including children fecal matter
  • Health education to parents/families on Trichuriasis and prevention measures in children
  • Health workers education on Trichuriasis including prevention measures and its management in children
  • Guidance to parents on Proper cleaning and cooking of food for the under 5s
  • Teaching children on proper handwashing/good hand hygiene practices
  • Teaching children on avoidance of consuming or getting into contact with soil that may be contaminated with human feacal matter
  • Guidance to children on Proper waste disposal-Not passing stool in the soil or outdoors
  • Guidance to parents to Wash, peel or cook all raw vegetables and fruits before eating, particularly those that have been grown in soil that has been fertilized with manure before giving children
  • Taking safety precautions for children like wearing gloves when handling soil/manure
  • Promoting good nutrition for children
  • History
  • Physical examination
  • Eggs in stool exam
  • Complete blood count
  • Proctoscopy
  • Anthelmintic
Age Cohort: 5 - 11 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Community engagement on the importance of clean water and safe sanitation and waste disposal
  • Education and social mobilization for the prevention and control of trichuriasis
  • Proper handwashing/good hand hygiene practices before handing food and after handling soil/manure
  • Avoidance of consuming or contact with soil that may be contaminated with human faecal matter
  • Mass drug administration with albendazole
  • Deworming
  • Passage of worms in stool
  • Anthelmintic
  • Antispasmodics
  • Analgesics
Primary Care
  • Health education on risk factors for trichuriasis and preventive measures such as good sanitation and hygiene practice
  • Guidance to parents on proper cleaning and cooking of food for school age children
  • Guidance to school age children on proper handwashing/good hand hygiene practices before handing food and after handling soil/manure
  • Guidance on Avoidance of consuming or getting into contact with soil that may be contaminated with human feacal matter
  • Proper waste disposal -Not passing stool in the soil or outdoors
  • Wash, peel, or cook all raw vegetables and fruits before eating, particularly those that have been grown in soil that has been fertilized with manure
  • Taking safety precautions like wearing gloves when handling soil/manure
  • Provide guidance on good nutrition for school age children
  • Mass deworming for all school-age children through school health programs
  • History
  • Physical examination
  • Eggs in stool exam
  • Complete blood count
  • Anthelmintic
  • Antispasmodics
  • Analgesics
Referral Facility: General
  • Health education to primary school age children on Trichuriasis and prevention measures
  • School children education on personal hygiene as well as proper disposal of human faeces
  • School health programs/outreaches
  • Deworming of school children
  • Health workers training on Trichuriasis including prevention measures and management among school children
  • Guidance to parents on proper cleaning and cooking of food for school age children
  • Guidance to school age children on proper handwashing/good hand hygiene practices before handing food and after handling soil/manure
  • Guidance on Avoidance of consuming or getting into contact with soil that may be contaminated with human feacal matter
  • Proper waste disposal-Not passing stool in the soil or outdoors
  • Wash, peel or cook all raw vegetables and fruits before eating, particularly those that have been grown in soil that has been fertilized with manure
  • Taking safety precautions like wearing gloves when handling soil/manure
  • Provide guidance on good nutrition for school age children
  • History
  • Physical examination
  • Eggs in stool exam
  • Complete blood count
  • Proctoscopy
  • Anthelmintic
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Health education to primary school age children on Trichuriasis and prevention measures
  • School children education on personal hygiene as well as proper disposal of human faeces
  • School health programs/outreaches
  • Deworming of school children
  • Health workers training on Trichuriasis including prevention measures and management among school children
  • Guidance to parents on proper cleaning and cooking of food for school age children
  • Guidance to school age children on proper handwashing/good hand hygiene practices before handing food and after handling soil/manure
  • Guidance on Avoidance of consuming or getting into contact with soil that may be contaminated with human feacal matter
  • Proper waste disposal-Not passing stool in the soil or outdoors
  • Wash, peel or cook all raw vegetables and fruits before eating, particularly those that have been grown in soil that has been fertilized with manure
  • Taking safety precautions like wearing gloves when handling soil/manure
  • Provide guidance on good nutrition for school age children
  • History
  • Physical examination
  • Eggs in stool exam
  • Complete blood count
  • Proctoscopy
  • Anthelmintic
Age Cohort: 12 - 24 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Health education for adolescents on trichuriasis and prevention measures
  • Adolescents education on personal hygiene as well as proper disposal of human faeces
  • Community awareness on effective sewerage disposal systems
  • Promote through multi sectoral approach wastewater treatment before use for irrigation due to food grown in contaminated soil
  • Community Health workers training on trichuriasis including prevention measures
  • Proper cleaning and cooking of food
  • Practicing proper handwashing/good hand hygiene practices before handing food and after handling soil/manure
  • Avoiding consuming soil that may be contaminated with human feacal matter
  • Proper waste disposal-Not passing stool in the soil or outdoors
  • Avoidance of contact with soil that may be contaminated with human faeces
  • Wash, peel or cook all raw vegetables and fruits before eating, particularly those that have been grown in soil that has been fertilized with manure
  • Taking safety precautions like wearing gloves when handling soil/manure
  • Promoting good nutrition for adolescents
  • Identification of features/signs indicative of trichuriasis including frequent, painful passage of stool that contains a mixture of mucus, water, and blood, abdominal pain the diarrhea typically has a pungent smell
  • Supportive therapy including relieve of any abdominal pain with painkillers, nutritional support (proper nutrition
  • Referral to health facility for definitive diagnosis and treatment
Primary Care
  • Health education for adolescents on Trichuriasis and prevention measures
  • Adolescents education on personal hygiene as well as proper disposal of human feaces
  • Health workers education on Trichuriasis including prevention measures and management among the adolescents
  • Physical and clinical examination
  • Clinical diagnosis of Trichuriasis based on features such as including frequent, painful passage of stool that contains a mixture of mucus, water and blood, abdominal distension, abdominal pain The diarrhea typically has a pungent smell
  • Supportive therapy including relieve of any abdominal pain with painkillers; nutritional support (proper nutrition
  • Lab Diagnostic test-Stool sample for microscopy for identifying the trichuris eggs
  • Treatment using Anthelminthic medications such as albendazole and mebendazole Physicaland clinical examination
  • Referral to hospital for management of complications due to trichuriasis including iron
Referral Facility: General
  • Health education for adolescents on Trichuriasis and prevention measures
  • Adolescents education on personal hygiene as well as proper disposal of human faeces
  • Health workers training on Trichuriasis including prevention measures and management among the adolescents
  • Guidence to adolescents on proper cleaning and cooking of food
  • Guidanceadolescents on proper handwashing/good hand hygiene practices before handing food and after handling soil/manure
  • Guidance on Avoidance of consuming or getting into contact with soil that may be contaminated with human feacal matter
  • Proper waste disposal-Not passing stool in the soil or outdoors
  • Wash, peel or cook all raw vegetables and fruits before eating, particularly those that have been grown in soil that has been fertilized with manure Taking safety precautions like wearing gloves when handling soil/manure
  • Provide guidance on good nutrition for adolescents
  • Physical and clinical examination
  • Clinical diagnosis of Trichuriasis, history of passage of a live worm, in faeces, abdominal pain while others may have cough, difficulty in breathing, or fever Supportive therapy including relieve of any abdominal pain with painkillers; nutritional support (proper nutrition)
  • Diagnostic tests
  • Microscopy–stool for identifying trichuris eggs
  • Endoscopy to see adult worms in GIT
  • Clinical diagnosis of Trichuriasis, based on history of passage of a live worm in faeces, abdominal pain while others may have cough, difficulty in breathing or fever
  • Treatment using Anthelminthic medications such as albendazole and mebendazole
  • Prevention and management of complications e.g iron deficiency anaemia, rectal prolapse
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Health education for adolescents on Trichuriasis and prevention measures
    • Adolescents education on personal hygiene as well as proper disposal of human faeces
  • Health workers training on Trichuriasis including prevention measures and management among the adolescents
  • Guidence to adolescents on proper cleaning and cooking of food
  • Guidance adolescents on proper handwashing/good hand hygiene practices before handing food and after handling soil/manure
  • Guidance on Avoidance of consuming or getting into contact with soil that may be contaminated with human feacal matter
  • Proper waste disposal-Not passing stool in the soil or outdoors
  • Wash, peel or cook all raw vegetables and fruits before eating, particularly those that have been grown in soil that has been fertilized with manure
  • Provide guidance on good nutrition for adolescents
  • Physical and clinical examination
  • Clinical diagnosis of Trichuriasis, based on history of passage of a live worm in faeces, abdominal pain while others may have cough, difficulty in breathing or fever
  • Supportive therapy including relieve of any abdominal pain with painkillers; nutritional support (proper nutrition)
  • Treatment using Anthelminthic medications such as albendazole and mebendazole
  • Diagnostic tests
  • Microscopy–stool for identifying trichuris eggs
  • Endoscopy to see adult worms in GIT
  • Prevention and management of complications e.g iron deficiency anaemia, rectal prolapse
Age Cohort: 25 - 59 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Health education to adults and communities on trichuriasis and prevention measures
  • Community/adult persons education on personal hygiene as well as proper disposal of human faeces
  • Community awareness on effective sewerage disposal systems
  • Promote through multi sectoral approach wastewater treatment before use for irrigation due to food grown in contaminated soil.
  • Community Health workers training on trichuriasis including prevention measures
  • Proper cleaning and cooking of food
  • Practicing proper handwashing/good hand hygiene practices before handing food and after handling soil/manure
  • Avoiding consuming soil that may be contaminated with human feacal matter
  • Proper waste disposal-Not passing stool in the soil or outdoors
  • Avoidance of contact with soil that may be contaminated with human faeces
  • Wash, peel or cook all raw vegetables and fruits before eating, particularly those that have been grown in soil that has been fertilized with manure
  • Taking safety precautions like wearing gloves when handling soil/manure
  • Promoting good nutrition for adults
  • Identification of features/signs indicative of trichuriasis including frequent, painful passage of stool that contains a mixture of mucus, water, and blood, abdominal pain The diarrhea typically has a pungent smell
  • Supportive therapy including relieve of any abdominal pain with painkillers, nutritional support (proper nutrition)
  • Referral to health facility for definitive diagnosis and treatment
Primary Care
  • Health education to adults on Trichuriasis and prevention measures
  • Adult education on personal hygiene as well as proper disposal of human faeces
  • Awareness on effective sewerage disposal systems
  • Health workers education on Trichuriasis including prevention measures and its management in adults
  • Guidance for the adults on proper cleaning and cooking of food
  • Guidance on proper handwashing/good hand hygiene practices before handing food and after handling soil/manure
  • Guidance on Avoidance consuming or contact with soil that may be contaminated with human feacal matter
  • Proper waste disposal-Not passing stool in the soil or outdoors
  • Wash, peel or cook all raw vegetables and fruits before eating, particularly those that have been grown in soil that has been fertilized with manure
  • Taking safety precautions like wearing gloves when handling soil/manure
  • Provide guidance on good nutrition for adults
  • Physical and clinical examination
  • Clinical diagnosis of Trichuriasis based on features such as including frequent, painful passage of stool that contains a mixture of mucus, water, and blood, abdominal distension, abdominal pain The diarrhea typically has a pungent smell
  • Supportive therapy including relieve of any abdominal pain with painkillers, nutritional support (proper nutrition)
  • Lab Diagnostic test-Stool sample for microscopy for identifying the trichuris eggs
  • Treatment using Anthelminthic medications such as albendazole and mebendazole
  • Follow up and prevention of complications e.g Anaemia
  • Referral to hospital for management of complications due to trichuriasis including iron deficiency anemia,rectal prolapse
Referral Facility: General
  • Health education to adults persons/families and communities on Trichuriasis and prevention measures
  • Adult education on personal hygiene as well as proper disposal of human faeces
  • Awareness on effective sewerage disposal systems
  • Health workers education on Trichuriasis including prevention measures and its management in adults
  • Guidance for the adults on proper cleaning and cooking of food
  • Guidance on proper handwashing/good hand hygiene practices before handing food and after handling soil/manure
  • Guidance on Avoidance of consuming or getting into contact with soil that may be contaminated with human feacal matter
  • Proper waste disposal-Not passing stool in the soil or outdoors
  • Wash, peel or cook all raw vegetables and fruits before eating, particularly those that have been grown in soil that has been fertilized with manure
  • Taking safety precautions like wearing gloves when handling soil/manure
  • Provide guidance on good nutrition for adults
  • physical and clinical examination
  • Clinical diagnosis of Trichuriasis, based on history of passage of a live worm in faeces, abdominal pain while others may have cough, difficulty in breathing or fever
  • Supportive therapy including relieve of any abdominal pain with painkillers, nutritional support (proper nutrition)
  • Diagnostic tests;
  • Microscopy–stool for identifying trichuris eggs
  • Endoscopy to see adult worms in GIT
  • Treatment using Anthelminthic medications such as albendazole and mebendazole<
  • Prevention and management of complications e.g Anaemia, rectal prolapse
Referral Facility: Specialist
    • Health education to adults persons/families and communities on Trichuriasis and prevention measures
      • Adult education on personal hygiene as well as proper disposal of human faeces
  • awareness on effective sewerage disposal systems
  • Health workers education on Trichuriasis including prevention measures and its management in adults
  • Guidance for the adults on proper cleaning and cooking of food
  • Guidance on proper handwashing/good hand hygiene practices before handing food and after handling soil/manure
  • Guidance on Avoidance of consuming or getting into contact with soil that may be contaminated with human feacal matter
  • Proper waste disposal-Not passing stool in the soil or outdoors
  • Wash, peel or cook all raw vegetables and fruits before eating, particularly those that have been grown in soil that has been fertilized with manure
  • Taking safety precautions like wearing gloves when handling soil/manure
  • Provide guidance on good nutrition for adults
  • Physical and clinical examination
  • Clinical diagnosis of Trichuriasis, based on history of passage of a live worm in faeces, abdominal pain while others may have cough, difficulty in breathing or fever
  • Supportive therapy including relieve of any abdominal pain with painkillers; nutritional support (proper nutrition)
  • Treatment using Anthelminthic medications such as albendazole and mebendazole
  • Diagnostic tests
  • Microscopy–stool for identifying trichuris eggs
  • Endoscopy to see adult worms in GIT
  • Prevention and management of complications e.g iron deficiency anaemia, rectal prolapse
Age Cohort: 60+ years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Health education to elderly persons/families and communities on trichuriasis and prevention measures
  • Communitt/family and elderly persons education on personal hygiene as well as proper disposal of human faeces
  • Community awareness on effective sewerage disposal systems
  • Promote through multi sectoral approach effective sewerage disposal and wastewater treatment before use for irrigation due to food grown in contaminated soil
  • Community Health workers education on trichuriasis including prevention measures
  • Proper cleaning and cooking of food
  • Practicing proper handwashing/good hand hygiene practices before handing food and after handling soil/manure
  • Avoidance of contact with soil that may be contaminated with human faeces
  • Avoiding consuming soil that may be contaminated with human feacal matter
  • Proper waste disposal-Not passing stool in the soil or outdoors
  • Wash, peel or cook all raw vegetables and fruits before eating, particularly those that have been grown in soil that has been fertilized with manure
  • Taking safety precautions like wearing gloves when handling soil/manure
  • Promoting good nutrition for the elderly
  • Identification of features/signs indicative of trichuriasis including frequent, painful passage of stool that contains a mixture of mucus, water, and blood, abdominal pain the diarrhea typically has a pungent smell
  • Supportive therapy including relieve of any abdominal pain with painkillers, nutritional support (proper nutrition
  • Referral to health facility for definitive diagnosis and treatment
Primary Care
  • Health education to elderly persons/families and communities on Trichuriasis and prevention measures
  • Elderly persons education on personal hygiene as well as proper disposal of human faeces
  • Awareness on effective sewerage disposal systems
  • Health workers training on Trichiuris including its management and prevention measures
  • Guidance for the elderly on proper cleaning and cooking of food
  • Guidance on proper handwashing/good hand hygiene practices before handing food and after handling soil/manure
  • Guidance on Avoidance consuming or contact with soil that may be contaminated with human feacal matter
  • Proper waste disposal-Not passing stool in the soil or outdoors
  • Wash, peel or cook all raw vegetables and fruits before eating, particularly those that have been grown in soil that has been fertilized with manure
  • Taking safety precautions like wearing gloves when handling soil/manure
  • Provide guidance on good nutrition for the elderly
  • physical and clinical examination
  • Clinical diagnosis of Trichuriasis based on features such as including frequent, painful passage of stool that contains a mixture of mucus, water and blood, abdominal distension, abdominal pain. The diarrhea typically has a pungent smell
  • Supportive therapy including relieve of any abdominal pain with painkillers, nutritional support (proper nutrition)
  • Treatment using Anthelminthic medications such as albendazole and mebendazole Microscopy for identifying trichuris eggs
  • Follow up and prevention of complications e.g anaemia, rectal prolapse
  • Referral to hospital for management of complications due to trichuriasis including iron deficiency anemia, rectal prolapse.
Referral Facility: General
  • Health education to elderly persons/families and communities on Trichuriasis and prevention measures
  • Elderly persons education on personal hygiene as well as proper disposal of human faeces
  • Awareness on effective sewerage disposal systems
  • Health workers training on Trichuriasis including prevention measures
  • Guidance for the elderly on proper cleaning and cooking of food
  • Guidance on proper handwashing/good hand hygiene practices before handing food and after handling soil/manure
  • Proper waste disposal-Not passing stool in the soil or outdoors
  • Wash, peel, or cook all raw vegetables and fruits before eating, particularly those that have been grown in soil that has been fertilized with manure
  • Taking safety precautions like wearing gloves when handling soil/manure
  • Provide guidance on good nutrition for the elderly
  • Physical and clinical examination
  • Clinical diagnosis of Trichuriasis, based on history of passage of a live worm in faeces abdominal pain while others may have cough, difficulty in breathing or fever
  • Supportive therapy including relieve of any abdominal pain with painkillers, nutritional support (proper nutrition)
  • Treatment using Anthelminthic medications such as albendazole and mebendazole
  • Diagnostic tests - Microscopy–stool for identifying trichuris eggs - Endoscopy to see adult worms in GIT
  • Prevention and management of complications e.g. anaemia, rectal prolapse
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Health education to elderly persons/families and communities on Trichuriasis and prevention measures
  • Elderly persons education on personal hygiene as well as proper disposal of human faeces
  • Awareness on effective sewerage disposal systems
  • Health workers training on Trichuriasis including prevention measures
  • Guidance for the elderly on proper cleaning and cooking of food
  • Guidance on proper handwashing/good hand hygiene practices before handing food and after handling soil/manure
  • Taking safety precautions like wearing gloves when handling soil/manure
  • Guidance on food hygiene ----Wash, peel, or cook all raw vegetables and fruits before eating, particularly those that have been grown in soil that has been fertilized with manure
  • Provide guidance on good nutrition for the elderly
  • Physical and clinical examination
  • Clinical diagnosis of Trichuriasis, based on history of passage of a live worm in faeces abdominal pain while others may have cough, difficulty in breathing or fever
  • Supportive therapy including relieve of any abdominal pain with painkillers, nutritional support (proper nutrition)
  • Treatment using Anthelminthic medications such as albendazole and mebendazole Diagnostic tests
  • Microscopy–stool for identifying trichuris eggs
  • Endoscopy to see adult worms in GIT
  • Prevention and management of complications e.g Anaemia, rectal prolapse