Referral Facility: Specialist Interventions

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Condition: Meningitis
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Health education and information on prevention and treatment of meningitis
  • Testing for B. streptococcus when mother is at 36/37 weeks pregnant
  • Prevent mother to child transmission of meningitis (Give antibiotics during labour to mothers who test positive for meningitis to prevent passing group B streptococcus to the newborn)
  • Intrapartum prophylactic antibiotics in pregnant women who carry the risk of colonizing and hence risk of exposure to the neonate. (neonatal meningitis)
  • Parenteral antibiotics
  • Intravenous fluids
  • Parenteral corticosteroids
< 5 years
  • Health education and information on prevention and treatment of meningitis

Oral antimicrobials chemoprophylaxis for contacts "Vaccination: pneumococcal conjugate Vaccination: haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) Vaccination: meningococcal"

  • Parenteral antibiotics
  • Intravenous fluids
  • Anti-TB treatment for TB meningitis
  • Antifungal treatment for fungal meningitis
  • Parenteral corticosteroids
5 - 11 years
  • Awareness campaign on causes, signs and symptoms of meningitis including prevention measures (IPC)
  • Distribution of IEC materials
  • Mobilisation for routine immunisation

Oral antimicrobials chemoprophylaxis for contacts "Vaccination: pneumococcal conjugate Vaccination: haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) Vaccination: meningococcal"

  • Parenteral antibiotics
  • Intravenous fluids
  • Anti-TB treatment for TB meningitis
  • Antifungal treatment for fungal meningitis
  • Parenteral corticosteroids
12 - 24 years

Create Awareness among adolescents; on meningitis and prevention measures Guidance on Good nutrition for adolescents Guidance on hygiene practices for adolescents to prevent meningitis

  • Health workers training on meningitis & its management in adolescents
  • Chemo prophylaxis for adolescents who are living in a household with one or more unvaccinated children younger than 48 months.
  • Post exposure prophylaxis for adolescents who have had close contacts with someone with Meningitis
  • Parenteral antibiotics
  • Intravenous fluids
  • Anti-TB treatment for TB meningitis
  • Antifungal treatment for fungal meningitis
  • Parenteral corticosteroids
25 - 59 years
  • Health education on meningitis
  • Create Awareness to adults on meningitis and prevention measures Guidance on Good nutrition for the adults
  • Health workers training on meningitis & its management among the adults
  • Guidance on hygiene practices for adults to prevent meningitis

Oral antimicrobials chemoprophylaxis for contacts "Vaccination: pneumococcal conjugate Vaccination: haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) Vaccination: meningococcal"

History and physical examination for meningitis Basic laboratory tests Advanced laboratory tests Lumbar puncture Computed tomography (CT) scan Systemic antibiotics for bacterial meningitis

60+ years
  • Guidance on Good nutrition for the elderly
  • Guidance on hygiene practices for the elderly to prevent meningitis
  • Health Education on meningitis
  • Create Awareness among the elderly and their families on meningitis and prevention measures
  • Health workers education on meningitis including its management in the elderly
  • Post exposure prophylaxis for elderly persons who have had close contacts with someone with N.meningitidis
  • Chemo prophylaxis for elderly persons living in a household with one or more unvaccinated children younger than 48 months
  • Clinical examination
  • Physical examination
  • Supportive treatment for elderly persons with meningitis including:
  • Fluids /IV fluids therapy for elderly persons
  • Relieve fever with anti-pyretics for elderly persons with fever due to meningitis
  • Relieve aches /pains with analgesics for elderly persons with aches due to meningitis
  • Provision of anti-emetics for elderly persons with vomiting due to meningitis
  • Nutritional support for elderly persons with meningitis
  • Long course therapy for tuberculous meningitis in elderly persons as per guidelines
  • Treatment of non-infectious meningitis depending on the cause e.g. Use of corticosteroids for meningitis due to auto-immune diseases;
  • Treatment of specific cancer for cancer induced meningitis.
  • Managmnet of all causes of meningitis as though they are bacterial meningitis until proven otherwise. * * Management of any complications of meningitis in elderly persons e.g., seizures; raised intra-cranial pressure.
  • ICU services for management of meningitis complications in elderly persons
Condition: Whooping Cough
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Awareness to mothers on whopping cough and prevention measures
  • Guidance on Good nutrition for the mothers
  • Guidance on hygiene practices Health workers education on whooping cough and its management
  • Vaccination of pregnant women to prevent transmission to child
  • Physical and Clinical examination
  • Supportive management eg relieve pain and fever
  • Administration of antibiotics
  • Inpatient services
  • ICU services for severely ill
  • Follow up
< 5 years
  • Health education and information to parents, families on immunization including vaccination schedule
  • Isolate hospitalized patients
  • Chemoprophylaxis to contacts (family and health workers)
    • Physical and Clinical examination
  • Hospitalisation of infants
  • Administration of antibiotics
  • Monitoring /special attention to infants to prevent and manage any complications e.g apnea and pneumonia
  • ICU services for severely ill
  • Laboratory tests,B pertussis,culture, polymerase chain reaction (PCR), serologic testing, and direct fluorescent antibody (DFA) testing
  • follow up
5 - 11 years
  • Health education and information to parents, families on immunization including vaccination schedule
  • Post exposure prophylaxis for close contacts
  • Antibiotics if indicated
  • Oral Vitamin A
  • IV fluid for rehydration
  • ICU services for severely ill
12 - 24 years
  • Awareness to Adolescents and Adults on whopping cough and prevention measures
  • Guidance on Good nutrition
  • Guidance on hygiene practices
  • Health workers education on whooping cough and its management
  • Post exposure prophylaxis for close contacts
  • Physical and clinical examination
  • Outapttient services
  • Anti-microbial therapy
  • Supportive management eg relieve of pain and /or fever
    • Hospitalization for patients at risk of severe pertussis/and complications
  • Laboratory tests,B pertussis, culture, polymerase chain reaction (PCR), serologic testing and direct fluorescent antibody (DFA) testing.
  • Management of any complications e.g rib fracture, syncope, abdominal hernia or other complications from the severe, chronic cough
  • ICU services for severe illness
  • follow up
25 - 59 years
  • Awareness to Adults on whopping cough and prevention measures
  • Guidance on Good nutrition
  • Guidance on hygiene practices
  • Health workers education on whooping cough and its management
  • Post exposure prophylaxis for close contacts
  • Physical and clinical examination
  • Outapttient services
  • Anti-microbial therapy
  • Supportive management eg relieve of pain and /or fever
    • Hospitalization for patients at risk of severe pertussis/and complications
  • Laboratory tests,B pertussis, culture, polymerase chain reaction (PCR), serologic testing and direct fluorescent antibody (DFA) testing.
  • Management of any complications e.g rib fracture, syncope, abdominal hernia or other complications from the severe, chronic cough
  • ICU services for severe illness
  • follow up
60+ years
  • Awareness to elderly on whopping cough and prevention measures
  • Guidance on Good nutrition
  • Guidance on hygiene practices
  • Health workers education on whooping cough management
  • Post exposure prophylaxis for close contacts
  • Physical and clinical examination
  • Outapttient services
  • Anti-microbial therapy
  • Supportive management eg relieve of pain and /or fever
    • Hospitalization for patients at risk of severe pertussis/and complications
  • Laboratory tests,B pertussis, culture, polymerase chain reaction (PCR), serologic testing and direct fluorescent antibody (DFA) testing.
  • Management of any complications e.g rib fracture, syncope, abdominal hernia or other complications from the severe, chronic cough
  • ICU services for severe illness
  • follow up
Condition: Encephalitis
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Creation of awareness to mothers on encephalitis prevention measures
  • Information/creation of awareness on healthy living
  • Guidance on good nutrition for mothers Training/sensitizing health workforce on encephalitis management
  • Guidance on vector control eg Vectors/mosquitos control (as a carrier for some of the virus arbovirus) ; Parasites such as Ticks control
  • Initiate anti-viral treatment immediately
  • Initiate anti-microbial therapy including appropriate therapy for presumed bacterial meningitis (use antibiotics for acute bacterial meningitis
  • Initiate specific regimen after determining the etiology of encephalitis
  • For Viral encephalitis use of antiviral treatment.e.g. for herpes simplex virus /Antiviral medications e.g. Acyclovir
  • Antimicrobial therapy targeting the identified infectious agent,
  • Supportive care for severe encephalitis including: * Breathing assistance,
  • Intravenous fluids adminstration
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs administration
  • Administration of Anticonvulsant medications
  • Admissions for persons with encephalitis
  • Management of any complications
  • Prevention /or management of shock or hypertension
  • Prevention/Management of seizures
  • Management of hydrocephalus and increased intracranial pressure
  • ICU services
  • Laboartory diagnostic interventions for Encephalitis including:
  • Blood and urine tests
  • lumbar puncture (LP) -CSF culture
  • Blood cultures for bacterial pathogens
  • Serologic tests for Toxoplasma
  • Imaging such as:
  • Computerized Tomography CT
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging MRI
< 5 years
  • Creation of awareness toparents/families on encephalitis prevention measures
  • Information/creation of awareness on healthy living
  • Guidance on good nutrition for children Training/sensitizing health workforce on encephalitis management
  • Guidance /advise to families on importance of immunisation for the children
  • Guidance on vector control eg Vectors/mosquitos control (as a carrier for some of the virus arbovirus) ; Parasites such as Ticks control
  • Initiate anti-viral treatment immediately
  • Initiate anti-microbial therapy including appropriate therapy for presumed bacterial meningitis (use antibiotics for acute bacterial meningitis
  • Initiate specific regimen after determining the etiology of encephalitis
  • For Viral encephalitis use of antiviral treatment.e.g. for herpes simplex virus /Antiviral medications e.g. Acyclovir
  • Antimicrobial therapy targeting the identified infectious agent,
  • Supportive care for severe encephalitis including: * Breathing assistance,
  • Intravenous fluids adminstration
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs administration
  • Administration of Anticonvulsant medications
  • Admissions for persons with encephalitis
  • Management of any complications
  • Prevention /or management of shock or hypertension
  • Prevention/Management of seizures
  • Management of hydrocephalus and increased intracranial pressure
  • ICU services
  • Laboartory diagnostic interventions for Encephalitis including:
  • Blood and urine tests
  • lumbar puncture (LP) -CSF culture
  • Blood cultures for bacterial pathogens
  • Serologic tests for Toxoplasma
  • Imaging such as:
  • Computerized Tomography CT
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging MRI
5 - 11 years
  • Creation of awareness to families, school going age children on encephalitis prevention measures
  • Information/creation of awareness on healthy living
  • Guidance on good nutrition for children Training/sensitizing health workforce on encephalitis management
  • Guidance /advise to families on importance of immunisation for the children
  • Guidance on vector control eg Vectors/mosquitos control (as a carrier for some of the virus arbovirus) Parasites such as Ticks control
  • Initiate anti-viral treatment immediately
  • Initiate anti-microbial therapy including appropriate therapy for presumed bacterial meningitis (use antibiotics for acute bacterial meningitis
  • Initiate specific regimen after determining the etiology of encephalitis
  • For Viral encephalitis use of antiviral treatment.e.g. for herpes simplex virus /Antiviral medications e.g. Acyclovir
  • Antimicrobial therapy targeting the identified infectious agent,
  • Supportive care for severe encephalitis including: * Breathing assistance,
  • Intravenous fluids adminstration
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs administration
  • Administration of Anticonvulsant medications
  • Admissions for persons with encephalitis
  • Management of any complications
  • Prevention /or management of shock or hypertension
  • Prevention/Management of seizures
  • Management of hydrocephalus and increased intracranial pressure
  • ICU services
  • Laboartory diagnostic interventions for Encephalitis including:
  • Blood and urine tests
  • lumbar puncture (LP) -CSF culture
  • Blood cultures for bacterial pathogens
  • Serologic tests for Toxoplasma
  • Imaging such as:
  • Computerized Tomography CT
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging MRI
12 - 24 years
  • Creation of awareness to the adolescents on encephalitis prevention measures
  • Information/creation of awareness on healthy living
  • Guidance on good nutrition for adolescents and the youths Training/sensitizing health workforce on encephalitis management
  • Guidance on vector control eg Vectors/mosquitos control (as a carrier for some of the virus arbovirus) Parasites such as Ticks control
  • Initiate anti-microbial therapy including appropriate therapy for presumed bacterial meningitis (use antibiotics for acute bacterial meningitis
  • Initiate specific regimen after determining the etiology of encephalitis
  • For Viral encephalitis use of antiviral treatment.e.g. for herpes simplex virus /Antiviral medications e.g. Acyclovir
  • Antimicrobial therapy targeting the identified infectious agent,
  • Supportive care for severe encephalitis including: * Breathing assistance,
  • Intravenous fluids adminstration
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs administration
  • Administration of Anticonvulsant medications
  • Admissions for persons with encephalitis
  • Management of any complications
  • Prevention /or management of shock or hypertension
  • Prevention/Management of seizures
  • Management of hydrocephalus and increased intracranial pressure
  • ICU services
  • Laboartory diagnostic interventions for Encephalitis including:
  • Blood and urine tests
  • lumbar puncture (LP) -CSF culture
  • Blood cultures for bacterial pathogens
  • Serologic tests for Toxoplasma
  • Imaging such as:
  • Computerized Tomography CT
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging MRI
  • Initiate anti-viral treatment immediately
25 - 59 years
  • Creation of awareness to adults on encephalitis prevention measures
  • Information/creation of awareness on healthy living
  • Guidance on good nutrition for adults Training/sensitizing health workforce on encephalitis management
  • Guidance on vector control eg Vectors/mosquitos control (as a carrier for some of the virus arbovirus) ; Parasites such as Ticks control
  • Physical and clinical examination
  • Early recognition and treatment of encephalitis
  • Imaging such as:
  • Computerized Tomography CT
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging MRI
  • Initiate anti-viral treatment immediately
  • Initiate anti-microbial therapy including appropriate therapy for presumed bacterial meningitis (use antibiotics for acute bacterial meningitis
  • Initiate specific regimen after determining the etiology of encephalitis
  • For Viral encephalitis use of antiviral treatment.e.g. for herpes simplex virus /Antiviral medications e.g. Acyclovir
  • Antimicrobial therapy targeting the identified infectious agent,
  • Supportive care for severe encephalitis including: * Breathing assistance,
  • Intravenous fluids adminstration
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs administration
  • Administration of Anticonvulsant medications
  • Admissions for persons with encephalitis
  • Management of any complications
  • Prevention /or management of shock or hypertension
  • Prevention/Management of seizures
  • Management of hydrocephalus and increased intracranial pressure
  • ICU services
  • Laboartory diagnostic interventions for Encephalitis including:
  • Blood and urine tests
  • lumbar puncture (LP) -CSF culture
  • Blood cultures for bacterial pathogens
  • Serologic tests for Toxoplasma
60+ years
  • Creation of awareness to elderly on encephalitis prevention measures
  • Information/creation of awareness on healthy living
  • Guidance on good nutrition for the elderly persons Training/sensitizing health workforce on encephalitis management
  • uidance on vector control eg Vectors/mosquitos control (as a carrier for some of the virus arbovirus) ; Parasites such as Ticks control
  • Physical and clinical examination
  • Initiate anti-viral treatment immediately
  • Initiate anti-microbial therapy including appropriate therapy for presumed bacterial meningitis (use antibiotics for acute bacterial meningitis
  • Initiate specific regimen after determining the etiology of encephalitis
  • For Viral encephalitis use of antiviral treatment.e.g. for herpes simplex virus /Antiviral medications e.g. Acyclovir
  • Antimicrobial therapy targeting the identified infectious agent,
  • Supportive care for severe encephalitis including: * Breathing assistance,
  • Intravenous fluids adminstration
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs administration
  • Administration of Anticonvulsant medications
  • Admissions for persons with encephalitis
  • Management of any complications
  • Prevention /or management of shock or hypertension
  • Prevention/Management of seizures
  • Management of hydrocephalus and increased intracranial pressure
  • ICU services
  • Laboartory diagnostic interventions for Encephalitis including:
  • Blood and urine tests
  • lumbar puncture (LP) -CSF culture
  • Blood cultures for bacterial pathogens
  • Serologic tests for Toxoplasma
  • Imaging such as:
  • Computerized Tomography CT
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging MRI
Condition: Measles
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Guidance to mothers on measles prevention
  • Guidance to pregnant women on proper nutrition
  • Health workers training on management of measles in pregnant women
  • Fetal monitoring
  • Follow up of the newborns and manage any complications e.g. Low birth weight; babies born prematurely Immunoglobulin /measles antibodies administration for post exposure for Pregnant women
< 5 years
  • Information and health education on VPDs and immunization
  • Isolation of patients with measles to prevent spread
  • Measles vaccination according to the national schedule
  • Antibiotics
  • Vitamin A
  • Hydration
  • Intensive care for severely ill
5 - 11 years
  • Information and health education on VPDs and immunization
  • Routine on schedule vaccination
  • Vitamin A supplementation
  • Antibiotics
  • Oral Vitamin A
  • IV fluid
  • ICU services for severely ill
12 - 24 years
  • Isolation of patients with measles to prevent spread
  • Post exposure vaccination for unvaccinated contacts (within 72 hours of exposure to measles virus)

  • Identify and manage any complications as per guidelines e.g. pneumonia,croup,diarrhea,malnutrition, otitis media,mouth ulcers,eye complications (conjunctivitis),laryngitis,febrile seizures,encephalitis

  • Provide nutritional support

  • Appropriate Antibiotics administration for any secondary infection e.g. pneumonia

  • Responses for AEFI

  • Intensive care services for adolescents with severe complications of measlesFollow up

  • Relieve common symptoms of measles in adolescents ;

  • Fever

  • Cough

  • Blocked nose

  • Conjunctivitis

  • sore mouth

  • N/B Investigations-carry out necessary confirmatory tests for measles if need be (blood tests,throat swab; urine sample)

25 - 59 years
  • Isolation of patients with measles to prevent spread
  • Management of measles complications in adults including;-
  • otitis media
  • conjunctivitis
  • pneumonia
  • croup
  • seizures
  • encephalitis
  • N/B Carry out necessary confirmatory tests for measles if need be (blood tests,throat swab; urine sample)
  • Post exposure vaccination for unvaccinated contacts (within 72 hours of exposure to measles virus)
60+ years
  • Isolation of patients with measles to prevent spread
  • Isolation of patients with measles to prevent spread
Condition: Trichomoniasis
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Education for high risk reproductive age women on regular condom use with non-regular partners
  • Education at ANC and CWC on symptoms of STIs and what to do if such symptoms occur
  • Education for high risk reproductive age women on regular condom use with non-regular partners
  • Education at ANC and CWC on symptoms of STIs and what to do if such symptoms occur
  • Diagnostic tests
    - Swab test: Vaginal swab is cultured for identifying the causative of infection.
    - Antigen test: Rapid test in which antibody reacts with antigen forming a color on positive test.
    - DNA test: Nucleic acid from vaginal swab undergoes PCR to detect nucleic acid.
    - Wet prep: Fluid from vagina may be examined under microscope.
  • Treatment with metronidazole or tindazole
  • Treatmnet of sexual partners
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
  • Screening of girls for evidence of sexual abuse 
  • Investigation of victims of sexual abuse for Trichomoniasis 
  • Examination and investigation of girls with persistent vaginal discharge for sexually transmitted infections 
  • Diagnostic tests
    - Swab test: Vaginal swab is cultured for identifying the causative of infection.
    - Antigen test: Rapid test in which antibody reacts with antigen forming a color on positive test.
    - DNA test: Nucleic acid from vaginal swab undergoes PCR to detect nucleic acid.
    - Wet prep: Fluid from vagina may be examined under microscope.
  • Treatment with metronidazole or tindazole
  • Treatmnet of sexual partners
12 - 24 years
  • Screening of high risk women for sexually transmitted infections
  • Examination and investigation of female adolescents with persistent vaginal discharge for sexually transmitted infections
  • Diagnostic tests
    - Swab test: Vaginal swab is cultured for identifying the causative of infection.
    - Antigen test: Rapid test in which antibody reacts with antigen forming a color on positive test.
    - DNA test: Nucleic acid from vaginal swab undergoes PCR to detect nucleic acid.
    - Wet prep: Fluid from vagina may be examined under microscope.
    - Urine test: For men, urine sample is tested to detect the presence of the parasite.
  • Treatment with metronidazole or tindazole
  • Treatmnet of sexual partners
25 - 59 years
  • Screening of high risk women for sexually transmitted infections
  • Examination and investigation of women with persistent vaginal discharge for sexually transmitted infections
  • Diagnostic tests
    - Swab test: Vaginal swab is cultured for identifying the causative of infection.
    - Antigen test: Rapid test in which antibody reacts with antigen forming a color on positive test.
    - DNA test: Nucleic acid from vaginal swab undergoes PCR to detect nucleic acid.
    - Wet prep: Fluid from vagina may be examined under microscope.
    - Urine test: For men, urine sample is tested to detect the presence of the parasite.
  • Treatment with metronidazole or tindazole
  • Treatmnet of sexual partners
60+ years
Condition: HIV/AIDS
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Health education
  • Create mass awareness on STIs /HIV/AIDs
  • Sensitization on comprehensive sexuality education
  • Health education on risk factors for STIs /HIV /AIDs
  • Social and behavioural change communication
  • Promote Condom use
  • Promotion of HTS
  • Promote early health seeking behaviour
  • Promotion of stigma reduction
  • Information Education Communication (IEC) materials distribution
  • Condom and lubricants demonstration and distribution
  • Strengthen health workers knowledge on STIs/HIV/AIDs through trainings
  • Training on support for GBV
  • Counseling and Testing for HIV of pregnant women
  • Administration of antiretroviral drugs to babies born to HIV positive mothers
  • Avoid breastfeeding of babies of HIV positive mothers if feasible
  • Avoid mixed feeding of babies of HIV positive mothers
  • Perform PCR test of babies of HIV positive mothers between birth and six weeks
  • Physical and clinical examination
  • Partner notification and expedited treatment for common STIs, /HIV
  • Provider initiated counselling and testing
  • HIV testing
  • Diagnostics
    - Blood tests
    - CD4 count
    - Imaging -X-rays
    - Microscopy culture and sensitivity
  • Syndromic management of STIs
  • Clinical staging of HIV
  • Chemotherapy for STIs that have progressed into cancer
  • Radiotherapy for STIs that have progressed into cancer
  • Defaulter tracking
  • Management of opportunistic infections

    - Chronic diarrhoea
    - Oral Candidiasis
    -Oesophageal Candidiasis
    - Bacterial infections
    - PCP
    - Toxoplasmosis
    - TB
    - Extra pulmonary.
    - Cytomegalovirus Infection
    - Kaposi’s sarcoma
    - Lymphoma and other HIV related malignancies.
  • Screening for TB and other opportunistic infections
  • Management of TB co-infection
  • Management of advanced HIV disease and complications
  • Management of any complications
  • Management for sexual violence cases and referral to support services 8 Treatment literacy /adherence counselling
  • Supportive management
    - Nutritional support /Supplements
  • Monitoring adherence to prescribed medications
  • ART initiation services
  • ART Monitoring
  • ART refills
  • Referral and linkages
  • ICU care
< 5 years
  • Health education and risk reduction counselling to parents
  • Screen pregnant women for HIV
  • ARV for HIV positive pregnant women
  • ARV prophylaxis to HIV exposed infant
  • Contraceptives
  • First-line antiretroviral therapy
  • Second-line antiretroviral therapy
  • Manage moderate to severe adverse reactions * Viral load monitoring
  • Management moderate to severe opportunistic infections
  • Treat TB
  • Manage co-morbidities
  • Intensive care as clinically indicated
5 - 11 years
  • Health education and risk reduction counselling to parents
  • Screen pregnant women for HIV
  • ARV for HIV positive pregnant women
  • ARV prophylaxis to HIV exposed infant
  • Contraceptives
  • Second-line antiretroviral therapy
  • Co-trimoxazole prophylaxis
  • TB preventive therapy
  • Manage severe adverse reactions * Viral load monitoring
  • Management of severe opportunistic infections
  • Treat TB
  • Manage co-morbidities
  • Intensive care as clinically indicated
12 - 24 years
  • Health education and risk reduction counselling
  • Provider-initiated HIV testing
  • Screening blood for HIV
  • Oral PrEP
  • Dapivirine vaginal ring
  • Injectable long-acting cabotegravir
  • Post-exposure prophylaxis
  • Treatment of STIs
  • Voluntary male medical circumcision (VMMC)
  • Substance abuse treatment
  • Needle exchange program
  • Second-line antiretroviral therapy
  • Third-line antiretroviral therapy
  • Co-trimoxazole prophylaxis
  • TB preventive therapy
  • Fluconazole pre-emptive therapy
  • Manage severe adverse reactions * Viral load monitoring
  • Management of severe opportunistic infections
  • Treat TB
  • Manage co-morbidities (viral hepatitis, NCDs)
  • Intensive care as clinically indicated
  • Linkage to care and non-medical support
25 - 59 years
  • Health education and risk reduction counselling
  • Provider-initiated HIV testing
  • Screening blood for HIV
  • Oral PrEP
  • Dapivirine vaginal ring
  • Injectable long-acting cabotegravir
  • Post-exposure prophylaxis
  • Treatment of STIs
  • Voluntary male medical circumcision (VMMC)
  • Substance abuse treatment
  • Needle exchange program
  • Third-line ARV
  • Manage severe ADRs
  • Viral load monitoring
  • Treatment of severe opportunistic infections
  • TB/HIV co-infection treatment
  • Co-morbidities (viral hepatitis, NCDs) treatment
  • ICU care as clinically indicated
  • Linkage to care and non-medical support
  • Initiate combination ARVs
  • Diagnose and manage advance HIV diseases
  • Monitor clinically, CD4, viral load, Chest X-ray, GeneXpert, culture etc
  • Management of opportunistic infections
  • Screening and management of LTBI, TB (DS & MDR) co-infection
  • Etiologic management of STIs
  • Supportive management (e.g., nutritional support, etc)
  • Medication refills
  • ICU care as clinically indicated
  • Linkage to care and non-medical support
60+ years
  • Create awareness on STIs and HIV/AIDS risk factors and prevention methods
  • Social and behavioural change communication for parents
  • Mass media to raise awareness on HIV/AIDs and its prevention
  • HIV Testing including HIV self-test
  • Oral PrEP
  • Injectable PrEP
  • Post-exposure prophylaxis
  • Screening high risk groups for STI and HIV
  • Early treatment of STIs
  • Second-line antiretroviral therapy
  • Third-line antiretroviral therapy
  • Manage severe adverse reactions * Viral load monitoring
  • Management of severe opportunistic infections
  • Treat TB/HIV co-infection
  • Manage co-morbidities (viral hepatitis, NCDs)
  • Intesive care as clinically indicated
Condition: Tuberculosis
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Promotion of multi-sectotral approach in addressing improving housing and sanitation to combat TB
  • BCG vaccination at birth Advise pregnant women to avoid contact with people with persistent cough Investigate pregnant women with persistent cough for TB
  • Physical and clinical examination
  • Treatment with anti-TB medication
  • Direct Observed Therapy (DOT) to promote adherence to medication
  • Managment of TB/HIV co-infection
  • Initiation of co-trimoxazole preventive therpay for TB/HIV co-ifection
  • ART therapy for TB/HIV co-infection
  • TB drugs refill
  • Monitoring of TB complications
  • Management of Multi -drug resistance TB
  • Sputum smear /Stain and culture of sputum
  • TB skin test
  • HIV Counseling and Testing for confirmed TB cases
< 5 years
  • Promote cough etiquette and cough hygiene
  • Promote strong TB Infection control measures
  • Strong TB Infection control measures
  • Triage people with presumptive TB for “fast-track” or separation
  • Ensure rapid diagnosis and initiation of treatment
  • Improve room ventilation
  • Protect health care workers
  • Direct Observed Therapy (DOT)
  • Manage severe adverse infections and complications
  • Anti TB medication
  • Anti MDR/XDR TB
  • Intensive care as clinically indicated
5 - 11 years
  • Promote cough etiquette and cough hygiene
  • Promote strong TB Infection control measures
  • Strong TB Infection control measures
  • Triage people with presumptive TB for “fast-track” or separation
  • Ensure rapid diagnosis and initiation of treatment
  • Improve room ventilation
  • Protect health care workers
  • Direct Observed Therapy (DOT)
  • Self-administered treatment (SAT)
  • Management of severe adverse infections and complications
  • Management of TB/HIV co-infection
  • ART therapy for TB/HIV co-infection
  • MDR/XDR TB diagnosis and management
  • Nutritional support and supplement
  • ICU care as clinically indicated
  • Linkage to non-medical social support
12 - 24 years
  • Advocacy for TB
  • Distribution of IEC materials on TB
  • Health education to communities on TB
  • Promote use of personal protective equipment (PPE)
  • Universal precaution for TB (eg. cough etiquette,
  • Train health workers on TB
  • Strong TB Infection control measures
  • Triage people with presumptive TB for “fast-track” or separation
  • Rapid diagnosis and initiation of treatment
  • Improve room ventilation
  • Protect health care workers
  • Direct Observed Therapy (DOT)
  • Self-administered treatment (SAT)
  • Manage severe adverse infections
  • Manage complications
  • Manage HIV co-infection
  • Manage MDR/XDR TB
  • Nutritional support and supplement
  • Intensive care as clinically indicated
  • Linkage to non-medical social support
25 - 59 years
  • Promote cough etiquette and cough hygiene
  • Promote strong TB Infection control measures
  • Strong TB Infection control measures
  • Triage people with presumptive TB for “fast-track” or separation
  • Ensure rapid diagnosis and initiation of treatment
  • Improve room ventilation
  • Protect health care workers
  • TB preventive therapy
  • Direct Observed Therapy (DOT)
  • Self-administered treatment (SAT)
  • Management of severe adverse infections and complications
  • Management of TB/HIV co-infection
  • ART therapy for TB/HIV co-infection
  • MDR/XDR TB management
  • Nutritional support and supplement
  • Management of complication
  • Linkage to non-medical social support
60+ years
  • Promote cough etiquette and cough hygiene
  • Promote strong TB Infection control measures
  • Strong TB Infection control measures
  • Triage people with presumptive TB for “fast-track” or separation
  • Ensure rapid diagnosis and initiation of treatment
  • Improve room ventilation
  • Protect health care workers
  • Direct Observed Therapy (DOT)
  • Self-administered treatment (SAT)
  • Management of severe adverse infections and complications
  • Management of TB/HIV co-infection
  • ART therapy for TB/HIV co-infection
  • MDR/XDR TB diagnosis and management
  • Nutritional support and supplement
  • Management of complication
  • Linkage to non-medical social support
Condition: Syphilis
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Education for high risk reproductive age women on regular condom use with non-regular partners
  • VDRL or RPR Testing for all pregnant women
  • Pregnant women with positive VDRL or RPR test should have the FTA test
  • Safe blood transfusion
  • Screening pregnant women for syphilis
  • Treatment of syphilis in pregnant women
  • Examination and reaginic tests of treated clients at 3, 6 and 12 months and annually until test is non-reactive
  • Screening of high risk women for sexually transmitted infections

Onsite rapid syphilis screening and treatment with a single dose of benzathine penicillin into routine antenatal care

< 5 years
  • Safe blood transfusion
  • Screening pregnant women for syphilis
  • Treatment of syphilis in pregnant women
  • Antibiotics
  • Surgical repair of deformity
5 - 11 years
  • Screening of girls for evidence of sexual abuse Girls with evidence of sexual abuse should be screened for sexually transmitted infections
  • Girls with positive VDRL or RPR test should have the FTA test
  • Examination and reaginic tests of treated clients at 3, 6 and 12 months and annually until test is non-reactive
  • For neurosyphilis, CSF testing every 6 months until CSF cell count is normal

Treatment with Penicillin

12 - 24 years
  • Examination and reaginic tests of treated clients at 3, 6 and 12 months and annually until test is non-reactive
  • Screening of high risk women for sexually transmitted infections
  • Men and women with genital ulcers should have VDRL Test
  • Men and women with positive VDRL or RPR test should have the FTA test.
  • For neurosyphilis, CSF testing every 6 months until CSF cell count is normal

Treatment with PenicillinTreatment of sex partners

25 - 59 years
  • Examination and reaginic tests of treated clients at 3, 6 and 12 months and annually until test is non-reactive
  • Men and women with genital ulcers should have VDRL Test
  • Men and women with positive VDRL/RPR test should have the FTAFor neurosyphilis, CSF testing every 6 months until CSF cell count is normal
  • Screening of high risk women for sexually transmitted infections

Treatment with PenicillinTreatment of sex partners

60+ years
  • Men and women with genital ulcers should have VDRL Test
  • Men and women with positiveVDRL or RPR test should have the FTA test
  • Examination and reaginic tests of treated clients at 3, 6 and 12 months and annually until test is non-reactive
  • For neurosyphilis, CSF testing every 6 months until CSF cell count is normal

Treatment with PenicillinTreatment of sex partners

Condition: Other STDs
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Education at ANC on symptoms of sexually transmitted infections and what to do in the event of occurrence of symptoms
  • Education for high risk reproductive age women on regular condom use with non-regular partners
  • Sensitization of traditional healers and community leaders.
  • promote substance use cessation
  • Promote early health seeking behaviour
  • distribute IEC materials,
  • promote condoms use to prevent STIs
  • Educate communities on sex and sexual education for guidance to prevent risk factors
  • Promotion of stigma reduction
  • Training of community Health Workers on STI
  • Screening of high risk women for sexually transmitted infections
  • Examination and investigation of pregnant women with STI symptoms
  • Appropriate treatment for condition Concomitant treatment for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea
  • Treatment of sex partners
< 5 years
5 - 11 years

Counselling on STI prevention, risk reduction, and safer sex Promote and provide female condoms Promote and provide male condoms Vaccination: human papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccination: hepatitis B

  • History and physical examination for STI and reproductive tract infections
  • Point of care testing/GeneXpert
  • Advanced laboratory tests for STI including culture and sensitivity tests
  • Etiologic diagnosis and treatment of STIs
  • Counselling on partner notification, diagnosis and treatment
  • Information on treatment compliance and use of condom
12 - 24 years
  • Screening of high risk women for sexually transmitted infections
  • Examination and investigation of adolescents with STI symptoms
  • Appropriate treatment for condition Concomitant treatment for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea
  • Treatment of sex partners
  • Microscopy culture and sensitivity
  • Radiotherapy and chemotherapy for STIs that have progressed into cancer
  • Surgical procedures where necessary.
  • Medical imaging such as CT scan, MRI, ultrasound
  • Perform Excisional biopsy
25 - 59 years
  • Education on sexuality and safe sex practices
  • Education on symptoms of sexually transmitted infections and what to do in the event of occurrence of symptoms
  • Promote early health seeking behaviour
  • Promotion of stigma reduction

Counselling on STI prevention, risk reduction, and safer sex Promote correct and consistent use of condoms Vaccination: hepatitis B Risk assessment with sexual history and risk factors

  • History and physical examination for STI and reproductive tract infections
  • Point of care testing/GeneXpert
  • Advanced laboratory tests for STI including culture and sensitivity tests
  • Etiologic diagnosis and treatment of STIs
  • Counselling on partner notification, diagnosis and treatment
  • Information on treatment compliance and use of condom
60+ years
  • Conduct Clinical examination of reproductive system
  • Screening of high risk women for sexually transmitted infections
  • Examination and investigation of men and women for STI symptoms
  • Conduct follow up to high-risk groups, such as youths and commercial sex workers and prisoners
  • Awareness and sensitization about HTS
  • Assess further complications and manage conditions
  • Introduce mechanism on a regular check-up and follow up mechanism
  • Training health workers on complex complications of STI
  • Appropriate treatment for condition Concomitant treatment for Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea
  • Treatment of sex partners
  • Microscopy culture and sensitivity
  • Radiotherapy and chemotherapy for STIs that have progressed into cancer
  • Surgical procedures where necessary.
  • Medical imaging such as CT scan, MRI, ultrasound
  • Perform Excisional biopsy
Condition: Gonorrhoea
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Education at ANC and CWC on symptoms of Gonococcal eye infection in neonates and what to do if such symptoms occur
  • Education for high risk reproductive age women on regular condom use with non-regular partners
  • Examination and investigation of pregnant women with offensive vaginal discharge for sexually transmitted infections
  • Screening of high risk women for sexually transmitted infections
  • Use 1% silver nitrate drops, 0.5% erythromycin or 1% tetracycline ointments or drops to asymptomatic babies of mothers with confirmed Gonorrhoea
  • Concomitant treatment for ChlamydiaTreatment of sex partners
  • Treatment of Gonococcal conjunctivitis in newborns with Tetracycline ointments or drops and saline irrigationSystemic treatment of newborns with Gonococcal conjunctivitis with IM Ceftriaxone
  • Treatment with single dose of Ceftriaxone or Cefixime
< 5 years
  • Systemic treatment of newborns with Gonococcal conjunctivitis with IM Ceftriaxone
  • Treatment of Gonococcal conjunctivitis in newborns with Tetracycline and saline irrigation
5 - 11 years
  • Examination and investigation of girls with offensive vaginal discharge for sexually transmitted infections
  • Screening of girls for evidence of sexual abuse
12 - 24 years
  • Examination and investigation of female adolescents with offensive vaginal discharge for sexually transmitted infections
  • Examination and investigation of males with mucopurulent urethritis for sexually transmitted infections
25 - 59 years
  • Examination and investigation of males with mucopurulent urethritis for sexually transmitted infections
  • Screening of high risk women for sexually transmitted infectionsExamination and investigation of women with offensive vaginal discharge for sexually transmitted infections
  • Treatment with single dose of Ceftriaxone or Cefixime
  • Concomitant treatment for ChlamydiaTreatment of sex partners
60+ years
Condition: Genital herpes
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn

Education for high risk reproductive age women on regular condom use with non-regular partners

Screening of high risk women for sexually transmitted infections

< 5 years
5 - 11 years

Screening of girls for evidence of sexual abuse

12 - 24 years

Screening of high risk women for sexually transmitted infections

Treatment with Acyclovir, valacyclovir or famciclovir Treatment of sex partners

25 - 59 years

Screening of high risk women for sexually transmitted infections

Treatment with Acyclovir, valacyclovir or famciclovirTreatment of sex partners

60+ years

Screening of high risk women for sexually transmitted infections

Treatment with Acyclovir, valacyclovir or famciclovirTreatment of sex partners

Condition: Chlamydia
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Education for high risk reproductive age women on regular condom use with non-regular partners
  • Education at ANC and CWC on symptoms of chlamydia eye infection in neonates and what to do if such symptoms occur
  • Training health workers on chlamydia including transmission, preventon measures and management
  • Screening of high risk women for sexually transmitted infections
  • Examination and investigation of pregnant women with offensive vaginal discharge for sexually transmitted infections
  • Physical and clinical examination
  • Diagnostics tests
    - Swab test for culturing or antigen testing for chlamydia especially in pregnant women
  • Treatment of confirmed Chlamydia infection antibiotics
  • Treatment of Chlamydia conjunctivitis in newborns with antibiotics (topical or systemic as indicated)
  • Guidance on avoidance of sex until completion of treatment course
  • Referral
< 5 years
  • Physical and clinical examination
  • Treatment of Chlamydia conjunctivitis in infants with antibiotics
  • Referral as may be indicated
5 - 11 years
  • Screening of girls for evidence of sexual abuse
  • Examination and investigation of girls with offensive vaginal discharge for sexually transmitted infections
12 - 24 years
  • Physical and clinical examination
  • Diagnostics tests
    - Swab test for culturing or antigen testing for chlamydia especially in women (female adolescents in this case)
    - Urine culture-especially in men (male aldolescents in this case)
  • Treatment of confirmed Chlamydia infection antibiotics
  • Guidance on avoidance of sex until completion of treatment course
  • Referral
25 - 59 years
  • Screening of high risk adult women for sexually transmitted infections
  • Examination and investigation of adult women with offensive vaginal discharge for sexually transmitted infections
  • Examination and investigation of adult men with mucopurulent urethritis for sexually transmitted infections
  • Physical and clinical examination
  • Diagnostics tests
    - Swab test for culturing or antigen testing for chlamydia especially in women (adult women in this case)
    - Urine culture-especially in men (adult men in this case)
  • Treatment of confirmed Chlamydia infection antibiotics
  • Guidance on avoidance of sex until completion of treatment course
  • Referral
60+ years
  • Examination and investigation of elderly women with offensive vaginal discharge for sexually transmitted infections
  • Examination and investigation of elderly men with mucopurulent urethritis for sexually transmitted infections
  • Physical and clinical examination
  • Diagnostics tests
    - Swab test for culturing or antigen testing for chlamydia especially in women (elderly women in this case)
    - Urine culture-especially in men (elderly men in this case)
  • Treatment of confirmed Chlamydia infection antibiotics
  • Guidance on avoidance of sex until completion of treatment course
  • Referral
Condition: Trachoma
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Improvement in community Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
  • Health education and awareness craetion on Trachoma
  • Education on personal hygiene including hand and facial hygiene /cleanliness
  • Health workers training on Trachoma inckuding its management and prevention measures
  • Improvement in community Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
  • Preventive chemotherapy with Azithromycin (AZM) (starting from age 2) Primary prevention through
  • screening communities for the presence of trachoma in children 1-9 years of age. (when over 10 % are found to have clinical disease the entire community is treated with antibiotics)
  • Physical and clinical examination
  • _ Medication --Chemotherapy with Azithromycin (AZM)
  • Trichiasis surgery for trachoma
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Dengue
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn

Community awareness and education On Dengue Proper solid waste disposal and improved water storage practices, including covering of containers to prevent access by egg-laying female mosquitoes are among methods that are encouraged through community-based Programmes

< 5 years

Community awareness and education On Dengue Proper solid waste disposal and improved water storage practices, including covering of containers to prevent access by egg-laying female mosquitoes are among methods that are encouraged through community-based programmes

Conduct virus isolation, genome detection, NS1 Ag, IgA and IgM antigens by rapid test, ELISA and in addition for IgA by IHS and neutralization assays. Implement case management decisions for severe dengue with warning signs (Group B and C) including treatment of profound/ compensated shock, electrolyte imbalances, metabolic acidosis, ensure glucose control, hemorrhagic complications In addition to primary care interventions

5 - 11 years

Community awareness and education On Dengue Proper solid waste disposal and improved water storage practices, including covering of containers to prevent access by egg-laying female mosquitoes are among methods that are encouraged through community-based programmes

Conduct virus isolation, genome detection, NS1 Ag, IgA and IgM antigens by rapid test, ELISA and in addition for IgA by IHS and neutralization assays. Implement case management decisions for severe dengue with warning signs (Group B and C) including treatment of profound/ compensated shock, electrolyte imbalances, metabolic acidosis, ensure glucose control, hemorrhagic complications In addition to primary care interventions

12 - 24 years

Community awareness and education On Dengue Proper solid waste disposal and improved water storage practices, including covering of containers to prevent access by egg-laying female mosquitoes are among methods that are encouraged through community-based programmes

Conduct virus isolation, genome detection, NS1 Ag, IgA and IgM antigens by rapid test, ELISA and in addition for IgA by IHS and neutralization assays. Implement case management decisions for severe dengue with warning signs (Group B and C) including treatment of profound/ compensated shock, electrolyte imbalances, metabolic acidosis, ensure glucose control, hemorrhagic complications In addition to primary care interventions

25 - 59 years

Community awareness and education On Dengue Proper solid waste disposal and improved water storage practices, including covering of containers to prevent access by egg-laying female mosquitoes are among methods that are encouraged through community-based programmes

Conduct virus isolation, genome detection, NS1 Ag, IgA and IgM antigens by rapid test, ELISA and in addition for IgA by IHS and neutralization assays. Implement case management decisions for severe dengue with warning signs (Group B and C)including treatment of profound/compensated shock, electrolyte imbalances, metabolic acidosis, ensure glucose control, hemorrhagic complications In addition to primary care interventions

60+ years

Community awareness and education On Dengue Proper solid waste disposal and improved water storage practices, including covering of containers to prevent access by egg-laying female mosquitoes are among methods that are encouraged through community-based programmes

Conduct virus isolation, genome detection, NS1 Ag, IgA and IgM antigens by rapid test, ELISA and in addition for IgA by IHS and neutralization assays. Implement case management decisions for severe dengue with warning signs (Group B and C) including treatment of profound/ compensated shock, electrolyte imbalances, metabolic acidosis, ensure glucose control, hemorrhagic complications In addition to primary care interventions

Condition: Diarrhoeal diseases
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Health education on prevention and treatment of diarrhoea
  • Access to safe drinking water
  • Use of improved sanitation
  • Hand washing with soap
  • Intravenous hydration
  • Antibiotics to treat bacterial infections
  • Zinc supplements
< 5 years
  • Health education on prevention and treatment of diarrhoea
  • Access to safe drinking water
  • Use of improved sanitation
  • Hand washing with soap
  • Intravenous hydration
  • Antibiotics to treat bacterial infections
  • Zinc supplements
5 - 11 years
  • Health education on prevention and treatment of diarrhoea
  • Access to safe drinking water
  • Use of improved sanitation
  • Hand washing with soap
  • Intravenous hydration
  • Antibiotics to treat bacterial infections
  • Zinc supplements
12 - 24 years
  • Health education on prevention and treatment of diarrhoea
  • Access to safe drinking water
  • Use of improved sanitation
  • Hand washing with soap
  • Intravenous hydration
  • Antibiotics to treat bacterial infections
  • Zinc supplements
25 - 59 years
  • Mass media to raise awareness on enteric infections including prevention measures (hygiene, IPC), sensitization, radio discussion, health talks, etc.
  • Distribution of IEC materials on enteric infections
  • Access to safe drinking water
  • Use of improved sanitation
  • Hand washing with soap
  • Intravenous hydration
  • Antibiotics to treat bacterial infections
  • Zinc supplements
60+ years
  • Mass media to raise awareness on enteric infections including prevention measures (hygiene, IPC), sensitization, radio discussion, health talks, etc.
  • Distribution of IEC materials on enteric infections

Vaccination: rotavirus Vaccination: typhoid

  • Intravenous hydration
  • Antibiotics to treat bacterial infections
  • Zinc supplements
Condition: Onchocerciasis
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years

Community awareness and education on

  • Onchocerciasis recognizing, responding to and referring cases of Severe Adverse Events (SAEs) following treatment with Mectizan to a designated health facility for clinical management of such cases. (Same for community distributors and all health personnel involved in the program)

Primary Prevention through

  • Annual preventive chemotherapy with single dose of Ivermectin.
  • Oral ivermectin
  • Manage Mazzotti reaction
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Diphtheria
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
  • workers education on diphtheria including its management in pregnant women
  • Maternal education on diphtheria and prevention measures
  • Maternal education on importance of immunization
  • Creation of awareness on the importance of immunization
  • Sensitization on proper hygiene practices
  • ANC services
  • Post-natal services
  • Vaccination with Tdap during routine wellness visits to women and girls of childbearing age
  • Provide nutritional support for the adults with diphtheria
  • Clinical examination and diagnosis of diptheria in pregnant women
  • Immunization with diphtheria toxoid vaccine for pregnant mothers
  • Fetal monitoring
  • Monitoring and Management of complications of diphtheria in pregnant women such as shortness of breath/breathing difficulties
  • Management of neonates with low birth weights, preterm babies/as a result of diphtheria Supportive management to pregnant mothers with diphtheria to/Relieve common symptoms
  • Relieve fever with anti pyretics/analgesics such as paracetamol and ibuprofen
< 5 years
  • Guidance to parents on hygiene practices for children
  • Guidance to parents on prevention of diphtheria among children
  • Education on importance of immunization for the children
  • Guidance to parents on proper nutrition for children
  • Health workers education on management of diphtheria among children
  • Identify close contacts such as caretakers, relatives, sexual contacts, friends; - Health care workers
  • Monitor close contacts for signs and symptoms of diphtheria
  • Prophylactic antibiotics (penicillin or erythromycin) for close contacts
  • Recording and reporting of diphtheria cases through established reporting mechanisms
  • Vaccination with diphtheria toxoid-containing vaccine for unvaccinated contacts and for Under-vaccinated contacts to complete their vaccination series
  • Physical and Clinical examination and diagnosis of diphtheria in children under 5 years of age. -based on signs and symptoms of diphtheria including; - Fever
  • Antitoxin treatment with DAT immediately diphtheria is strongly suspected in children under 5 years (without waiting for lab results)
  • Antibiotic treatment (penicillin or erythromycin) to eliminate the bacteria and toxin production
  • Immunization with diphtheria toxoid vaccine during convalescence for children who have not been vaccinated/have not completed the appropriate course
  • Isolation. Respiratory droplet isolation of children under 5s with respiratory diphtheria and contact precautions for under 5s children with cutaneous diphtheria
  • Tests, nasal/pharyngeal swabs for culture
  • Monitor and management of any diphtheria complications such as obstruction of the airways, systemic diphtheria -to the heart, kidney or peripheral nerves
  • Emergency management for diphtheria complication such as airway obstructions
5 - 11 years
  • Guidance to school children on prevention of diphtheria
  • Education on importance of immunization
  • Guidance to school children on hygiene practices
  • Guidance to school children on proper nutrition
  • Health workers education on management of diphtheria among primary school age children
  • Identify close contacts such as caretakers, relatives, sexual contacts, friends, Health care workers
  • Monitor close contacts for signs and symptoms of diphtheria
  • Prophylactic antibiotics (penicillin or erythromycin) for close contacts
  • Recording and reporting of diphtheria cases through established reporting mechanisms
  • Vaccination with diphtheria toxoid-containing vaccine for unvaccinated contacts and for Under-vaccinated contacts to complete their vaccination series
  • Tests, Nasal/pharyngeal swabs for culture
  • Antitoxin treatment with DAT immediately diphtheria is strongly suspected in school age children (without waiting for lab results)
  • Antibiotic treatment (penicillin or erythromycin) to eliminate the bacteria and toxin production
  • Immunization with diphtheria toxoid vaccine during convalescence for school age children who are immunised/have not completed the appropriate course
  • Isolation. Respiratory droplet isolation of school age children with respiratory diphtheria and contact precautions for those with cutaneous diphtheria
  • Monitor and management of any diphtheria complications such as obstruction of the airways, systemic diphtheria -to the heart, kidney or peripheral nerves
  • Physical and Clinical examination and diagnosis of diphtheria in children under 5 years of age. -based on signs and symptoms of diphtheria including; - Fever
12 - 24 years
  • Guidance to adolescents on hygiene practices
  • Guidance to adolescents on prevention of diphtheria
  • Education on importance of immunization
  • Guidance to adolescents on proper nutrition
  • Health workers education on management of diphtheria among adolescents
  • Identify close contacts such as caretakers, relatives, sexual contacts, friends, Health care workers
    • Monitor close contacts for signs and symptoms of diphtheria
  • Prophylactic antibiotics (penicillin or erythromycin) for close contacts
  • Recording and reporting of diphtheria cases through established reporting mechanisms
  • Vaccination with diphtheria toxoid-containing vaccine for unvaccinated contacts and for Under-vaccinated contacts to complete their vaccination series
  • Tests, nasal/pharyngeal swabs for culture
  • Antitoxin treatment with DAT immediately diphtheria is strongly suspected in adolescents (without waiting for lab results)
  • Antibiotic treatment (penicillin or erythromycin) to eliminate the bacteria and toxin production
  • Immunization with diphtheria toxoid vaccine during convalescence for adolescents who have not been immunized previously/have who had not completed the appropriate course<
  • Isolation. Respiratory droplet isolation of adolescents patients with respiratory diphtheria and contact precautions for those with cutaneous diphtheria
  • Monitor and management of any diphtheria complications such as obstruction of the airways, systemic diphtheria -to the heart, kidney/peripheral nerves
  • Physical and Clinical examination and diagnosis of diphtheria in children under 5 years of age. -based on signs and symptoms of diphtheria including; - Fever
25 - 59 years
  • Guidance to adults on hygiene practices
  • Guidance to adults on prevention of diphtheria
  • Education on importance of immunization
  • Guidance to adults on proper nutrition
  • Health workers education on management of diphtheria among the adults
  • Identify close contacts such as caretakers, relatives, sexual contacts, friends, Health care workers
    • Monitor close contacts for signs and symptoms of diphtheria
  • Prophylactic antibiotics (penicillin or erythromycin) for close contacts
  • Recording and reporting of diphtheria cases through established reporting mechanisms
  • Vaccination with diphtheria toxoid-containing vaccine for unvaccinated contacts and for Under-vaccinated contacts to complete their vaccination series
  • Identify close contacts such as caretakers, relatives, sexual contacts, friends, Health care workers
  • Monitor close contacts for signs and symptoms of diphtheria
  • Prophylactic antibiotics (penicillin or erythromycin) for close contacts
  • Recording and reporting of diphtheria cases through established reporting mechanisms
  • Vaccination with diphtheria toxoid-containing vaccine for unvaccinated contacts and for Under-vaccinated contacts to complete their vaccination series
60+ years
  • Guidance to elderly on prevention of diphtheria
  • Education on importance of immunization
  • Guidance to elderly on proper nutrition
  • Guidance to the elderly on hygiene practices
  • Health workers education on management of diphtheria among elderly
  • Identify close contacts such as caretakers, relatives, sexual contacts, friends, Health care workers
  • Monitor close contacts for signs and symptoms of diphtheria
  • Prophylactic antibiotics (penicillin/erythromycin) for close contacts
  • Recording and reporting of diphtheria cases through established reporting mechanisms
  • Vaccination with diphtheria toxoid-containing vaccine for unvaccinated contacts and for Under-vaccinated contacts to complete their vaccination series
  • Tests, Nasal/pharyngeal swabs for culture
    • Physical and Clinical examination and diagnosis of diphtheria in the elderly -based on signs and symptoms of diphtheria;
  • including - Fever
  • Antitoxin treatment with DAT immediately diptheria is strongly suspected in the elderly (without waiting for lab results)
  • Antibiotic treatment (penicillin or erythromycin) to eliminate the bacteria and toxin production
  • Immunization with diphtheria toxoid vaccine during convalescence for elderly who had not completed the appropriate course
  • Isolation. Respiratory droplet isolation of elderly patients with respiratory diphtheria and contact precautions for those with cutaneous diphtheria
  • Monitor and management of any diphtheria complications such as obstruction of the airways, systemic diphtheria -to the heart, kidney or peripheral nerves
  • Emergency management for diphtheria complication such as airway obstructions
Condition: Acute Hepatitis B
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Awareness among mothers on the importance on immunization
  • Promote ANC attendance
  • Education and awareness creation to mothers on Hepatitis B including transmission and prevention measures
  • Awareness creation on safer sex practices, including minimizing the number of partners and using barrier protective measures (condoms)
  • Health workers training on Hepatitis B, including prevention measures
  • Hepatitis B Vaccination for the pregnant women
  • Routine Screening for Hepatitis B for the pregnant women
  • Prevent mother to child transmission of Hepatitis B through; anti-retroviral prophylaxis
  • Integration of hepatitis B testing and treatment of eligible pregnant women with the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV and congenital syphilis with antenatal care service. ‘Triple elimination’ approach
  • Hepatitis B vaccination for the newborn-preferably within 24 hours ( as it also help prevent mother to child transmission of Hepatitis B.)
  • Screening all donated blood/Test all blood donations for hepatitis B to ensure blood safety before any transfusion to the mothers
  • Safe injection practices, including eliminating unnecessary and unsafe injections,
    • Avoid re-use of needles and syringes.
  • Supportive management
  • Healthy diet
  • Optimum fluids
  • Enough sleep/rest
  • Analgesics
  • Admission for severe Acute Hepatitis B
  • Anti-retroviral drugs for severe acute Hepatitis B
  • Monitoring and management of any complications
< 5 years

Create awareness on the importance of Hepatitis B vaccination for the children Education and awareness creation among parents/c on Hepatitis B including transmission and prevention measures Guidance to parents on nutrition for the children Health workers training on Hepatitis B,including prevention measures among children Promote CWC attendance

  • Hepatitis B Vaccination for under 5 years children not vaccinated at birth
  • Screening for Hepatitis B for under 5s at risk ; those living with someone who has hepatitis B;
  • Screening all donated blood/Test all blood donations for hepatitis B to ensure blood safety before any transfusion to the under 5s
  • Safe injection practices, including eliminating unnecessary and unsafe injections,
  • -Avoid re-use of needles and syringes
  • Supportive management
  • Healthy diet
  • Optimum fluids
  • Enough sleep/rest
  • Pain relief
  • Admission for severe Acute Hepatitis B
  • Anti-retroviral drugs for severe acute Hepatitis B
  • Monitoring and management of any complications
5 - 11 years
  • Education and awareness creation on Hepatitis B including transmission and prevention measures
  • Education on safe sex practices among the primary school age children
  • Distribution of IEC materials on Hepatitis B through schools
  • Health workers training on Hepatitis B,including prevention measures
  • Hepatitis B Vaccination
  • Safe injection practices, including eliminating unnecessary and unsafe injections,
    • Avoid re-use of needles and syringes
  • Screening for Hepatitis B for primary school age children at risk, e.g. those living with someone who has hepatitis B;
  • Screening all donated blood/Test all blood donations for hepatitis B to ensure blood safety before any transfusion
  • Physical examination
  • Clinical examination and diagnosis of Hepatitis B
  • Supportive management for patients with Acute Hepatitis B
  • Provision of Healthy diet
  • Plenty of fluids
  • Encourage Exercises-
  • Encourage the patient with Hepatitis B to have Enough sleep/rest
  • Relieve of pain with painkillers
  • Admission for patient with severe Acute Hepatitis B
  • Administer anti-retroviral drugs for severe acute Hepatitis B to prevent complications
  • Monitoring and management of any complications including acute Liver failure
  • Follow up
  • Investigations
  • Blood tests to detect Hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg)
  • Serum immunoglobulin M (IgM)Test for Chronic Hepatitis B indicated by persistent Hepatitis B surface antigen for at least 6 months
  • Test for Hepatitis A and C -
  • Liver ultrasound-
  • Liver Biopsy
12 - 24 years
  • Awareness creation on Hepatitis B including transmission and prevention measures
  • Health Education on Hepatitis B
  • Mass awareness campaigns through such days as World Hepatitis Day and World immunization Week
  • Awareness creation on safer sex practices, including minimizing the number of partners and using barrier protective measures (condoms),
  • Awareness creation on other risky behaviours such as illicit drugs and sharing needles and other sharp objects; no sharing personal items
  • Distribution of IEC materials on Heaptitis B
  • condom distribution
  • Promote testing for HBV and for HIV/AIDs
  • Provide Hepatitis B testing services.
  • Health workers training on Hepatitis B,including prevention measures
  • Hepatitis B Vaccination
  • Screening for Hepatitis B for adolescents at risk e.g those living with someone who has hepatitis B; those with multiple sexual partners; with STIs;
  • Screening all donated blood/Test all blood donations for hepatitis B to ensure blood safety before any transfusion
  • Safe injection practices, including eliminating unnecessary and unsafe injections
  • Avoid re-use of needles and syringes
  • Physical examination
  • Clinical examination and diagnosis of Hepatitis B
  • Supportive management for patients with Acute Hepatitis B
  • Provision of Healthy diet
  • Plenty of fluids
  • Encourage Exercises-
  • Encourage the patient with Hepatitis B to have Enough sleep/rest
  • Relieve of pain with painkillers
  • Admission for patient with severe Acute Hepatitis B
  • Administer anti-retroviral drugs for severe acute Hepatitis B to prevent complications
  • Monitoring and management of any complications including acute Liver failure
  • Follow up
  • Investigations
  • Blood tests to detect Hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg)
  • Serum immunoglobulin M (IgM)Test for Chronic Hepatitis B indicated by persistent Hepatitis B surface antigen for at least 6 months
  • Test for Hepatitis A and C -
  • Liver ultrasound-
  • Liver Biopsy
25 - 59 years
  • Awareness creation on Hepatitis B including transmission and prevention measures
  • Health Education on Hepatitis B
  • Mass awareness campaigns through such days as World Hepatitis Day and World immunization Week
  • Awareness creation on safer sex practices, including minimizing the number of partners and using barrier protective measures (condoms),
  • Awareness creation on other risky behaviours such as illicit drugs and sharing needles and other sharp objects; no sharing personal items
  • Distribution of IEC materials on Heaptitis B
  • condom distribution
  • Promote testing for HBV and for HIV/AIDs
  • Provide Hepatitis B testing services.
  • Health workers training on Hepatitis B,including prevention measures
  • Hepatitis B Screening for adults at high Risk i.e. adults who live with someone who has hepatitis B; Health care workers; those with a sexually transmitted infection, including HIV; Men who have sex with men; Adults who have multiple sexual partners; those who inject illegal drugs or share needles and syringes; Adults with chronic liver disease; Adults with end-stage kidney disease ; Adults planning to travel to an area of the world with a high prevalence of Hepatitis B
  • Screening all donated blood/Test all blood donations for hepatitis B to ensure blood safety before any transfusion
  • Safe injection practices, including eliminating unnecessary and unsafe injections,
  • Avoid re-use of needles and syringes Hepatitis B vaccination for those at risk
  • Physical examination
  • Clinical examination and diagnosis of Hepatitis B
  • Supportive management for patients with Acute Hepatitis B
  • Provision of Healthy diet
  • Plenty of fluids
  • Encourage Exercises-
  • Encourage the patient with Hepatitis B to have Enough sleep/rest
  • Relieve of pain with painkillers
  • Admission for patient with severe Acute Hepatitis B
  • Administer anti-retroviral drugs for severe acute Hepatitis B to prevent complications
  • Monitoring and management of any complications including acute Liver failure
  • Follow up
  • Investigations
  • Blood tests to detect Hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg)
  • Serum immunoglobulin M (IgM)Test for Chronic Hepatitis B indicated by persistent Hepatitis B surface antigen for at least 6 months
  • Test for Hepatitis A and C -
  • Liver ultrasound-
  • Liver Biopsy
60+ years
  • Awareness creation on Hepatitis B including transmission and prevention measures
  • Health Education on Hepatitis B
  • Mass awareness campaigns through such days as World Hepatitis Day and World immunization Week
  • Awareness creation on safer sex practices, including minimizing the number of partners and using barrier protective measures (condoms),
  • Awareness creation on other risky behaviours such as illicit drugs and sharing needles and other sharp objects; no sharing personal items
  • Distribution of IEC materials on Heaptitis B
  • condom distribution
  • Promote testing for HBV and for HIV/AIDs
  • Provide Hepatitis B testing services.
  • Health workers training on Hepatitis B,including prevention measures
  • Hepatitis B Screening for elderly at high Risk i.e. adults who live with someone who has hepatitis B; Health care workers; those with a sexually transmitted infection, including HIV; Men who have sex with men; Adults who have multiple sexual partners; those who inject illegal drugs or share needles and syringes; Adults with chronic liver disease; Adults with end-stage kidney disease ; Adults planning to travel to an area of the world with a high prevalence of Hep B
  • Hepatitis B vaccination for elderly at risk
  • Screening all donated blood/Test all blood donations for hepatitis B to ensure blood safety before any transfusion
  • Safe injection practices, including eliminating unnecessary and unsafe injections
  • Avoid re-use of needles and syringes
Condition: Hepatitis A
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Advice to mothers on Hepatitis A including risk factors
  • Mothers education on proper hygiene measures
  • Sensitize mothers and families on use of clean, safe water
  • Advice mothers proper human waste disposal -including for children
  • Health workers training/sensitization on Hepatitis A , including prevention measures and management
  • Observation of personal hygiene practices such as regular hand-washing before meals and after going to the bathroom
  • Proper disposal of human waste within communities
  • Proper food hygiene including proper cooking / heating
  • Use clean safe water for drinking
  • Strict personal hygiene and hand washing to prevent faecal -oral transmission to others for those already infected
  • Proper cleaning of Contaminated surfaces /with disinfectant
  • Physical and clinical examinationRelieve any symptom -fever; dehydration i.e.(no specific medicines except to relive symptoms )
  • Relieve any symptom -fever; dehydration i.e.(no specific medicines except to relive symptoms )
  • Investigations
  • Blood test -To detect HAV-specific immunoglobulin G (IgM) antibodies in the blood
  • Reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) to detect the hepatitis A virus RNA
  • Liver function tests
  • Test also for hepatitis B and C
  • Monitor and management of complications the main one being fulminant hepatitis (acute liver failure)
< 5 years
  • Create awareness to mothers and families /communities on Hepatitis A including risk factors
  • Families and community education on proper hygiene measures. Including for children
  • Sensitize communities on use of clean, safe waterEducation to families on proper human waste disposal -including for children
  • Health workers training /sensitization on Hepatitis A , including prevention measures and management
  • Education/sensitization to families on Strict personal and hand hygiene
  • Hepatitis A Vaccine for children older than 1 year especially children who live in communities where the number of HAV infections is unusually high or where there are periodic outbreaks of hepatitis A.
  • Relieve any symptom -fever; dehydration i.e.(no specific medicines except to relive symptoms )
  • Investigations -
  • Blood test -To detect HAV-specific immunoglobulin G (IgM) antibodies in the blood -
  • Reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) to detect the hepatitis A virus RNA
  • Liver function tests
  • Test also for hepatitis B and C
  • Monitor and management of complications the main one being fulminant hepatitis (acute liver failure)
5 - 11 years
  • Create awareness through schools and communities on Hepatitis A including risk factors
  • Sensitization of teachers and school communities
  • Schools and community education on proper hygiene measuresAdvice on Improved sanitation
  • Sensitize through schools and families on use of clean, safe water
  • Individuals education on the need for strict enteric precautions especially for individuals with HAV
  • Health workers training /sensitization on Hepatitis A , including prevention measures and management
  • Reduce chances of infections and transmission to others through advice and sensitization.
  • Proper hand hygiene
  • Proper food hygiene including proper cooking / heating
  • Use clean safe water for drinking
  • Strict personal hygiene and hand washing to prevent fecal -oral transmission to others for those already infected
  • Proper cleaning of Contaminated surfaces /with disinfectant.
  • Physical and Clinical examination
  • Investigations -
  • Blood test -To detect HAV-specific immunoglobulin G (IgM) antibodies in the blood -
  • Reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) to detect the hepatitis A virus RNA
  • Liver function tests
  • Test also for hepatitis B and C
12 - 24 years
  • Create awareness on Hepatitis A including risk factors among the adolescents
  • Create awareness on the benefits of immunization, particularly in high-risk individuals
  • Individuals education on the need for strict enteric precautions especially for individuals with HAV
  • Provide Education on proper hygiene measuresAdvice on Improved sanitationSensitize communities on use of clean, safe water
  • Health workers training/sensitization on Hepatitis A , including prevention measures and management
  • Advice on personal hygiene; hand hygiene; proper food cooking
  • Hepatitis A Vaccine before exposure to targeted at risk grow
  • Men who have sex with men
  • People who use illegal drugs
  • People with impaired immune systems or chronic liver disease
  • People with blood-clotting disorders who receive clotting factors.
  • Physical and Clinical examination
  • Relieve any symptom -fever; dehydration i.e.(no specific medicines except to relive symptoms )
  • Investigations -
  • Blood test -To detect HAV-specific immunoglobulin G (IgM) antibodies in the blood -
  • Reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) to detect the hepatitis A virus RNA
  • Liver function tests
  • Test also for hepatitis B and C
  • Monitor and management of complications the main one being fulminant hepatitis (acute liver failure)
25 - 59 years
  • Create awareness on Hepatitis A including risk factors
  • Create awareness on the benefits of immunization, particularly in high-risk individuals
  • Individuals education on the need for strict enteric precautions especially for individuals with HAV
  • Provide Education on proper hygiene measuresAdvice on Improved sanitationSensitize communities on use of clean, safe water.
  • Health workers training /sensitization on Hepatitis A , including prevention measures and management
  • Advice on personal hygiene; hand hygiene; proper food cooking
  • Hepatitis A Vaccine before exposure to targeted at risk groups
  • Men who have sex with men
  • People who use illegal drugs
  • People with impaired immune systems or chronic liver disease
  • People with blood-clotting disorders who receive clotting factors
  • Physical and Clinical examination
  • Relieve any symptom -fever; dehydration i.e.(no specific medicines except to relive symptoms )
  • Investigations -
  • Blood test -To detect HAV-specific immunoglobulin G (IgM) antibodies in the blood -
  • Reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) to detect the hepatitis A virus RNA
  • Liver function tests
  • Test also for hepatitis B and C
  • Monitor and management of complications the main one being fulminant hepatitis (acute liver failure)
60+ years
  • Create awareness on Hepatitis A including risk factors
  • Create awareness on the benefits of immunization, particularly in high-risk individual.
  • Individuals education on the need for strict enteric precautions especially for individuals with HAV
  • Provide Education on proper hygiene measures
  • Advice on Improved sanitationSensitize communities on use of clean, safe water.
  • Health workers training /sensitization on Hepatitis A , including prevention measures and management

Reduce chances of infections and transmission to others through;

  • Proper hand hygiene
  • Proper food hygiene including proper cooking / heating
  • Use clean safe water for drinking
  • Strict personal hygiene and hand washing to prevent fecal -oral transmission to others for those already infected.
  • Hepatitis A Vaccine before exposure to targeted at risk groups
  • Men who have sex with men
  • People who use illegal drugs
  • People with impaired immune systems or chronic liver disease
  • People with blood-clotting disorders who receive clotting factors
  • Physical and Clinical examination
  • Relieve any symptom -fever; dehydration i.e.(no specific medicines except to relieve symptoms
  • Investigations -
  • Blood test -To detect HAV-specific immunoglobulin G (IgM) antibodies in the blood -
  • Reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) to detect the hepatitis A virus RNA
  • Liver function tests
  • Test also for hepatitis B and C
  • Monitor and management of complications the main one being fulminant hepatitis (acute liver failure)
Condition: Hepatitis E
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn

Create awareness on Hepatitis E disease, the transmission mode and preventive measures to the pregnant mothers Guidance on good hygiene practices for mothersGuidance on use of clean and safe drinking waterAwareness on good sanitation /including safe human waste disposal in communities Health workers education on Hepatitis E transmission, prevention and management

  • Monitoring and Proper record keeping/reporting especially in out breaks situation
  • Monitoring and management of any complications main one being fulminant hepatitis (acute liver failure)
  • N/b There is no specific treatment capable of altering the course of acute hepatitis E.; usually self-limiting disease
  • Supportive treatment including: ** *proper nutrition, *
  • *Adequate rest *
  • relieving fever through use of pain killers*
  • Admission/hospitalization for symptomatic pregnant women.
  • Physical and clinical examination
  • Diagnosis based on Strong link in appropriate epidemiology settings, e.g. when several cases occur in localities in known disease-endemic areas, or in settings with risk of water contamination.
  • Rule out hepatitis A
  • Blood tests for detection of specific IgM antibodies to the virus for definitive diagnosis.
< 5 years

Create awareness on Hepatitis E disease,the transmission mode and preventive measures to the parents Guidance on good hygiene practices for the childrenGuidance on use of clean and safe drinking waterAwareness on good sanitation /including safe human waste disposal in communities. Health workers education on Hepatitis E transmission, prevention and management

  • Guidance /education on proper hygiene practices including:
  • Proper disposal of human waste /feaces
  • Maintaining individual hygiene practices
  • Consumption of clean safe water
  • Consumption of properly cooked meat and meat products (consumption of uncooked meat and meat products accounts for a small number of clinical cases
  • Monitoring and Proper record keeping/reporting especially in out breaks situation
  • Monitoring and management of any complications main one being fulminant hepatitis (acute liver failure)
  • N/b There is no specific treatment capable of altering the course of acute hepatitis E.; usually self-limiting disease
  • Supportive treatment including: ** *proper nutrition, *
  • *Adequate rest *
  • relieving fever through use of pain killers*
  • Admissions for children who may develop severe Hepatitis E (usually due to co-infection with Hep.A)
  • Physical and clinical examination
  • Diagnosis based on Strong link in appropriate epidemiology settings, e.g. when several cases occur in localities in known disease-endemic areas, or in settings with risk of water contamination.
  • Rule out hepatitis A
  • Blood tests for detection of specific IgM antibodies to the virus for definitive diagnosis.
5 - 11 years

Guidance onProper disposal of human faecesMaintaining individual hygiene practicesConsumption of clean safe waterConsumption of properly cooked meat and meat products consumption of uncooked meat and meat products accounts for a small number of clinical cases) Monitoring and Proper record keeping/reporting especially in out breaks situation

  • N/b There is no specific treatment capable of altering the course of acute hepatitis E.; usually self-limiting disease
  • Supportive treatment including:
  • proper nutrition,
  • Adequate rest
  • relieving fever through use of pain killers
  • Physical and clinical examination
  • Diagnosis based on Strong link in appropriate epidemiology settings, e.g. when several cases occur in localities in known disease-endemic areas, or in settings with risk of water contamination.
  • Rule out hepatitis A
  • Blood tests for detection of specific IgM antibodies to the virus for definitive diagnosis.
12 - 24 years

Create awareness on Hepatitis E disease, the transmission mode and preventive measures to the adolescents. Guidance on good hygiene practicesGuidance on use of clean and safe drinking waterAwareness on good sanitation/including safe human waste disposal in communities. Health workers education on Hepatitis E transmission, prevention and management

  • Guidance /education on proper hygiene practices including:
  • Proper disposal of human waste /feaces
  • Maintaining individual hygiene practices
  • Consumption of clean safe water
  • Consumption of properly cooked meat and meat products (consumption of uncooked meat and meat products accounts for a small number of clinical cases
  • Monitoring and Proper record keeping/reporting especially in out breaks situation
  • Monitoring and management of any complications main one being fulminant hepatitis (acute liver failure)
  • N/b There is no specific treatment capable of altering the course of acute hepatitis E.; usually self-limiting disease
  • Supportive treatment including:
  • proper nutrition,
  • Adequate rest
  • relieving fever through use of pain killers
  • Physical and clinical examination
  • Diagnosis based on Strong link in appropriate epidemiology settings, e.g. when several cases occur in localities in known disease-endemic areas, or in settings with risk of water contamination.
  • Rule out hepatitis A
  • Blood tests for detection of specific IgM antibodies to the virus for definitive diagnosis.
25 - 59 years

Awareness on good sanitation /including safe human waste disposal in communitiesGuidance on good hygiene practicesGuidance on use of clean and safe drinking water Create awareness on Hepatitis E disease, the transmission mode and preventive measures to the adults Health workers education on Hepatitis E transmission, prevention and management

  • Guidance /education on proper hygiene practices including:
  • Proper disposal of human waste /feaces
  • Maintaining individual hygiene practices
  • Consumption of clean safe water
  • Consumption of properly cooked meat and meat products (consumption of uncooked meat and meat products accounts for a small number of clinical cases
  • Monitoring and Proper record keeping/reporting especially in out breaks situation
  • Monitoring and management of any complications main one being fulminant hepatitis (acute liver failure)
  • N/b There is no specific treatment capable of altering the course of acute hepatitis E.; usually self-limiting disease
  • Supportive treatment including:
  • proper nutrition,
  • Adequate rest
  • relieving fever through use of pain killers
  • Physical and clinical examination
  • Diagnosis based on Strong link in appropriate epidemiology settings, e.g. when several cases occur in localities in known disease-endemic areas, or in settings with risk of water contamination.
  • Rule out hepatitis A
  • Blood tests for detection of specific IgM antibodies to the virus for definitive diagnosis.
60+ years

Awareness on good sanitation /including safe human waste disposal in communitiesGuidance on good hygiene practices Create awareness on Hepatitis E disease, the transmission mode and preventive measures to the elderly Health workers education on Hepatitis E transmission, prevention and management

  • Guidance /education on proper hygiene practices including:
  • Proper disposal of human waste /feaces
  • Maintaining individual hygiene practices
  • Consumption of clean safe water
  • Consumption of properly cooked meat and meat products (consumption of uncooked meat and meat products accounts for a small number of clinical cases
  • Monitoring and Proper record keeping/reporting especially in out breaks situation
  • Monitoring and management of any complications main one being fulminant hepatitis (acute liver failure)
  • N/b There is no specific treatment capable of altering the course of acute hepatitis E.; usually self-limiting disease
  • Supportive treatment including:
  • proper nutrition,
  • Adequate rest
  • relieving fever through use of pain killers
  • Physical and clinical examination
  • Diagnosis based on Strong link in appropriate epidemiology settings, e.g. when several cases occur in localities in known disease-endemic areas, or in settings with risk of water contamination.
  • Rule out hepatitis A
  • Blood tests for detection of specific IgM antibodies to the virus for definitive diagnosis.
Condition: Diabetes mellitus
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Create awareness on diabetes including prevention measures among pregnant women
  • Create awareness on health diets for the pregnant women
  • Education to pregnant women, on importance of physical exercise
  • Creation of awareness on avoidance risk factors such as on avoidance of tobacco use and harmful use of alcohol
  • Health workers training on diabetes including management in pregnant women
  • Promote ANC attendance
  • Advice/guidance to pregnant women on maintaining healthy diet
  • Guidance on a regular exercise routine
  • Guidance on maintaining healthy body weight/guidance on weight loss
  • Pre-natal screening for Gestational diabetes
  • Management of Gestational diabetes and pre-existing diabetes through advice on Lifestyle change including.
  • healthy balanced diet/nutritional therapy
  • regular daily physical activity.
  • Weight management depending on pregestational weight
  • Medications/use of Insulin for treating hyperglycemia in gestational diabetes mellitus as it does not cross the placenta
  • Management of pre-existing diabetes in pregnant women through use of insulin
  • Monitoring and prevention of pre-eclampsia in pregnant women with diabetes (use low dose aspirin 60–150 mg/day
  • Foetal monitoring
  • Monitoring of the neonates blood sugar after delivery
  • Postpartum Follow-up
< 5 years
  • Create awareness to parents, families on type 1 diabetes
  • Awareness creation on measures to prevent complications of type 1 diabetes among children
  • Awareness creation on healthy diets for children, physical activity
  • Health workers training on diabetes including type 1 diabetes and its management
  • Interventions to prevent complications for type 1 diabetes including
  • Helping the child maintain good blood sugar control
  • Teaching the child the importance of eating a healthy diet and participating in regular physical activity
  • Scheduling regular check-ups for the child with the health workers-including eye check up
  • Physical and Clinical examination
  • Random and fasting blood sugars for diagnosis of type 1 diabetes
  • Advice to parents on healthy foods for the child with diabetes
  • Guidance and encouraging Exercise regularly
  • Screening for and management of blood lipid (to regulate cholesterol levels)
  • screening for early signs of diabetes-related kidney disease and treatment
  • Management of type 1 diabetes with insulin injection
  • Recognition and management of acute diabetic emergencies (hypoglycaemeia and hyperglycaemia emergencies)
  • Regular examination of the feet and management of any foot ulcers to prevent diabetic foot screening and treatment for retinopathy
  • Monitoring and control of blood pressure
  • Monitoring and management of any complications including
  • Frequent blood sugar monitoring and blood glucose control
  • Follow up
5 - 11 years
  • Health education on early identification of diabetes, early treatment and complication prevention

Integrated counselling on healthy diet, physical activity, Encourage compliance with medications, and regular clinical check-ups and prevention of complications

  • Healthy diet
  • Physical activity
  • Insulin
  • Monitoring glycaemic control
  • Prevent and treat diabetic ketoacidosis
  • Monitor long-term complications
  • Manage complications
12 - 24 years
  • Health education on early identification of diabetes, early treatment and complication prevention
  • Diabetes-related eye examination
  • Diabetes-related foot examination
  • Diabetes-related neuropathy examination
  • Diabetes-related kidney disease testing
  • Healthy diet
  • Physical activity
  • Insulin
  • Monitoring glycaemic control
  • Prevent and treat diabetic ketoacidosis
  • Monitor long-term complications
  • Manage complications
25 - 59 years
  • Health education on early identification of diabetes, early treatment and complication prevention

Community engagement [community sensitization on diabetes and risk factors, healthy diets, regular blood sugar testing, and exercise]. Provision of IEC/BCC materials

  • Regular monitoring of blood sugar and HbA1C in high risk patients
  • Diabetes-related eye examination
  • Diabetes-related foot examination
  • Diabetes-related neuropathy examination Diabetes-related kidney disease testing
  • Lifestyle management
  • Medical nutrition therapy
  • Oral hypoglycaemic medications
  • Insulin
  • Monitoring glycaemic control
  • Detect and manage DM-specific complications

History and physical examination for diabetes mellitus Point of care testing Basic laboratory tests Advanced laboratory tests Condition-specific nutrition assessment and counselling Counselling on home glucose monitoring, and self-insulin administration. Provision of blood glucose monitoring device and test strips Diabetic foot examination Test for visual acuity Direct ophthalmoscopy Intravenous fluids Insulin treatment Oral hypoglycaemics Monitoring of acid base status

60+ years
  • Health education on early identification of diabetes, early treatment and complication prevention
  • Regular monitoring of blood sugar and HbA1C in high risk patients
  • Diabetes-related eye examination
  • Diabetes-related foot examination
  • Diabetes-related neuropathy examination
  • Diabetes-related kidney disease testing
  • Lifestyle management
  • Medical nutrition therapy
  • Oral hypoglycaemic medications
  • Insulin
  • Monitoring glycaemic control
  • Detect and manage DM-specific complications
Condition: Rabies
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Awareness creation on rabies and prevention measures including preventing dog bites.
  • Education on dog behavior and bite prevention
  • Increasing awareness of rabies prevention and control in communities including education and information on responsible pet ownership, how to prevent dog bites, and immediate care measures after a bite.
  • Health workers training on rabies,prevention measures and its management
  • Immunization for mothers with rabies vaccine after exposure (PEP)
  • Pre-exposure immunization for mothers in high-risk occupations such as, laboratory workers handling live rabies and rabies-related (lyssavirus) viruses and those whose profession brings them direct contact with animals e.g. wildlife rangers
  • Joint contact tracing by veterinary and public health services to identify additional suspected rabid animals and human bite victims, with the goal to apply preventive measures accordingly
  • Record keeping and reporting to the public health departments
  • Physical and clinical examination
  • Recognition and categorization of animal bite exposures categorized as carrying a risk of developing rabies which include: if the biting mammal is a known rabies reservoir or vector species, the exposure occurs in a geographical area where rabies is still present, the animal looks sick or displays abnormal behavior, a wound or mucous membrane was contaminated by the animal’s saliva, the bite was unprovoked, the animal has not been vaccinated, The vaccination status of the suspect animal is questionable
  • Immediate post exposure prophylaxis of the pregnant women assessed as carrying a risk of developing rabies;
    • Extensive washing ; flushing and local treatment of the bite wound or scratch as soon as possible after a suspected exposure;
    • Administration of rabies vaccine
    • the administration of rabies immunoglobulin (RIG), if indicated.
  • Relieve of any other symptoms such as pain with analgesics
  • Foetal monitoring
  • Monitor and manage any complications depending on the two forms of rabies – such as cardiopulmonary arrest as a result of furious rabies or muscle paralysis and coma due to paralytic rabies
  • ICU services for patients with complications e.g. those in coma
  • Integrated bite case management/alert the veterinary services to remove the biting animal from the community/quarantined
< 5 years
  • Awareness creation on rabies and prevention measures including preventing dog bites.
  • Education on dog behavior and bite prevention
  • Increasing awareness of rabies prevention and control in communities including education and information on responsible pet ownership, how to prevent dog bites, and immediate care measures after a bite.
  • Health workers training on rabies ,prevention measures and its management
  • Immunization for children with rabies vaccine after exposure (PEP) or before exposure
  • Immunization consideration for children living in, high rabies exposure risk areas ( As they play with animals, they may receive more severe bites, or may not report bites.)
  • Joint contact tracing by veterinary and public health services to identify additional suspected rabid animals and human bite victims, with the goal to apply preventive measures accordingly
  • Record keeping and reporting to the public health departments and veterinary departments
  • Physical and clinical examination,
  • Recognition and categorization of animal bite exposures categorized as carrying a risk of developing rabies which include:if the biting mammal is a known rabies reservoir or vector species,the exposure occurs in a geographical area where rabies is still present, the animal looks sick or displays abnormal behavior, a wound or mucous membrane was contaminated by the animal’s saliva; the bite was unprovoked, the animal has not been vaccinated, The vaccination status of the suspect animal is questionable
  • Immediate post exposure prophylaxis of all categorized exposures assessed as carrying a risk of developing rabies;
    • Extensive washing ; flushing and local treatment of the bite wound or scratch as soon as possible after a suspected exposure;
    • Administration of rabies vaccine under supervision of a physician
    • the administration of rabies immunoglobulin (RIG), if indicated.
  • Relieve of any other symptoms such as pain with analgesics
  • Admission services/inpatient services
  • Monitor and manage any complications depending on the two forms of rabies – such as cardiopulmonary arrest as a result of furious rabies or muscle paralysis and coma due to paralytic rabies
  • ICU services for patients with complications e.g. those in coma
  • Integrated bite case management/ alert the veterinary services to remove the biting animal from the community/quarantined.
5 - 11 years
  • Awareness creation on rabies and prevention measures including preventing dog bites.
  • Education on dog behavior and bite prevention
  • Increasing awareness of rabies prevention and control in communities including education and information on responsible pet ownership, how to prevent dog bites, and immediate care measures after a bite.
  • Health workers education on rabies ,prevention measures and its management
  • Immunization of children with rabies vaccine after exposure (PEP) or before exposure
  • Immunization consideration for children living in, high rabies exposure risk areas ( As they play with animals, they may receive more severe bites, or may not report bites)
  • Joint contact tracing by veterinary and public health services to identify additional suspected rabid animals and human bite victims, with the goal to apply preventive measures accordingly
  • Record keeping and reporting to the public health departments and veterinary departments
  • Physical and clinical examination,
  • Recognition and categorization of animal bite exposures categorized as carrying a risk of developing rabies which include; if the biting mammal is a known rabies reservoir or vector species, the exposure occurs in a geographical area where rabies is still present, the animal looks sick or displays abnormal behavior, a wound or mucous membrane was contaminated by the animal’s saliva; the bite was unprovoked, the animal has not been vaccinated,The vaccination status of the suspect animal is questionable
  • Immediate post exposure prophylaxis of all categorised exposures assessed as carrying a risk of developing rabies
    • Extensive washing ; flushing and local treatment of the bite wound or scratch as soon as possible after a suspected exposure;
    • Administration of rabies vaccine
    • the administration of rabies immunoglobulin (RIG), if indicated.
  • Relieve of any other symptoms such as pain with analgesics
  • Monitor and manage any complications depending on the two forms of rabies – such as cardiopulmonary arrest as a result of furious rabies or muscle paralysis and coma due to paralytic rabies
  • ICU services for patients with complications e.g. those in coma
  • Integrated bite case management/alert the veterinary services to remove the biting animal from the community/quarantined
12 - 24 years
  • Awareness creation on rabies and prevention measures including preventing dog bites
  • Education on dog behavior and bite prevention
  • Increasing awareness of rabies prevention and control in communities including education and information on responsible pet ownership, how to prevent dog bites, and immediate care measures after a bite.
  • Health workers training on rabies,prevention measures and its management
  • Immunization of adolescents with rabies vaccine after exposure (PEP) or before exposure
  • Pre-exposure immunization is for adolescents in high-risk activities such as direct contact with animals e.g. wildlife rangers
  • Joint contact tracing by veterinary and public health services to identify additional suspected rabid animals and human bite victims, with the goal to apply preventive measures accordingly
  • Record keeping and reporting to the public health departments and veterinary departments
  • Physical and clinical examination,
  • Recognition and categorization of animal bite exposures categorized as carrying a risk of developing rabies which include: if the biting mammal is a known rabies reservoir or vector species, the exposure occurs in a geographical area where rabies is still present, the animal looks sick or displays abnormal behavior, a wound or mucous membrane was contaminated by the animal’s saliva; the bite was unprovoked, the animal has not been vaccinated, The vaccination status of the suspect animal is questionable
  • Immediate post exposure prophylaxis of all categorised exposures assessed as carrying a risk of developing rabies;
    • Extensive washing ; flushing and local treatment of the bite wound or scratch as soon as possible after a suspected exposure;
    • Administration of rabies vaccine
    • the administration of rabies immunoglobulin (RIG), if indicated.
  • Relieve of any other symptoms such as pain with analgesics
  • Monitor and manage any complications depending on the two forms of rabies – such as cardiopulmonary arrest as a result of furious rabies or muscle paralysis and coma due to paralytic rabies
  • ICU services for patients with complications e.g. those in coma
  • Integrated bite case management/alert the veterinary services to remove the biting animal from the community/quarantine the animal
25 - 59 years
  • Awareness creation on rabies and prevention measures including preventing dog bites
  • Education on dog behavior and bite prevention
  • Increasing awareness of rabies prevention and control in communities including education and information on responsible pet ownership, how to prevent dog bites, and immediate care measures after a bite.
  • Health workers training on rabies ,prevention measures and its management
  • Immunization of adults with rabies vaccine after exposure (PEP) or before exposure
  • Pre-exposure immunization is for adults in high-risk occupations such as; laboratory workers handling live rabies and rabies-related (lyssavirus) viruses and elderly whose profession brings them direct contact with animals e.g. wildlife rangers
  • Joint contact tracing by veterinary and public health services to identify additional suspected rabid animals and human bite victims,with the goal to apply preventive measures accordingly
  • Record keeping and reporting to the public health departments and veterinary departments
  • Physical and clinical examination,
  • Recognition and categorization of animal bite exposures categorized as carrying a risk of developing rabies which include: if the biting mammal is a known rabies reservoir or vector species, the exposure occurs in a geographical area where rabies is still present, the animal looks sick or displays abnormal behavior, a wound or mucous membrane was contaminated by the animal’s saliva; the bite was unprovoked, the animal has not been vaccinated, The vaccination status of the suspect animal is questionable
  • Immediate post exposure prophylaxis of all cotegorized exposures assessed as carrying a risk of developing rabies;
    • Extensive washing ; flushing and local treatment of the bite wound or scratch as soon as possible after a suspected exposure;
    • Administration of rabies vaccine
    • the administration of rabies immunoglobulin (RIG), if indicated.
  • Relieve of any other symptoms such as pain with analgesics
  • Monitor and manage any complications depending on the two forms of rabies – such as cardiopulmonary arrest as a result of furious rabies or muscle paralysis and coma due to paralytic rabies
  • ICU services for patients with complications e.g. those in coma
  • Integrated bite case management/alert the veterinary services to remove the biting animal from the community/quarantined
60+ years
  • Awareness creation on rabies and prevention measures including preventing dog bites
  • Education on dog behaviour and bite prevention
  • Increasing awareness of rabies prevention and control in communities including education and information on responsible pet ownership,how to prevent dog bites and immediate care measures after a bite.
  • Health workers training on rabies ,prevention measures and its management
  • Immunization of elderly with rabies vaccine after exposure (PEP) or before exposure
  • Pre-exposure immunization is for elderly in high-risk occupations such as, laboratory workers handling live rabies and rabies-related (lysavirus) viruses, and elderly whose profession brings them direct contact with animals e.g. wildlife rangers
  • Joint contact tracing by veterinary and public health services to identify additional suspected rabid animals and human bite victims, with the goal to apply preventive measures accordingly
  • Record keeping and reporting to the public health departments and veterinary departments
  • Physical and clinical examination,
  • Recognition and categorization of animal bite exposures categorized as carrying a risk of developing rabies which include: if the biting mammal is a known rabies reservoir or vector species, the exposure occurs in a geographical area where rabies is still present, the animal looks sick or displays abnormal behavior, a wound or mucous membrane was contaminated by the animal’s saliva; the bite was unprovoked, the animal has not been vaccinated, The vaccination status of the suspect animal is questionable
  • Immediate post exposure prophylaxis of all categorized exposures assessed as carrying a risk of developing rabies;
    • Extensive washing ; flushing and local treatment of the bite wound or scratch as soon as possible after a suspected exposure;
    • Administration of rabies vaccine
    • the administration of rabies immunoglobulin (RIG), if indicated.
  • Relieve of any other symptoms such as pain with analgesics
  • Monitor and manage any complications depending on the two forms of rabies – such as cardiopulmonary arrest as a result of furious rabies or muscle paralysis and coma due to paralytic rabies
  • ICU services for patients with complications e.g. those in coma
  • Integrated bite case management/alert the veterinary services to remove the biting animal from the community/quarantined
Condition: Yellow Fever
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Education and awareness creation on yellow fever including transmission and prevention measures ** Education on the need for yellow fever vaccination
    • Education on vector /mosquito control measures
  • Distribution of IEC materials
  • Health workers training on yellow fever including prevention measures
  • Vaccination with yellow fever vaccine for pregnant women during yellow fever out breaks when the risk of infection is high
  • Requirement for travelers to provide certificate of yellow fever vaccine in line with the International Health Regulations (IHR)
  • Eliminating potential mosquito breeding sites to reduce risk of yellow fever transmission in urban areas
  • Vector surveillance targeting Aedes aegypti and other Aedes species to inform where there is a risk of an outbreak and hence inform vector control activities, human disease surveillance and testing
  • Isolation of infected individuals indoors or under mosquito netting to prevent further mosquito exposure and hence cut off the transmission
  • Personal preventive measures such as clothing minimizing skin exposure and repellents to avoid mosquito bites
  • Recording and reporting on yellow fever to health departments
  • Physical examination
  • clinical diagnosis based on the patient's signs and symptoms, the travel history (when and where), the related travel activities and vaccine history
  • Supportive treatment aimed at relieving symptoms including
  • Relive pain and fever
  • Monitoring and specific management of the disease depending on the severity including
    • Oxygen administration
    • Intravenous fluid administration for dehydration
    • Blood pressure control -medications to increase collection/blood_pressure in cases of circulatory collapse
  • · transfusion of blood products in cases of severe bleeding
    • Antibiotics for secondary bacterial_infections_
    • ICU services for endotracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation in cases of respiratory failure
  • Management for any complication due to AEFI with yellow fever vaccine
  • Diagnostic Tests;- Blood tests to detect the virus in the early stages of the disease or demonstrate the presence of virus-specific antibodies (IgM and IgG) in late stages of yellow fever.
  • Follow up
< 5 years
  • Education and awareness creation on yellow fever including transmission and prevention measures ** Education on the need for yellow fever vaccination
    • Education on vector /mosquito control measures
  • Distribution of IEC materials
  • Health workers training on yellow fever including prevention measures
  • Vaccination of children for life-long protection against yellow fever disease
  • Vaccination for travelers going to yellow fever endemic areas
  • Mass vaccination campaigns designed to increase coverage in countries at risk
  • Yellow fever disease surveillance and Prompt recognition and control of outbreaks using mass immunization in high-risk areas where vaccination coverage is low
  • Requirement for travelers to provide certificate of yellow fever vaccine in line with the International Health Regulations (IHR)
  • Eliminating potential mosquito breeding sites to reduce risk of yellow fever transmission in urban areas ü Vector surveillance targeting Aedes aegypti and other Aedes species to inform where there is a risk of an outbreak and hence inform vector control activities, human disease surveillance and testing
  • Guidance on Personal preventive measures such as clothing minimizing skin exposure and repellents to avoid mosquito bites
  • Isolation of infected individuals indoors or under mosquito netting to prevent further mosquito exposure and hence cut off the transmission
  • Recording and reporting on yellow fever to health departments
  • Physical examination
  • clinical diagnosis based on the patient's signs and symptoms, the travel history (when and where), the related travel activities and vaccine history
  • Supportive treatment aimed at relieving symptoms including
  • Relive pain and fever
  • Monitoring and specific management of the disease depending on the severity including
    • Oxygen administration
    • Intravenous fluid administration for dehydration
    • Blood pressure control -medications to increase collection/blood_pressure in cases of circulatory collapse
  • · transfusion of blood products in cases of severe bleeding
    • Antibiotics for secondary bacterial_infections_
    • ICU services for endotracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation in cases of respiratory failure
  • Management for any complication due to AEFI with yellow fever vaccine
  • Diagnostic Tests;- Blood tests to detect the virus in the early stages of the disease or demonstrate the presence of virus-specific antibodies (IgM and IgG) in late stages of yellow fever.
  • Follow up
5 - 11 years
  • Strengthen families and community-based awareness on Yellow Fever including transmission and prevention measures * Information and health education to parents, families and Communities on immunization including vaccination schedule for young children
  • Vaccination: Yellow fever

History and physical examination Basic laboratory tests Advanced laboratory tests Treat bacterial infections with antibiotics IV fluid for rehydration Manage complications such as liver and kidney failure Manage fever with antipyretics Nutritional support

12 - 24 years
  • Education and awareness creation on yellow fever including transmission and prevention measures ** Education on the need for yellow fever vaccination
    • Education on vector /mosquito control measures
  • Distribution of IEC materials
  • Health workers training on yellow fever including prevention measures
  • Vaccination for life-long protection against yellow fever disease
  • mass vaccination campaigns designed to increase coverage in countries at risk
  • Vaccination for travelers going to yellow fever endemic areas
  • Yellow fever disease surveillance and Prompt recognition and control of outbreaks using mass immunization in high-risk areas where vaccination coverage is low
  • Requirement for travelers to provide certificate of yellow fever vaccine in line with the International Health Regulations (IHR)
  • Eliminating potential mosquito breeding sites to reduce risk of yellow fever transmission in urban areas
  • Vector surveillance targeting Aedes aegypti and other Aedes species to inform where there is a risk of an outbreak and hence inform vector control activities, human disease surveillance and testing
  • Guidance on Personal preventive measures such as clothing minimizing skin exposure and repellents to avoid mosquito bites
  • Monitoring and reporting on Adverse Events Following Immunization (AEFI)
  • Recording and reporting on yellow fever to health departments
  • Physical examination
  • clinical diagnosis based on the patient's signs and symptoms, the travel history (when and where), the related travel activities and vaccine history
  • Supportive treatment aimed at relieving symptoms including
  • Relive pain and fever
  • Monitoring and specific management of the disease depending on the severity including
    • Oxygen administration
    • Intravenous fluid administration for dehydration
    • Blood pressure control -medications to increase collection/blood_pressure in cases of circulatory collapse
  • · transfusion of blood products in cases of severe bleeding
    • Antibiotics for secondary bacterial_infections_
    • ICU services for endotracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation in cases of respiratory failure
  • Management for any complication due to AEFI with yellow fever vaccine
  • Diagnostic Tests;- Blood tests to detect the virus in the early stages of the disease or demonstrate the presence of virus-specific antibodies (IgM and IgG) in late stages of yellow fever.
  • Follow up
25 - 59 years
  • Strengthen families and community-based awareness on Yellow Fever including transmission and prevention measures
  • Information and health education to parents, families and communities on Yellow Fever vaccination
  • Vaccination: Yellow fever

History and physical examination Basic laboratory tests Advanced laboratory tests Treat bacterial infections with antibiotics IV fluid for rehydration Manage complications such as liver and kidney failure Manage fever with antipyretics Nutritional support .

60+ years
  • Education and awareness creation on yellow fever including transmission and prevention measures ** Education on the need for yellow fever vaccination
    • Education on vector /mosquito control measures
  • Distribution of IEC materials
  • Health workers training on yellow fever including prevention measures and its management
  • Vaccination for life-long protection against yellow fever disease for elderly after careful risk assessment
  • Mass vaccination campaigns designed to increase coverage in countries at risk
  • vaccination for travelers going to yellow fever endemic areas
  • Yellow fever disease surveillance and Prompt recognition and control of outbreaks using mass immunization in high-risk areas where vaccination coverage is low
  • Guidance on Personal preventive measures such as clothing minimizing skin exposure and use of repellents to avoid mosquito bites
  • Isolation of infected individuals indoors or under mosquito netting to prevent further mosquito exposure and hence cut off the transmission
  • Monitoring and reporting on Adverse Events Following Immunization (AEFI)
  • Recording and reporting on yellow fever to health departments
  • Physical examination
  • clinical diagnosis based on the patient's signs and symptoms, the travel history (when and where), the related travel activities and vaccine history
  • Supportive treatment aimed at relieving symptoms including
  • Relive pain and fever
  • Monitoring and specific management of the disease depending on the severity including
    • Oxygen administration
    • Intravenous fluid administration for dehydration
    • Blood pressure control -medications to increase collection/blood_pressure in cases of circulatory collapse
  • · transfusion of blood products in cases of severe bleeding
    • Antibiotics for secondary bacterial_infections_
    • ICU services for endotracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation in cases of respiratory failure
  • Management for any complication due to AEFI with yellow fever vaccine
  • Diagnostic Tests;- Blood tests to detect the virus in the early stages of the disease or demonstrate the presence of virus-specific antibodies (IgM and IgG) in late stages of yellow fever.
  • Follow up
Condition: Acute Hepatitis C
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Health workers training on Hepatitis C, including transmission ; prevention measures; and management
  • Education to mothers on safe sex practices
  • Provision of education & comprehensive harm-reduction services to mothers who inject drugs including sterile injecting equipment and effective and evidence-based treatment of dependence
  • Distribution of IEC materials
  • Mass awareness campaigns during health days such as World Hepatitis Day
  • Create awareness to mothers and families on Hepatitis C including transmission, risk factors and prevention measures
  • Primary prevention measures
    • Injection safety -safe and appropriate use of health care injections
    • safe handling and disposal of sharps and waste
    • Education /guidance on Safe sex practices -prevent exposure to blood during sex
  • Immunization with the hepatitis A and B vaccines to prevent coinfection from these hepatitis viruses and to protect their liver
  • screening/ Testing of donated blood for HBV and HCV (as well as HIV and syphilis
  • Screening, for hepatitis C infection for the pregnant women
  • Screening for HCV to children born to mothers infected with HCV
  • Physical and clinical examination
  • Diagnostic tests
  • Serological tests for anti-HCV antibodies (hepatitis C antibody test)
  • Nucleic acid test for HCV ribonucleic acid (RNA) to confirm chronic infection
  • Diagnosis of hepatitis C in pregnant women based on signs and symptoms
  • Regular Monitoring for early diagnosis and management of any complications such as liver cirrhosis and liver cancer
  • Supportive therapies pregnant women with Hepatitis C including
  • proper nutrition;
  • fluids therapy ;
  • plenty of rest;
  • relieve of pain
  • Administration of Antiviral therapy
< 5 years
  • Health workers training on Hepatitis C, including transmission, prevention measures and management
  • Mass awareness campaigns during health days such as World Hepatitis Day
  • Create awareness to parents and families on Hepatitis C including transmission, risk factors and prevention measures
  • Primary prevention measures
    • Injection safety -safe and appropriate use of health care injections
    • Safe handling and disposal of sharps and waste
  • Training of health personnel on hepatitis C
  • Immunization with the hepatitis A and B vaccines for children with hepatitis C to prevent coinfection from these hepatitis viruses and to protect their liver
  • Screening, for hepatitis C infection
  • Physical and clinical examination
  • Diagnosis of hepatitis C in children based on signs and symptoms including fever, fatigue, decreased appetite, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, joint pain and yellowing of skin and the whites of the eyes
  • Supportive therapies for children with Hepatitis C including
  • proper nutrition;
  • fluids therapy ;
  • PLenty of rest;
  • relieve of pain
  • Monitor for any progression to Chronic Hepatitis C
  • Follow up
  • WHO -recommends Deferring anti-retroviral treatment for children aged less than 12 years with chronic HCV infection until 12 years of age
5 - 11 years
  • Health workers trainings on Hepatitis C, including transmission; prevention measures and management
  • Training/sensitizing school communities on Hepatitis C, including transmission; prevention measures
  • Health education to school age children on hepatitsi C
    • Distribution of IEC materuials on Hepatitis C
  • Mass awarenes creation on Heaptitis C eg through world hepatitis Day/ through schools ie. schools health programs
  • Primary prevention measures
  • Training of health personnel on hepatitis C
  • Injection safety -safe and appropriate use of health care injections
  • Safe handling and disposal of sharps and waste
  • Immunization with the hepatitis A and B vaccines to children with hepatitis C infection to prevent coinfection from these hepatitis viruses and to protect their liver.
  • Physical and clinical examination
  • Diagnosis of hepatitis C in children based on signs and symptoms including fever, fatigue, decreased appetite, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, joint pain and yellowing of skin and the whites of the eyes
  • Supportive therapies for children with Hepatitis C including
  • proper nutrition;
  • fluids therapy ;
  • PLenty of rest;
  • relieve of pain
  • Monitor for any progression to Chronic Hepatitis C
  • Follow up
  • n/b WHO -recommends Deferring anti-retroviral treatment for children aged less than 12 years with chronic HCV infection until 12 years of age
12 - 24 years
  • Health workers training on Hepatitis C, including transmission & ; prevention measures
  • Create awareness to adolescents and families on Hepatitis C including transmission, risk factors and prevention measures
  • Mass awareness campaigns during health days such as World Hepatitis Day
  • provision of education & comprehensive harm-reduction services to adolescents who inject drugs including sterile injecting equipment and effective and evidence-based treatment of dependence;
  • Education to adolescents on safe sex practices
  • Distribution of IEC materuials on Hepatitis C
  • Training of health personnel on hepatitis C
  • Guidance /eduvation on Safe sex practices -prevent exposure to blood during sex
  • Immunization with the hepatitis A and B vaccines to prevent coinfection from these hepatitis viruses and to protect their liver
  • Primary prevention measures
    • Injection safety -safe and appropriate use of health care injections
    • Safe handling and disposal of sharps and wastencluding to those at risk.
  • Physical and clinical examination
  • Diagnostic tests
  • Serological tests for anti-HCV antibodies (hepatitis C antibody test)
  • Nucleic acid test for HCV ribonucleic acid (RNA) to confirm chronic infection
  • Diagnosis of hepatitis C in elderly based on signs and symptoms
  • Regular Monitoring for early diagnosis and management of any complications such as liver cirrhosis and liver cancer
  • Supportive therapies to elderly with Hepatitis C including
  • proper nutrition;
  • fluids therapy
  • Adequate rest;
  • relieve pain
  • Monitoring for progression to Chronic Hepatitis C
  • Administration of Antiviral therapy (use of pan-genotypic direct-acting antivirals (DAAs) for chronic HCV) after careful assessment
  • Regular Monitoring for early diagnosis and management of any complications such as liver cirrhosis and liver cancer
25 - 59 years
  • Health workers training on Hepatitis C, including transmission & prevention measures
  • Mass awareness campaigns during health days such as World Hepatitis Day
  • Create awareness to the adults and families on Hepatitis C including transmission, risk factors and prevention measures
  • provision of education & comprehensive harm-reduction services to adults who inject drugs including sterile injecting equipment and effective and evidence-based treatment of dependence;
  • Education to adults on safe sex practices
  • Distribution of IEC materuials on Hepatitis C
  • Primary prevention measures
    • Injection safety -safe and appropriate use of health care injections
    • Safe handling and disposal of sharps and waste
  • Training of health personnel on hepatitis C
  • Guidance on Safe sex practices to prevent exposure to blood during sex; Secondary prevention measures
  • Immunization with the hepatitis A and B vaccines for adults with hepatitis C infection to prevent coinfection from these hepatitis viruses and to protect their liver
60+ years
  • Health workers training on Hepatitis C, including transmission & amp; prevention measures
  • Mass awareness campaigns during health days such as World Hepatitis Day
  • Create awareness to the elderly and families on Hepatitis C including transmission, risk factors and prevention measures
  • provision of education & comprehensive harm-reduction services to elderly who inject drugs including sterile injecting equipment and effective and evidence-based treatment of dependence;
  • Education to elderly on safe sex practices
  • Distribution of IEC materuials on Hepatitis C
  • Primary prevention measures
    • Injection safety -safe and appropriate use of health care injections
    • Safe handling and disposal of sharps and waste
    • Education on Safe sex practices prevent exposure to blood during sex
  • Training of health personnel on hepatitis C
  • Immunization with the hepatitis A and B vaccines to elderly with hepatis C to prevent coinfection from these hepatitis viruses and to protect their liver
  • Screening, for hepatitis C infection in elderly including to those at risk
  • Physical and clinical examination
  • Diagnostic tests
  • Serological tests for anti-HCV antibodies (hepatitis C antibody test)
  • Nucleic acid test for HCV ribonucleic acid (RNA) to confirm chronic infection
  • Diagnosis of hepatitis C in elderly based on signs and symptoms
  • Supportive therapies to elderly with Hepatitis C including
  • proper nutrition;
  • fluids therapy
  • Adequate rest;
  • relieve pain
  • Monitoring for progression to Chronic Hepatitis C
  • Administration of Antiviral therapy (use of pan-genotypic direct-acting antivirals (DAAs) for chronic HCV) after careful assessment
  • Regular Monitoring for early diagnosis and management of any complications such as liver cirrhosis and liver cancer
Condition: Leprosy
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Community Capacity building on basic facts about leprosy, signs and symptoms, and mode of transmission will improve early diagnosis and treatment
  • Community knowledge that leprosy disease is curable will reduce stigma and discrimination
  • Involving communities in actions for improvement of leprosy services
  • Health workers education on leprosy including prevention, diagnosis and management
  • Multi-sectoral approach in addressing leprosy
  • Strengthening patient and community awareness of leprosy
  • Community Health education to raise suspicion of leprosy by the community members
  • Demand creation for community to seek early diagnosis and treatment
    • Guidance on avoidance of close and frequent contacts with persons with untreated leprosy
  • Early case detection through active case finding
  • Contact tracing
  • Guidance on prompt start and adherence to treatment
  • Surveillance for leprosy
  • Recording and reporting on leprosy (health information systems for program monitoring and evaluation)
  • Conducting basic and operational research in all aspects of leprosy and maximize the evidence base to inform policies, strategies and activities
  • physical and clinical examination
  • Presumptive diagnosis of Leprosy based on cardinal signs:
  • Definite loss of sensation in a pale (hypo pigmented) or reddish skin patch *
  • Thickened or enlarged peripheral nerve with loss of sensation and/or weakness of the muscles supplied by that nerve*
  • Follow up and prevention of complications including progressive and permanent damage to the skin, nerves, limbs, and eyes through early diagnosis and early treatment
  • Prevention and management of disabilities.
  • Management of Leprosy with Multidrug therapy (MDT)
  • Hospital admission
  • Strengthening surveillance for antimicrobial resistance including laboratory network.
< 5 years
  • Strengthening patient and community awareness of leprosy
  • Community Health education to raise suspicion of leprosy by the community members
  • Demand creation for community to seek early diagnosis and treatment
  • Community Capacity building on basic facts about leprosy, signs and symptoms, and mode of transmission will improve early diagnosis and treatment
  • Community knowledge that leprosy disease is curable will reduce stigma and discrimination
  • Involving communities in actions for improvement of leprosy services
  • Multi-sect oral approach in addressing leprosy
  • Health workers training on leprosy including prevention, diagnosis and management
  • physical and clinical examination
  • Presumptive diagnosis of Leprosy based on cardinal signs:
  • Definite loss of sensation in a pale (hypo pigmented) or reddish skin patch *
  • Thickened or enlarged peripheral nerve with loss of sensation and/or weakness of the muscles supplied by that nerve*
  • Prevention and management of disabilities.
  • Hospital admission
  • Management of Leprosy with Multidrug therapy (MDT)
  • Follow up and prevention of complications including progressive and permanent damage to the skin, nerves, limbs, and eyes through early diagnosis and early treatment
  • Strengthening surveillance for antimicrobial resistance including laboratory network.
  • Conducting basic and operational research in all aspects of leprosy and maximize the evidence base to inform policies, strategies and activities
5 - 11 years
  • Strengthening patient and community awareness of leprosy
  • Community Health education to raise suspicion of leprosy by the community members
  • Multi-sectoral approach in addressing leprosy
  • Health workers traiing on leprosy including prevention, diagnosis and management
    • Guidance on avoidance of close and frequent contacts with persons with untreated leprosy
  • Early case detection through active case finding
  • Contact tracing
  • Guidance on prompt start and adherence to treatment
  • Surveillance for leprosy
  • Recording and reporting on leprosy (health information systems for program monitoring and evaluation)
  • Conducting basic and operational research in all aspects of leprosy and maximize the evidence base to inform policies, strategies and activities
  • physical and clinical examination
  • Presumptive diagnosis of Leprosy based on cardinal signs:
  • Definite loss of sensation in a pale (hypo pigmented) or reddish skin patch *
  • Thickened or enlarged peripheral nerve with loss of sensation and/or weakness of the muscles supplied by that nerve*
  • Hospital admission
  • Management of Leprosy with Multidrug therapy (MDT)
  • Prevention and management of disabilities.
  • Follow up and prevention of complications including progressive and permanent damage to the skin, nerves, limbs, and eyes through early diagnosis and early treatment
  • Strengthening surveillance for antimicrobial resistance including laboratory network.
12 - 24 years
  • Strengthening patient and community awareness of leprosy
  • Community Capacity building on basic facts about leprosy, signs and symptoms, and mode of transmission will improve early diagnosis and treatment
  • Demand creation for community to seek early diagnosis and treatment
  • Community knowledge that leprosy disease is curable will reduce stigma and discrimination
  • Involving communities in actions for improvement of leprosy services
  • Multi-sectoral approach in addressing leprosy
  • Community Health education to raise suspicion of leprosy by the community members
  • Health workers training on leprosy including prevention, diagnosis and management
    • Guidance on avoidance of close and frequent contacts with persons with untreated leprosy
  • Early case detection through active case finding
  • Contact tracing
  • Guidance on prompt start and adherence to treatment
  • Surveillance for leprosy
  • Recording and reporting on leprosy (health information systems for program monitoring and evaluation)
  • Conducting basic and operational research in all aspects of leprosy and maximize the evidence base to inform policies, strategies and activities
  • physical and clinical examination
  • Presumptive diagnosis of Leprosy based on cardinal signs:
  • Definite loss of sensation in a pale (hypo pigmented) or reddish skin patch *
  • Thickened or enlarged peripheral nerve with loss of sensation and/or weakness of the muscles supplied by that nerve*
  • Follow up and prevention of complications including progressive and permanent damage to the skin, nerves, limbs, and eyes through early diagnosis and early treatment
  • Prevention and management of disabilities.
  • Management of Leprosy with Multidrug therapy (MDT)
  • Hospital admission
  • Strengthening surveillance for antimicrobial resistance including laboratory network.
25 - 59 years
  • Strengthening patient and community awareness of leprosy
  • Community Capacity building on basic facts about leprosy,signs and symptoms and mode of transmission will improve early diagnosis and treatment
  • Demand creation for community to seek early diagnosis and treatment
  • Community Health education to raise suspicion of leprosy by the community members
  • Community knowledge that leprosy disease is curable will reduce stigma and discrimination
  • Involving communities in actions for improvement of leprosy services
  • Multi-sectoral approach in addressing leprosy
  • Health workers training on leprosy including prevention, diagnosis and management
    • Guidance on avoidance of close and frequent contacts with persons with untreated leprosy
  • Early case detection through active case finding
  • Contact tracing
  • Guidance on prompt start and adherence to treatment
  • Surveillance for leprosy
  • Recording and reporting on leprosy (health information systems for program monitoring and evaluation)
  • Conducting basic and operational research in all aspects of leprosy and maximize the evidence base to inform policies, strategies and activities
  • physical and clinical examination
  • Guidance to the elderly leprosy patient on adherence to treatment,
  • Guidance /Advice to patients with leprosy on self-care including Care of Eyes; care of hands and feet; guidance on voluntary muscle testing and sensory testing use of correct footwear
  • Presumptive diagnosis of Leprosy based on cardinal signs:
  • Definite loss of sensation in a pale (hypo pigmented) or reddish skin patch *
  • Thickened or enlarged peripheral nerve with loss of sensation and/or weakness of the muscles supplied by that nerve*
  • Follow up and prevention of complications including progressive and permanent damage to the skin, nerves, limbs, and eyes through early diagnosis and early treatment
  • Management of Leprosy with Multidrug therapy (MDT)
  • Hospital admission
  • Prevention and management of disabilities.
  • Strengthening surveillance for antimicrobial resistance including laboratory network.
60+ years
  • Strengthening patient and community awareness of leprosy
  • Community Capacity building on basic facts about leprosy, signs and symptoms and mode of transmission will improve early diagnosis and treatment
  • Demand creation for community to seek early diagnosis and treatment
  • Community Health education to raise suspicion of leprosy by the community members
  • Community knowledge that leprosy disease is curable will reduce stigma and discrimination
  • Involving communities in actions for improvement of leprosy services
  • Multi-sectoral approach in addressing leprosy
  • Health workers training on leprosy including prevention, diagnosis and management
    • Guidance on avoidance of close and frequent contacts with persons with untreated leprosy
  • Early case detection through active case finding
  • Contact tracing
  • Guidance on prompt start and adherence to treatment
  • Surveillance for leprosy
  • Recording and reporting on leprosy (health information systems for program monitoring and evaluation)
  • Conducting basic and operational research in all aspects of leprosy and maximize the evidence base to inform policies, strategies and activities
  • physical and clinical examination

  • Guidance to the elderly leprosy patient on adherence to treatment,

  • Guidance /Advice to elderly patients with leprosy on self-care including Care of Eyes; care of hands and feet; guidance on voluntary muscle testing and sensory testing use of correct footwear

  • Presumptive diagnosis of Leprosy based on cardinal signs:

  • Definite loss of sensation in a pale (hypo pigmented) or reddish skin patch *

  • Thickened or enlarged peripheral nerve with loss of sensation and/or weakness of the muscles supplied by that nerve*

  • Follow up and prevention of complications including progressive and permanent damage to the skin, nerves, limbs, and eyes through early diagnosis and early treatment

  • Prevention and management of disabilities.

  • Hospital admission

  • Management of Leprosy with Multidrug therapy (MDT)

  • Follow up for patients

  • Strengthening surveillance for antimicrobial resistance including laboratory network.

Condition: Ascariasis
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Health education to pregnant women on ascariasis and prevention measures
  • Pregnant women education on personal hygiene as well as proper disposal of human faeces
  • Health workers education on ascariasis including prevention measures and management
  • Guidance to pregnant women on primary prevention measures incluidng :

    • Proper cleaning and cooking of food
    • proper handwashing/good hand hygiene practices before handing food and after handling soil/manure
    • Avoidance of consuming or contact with soil that may be contaminated with human feacal matter
    • Proper waste disposal/ not passing stool in the soil or outdoors
    • Wash, peel, or cook all raw vegetables and fruits before eating, particularly those that have been grown in soil that has been fertilized with manure
    • Taking safety precautions like wearing gloves when handling soil/manure Promoting good nutrition for pregnant women
  • Anthelmintic
  • Steroids for complication
  • Surgery for obstruction
< 5 years
  • Health education to parents/families on ascariasis and prevention measures in children
  • Families/parents education on personal hygiene as well as proper disposal of human faeces including children fecal matter
  • Health workers training on ascariasis including prevention measures and its management in children
  • Guidance parents/children on primary prevention measures incluidng :

    • Proper cleaning and cooking of food
    • proper handwashing/good hand hygiene practices before handing food and after handling soil/manure
    • Avoidance of consuming or contact with soil that may be contaminated with human feacal matter
    • Proper waste disposal/ not passing stool in the soil or outdoors
    • Wash, peel, or cook all raw vegetables and fruits before eating, particularly those that have been grown in soil that has been fertilized with manure
    • Taking safety precautions like wearing gloves when handling soil/manure Promoting good nutrition for children
  • Anthelmintic
  • Steroids for complication
  • Surgery for obstruction
5 - 11 years
  • Health education to primary school age children on ascariasis and prevention measures
  • School children education on personal hygiene as well as proper disposal of human faeces
  • School health programs/outreaches
  • Health workers training on ascariasis including prevention measures and management among school children
  • Guidance to parents and children on primary prevention measures incluidng :

    • Proper cleaning and cooking of food
    • proper handwashing/good hand hygiene practices before handing food and after handling soil/manure
    • Avoidance of consuming or contact with soil that may be contaminated with human feacal matter
    • Proper waste disposal/ not passing stool in the soil or outdoors
    • Wash, peel, or cook all raw vegetables and fruits before eating, particularly those that have been grown in soil that has been fertilized with manure
    • Taking safety precautions like wearing gloves when handling soil/manure promote good nutrition for school age children
  • Anthelmintic
  • Steroids for complication
  • Surgery for obstruction
12 - 24 years
  • Health education for adolescents on ascariasis and prevention measures
  • Adolescents education on personal hygiene as well as proper disposal of human faeces
  • Health workers education on ascariasis including prevention measures and management among the adolescents
  • Guidance to adolescents on primary prevention measures incluidng :

    • Proper cleaning and cooking of food
    • proper handwashing/good hand hygiene practices before handing food and after handling soil/manure
    • Avoidance of consuming or contact with soil that may be contaminated with human feacal matter
    • Proper waste disposal/ not passing stool in the soil or outdoors
    • Wash, peel, or cook all raw vegetables and fruits before eating, particularly those that have been grown in soil that has been fertilized with manure
    • Taking safety precautions like wearing gloves when handling soil/manure promote good nutrition for adolescents
  • Anthelmintic
  • Steroids for complication
  • Surgery for obstruction
25 - 59 years
  • Health education to adults on ascariasis and prevention measures
  • Adult education on personal hygiene as well as proper disposal of human faeces
  • bAwareness on effective sewerage disposal systems
  • Health workers training on ascariasis including prevention measures and its management in adults
  • Guidance to adults on primary prevention measures incluidng :

    • Proper cleaning and cooking of food
    • proper handwashing/good hand hygiene practices before handing food and after handling soil/manure
    • Avoidance of consuming or contact with soil that may be contaminated with human feacal matter
    • Proper waste disposal/ not passing stool in the soil or outdoors
    • Wash, peel, or cook all raw vegetables and fruits before eating, particularly those that have been grown in soil that has been fertilized with manure
    • Taking safety precautions like wearing gloves when handling soil/manure promote good nutrition for adults
  • Anthelmintic
  • Steroids for complication
  • Surgery for obstruction
60+ years
  • Health education to elderly persons/families and communities on ascariasis and prevention measures
  • Elderly persons education on personal hygiene as well as proper disposal of human faeces
  • Awareness on effective sewerage disposal systems
  • Health workers education on ascariasis including prevention measures
  • Guidance for the elderly on primary prevention measures incluidng :

    • Proper cleaning and cooking of food
    • proper handwashing/good hand hygiene practices before handing food and after handling soil/manure
    • Avoidance of consuming or contact with soil that may be contaminated with human feacal matter
    • Proper waste disposal/ not passing stool in the soil or outdoors
    • Wash, peel, or cook all raw vegetables and fruits before eating, particularly those that have been grown in soil that has been fertilized with manure
    • Taking safety precautions like wearing gloves when handling soil/manure
  • Anthelmintic
  • Steroids for complication
  • Surgery for obstruction
Condition: Tetanus
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Awareness Creation among mothers on Tetanus and preventive measures
  • Education and awareness creation on safe delivery to the mothers
  • Creation of awareness on importance of infant/child vaccination and on vaccination schedule
  • Health education activities to increase awareness of the importance of tetanus immunization
  • Training the ANC Health care providers on tetanus on vaccination and cold chain management
  • Training Health workers on safe delivery methods
  • Training Health care workers on Tetanus, prevention measures and management
  • Advice to mothers on Regular ANC attendance
  • Clean delivery practices
  • Maternal immunization against Tetanus (Tetanus toxoid vaccination)
  • Proper wound care
  • Proper wound care for surgical and dental procedures
  • Proper cord care during delivery
  • Data keeping/monitoring the impact of interventions and reporting
  • Effective surveillance to identify areas or populations at high risk of neonatal tetanus and maternal tetanus
    • Physical and clinical examination
  • Clinical diagnosis of tetanus based on Clinical features
  • For neonatal tetanus–an illness occurring in an infant who has the normal ability to suck and cry in the first 2 days of life, but who loses this ability between days 3 and 28 of life and becomes rigid or has spasms
  • Non-neonatal tetanus ( in this case affecting the mothers)requires at least one of the following signs; a sustained spasm of the facial muscles in which the person appears to be grinning, or painful muscular contractions. And with a history of injury or wound, tetanus (but may also occur in patients who are unable to recall a specific wound or injury)
  • Relieve of other symptoms such as headache with analgesics, fever with anti pyretic
  • Immediate admission for mothers with tetanus/neonates with neonatal tetanus (Tetanus is a medical emergency)
  • Immediate management with medicines human tetanus immune globulin (TIG)
  • Aggressive wound care for the mothers with tetanus
  • Management/control of muscle spasms
  • Administration of antibiotics
  • Tetanus Vaccination for the mothers who have recovered since infection with tetanus does not confer natural immunity ** Prevention and management of any complications such as respiratory failure
  • Intensive care services to mange severe tetanus/any complications eg for ventilation
  • Follow up
< 5 years
  • Awareness Creation among parents and families on Tetanus and preventive measures
  • Creation of awareness on importance of infant/child vaccination and on vaccination schedule
  • Immunization with tetanus-toxoid-containing vaccines (TTCV), which are included in routine immunization programmes
  • Proper wound care for the under 5s
  • Proper wound care for surgical and dental procedures
  • Data keeping/monitoring the impact of interventions and reporting
  • Effective surveillance to identify areas or populations at high risk of tetanus
  • Outreach activities in order to increase TT immunization coverage
    • Physical and clinical examination
  • Clinical diagnosis of tetanus based on Clinical features
  • Non-neonatal tetanus requires at least one of the following signs: a sustained spasm of the facial muscles in which the person appears to be grinning or painful muscular contractions. And with a history of injury or wound, tetanus (but may also occur in children whose parents /families are unable to recall a specific wound or injury)*
  • Relieve of other symptoms such as headache with analgesics, fever with anti pyretic
  • Immediate admission for under 5 with tetanus(Tetanus is a medical emergency)
  • Immediate management with medicines human tetanus immune globulin (TIG)
  • Aggressive wound care for the under 5 with tetanus
  • Prevention and management of any complications such as respiratory failure
  • Intensive care services to manage any complications/severe tetanus e.g for ventilation
  • Management/control of muscle spasms
  • Administration of antibiotics
  • Tetanus Vaccination for the under 5 since infection with tetanus does not confer natural immunity
  • Follow up
5 - 11 years
    • Awareness Creation among school going age children on Tetanus and preventive measures
  • Health education activities to increase awareness of the importance of tetanus immunization
  • Distribution of IEC materials
  • Training Health care workers on Tetanus prevention measures and management among adolescents
  • Post exposure vaccination for school going age children with Tetanus Toxoid containing vaccine
  • Proper wound care for the school going age children
  • Proper wound care for surgical and dental procedures
  • Effective surveillance to identify areas or populations at high risk of tetanus
  • Effective tetanus vaccination monitoring system including immunization register, personal vaccination cards
  • Data keeping/monitoring the impact of interventions and reporting
    • Physical and clinical examination
  • Clinical diagnosis of tetanus based on Clinical features

  • Non-neonatal tetanus)requires at least one of the following signs: a sustained spasm of the facial muscles in which the person appears to be grinning or painful muscular contractions. And with a history of injury or wound, tetanus (but may also occur in patients who are unable to recall a specific wound or injury)*

  • Relieve of other symptoms such as headache with analgesics, fever with anti pyretic

  • Immediate admission for school age child with tetanus(Tetanus is a medical emergency)

  • Immediate management with medicines human tetanus immune globulin (TIG)

  • Aggressive wound care for the school age child with tetanus

  • Prevention and management of any complications such as respiratory failure

  • Intensive care services to manage any complications/severe tetanus eg for ventilation

  • Management/control of muscle spasms

  • Administration of antibiotics

  • Tetanus Vaccination for the school age child who has recovered from tetanus since infection with tetanus does not confer natural immunity

  • Follow up

12 - 24 years
  • Awareness Creation among adolescents on Tetanus and preventive measures
  • Health education activities to increase awareness of the importance of tetanus immunization
  • Distribution of IEC materials
  • Training Health care workers on Tetanus prevention measures and management among adolescents
  • Post exposure vaccination for adolescents with Tetanus Toxoid containing vaccine
  • Proper wound care for the adolescents
  • Proper wound care for surgical and dental procedures
  • Effective surveillance to identify areas or populations at high risk of tetanus
  • Effective tetanus vaccination monitoring system including immunization register, personal vaccination cards
  • Data keeping/monitoring the impact of interventions and reporting
    • Physical and clinical examination
  • Clinical diagnosis of tetanus based on Clinical features
  • Non-neonatal tetanus requires at least one of the following signs: a sustained spasm of the facial muscles in which the person appears to be grinning, or painful muscular contractions. And with a history of injury or wound, tetanus (but may also occur in adolescents who are unable to recall a specific wound or injury)**
  • Supportive therapy-Relieve of other symptoms such as headache with analgesics, fever with anti-pyretic
  • Immediate admission for adolescents with tetanus (Tetanus is a medical emergency)
  • Immediate management with medicines human tetanus immune globulin (TIG)
  • Aggressive wound care for the adolescents with tetanus
  • Prevention and management of any complications such as respiratory failure
  • Intensive care services to manage any complications/severe tetanus eg for ventilation
  • Management/control of muscle spasms
  • Administration of antibiotics
  • Tetanus Vaccination for the adolescents who have recovered from tetanus since infection with tetanus does not confer natural immunity
  • Follow up
25 - 59 years
  • Awareness Creation among adults on Tetanus and preventive measures
  • Health education activities to increase awareness of the importance of tetanus immunization
  • Distribution of IEC materials
  • Training Health care workers on Tetanus prevention measures and management among adolescents
  • Post exposure vaccination for adults with Tetanus Toxoid containing vaccine
  • Proper wound care for adults
  • Proper wound care for surgical and dental procedures
  • Effective surveillance to identify areas or populations at high risk of tetanus
  • Effective tetanus vaccination monitoring system including immunization register, personal vaccination cards
  • Data keeping/monitoring the impact of interventions and reporting
    • Physical and clinical examination
  • Clinical diagnosis of tetanus based on Clinical features
  • Non-neonatal tetanus requires at least one of the following signs: a sustained spasm of the facial muscles in which the person appears to be grinning or painful muscular contractions. And with a history of injury or wound, tetanus (but may also occur in adult patients who are unable to recall a specific wound or injury)
  • Supportive therapy-Relieve of other symptoms such as headache with analgesics fever with anti pyretic
  • Immediate admission for adults with tetanus (Tetanus is a medical emergency)Immediate management with medicines human tetanus immune globulin (TIG)
  • Aggressive wound care for the adults with tetanus
  • Prevention and management of any complications
  • Intensive care services to manage any complications/severe tetanus
  • Management/control of muscle spasms
  • Administration of antibiotics
  • Tetanus Vaccination for the adults who have recovered from tetanus since infection with tetanus does not confer natural immunity
  • Follow up
60+ years
  • Awareness Creation elderly on Tetanus and preventive measures
  • Health education activities to increase awareness of the importance of tetanus immunization
  • Distribution of IEC materials
  • Training Health care workers on Tetanus prevention measures and management among elderly
  • Post exposure vaccination for elderly with Tetanus Toxoid containing vaccine
  • Proper wound care for the elderly
  • Proper wound care for surgical and dental procedures
  • Effective surveillance to identify areas/populations at high risk of tetanus
  • Effective tetanus vaccination monitoring system including immunization register, personal vaccination cards
  • Data keeping /monitoring the impact of interventions. and reporting
    • Physical and clinical examination
  • Clinical diagnosis of tetanus based on Clinical features
  • Non-neonatal tetanus requires at least one of the following signs: a sustained spasm of the facial muscles in which the person appears to be grinning or painful muscular contractions. And with a history of injury or wound, tetanus (but may also occur in elderly patients who are unable to recall a specific wound or injury)*
  • Supportive management-Relieve of other symptoms such as headache with analgesics fever with anti pyretic
  • Immediate admission for the elderly person with tetanus(Tetanus is a medical emergency)
  • Immediate management with medicines human tetanus immune globulin (TIG)
  • Aggressive wound care for the elderly with tetanus
  • Prevention and management of any complications such as respiratory failure
  • Intensive care services to manage any complications/severe tetanus
  • Management/control of muscle spasms
  • Administration of antibiotics
  • Tetanus Vaccination for the elderly who have recovered from tetanus since infection with tetanus does not confer natural immunity
  • Follow up of elderly patients with tetanus
Condition: Trichuriasis
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Health education to pregnant women on Trichuriasis and prevention measures
  • Pregnant women education on personal hygiene as well as proper disposal of human faeces
  • Health workers training on Trichuriasis including prevention measures and management
  • Guidance to pregnant women on proper cleaning and cooking of food
  • Teaching on proper handwashing/good hand hygiene practices before handing food and after handling soil/manure
  • Teaching/advice on Avoidance consuming or getting into contact with soil that may be contaminated with human feacal matter
  • Advice mothers on Proper waste disposal-Not passing stool in the soil or outdoors
  • Advice on Washing, peeingl or cook all raw vegetables and fruits before eating, particularly those that have been grown in soil that has been fertilized with manure<
    • Advice on safety precautions like wearing gloves when handling soil/manure
  • Promoting good nutrition for pregnant women
  • Physical and clinical examination
  • Clinical diagnosis of Trichuriasis, history of passage of a live worm, in faeces, abdominal pain while others may have cough, difficulty in breathing or fever
  • Supportive therapy including relieve of any abdominal pain with painkillers, nutritional support (proper nutrition)
  • Treatment using Anthelminthic medications such as albendazole and mebendazole
  • Diagnostic tests
  • Microscopy–stool for identifying trichuris eggs
  • Endoscopy to see adult worms in GIT
  • Prevention and management of any complications due to Trichuriasis e.g Viatmin A deficiency, anaemia, rectal prolapse
< 5 years
  • Families/parents education on personal hygiene as well as proper disposal of human faeces including children fecal matter
  • Health education to parents/families on Trichuriasis and prevention measures in children
  • Health workers education on Trichuriasis including prevention measures and its management in children
  • Guidance to parents on Proper cleaning and cooking of food for the under 5s
  • Teaching children on proper handwashing/good hand hygiene practices
  • Teaching children on avoidance of consuming or getting into contact with soil that may be contaminated with human feacal matter
  • Guidance to children on Proper waste disposal-Not passing stool in the soil or outdoors
  • Guidance to parents to Wash, peel or cook all raw vegetables and fruits before eating, particularly those that have been grown in soil that has been fertilized with manure before giving children
  • Taking safety precautions for children like wearing gloves when handling soil/manure
  • Promoting good nutrition for children
  • Anthelmintic
5 - 11 years
  • Health education to primary school age children on Trichuriasis and prevention measures
  • School children education on personal hygiene as well as proper disposal of human faeces
  • School health programs/outreaches
  • Deworming of school children
  • Health workers training on Trichuriasis including prevention measures and management among school children
  • Guidance to parents on proper cleaning and cooking of food for school age children
  • Guidance to school age children on proper handwashing/good hand hygiene practices before handing food and after handling soil/manure
  • Guidance on Avoidance of consuming or getting into contact with soil that may be contaminated with human feacal matter
  • Proper waste disposal-Not passing stool in the soil or outdoors
  • Wash, peel or cook all raw vegetables and fruits before eating, particularly those that have been grown in soil that has been fertilized with manure
  • Taking safety precautions like wearing gloves when handling soil/manure
  • Provide guidance on good nutrition for school age children
  • Anthelmintic
12 - 24 years
  • Health education for adolescents on Trichuriasis and prevention measures
    • Adolescents education on personal hygiene as well as proper disposal of human faeces
  • Health workers training on Trichuriasis including prevention measures and management among the adolescents
  • Guidence to adolescents on proper cleaning and cooking of food
  • Guidance adolescents on proper handwashing/good hand hygiene practices before handing food and after handling soil/manure
  • Guidance on Avoidance of consuming or getting into contact with soil that may be contaminated with human feacal matter
  • Proper waste disposal-Not passing stool in the soil or outdoors
  • Wash, peel or cook all raw vegetables and fruits before eating, particularly those that have been grown in soil that has been fertilized with manure
  • Provide guidance on good nutrition for adolescents
  • Physical and clinical examination
  • Clinical diagnosis of Trichuriasis, based on history of passage of a live worm in faeces, abdominal pain while others may have cough, difficulty in breathing or fever
  • Supportive therapy including relieve of any abdominal pain with painkillers; nutritional support (proper nutrition)
  • Treatment using Anthelminthic medications such as albendazole and mebendazole
  • Diagnostic tests
  • Microscopy–stool for identifying trichuris eggs
  • Endoscopy to see adult worms in GIT
  • Prevention and management of complications e.g iron deficiency anaemia, rectal prolapse
25 - 59 years
    • Health education to adults persons/families and communities on Trichuriasis and prevention measures
      • Adult education on personal hygiene as well as proper disposal of human faeces
  • awareness on effective sewerage disposal systems
  • Health workers education on Trichuriasis including prevention measures and its management in adults
  • Guidance for the adults on proper cleaning and cooking of food
  • Guidance on proper handwashing/good hand hygiene practices before handing food and after handling soil/manure
  • Guidance on Avoidance of consuming or getting into contact with soil that may be contaminated with human feacal matter
  • Proper waste disposal-Not passing stool in the soil or outdoors
  • Wash, peel or cook all raw vegetables and fruits before eating, particularly those that have been grown in soil that has been fertilized with manure
  • Taking safety precautions like wearing gloves when handling soil/manure
  • Provide guidance on good nutrition for adults
  • Physical and clinical examination
  • Clinical diagnosis of Trichuriasis, based on history of passage of a live worm in faeces, abdominal pain while others may have cough, difficulty in breathing or fever
  • Supportive therapy including relieve of any abdominal pain with painkillers; nutritional support (proper nutrition)
  • Treatment using Anthelminthic medications such as albendazole and mebendazole
  • Diagnostic tests
  • Microscopy–stool for identifying trichuris eggs
  • Endoscopy to see adult worms in GIT
  • Prevention and management of complications e.g iron deficiency anaemia, rectal prolapse
60+ years
  • Health education to elderly persons/families and communities on Trichuriasis and prevention measures
  • Elderly persons education on personal hygiene as well as proper disposal of human faeces
  • Awareness on effective sewerage disposal systems
  • Health workers training on Trichuriasis including prevention measures
  • Guidance for the elderly on proper cleaning and cooking of food
  • Guidance on proper handwashing/good hand hygiene practices before handing food and after handling soil/manure
  • Taking safety precautions like wearing gloves when handling soil/manure
  • Guidance on food hygiene ----Wash, peel, or cook all raw vegetables and fruits before eating, particularly those that have been grown in soil that has been fertilized with manure
  • Provide guidance on good nutrition for the elderly
  • Physical and clinical examination
  • Clinical diagnosis of Trichuriasis, based on history of passage of a live worm in faeces abdominal pain while others may have cough, difficulty in breathing or fever
  • Supportive therapy including relieve of any abdominal pain with painkillers, nutritional support (proper nutrition)
  • Treatment using Anthelminthic medications such as albendazole and mebendazole Diagnostic tests
  • Microscopy–stool for identifying trichuris eggs
  • Endoscopy to see adult worms in GIT
  • Prevention and management of complications e.g Anaemia, rectal prolapse
Condition: Birth asphyxia
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
  • create awareness on birth aspyxia
  • Health Education to pregnanct women on birth asphyxia
  • Health education to pregancnt women on the need for ANC
  • promote eraly health seeking behaviour
  • Educate pregnant women on the need for facility births attended by a skilled birth attendant
  • Dstribution of IEC materails
  • Strengten health workers knowledge on birth asphyxia including management
  • Promote ANC attendance
  • Promote early initaion of breastfeeding
  • promote good maternal nutrition/including nutrition supplementation
  • clean and safe delivery
  • Infection prevention cand control practices
  • Full assessment of all newborns with Apgar score
  • Monitoring quality of care and instituting remedial measures
  • Timely referall for mothers
  • Physical and clinical examination
  • ManagEment of neonates with birth asphyxia as per IMCI guidelines
  • Antibiotics therapy for neonates with possible severe bacterial infections
  • Neonatal resuscitation
    • Dry neonate and place supine under overhead warmer
  • *Suctioning of airways
    • Tactile stimulation to encourage spontaneous breathing
  • Oxygen therapy,
    • Bag-mask ventilation (Ambu bag) for non-responsive neonates
    • Chest compression if heart rate does not improve
  • Encourage kangaroo mother care /or kangaroo father care
  • Nutritional support
  • Encourage breastfeeding
  • ICU Services -eg for life support where indfdicated
  • Tests
  • Blood tests -eg blood gases
    • Ultrasound
  • CT scan
  • MRI
  • Electro-encephalogram EEG
< 5 years
  • Health Education to pregnant women to create awareness on birth asphyxia
  • Health education to pregnant women on the need for regular ANC and skilled birth attendance
  • Promote early health seeking behaviour
  • Strengthen health workers knowledge on birth asphyxia including management
  • Educate pregnant women to deliver at health facility by skilled birth attendant * Full assessment of all newborn with Apgar score
  • Monitoring quality of care and instituting remedial measures
  • Timely referral for mothers
  • Use partograph for labour monitoring.
  • Ensure supportive 2nd stage management based on foetal and maternal condition.
  • Manage pre-eclampsia correctly.
  • History and physical examination
  • Dry neonate and place supine under overhead warmer
  • Antibiotics therapy for neonates with possible severe bacterial infections
  • Neonatal resuscitation including oxygen therapy
  • Suctioning of airways
  • Tactile stimulation to encourage spontaneous breathing
  • Bag-mask ventilation (Ambu bag) for non-responsive neonates
  • Chest compression if heart rate does not improve
  • Encourage kangaroo mother care /or kangaroo father care
  • ICU Services -e.g. for life support where indicated
  • Laboratory tests e.g. blood gases analysis,
  • Imaging modalities such as ultrasound, CT scan, MRI
  • Electroencephalogram (EEG)
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Birth trauma
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Clinical examination
  • Physical examination
  • Nutritional support
  • antibitics terapy where indicated
  • safe transportation of small babies
  • Encourage KFC and /or KMC
  • ICU support where indicated
  • Laboratory services /invstigations that include but are not limited to:
  • blood film microscopy,
  • blood group and cross-match,
  • blood chemistry, CSF and stool and urine microscopy, gram stain,
  • Imaging modalities including
  • x-ray
  • ultra-sound
  • MRI
< 5 years
  • Educate pregnant women on the need for facility births attended by a skilled birth attendant
  • Check the mother for adequate pelvis, correlate maternal height to pelvis size to identify those in high risk (narrow pelvis, big babies, etc.) * Ultrasound examination for gestational age, foetal presentation and foetal weight for early identification
  • Admit to SBCU for intensive care management
  • Imaging modalities including x-ray, ultrasound, MRI and CT scan
  • Laboratory investigations as indicated * Blood grouping and transfusion if indicated
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Iodine deficiency
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Education of pregnant women on infant and child feeding
  • Exclusive breastfeeding
  • Treat iodine deficiency cases with iodide with or without levothyroxine
  • Plan for sugery for pregnant women with large goiters after delivery
< 5 years
  • Treat iodine deficiency cases with iodide with or without levothyroxine
5 - 11 years
  • Treat iodine deficiency cases with iodide with or without levothyroxine
12 - 24 years
  • Treat iodine deficiency cases with iodide with or without levothyroxine
  • Plan for surgery in cases with large goiters
25 - 59 years
  • Treat iodine deficiency cases with iodide with or without levothyroxine
  • Plan for surgery in cases with large goiters
60+ years
  • Treat iodine deficiency cases with iodide with or without levothyroxine
  • Plan for surgery in cases with large goiters
Condition: Neonatal sepsis and infections
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Education of mothers and other care givers about signs and symptoms of neonatal infection
  • Education of mothers on improtance of exclusive breastfeeding
  • Education of mothers and other care givers and good hygienic practices
  • Education of mothers and other care givers on umbilical cord care
  • Start neonates with foul smelling amniotic fluid at birth with antibiotics for anaerobic infections (Clindamycin or Metronidazole)
  • Full blood count, Blood urine and CSF cultures for all neonates with suspicion of sepsis  
  • Refer neonates with suspicion of sepsis to next level if facilities for full investigations are not available 
  • Start treatment with ampicillin or penicillin G plus an aminoglycoside Add Cefotaxime if meningitis is suspected
  • Treat with appropriate antibiotics based on culture resultsLaboratory services that include but are not limited to Blood
  • Nutritional support.
  • Early initiation and exclusive breastfeeding.
  • Neonatal High dependency unit services
  • Neonatal ICU services
< 5 years
  • Education of mothers and other caregivers about signs and symptoms of neonatal infection using job aides
  • Education of mothers on importance of facility delivery, exclusive breastfeeding, good hygienic practices, care of the umbilical cord.
  • Training of health workers on the nine steps on essential newborn care to prevent neonatal sepsis
  • Antibiotics
  • IV hydration
  • Oxygen support
  • Blood products transfusion
  • Vasopressor agents
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Protein-energy malnutrition
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Education of pregnant women on infant and child feeding
< 5 years
  • Health education on timely complementary feeding and good hygiene practices
  • Educate mothers on feeding of children through provision of practical examples using local foods
  • Treat existing infections in severe cases Provide macronutrients for severe cases by appropriate means (orally, feeding tube, nasogastric tube, gastrostomy tube)
  • Provide lactose free liquid oral food supplements if solid food cannot be adequately ingested Provide children with multivitamin supplement
  • Treat mild to moderate cases with balanced oral diet Correct fluid and electrolyte imbalances for severe cases
  • Provide lactose free liquid oral food supplements if solid food cannot be adequately ingested Provide children with multivitamin supplement
5 - 11 years
  • Health education on timely complementary feeding and good hygiene practices
  • F-75 and F-100 therapeutic milks
  • Ready-to-use therapeutic food (RUTF)
  • Vitamin A supplementation
  • Folic acid
  • Deworming
  • Antibiotics
  • Measles vaccination
  • Antimalarial
  • Local foods for complementary feeding and nutrition
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
  • Educate caregivers on feeding of the elderly through provision of practical examples using local foods
  • Provide with multivitamin supplement
  • Provide treatment to correct other specific deficiencies
  • Refer severe cases of protein energy malnutrition to hospital for further management
  • Treat mild to moderate cases with balanced oral diet
  • Provide lactose free liquid oral food supplements if solid food cannot be adequately ingested
  • Provide with multivitamin supplement
  • Treat any underlying conditions
Condition: Preterm birth complications
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Health education to communities and to mothers on preterm birth complications including prevention measures
  • Education of pregnant women on signs and symptoms of labor
  • Education of pregnant women on what to do when signs and symptoms of labor occur
  • Provision of antenatal care for all pregnant women with screening for pre-eclampsia and other risk factors for preterm labor
  • Education on Kangaroo mother care and Kangaroo Father care
  • Clinical and physical examination
  • Administration of tocolytic agents to women 34 weeks or less in early preterm labour
  • Administration of corticosteroids to women in preterm labour who are 34 weeks or less
  • Neonatal resuscitation for preterm deliveries by a qualified personeel (neonatologist)
  • Nutritional support for premature babies
  • High dependency unit services for premature babies
  • Neonatal ICU services for premature babies
  • Transfer all preterm babies to neonatal intensive care unit after delivery for assessment
  • Physical and Clinical examination
  • Assessment and follow up of preterm neonates for complications of prematurity
  • Appropriate treatment of any detected complications of prematurity * Intravenous or gavage feeding of preterm neonates born before 34 weeks
  • Gradual transition of preterm neonates from intravenous or gavage feeding to breastfeeding
  • Education of mothers on care of preterm neonates  including Kangaroo Mother Care
  • Use of Kangaroo Mother Care especially in hospitals without neonatal intensive care facilities and during period of observation before discharge
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
  • Family involvement in the routine care of preterm or low-birth-weight infants in health-care facilities
  • Manage pre-eclampsia correctly
  • Corticosteroids
  • Tocolytics
  • Magnesium sulphate
  • Immediate Kangaroo mother care (KMC)
  • Expressed mother’s own milk feeding by cups, nasogastric tubes
  • Enteral iron supplementation
  • Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy
  • Caffeine or other methylxanthines (aminophylline or theophylline)
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Vitamin A deficiency
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Education of pregnant women on infant and child feeding
  • Exclusive breastfeeding
< 5 years
  • Physical and clinical assessmnet
  • Guidance to parents/families on feeding child with viatmin A rich foods eg eg, liver, beef, oily fish, chicken, eggs, fortified milk, carrots, mangoes, sweet potatoes and leafy green vegetables.
  • treat Vitamin A deficiency with Vitamin A supplemnts
  • Treating underlying causes /conditions
  • Follow up
5 - 11 years
  • Periodic vitamin A supplementation
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin A-rich foods
12 - 24 years
  • Physical and clinical assessmnet
  • Guidance to adolescents on eating viatmin A rich foods eg eg, liver, beef, oily fish, chicken, eggs, fortified milk, carrots, mangoes, sweet potatoes and leafy green vegetables.
  • Treat Vitamin A deficiency with Vitamin A supplemnts
  • Treating underlying causes /conditions
  • Follow up
25 - 59 years
  • Physical and clinical assessmnet
  • Guidance to adults on eating viatmin A rich foods eg eg, liver, beef, oily fish, chicken, eggs, fortified milk, carrots, mangoes, sweet potatoes and leafy green vegetables.
  • Treat Vitamin A deficiency with Vitamin A supplemnts
  • Treating underlying causes /conditions
  • Follow up
60+ years
  • Physical and clinical assessmnet
  • Guidance to elderly patient on eating viatmin A rich foods eg eg, liver, beef, oily fish, chicken, eggs, fortified milk, carrots, mangoes, sweet potatoes and leafy green vegetables.
  • Treat Vitamin A deficiency with Vitamin A supplemnts
  • Treating underlying causes /conditions
  • Follow up
Condition: Colon and rectum cancers
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
  • Health education on recognition of risk factors, signs and symptoms of colon and rectal cancer and leading healthy life style
  • Regular colorectal cancer screening to those with high risk
  • Staging and grading
  • Chemotherapy
  • Targeted drug therapy
  • Immunotherapy
  • Surgery
  • Radiotherapy
60+ years
  • Health education on recognition of risk factors, signs and symptoms of colon and rectal caner
  • Staging and grading
  • Chemotherapy
  • Targeted drug therapy
  • Immunotherapy
  • Surgery
  • Radiotherapy
Condition: Leukemia
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
  • Chemotherapy
  • Targeted therapy
  • Immunotherapy
  • Bone marrow or Stem cell transplantation
  • Radiotherapy
5 - 11 years
  • Chemotherapy
  • Targeted therapy
  • Immunotherapy
  • Bone marrow or Stem cell transplantation
  • Radiotherapy
12 - 24 years
  • Health education on early identification of signs and symptoms of leukaemia
  • Chemotherapy
  • Targeted therapy
  • Immunotherapy
  • Bone marrow or Stem cell transplantation
  • Radiotherapy
25 - 59 years
  • Assess people with anaemia or easy bruising and bleeding or recurrent infection where benign causes have been excluded for leukaemia
60+ years
  • Assess people with anaemia or easy bruising and bleeding or recurrent infection where benign causes have been excluded for leukaemia
Condition: Trachea, bronchus, lung cancers
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
  • Health education on early identification of signs and symptoms of respiratory tract cancers
  • Annual lung cancer screening with Low dose CT (LDCT) scan for high risk population
  • Counselling support to quit smoking
  • Staging and grading
  • Chemotherapy
  • Targeted drug therapy
  • Surgery
  • Radiotherapy
60+ years
  • Annual lung cancer screening with Low dose CT (LDCT) scan for high risk population
  • Counselling support to quit smoking
  • Staging and grading
  • Chemotherapy
  • Targeted drug therapy
  • Surgery
  • Radiotherapy
Condition: Stomach cancer
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
  • Health education on recognition of risk factors, signs and symptoms of stomach caner
  • Prompt treatment of ulcers and infections especially H. pylori
  • Staging and grading
  • Chemotherapy
  • Targeted drug therapy
  • Immunotherapy
  • Surgery
  • Radiotherapy
60+ years
  • Health education on recognition of risk factors, signs and symptoms of stomach caner
  • Assessment of people with persistent dyspepsia for stomach cancer
  • Staging and grading
  • Chemotherapy
  • Targeted drug therapy
  • Immunotherapy
  • Surgery
  • Radiotherapy
Condition: Breast cancer
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
  • Guidance on Preventive measures which involves healthy habits such as:
  • Eat healthy and nutritious food
  • Avoidance of alcohol
  • exercises
  • Visit doctor for regular examination
  • screening for Breast cancer eg through physical examination
  • Guidance on self breast examination
25 - 59 years

Health education on prevention and management of breast cancer

  • Regular screening with mammogram
60+ years
  • Health education on prevention and management of breast cancer
  • Regular screening with mammogram
Condition: Cervix uteri cancer
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Create awreness on cervix-uteri cancer; risk factors and preventon measure
  • Health and Wellness education on
  • diet management,
  • regular exercise, weight management,
  • reduced exposure to radiation,
  • reducing alcohol intake and
  • avoiding smoking or exposure to tobacco smoke
  • Reproductive health education on the benefit safe sex practices including use of condoms
  • Guidance on primary prevention measures incluing :
  • safe sex practices (use of condom)
  • avoidance of smoking (benzyenes are known to damage the cervix)
  • Guidance on self observance and taking note of any unusual symptoms eg bleeding between periods; abnormal discharge
  • HPV vaccine
  • Routine cervical cancer screening
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
  • Create awareness on cervix-uteri cancer, risk factors and prevention measures
  • Health and Wellness education on
  • diet management,
  • regular exercise, weight management,
  • reduced exposure to radiation,
  • reducing alcohol intake and
  • avoiding smoking or exposure to tobacco smoke
  • Reproductive health education on the benefit safe sex practices including use of condoms
  • Guidance on primary prevention measures incluing :
  • Absitence from sex for the aldolesents or safe sex practices (use of condom)
  • avoidance of smoking (benzyenes are known to damage the cervix)
  • Guidance on self observance and taking note of any unusual symptoms eg bleeding between periods; abnormal discharge
  • HPV vaccination
25 - 59 years
  • Health education on prevention and management of cervical cancer
  • Screening and treatment of precancerous lesions
60+ years
  • Health education on prevention and management of cervical cancer
  • Screening and treatment of precancerous lesions
Condition: Malaria
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Health education on early identification of malaria symptoms and early treatment
  • Early identification and treatment of malaria
  • Insecticide treated bed net for malaria cases
< 5 years
  • Early identification and treatment of malaria
  • Insecticide treated bed net for malaria cases
5 - 11 years
  • Health education on early identification of malaria symptoms and early treatment
  • Early identification and treatment of malaria
  • Insecticide treated bed net for malaria cases
12 - 24 years
  • Health education on early identification of malaria symptoms and early treatment
  • Early identification and treatment of malaria
  • Insecticide treated bed net for malaria cases
25 - 59 years
  • Health education on early identification of malaria symptoms and early treatment
  • Early identification and treatment of malaria
  • Insecticide treated bed net for malaria cases
60+ years
  • Community mobilization and engagement on malaria risk reduction, prevention and control and early treatment seeking
  • Create mass awareness on malaria using social media, mass media, print media, public gatherings
  • Social and behavioural change communication
  • Promote the use of Information Education Communication (IEC) materials
  • Integrated vector control management (ITN, IRS, larva source management, etc.)
Condition: Schistosomiasis
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
  • Health education to parents, families and communities on NTDs prevention measures such as personal hygiene as well as proper disposal of human faeces including children fecal matter
  • Periodical deworming to eliminate infecting worms,
  • Health education to prevent re-infection,
  • Improved sanitation to reduce soil contamination with infective eggs.
  • Mass drug administration to infected community
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Echinococcosis
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Improved water sanitation and hygiene in the community
  • Hygiene in the slaughtering of livestock (including the proper destruction of infected offal)
  • Public education campaigns on prevention
    - Limit the areas where dogs are allowed
    - Prevent animals from consuming meat infected with cysts
    - Do not allow dogs to feed on rodents and other wild animals
    - Avoid contact with wild animals such as foxes, coyotes and stray dogs
    - Do not encourage wild animals to come close to your home or keep them as pets
    - Prevent dogs from feeding on the carcasses of infected sheep
    - Control stray dog populations
    - Restrict home slaughter of sheep and other livestock
    - Do not consume any food or water that may have been contaminated by fecal matter from dogs.
    - Wash your hands with soap and warm water after handling dogs and before handling food
    - Teach children the importance of washing hands to prevent infection.
    - Periodic deworming of domestic carnivores (dogs etc.) with praziquantel (at least 4 times per year)
    - Vaccination of sheep with an E. granulosus recombinant antigen (EG95)
  • A programme
< 5 years
  • Improved water sanitation and hygiene in the community
  • Hygiene in the slaughtering of livestock (including the proper destruction of infected offal)
5 - 11 years
  • Improved water sanitation and hygiene in the community
  • Hygiene in the slaughtering of livestock (including the proper destruction of infected offal)
12 - 24 years
  • Improved water sanitation and hygiene in the community
  • Hygiene in the slaughtering of livestock (including the proper destruction of infected offal)
25 - 59 years
  • Improved water sanitation and hygiene in the community
  • Hygiene in the slaughtering of livestock (including the proper destruction of infected offal)
60+ years
  • Improved water sanitation and hygiene in the community
  • Hygiene in the slaughtering of livestock (including the proper destruction of infected offal)
Condition: Cysticercosis
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Health education
    - Identification and treatment of tapeworm carriers
    - Cooking pork and beef well
    - Avoid foods that might be contaminated by human faeces.
  • Food handlers should be educated in good handwashing practices
< 5 years
  • Widespread Improvement of water, sanitation and hygiene conditions
    - Strict meat inspection
  • Health education
    - Identification and treatment of tapeworm carriers
    - Cooking pork and beef well
    - Avoid foods that might be contaminated by human faeces.
  • Food handlers should be educated in good handwashing practices
5 - 11 years
  • Widespread Improvement of water, sanitation and hygiene conditions
    - Strict meat inspection
  • Health education
    - Identification and treatment of tapeworm carriers
    - Cooking pork and beef well
    - Avoid foods that might be contaminated by human faeces.
  • Food handlers should be educated in good handwashing practices
12 - 24 years
  • Widespread Improvement of water, sanitation and hygiene conditions
    - Strict meat inspection
  • Health education
    - Identification and treatment of tapeworm carriers
    - Cooking pork and beef well
    - Avoid foods that might be contaminated by human faeces.
  • Food handlers should be educated in good handwashing practices
25 - 59 years
  • Widespread Improvement of water, sanitation and hygiene conditions
    - Strict meat inspection
  • Health education
    - Identification and treatment of tapeworm carriers
    - Cooking pork and beef well
    - Avoid foods that might be contaminated by human faeces.
  • Food handlers should be educated in good handwashing practices
60+ years
  • Widespread Improvement of water, sanitation and hygiene conditions
    - Strict meat inspection
  • Health education
    - Identification and treatment of tapeworm carriers
    - Cooking pork and beef well
    - Avoid foods that might be contaminated by human faeces.
  • Food handlers should be educated in good handwashing practices
Condition: Alzheimer disease and other dementias
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
  • Regular patient education on staying active, identification of symptoms of dementia early
  • Guidance and counselling on mental exercise including engagement in intellectual activities
Condition: Asthma
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Create awareness on Asthma including prevention measures
  • Create awareness on the possible triggers of asthma and how to avoid them
  • Provide IEC materials on Asthma
  • Health workers training on Asthma including prevention and management measures
  • Guidance on Avoidance of asthma triggers including:
  • indoor allergens (for example, house dust mites in bedding, carpets and stuffed furniture, pollution and pet dander)
  • Outdoor allergens(such as pollens and moulds)
  • Avoidance of tobacco smoking/cessation of smoking
  • Avoidance of exposure to second hand smoke
  • Avoidance of other triggers such as cold air, extreme emotional arousal such as anger or fear, and physical exercise.
  • Avoidance of exposure to exhaust fumes or other types of pollution
  • Avoidance of Exposure to occupational triggers, such as chemicals used in farming, hairdressing and manufacturing
  • Guidance to aptients on an elaborate plan for living with asthma and preventing asthma attacks
  • Guidance on use of the medication as per prescription to prevent attack
  • Vaccination against influenza and pneumonia as flu and pneumonia can trigger flare ups
  • Guidance on Weight control through proper diet and exercise
  • Effective Surveillance to map the magnitude of asthma, and monitoring trends
< 5 years
  • Health education on triggers/risk factors of asthma and preventive measures
  • Vaccination against influenza and pneumonia
5 - 11 years
  • Health education on triggers/ risk factors of asthma and preventive measures
  • Vaccination: influenza
  • Vaccination: pneumonia
  • Vaccination: COVID
12 - 24 years
  • Health education on triggers/ risk factors of asthma and preventive measures
  • Vaccination: influenza
  • Vaccination: pneumonia
  • Vaccination: COVID
25 - 59 years
  • Health education on triggers/ risk factors of asthma and preventive measures
  • Vaccination: influenza
  • Vaccination: pneumonia
60+ years
  • Health education on triggers/ risk factors of asthma and preventive measures
  • Vaccination: influenza
  • Vaccination: pneumonia
Condition: Attention deficit/hyperactivity syndrome
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
  • Community education/awareness creation on ADHD
  • Advocacy for ADHD including provision of services for persons with ADHD
  • Health workers training on ADHD
  • Physical exercise
  • Prevention of child abuse, neglect or social deprivation
  • Awareness creation on prevention measures including:
  • Reduction of exposure to Children to certain toxic substances such industrial chemicals, organophosphate insecticides
5 - 11 years
  • Community education/awareness creation on ADHD
  • Advocacy for ADHD including provision of services for persons with ADHD
  • Health workers training on ADHD
  • Physical exercise for the school children
  • Reduction of exposure to Children to certain toxic substances such industrial chemicals, organophosphate insecticides
  • Awareness creation on prevention measures including:
  • Prevention of child abuse, neglect or social deprivation
12 - 24 years
  • Community education/awareness creation on ADHD
  • Advocacy for ADHD including provision of services for persons with ADHD
  • Health workers training on ADHD
  • Physical exercise for the adolesecnts
  • Reduction of exposure to aldolescents to certain toxic substances such industrial chemicals, organophosphate insecticides
  • Awareness caretion on prevention measures including:
  • Prevention of child abuse, neglect or social deprivation
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Autism and Asperger syndrome
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
  • Provision of information on neurodevelopmental disorders to the parents and family members
  • Health workers on neurodevelopmental disorders including recognition of symptoms
  • Encourage family interactions to promote social skills and prevent other disorders such as anxiety disorders
  • Encourage physical activity
  • Guidance on Proper nutrition for child with autisms
  • Monitoring of child development as part of routine maternal and child health care
5 - 11 years
  • Provision of information on autism spectrum disorder to the parents and family members
  • Monitoring of child development as part of routine maternal and child health care
  • Encourage child’s physical activity
  • Proper nutrition for child
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Eating disorders
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Awareness creation to mothers, families on eating disorders and how to prevent them
  • Education to health workers on eating disorders, prevention measures and management
  • Early identification and treatment of eating disorder among mothers
  • Guidance to mother on healthy balanced diets/healthy eating
  • Education/guidance to mothers on effective ways of coping with emotions
  • Education and guidance to mothers on healthy exercises
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
  • Counselling of children, families, on causes and prevention of eating disorders.
  • Early identification of eating disorder among children
  • Sensitize children and families on eating disorders, prevention measures and management. multi-sectoral engagement in addressing eating disorders
12 - 24 years
  • Awareness creation to adolescents, families on eating disorders and how to prevent them
  • Education to health workers on eating disorders; prevention measures and management
  • Guidance/advice to adolescents and their family on healthy development before the occurrence of eating disorders.
  • Early identification and treatment of any eating disorder among adolescents
  • Guidance to adolescents on healthy balanced diets/healthy eating including body image
  • Education to adolescents on effective ways of coping with emotions
  • Education and guidance to adolescents on health exercises
  • Guidance to adolescents on coping with peer pressure
25 - 59 years
  • Awareness creation to adults, families on eating disorders and how to prevent them
  • Training health workers on eating disorders, prevention measures and management
  • Early identification and treatment of any eating disorder among adults
  • Education to adults on effective ways of coping with emotions
  • Education and guidance to adults on health exercises
  • Guidance to adults on healthy balanced diets/healthy eating including body image
60+ years
  • Awareness creation to elderly, families on eating disorders and how to prevent them
  • Education to health workers on eating disorders, prevention measures and management
  • Early identification and treatment of an eating disorder among the elderly
  • Education and guidance to elderly on health exercises
  • Education to elderly on effective ways of coping with emotions
  • Guidance to elderly on healthy balanced diets/healthy eating including body image
Condition: Epilepsy
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
  • Education to prevent misunderstanding, discrimination and social stigma.
  • Screening for pregnancy complications
  • Prevention of perinatal injuries
  • Effective treatment of febrile infections and head trauma
  • Immunization
  • Early and effective management of febrile convulsion
5 - 11 years
  • Health education on seizures disorders including Epilepsy, its recognition and prevention measures Education to prevent misunderstanding, discrimination and social stigma.
  • Effective treatment of febrile infections and head trauma
  • Guidance and counselling on preventing head injury to prevent
12 - 24 years
  • Health education on seizures disorders including Epilepsy, its recognition and prevention measures
  • Education to prevent misunderstanding, discrimination and social stigma.
  • Early identification and treatment for febrile infections such as malaria and other viral/bacterial infections
  • Guidance and counselling on preventing head injury to prevent
25 - 59 years
  • Early identification and treatment for febrile infections such as malaria and other viral/bacterial infections
  • Guidance and counselling on preventing head injury to prevent post-traumatic epilepsy
  • Guidance and counselling on avoiding seizure triggers such as sleep deprivation, alcohol, etc.
60+ years
Condition: Migraine
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Education and to mothers/families on migraine headache, prevention measures
  • Health worker training on migraine, prevention, recognition and management
  • Advice on lifestyle factors to avoid and specific migraine triggers to reduce the frequency of attacks including;
  • irregular or skipped meals
  • irregular or too little sleep
  • a stressful lifestyle
  • excessive caffeine consumption
  • lack of exercise
  • obesity
  • Encourage patients to participate actively in their treatment and to employ self-management principles including;
  • self-monitoring to identify factors influencing migraine
  • managing migraine triggers effectively
  • pacing activity to avoid triggering or exacerbating migraine
  • maintaining a lifestyle that does not worsen migraine
  • practicing relaxation techniques
  • maintaining good sleep hygiene
  • developing stress management skills
  • improving communication skills to talk effectively about pain with family and others
  • Using acute and prophylactic medication appropriately
< 5 years
  • Basic explanations information to parents/families on migraine headache, prevention measures and treatment.
  • Health worker training on migraine, prevention , diagnosis and management
  • Advice to parents on lifestyle factors that the child need to avoid or the migraine triggers to reduce the frequency of attacks including;
  • irregular or skipped meals
  • irregular or too little sleep
  • a stressful lifestyle
  • lack of exercise
  • obesity
  • Encourage parents of the under 5 patients to participate actively in their treatment and to employ management principles including;
  • monitoring the child to identify factors influencing migraine
  • managing migraine triggers effectively
  • pacing activity to avoid triggering or exacerbating migraine
  • ensure the child has a lifestyle that does not worsen migraine
  • ensure the child relaxes enough
  • ensure the child has good sleep hygiene
  • help the child to develop stress management skills
  • using acute and prophylactic medication on the child appropriately
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
  • Patient education on healthy behaviours; getting plenty of sleep, staying physically active, avoiding alcohol
  • Guidance on avoidance of headache triggers
25 - 59 years
  • Patient education on healthy behaviours; getting plenty of sleep, staying physically active, avoiding alcohol
  • Guidance on avoidance of headache triggers
  • Preventive medications such as beta-blockers, anti-depressants
60+ years
Condition: Hookworm disease
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Education and awareness creation to the mothers on hookworm disease including prevention measures
  • Education about proper hygiene
  • Education on proper waste disposal including faecal waste to reduce the risk of infection
  • Health workers training on hookworm disease, prevention measures and its management
  • Advice to pregnant women on use of safe Drinking water
  • Advice to pregnant women on Properly cleaning and cooking food
  • Advice on use of barrier to prevent the skin from getting in contact with the soil especially in areas that may have feaces in the soil e.g. use of shoes, gloves when gardening
  • Guidance to pregnant women on practicing proper handwashing/hand hygiene
  • Guidance on proper human waste
< 5 years
  • Health education on risk factors for hook worm infection and preventive measures such as good sanitation and hygiene practice
  • Advice to parents/families on ensuring that the under 5s use safe Drinking water
  • Advice to parents/families on Properly cleaning and cooking food for the under 5s
  • Guidance to under 5s on proper handwashing/hand hygiene
  • Guidance to parents/families on proper human waste disposal including the children waste
5 - 11 years
  • Health education on risk factors for hook worm infection and preventive measures such as good sanitation and hygiene practice
  • Advice to school age children on use of safe Drinking water
  • Advice to parents/families/schools on Properly cleaning and cooking food
  • Advice on use of barrier to prevent the skin from getting in contact with the soil especially in areas that may have feaces in the soil e.g use of shoes, gloves when gardening
  • Guidance on proper handwashing/hand hygiene
  • Guidance on proper human waste disposal
12 - 24 years
  • Education and awareness creation to the adolescents hookworm disease including prevention measures
  • Education about proper hygiene
  • Education on proper waste disposal including faecal waste to reduce the risk of infection
  • Health workers training on hookworm disease, prevention measures and its management
  • Advice to adolescents on use of safe Drinking water
  • Advice on Properly cleaning and cooking food
  • Advice on use of barrier to prevent the skin from getting in contact with the soil especially in areas that may have feaces in the soil e.g. use of shoes, gloves when gardening
  • Guidance on proper handwashing/hand hygiene
  • Guidance on proper human waste disposal
25 - 59 years
  • Education and awareness creation to the adults on hookworm disease including prevention measures
  • Education about proper hygiene
  • Education on proper waste disposal to reduce the risk of infection
  • Health workers training on hookworm disease, prevention measures and its management
  • Advice to adults on use of safe Drinking water
  • Advice on Properly cleaning and cooking food
  • Advice on use of barrier to prevent the skin from getting in contact with the soil especially in areas that may have feaces in the soil e.g. use of shoes, gloves when gardening
  • Guidance on proper handwashing/hand hygiene
  • Guidance on proper human waste disposal
60+ years
  • Education and awareness creation to the elderly on hookworm disease including prevention measures
  • Education about proper hygiene
  • Education on proper waste disposal to reduce the risk of hookworm infection
  • Health workers training on hookworm disease, prevention measures and its management
  • Advice to elderly on use of safe Drinking water
  • Advice on Properly cleaning and cooking food
  • Advice on use of barrier to prevent the skin from getting in contact with the soil especially in areas that may have feaces in the soil e.g. use of shoes, gloves when gardening
  • Guidance on proper handwashing/hand hygiene
  • Guidance on proper human waste disposal
Condition: Edentulism
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
  • Awareness creation among the population on oral health including prevention of dental conditions that lead to loss of teeth
  • Mass awareness campaigns on healthy lifestyles including on good nutrition
  • Awareness creation on good oral hygiene
  • Health workers training ooral health, prevention edentulism and its management
  • Multi-sectoral approach in provision of safe drinking water
  • Integration of oral health program into community health programmes.
  • Guidance on primary prevention measures
  • Appropriate diet and good nutriton
  • Practicing good oral hygiene
  • Avoidance of tobacco smoking
  • Advice on seeking treatment early for other dental conditions that lead to edentulism including dental caries, periodontal diseases, trauma and oral cancer.
  • Avoidance of lifestyle behavior that affects general health such as tobacco use, excessive alcohol consumption and poor dietary choices which are associated with increased risk of periodontal disease, dental caries which lead to edentulism.
Condition: Periodontal disease
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Education to pregnant women on periodontal disease including prevention measures
  • Information to pregnant women on the increased risk of developing pregnancy gingivitis and its prevention measures
  • Health workers training on periodontal disease; prevention and management
  • Guidance on good oral hygiene practices including brushing, flossing
  • Guidance on avoidance of factors that predispose to periodontal disease including on the effect of smoking on their oral health and general health and assist them on smoking cessation
  • Early treatment/management of predisposing conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease as a preventive measure
  • Advice/guidance on control of diabetes as Poorly controlled diabetes enhances the signs and symptoms of gingivitis and periodontitis
  • Information and guidance to patient on the benefits of a healthy, balanced diet to their oral health including prevention of periodontal disease
  • Encourage patients to modify other lifestyle factors that may impact on their oral health.
  • Dental prophylaxis during pregnancy
  • Screening pregnant women for periodontal disease at every routine examination.
< 5 years
  • Education to the under 5s and their families on periodontal disease and prevention measures
  • Health workers training on periodontal disease including prevention and management in children
  • Guidance to under 5s and their parents/families on good oral hygiene practices including brushing; flossing for the child
  • Guidance to parents on their role in improving periodontal health of the under 5s
  • Information and guidance to parents/families on the benefits of a healthy, balanced diet to the childs oral health including prevention of periodontal disease
  • Advice on frequent dental visits for dental prophylaxis or supportive periodontal therapy for the under 5s
  • Screen under 5s for periodontal diseases at every routine examination.
5 - 11 years
  • Education to the school age children and their families on periodontal disease and prevention measures
  • Health workers training on periodontal disease including prevention and management in children
  • Guidance to school age child on good oral hygiene practices including brushing; flossing
  • Guidance to the school age child on their role in improving periodontal health.
  • Information and guidance to the school age child/to their parents/families on the benefits of a healthy, balanced diet to the child’s oral health including prevention of periodontal disease
  • Advice on frequent visits for dental prophylaxis or supportive periodontal therapy
  • Screen school age children for periodontal diseases at every routine examination.
12 - 24 years
  • Education to the adolescents and their families on periodontal disease and prevention measures
  • Health workers training on periodontal disease including prevention and management in adolescents
  • Guidance to adolescents on good oral hygiene practices including brushing, flossing
  • Guidance to the adolescents on their role in improving periodontal health.
  • Guidance on avoidance of factors that predispose to periodontal disease including the effect of smoking on their oral health and general health and assist them on smoking cessation.
  • Early treatment/management of predisposing conditions such as diabetes; cardiovascular disease as a preventive measure
  • Advice/guidance on control of diabetes as Poorly controlled diabetes enhances the signs and symptoms of gingivitis and periodontitis
  • Information and guidance to the adolescents on the benefits of a healthy, balanced diet to their oral health including prevention of periodontal disease
  • Advice on frequent visits for dental prophylaxis and or supportive periodontal therapy
  • Screen adolesents for periodontal diseases at every routine examination.
25 - 59 years
  • Early treatment/management of predisposing conditions such as diabetes cardiovascular disease as a preventive measure
  • Advice/guidance on control of diabetes as Poorly controlled diabetes enhances the signs and symptoms of gingivitis and periodontitis
  • Guidance on good oral hygiene practices including brushing
  • Guidance to patient on their role in improving periodontal health.
  • Guidance on avoidance of factors that predispose to periodontal disease including the effect of smoking on their oral health and general health and assist them on smoking cessation
  • Information and guidance to patient on the benefits of a healthy, balanced diet to their oral health including prevention of periodontal disease
  • Advice on frequent visits for dental prophylaxis and or supportive periodontal therapy
  • Screen adults for periodontal diseases at every routine examination.
  • Education to the adults on periodontal disease and prevention measures
  • Health workers education on periodontal disease including prevention and management in adults
60+ years
  • Education to the elderly and their families on periodontal disease and prevention measures
  • Health workers training on periodontal disease including prevention and management in elderly patients
  • Guidance on good oral hygiene practices including brushing
  • Guidance to patient on their role in improving periodontal health.
  • Guidance on avoidance of factors that predispose to periodontal disease including the effect of smoking on their oral health and general health and assist them on smoking cessation
  • Early treatment/management of predisposing conditions such as diabetes cardiovascular disease as a preventive measure
  • Advice/guidance on control of diabetes as Poorly controlled diabetes enhances the signs and symptoms of gingivitis and periodontitis
  • Information and guidance to patient on the benefits of a healthy, balanced diet to their oral health including prevention of periodontal disease
  • Advice on frequent visits for dental prophylaxis and or supportive periodontal therapy
  • Screen elderly persons for periodontal diseases at every routine examination.
Condition: Parkinson disease
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
  • Awareness creation among adults and communities on parkinsonism disease including early onset parkinsonism disease
  • Advocacy programs on parkinsonism
  • Health workers training on parkinsonism and its management
  • Encourage elderly persons to Exercise regularly to reduce the risk of Parkinson's disease
  • Advice on other preventive measures such as
  • Avoidance of exposure to pesticides and herbicides
  • Use of vitamins such as Vitamin C and E
60+ years
  • Provide educational materials for better diagnosis, communicating the diagnosis and follow-up care, including support
  • Guidance and counselling on promotion of healthy behaviour (exercise and diet)
Condition: Non-migraine headache
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Adherence to any medication as prescribes
  • Advice to patient on monitoring the pattern of the headache/keeping a headache diary
  • Guidance on avoidance of headache triggers -such as caffeine
  • Guidance to patient on Practicing healthy behaviors Including;
  • Getting plenty of sleep,
  • Staying physically active,
  • Eating healthy meals and snacks,
  • drinking plenty of water daily,
  • Management of stress.
  • Practicing relaxation techniques
< 5 years
  • Provide information to on headaches their prevention measures and their treatment.
  • Health workers training on the different types on non migraine head aches, their prevention and treatment measures
5 - 11 years
  • Guidance to patient on Practicing healthy behaviors. Including
  • Getting plenty of sleep,
  • Staying physically active,
  • Eating healthy meals and snacks,
  • Drinking plenty of water daily,
  • Management of stress.
  • Practicing relaxation techniques
  • Advice to patient on monitoring the pattern of the headache/keeping a headache diary
  • Guidance on avoidance of headache triggers-such as caffeine
  • Adherence to any medication as prescribes
12 - 24 years
  • Provide information to on headaches their prevention measures and their treatment.
  • Health workers training on the different types on non migraine head aches, their prevention and treatment measures
  • Guidance to patient on Practicing healthy behaviors Including;
  • Getting plenty of sleep,
  • Staying physically active,
  • Eating healthy meals and snacks,
  • Drinking plenty of water daily,
  • Management of stress.
  • Practicing relaxation techniques
  • Advice to patient on monitoring the pattern of the headache/keeping a headache diary
  • Guidance on avoidance of headache triggers-such as caffeine
  • Adherence to any medication as prescribes
25 - 59 years
  • Provide information to on headaches their prevention measures and their treatment.
  • Health workers training on the different types on non migraine head aches, their prevention and treatment measures
60+ years
  • Provide information to on headaches their prevention measures and their treatment.
  • Health workers training on the different types on non- migraine headacheas, their prevention and treatment measureseir treatment.
  • Guidance to patient on Practicing healthy behaviors Including;
  • Getting plenty of sleep,
  • Staying physically active,
  • Eating healthy meals and snacks,
  • Drinking plenty of water daily,
  • Management of stress.
  • Practicing relaxation techniques
  • Advice to patient on monitoring the pattern of the headache/keeping a headache diary
  • Guidance on avoidance of headache triggers-such as caffeine
  • Adherence to any medication as prescribes
Condition: Conduct disorder
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
  • Health workers training on conduct disorder, prevention measures and interventions /management
  • Information to parents/families and communities at large on conduct disorder including prevention measures
  • Guidance to adolescents, their parents/families on improving family interactions and communication among family members
  • Guidance to adolescents on Avoidance of substance abuse
  • Encourage parents to avoid inconsistent discipline to the adolescents
  • Guidance to adolescents on moral awareness
  • Guidance to adolescents on social interactions with peers
12 - 24 years
  • Health workers Training on conduct disorder, prevention measures and management
  • Information to adolescents their parents/families on conduct disorder including prevention measures
  • Guidance to adolescents, their parents/families on improving family interactions and communication among family members
  • Guidance to adolescents on Avoidance of substance abuse
  • Encourage parents to avoid inconsistent discipline to the adolescents
  • Guidance to adolescents on moral awareness
  • Guidance to adolescents on social interactions with peers
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Lower respiratory tract infections (LRTI)
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Create awareness on respiratory tract infections including prevention measures
  • Distribution of IEC materials on lower respiratory tract infections
  • Advocacy for proper sanitation and good housing
  • Health workers training on lower respiratory tract infections including prevention measures and management
  • Good hygiene practices including hand washing
  • Counselling and guidance on avoidance of smoking within the household and secondary exposure to smoke
  • Full immunizations, e.g. Pneumococcal and pentavalent vaccinations
< 5 years
  • Health education on LRTI prevention measures and early treatment
  • Good hygiene practices including hand washing
  • Counselling and guidance on avoidance of smoking within the household and secondary exposure to smoke
  • Full immunizations, e.g. Pneumococcal and pentavalent vaccinations
5 - 11 years
  • Health education on LRTI prevention measures and early treatment
  • Immunizations
12 - 24 years
  • Health education on LRTI prevention measures and early treatment
  • Immunizations, e.g. Pneumococcal, influenza, COVID
25 - 59 years
  • Health education on LRTI prevention measures and early treatment
  • Immunizations, e.g., Pneumococcal, influenza, COVID
60+ years
  • Health education on LRTI prevention measures and early treatment
  • Immunizations, e.g., Pneumococcal, influenza, COVID
Condition: COVID-19
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
  • Screening of vulnerable groups
  • Promote hand washing facilities
  • Promote use of face masks
  • Promote maintenance of physical and social distance
  • Conduct routine and mass Vaccination
  • Active case finding in the community
  • Education on infection prevention control, including cough etiquette
12 - 24 years
  • Awareness creation including on transmission and prevention measures
  • Health Education on COVID -19 disease
  • Distribution of IEC materials
  • Health workers training on COVID-19 including its prevention and management
  • Promoting Multi sectoral approach in control of COVID-19
  • Promoting vaccination
  • Conduct disease surveillance
  • Requirement for travelers to provide certificate of vaccine in line
  • Monitoring and reporting on Adverse Events Following Immunization (AEFI)
  • Recording and reporting on to the next level
  • Isolation of persons with COVID-19 disease
  • Notification
  • Vaccination for life-long protection
  • Mass vaccination campaigns designed to increase coverage
  • Vaccination for travelers
25 - 59 years
  • Health Education on COVID -19 disease
  • Awareness creation including on transmission and prevention measures
  • Promoting vaccination
  • Promoting Multi sectoral approach in control of COVID-19
  • Distribution of IEC materials
  • Health workers training on COVID-19 including its prevention and management
  • Screening of vulnerable groups
  • Promote hand washing facilities
  • Promote use of face masks
  • Promote maintenance of physical and social distance
  • Vaccination for life-long protection
  • Mass vaccination campaigns designed to increase coverage
  • Vaccination for travelers
  • Conduct disease surveillance
  • Requirement for travelers to provide certificate of vaccine in line with the International Health Regulations (IHR)
  • Proper Infection Prevention and control (IPC) measures
  • Monitoring and reporting on Adverse Events Following Immunization (AEFI)
  • Recording and reporting on to the next level
  • Notification
  • Isolation of persons with COVID-19 disease
  • Conduct routine and mass Vaccination
  • Active case finding in the community
  • Education on infection prevention control, including cough etiquette
60+ years
  • Screening of vulnerable groups
  • Promote hand washing facilities
  • Promote use of face masks
  • Promote maintenance of physical and social distance
  • Conduct routine and mass Vaccination
  • Active case finding in the community
  • Education on infection prevention control, including cough etiquette
Condition: Eye Conditions
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years

Community awareness on the importance of early and regular comprehensive eye examinations

Screening and diagnosis of eye diseases and vision impairment in community, schools Preferential looking visual acuity test for preverbal infants and toddlers

12 - 24 years
  • Community education on hygiene and environmental sanitation
  • Distribute IEC materials, such as brochures, leaflet, booklets on eye conditions
  • Health education to communities on eye health
  • Training of Health
  • Discourage use traditional medicines for eye care
  • Assess for associated conditions like diabetes and hypertension
  • Guidance on good Hygiene practices
  • Guidance on good nutrition
  • Promoting Mass Drug Administration (MDA) to prevent sight associated infections such as trachoma
  • Outreach services
  • screening for eye conditions
25 - 59 years
60+ years

Vaccination: pneumococcal conjugate Vaccination: haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib)

Condition: Haemorrhagic Stroke
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
  • Information to patients/families/communities on hemorrhagic stroke disease including prevention measures
  • Provision of IEC materials
  • Advocacy for patients with hemorrhagic stroke disease including for availability of services
  • Health workers training on hemorrhagic stroke
  • Lifestyle changes to prevent high blood pressure/blood pressure control
  • Avoidance of Alcohol and drug use
  • Physical activity
  • Exercises
  • Healthy nutrition
  • Early diagnosis and management of High blood pressure
  • Regular medical check ups
Condition: Upper Respiratory Tract Infections
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Information on upper respiratory tract infections including prevention measures
  • Distribution of IEC materials on URTI
  • Promote Multi-sectoral approach in ensuring proper environmental sanitation including good housing
  • Health workers training on URTI including prevention measures and its management
  • Guidance/advice on Proper nutrition for the pregnant women
  • Promote Good Hand hygiene practices
  • Guidance on smoking cessation/avoidance to exposure to secondary smoking
  • Vitamin supplementation
  • Early treatment for any upper respiratory tract infection
  • Guidance on adherence to medication including completion of antibiotic dosage
< 5 years
  • Information on upper respiratory tract infections including prevention measures
  • Distribution of IEC materials on URTI
  • Promote Multi-sectoral approach in ensuring proper environmental sanitation including good housing
  • Health workers training on URTI including prevention measures and its management
  • Guidance on Proper nutrition for the child
  • Promote Breast feeding
  • Guidance on good Hand hygiene practices for parents/caregivers and the children
  • Advice on Avoidance of smoking in the household/exposure of children to secondary smoking
  • Vitamin supplementation
  • Vaccination for the children -influenza, pneumococcal vaccines .
  • Early treatment of URTI in children
5 - 11 years
  • Information on upper respiratory tract infections including prevention measures
  • Distribution of IEC materials on URTI
  • Promote Multi-sectoral approach in ensuring proper environmental sanitation including good housing
  • Health workers training on URTI including prevention measures and its management
  • Guidance on Proper nutrition for the child
  • Advice/promote good Hand hygiene practices for the school children
  • Advice on Avoidance of smoking in the household/exposure of children to secondary smoking
  • Vitamin supplementation
  • Vaccination for the school age children –Influenza, pneumococcal vaccines
  • Early treatment of URTI in school. Age children
12 - 24 years
  • Information on upper respiratory tract infections including prevention measures
  • Distribution of IEC materials on URTI
  • Promote Multi-sectoral approach in ensuring proper environmental sanitation including good housing
  • Health workers training on URTI including prevention measures and its management
  • Guidance/advice on Proper nutrition for the adolescents
  • Promote Good Hand hygiene practices
  • Guidance on smoking cessation/avoidance to exposure to secondary smoking
  • Vitamin supplementation
  • Early treatment for any upper respiratory tract infection
  • Guidance on adherence to medication including completion of antibiotic dosage
25 - 59 years
  • Information on upper respiratory tract infections including prevention measures
  • Distribution of IEC materials on URTI
  • Promote Multi-sectoral approach in ensuring proper environmental sanitation including good housing
  • Health workers training on URTI including prevention measures and its management
  • Guidance/advice on Proper nutrition for the adults
  • Promote Good Hand hygiene practices
  • Guidance on smoking cessation/or avoidance to exposure to secondary smoking
  • Vitamin supplementation
  • Early treatmnet for any upper respiratory tract infection
  • Guidance on adherence to medication including completion of antibiotic dosage
60+ years
  • Information on upper respiratory tract infections including prevention measures
  • Distribution of IEC materials on URTI
  • Promote Multi-sectoral approach in ensuring proper environmental sanitation including good housing
  • Health workers training on URTI including prevention measures and its management
  • Guidance/advice on Proper nutrition for the elderly persons
  • Promote Good Hand hygiene practices
  • Guidance on smoking cessation/avoidance to exposure to secondary smoking
  • Vitamin supplementation
  • Early treatment for any upper respiratory tract infection
  • Guidance on adherence to medication including completion of antibiotic dosage
Condition: Dental Caries
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Community awareness on dental caries and prevention measures
  • Community dental outreaches
  • Multi sectoral approach in addressing socio-cultural determinants such as poor living conditions
  • Multi-sectoral approach in ensuring access to clean safe water
  • Community water fluoridation
  • Training health workers on dental caries including prevention measures
  • Oral hygiene education
  • Advice on oral hygiene -teeth brushing and flossing
  • Advice on healthy diets -avoidance of sugars
  • Tobacco and alcohol cessation programs
  • Application of topical fluorides/application of fluorides to prevent caries
  • Application of sealants
  • Early screening for dental caries
< 5 years
  • Community awareness on dental caries and prevention measures
  • Multi sectoral approach in addressing socio-cultural determinants such as poor living conditions
  • Multi-sectoral approach in ensuring access to clean safe water
  • Community water fluoridation
  • Community dental outreach services
  • Training health workers on dental caries including prevention measures
  • Oral hygiene education
  • Advice on oral hygiene -teeth brushing and flossing
  • Advice on healthy diets -avoidance of sugars
  • Tobacco and alcohol cessation programs
  • Application of topical fluorides/application of fluorides to prevent caries
  • Application of sealants
  • Early screening for dental caries
5 - 11 years
  • Community awareness on dental caries and prevention measures
  • Multi sectoral approach in addressing socio-cultural determinants such as poor living conditions
  • Multi-sectoral approach in ensuring access to clean safe water
  • Community water fluoridation
  • Community dental outreach services
  • Multi sectoral approach in addressing socio-cultural determinants such as poor living conditions
  • Multi-sectoral approach in ensuring access to clean safe water
  • Community water fluoridation Community dental outreach services
  • Training health workers on dental caries including prevention measures
  • Early screening for dental caries
  • Oral hygiene education
  • Advice on oral hygiene -teeth brushing and flossing
  • Advice on healthy diets -avoidance of sugars
  • Tobacco and alcohol cessation programs
  • Application of topical fluorides/application of fluorides to prevent caries
  • Application of sealants
12 - 24 years
  • Community awareness on dental caries and prevention measures
  • Multi sectoral approach in addressing socio-cultural determinants such as poor living conditions
  • Multi-sectoral approach in ensuring access to clean safe water
  • Community water fluoridation
  • Community dental outreach services
  • Training health workers on dental caries including prevention measures
  • Oral hygiene education
  • Advice on oral hygiene -teeth brushing and flossing
  • Advice on healthy diets -avoidance of sugars
  • Tobacco and alcohol cessation programs
  • Application of topical fluorides/application of fluorides to prevent caries
  • Application of sealants
  • Early screening for dental caries
25 - 59 years
  • Community awareness on dental caries and prevention measures
  • Multi sectoral approach in addressing socio-cultural determinants such as poor living conditions
  • Multi-sectoral approach in ensuring access to clean safe water
  • Community water fluoridation
  • Community dental outreach services
  • Training health workers on dental caries including prevention measures
  • Oral hygiene education
  • Advice on oral hygiene -teeth brushing and flossing
  • Advice on healthy diets -avoidance of sugars
  • Tobacco and alcohol cessation programs
  • Application of topical fluorides/application of fluorides to prevent caries
  • Application of sealants
  • Early screening for dental caries
60+ years
  • Community awareness on dental caries and prevention measures
  • Multi sectoral approach in addressing socio-cultural determinants such as poor living conditions
  • Multi-sectoral approach in ensuring access to clean safe water
  • Community water fluoridation
  • Community dental outreach services
  • Training health workers on dental caries including prevention measures
  • Oral hygiene education
  • Advice on oral hygiene -teeth brushing and flossing
  • Advice on healthy diets -avoidance of sugars
  • Tobacco and alcohol cessation programs
  • Application of topical fluorides/application of fluorides to prevent caries
  • Application of sealants
  • Early screening for dental caries
Condition: Ischaemic Stroke
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
  • Screening and treatment of CVD risk factors
60+ years
  • Information to patients/families/communities on Ischemic heart disease including prevention measures
  • Provision of IEC materials
  • Advocacy for patients with ischemic heart disease including for availability of services
  • Health workers training on Ischemic heart disease
  • Screening and treatment of CVD risk factors
Condition: Ischaemic (Coronary) Heart Disease
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
  • Health education on risk factors for ischaemic heart disease and preventive measures including stress management
  • Display patient friendly IEC/BCC materials
  • Guidance on healthy eating i.e.eating balanced healthy diets –low fat and Low sodium intake
  • Guidance on Physical activities and physical exercises
  • Advice on the need for adequate rest-including adequate sleep
  • Avoidance of smoking tobacco
  • Cessation of alcohol use
  • Maintaining a healthy body weight
  • Monitor blood pressure and cholesterol levels
  • Early detection and management of other medical conditions as a preventive measure including;
  • Management of coronary heart disease
  • Management of high blood pressure,
  • Early treatment of diabetes mellitus
  • Early screening
60+ years
  • Health education on risk factors for ischaemic heart disease and preventive measures including stress management
  • Display patient friendly IEC/BCC materials
  • Integrated counselling on healthy diet, physical activity, weight management, alcohol and tobacco use
  • Daily low-dose aspirin for secondary prevention
  • Screening and treatment of CVD risk factors
Condition: Multiple Sclerosis
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
  • Creation of awareness among the communities/Families on multiple sclerosis including prevention measures
  • Provision of IEC materials on multiple sclerosis
  • Community health workers training on multiple sclerosis
  • Early diagnosis and management of pre-disposing conditions such as pernicious anemia, psoriasis, diabetes or inflammatory bowel disease.
  • Smoking cessation
  • Healthy balance diet
  • Exercises
  • Use of Vitamin D. and low exposure to sunlight is associated with reduced risk of MS.
Condition: Peptic Ulcers
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Create awareness to the communities/families on peptic ulcer disease including prevention measure
  • Provision of IEC materials on Peptic ulcers disease
  • Community health workers training on peptic ulcers disease, its prevention and remedies at community level
  • ANC Services for the mother
  • Cessation of smoking
  • Stoppage/avoidance of alcohol to avoid increase in acid in the stomach
  • Stress management
  • Diet control—avoidance of spicy foods
  • Hand hygiene to prevent infections
  • Reduce intake of pain relivers or take medication with meals.
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
  • Create awareness to the communities/families on peptic ulcer disease including prevention measure
  • Provision of IEC materials on Peptic ulcers disease
  • Community health workers training on peptic ulcers disease, its prevention and remedies at community level
  • Cessation of smoking
  • Stoppage/avoidance of alcohol to avoid increase in acid in the stomach
  • Stress management
  • Diet control—avoidance of spicy foods
  • Hand hygiene to prevent infections
  • Reduce intake of pain relivers or take medication with meals.
60+ years
  • Create awareness to the communities/families on peptic ulcer disease including prevention measure
  • Provision of IEC materials on Peptic ulcers disease
  • Community health workers training on peptic ulcers disease, its prevention and remedies at community level
  • Cessation of smoking
  • Stoppage/avoidance of alcohol to avoid increase in acid in the stomach
  • Stress management
  • Diet control—avoidance of spicy foods
  • Hand hygiene to prevent infections
  • Reduce intake of pain relivers or take medication with meals.
Condition: Rheumatic Heart Disease
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Awareness creation among women/families families on Rheumatic Heart disease including prevention measures
  • Awareness creation on risk factors of Rheumatic heart disease such as overcrowding, poor sanitary conditions
  • Distribution of IEC materials on RHD
  • Advocacy for a multi-sectoral approach in promoting improvement in environmental conditions such as housing conditions, improving the standards of living
  • Advocacy for Improved access health services including to oral health care; access to life saving heart surgery
  • Community health workers training on RHD
  • Promote ANC attendance for women with RHD
  • Proper nutrition for women with AHD
  • Guidance on healthy hygiene practice for the pregnant women
  • Teaching/guidance on Good oral hygiene practices for the under 5s
  • Advice on Adherence to antibiotics medication including completion of doses as prescribed
  • Careful preconception assessment and planning for women with RHD
  • Guided fertility planning for all women with RHD
< 5 years
  • Awareness creation among the communities/families on Rheumatic Heart disease including prevention measures
  • Awareness creation on risk factors of Rheumatic heart disease such as overcrowding, poor sanitary conditions
  • Distribution of IEC materials on RHD
  • Promote multi-sectoral approach in promoting improvement in environmental conditions such as housing conditions, improving the standards of living
  • Advocacy for Improved access health services including to oral health care, access to life saving heart surgery
  • Community health workers training on RHD
  • Guidance to parents/families/children on healthy hygiene practice for the under 5s
  • Advice to parents/families on the need for seeking treatment early for any child with sore throat or any signs of infection such as fever
  • Promoting good nutrition for children
  • Teaching /guidance on Good oral hygiene practices for the under 5s
  • Advice to parents on the need to ensure Adherence to antibiotics medication for the under 5
  • Early identification and treatment of streptococcal infections with antibiotics such as penicillin to reduce the risk of Rheumatic fever and possible eventual progression to Rheumatic Heart disease
  • Early identification and treatment of Rheumatic fever to reduce the likelihood of Rheumatic Heart disease
5 - 11 years
  • Awareness creation among the communities/families on Rheumatic Heart disease including prevention measures
  • Awareness creation on risk factors of Rheumatic heart disease such as overcrowding, poor sanitary conditions
  • Distribution of IEC materials on RHD
  • Promote multi-sectoral approach in promoting improvement in environmental conditions such as housing conditions, improving the standards of living
  • Advocacy for Improved access health services including to oral health care, access to life saving heart surgery
  • Community health workers training on RHD
  • Guidance to parents/families/children on healthy hygiene practice
  • Advice to parents/families/school age child on the need for seeking treatment early for any child with sore throat or any signs of infection such as fever,
  • Promoting good nutrition for children
  • Teaching/guidance on Good oral hygiene practices for the school age children
  • Advice to school age children on the need to ensure Adherence to antibiotics medication
  • Early identification and treatment of streptococcal infections with antibiotics such as penicillin to reduce the risk of Rheumatic fever and possible eventual progression to Rheumatic Heart disease
  • Early identification and treatment of Rheumatic fever to reduce the likelihood of Rheumatic Heart disease
12 - 24 years
  • Patient education on early identification of signs and symptoms and adherence to primary and secondary prevention treatments
  • Early recognition and treatment of group A streptococcal pharyngitis
  • Secondary prophylaxis to prevent recurrence
25 - 59 years
  • Information to the adults on Rheumatic Heart disease including prevention measures
  • Awareness creation on risk factors of Rheumatic heart disease such as overcrowding, poor sanitary conditions
  • Distribution of IEC materials on RHD
  • Advocacy for a multi-sectoral approach in promoting improvement in environmental conditions such as housing conditions, improving the standards of living
  • Advocacy for Improved access health services including to oral health care, access to life saving heart surgery
  • Health workers training on RHD
  • Population wide reduction in daily salt consumption
  • Financial incentives to consume a healthy diet
  • Information adults on healthy hygiene practices
  • Promoting good nutrition for the adults
  • Good oral hygiene practices
  • Advice to adults on the need to ensure
  • Adherence to antibiotics medication
  • Early identification and treatment of streptococcal infections with antibiotics such as penicillin to
  • Early identification and treatment of Rheumatic fever to reduce the likelihood of Rheumatic Heart disease
60+ years
  • Information to the elderly on Rheumatic Heart disease including prevention measures
  • Awareness creation on risk factors of Rheumatic heart disease such as overcrowding, poor sanitary conditions
  • Distribution of IEC materials on RHD
  • Advocacy for a multi-sectoral approach in promoting improvement in environmental conditions such as housing conditions, improving the standards of living
  • Advocacy for Improved access health services including to oral health care, access to life saving heart surgery
  • Health workers training on RHD
  • Information to elderly on healthy hygiene practices
  • Promoting good nutrition for the elderly
  • Good oral hygiene practices
  • Advice to elderly on the need to ensure
  • Guidance on Adherence to antibiotics medication
  • Early identification and treatment of streptococcal infections with antibiotics such as penicillin to
  • Early identification and treatment of Rheumatic fever to reduce the likelihood of Rheumatic Heart disease
Condition: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
  • Raise awareness among the communities on COPD
  • Advocacy for creation of more healthy environments, especially for poor and disadvantaged populations;
  • Advocacy on reducing the risk factors such as tobacco smoking and exposure to second-hand smoke,
  • Distribution of IEC materials
  • Health workers training on COPD
  • Guidance and counselling on smoking cessation and treatment adherence
60+ years
  • Raise awareness among the communities on COPD
  • Advocacy for creation of more healthy environments, especially for poor and disadvantaged populations
  • Advocacy on reducing the risk factors such as tobacco smoking and exposure to second-hand smoke,
  • Distribution of IEC materials
  • Health workers training on COPD
  • Removal of exposure to smoking and second hand smoke
  • Guidance and counselling on smoking cessation and treatment adherence
Condition: Cardiomyopathy - Myocarditis
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
  • Information to patients/families/communities on cardiomyopathy including prevention measures
  • Provision of IEC materials
  • Advocacy for patients with cardiomyopathy including for availability of services
  • Health workers training on cardiomyopathy
  • Guidance on Living a healthy lifestyle including;
  • Avoiding the use of alcohol
  • Controlling high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes
  • Eating a healthy diet
  • Getting regular exercise
  • Getting enough sleep
  • Reducing stress
60+ years
  • Information to patients/families/communities on cardiomyopathy including prevention measures
  • Provision of IEC materials
  • Advocacy for patients with cardiomyopathy including for availability of services
  • Health workers training on cardiomyopathy
  • Guidance on Living a healthy lifestyle including;
  • Avoiding the use of alcohol
  • Controlling high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes
  • Eating a healthy diet
  • Getting regular exercise
  • Getting enough sleep
  • Reducing stress
Condition: Hypertensive heart disease
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Antenatal education to pregnant women so that they are aware of the symptoms associated with pre-eclampsia,
  • Advice to pregnant women to seek medical advice if they experience symptoms such as severe headache: blurred vision or flashing before the eyes, Vomiting, Sudden swelling of the face, hands or feet.
  • Guidance on healthy eating i.e.eating balanced healthy diets –low fat and Low sodium intake
  • Guidance on Physical activities and physical exercises
  • Advice on the need for adequate rest-including adequate sleep
  • Avoidance of smoking tobacco
  • Cessation of alcohol use
  • Maintaining a healthy body weight
  • Monitor blood pressure and cholesterol levels
  • Screening for high blood pressure,
  • Screening for diabetes mellitus
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
  • Patient education on the risks of uncontrolled blood pressure and treatment compliance
  • Screening and treatment of CVD risk factors
60+ years
  • Patient education on the risks of uncontrolled blood pressure and treatment compliance
  • Screening and treatment of CVD risk factors
Condition: Obstetric Haemorrhage
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Health education on identification of danger signs of pregnancy including symptoms and
  • prevention of maternal haemorrhage
  • Regular age-appropiate ANC focused on maternal and foetal monitoring
  • Food fortification i-maternal nutrition
  • Risk assessment
  • Obstetric Hemorrhage Protocols
  • Emergency response to obstetric care across Health Systems
  • Obstetric care coordination across health systems.
  • Skilled birth attendance
  • NASG training on the standard emergency obstetric care curriculum for medical, midwifery and nursing students
  • Active management of the third stage of labour (AMTSL) * Prophylactic uterotonics during the third stage of labour
  • Postpartum abdominal uterine tonus assessment for early identification of uterine atony
  • Use of the Non-Pneumatic Anti-Shock Garment (NASG) for shock management and * Life-Threatening Obstetric Hemorrhage
  • Active management of third stage of labour
  • Early NASG application at the Primary Health Center (PHC)
  • Every Second Matters (ESM )- Uterine Balloon Tamponade
  • Aspirin use with caution
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Maternal Abortion and Miscarriage
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Health education and information on abortion and contraceptive methods
  • Quality ANC
  • Guidance and counselling on use of effective contraception, including emergency contraception
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
  • Health education on prevention of unintended pregnancy and contraceptive use
  • Effective contraception, including emergency contraception
25 - 59 years
  • Health education on prevention of unintended pregnancy and contraceptive use
  • Guidance and counselling on use of effective contraception, including emergency contraception
60+ years
Condition: Hypertensive Disorders in Pregnancy
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Health education on danger signs of pregnancy including symptoms of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy
  • Prophylactic Low-dose acetylsalicylic acid for high-risk pregnant women
  • Calcium supplementation during pregnancy
  • Antihypertensive drugs for pregnant women with hypertension
  • Prophylactic magnesium sulphate
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
  • Provide information/create awareness on the symptoms and preventive measures of hypertension and hypertensive diseases of pregnancy
  • Engage male partners in RMNCH issues * Engage families in dialogue to identify barriers and negotiate actions to RMNCH issues
  • Low-dose aspirin for women with high risk for preeclampsia * High-dose calcium supplementation for women at risk of hypertensive disorders and those with low-calcium diets.
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
  • Low-dose aspirin for women with high risk for preeclampsia * High-dose calcium supplementation for women at risk of hypertensive disorders and those with low-calcium diets.
60+ years
Condition: Neonatal encephalopathy due to birth asphyxia and trauma
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
  • Promote family involvement in the routine care of neonatal encephalopathy infants in health-care facilities
  • Prompt delivery of an at-risk foetus
  • Manage pre-eclampsia correctly
  • Corticosteroids for foetal lung maturity,
  • Tocolytics to delay labour
  • Magnesium sulphate for foetal neuroprotection
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Congenital anomalies
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Correction of some endocrine and metabolic abnormalities such as diabetes, hypothyroidism before conception
  • Avoiding teratogenic medications during pregnancy
  • Genetic testing and counselling for families at risk
< 5 years
  • Raise awareness of health professionals on the importance of new born screening for early identification of infants born with congenital birth defects
  • Correction of some endocrine and metabolic abnormalities such as diabetes, hypothyroidism before conception
  • Avoiding teratogenic medications during pregnancy
  • Genetic testing and counselling for families at risk
5 - 11 years
  • Train health staff and others involved in promoting prevention of congenital anomalies
  • Folic acid supplementation in early pregnancy
  • Correction of maternal iodine deficiency before conception
  • Screening all women of childbearing age for rubella antibodies before conception
  • Measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine
  • Primary prevention of maternal infection with herpes simplex virus and Toxoplasma gondii to prevent mother-to-child transmission
  • Avoiding teratogenic medications during pregnancy
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
  • Folic acid supplementation in early pregnancy
  • Correction of maternal iodine deficiency before conception
  • Screening all women of childbearing age for rubella antibodies before conception
  • Measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine
  • Primary prevention of maternal infection with herpes simplex virus and Toxoplasma gondii to prevent mother-to-child transmission
  • Avoiding teratogenic medications during pregnancy
60+ years
Condition: Dietary iron deficiency
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
  • Education on appropriate feeding and healthy nutrition including micronutrient dietary diversification and dietary modification
  • Routine prenatal supplementation of iron and folate
  • Routine haemoglobin screening for early detection
5 - 11 years
  • Education on appropriate feeding and healthy nutrition including micronutrient dietary diversification and dietary modification
  • Routine prenatal supplementation of iron and folate
  • Routine haemoglobin screening for early detection
12 - 24 years
  • Nutrition education to promote balanced diet including micronutrient dietary diversification and dietary modification
  • Supplementation of iron and folate
25 - 59 years
  • Nutrition education to promote balanced diet including micronutrient dietary diversification and dietary modification
  • Supplementation of iron and folate
60+ years
Condition: Road traffic Injuries
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
  • Limited hours of alcohol sale
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Cancer
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
  • HPV cytology screening
60+ years
  • Removal of exposure to smoking and second hand smoke
  • Genomic screening of individuals at risk
Condition: Neonatal Jaundice
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Health education to parents on adequate intake of exclusive breast feeding in the first days
  • Optimal exclusive breast feeding in the first days
  • Prophylactic Rh immunoglobulin for Rh-negative women
  • Routine neonate monitoring for the development of jaundice
< 5 years
  • Education of mothers on importance of facility delivery, exclusive breastfeeding good hygienic practices
  • Education of mothers on importance of facility delivery, exclusive breastfeeding good hygienic practices
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Ear Infections
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years

sensitization on IPC Sensitization on household and indoor air pollution

Vaccination: pneumococcal conjugate Vaccination: haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib

5 - 11 years

sensitization on IPC Sensitization on household and indoor air pollution

Vaccination: pneumococcal conjugate Vaccination: haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib)

12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Vaccine Preventable Diseases
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
  • Awareness to parents on VPDs and prevention measures
  • Guidance on hygiene practices for children including hand hygiene; cough etiquette
  • Guidance on good nutrition/diet for the children
  • Routine childhood vaccinations, timely and complete
5 - 11 years
  • Awareness to parents on VPDs and prevention measures
  • Guidance on hygiene practices for children including hand hygiene; cough etiquette
  • Guidance on good nutrition/diet for the children
  • Routine childhood vaccinations, timely and complete
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Idiopathic epilepsy
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
  • Provide information and Awareness creation on seizures disorders including Epilepsy, its recognition and prevention measures
  • Education to prevent misunderstanding, discrimination and social stigma.
  • Multi-sectoral approach to reduce incidences of trauma e.g. falls, burns and promote access to education
  • Health workers education on seizures disorders including epilepsy on signs and symptoms, preventive measures and it management
  • ANC attendance for adequate care and promoting health facilities deliveries to reduce possibility of new cases of seizures disorders including epilepsy caused by birth injury.
  • Prevention and seeking treatment early for febrile infections such as malaria and other viral infections
  • Education on prevention of infections
  • Prevention of falls, drownings, burns * Vaccination of children to prevent diseases
5 - 11 years
  • Provide information and Awareness creation on seizures disorders including Epilepsy, its recognition and prevention measures
  • Education to prevent misunderstanding, discrimination and social stigma.
  • Multi-sectoral approach to reduce incidences of trauma e.g. falls, burns and promote access to education
  • Health workers education on seizures disorders including epilepsy on signs and symptoms, preventive measures and it management
  • Adequate perinatal care to reduce new cases of epilepsy caused by birth injury
  • Prevention and seeking treatment early for febrile infections such as malaria, other viral/bacterial infections
  • Prevent head injury to prevent post-traumatic epilepsy
  • Complete vaccination of children to prevent diseases and infections
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Malnutrition and Micronutrient Deficiency
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
  • Counselling of mothers/caregivers on Breastfeeding- including early initiation and exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months of life and for at least till the child is two years
  • Counselling on Healthy IYCN for the under 5s
  • Counselling on Good hygiene practices including hand hygiene
  • Growth monitoring and promotion -screening for malnutrition
  • BFHI promotion
  • Early initiation and exclusive breastfeeding and complementary feeding * Vitamin A administration and deworming * Counselling on hygiene, sanitation practices
  • Facility based growth monitoring * Use of Local foods for complementary feeding and nutrition products for malnourished children.
  • Examine children during home visits for signs of acute malnutrition and advise parents accordingly
5 - 11 years
  • Counselling of mothers/caregivers on Breastfeeding- including early initiation and exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months of life and for at least till the child is two years
  • Counselling on Healthy IYCN for the under 5s
  • Counselling on Good hygiene practices including hand hygiene
  • Growth monitoring and promotion -screening for malnutrition
  • BFHI promotion
  • Early initiation and exclusive breastfeeding and complementary feeding
  • Vitamin A administration and deworming * Counselling on hygiene, sanitation practices * Facility based growth monitoring * Use of Local foods for complementary feeding and nutrition products for malnourished children
  • Examine children during home visits for signs of acute malnutrition and advise parents accordingly
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Bites and Envenomation
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
  • Increasing awareness of rabies, snake bite and scorpion sting prevention and control in communities including education and information on responsible pet ownership, how to prevent dog bites, immediate care measures after a bite.
  • Wear high, thick rubber boots when walking through snake-prone areas
  • Counselling on prevention of bite and envenoming injuries
  • Eliminating rabies in dogs- through Vaccinating dogs.
  • Pre-exposure immunization for high-risk occupations
5 - 11 years
  • Community awareness on prevention and control of dog bites, snake bites and immediate care measures
  • Community education about animal bites, venomous snakes and snake-bite
  • Counselling on prevention of bite and envenoming injuries
  • Wear high, thick rubber boots when walking through snake-prone areas
  • Eliminating rabies in dogs- through Vaccinating dogs.
  • Pre-exposure immunization for high-risk occupations
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
  • Community awareness on prevention and control of dog bites, snake bites and immediate care measures
  • Community education about animal bites, venomous snakes and snake-bite
  • Counselling on prevention of bite and envenoming injuries
  • Wear high, thick rubber boots when walking through snake-prone areas
  • Eliminating rabies in dogs- through Vaccinating dogs.
  • Pre-exposure immunization for high-risk occupations
60+ years
  • Community awareness on prevention and control of dog bites, snake bites and immediate care measures
  • Community education about animal bites, venomous snakes and snake-bite
  • Counselling on prevention of bite and envenoming injuries
  • Pre-exposure immunization for high-risk occupations
Condition: Burns
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
  • Mass media campaigns on preventing burns in children
  • Community awareness on the prevention of fire, heat, burn
  • Educate KG students on safety measures.
  • Counselling on burn prevention
  • Keep children away from fires, flames, hot surfaces and hot liquids * Create a safe and not risky environment at home and school
5 - 11 years
  • Sensitization of parents, teachers and care givers on home hazards, burns

Health education on burn prevention

12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
  • Sensitization of parents, teachers and care givers on home hazards, burns

Health education on burn prevention

60+ years
  • Sensitization of parents, teachers and care givers on home hazards, burns

Health education on burn prevention

Condition: Renal Injury (acute renal failure)
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
  • Educate children to avoid wild kicking, falling when playing
  • Educate, parents, teachers, community on measures to prevent kidney injuries and infections by avoiding excessive dehydration, misuse of drugs
  • Implement measures such as adequate hydration,
  • Early recognition of kidney disease symptoms such as fever, flank pain, scanty/coloured urine and seek health care early * Avoid nephrotoxic medicines and traditional herbs
  • Safe environment for children to play
5 - 11 years
  • Educate, parents, teachers, community on measures to prevent kidney injuries and infections by avoiding excessive dehydration, misuse of drugs and trauma
  • Adequate hydration,
  • Early recognition of kidney disease symptoms such as fever, flank pain, scanty/coloured urine and seek health care early * Avoid nephrotoxic medicines and traditional herbs
  • Safe environment for play
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years

*Community engagement [community sensitization on kidney disease and risk factors, healthy diets, exercise, hydration, appropriate medication use especially NSAIDs]

  • Provision of IEC/BCC materials
  • Healthy, balanced diet and exercise to control blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol
  • Adequate hydration
  • Avoid nephrotoxic medicines and traditional herbs
  • Monitor blood pressure, sugar and cholesterol levels through community screening services
60+ years
  • Community engagement [community sensitization on kidney disease and risk factors, healthy diets, exercise, hydration, appropriate medication use especially NSAIDs]
  • Provision of IEC/BCC materials
  • Healthy, balanced diet and exercise to control blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol
  • Adequate hydration
  • Avoid nephrotoxic medicines and traditional herbs
  • Monitor blood pressure, sugar and cholesterol levels through community screening services
Condition: Childhood Cancers
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
  • Educate community to identify childhood cancer symptoms such as unusual swelling, early bruising or bleeding, unexplained weight loss and fever, persisting headache and vomiting, sudden eye problem
  • Keeping children away from second-hand smoke
  • Reducing exposure to traffic-related air pollution
  • Avoiding exposure to chemicals that can cause cancer
5 - 11 years
  • Educate community to identify childhood cancer symptoms such as unusual swelling, early bruising or bleeding, unexplained weight loss and fever, persisting headache and vomiting, sudden eye problem
  • Keeping children away from second-hand smoke
  • Reducing exposure to traffic-related air pollution
  • Avoiding exposure to chemicals that can cause cancer
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Sickle cell anemia/disorder
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
  • Parent/care takers education and awareness on sickle cell disease, physical activity and need of being mobile, breathing techniques
  • Genetic counselling for carriers of haemoglobin disorders, including premarital counselling
  • Prophylaxis for infection, pneumococcal vaccines, oral penicillin,
5 - 11 years
  • Patient education and awareness on sickle cell disease, physical activity and need of being mobile, breathing techniques
  • Genetic counselling for carriers of haemoglobin disorders, including premarital counselling
  • Prophylaxis for infection, pneumococcal vaccines, oral penicillin,
  • Prophylaxis for Malaria
  • Folate supplementation with folic acid
12 - 24 years
  • Patient education and awareness on sickle cell disease, physical activity and need of being mobile, breathing techniques
  • Genetic counselling for carriers of haemoglobin disorders, including premarital counselling
  • Prophylaxis for infection, pneumococcal vaccines, oral penicillin,
  • Prophylaxis for Malaria
  • Folate supplementation with folic acid
25 - 59 years
  • Community engagement [community sensitization on screening for sickle cell disease, myths associated with sickle cell disease]
  • Community education and awareness regarding the transmission of disease, stigma related to disease and carrier states, and informing the community about appropriate prevention options * Community education and sensitization with links to civil society organizations, parents’ groups, schools, and school clubs
  • Sensitize and use local governance structures to establish community-based intervention program
  • Adequate hydration by teaching the patients to drink enough fluids to make their urine clear
  • Prophylaxis for infection, pneumococcal vaccines including Hep. B, oral penicillin, use of insecticide treated bed nets, and anti-malaria
  • Folate supplementation with folic acid
60+ years

Patient education and awareness regarding the transmission of disease, stigma related to disease and carrier states

  • Adequate hydration by teaching the patients to drink enough fluids to make their urine clear
  • Prophylaxis for infection, pneumococcal vaccines including Hep. B, oral penicillin, use of insecticide treated bed nets, and anti-malaria
  • Folate supplementation with folic acid
Condition: Ebola
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years

Counselling about handwashing with soap Counselling on WASH services (use of safe water supply, sanitation and hygiene)

  • Vaccination: Ebola virus disease
  • Safe and dignified burial of the dead
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years

Counselling about handwashing with soap Counselling on WASH services (use of safe water supply; sanitation and hygiene)

  • Vaccination: Ebola virus disease
  • Safe and dignified burial of the dead
60+ years

Counselling about handwashing with soap Counselling on WASH services (use of safe water supply; sanitation and hygiene)

  • Vaccination: Ebola virus disease
  • Safe and dignified burial of the dead
Condition: Viral Hepatitis
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years

Provision of IEC/BCC materials Promote testing for Hepatitis B and C Sensitization of the community on preventive measures on hepatitis B and C

  • Avoiding harmful traditional practices including sharing needles and unsafe tattoo
  • Vaccination: Pentavalent vaccine
  • Consistent and correct use of condoms
  • Post exposure prophylaxis
  • Hep B Vaccination of high-risk population groups
  • Safe blood transfusion practice
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years

Provision of IEC/BCC materials Promote testing for Hepatitis B and C Sensitization of the community on preventive measures on hepatitis B and C

  • Avoiding harmful traditional practices including sharing needles and unsafe tattoo
  • Vaccination: Hepatitis B
  • Consistent and correct use of condoms
  • Post exposure prophylaxis
  • Safe blood transfusion practice
60+ years

Provision of IEC/BCC materials Promote testing for Hepatitis B and C Sensitization of the community on preventive measures on hepatitis B and C

  • Avoiding harmful traditional practices including sharing needles and unsafe tattoo
  • Vaccination: Hepatitis B
  • Consistent and correct use of condoms
  • Post exposure prophylaxis
  • Safe blood transfusion practice
Condition: Appendicitis
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years

Sensitization on symptoms of appendicitis and when to seek care

Sensitize on disease prevention of appendicitis

12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Preventive Chemotherapy (PC) NTDs
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
  • Health education to parents, families and communities on NTDs prevention measures such as personal hygiene as well as proper disposal of human faeces including children fecal matter
  • Periodical deworming to eliminate infecting worms,
  • Health education to prevent re-infection,
  • Improved sanitation to reduce soil contamination with infective eggs. * Mass drug administration to infected community
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
  • Health education to parents, families and communities on NTDs prevention measures such as personal hygiene as well as proper disposal of human faeces including children fecal matter
  • Periodical deworming to eliminate infecting worms,
  • Health education to prevent re-infection,
  • Improved sanitation to reduce soil contamination with infective eggs.
60+ years
  • Health education to parents, families and communities on NTDs prevention measures such as personal hygiene as well as proper disposal of human faeces including children fecal matter
  • Periodical deworming to eliminate infecting worms,
  • Health education to prevent re-infection,
  • Improved sanitation to reduce soil contamination with infective eggs.
Condition: Drowning
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
  • Health education about the risks and prevention of childhood drowning
5 - 11 years
  • Health education about the risks and prevention of drowning
  • Building protective barriers around pools, wells, dams, and ponds
  • Teach basic swimming and water safety skills. Prevent unintended, unsupervised access to water, pools, beaches
12 - 24 years
  • Health education about the risks and prevention of drowning
25 - 59 years
  • Formal basic swimming skills and water safety lessons in schools to reduce the risk of drowning
  • Legislation and enforcement of safe boating, shipping and ferry regulation
  • Building protective barriers around pools, wells, dams, and ponds
  • Teach basic swimming and water safety skills.
60+ years
Condition: Road traffic Injuries
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
  • Health education on road safety to children and their parents
  • Guidance and counselling on safety and injury prevention
  • Guidance and counselling on vehicular seat belts
5 - 11 years
  • Health education on road safety to children and their parents
  • Guidance and counselling on safety and injury prevention
  • Guidance and counselling on vehicular seat belts
12 - 24 years
  • Guidance and counselling on safety and injury prevention
25 - 59 years
  • Guidance and counselling on safety and injury prevention
60+ years
Condition: Maternal haemorrage
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
  • Sensitization on dangers of haemorrhage
  • Maternal haemorrhage posters at the hospitals * Promoting skilled birth attendance * Training of health workers on the dangers of maternal haemorrhage
  • Timely referral and improved responsiveness to patients * Delivery of high risk women in maternity waiting homes * Postpartum abdominal uterine tonus assessment for early identification of uterine atony
12 - 24 years
  • Health education on risk factors and prevention methods of maternal haemorrhage * Promote skilled birth attendance
  • Active management of the third stage of labour (AMTSL). * Prophylactic uterotonics during the third stage of labour
  • Postpartum abdominal uterine tonus assessment for early identification of uterine atony
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Gender Based Violence (GBV)
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
  • Sensitize the community and other stakeholders (e.g., CSOs, community and religious leaders, youth groups) on the of the need to prevent SGBV and promote gender equality
  • Mass media sensitization on the GBV
  • School based education programs (comprehensive sexual education)
  • Education to raise awareness about VAW and promote egalitarian gender norms and relations
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Family planning
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
  • Health education on family planning
  • Create mass awareness on family planning using social media, mass media, print media, public gatherings
  • Social and behavioural change communication
  • Promote the use of Information Education Communication (IEC) materials
  • Improve health workers knowledge on family planning * School based sex education
  • Male involvement in family planning
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Scabies and other skin disorders
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years

Counselling about handwashing with soap Counselling on WASH services (use of safe water supply; sanitation and hygiene) Create awareness campaign on healthy diet, physical activity,

Avoidance of direct skin-to-skin contact with an infected person Avoidance of direct contact with an infected items such as clothing or bedding used by an infected person. Frequently hand washing with soap and warm water Avoid triggers and irritants

12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Oral Conditions
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
  • Community awareness on dental caries, periodontal disease and prevention measures
  • Fully integrating oral health into community health programmes.
  • Multi sectoral approach in addressing socio-cultural determinants such as poor living conditions
  • Multi sectoral approach in ensuring access to clean safe water
  • Oral health education to the community by Teeth savers
  • Community water fluoridation

Counselling on daily oral hygiene including toothbrushing with fluoride toothpaste, flossing daily Counselling on nutrition, food safety, and healthy diet

  • Community level screening for oral diseases
  • School based screening for oral diseases
  • Counselling on the use of Kola nuts
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Low back pain
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
  • Patient education on staying active, avoiding aggravating movements, and return to regular activity as soon as possible
  • Guidance and counselling on exercise with activity-specific education programs and weight loss
25 - 59 years
  • Patient education on staying active, avoiding aggravating movements, and return to regular activity as soon as possible
  • Guidance and counselling on exercise with activity-specific education programs and weight loss
60+ years
  • Patient education on staying active, avoiding aggravating movements, and return to regular activity as soon as possible
  • Guidance and counselling on exercise with activity-specific education programs and weight loss
Condition: Prolonged and Obstructed Labor including Obstetric Fistula
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Health education on danger signs of pregnancy including symptoms of prolonged and obstructed labour
  • Monitoring every labour by use of a partograph
  • Timely delivery by Caesarean section for high-risk mothers who are likely to develop obstructed labour
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
  • Monitoring every labour by use of a partograph to identify those women who are at risk of, or who have developed obstructed labour
  • Timely delivery by Caesarean section for high-risk mothers who are likely to develop obstructed labour
60+ years
Condition: Chronic Liver Disease(Cirrhosis)
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
  • Safe blood transfusion
  • Safe injection practice including eliminating unnecessary and unsafe injections
  • Post-exposure prophylaxis
  • Regular screening for hepatitis B and hepatitis C
25 - 59 years
  • Health promotion and education programmes to reduce alcohol consumption, excessive weight and vaccination
  • Safe blood transfusion
  • Safe injection practice including eliminating unnecessary and unsafe injections
  • Post-exposure prophylaxis
  • Regular screening for hepatitis B and hepatitis C
60+ years
  • Health promotion and education programmes to reduce alcohol consumption, excessive weight
  • Safe blood transfusion
  • Safe injection practice including eliminating unnecessary and unsafe injections
  • Post-exposure prophylaxis
  • Regular screening for hepatitis B and hepatitis C
Condition: Depression
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
  • Educate patients on the importance of modifying risk factors such as healthier diets, physical activity, and smoking cessation
  • Guidance and counselling on medication compliance to prevent recurrence
25 - 59 years
  • Educate patients on the importance of modifying risk factors such as healthier diets, physical activity, and smoking cessation
  • Guidance and counselling on medication compliance to prevent recurrence
60+ years
  • Guidance and counselling on medication compliance to prevent recurrence
Condition: Anxiety Disorders
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
  • Health education on early detection and proper management to help decrease the possibility of anxiety disorder into adulthood
  • Early detection and proper management
12 - 24 years
  • Health education on early detection and proper management to help decrease the possibility of anxiety disorder into adulthood
  • Early detection and proper management
25 - 59 years
  • Early detection and proper management
60+ years
Condition: Bipolar Disorders
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
  • Education of patients and families on medication compliance, the various symptoms and signs of the disorder
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Prostate Cancer
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
  • Health education to men above 50 years on early screening and treatment for prostate cancer
Condition: Intracerebral Haemorrage
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
  • Regular monitoring of patients with high blood pressure
  • Close monitoring of patients on anticoagulant and antiplatelet medications
  • History
  • Physical examination
  • Neurological examination
  • Troponin test
  • Complete blood count
  • Basic metabolic panel
  • Coagulation factors, including PTT, PT, and INR
  • Electrocardiogram (ECG)
  • Computerized tomography (CT) scan
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
25 - 59 years
  • Patient education on early identification of signs and symptoms of stroke
  • Screening and treatment of CVD risk factors
  • Close monitoring of patients on anticoagulant and antiplatelet medications
60+ years
  • Patient education on early identification of signs and symptoms of stroke
  • Screening and treatment of CVD risk factors
  • Close monitoring of patients on anticoagulant and antiplatelet medications
Condition: Chronic Kidney Disease
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
  • Patient education and counselling patients with congenital kidney disease, hypertensive and diabetic patients about the symptoms and signs of CKD
  • Early screening and identification of congenital kidney diseases
  • Adjusting drug doses
  • Avoid nephrotoxic drugs
  • Effective control of chronic diseases like diabetes, hypertension, etc.
25 - 59 years
60+ years
  • Patient education on hypertensive and diabetic patients about the symptoms and signs of CKD
Condition: Age related hearing losd
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
  • Health education on the importance of identifying ear disorders early and seeking treatment
  • Rational use of medicines to prevent ototoxic hearing loss
  • Early treatment of ear infections
12 - 24 years
  • Health education on the importance of identifying ear disorders early
  • Rational prescription of medicines to prevent ototoxic hearing loss
  • Early identification and management of common ear conditions
25 - 59 years
  • Health education on the importance of identifying ear disorders early
  • Rational prescription of medicines to prevent ototoxic hearing loss
  • Early identification and management of common ear conditions
60+ years
  • Health education on the importance of identifying ear disorders early
  • Rational use of medicines to prevent ototoxic hearing loss
  • Early treatment of ear infections
  • Screening patients for hearing loss
Condition: Falls
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
  • Put in place standard safety measures for all patients regardless of the risk identified
12 - 24 years
  • Put in place standard safety measures for all patients regardless of the risk identified
25 - 59 years
  • Health education on home safety, modifying hazards
  • Standard safety measures for all patients regardless of the risk identified
60+ years
  • Health education on home safety, modifying hazards
  • Standard safety measures for all patients regardless of the risk identified
Condition: Acne Vulgaris
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
  • Health education on the safe use of oil, ointments and greasy cosmetics that block sebaceous ducts
  • Counselling and guidance on skin care
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Typhoid Fever
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
  • Health education on the importance of hand washing especially to health workers and food handlers
  • Access to safe drinking water
  • Use of improved sanitation
  • Hand washing with soap
  • Vaccination: typhoid
5 - 11 years
  • Health education on the importance of hand washing especially to health workers and food handlers
  • Access to safe drinking water
  • Use of improved sanitation
  • Hand washing with soap
12 - 24 years
  • Health education on the importance of hand washing especially to health workers and food handlers
  • Access to safe drinking water
  • Use of improved sanitation
  • Hand washing with soap
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Premenstrual Syndrome
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
  • Health education on the physical and emotional symptoms of the syndrome and on seeking care
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Invasive non-typhoid Salmonella (iNTS)
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
  • Health education on prevention and treatment of Invasive Non-typhoid salmonella
  • Access to safe drinking water
  • Use of improved sanitation
  • Hand washing with soap
  • Malaria prevention
5 - 11 years
  • Health education on prevention and treatment of Invasive Non-typhoid salmonella
  • Access to safe drinking water
  • Use of improved sanitation
  • Hand washing with soap
  • Malaria prevention
12 - 24 years
  • Health education on prevention and treatment of Invasive Non-typhoid salmonella
  • Access to safe drinking water
  • Use of improved sanitation
  • Hand washing with soap
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Persistent depressive disorders (Dysthymia)
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
  • Educate patients on the importance of modifying risk factors such as healthier diets, physical activity, and smoking cessation
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Atopic Dermatitis
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
  • Patient education to avoid rubbing and scratching and avoiding triggers
  • Avoid triggers and irritants
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Fire, heat, and hot substances injuries
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
  • Health education to parents, teachers and care givers on home hazards, burns and burn prevention
  • Guidance and counselling for parents on home burn prevention
5 - 11 years
  • Health education parents, teachers and care givers on home hazards, burns
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Neonatal Preterm Birth
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Promote family involvement in the routine care of preterm or low-birth-weight infants in health-care facilities
  • Manage pre-eclampsia correctly
  • Corticosteroids for foetal lung maturity
  • Tocolytics to delay labour
  • Magnesium sulphate for foetal neuroprotection
< 5 years
  • Promote family involvement in the routine care of preterm or low-birth-weight infants in health-care facilities
  • Manage pre-eclampsia correctly
  • Corticosteroids
  • Tocolytics
  • Magnesium sulphate
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Neural Tubal Defect
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Folic acid/multiple micronutrient supplementation in early pregnancy * Avoiding teratogenic medications during pregnancy
  • Preconception care: glycaemic control
< 5 years
  • Health education on prevention and early identification of congenital defects
  • Folic acid/multiple micronutrient supplementation in early pregnancy * Avoiding teratogenic medications during pregnancy
  • Preconception care: glycaemic control
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Digestive congenital anomalies (Oesophageal Atresia/Tracheo-Oesophageal Fistula)
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Raise awareness of health professionals on the importance of new born screening for early identification of infants born with congenital birth defects
  • Correction of some endocrine and metabolic abnormalities such as diabetes, hypothyroidism before conception
  • Avoiding teratogenic medications during pregnancy
  • Genetic testing and counselling for families at risk
< 5 years
  • Raise awareness of health professionals on the importance of new born screening for early identification of infants born with congenital birth defects
  • Correction of some endocrine and metabolic abnormalities such as diabetes, hypothyroidism before conception
  • Avoiding teratogenic medications during pregnancy
  • Genetic testing and counselling for families at risk
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Neonatal Tetenaus
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Health education and information on prevention and treatment of neonatal tetansu
  • Tetanus-toxoid-containing vaccines for women
  • Clean delivery practices and handwashing during delivery
  • Appropriate cord care
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Congenital musculoskeletal and limb anomalies
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Correction of some endocrine and metabolic abnormalities such as diabetes, hypothyroidism before conception
  • Avoiding teratogenic medications during pregnancy
  • Genetic testing and counselling for families at risk
< 5 years
  • Correction of some endocrine and metabolic abnormalities such as diabetes, hypothyroidism before conception
  • Avoiding teratogenic medications during pregnancy
  • Genetic testing and counselling for families at risk
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Congenital urogenital anomalies
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Raise awareness of health professionals on the importance of new born screening for early identification of infants born with congenital birth defects
  • Correction of some endocrine and metabolic abnormalities such as diabetes, hypothyroidism before conception
  • Avoiding teratogenic medications during pregnancy
  • Genetic testing and counselling for families at risk
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Down Syndrome
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Health education in genetics, detection of genetic and reproduction at optimal maternal ages
  • Genetic counselling
< 5 years
  • Health education in genetics, detection of genetic and reproduction at optimal maternal ages
  • Genetic counselling
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Sudden infant death syndrome
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Education to parents on safe sleeping practices
  • Safe sleeping practice for infants
< 5 years
  • Education to parents on safe sleeping practices
  • Safe sleeping practice for infants
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Lymphatic filariasis
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
  • Primary prevention
  • Single dose preventive chemotherapy with Albendazole (Alb), Ivermectin (IV) or Diethylcarbamazine (DEC)
  • Secondary prevention measure
  • Diagnosis
  • Management of Acute dermatolymphangioadenitis with Antibiotics, antipyretics, analgesics
  • Management of Lymphoedema and elephantiasis through limb washing and improved hygiene practices, wound care, foot care, wearing of suitable footwear, physiotherapy and exercise, and the application of antibacterial creams and anti fungal creams
  • Management of Hydrocele through surgery
  • Single dose preventive chemotherapy with Albendazole (Alb), Ivermectin (IV) or Diethylcarbamazine (DEC)
12 - 24 years
  • Primary prevention
- Single dose preventive chemotherapy with Albendazole (Alb), Ivermectin (IV) or Diethylcarbamazine (DEC) Secondary prevention measure
  • Diagnosis
  • Management of Acute dermatolymphangioadenitis with Antibiotics, antipyretics, analgesics
  • Management of Lymphoedema and elephantiasis through limb washing and improved hygiene practices, wound care, foot care, wearing of suitable footwear, physiotherapy and exercise, and the application of antibacterial creams and anti fungal creams
  • Management of Hydrocele through surgery
  • Single dose preventive chemotherapy with Albendazole (Alb), Ivermectin (IV) or Diethylcarbamazine (DEC)
25 - 59 years
  • Primary prevention
- Single dose preventive chemotherapy with Albendazole (Alb), Ivermectin (IV) or Diethylcarbamazine (DEC)
  • Secondary prevention measure:
- Diagnosis - Management of Acute dermatolymphangioadenitis with Antibiotics, antipyretics, analgesics
  • Management of Lymphoedema and elephantiasis through limb washing and improved hygiene practices, wound care, foot care, wearing of suitable footwear, physiotherapy and exercise, and the application of antibacterial creams and anti fungal creams
  • Management of Hydrocele through surgery
  • Single dose preventive chemotherapy with Albendazole (Alb), Ivermectin (IV) or Diethylcarbamazine (DEC)
60+ years
  • Primary prevention
- Single dose preventive chemotherapy with Albendazole (Alb), Ivermectin (IV) or Diethylcarbamazine (DEC)
  • Secondary prevention measure:
- Diagnosis - Management of Acute dermatolymphangioadenitis with Antibiotics, antipyretics, analgesics
  • Management of Lymphoedema and elephantiasis through limb washing and improved hygiene practices, wound care, foot care, wearing of suitable footwear, physiotherapy and exercise, and the application of antibacterial creams and anti fungal creams
  • Management of Hydrocele through surgery
  • Single dose preventive chemotherapy with Albendazole (Alb), Ivermectin (IV) or Diethylcarbamazine (DEC)
Condition: Maternal conditions
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Provide antenatal services for all pregnant women
  • Ensure that antenatal clients receive all the required services for their gestational age at each visit
  • Provide postpartum family planning services
  • Provide blood transfusion,
  • Caesarean section
  • laparotomy services
  • Provide Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric Care services for women with obstetric complications
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Larynx cancer
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
  • Assessment of people with increasing voice hoarseness for laryngeal cancer
  • Chemotherapy or radiation therapy
  • Surgery for disease with extra-laryngeal extension
60+ years
  • Assessment of people with increasing voice hoarseness for laryngeal cancer
  • Chemotherapy or radiation therapy
  • Surgery for disease with extra-laryngeal extension
Condition: Liver Cancer
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
  • Assessment of people with signs of liver disease and weight loss for liver cancer
  • Screening of blood and blood donors before transfusion
  • Liver Transplantation
60+ years
  • Assessment of people with signs of liver disease and weight loss for liver cancer
  • Screening of blood and blood donors before transfusion
  • Surgery
  • Ablation
  • Embolization
  • Radiotherapy
  • Chemotherapy
  • Liver transplantation
Condition: Malignant skin melanoma
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Surgical excision
  • Adjuvant therapy after delivery
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
  • Assess people with non-sickle cell bone pain or pathological fractures for multiple myeloma
  • Surgical excision Adjuvant radiation therapy
  • Adjuvant interferon alfa
60+ years
  • Assess people with non-sickle cell bone pain or pathological fractures for multiple myeloma
  • Surgical excision Adjuvant radiation therapy
  • Adjuvant interferon alfa
Condition: Nasopharynx cancer and other pharyngeal cancers
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
  • Assessment of people with persistent ENT symptoms for ENT cancers
  • Chemotherapy and radiation therapy
60+ years
  • Assessment of people with persistent ENT symptoms for ENT cancers
  • Chemotherapy and radiation therapy
Condition: Oesophagus cancer
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
  • Assessment of people with difficulty swallowing for oesophageal cancer
  • Surgery Chemotherapy
  • Radiation
60+ years
  • Assessment of people with difficulty swallowing for oesophageal cancer
  • Endoscopic resection
  • Chemotherapy
  • Targeted drug therapy
  • Immunotherapy
  • Surgery
  • Radiotherapy
Condition: Non-melanoma skin cancer
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
  • Adherence to any medication as prescribes
  • Advice to patient on monitoring the pattern of the headache/keeping a headache diary
  • Guidance on avoidance of headache triggers-such as caffeine
  • Guidance to patient on Practicing healthy behaviors Including;
  • Getting plenty of sleep,
  • Staying physically active,
  • Eating healthy meals and snacks,
  • Drinking plenty of water daily,
  • Management of stress.
  • Practicing relaxation techniques
  • Radiation therapy for metastatic cases
  • Surgical excision
60+ years
  • Radiation therapy for metastatic cases
  • Surgical excision
Condition: Corpus uteri cancer
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
  • Breast Ultrasound scans for pathologies elicited from CBE
  • Advanced Imaging – Co
  • Clinical Breast Examinations (CBE) during consultations and Physical Examinations
  • Genetic screening to pick up mutations in Breast Cancer genes
25 - 59 years
  • Breast Ultrasound scans for pathologies elicited from CBE
  • Advanced Imaging – Co
  • Clinical Breast Examinations (CBE) during consultations and Physical Examinations
  • Genetic screening to pick up mutations in Breast Cancer genes
60+ years
  • Breast Ultrasound scans for pathologies elicited from CBE
  • Advanced Imaging – Co
  • Clinical Breast Examinations (CBE) during consultations and Physical Examinations
  • Genetic screening to pick up mutations in Breast Cancer genes
Condition: Maternal Sepsis
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Standard infection prevention and control measures in the provision of maternity care
  • Clinical monitoring for signs of infection throughout labour and the postpartum period
  • Avoid unnecessary interventions that interferes with the natural process of labour
  • Prophylactic antibiotics for women undergoing elective or emergency caesarean section
  • Prophylactic antibiotic in women presenting with a third-degree or fourth-degree perineal tear
  • Routine antibiotic prophylaxis for manual removal of the placenta
  • Limit the digital vaginal examination for routine assessment
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Sickle cell disease (SCD)
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn

HbS screening of newborns at birth

< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Drug Use Disorders
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years

Counselling on risks of tramadol, other opioids, synthetic cannabanoids (kush) Education for prescribers on tramadol Counseling on harm reduction services: needle and syringe programmes (NSP)

12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years

Counselling on risks of tramadol, other opioids, synthetic cannabanoids (kush) Education for prescribers on tramadol Counseling on harm reduction services: needle and syringe programmes (NSP)

60+ years

Counselling patients on risks of addiction prone medications Prescribe addiction prone medications at safe doses and amounts and monitor their use

Condition: Alcohol Use Disorders
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
  • Counselling on substance use and addiction
  • Systematic screening for substance uses among at risk population
60+ years
Condition: Poisoning
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
  • Counselling on household safety for infants and young children
  • Keeping toxic chemicals, drugs, dangerous household instruments out of the reach of children
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
  • Counselling on household safety for infants and young children
  • Keeping toxic chemicals, drugs, dangerous household instruments out of the reach of children
60+ years
Condition: Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years

Education and counselling including on prevention of FGM

12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Infertility
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
  • Early detection and treatment of sexually transmitted infections
  • Preventing complications of unsafe abortion, postpartum sepsis and abdominal/pelvic surgery
60+ years
Condition: Cataract
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
  • Optimization of chronic conditions (blood sugar, blood pressure, etc.)
Condition: Schizophrenia
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
  • Early diagnosis and treatment
  • Guidance and counselling on medication compliance to prevent recurrence
60+ years
Condition: Fungal Skin Diseases
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
  • Avoid irrational prescription of antibiotic
  • Rational use of topical glucocorticoids
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Acute Respiratory Infections
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
  • Proper infection control measures in health care settings
  • Early identification of patients with ARIs to prevent the transmission of ARI pathogens to HCWs and other patients
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Paralytic ileus and intestinal obstruction
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Early treatment of infections
  • Early treatment of diarrhoea
  • Early correction of electrolytes imbalances
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Adverse effects of medical treatment
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
  • Rational prescription of medicines
  • Avoid incorrect diagnosis of the patient’s medical condition
  • Avoid prescription of inappropriate drug or incorrect dosage of the appropriate drug
  • Identify early medical, genetic or allergic condition that may cause a patient reaction
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Pancreas cancer
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
  • Radiation therapy
  • Surgery Chemotherapy
60+ years
  • Radiation therapy
  • Surgery Chemotherapy