Interventions for Yellow Fever

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Age Cohort: Pregnancy and newborn
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Education and awareness creation on yellow fever including transmission and prevention measures
  • Education on the need for yellow fever vaccination
  • Education on vector/mosquito control measures
  • Distribution of IEC materials
  • Community health workers training on yellow fever including prevention measures
  • Promote vaccination with yellow fever vaccine for pregnant women during yellow fever out breaks when the risk of infection is high
  • Recognition and control of outbreaks using mass immunization in high-risk areas where vaccination coverage is low
  • Requirement for travelers to provide certificate of yellow fever vaccine in line with the International Health Regulations
  • Eliminating potential mosquito breeding sites to reduce risk of yellow fever transmission in urban area
  • Vector surveillance targeting Aedes aegypti and other Aedes species to inform where there is a risk of an outbreak and hence inform vector control activities, human disease surveillance an
  • Personal preventive measures such as clothing minimizing skin exposure and repellents to avoid mosquito bites
  • Recording and reporting on yellow fever to health departments
  • Recognition of features indicative of yellow fever including fever, headache, yellowing of the skin and eyes, muscle pain, nausea, vomiting and fatigue
  • Relieve symptoms through
  • Relieve fever through use medicines such as paracetamol
  • Relieve pain through use of painkillers such as paracetamol
  • Give fluids to the patient
  • Referral to a health facility for further management
Primary Care
  • Education and awareness creation on yellow fever including transmission and prevention measures
  • Education on the need for yellow fever vaccination
  • Education on vector/mosquito control measures
  • Distribution of IEC materials
  • Mass awareness campaigns on yellow fever
  • Health workers training on yellow fever including prevention measures
  • vaccination with yellow fever vaccine for pregnant women during yellow fever out breaks when the risk of infection is high
  • Recognition and control of outbreaks using mass immunization in high-risk areas where vaccination coverage is low
  • Eliminating potential mosquito breeding sites to reduce risk of yellow fever transmission in urban areas
  • Vector surveillance targeting Aedes aegypti and other Aedes species to inform where there is a risk of an outbreak and hence inform vector control activities, human disease surveillance and testing
  • Personal preventive measures such as clothing minimizing skin exposure and repellents to avoid mosquito bites
  • Recording and reporting on yellow fever to health departments
  • Physiacl examination
  • clinical diagnosis based on the patient's signs and symptoms, the travel history (when and where), the related travel activities and vaccine history
  • Supportive treatment aimed at relieving symptoms including; - Relive pain - Management of fever - Hydration
  • Monitoring for any complications/severity of the disease
  • Stabilize the patient with complications due to yellow fever before referral e.g. administration of oxygen
  • Monitoring, supportive management for any Adverse Events Following Immunization (AEFI) with Yellow fever Vaccine
  • Referral to a hospital for a patient with severe yellow fever and for those with complications due to AEFI for further management
Referral Facility: General
  • Education and awareness creation on yellow fever including transmission and prevention measures
  • Education on the need for yellow fever vaccination
  • Education on vector/mosquito control measures
  • Distribution of IEC materials
  • Health workers training on yellow fever including prevention measures
  • Vaccination with yellow fever vaccine for pregnant women during yellow fever out breaks when the risk of infection is high
  • Recognition and control of outbreaks using mass immunization in high-risk areas where vaccination coverage is low
  • Requirement for travelers to provide certificate of yellow fever vaccine in line with the International Health Regulations (IHR)
  • Eliminating potential mosquito breeding sites to reduce risk of yellow fever transmission in urban areas
  • Vector surveillance targeting Aedes aegypti and other Aedes species to inform where there is a risk of an outbreak and hence inform vector control activities, human disease surveillance and testing
  • Personal preventive measures such as clothing minimizing skin exposure and repellents to avoid mosquito bites
  • Isolation of infected individuals indoors or under mosquito netting to prevent further mosquito exposure and hence cut off the transmission
  • Recording and reporting on yellow fever to health departments
  • Physical examination
  • clinical diagnosis based on the patient's signs and symptoms, the travel history (when and where), the related travel activities and vaccine history
  • Supportive treatment aimed at relieving symptoms including Relive pain and fever
  • Monitoring and specific management of the disease depending on the severity including
  • Oxygen administration - Intravenous fluid administration for dehydration
  • Blood pressure control -medications to increase collection/blood_pressure in cases of circulatory collapse - transfusion of blood products in cases of severe bleeding
  • Antibiotics for secondary bacterial_infections
  • Management for any complication due to AEFI with yellow fever vaccine
    • Foetal montoring
  • Tests- Blood tests to detect the virus in the early stages of the disease Or demonstrate the presence of virus-specific antibodies (IgM and IgG) in late stages of yellow fever.
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Education and awareness creation on yellow fever including transmission and prevention measures ** Education on the need for yellow fever vaccination
    • Education on vector /mosquito control measures
  • Distribution of IEC materials
  • Health workers training on yellow fever including prevention measures
  • Vaccination with yellow fever vaccine for pregnant women during yellow fever out breaks when the risk of infection is high
  • Requirement for travelers to provide certificate of yellow fever vaccine in line with the International Health Regulations (IHR)
  • Eliminating potential mosquito breeding sites to reduce risk of yellow fever transmission in urban areas
  • Vector surveillance targeting Aedes aegypti and other Aedes species to inform where there is a risk of an outbreak and hence inform vector control activities, human disease surveillance and testing
  • Isolation of infected individuals indoors or under mosquito netting to prevent further mosquito exposure and hence cut off the transmission
  • Personal preventive measures such as clothing minimizing skin exposure and repellents to avoid mosquito bites
  • Recording and reporting on yellow fever to health departments
  • Physical examination
  • clinical diagnosis based on the patient's signs and symptoms, the travel history (when and where), the related travel activities and vaccine history
  • Supportive treatment aimed at relieving symptoms including
  • Relive pain and fever
  • Monitoring and specific management of the disease depending on the severity including
    • Oxygen administration
    • Intravenous fluid administration for dehydration
    • Blood pressure control -medications to increase collection/blood_pressure in cases of circulatory collapse
  • · transfusion of blood products in cases of severe bleeding
    • Antibiotics for secondary bacterial_infections_
    • ICU services for endotracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation in cases of respiratory failure
  • Management for any complication due to AEFI with yellow fever vaccine
  • Diagnostic Tests;- Blood tests to detect the virus in the early stages of the disease or demonstrate the presence of virus-specific antibodies (IgM and IgG) in late stages of yellow fever.
  • Follow up
Age Cohort: < 5 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Education and awareness creation on yellow fever including transmission and prevention measures
  • Awareness creation on yellow fever vaccination
  • Education on vector/mosquito control measures
  • Distribution of IEC materials on Yellow fever
  • Mass awareness campaigns on yellow fever
  • Community health workers training on yellow fever including prevention measures
  • Promote Vaccination of children for life-long protection against yellow fever disease through
  • Promote Routine infant immunization
  • mass vaccination campaigns designed to increase coverage in countries at risk
  • Promote vaccination for travelers going to yellow fever endemic areas
  • Prompt recognition and control of outbreaks using mass immunization in high-risk areas where vaccination coverage is low
  • Eliminating potential mosquito breeding sites to reduce risk of yellow fever transmission in urban areas
  • Vector surveillance targeting Aedes aegypti and other Aedes species to inform where there is a risk of an outbreak and hence inform vector control activities, human disease surveillance and testing
  • Personal preventive measures such as clothing minimizing skin exposure and repellents to avoid mosquito bites.
  • Recording and reporting on yellow fever to health departments
  • Recognition of features indicative of yellow fever including fever, headache, yellowing of the skin and eyes, muscle pain, nausea, vomiting and fatigue
  • Relieve symptoms through * Relieve fever through use medicines such as paracetamol
  • Relieve pain through use of painkillers such as paracetamol * Give fluids to the patient
  • Referral to a health facility for further management
Primary Care
  • Education and awareness creation on yellow fever including transmission and prevention measures
  • Education on the need for yellow fever vaccination
  • Education on vector/mosquito control measures
  • Distribution of IEC materials
  • Mass awareness campaigns on yellow fever
  • Health workers training on yellow fever including prevention measures
  • Promote Vaccination of children for life-long protection against yellow fever disease through
  • Promote Routine infant immunization
  • Mass vaccination campaigns designed to increase coverage in countries at risk
  • Promote vaccination for travelers going to yellow fever endemic areas
  • Prompt recognition and control of outbreaks using mass immunization in high-risk areas where vaccination coverage is low
  • Requirement for travelers to provide certificate of yellow fever vaccine in line with the International Health Regulations (IHR)
  • Eliminating potential mosquito breeding sites to reduce risk of yellow fever transmission in urban areas
  • Vector surveillance targeting Aedes aegypti and other Aedes species to inform where there is a risk of an outbreak and hence inform vector control activities, human disease surveillance and testing
  • Guidance to children/parents on Personal preventive measures such as clothing minimizing skin exposure and repellents to avoid mosquito bites
  • Recording and reporting on yellow fever to health departments
  • Physiacl examination
  • clinical diagnosis based on the patient's signs and symptoms, the travel history (when and where), the related travel activities and vaccine history
  • Supportive treatment aimed at relieving symptoms including; - Relive pain - Management of fever - Hydration
  • Monitoring for any complications/severity of the disease
  • Stabilize the patient with complications due to yellow fever before referral e.g. administration of oxygen
  • Monitoring, supportive management for any Adverse Events Following Immunization (AEFI) with Yellow fever Vaccine
  • Referral to a hospital for a patient with severe yellow fever and for those with complications due to AEFI for further management
Referral Facility: General
  • Education and awareness creation on yellow fever including transmission and prevention measures
  • Awareness creation on yellow fever vaccination
  • Education on the need for yellow fever vaccination
  • Education on vector/mosquito control measures
  • Distribution of IEC materials
  • Health workers training on yellow fever including prevention measures
  • Vaccination of children for life-long protection against yellow fever disease
  • Mass vaccination campaigns designed to increase coverage in countries at risk
  • Vaccination for travelers going to yellow fever endemic areas
  • Yellow fever disease surveillance and Prompt recognition and control of outbreaks using mass immunization in high-risk areas where vaccination coverage is low
  • Requirement for travelers to provide certificate of yellow fever vaccine in line with the International Health Regulations (IHR)
  • Eliminating potential mosquito breeding sites to reduce risk of yellow fever transmission in urban areas ü Vector surveillance targeting Aedes aegypti and other Aedes species to inform where there is a risk of an outbreak and hence inform vector control activities, human disease surveillance and testing
  • Guidance on Personal preventive measures such as clothing minimizing skin exposure and repellents to avoid mosquito bites
  • Isolation of infected individuals indoors or under mosquito netting to prevent further mosquito exposure and hence cut off the transmission
  • Recording and reporting on yellow fever to health departments
  • Physiacl examination
  • clinical diagnosis based on the patient's signs and symptoms, the travel history (when and where), the related travel activities and vaccine history
  • Supportive treatment aimed at relieving symptoms including Relive pain and fever
  • Monitoring and specific management of the disease depending on the severity including
    • Oxygen administration - Intravenous fluid administration for dehydration
    • Blood pressure control -medications to increase collection/blood_pressure in cases of circulatory collapse - transfusion of blood products in cases of severe bleeding
    • Antibiotics for secondary bacterial_infections
  • Management for any complication due to AEFI with yellow fever vaccine
  • Diagnostic Tests- Blood tests to detect the virus in the early stages of the disease Or demonstrate the presence of virus-specific antibodies (IgM and IgG) in late stages of yellow fever.
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Education and awareness creation on yellow fever including transmission and prevention measures ** Education on the need for yellow fever vaccination
    • Education on vector /mosquito control measures
  • Distribution of IEC materials
  • Health workers training on yellow fever including prevention measures
  • Vaccination of children for life-long protection against yellow fever disease
  • Vaccination for travelers going to yellow fever endemic areas
  • Mass vaccination campaigns designed to increase coverage in countries at risk
  • Yellow fever disease surveillance and Prompt recognition and control of outbreaks using mass immunization in high-risk areas where vaccination coverage is low
  • Requirement for travelers to provide certificate of yellow fever vaccine in line with the International Health Regulations (IHR)
  • Eliminating potential mosquito breeding sites to reduce risk of yellow fever transmission in urban areas ü Vector surveillance targeting Aedes aegypti and other Aedes species to inform where there is a risk of an outbreak and hence inform vector control activities, human disease surveillance and testing
  • Guidance on Personal preventive measures such as clothing minimizing skin exposure and repellents to avoid mosquito bites
  • Isolation of infected individuals indoors or under mosquito netting to prevent further mosquito exposure and hence cut off the transmission
  • Recording and reporting on yellow fever to health departments
  • Physical examination
  • clinical diagnosis based on the patient's signs and symptoms, the travel history (when and where), the related travel activities and vaccine history
  • Supportive treatment aimed at relieving symptoms including
  • Relive pain and fever
  • Monitoring and specific management of the disease depending on the severity including
    • Oxygen administration
    • Intravenous fluid administration for dehydration
    • Blood pressure control -medications to increase collection/blood_pressure in cases of circulatory collapse
  • · transfusion of blood products in cases of severe bleeding
    • Antibiotics for secondary bacterial_infections_
    • ICU services for endotracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation in cases of respiratory failure
  • Management for any complication due to AEFI with yellow fever vaccine
  • Diagnostic Tests;- Blood tests to detect the virus in the early stages of the disease or demonstrate the presence of virus-specific antibodies (IgM and IgG) in late stages of yellow fever.
  • Follow up
Age Cohort: 5 - 11 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Strengthen families and community-based awareness on Yellow Fever including transmission and prevention measures * Information and health education to parents, families and Communities on immunization including vaccination schedule for young children
  • Integrated vector control management (ITN, IRS, larva source management, etc.) * Vaccination: Yellow fever and other routine on schedule vaccination
  • Personal protective measures (mosquito repellent, long sleeved clothes)
  • Recognition of Yellow Fever symptoms
  • Supportive care (e.g., fever reduction, hydration, feeding, etc.)
  • Referrals to a health facility if symptoms worsen
Primary Care
  • Strengthen families and community-based awareness on Yellow Fever including transmission and prevention measures * Information and health education to parents, families and Communities on immunization including vaccination schedule for young children
  • Integrated vector control management (ITN, IRS, larva source management, etc.) * Vaccination: Yellow fever and other routine on schedule vaccination
  • Personal protective measures (mosquito repellent, long sleeved clothes)
  • Recognition of Yellow Fever symptoms
  • Supportive care (e.g., fever reduction, hydration, feeding, etc.)
  • Referrals to a health facility if symptoms worsen
  • Report immediately to local authorities
Referral Facility: General
  • Strengthen families and community-based awareness on Yellow Fever including transmission and prevention measures * Information and health education to parents, families and Communities on immunization including vaccination schedule for young children
  • Vaccination: Yellow fever

History and physical examination Basic laboratory tests Advanced laboratory tests Supportive care (e.g. fever reduction, hydration, feeding, etc.) IV fluid hydration Treat mild complications Refer if severe or not responding

Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Strengthen families and community-based awareness on Yellow Fever including transmission and prevention measures * Information and health education to parents, families and Communities on immunization including vaccination schedule for young children
  • Vaccination: Yellow fever

History and physical examination Basic laboratory tests Advanced laboratory tests Treat bacterial infections with antibiotics IV fluid for rehydration Manage complications such as liver and kidney failure Manage fever with antipyretics Nutritional support

Age Cohort: 12 - 24 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Education and awareness creation on yellow fever including transmission and prevention measures
  • Awareness creation on yellow fever vaccination
  • Education on the need for yellow fever vaccination
  • Education on vector/mosquito control measures
  • Distribution of IEC materials
  • Community health workers training on yellow fever including prevention measures
  • Promote Vaccination for life-long protection against yellow fever disease through
  • Mass vaccination campaigns designed to increase coverage in countries at risk
  • Promote vaccination for travelers going to yellow fever endemic areas
  • Prompt recognition and control of outbreaks using mass immunization in high-risk areas where vaccination coverage is low
  • Eliminating potential mosquito breeding sites to reduce risk of yellow fever transmission in urban areas
  • Vector surveillance targeting Aedes aegypti and other Aedes species to inform where there is a risk of an outbreak and hence inform vector control activities, human disease surveillance and testing
  • Personal preventive measures such as clothing minimizing skin exposure and repellents to avoid mosquito bites.
  • Recording and reporting on yellow fever to health departments
  • Recognition of features indicative of yellow fever including fever, headache, yellowing of the skin and eyes, muscle pain, nausea, vomiting and fatigue
  • Relieve symptoms through
  • Relieve fever through use medicines such as paracetamol
  • Relieve pain through use of painkillers such as paracetamol
  • Give fluids to the patient
  • Referral to a health facility for further management
Primary Care
  • Education and awareness creation on yellow fever including transmission and prevention measures
  • Awareness creation on yellow fever vaccination
  • Education on vector/mosquito control measures
  • Distribution of IEC materials on Yellow fever
  • Mass awareness campaigns on yellow fever
  • Health workers training on yellow fever including prevention measures
  • Vaccination for life-long protection against yellow fever disease
  • Mass vaccination campaigns designed to increase coverage in countries at risk
  • Vaccination for travelers going to yellow fever endemic areas
  • Yellow fever disease surveillance and Prompt recognition and control of outbreaks using mass immunization in high-risk areas where vaccination coverage is low
  • Requirement for travelers to provide certificate of yellow fever vaccine in line with the International Health Regulations (IHR)
  • Vector surveillance targeting Aedes aegypti and other Aedes species to inform where there is a risk of an outbreak and hence inform vector control activities, human disease surveillance and testing
  • Guidance on Personal preventive measures such as clothing minimizing skin exposure and repellents to avoid mosquito bites
  • Monitoring and reporting on Adverse Events Following Immunization (AEFI)
  • Recording and reporting on yellow fever to health departments
Referral Facility: General
  • Education and awareness creation on yellow fever including transmission and prevention measures
  • Awareness on yellow fever vaccination
  • Education on the need for yellow fever vaccination
  • Education on vector/mosquito control measures
  • Distribution of IEC materials
  • Health workers training on yellow fever including prevention measures
  • Vaccination for life-long protection against yellow fever disease
  • mass vaccination campaigns designed to increase coverage in countries at risk
  • Vaccination for travelers going to yellow fever endemic areas
  • Yellow fever disease surveillance and Prompt recognition and control of outbreaks using mass immunization in high-risk areas where vaccination coverage is low
  • Requirement for travelers to provide certificate of yellow fever vaccine in line with the International Health Regulations (IHR)
  • Eliminating potential mosquito breeding sites to reduce risk of yellow fever transmission in urban areas
  • Vector surveillance targeting Aedes aegypti and other Aedes species to inform where there is a risk of an outbreak and hence inform vector control activities, human disease surveillance and testing
  • Guidance on Personal preventive measures such as clothing minimizing skin exposure and repellents to avoid mosquito bites
  • Monitoring and reporting on Adverse Events Following Immunization (AEFI)
  • Recording and reporting on yellow fever to health departments
  • Physiacl examination
  • clinical diagnosis based on the patient's signs and symptoms, the travel history (when and where), the related travel activities and vaccine history
  • Supportive treatment aimed at relieving symptoms including Relive pain and fever
  • Monitoring and specific management of the disease depending on the severity including
    • Oxygen administration
    • Intravenous fluid administration for dehydration
    • Blood pressure control -medications to increase collection/blood_pressure in cases of circulatory collapse
    • transfusion of blood products in cases of severe bleeding
    • Antibiotics for secondary bacterial_infections
      • Management for any complication due to AEFI with yellow fever vaccine
  • Diagnostic Tests- Blood tests to detect the virus in the early stages of the disease or demonstrate the presence of virus-specific antibodies (IgM and IgG) in late stages of yellow fever.
  • Referral to specilsed hospital for further managemnent eg for dialysis ; ICU services as may be indicated
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Education and awareness creation on yellow fever including transmission and prevention measures ** Education on the need for yellow fever vaccination
    • Education on vector /mosquito control measures
  • Distribution of IEC materials
  • Health workers training on yellow fever including prevention measures
  • Vaccination for life-long protection against yellow fever disease
  • mass vaccination campaigns designed to increase coverage in countries at risk
  • Vaccination for travelers going to yellow fever endemic areas
  • Yellow fever disease surveillance and Prompt recognition and control of outbreaks using mass immunization in high-risk areas where vaccination coverage is low
  • Requirement for travelers to provide certificate of yellow fever vaccine in line with the International Health Regulations (IHR)
  • Eliminating potential mosquito breeding sites to reduce risk of yellow fever transmission in urban areas
  • Vector surveillance targeting Aedes aegypti and other Aedes species to inform where there is a risk of an outbreak and hence inform vector control activities, human disease surveillance and testing
  • Guidance on Personal preventive measures such as clothing minimizing skin exposure and repellents to avoid mosquito bites
  • Monitoring and reporting on Adverse Events Following Immunization (AEFI)
  • Recording and reporting on yellow fever to health departments
  • Physical examination
  • clinical diagnosis based on the patient's signs and symptoms, the travel history (when and where), the related travel activities and vaccine history
  • Supportive treatment aimed at relieving symptoms including
  • Relive pain and fever
  • Monitoring and specific management of the disease depending on the severity including
    • Oxygen administration
    • Intravenous fluid administration for dehydration
    • Blood pressure control -medications to increase collection/blood_pressure in cases of circulatory collapse
  • · transfusion of blood products in cases of severe bleeding
    • Antibiotics for secondary bacterial_infections_
    • ICU services for endotracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation in cases of respiratory failure
  • Management for any complication due to AEFI with yellow fever vaccine
  • Diagnostic Tests;- Blood tests to detect the virus in the early stages of the disease or demonstrate the presence of virus-specific antibodies (IgM and IgG) in late stages of yellow fever.
  • Follow up
Age Cohort: 25 - 59 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Strengthen families and community-based awareness on Yellow Fever including transmission and prevention measures * Information and health education to parents, families and communities on Yellow Fever vaccination
  • Integrated vector control management (ITN, IRS, larva source management, etc.) * Vaccination: Yellow fever
  • Personal protective measures (mosquito repellent, long sleeved clothes)
  • Recognition of Yellow Fever symptoms
  • Supportive care (e.g., fever reduction, hydration, feeding, etc.)
  • Referrals to a health facility if symptoms worsen
Primary Care
  • Strengthen families and community-based awareness on Yellow Fever including transmission and prevention measures * Information and health education to parents, families and communities on Yellow Fever vaccination
  • Integrated vector control management (ITN, IRS, larva source management, etc.) * Vaccination: Yellow fever
  • Personal protective measures (mosquito repellent, long sleeved clothes)
  • Recognition of Yellow Fever symptoms
  • Supportive care (e.g., fever reduction, hydration, feeding, etc.)
  • Referrals to a health facility if symptoms worsen
  • Report immediately to local authorities
Referral Facility: General
  • Strengthen families and community-based awareness on Yellow Fever including transmission and prevention measures * Information and health education to parents, families and communities on Yellow Fever vaccination
  • Vaccination: Yellow fever

History and physical examination Basic laboratory tests Advanced laboratory tests Supportive care (e.g., fever reduction, hydration, feeding, etc.) IV fluid hydration Treat mild complications Refer if severe or not responding

Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Strengthen families and community-based awareness on Yellow Fever including transmission and prevention measures
  • Information and health education to parents, families and communities on Yellow Fever vaccination
  • Vaccination: Yellow fever

History and physical examination Basic laboratory tests Advanced laboratory tests Treat bacterial infections with antibiotics IV fluid for rehydration Manage complications such as liver and kidney failure Manage fever with antipyretics Nutritional support .

Age Cohort: 60+ years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Education and awareness creation on yellow fever including transmission and prevention measures
  • Education on the need for yellow fever vaccination
  • Education on vector /mosquito control measures
  • Distribution of IEC materials
  • Community health workers training on yellow fever including prevention measures
  • Promote Vaccination for life-long protection against yellow fever disease through
  • Mass vaccination campaigns designed to increase coverage in countries at risk
  • Promote vaccination for travelers going to yellow fever endemic areas
  • Prompt recognition and control of outbreaks using mass immunization in high-risk areas where vaccination coverage is low.
  • Requirement for travelers to provide certificate of yellow fever vaccine in line with the International Health Regulations (IHR)
  • Eliminating potential mosquito breeding sites to reduce risk of yellow fever transmission
  • Vector surveillance targeting Aedes aegypti and other Aedes species to inform where there is a risk of an outbreak and hence inform vector control activities, human disease surveillance and testing
  • Personal preventive measures such as clothing minimizing skin exposure and repellents to avoid mosquito bites.
  • Recording and reporting on yellow fever to health departments
  • Recognition of features indicative of yellow fever including fever, headache, yellowing of the skin and eyes, muscle pain, nausea, vomiting and fatigue
  • Relieve symptoms through - Relieve fever through use medicines such as paracetamol
  • Relieve pain through use of painkillers such as paracetamol
  • Give fluids to the patient
  • Referral to a health facility for further management
Primary Care
  • Education and awareness creation on yellow fever including transmission and prevention measures
  • Education on the need for yellow fever vaccination
  • Education on vector/mosquito control measures
  • Distribution of IEC materials
  • Mass awareness campaigns on yellow fever
  • Health workers training on yellow fever including prevention measures
  • Vaccination for life-long protection against yellow fever disease for elderly after careful risk assessment
  • Mass vaccination campaigns designed to increase coverage in countries at risk
  • Vaccination for travelers going to yellow fever endemic areas
  • Yellow fever disease surveillance and Prompt recognition and control of outbreaks using mass immunization in high-risk areas where vaccination coverage is low
  • Requirement for travelers to provide certificate of yellow fever vaccine in line with the International Health Regulations (IHR) >
  • Working with communities to Eliminate potential mosquito breeding sites to reduce risk of yellow fever transmission in urban areas
  • Vector surveillance targeting Aedes aegypti and other Aedes species to inform where there is a risk of an outbreak and hence inform vector control activities; human disease surveillance and testing
  • Guidance on Personal preventive measures such as clothing minimizing skin exposure and repellents to avoid mosquito bites
  • Monitoring and reporting on Adverse Events Following Immunization (AEFI)
  • Recording and reporting on yellow fever to health departments
  • Physiacl examination
  • clinical diagnosis based on the patient's signs and symptoms, the travel history (when and where), the related travel activities and vaccine history
  • Supportive treatment aimed at relieving symptoms including; - Relive pain - Management of fever - Hydration
  • Monitoring for any complications/severity of the disease
  • Stabilize the patient with complications due to yellow fever before referral e.g. administration of oxygen
  • Monitoring, supportive management for any Adverse Events Following Immunization (AEFI) with Yellow fever Vaccine
  • Referral to a hospital for a patient with severe yellow fever and for those with complications due to AEFI for further management
Referral Facility: General
  • Education and awareness creation on yellow fever including transmission and prevention measures
  • Education on the need for yellow fever vaccination
  • Education on vector/mosquito control measures
  • Distribution of IEC materials
  • Health workers training on yellow fever including prevention measures and its management
  • Vaccination for life-long protection against yellow fever disease for elderly after careful risk assessment
  • Mass vaccination campaigns designed to increase coverage in countries at risk
  • vaccination for travelers going to yellow fever endemic areas
  • Yellow fever disease surveillance and Prompt recognition and control of outbreaks using mass immunization in high-risk areas where vaccination coverage is low
  • Guidance on Personal preventive measures such as clothing minimizing skin exposure and use of repellents to avoid mosquito bites
  • Monitoring and reporting on Adverse Events Following Immunization (AEFI)
  • Isolation of infected individuals indoors or under mosquito netting to prevent further mosquito exposure and hence cut off the transmission
  • Recording and reporting on yellow fever to health departments
  • Physiacl examination
  • clinical diagnosis based on the patient's signs and symptoms, the travel history (when and where), the related travel activities and vaccine history
  • Supportive treatment aimed at relieving symptoms including Relive pain and fever
  • Monitoring and specific management of the disease depending on the severity including
    • Oxygen administration
    • Intravenous fluid administration for dehydration
    • Blood pressure control -medications to increase collection/blood_pressure in cases of circulatory collapse
    • transfusion of blood products in cases of severe bleeding
    • Antibiotics for secondary bacterial_infections
      • Management for any complication due to AEFI with yellow fever vaccine
  • Diagnostic Tests- Blood tests to detect the virus in the early stages of the disease or demonstrate the presence of virus-specific antibodies (IgM and IgG) in late stages of yellow fever.
  • Referral to specialised hospital for further managemnent eg for dialysis ; ICU services as may be indicated
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Education and awareness creation on yellow fever including transmission and prevention measures ** Education on the need for yellow fever vaccination
    • Education on vector /mosquito control measures
  • Distribution of IEC materials
  • Health workers training on yellow fever including prevention measures and its management
  • Vaccination for life-long protection against yellow fever disease for elderly after careful risk assessment
  • Mass vaccination campaigns designed to increase coverage in countries at risk
  • vaccination for travelers going to yellow fever endemic areas
  • Yellow fever disease surveillance and Prompt recognition and control of outbreaks using mass immunization in high-risk areas where vaccination coverage is low
  • Guidance on Personal preventive measures such as clothing minimizing skin exposure and use of repellents to avoid mosquito bites
  • Isolation of infected individuals indoors or under mosquito netting to prevent further mosquito exposure and hence cut off the transmission
  • Monitoring and reporting on Adverse Events Following Immunization (AEFI)
  • Recording and reporting on yellow fever to health departments
  • Physical examination
  • clinical diagnosis based on the patient's signs and symptoms, the travel history (when and where), the related travel activities and vaccine history
  • Supportive treatment aimed at relieving symptoms including
  • Relive pain and fever
  • Monitoring and specific management of the disease depending on the severity including
    • Oxygen administration
    • Intravenous fluid administration for dehydration
    • Blood pressure control -medications to increase collection/blood_pressure in cases of circulatory collapse
  • · transfusion of blood products in cases of severe bleeding
    • Antibiotics for secondary bacterial_infections_
    • ICU services for endotracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation in cases of respiratory failure
  • Management for any complication due to AEFI with yellow fever vaccine
  • Diagnostic Tests;- Blood tests to detect the virus in the early stages of the disease or demonstrate the presence of virus-specific antibodies (IgM and IgG) in late stages of yellow fever.
  • Follow up