Interventions for Digestive congenital anomalies (Oesophageal Atresia/Tracheo-Oesophageal Fistula)

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Age Cohort: Pregnancy and newborn
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Educate adolescent girls and mothers to have a healthy diet including adequate dietary intake of vegetables and fruit; vitamins and minerals particularly folic acid; and maintain a healthy weight
  • Educating and counselling parents and community on addressing stigma attached with congenital abnormalities 8 Information education and communication on harmful substances, particularly alcohol and tobacco; exposure of pregnant women to medications
  • Adequate dietary intake of vitamins and minerals, folic acid, variety of vegetables and fruit, and maintain a healthy weight for adolescent’s girls and mothers
  • Avoid harmful substances, particularly alcohol and tobacco during pregnancy
  • Reduce or eliminating environmental exposure to hazardous substances (such as heavy metals or pesticides) during pregnancy
  • Recognition of digestive congenital anomalies signs and symptoms
  • Immediate transfer of suspected congenital digestive system anomalies to a higher-level health care facility
  • Physiotherapy, speech therapy services
  • Comprehensive and holistic care for the long-term management of problems associated with post-operative care
  • Psychological support to parents of babies with birth-related complications
Primary Care
  • Raise awareness on the importance of birth defects as a cause of child morbidity and mortality
  • Educate adolescent girls and mothers on healthy diet and consumption of foods rich in natural folates
  • Information education and communication on harmful substances, particularly alcohol and tobacco
  • Education to minimize exposure of pregnant women and workers in their workplace to risk factors for congenital anomalies (chemical, physical and biological Secondary level
  • Raise awareness of health professionals on the importance of new born screening for early identification of infants born with congenital birth defects
  • Avoiding teratogenic medications during pregnancy
  • Recognition of digestive congenital anomalies signs and symptoms
  • Immediate transfer of suspected digestive congenital anomalies to a higher-level health care facility
  • Physiotherapy, speech therapy services
  • Comprehensive and holistic care for the long-term management of problems associated with post-operative care
  • Assess to detect and treat any signs of neurologic dysfunction such as delayed developmental milestones
Referral Facility: General
  • Raise awareness of health professionals on the importance of new born screening for early identification of infants born with congenital birth defects
  • Appropriate use of fortified foods
  • Avoiding teratogenic medications during pregnancy
  • Clinical suspicion
  • Chest radiograph
  • Immediate transfer of suspected digestive anomalies to a higher-level health care facility
  • Physiotherapy, speech therapy services
  • Comprehensive and holistic care for the long-term management of problems associated with post-operative care
  • Assess to detect and treat any signs of neurologic dysfunction such as delayed developmental milestones
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Raise awareness of health professionals on the importance of new born screening for early identification of infants born with congenital birth defects
  • Correction of some endocrine and metabolic abnormalities such as diabetes, hypothyroidism before conception
  • Avoiding teratogenic medications during pregnancy
  • Genetic testing and counselling for families at risk
  • Clinical suspicion
  • Chest radiograph
  • Ultrasonography (pre and post-natal)
  • Chromosomal studies
  • Antibiotics,
  • Intravenous fluids
  • Nothing by mouth (NPO)
  • Total parenteral nutrition (TPN)
  • Surgical repair
  • Postoperative neonatal intensive care
  • Physiotherapy, speech therapy services
  • Comprehensive and holistic care for the long-term management of problems associated with post-operative care
  • Psychological support to parents of babies with birth-related complications
  • Assess to detect and treat any signs of neurologic dysfunction such as delayed developmental milestones
Age Cohort: < 5 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Educate adolescent girls and mothers to have a healthy diet including adequate dietary intake of vegetables and fruit, vitamins and minerals particularly folic acid; and maintain a healthy weight
  • Educating and counselling parents and community on addressing stigma attached with congenital abnormalities
  • Information education and communication on harmful substances, particularly alcohol and tobacco, exposure of pregnant women to medications
  • Adequate dietary intake of vitamins and minerals, folic acid, variety of vegetables and fruit, and maintain a healthy weight for adolescent’s girls and mothers
  • Avoid harmful substances, particularly alcohol and tobacco during pregnancy
  • Reduce or eliminating environmental exposure to hazardous substances (such as heavy metals or pesticides) during pregnancy.
  • Recognition of digestive congenital anomalies signs and symptoms
  • Immediate transfer of suspected congenital digestive system anomalies to a higher-level health care facility
  • Physiotherapy, speech therapy services
  • Comprehensive and holistic care for the long-term management of problems associated with post-operative care
  • Psychological support to parents of babies with birth-related complications
Primary Care
  • Raise awareness on the importance of birth defects as a cause of child morbidity and mortality
  • Educate adolescent girls and mothers on healthy diet and consumption of foods rich in natural folates
  • Information education and communication on harmful substances, particularly alcohol and tobacco
  • Education to minimize exposure of pregnant women and workers in their workplace to risk factors for congenital anomalies (chemical, physical and biological
  • Avoiding teratogenic medications during pregnancy
  • Recognition of digestive congenital anomalies signs and symptoms
  • Immediate transfer of suspected digestive congenital anomalies to a higher-level health care facility
  • Physiotherapy, speech therapy services
  • Comprehensive and holistic care for the long-term management of problems associated with post-operative care
  • Assess to detect and treat any signs of neurologic dysfunction such as delayed developmental milestones
Referral Facility: General
  • Raise awareness of health professionals on the importance of new born screening for early identification of infants born with congenital birth defects
  • Appropriate use of fortified foods
  • Avoiding teratogenic medications during pregnancy
  • Clinical suspicion
  • Chest radiograph
  • Immediate transfer of suspected digestive anomalies to a higher-level health care facility
  • Physiotherapy, speech therapy services
  • Comprehensive and holistic care for the long-term management of problems associated with post-operative care
  • Assess to detect and treat any signs of neurologic dysfunction such as delayed developmental milestones
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Raise awareness of health professionals on the importance of new born screening for early identification of infants born with congenital birth defects
  • Correction of some endocrine and metabolic abnormalities such as diabetes, hypothyroidism before conception
  • Avoiding teratogenic medications during pregnancy
  • Genetic testing and counselling for families at risk
  • Clinical suspicion
  • Chest radiograph
  • Ultrasonography (pre and post-natal)
  • Chromosomal studies
  • Antibiotics,
  • Intravenous fluids
  • Nothing by mouth (NPO)
  • Total parenteral nutrition (TPN)
  • Surgical repair 8 Postoperative neonatal intensive care
  • Physiotherapy, speech therapy services
  • Comprehensive and holistic care for the long-term management of problems associated with post-operative care
  • Psychological support to parents of babies with birth-related complications
  • Assess to detect and treat any signs of neurologic dysfunction such as delayed developmental milestones