Interventions for Maternal conditions

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Age Cohort: Pregnancy and newborn
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Education on good nutrition for women and importance of antenatal care when pregnant
  • Education on need for early Antenatal clinic registration
  • Education of pregnant women and their family members on the need for facility delivery attended by a skilled birth attendant Refer all pregnant women to next level for antenatal care registration
  • Monitor blood pressure, urine protein and haemoglobin of pregnant women during home visits
  • Monitor pregnant women to ensure compliance with antenatal advice and antenatal medications Provide pregnant women with Insecticide Treated nets and monitor use Perform an obstetric examination with auscultation of fetal heart sounds for pregnant women from 24 weeks and above
  • Examine women who deliver in community to ensure that blood pressure is normal and that delivery was not associated with excessive bleeding or any other obstetric complication
  • Monitor postnatal women in community during home visits to identify early signs of postnatal complications
  • Provide appropriate community based postpartum family planning services
  • Refer pregnant women with abnormal findings during home visit examination to next level for assessment and further management Administer sublingual Nifedipine to pregnant women with diastolic blood pressure above 90mmHg before referral to next level
  • Refer women who deliver in community with suspected obstetric complications to next level for assessment and management
  • Refer postnatal women with suspected postnatal complications to next level for assessment and management
  • Follow up women who developed obstetric complications after they have been discharged home to ensure compliance with medication and advice from hospital
Primary Care
  • Education on good nutrition for women and importance of antenatal care when pregnant
  • Provide antenatal services for all pregnant women
  • Ensure that antenatal clients receive all the required services for their gestational age at each visit
  • Provide postpartum family planning services
  • Refer pregnant women with current or previous obstetric complications to hospital for assessment and further management
  • Refer women with medical conditions complicating pregnancy to hospital for assessment and management
  • Provide Basic Emergency Obstetric Care services for women with obstetric complications
  • Refer women who do not respond to Basic Emergency Obstetric Care interventions to hospital for further management
  • Refer women who have been in active labour for 12 or more hours to hospital for further management
Referral Facility: General
  • Provide antenatal services for all pregnant women
  • Ensure that antenatal clients receive all the required services for their gestational age at each visit
  • Provide postpartum family planning services
  • Provide Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric Care services for women with obstetric complications
  • Provide blood transfusion, Caesarean section and laparotomy services
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Provide antenatal services for all pregnant women
  • Ensure that antenatal clients receive all the required services for their gestational age at each visit
  • Provide postpartum family planning services
  • Provide blood transfusion,
  • Caesarean section
  • laparotomy services
  • Provide Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric Care services for women with obstetric complications
Age Cohort: 12 - 24 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Education on good nutrition for women and importance of antenatal care when pregnant
  • Education on importance of regular medical checkups to ensure that women are in good health before embarking on a pregnancy
Primary Care
  • Education on good nutrition for women and importance of antenatal care when pregnant
  • Education on importance of regular medical checkups to ensure that women are in good health before embarking on a pregnancy
  • Provide general medical check-up service for women who are considering a pregnancy
  • Provide treatment for non-pregnant women who are found to have pre-existing medical conditions before becoming pregnant
Referral Facility: General
Referral Facility: Specialist
Age Cohort: 25 - 59 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Education on good nutrition for women and importance of antenatal care when pregnant
  • Education on importance of regular medical checkups to ensure that women are in good health before embarking on a pregnancy
Primary Care
  • Education on good nutrition for women and importance of antenatal care when pregnant
  • Provide general medical check-up service for women who are considering a pregnancy
  • Provide treatment for non-pregnant women who are found to have pre-existing medical conditions before becoming pregnant/pre-conceptual treatmnet/services
Referral Facility: General
Referral Facility: Specialist