Interventions for Interpersonal Violence

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Age Cohort: 25 - 59 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Community engagement [community sensitization on conflict resolution, interpersonal relationships, team management, alcohol and substance use]
  • Awareness campaigns for existing laws related to interpersonal violence
  • Counselling on improved communication/conflict resolution for couples or individuals
  • Counselling on the use of harmful use of alcohol and drug abuse
  • Focus group discussions or meetings about violence in the community
  • Assessment of caregiver/child interactions
  • Monitoring of quality responsive caregiving and relationships
  • Targeted social care assessment for high-risk families
  • Referral for children at risk for, or with signs of neglect, maltreatment or abuse
  • Dissemination of bylaws and regulations regarding violence and violence-promoting behaviour
  • Psychological first aid for recent exposure to trauma
  • Emotional support for recent exposure to trauma
  • Referral for the management of mental illness
  • Referral to address urgent safety needs
Primary Care
  • Counselling on improved communication/conflict resolution for couples or individuals
  • Counselling on the use of harmful use of alcohol and drug abuse
  • Focus group discussions or meetings about violence in the community
  • Assessment of caregiver/child interactions
  • Monitoring of quality responsive caregiving and relationships
  • Targeted social care assessment for high-risk families
  • Referral for children at risk for, or with signs of neglect, maltreatment or abuse
  • Dissemination of bylaws and regulations regarding violence and violence-promoting behaviour
  • Psychological first aid for recent exposure to trauma
  • Emotional support for recent exposure to trauma
  • Referral for the management of mental illness
  • Referral to address urgent safety needs
Referral Facility: General
  • History and complete physical examination for survivors of violence, including documentation and evidence collection as appropriate
  • Psychological first aid for recent exposure to trauma
  • Mental health psychosocial support Referral for the management of mental illness
  • Provide information about available services (using discrete materials) Referral to address urgent safety needs
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • History and complete physical examination for survivors of violence, including documentation and evidence collection as appropriate
  • Psychological first aid for recent exposure to trauma
  • Clinical assessment for mental health disorders
  • Referral for the management of mental illness
  • Provide information about available services (using discrete materials)
  • Referral to address urgent safety needs