Interventions for Hookworm disease

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Age Cohort: Pregnancy and newborn
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Education and awareness creation among mothers/families/communities on hookworm disease including prevention measures
  • Public health education about proper hygiene
  • Awareness creation on improving sanitation including proper waste disposal to reduce the risk of infection
  • Provision of IEC materials on hook worm disease
  • Multisectoral approach in addressing the risk factors of hook worm disease including improving sanitation, access to clean water and income status of communities
  • Community health workers education on hookworm disease and prevention measures
  • Guidance to mothers on preventive measures including
  • Drinking safe water
  • Properly cleaning and cooking food
  • Practicing proper handwashing/hand hygiene
  • Using a barrier to prevent the skin surfaces from touching the soil eg use of gloves ; shoes while gardening
  • Avoiding consuming soil that may be contaminated with hookworm
  • Proper human waste disposal-Not passing stool in the soil or outdoors
  • Treating pet dogs and cats for hookworm/deworming pets
  • Recognition of signs of hookworm infestation including rash at the site of initial infection e.g. on the palm or soles, itchiness at the site, creeping eruptions on lower limbs or upper trunk (depending on site of entry of the larvae)
  • Guidance to the patient on Improving nutrition to address any deficiency of nutrients due to the worms (e.g. Iron; Protein;)
  • Symptomatic treatment e.g. relief of fever if present.
  • Referral to a health facility for management of pregnant women with hookworm disease.
Primary Care
  • Education and awareness creation among mothers on hookworm disease including prevention measures
  • Public health education about proper hygiene
  • Awareness creation on improving sanitation including proper waste disposal to reduce the risk of infection
  • Provision of IEC materials on hook worm disease
  • Multisectoral approach in addressing the risk factors of hook worm dieses including improving sanitation, access to clean water and income status of communities
  • Health workers education on hookworm disease, prevention measures and management
  • Advice to pregnant women on use of safe Drinking water
  • Advice to pregnant women on Properly cleaning and cooking food
  • Guidance to pregnant women on practicing proper handwashing/hand hygiene
  • Advice on use of barrier to prevent the skin from getting in contact with the soil especially in areas that may have feaces in the soil e.g. use of shoes, gloves when gardening
  • Guidance on proper human waste
  • Physical and clinical examination.
  • Diagnostic test—Examination of stool sample to identify hookworm eggs
  • Nutrition Support/advice to address any deficiency of nutrients due to the worms (e.g. Iron; Protein;)
  • Administration of anthelminthic drugs (e.g. mebendazole; albendazole) to pregnant women with hook worm disease
  • Management of larvae in the skin (Topical administration of anthelminthic e.g. .Thiabendazole to destroy the larvae in the skin.
  • Monitor for any worsening of hookworm disease including complications such as anemia
  • Referral to a hospital for further management including management of complications
Referral Facility: General
  • Education and awareness creation to the mothers on hookworm disease including prevention measures
  • Education about proper hygiene
  • Education on proper waste disposal including faecal waste to reduce the risk of infection
  • Health workers training on hookworm disease, prevention measures and its management
  • Advice to pregnant women on use of safe Drinking water
  • Advice to pregnant women on Properly cleaning and cooking food
  • Advice on use of barrier to prevent the skin from getting in contact with the soil especially in areas that may have feaces in the soil e.g. use of shoes, gloves when gardening
  • Guidance to pregnant women on practicing proper handwashing/hand hygiene
  • Guidance on proper human waste
  • Diagnosis based of the different clinical entities of hookworm disease i.e. Classic hookworm disease (gastrointestinal (GI) infection), Cutaneous larva migrans and Eosinophilic enteritis -
  • Nutrition support/therapy to address any deficiency of nutrients due to the worms (e.g. Iron, Protein)
  • Administration of anthelminthic drugs (e.g. mebendazole, albendazole) to pregnant women with hook worm disease
  • Management of larvae in the skin (Topical administration of anthelminthic e.g. .Thiabendazole to destroy the larvae in the skin.
  • Local cryotherapy to destroy the hookworms while still in the skin,
  • Management of anemia and its complications (use of iron supplements, vitamin C. Folic acid and vitamin B12 supplements) Diagnostic tests
  • Examination of a stool sample to identify hookworm eggs
  • Blood tests to check for anemia and nutritional deficiencies
  • Chest X-ray to check lung involvement in hookworm infection.
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Education and awareness creation to the mothers on hookworm disease including prevention measures
  • Education about proper hygiene
  • Education on proper waste disposal including faecal waste to reduce the risk of infection
  • Health workers training on hookworm disease, prevention measures and its management
  • Advice to pregnant women on use of safe Drinking water
  • Advice to pregnant women on Properly cleaning and cooking food
  • Advice on use of barrier to prevent the skin from getting in contact with the soil especially in areas that may have feaces in the soil e.g. use of shoes, gloves when gardening
  • Guidance to pregnant women on practicing proper handwashing/hand hygiene
  • Guidance on proper human waste
  • Diagnosis based of the different clinical entities of hookworm disease i.e. Classic hookworm disease (gastrointestinal (GI) infection), Cutaneous larva migrans and Eosinophilic enteritis -
  • Nutrition support/therapy to address any deficiency of nutrients due to the worms (e.g. Iron, Protein)
  • Administration of anthelminthic drugs (e.g. mebendazole, albendazole) to pregnant women with hook worm disease
  • Management of larvae in the skin (Topical administration of anthelminthic e.g. .Thiabendazole to destroy the larvae in the skin.
  • Local cryotherapy to destroy the hookworms while still in the skin,
  • Management of anemia and its complications (use of iron supplements, vitamin C. Folic acid and vitamin B12 supplements) Diagnostic tests
  • Examination of a stool sample to identify hookworm eggs
  • Blood tests to check for anemia and nutritional deficiencies
  • Chest X-ray to check lung involvement in hookworm infection.
Age Cohort: < 5 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Community engagement on the importance of clean water and safe sanitation and waste disposal
  • Education and social mobilization for the prevention and control of hook worm infection
  • Proper handwashing/good hand hygiene practices before handing food and after handling soil/manure
  • Avoidance of consuming or contact with soil that may be contaminated with human faecal matter
  • Deworming and iron supplementation
  • MDA with albendazole
  • Passage of worms in stool
  • Anthelmintic
  • Antispasmodics
  • Analgesics
Primary Care
  • Health education on risk factors for hook worm infection and preventive measures such as good sanitation and hygiene practice
  • Deworming and iron supplementation
  • History
  • Physical examination
  • Eggs in stool exam
  • Complete blood count
  • Anthelmintic
  • Antispasmodics
  • Analgesics Iron supplementation
Referral Facility: General
  • Health education on risk factors for hook worm infection and preventive measures such as good sanitation and hygiene practice
  • Advice to parents/families on ensuring that the under 5s use safe Drinking water
  • Advice to parents/families on Properly cleaning and cooking food for the under 5s
  • Guidance to under 5s on proper handwashing/hand hygiene
  • Guidance to parents/families on proper human waste disposal including the children waste


  • Physical examination
  • Eggs in stool exam
  • Complete blood count
  • Anthelmintic
  • Iron supplementation
  • Blood transfusion
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Health education on risk factors for hook worm infection and preventive measures such as good sanitation and hygiene practice
  • Advice to parents/families on ensuring that the under 5s use safe Drinking water
  • Advice to parents/families on Properly cleaning and cooking food for the under 5s
  • Guidance to under 5s on proper handwashing/hand hygiene
  • Guidance to parents/families on proper human waste disposal including the children waste
  • History
  • Physical examination
  • Eggs in stool exam
  • Complete blood count
  • Anthelmintic
  • Iron supplementation
  • Blood transfusion
Age Cohort: 5 - 11 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Community engagement on the importance of clean water and safe sanitation and waste disposal
  • Education and social mobilization for the prevention and control of hook worm infection
  • Proper handwashing/good hand hygiene practices before handing food and after handling soil/manure
  • Avoidance of consuming or contact with soil that may be contaminated with human faecal matter
  • Deworming and iron supplementation
  • MDA with albendazole
  • Passage of worms in stool
  • Anthelmintic
  • Antispasmodics
  • Analgesics
Primary Care
  • Health education on risk factors for hook worm infection and preventive measures such as good sanitation and hygiene practice
  • Deworming and iron supplementation
  • History
  • Physical examination
  • Eggs in stool exam
  • Complete blood count
  • Anthelmintic
  • Antispasmodics
  • Analgesics
  • Iron supplementation
Referral Facility: General
  • Health education on risk factors for hook worm infection and preventive measures such as good sanitation and hygiene practice
  • Advice to school age children on use of safe Drinking water
  • Advice to parents/families/schools on Properly cleaning and cooking food
  • Advice on use of barrier to prevent the skin from getting in contact with the soil especially in areas that may have feaces in the soil e.g use of shoes, gloves when gardening
  • Guidance on proper handwashing/hand hygiene
  • Guidance on proper human waste disposal


  • Physical examination
  • Eggs in stool exam
  • Complete blood count
  • Anthelmintic
  • Iron supplementation
  • Blood transfusion
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Health education on risk factors for hook worm infection and preventive measures such as good sanitation and hygiene practice
  • Advice to school age children on use of safe Drinking water
  • Advice to parents/families/schools on Properly cleaning and cooking food
  • Advice on use of barrier to prevent the skin from getting in contact with the soil especially in areas that may have feaces in the soil e.g use of shoes, gloves when gardening
  • Guidance on proper handwashing/hand hygiene
  • Guidance on proper human waste disposal
  • History
  • Physical examination
  • Eggs in stool exam
  • Complete blood count
  • Diagnosis based of the different clinical entities of hookworm disease i.e. Classic hookworm disease (gastrointestinal (GI) infection), Cutaneous larva migrans and Eosinophilic enteritis
  • Nutritional support/therapy to address any deficiency of nutrients due to the worms (e.g. Iron, Protein)
  • Administration of anthelminthic drugs (e.g. mebendazole; albendazole) to school age children with hook worm disease
  • Management of larvae in the skin (Topical administration of anthelminthic e.g. .Thiabendazole to destroy the larvae in the skin.
  • Local cryotherapy to destroy the hookworms while still in the skin
  • Management of anemia and its complications (use of iron supplements, vitamin C. Folic acid and vitamin B12 supplements) Diagnostic tests
  • Examination of a stool sample to identify hookworm eggs
  • Blood tests to check for anemia and nutritional deficiencies
  • Chest X-ray to check lung involvement in hookworm infection.
Age Cohort: 12 - 24 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Education and awareness creation among adolescents/families/communities on hookworm disease including prevention measures
  • Public health education about proper hygiene
  • Awareness creation on improving sanitation including proper waste disposal to reduce the risk of infection
  • Provision of IEC materials on hook worm disease
  • Multisectoral approach in addressing the risk factors of hook worm dieses including improving sanitation, access to clean water and income status of communities
  • Community health workers education on hookworm disease and prevention measures
  • Guidance to adolescents/communities on preventive measures including
  • Drinking safe water
  • Properly cleaning and cooking food
  • Practicing proper handwashing/hand hygiene
  • Using a barrier to prevent the skin surfaces from touching the soil eg use of gloves , shoes while gardening
  • Avoiding consuming soil that may be contaminated with hookworm
  • Proper human waste disposal-Not passing stool in the soil or outdoors
  • Treating pet dogs and cats for hookworm/deworming pets
  • Recognition of signs of hookworm infestation including rash at the site of initial infection e.g on the palm or soles; itchiness at the site, creeping eruptions on lower limbs or upper trunk (depending on site of entry of the larvae)
  • Guidance to the patient on Improving nutrition to address any deficiency of nutrients due to the worms (e.g. Iron; Protein)
  • Symptomatic treatment e.g. relief of fever if present;
  • Referral to a health facility for management of pregnant women with hookworm disease.
Primary Care
  • Education and awareness creation among adolescents on hookworm disease including prevention measures
  • Public health education about proper hygiene
  • Awareness creation on improving sanitation including proper waste disposal to reduce the risk of infection
  • Provision of IEC materials on hook worm disease
  • Health workers training on hookworm disease; prevention measures and management
  • Multisectoral approach in addressing the risk factors of hook worm dieses including improving sanitation, access to clean water and income status of communities
  • Advice to adolescents on use of safe Drinking water
  • Advice on Properly cleaning and cooking food
  • Advice on use of barrier to prevent the skin from getting in contact with the soil especially in areas that may have feaces in the soil e.g. use of shoes, gloves when gardening
  • Guidance to under 5s on proper handwashing /hand hygiene
  • Guidance to parents/families on proper human waste including the children waste
  • Diagnostic test—Examination of stool sample to identify hookworm eggs
  • Nutrition Support/advice to address any deficiency of nutrients due to the worms (e.g. Iron, Protein;)
  • Administration of anthelminthic drugs (e.g. mebendazole; albendazole) to adolescents with hook worm disease
  • Management of larvae in the skin ( Topical administration of anthelminthic e.g. .Thiabendazole to destroy the larvae in the skin.
  • Monitor for any worsening of hookworm disease including complications such as anemia
  • Referral to a hospital for further management including management of complications
Referral Facility: General
  • Education and awareness creation to the adolescents hookworm disease including prevention measures
  • Education about proper hygiene
  • Education on proper waste disposal including faecal waste to reduce the risk of infection
  • Health workers training on hookworm disease, prevention measures and its management
  • Advice to adolescents on use of safe Drinking water
  • Advice on Properly cleaning and cooking food
  • Advice on use of barrier to prevent the skin from getting in contact with the soil especially in areas that may have feaces in the soil e.g. use of shoes, gloves when gardening
  • Guidance on proper handwashing/hand hygiene
  • Guidance on proper human waste disposal
  • Nutritional support/therapy to address any deficiency of nutrients due to the worms (e.g. Iron,Protein)
  • Administration of anthelminthic drugs (e.g. mebendazole; albendazole) to adolescents with hook worm disease
  • Management of larvae in the skin (Topical administration of anthelminthic e.g. .Thiabendazole to destroy the larvae in the skin.
  • Local cryotherapy to destroy the hookworms while still in the skin,
  • Management of anemia and its complications (use of iron supplements, vitamin C. Folic acid and vitamin B12 supplements) Diagnostic tests
  • Examination of a stool sample to identify hookworm eggs
  • Blood tests to check for anemia and nutritional deficiencies
  • Chest X-ray to check lung involvement in hookworm infection.
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Education and awareness creation to the adolescents hookworm disease including prevention measures
  • Education about proper hygiene
  • Education on proper waste disposal including faecal waste to reduce the risk of infection
  • Health workers training on hookworm disease, prevention measures and its management
  • Advice to adolescents on use of safe Drinking water
  • Advice on Properly cleaning and cooking food
  • Advice on use of barrier to prevent the skin from getting in contact with the soil especially in areas that may have feaces in the soil e.g. use of shoes, gloves when gardening
  • Guidance on proper handwashing/hand hygiene
  • Guidance on proper human waste disposal
  • Anthelmintic
  • Iron supplementation
  • Blood transfusion
Age Cohort: 25 - 59 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Education and awareness creation among adults/communities on hookworm disease including prevention measures
  • Public health education about proper hygiene
  • Awareness creation on improving sanitation including proper waste disposal to reduce the risk of infection
  • Provision of IEC materials on hook worm disease
  • Multisectoral approach in addressing the risk factors of hook worm dieses including improving sanitation, access to clean water and income status of communities
  • Community health workers education on hookworm disease and prevention measures
  • Guidance to adults/communities on preventive measures including
  • Drinking safe water
  • Properly cleaning and cooking food
  • Practicing proper handwashing/hand hygiene
  • Using a barrier to prevent the skin surfaces from touching the soil eg use of gloves , shoes while gardening
  • Avoiding consuming soil that may be contaminated with hookworm
  • Proper human waste disposal-Not passing stool in the soil or outdoors
  • Treating pet dogs and cats for hookworm/deworming pets
  • Recognition of signs of hookworm infestation including rash at the site of initial infection e.g. on the palm or soles; itchiness at the site; creeping eruptions on lower limbs or upper trunk (depending on site of entry of the larvae)
  • Guidance to the patient on Improving nutrition to address any deficiency of nutrients due to the worms (e.g. Iron; Protein;)
  • Symptomatic treatment e.g. relief of fever if present;
  • Referral to a health facility for management of pregnant women with hookworm disease.
Primary Care
  • Education and awareness creation among adults/communities on hookworm disease including prevention measures
  • Public health education about proper hygiene
  • Awareness creation on improving sanitation including proper waste disposal to reduce the risk of infection
  • Provision of IEC materials on hook worm disease
  • Health workers training on hookworm disease, prevention measures and its management
  • Advice to adults on use of safe Drinking water
  • Advice on Properly cleaning and cooking food
  • Advice on use of barrier to prevent the skin from getting in contact with the soil especially in areas that may have feaces in the soil e.g. use of shoes, gloves when gardening
  • Guidance to under 5s on proper handwashing /hand hygiene
  • Guidance to parents/families on proper human waste including the children waste
  • Diagnostic test—Examination of stool sample to identify hookworm eggs
  • Nutrition Support/advice to address any deficiency of nutrients due to the worms (e.g. Iron; Protein;)
  • Administration of anthelminthic drugs (e.g. mebendazole; albendazole) to adults with hook worm disease
  • Management of larvae in the skin ( Topical administration of anthelminthic e.g. .Thiabendazole to destroy the larvae in the skin.
  • Monitor for any worsening of hookworm disease including complications such as anemia
  • Referral to a hospital for further management including management of complications
Referral Facility: General
  • Education and awareness creation to the adults on hookworm disease including prevention measures
  • Education about proper hygiene
  • Education on proper waste disposal to reduce the risk of infection
  • Health workers training on hookworm disease, prevention measures and its management
  • Advice to adults on use of safe Drinking water
  • Advice on Properly cleaning and cooking food
  • Advice on use of barrier to prevent the skin from getting in contact with the soil especially in areas that may have feaces in the soil e.g. use of shoes, gloves when gardening
  • Guidance on proper handwashing/hand hygiene
  • Guidance on proper human waste disposal
  • Nutrition support/therapy to address any deficiency of nutrients due to the worms (e.g. Iron, Protein)
  • Administration of anthelminthic drugs (e.g. mebendazole; albendazole) to adults with hook worm disease
  • Management of larvae in the skin (Topical administration of anthelminthic e.g. .Thiabendazole to destroy the larvae in the skin.
  • Local cryotherapy to destroy the hookworms while still in the skin
  • Management of anemia and its complications (use of iron supplements, vitamin C. Folic acid and vitamin B12 supplements) Diagnostic tests
  • Examination of a stool sample to identify hookworm eggs
  • Blood tests to check for anemia and nutritional deficiencies
  • Chest X-ray to check lung involvement in hookworm infection.
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Education and awareness creation to the adults on hookworm disease including prevention measures
  • Education about proper hygiene
  • Education on proper waste disposal to reduce the risk of infection
  • Health workers training on hookworm disease, prevention measures and its management
  • Advice to adults on use of safe Drinking water
  • Advice on Properly cleaning and cooking food
  • Advice on use of barrier to prevent the skin from getting in contact with the soil especially in areas that may have feaces in the soil e.g. use of shoes, gloves when gardening
  • Guidance on proper handwashing/hand hygiene
  • Guidance on proper human waste disposal
  • Nutrition support/therapy to address any deficiency of nutrients due to the worms (e.g. Iron, Protein)
  • Administration of anthelminthic drugs (e.g. mebendazole; albendazole) to adults with hook worm disease
  • Management of larvae in the skin (Topical administration of anthelminthic e.g. .Thiabendazole to destroy the larvae in the skin.
  • Local cryotherapy to destroy the hookworms while still in the skin
  • Management of anemia and its complications (use of iron supplements, vitamin C. Folic acid and vitamin B12 supplements) Diagnostic tests
  • Examination of a stool sample to identify hookworm eggs
  • Blood tests to check for anemia and nutritional deficiencies
  • Chest X-ray to check lung involvement in hookworm infection.
Age Cohort: 60+ years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Education and awareness creation among elderly/families/communities on hookworm disease including prevention measures
  • Public health education about proper hygiene
  • Awareness creation on improving sanitation including proper waste disposal to reduce the risk of infection
  • Provision of IEC materials on hook worm disease
  • Multisectoral approach in addressing the risk factors of hook worm dieses including improving sanitation, access to clean water and income status of communities
  • Community health workers education on hookworm disease and prevention measures
  • Guidance to elderly/communities on preventive measures including
  • Drinking safe water
  • Properly cleaning and cooking food
  • Practicing proper handwashing/hand hygiene
  • Using a barrier to prevent the skin surfaces from touching the soil eg use of gloves , shoes while gardening
  • Avoiding consuming soil that may be contaminated with hookworm
  • Proper human waste disposal-Not passing stool in the soil or outdoors
  • Treating pet dogs and cats for hookworm/deworming pets
  • Recognition of signs of hookworm infestation including rash at the site of initial infection e.g. on the palm or soles; itchiness at the site; creeping eruptions on lower limbs or upper trunk (depending on site of entry of the larvae)
  • Guidance to the patient on Improving nutrition to address any deficiency of nutrients due to the worms (e.g. Iron; Protein;)
  • Symptomatic treatment e.g. relief of fever if present;
  • Referral to a health facility for management of pregnant women with hookworm disease.
Primary Care
  • Education and awareness creation to the elderly on hookworm disease including prevention measures
  • Public health Education about proper hygiene
  • Education on proper waste disposal to reduce the risk of hookworm infection
  • Provision of IEC materials on hookworm disease
  • Health workers training on hookworm disease, prevention measures and its management
  • Advice to elderly on use of safe Drinking water
  • Advice on Properly cleaning and cooking food
  • Advice on use of barrier to prevent the skin from getting in contact with the soil especially in areas that may have feaces in the soil e.g. use of shoes, gloves when gardening
  • Guidance to under 5s on proper handwashing /hand hygiene
  • Guidance to parents/families on proper human waste including the children waste
  • Diagnostic test—Examination of stool sample to identify hookworm eggs
  • Nutrition Support/advice to address any deficiency of nutrients due to the worms (e.g. Iron, Protein)
  • Administration of anthelminthic drugs (e.g. mebendazole, albendazole) to elderly with hook worm disease
  • Management of larvae in the skin (Topical administration of anthelminthic e.g. Thiabendazole to destroy the larvae in the skin.
  • Monitor for any worsening of hookworm disease including complications such as anemia
  • Referral to a hospital for further management including management of complications
Referral Facility: General
  • Education and awareness creation to the elderly on hookworm disease including prevention measures
  • Education about proper hygiene
  • Education on proper waste disposal to reduce the risk of hookworm infection
  • Health workers training on hookworm disease, prevention measures and its management
  • Advice to elderly on use of safe Drinking water
  • Advice on Properly cleaning and cooking food
  • Advice on use of barrier to prevent the skin from getting in contact with the soil especially in areas that may have feaces in the soil e.g. use of shoes, gloves when gardening
  • Guidance on proper handwashing/hand hygiene
  • Guidance on proper human waste disposal
  • Diagnosis based of the different clinical entities of hookworm disease i.e. Classic hookworm disease (gastrointestinal (GI) infection), Cutaneous larva migrans and Eosinophilic enteritis
  • Nutrition support/therapy to address any deficiency of nutrients due to the worms (e.g. Iron, Protein)
  • Administration of anthelminthic drugs (e.g. mebendazole; albendazole) to elderly persons with hook worm disease
  • Management of larvae in the skin ( Topical administration of anthelminthic e.g. .Thiabendazole to destroy the larvae in the skin.
  • Local cryotherapy to destroy the hookworms while still in the skin
  • Management of anemia and its complications (use of iron supplements, vitamin C. Folic acid and vitamin B12 supplements) Diagnostic tests
  • Examination of a stool sample to identify hookworm eggs
  • Blood tests to check for anemia and nutritional deficiencies
  • Chest X-ray to check lung involvement in hookworm infection.
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Education and awareness creation to the elderly on hookworm disease including prevention measures
  • Education about proper hygiene
  • Education on proper waste disposal to reduce the risk of hookworm infection
  • Health workers training on hookworm disease, prevention measures and its management
  • Advice to elderly on use of safe Drinking water
  • Advice on Properly cleaning and cooking food
  • Advice on use of barrier to prevent the skin from getting in contact with the soil especially in areas that may have feaces in the soil e.g. use of shoes, gloves when gardening
  • Guidance on proper handwashing/hand hygiene
  • Guidance on proper human waste disposal
  • Diagnosis based of the different clinical entities of hookworm disease i.e. Classic hookworm disease (gastrointestinal (GI) infection), Cutaneous larva migrans and Eosinophilic enteritis
  • Nutrition support/therapy to address any deficiency of nutrients due to the worms (e.g. Iron, Protein)
  • Administration of anthelminthic drugs (e.g. mebendazole; albendazole) to elderly persons with hook worm disease
  • Management of larvae in the skin ( Topical administration of anthelminthic e.g. .Thiabendazole to destroy the larvae in the skin.
  • Local cryotherapy to destroy the hookworms while still in the skin
  • Management of anemia and its complications (use of iron supplements, vitamin C. Folic acid and vitamin B12 supplements) Diagnostic tests
  • Examination of a stool sample to identify hookworm eggs
  • Blood tests to check for anemia and nutritional deficiencies
  • Chest X-ray to check lung involvement in hookworm infection.