Interventions for HIV/AIDS

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Age Cohort: Pregnancy and newborn
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Health education
  • Create mass awareness on STIs /HIV/AIDs
  • Sensitization on comprehensive sexuality education
  • Health education on risk factors for STIs /HIV /AIDs
  • Social and behavioural change communication
  • Promote Condom use
  • Promote early health seeking behaviour
  • Promotion of stigma reduction
  • Information Education Communication (IEC) materials distribution
  • Condom and lubricants demonstration and distribution
  • Strengthen CHWs and health workers knowledge on STIs/HIV/AIDs through trainings
  • Training on support for GBV Including first line support at community level
  • Referral of pregnant women who test positive for HIV to next level for management
  • Home based supervision of HIV positive women for compliance to antiretroviral therapy
  • Refills /Supply of antiretroviral therapy by trained HIV community workers
  • Referral of people with signs and symptoms of opportunistic infections to hospital for treatment
Primary Care
  • Health education
  • Create mass awareness on STIs /HIV/AIDs
  • Sensitization on comprehensive sexuality education
  • Health education on risk factors for STIs /HIV /AIDs
  • Social and behavioural change communication
  • Promote Condom use
  • Promotion of HTS
  • Promote early health seeking behaviour
  • Promotion of stigma reduction
  • Information Education Communication (IEC) materials distribution
  • Condom and lubricants demonstration and distribution
  • Strengthen health workers knowledge on STIs/HIV/AIDs through trainings
  • Training on support for GBV
  • Counseling and Testing for HIV of pregnant women Administration of antiretroviral drugs to babies born to HIV positive mothers
  • Avoid breastfeeding of babies of HIV positive mothers if feasible
  • Avoid mixed feeding of babies of HIV positive mothers
  • Perform PCR test of babies of HIV positive mothers between birth and six weeks
  • Physical and clinical examination
  • Partner notification and expedited treatment for common STIs, /HIV
  • Management of opportunistic infections Including :

    - Chronic diarrhoea
    - Oral Candidiasis
    - Oesophageal Candidiasis
    - Bacterial infections
    - PCP
    - Toxoplasmosis
    - TB
    - Extra pulmonary.
    - Cytomegalovirus Infection
  • Management of TB co-infection
  • Syndromic management of STIs
  • Combination treatment with antiretroviral drugs of pregnant women who test positive/(after initiation at hospital level)
  • Supportive management
    - Nutritional support /Supplements
  • Medication refills
  • Referral to hospitals for further management
  • Referral of people with signs and symptoms of opportunistic infections to hospital for treatment
Referral Facility: General
  • Health education
  • Create mass awareness on STIs /HIV/AIDs
  • Sensitization on comprehensive sexuality education
  • Health education on risk factors for STIs /HIV /AIDs
  • Social and behavioural change communication
  • Promote Condom use
  • Promotion of HTS
  • Promote early health seeking behaviour
  • Promotion of stigma reduction
  • Information Education Communication (IEC) materials distribution
  • Condom and lubricants demonstration and distribution
  • Strengthen health workers knowledge on STIs/HIV/AIDs through trainings
  • Training on support for GBV
  • Counseling and Testing for HIV of pregnant women
  • Administration of antiretroviral drugs to babies born to HIV positive mothers
  • Avoid breastfeeding of babies of HIV positive mothers if feasible
  • Avoid mixed feeding of babies of HIV positive mothers
  • Perform PCR test of babies of HIV positive mothers between birth and six weeks
  • Physical and clinical examination
  • Partner notification and expedited treatment for common STIs, /HIV
  • Provider initiated counselling and testing
  • HIV testing
  • Diagnostics
    - Blood tests
    - CD4 count
    - Imaging -X-rays
    - Microscopy culture and sensitivity
  • Syndromic management of STIs
  • Clinical staging of HIV
  • Chemotherapy for STIs that have progressed into cancer
  • Radiotherapy for STIs that have progressed into cancer
  • Defaulter tracking
  • Management of opportunistic infections

    - Chronic diarrhoea
    - Oral Candidiasis
    -Oesophageal Candidiasis
    - Bacterial infections
    - PCP
    - Toxoplasmosis
    - TB
    - Extra pulmonary.
    - Cytomegalovirus Infection
    - Kaposi’s sarcoma
    - Lymphoma and other HIV related malignancies.
  • Screening for TB and other opportunistic infections
  • Management of TB co-infection
  • Management of advanced HIV disease and complications
  • Management of any complications
  • Management for sexual violence cases and referral to support services 8 Treatment literacy /adherence counselling
  • Supportive management
    - Nutritional support /Supplements
  • Monitoring adherence to prescribed medications
  • ART initiation services
  • ART Monitoring
  • ART refills
  • Referral and linkages
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Health education
  • Create mass awareness on STIs /HIV/AIDs
  • Sensitization on comprehensive sexuality education
  • Health education on risk factors for STIs /HIV /AIDs
  • Social and behavioural change communication
  • Promote Condom use
  • Promotion of HTS
  • Promote early health seeking behaviour
  • Promotion of stigma reduction
  • Information Education Communication (IEC) materials distribution
  • Condom and lubricants demonstration and distribution
  • Strengthen health workers knowledge on STIs/HIV/AIDs through trainings
  • Training on support for GBV
  • Counseling and Testing for HIV of pregnant women
  • Administration of antiretroviral drugs to babies born to HIV positive mothers
  • Avoid breastfeeding of babies of HIV positive mothers if feasible
  • Avoid mixed feeding of babies of HIV positive mothers
  • Perform PCR test of babies of HIV positive mothers between birth and six weeks
  • Physical and clinical examination
  • Partner notification and expedited treatment for common STIs, /HIV
  • Provider initiated counselling and testing
  • HIV testing
  • Diagnostics
    - Blood tests
    - CD4 count
    - Imaging -X-rays
    - Microscopy culture and sensitivity
  • Syndromic management of STIs
  • Clinical staging of HIV
  • Chemotherapy for STIs that have progressed into cancer
  • Radiotherapy for STIs that have progressed into cancer
  • Defaulter tracking
  • Management of opportunistic infections

    - Chronic diarrhoea
    - Oral Candidiasis
    -Oesophageal Candidiasis
    - Bacterial infections
    - PCP
    - Toxoplasmosis
    - TB
    - Extra pulmonary.
    - Cytomegalovirus Infection
    - Kaposi’s sarcoma
    - Lymphoma and other HIV related malignancies.
  • Screening for TB and other opportunistic infections
  • Management of TB co-infection
  • Management of advanced HIV disease and complications
  • Management of any complications
  • Management for sexual violence cases and referral to support services 8 Treatment literacy /adherence counselling
  • Supportive management
    - Nutritional support /Supplements
  • Monitoring adherence to prescribed medications
  • ART initiation services
  • ART Monitoring
  • ART refills
  • Referral and linkages
  • ICU care
Age Cohort: < 5 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Social and behavioural change communication for parents
  • Community awareness on the risks and prevention of sexual abuse of children
  • Primary prevention of HIV in adolescents and women of child bearing ages
  • Screening pregnant women for HIV
  • Recognition of HIV/AIDS signs and symptoms
  • HIV counselling and testing
  • DBS collection
  • Early testing for HIV exposed infants
  • Support treatment adherence to ARV for HIV infected children
  • Refills /Supply of antiretroviral
  • Trace loss to follow-ups
  • Self-management education for parents
  • Support parents for disclosure
  • Emotional, social, spiritual assessment and support based on cultural needs, values and preferences of patients and families
  • Linkage with support groups
Primary Care
  • Social and behavioural change communication for parents
  • Community awareness on the risks and prevention of sexual abuse of children
  • Primary prevention of HIV in adolescents and women of child bearing ages
  • Screen pregnant women for HIV
  • Contraceptives
  • ARV for HIV positive pregnant women
  • ARV prophylaxis to HIV exposed infant
  • Antibody/Antigen based RDT
  • Rapid molecular HIV test
  • Clinical staging
  • Complete blood count
  • POC CD4 testing
  • POC Viral load testing
  • Chest radiograph
  • Antiretroviral therapy
  • Opportunistic infection prophylaxis
  • Patient follow-up
  • Adverse drug reactions (ADR) monitoring
  • Treatment of mild opportunistic infections
  • TB/HIV co-infection
  • Nutritional support
  • Adherence support
  • Referral to higher level for advanced HIV infection, severe adverse effects, complications and non-compliance
  • Self-management education for parents
  • Support parents for disclosure
  • Emotional, social, spiritual assessment and support based on cultural needs, values and preferences of patients and families
  • Linkage with support groups
Referral Facility: General
  • Health education and risk reduction counselling to parents
  • Screen pregnant women for HIV
  • ARV for HIV positive pregnant women
  • ARV prophylaxis to HIV exposed infant
  • Contraceptives
  • HIV counselling and testing
  • Rapid molecular HIV test
  • Clinical staging
  • Complete blood count
  • CD4 testing
  • Basic metabolic panel
  • Viral load testing
  • Chest radiograph
  • HBV and HCV tests
  • Ultrasound
  • First-line antiretroviral therapy
  • Second-line antiretroviral therapy
  • Manage moderate to severe adverse reactions * Viral load monitoring
  • Treat moderate to severe OIs
  • Treat TB/HIV co-infection
  • Manage co-morbidities
  • Referral to higher level for to non-responders
  • Self-management education for parents
  • Support parents for disclosure
  • Emotional, social, spiritual assessment and support based on cultural needs, values and preferences of patients and families
  • Linkage with support groups
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Health education and risk reduction counselling to parents
  • Screen pregnant women for HIV
  • ARV for HIV positive pregnant women
  • ARV prophylaxis to HIV exposed infant
  • Contraceptives
  • HIV counselling and testing
  • Rapid molecular HIV test
  • Clinical staging
  • Complete blood count
  • CD4 testing
  • Basic metabolic panel
  • Viral load testing
  • Chest radiograph
  • HBV and HCV tests
  • Ultrasound
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
  • Computed tomography (CT)
  • First-line antiretroviral therapy
  • Second-line antiretroviral therapy
  • Manage moderate to severe adverse reactions * Viral load monitoring
  • Management moderate to severe opportunistic infections
  • Treat TB
  • Manage co-morbidities
  • Intensive care as clinically indicated
  • Self-management education for parents
  • Support parents for disclosure
  • Emotional, social, spiritual assessment and support based on cultural needs, values and preferences of patients and families
  • Linkage with support groups
Age Cohort: 5 - 11 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Social and behavioural change communication for parents
  • School health education
  • Community awareness on the risks and prevention of sexual abuse of children
  • Primary prevention of HIV in adolescents and women of child bearing ages
  • Screening pregnant women for HIV
  • Community outreach HIV testing
  • Recognition of HIV/AIDS signs and symptoms
  • HIV counselling and testing
  • Adherence support
  • Refills /Supply of antiretroviral
  • Trace loss to follow-ups
  • Self-management education for parents
  • Support for disclosure
  • Emotional, social, spiritual assessment and support based on cultural needs, values and preferences of patients and families
  • Linkage with adolescent support groups
Primary Care
  • Health education and risk reduction counselling to parents
  • Screen pregnant women for HIV
  • ARV for HIV positive pregnant women
  • ARV prophylaxis to HIV exposed infant
  • Contraceptives
  • History
  • Physical examination
  • Antibody/Antigen based RDT
  • Clinical staging
  • Complete blood count
  • POC CD4 testing
  • POC Viral load testing
  • Chest radiograph
  • First-line antiretroviral therapy
  • Co-trimoxazole prophylaxis
  • TB preventive therapy
  • Adverse drug reactions (ADR) monitoring
  • Treat opportunistic infections
  • Treat TB
  • Nutritional support
  • Adherence support
  • Referral to higher level for advanced HIV infection
  • Self-management education for parents
  • Support for disclosure
  • Emotional, social, spiritual assessment and support based on cultural needs, values and preferences of patients and families Linkage with adolescent support groups
Referral Facility: General
  • Health education and risk reduction counselling to parents
  • Screen pregnant women for HIV
  • ARV for HIV positive pregnant women
  • ARV prophylaxis to HIV exposed infant
  • Contraceptives
  • HIV counselling and testing
  • PCR based HIV testing
  • Clinical staging
  • Complete blood count
  • CD4 testing
  • Basic metabolic panel
  • Viral load testing
  • Chest radiograph
  • HBV and HCV tests
  • Ultrasound
  • Cryptococcal antigen test
  • First-line antiretroviral therapy
  • Second-line antiretroviral therapy
  • Co-trimoxazole prophylaxis
  • TB preventive therapy
  • Manage moderate to severe adverse reactions * Viral load monitoring
  • Treat moderate to severe OIs
  • Treat TB
  • Manage co-morbidities
  • Referral to higher level for to non-responders
  • Self-management education for parents
  • Support for disclosure
  • Emotional, social, spiritual assessment and support based on cultural needs, values and preferences of patients and families
  • Linkage with adolescent support groups
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Health education and risk reduction counselling to parents
  • Screen pregnant women for HIV
  • ARV for HIV positive pregnant women
  • ARV prophylaxis to HIV exposed infant
  • Contraceptives
  • HIV counselling and testing
  • PCR based HIV testing
  • Clinical staging
  • Complete blood count
  • CD4 testing
  • Basic metabolic panel
  • Viral load testing
  • Chest radiograph
  • HBV and HCV tests
  • Ultrasound
  • Cryptococcal antigen test
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
  • Computed tomography (CT)
  • Second-line antiretroviral therapy
  • Co-trimoxazole prophylaxis
  • TB preventive therapy
  • Manage severe adverse reactions * Viral load monitoring
  • Management of severe opportunistic infections
  • Treat TB
  • Manage co-morbidities
  • Intensive care as clinically indicated
  • Self-management education for parents
  • Support for disclosure
  • Emotional, social, spiritual assessment and support based on cultural needs, values and preferences of patients and families
  • Linkage with adolescent support groups
Age Cohort: 12 - 24 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Social and behavioural change communication
  • School-based HIV education
  • Peer-based HIV education
  • Comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) for AGYW and adolescent boys
  • Mass media on HIV awareness
  • Condom social marketing
  • Structural interventions (policy, legal, Cash transfers and incentives)
  • Peer-based education
  • School-based sexual education (50-95% coverage)
  • Mass media
  • Safe sexual practice including condom use
  • Avoiding harmful traditional practices including sharing needles
  • Community-based outreach and testing
  • HIV Testing (50-95% coverage)
  • Condom (50-95% coverage)
  • Recognition of HIV/AIDS signs and symptoms
  • HIV counselling and testing
  • Support treatment adherence to ARV for HIV infected children
  • Refills /Supply of antiretroviral
  • Trace loss to follow-ups
  • Self-management education
  • Physical exercise
  • Nutritional support
  • Symptomatic relief for patients with untreatable advanced HIV diseases
  • Emotional, social, spiritual assessment and support based on cultural needs, values and preferences of patients and families
  • Linkage with community based support groups
Primary Care
  • Health education and risk reduction counselling
  • Provider-initiated HIV testing
  • Screening blood for HIV
  • Oral PrEP
  • Dapivirine vaginal ring
  • Injectable long-acting cabotegravir
  • Post-exposure prophylaxis
  • Treatment of STIs
  • Voluntary male medical circumcision (VMMC)
  • Substance abuse treatment
  • Needle exchange program
  • HIV Testing (50-95% coverage)
  • Condom (50-95% coverage)
  • History
  • Physical examination
  • Antibody/Antigen based RDT
  • Clinical staging
  • Complete blood count
  • POC CD4 testing
  • POC Viral load testing
  • Chest radiograph
  • Lateral flow urine lipoarabinomannan (LF-LAM) assay
  • Rapid molecular diagnostic tests
  • First-line antiretroviral therapy
  • Co-trimoxazole prophylaxis
  • TB preventive therapy
  • Adverse drug reactions (ADR) monitoring
  • Treat opportunistic infections
  • Treat TB
  • Nutritional support
  • Adherence support
  • Referral to higher level for advanced HIV infection, severe adverse effects, complications and non-compliance
  • Lateral-flow urine lipoarabinomannan (LAM) for TB diagnosis in PLHIV
  • Highly active antiretroviral therapy with adherence and laboratory monitoring
  • Self-management education
  • Physical exercise
  • Nutritional support
  • Symptomatic relief for patients with untreatable advanced HIV diseases
  • Emotional, social, spiritual assessment and support based on cultural needs, values and preferences of patients and families
  • Linkage with adolescent support groups
Referral Facility: General
  • Health education and risk reduction counselling
  • Provider-initiated HIV testing
  • Screening blood for HIV
  • Oral PrEP
  • Dapivirine vaginal ring
  • Injectable long-acting cabotegravir
  • Post-exposure prophylaxis
  • Treatment of STIs
  • Voluntary male medical circumcision (VMMC)
  • Substance abuse treatment
  • Needle exchange program
  • Latent TB infection diagnosis and treatment
  • History
  • Physical examination
  • Mental health assessment
  • Antibody/antigen testing
  • PCR based HIV testing
  • Clinical staging
  • Complete blood count
  • CD4 testing
  • Basic metabolic panel
  • Viral load testing
  • Chest radiograph
  • HBV and HCV tests
  • Ultrasound
  • Cryptococcal antigen test
  • Lateral flow urine lipoarabinomannan (LF-LAM) assay
  • Rapid molecular diagnostic tests
  • First-line antiretroviral therapy
  • Second-line antiretroviral therapy
  • Co-trimoxazole prophylaxis
  • TB preventive therapy
  • Fluconazole pre-emptive therapy
  • Manage moderate to severe adverse reactions * Viral load monitoring
  • Treat moderate to severe OIs
  • Treat TB
  • Manage co-morbidities (viral hepatitis, NCDs)
  • Referral to higher level for to non-responders
  • Lateral-flow urine lipoarabinomannan (LAM) for TB diagnosis in PLHIV
  • Highly active antiretroviral therapy with adherence and laboratory monitoring
  • Self-management education
  • Physical exercise
  • Nutritional support
  • Symptomatic relief for patients with untreatable advanced HIV diseases
  • Emotional, social, spiritual assessment and support based on cultural needs, values and preferences of patients and families
  • Linkage with adolescent support groups
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Health education and risk reduction counselling
  • Provider-initiated HIV testing
  • Screening blood for HIV
  • Oral PrEP
  • Dapivirine vaginal ring
  • Injectable long-acting cabotegravir
  • Post-exposure prophylaxis
  • Treatment of STIs
  • Voluntary male medical circumcision (VMMC)
  • Substance abuse treatment
  • Needle exchange program
  • History
  • Physical examination
  • Mental health assessment
  • HIV counselling and testing
  • PCR based HIV testing
  • Clinical staging
  • Complete blood count
  • CD4 testing
  • Basic metabolic panel
  • Viral load testing
  • Chest radiograph
  • HBV and HCV tests
  • Ultrasound
  • Cryptococcal antigen test
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
  • Computed tomography (CT)
  • Second-line antiretroviral therapy
  • Third-line antiretroviral therapy
  • Co-trimoxazole prophylaxis
  • TB preventive therapy
  • Fluconazole pre-emptive therapy
  • Manage severe adverse reactions * Viral load monitoring
  • Management of severe opportunistic infections
  • Treat TB
  • Manage co-morbidities (viral hepatitis, NCDs)
  • Intensive care as clinically indicated
  • Linkage to care and non-medical support
  • Self-management education
  • Physical exercise
  • Nutritional support
  • Symptomatic relief for patients with untreatable advanced HIV diseases
  • Emotional, social, spiritual assessment and support based on cultural needs, values and preferences of patients and families
  • Linkage with adolescent support groups
Age Cohort: 25 - 59 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Social and behavioural change communication
  • Peer-based HIV education
  • Health education and risk reduction counselling
  • Mass media on HIV awareness
  • Condom social marketing
  • Structural (policy, legal) interventions
  • Create awareness on STIs and HIV/AIDS risk factors and prevention methods
  • Social and behavioural change communication for parents
  • Mass media to raise awareness on HIV/AIDs and its prevention
  • Safe sexual practice including condom use
  • Avoiding harmful traditional practices including sharing needles
  • HIV Testing including HIV self-test
  • Avoiding harmful traditional practices including sharing needles
  • Consistent and correct use of condoms
  • HIV Testing including HIV self-test
  • Prevent gender-based violence
  • Recognition of HIV/AIDS signs and symptoms
  • HIV Antibody based rapid test
  • Support treatment adherence
  • Refills/Supply of antiretroviral
  • Trace loss to follow-ups
  • Self-management education
  • Physical exercise
  • Nutritional support
  • Emotional, social, spiritual assessment and support based on cultural needs, values and preferences of patients and families
Primary Care
  • Social and behavioural change communication
  • Health education and risk reduction counselling
  • Provider-initiated HIV testing
  • Screening blood for HIV
  • Oral PrEP
  • Dapivirine vaginal ring
  • Injectable long-acting cabotegravir
  • Post-exposure prophylaxis
  • Treatment of STIs
  • Voluntary male medical circumcision (VMMC)
  • Substance abuse treatment
  • Needle exchange program
  • Avoiding harmful traditional practices including sharing needles
  • Consistent and correct use of condoms
  • HIV Testing including HIV self-test
  • Oral PrEP
  • Injectable PrEP
  • Prevent gender-based violence
  • Screening high risk groups for STI and HIV
  • Early treatment of STIs
  • Prevent gender-based violence
  • History
  • Physical examination
  • Antibody/Antigen based RDT
  • Clinical staging
  • Complete blood count
  • POC CD4 testing
  • POC Viral load testing
  • Chest radiograph
  • First-line antiretroviral therapy
  • Opportunistic infection prophylaxis
  • Patient follow-up
  • Adverse drug reactions (ADR) monitoring
  • Treatment of mild opportunistic infections
  • TB/HIV co-infection
  • Nutritional support
  • Adherence support
  • Referral to higher level for advanced HIV infection, severe adverse effects, complications and non-compliance
  • Assess and classify for HIV * Initiate combination ARVs
  • Monitor clinically, CD4, viral load
  • Manage opportunistic infections
  • Manage TB co-infection
  • Syndromic management of STIs
  • Supportive management (e.g., nutritional support and supplements etc)
  • Medication refills
  • Trace loss to follow-ups
  • Referral to higher level for severe adverse effects, complications and non-compliance
  • Self-management education
  • Physical exercise
  • Nutritional support
  • Emotional, social, spiritual assessment and support based on cultural needs, values and preferences of patients and families
Referral Facility: General
  • Health education and risk reduction counselling
  • HIV Testing including HIV self-test
  • Oral PrEP
  • Injectable PrEP
  • Microbicides
  • Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision (VMMC)
  • Screening high risk groups for STI and HIV
  • Early treatment of STIs
  • Provider-initiated HIV testing
  • Screening blood for HIV
  • Oral PrEP
  • Dapivirine vaginal ring
  • Injectable long-acting cabotegravir
  • Post-exposure prophylaxis
  • Treatment of STIs
  • Voluntary male medical circumcision (VMMC)
  • Substance abuse treatment
  • Needle exchange program
  • History
  • Physical examination
  • Antibody/Antigen based RDT
  • Clinical staging
  • Complete blood count
  • CD4 testing
  • Basic metabolic panel
  • Viral load testing
  • Chest radiograph
  • Ultrasound
  • Cryptococcal antigen test
  • HBV and HCV tests
  • Initiate combination ARVs * Monitor clinically, CD4, viral load
  • Management of opportunistic infections
  • Screening and management of latent TB infection and active TB co-infection
  • Syndromic management of STIs
  • Supportive management (e.g., nutritional support, etc)
  • Medication refills
  • Trace loss to follow-ups
  • Referral to higher level for severe adverse reactions, complications and non-compliance
  • First-line antiretroviral therapy
  • Second-line antiretroviral therapy
  • Manage moderate to severe adverse reactions * Viral load monitoring
  • Treat moderate to severe OIs
  • Treat TB/HIV co-infection
  • Manage co-morbidities (viral hepatitis, NCDs)
  • Referral to higher level for to non-responders
  • Self-management education
  • Physical exercise
  • Nutritional support
  • Symptomatic relief for patients with untreatable advanced HIV diseases
  • Emotional, social, spiritual assessment and support based on cultural needs, values and preferences of patients and families
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Health education and risk reduction counselling
  • Provider-initiated HIV testing
  • Screening blood for HIV
  • Oral PrEP
  • Dapivirine vaginal ring
  • Injectable long-acting cabotegravir
  • Post-exposure prophylaxis
  • Treatment of STIs
  • Voluntary male medical circumcision (VMMC)
  • Substance abuse treatment
  • Needle exchange program
  • Antibody/Antigen based RDT
  • PCR based HIV testing
  • Clinical staging
  • Complete blood count
  • CD4 testing
  • Basic metabolic panel
  • Viral load testing
  • Chest radiograph
  • HBV and HCV tests
  • Ultrasound
  • Cryptococcal antigen test
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
  • Computed tomography (CT)
  • Initiate combination ARVs
  • Diagnose and manage advance HIV diseases
  • Monitor clinically, CD4, viral load, Chest X-ray, GeneXpert, culture etc
  • Management of opportunistic infections
  • Screening and management of LTBI, TB (DS & MDR) co-infection
  • Etiologic management of STIs
  • Supportive management (e.g., nutritional support, etc)
  • Medication refills
  • ICU care as clinically indicated
  • Linkage to care and non-medical support
  • Third-line ARV
  • Manage severe ADRs
  • Viral load monitoring
  • Treatment of severe opportunistic infections
  • TB/HIV co-infection treatment
  • Co-morbidities (viral hepatitis, NCDs) treatment
  • ICU care as clinically indicated
  • Linkage to care and non-medical support
  • Self-management education
  • Physical exercise
  • Nutritional support
  • Symptomatic relief for patients with untreatable advanced HIV diseases
  • Emotional, social, spiritual assessment and support based on cultural needs, values and preferences of patients and families
Age Cohort: 60+ years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Social and behavioural change communication
  • Safe sexual practice including condom use
  • Avoiding harmful traditional practices including sharing needles
  • HIV Testing including HIV self-test
  • Recognition of HIV/AIDS signs and symptoms
  • HIV counselling and testing
  • Adherence support
  • Refills /Supply of antiretroviral
  • Trace loss to follow-ups
  • Self-management education
  • Physical exercise
  • Nutritional support
  • Emotional, social, spiritual assessment and support based on cultural needs, values and preferences of patients and families
Primary Care
  • Create awareness on STIs and HIV/AIDS risk factors and prevention methods
  • Social and behavioural change communication for parents
  • Mass media to raise awareness on HIV/AIDs and its prevention
  • HIV Testing including HIV self-test
  • Oral PrEP
  • Injectable PrEP
  • Post-exposure prophylaxis
  • Screening high risk groups for STI and HIV
  • Early treatment of STIs
  • Antibody/Antigen based RDT
  • Clinical staging
  • Complete blood count
  • POC CD4 testing
  • POC Viral load testing
  • Chest radiograph
  • HBV and HCV tests
  • First-line antiretroviral therapy
  • Opportunistic infection prophylaxis
  • Patient follow-up
  • Adverse drug reactions (ADR) monitoring
  • Treatment of mild opportunistic infections
  • TB/HIV co-infection
  • Nutritional support
  • Adherence support
  • Referral to higher level for advanced HIV infection, severe adverse effects, complications and non-compliance
  • Self-management education
  • Physical exercise
  • Nutritional support
  • Emotional, social, spiritual assessment and support based on cultural needs, values and preferences of patients and families
Referral Facility: General
  • Create awareness on STIs and HIV/AIDS risk factors and prevention methods
  • Social and behavioural change communication for parents
  • Mass media to raise awareness on HIV/AIDs and its prevention
  • HIV Testing including HIV self-test
  • Oral PrEP
  • Injectable PrEP
  • Post-exposure prophylaxis
  • Screening high risk groups for STI and HIV
  • Early treatment of STIs
  • HIV counselling and testing
  • PCR based HIV testing
  • Clinical staging
  • Complete blood count
  • CD4 testing
  • Basic metabolic panel
  • Viral load testing
  • Chest radiograph
  • Ultrasound
  • Cryptococcal antigen test
  • HBV and HCV tests
  • First-line antiretroviral therapy
  • Second-line antiretroviral therapy
  • Manage moderate to severe adverse reactions * Viral load monitoring
  • Treat moderate to severe OIs
  • Treat TB/HIV co-infection
  • Manage co-morbidities (viral hepatitis, NCDs)
  • Referral to higher level for to non-responders
  • Self-management education
  • Physical exercise
  • Nutritional support
  • Symptomatic relief for patients with untreatable advanced HIV diseases
  • Emotional, social, spiritual assessment and support based on cultural needs, values and preferences of patients and families
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Create awareness on STIs and HIV/AIDS risk factors and prevention methods
  • Social and behavioural change communication for parents
  • Mass media to raise awareness on HIV/AIDs and its prevention
  • HIV Testing including HIV self-test
  • Oral PrEP
  • Injectable PrEP
  • Post-exposure prophylaxis
  • Screening high risk groups for STI and HIV
  • Early treatment of STIs
  • HIV counselling and testing
  • PCR based HIV testing
  • Clinical staging
  • Complete blood count
  • CD4 testing
  • Basic metabolic panel
  • Viral load testing
  • Chest radiograph
  • HBV and HCV tests
  • Ultrasound
  • Cryptococcal antigen test
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
  • Computed tomography (CT)
  • Second-line antiretroviral therapy
  • Third-line antiretroviral therapy
  • Manage severe adverse reactions * Viral load monitoring
  • Management of severe opportunistic infections
  • Treat TB/HIV co-infection
  • Manage co-morbidities (viral hepatitis, NCDs)
  • Intesive care as clinically indicated
  • Self-management education
  • Physical exercise
  • Nutritional support
  • Symptomatic relief for patients with untreatable advanced HIV diseases
  • Emotional, social, spiritual assessment and support based on cultural needs, values and preferences of patients and families
  • Linkage to care and non-medical support