Interventions for Tuberculosis

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Age Cohort: Pregnancy and newborn
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Advocay for TB
  • Health Education on TB to pregnanct women/families/communities
  • Distribution of IEC materials
  • Social behaviour change and communication (SBCC)
  • Education on good hygiene parctices eg Promotion of cough etiquette,
  • General public education on TB symptoms, cough etiquette, TB treatment and actions to take after contact with a suspected TB case
  • Advise to Pregnant women to avoid contact with people with persistent cough
  • General public education on good nutrition
  • Promotion of multi-sectoral approach in improving housing and saniation to combat TB
  • community Health workers training on TB including prevention measures
  • Community Health workers training on TB including prevention measures
  • Isolation for TB confirmed cases
  • Pregnant women to avoid contacts with persons with TB
  • Sceening for TB
  • TB active case finding
  • TB contact tracing TB awreness creation TB notification
  • Directly Observed Therapy (DOTs) to promote adherence to medication
  • Referral of pregnant women with persistent cough to next level for investigation
  • Referral of people living with a suspected case of TB for investigation and possible preventive treatment
  • Home based rehabilitation
  • Physical exercises/Physiotherapy
  • Counselling
  • Linkage to TB support groups
  • Psycho-social and psychological support
  • Spiritual support
Primary Care
  • Nutritional advice for pregnant women
  • BCG vaccination at birth
  • HIV counselling and Testing for all Pregnant women
  • Pregnant women to avoid contact with people with persistent cough
  • Investigate pregnant women with persistent cough for TB
  • Physical and clinical examination
  • Direct Observed Therapy (DOT) to promote adherence to medication
  • TB drugs refill
  • Sputum collection and specimen referral to labortaories within hospitals
  • Sputum smear -acid stain and culture of sputum
  • Monitoring of TB complications
Referral Facility: General
  • Nutritional advice for pregnant women
  • Promotion of multi-sectotral approach in addressing improving housing and sanitation to combat TB
  • BCG vaccination at birth Advise pregnant women to avoid contact with people with persistent cough
  • Investigate pregnant women with persistent cough for TB
  • Physical and clinical examination
  • Confirmation of diagnosis using acid fast stain and culture of sputum
  • Treatment of confirmed TB cases with anti TB medication using Direct Observed Therapy (DOT)
  • Treatment with anti-TB medication
  • Direct Observed Therapy (DOT) to promote adherence to medication
  • Managment of TB/HIV co-infection
  • Initiation of co-trimoxazole preventive therpay for TB/HIV co-ifection
  • ART therapy for TB/HIV co-infection
  • TB drugs refill
  • Management of Multi -drug resistance TB
  • Sputum smear /Stain and culture of sputum
  • TB skin test
  • HIV Counseling and Testing for confirmed TB cases
  • Monitoring of TB complications
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Promotion of multi-sectotral approach in addressing improving housing and sanitation to combat TB
  • BCG vaccination at birth Advise pregnant women to avoid contact with people with persistent cough Investigate pregnant women with persistent cough for TB
  • Physical and clinical examination
  • Treatment with anti-TB medication
  • Direct Observed Therapy (DOT) to promote adherence to medication
  • Managment of TB/HIV co-infection
  • Initiation of co-trimoxazole preventive therpay for TB/HIV co-ifection
  • ART therapy for TB/HIV co-infection
  • TB drugs refill
  • Monitoring of TB complications
  • Management of Multi -drug resistance TB
  • Sputum smear /Stain and culture of sputum
  • TB skin test
  • HIV Counseling and Testing for confirmed TB cases
Age Cohort: < 5 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Social and behavioural change communication for parents
  • Promote cough etiquette and cough hygiene
  • BCG vaccination
  • Contact tracing, screening and management
  • TB Prevention Therapy (TPT)
  • Isolation of confirmed or presumptive adult TB cases
  • Recognition of tuberculosis signs and symptoms
  • Directly Observed Therapy (DOTs)
  • Referral of presumptive TB
  • TB drugs refill
  • Trace and follow defaulters
  • Home-based self-management rehabilitation
  • Psychosocial support
  • Linkage with support groups
Primary Care
  • Promote cough etiquette and cough hygiene
  • Promote strong TB Infection control measures
  • Triage people with presumptive TB for “fast-track” or separation
  • Ensure rapid diagnosis and initiation of treatment
  • Improve room ventilation
  • Protect health care workers
  • Contact history
  • Physical examination
  • Anthropometric measurement
  • AFB microscopy
  • Rapid molecular test
  • Chest radiography
  • Directly Observed Therapy (DOTs)
  • Trace and follow defaulters
  • Referral of people with adverse reactions and complications
  • Breathing exercise
  • Psychosocial support
  • Linkage with support groups
Referral Facility: General
  • Promote cough etiquette and cough hygiene
  • Promote strong TB Infection control measures
  • Strong TB Infection control measures
  • Triage people with presumptive TB for “fast-track” or separation
  • Ensure rapid diagnosis and initiation of treatment
  • Improve room ventilation
  • Protect health care workers
  • Contact history
  • Physical examination
  • Anthropometric measurement
  • AFB microscopy
  • Tuberculin skin test
  • Rapid molecular test
  • HIV testing
  • Chest radiography
  • Ultrasound
  • Directly Observed Therapy (DOTs)
  • Manage adverse reactions and complications
  • Breathing exercise
  • Psychosocial support
  • Linkage with support groups
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Promote cough etiquette and cough hygiene
  • Promote strong TB Infection control measures
  • Strong TB Infection control measures
  • Triage people with presumptive TB for “fast-track” or separation
  • Ensure rapid diagnosis and initiation of treatment
  • Improve room ventilation
  • Protect health care workers
  • Contact history
  • Physical examination
  • Anthropometric measurement
  • Tuberculin skin test (TST)
  • Interferon gamma release assay
  • HIV testing
  • Rapid molecular diagnostic tests
  • Chest radiography
  • Ultrasound
  • Fluid analysis
  • Drug sensitivity test (DST)
  • CT scan
  • MRI
  • Fine-needle aspiration
  • Biopsy of tissues
  • Direct Observed Therapy (DOT)
  • Manage severe adverse infections and complications
  • Anti TB medication
  • Anti MDR/XDR TB
  • Intensive care as clinically indicated
  • Breathing exercise
  • Psychosocial support
  • Linkage with support groups
Age Cohort: 5 - 11 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Social and behavioural change communication for parents
  • School health education
  • Promote cough etiquette and cough hygiene
  • Contact tracing, screening and management
  • TB Prevention Therapy (TPT)
  • Isolation of confirmed or presumptive adult TB cases
  • Recognition of tuberculosis signs and symptoms
  • Directly Observed Therapy (DOTs)
  • Self-administrative therapy (SAT) to those with good adherence
  • Referral of people with presumptive TB to next level
  • Referral of people living HIV for regular screening and possible TPT * TB drugs refill for SAT
  • Trace and follow up of defaulters
  • Home-based self-management rehabilitation
  • Psychosocial support
  • Linkage with support groups
Primary Care
  • Promote cough etiquette and cough hygiene
  • Promote strong TB Infection control measures
  • Triage people with presumptive TB for “fast-track” or separation
  • Ensure rapid diagnosis and initiation of treatment
  • Improve room ventilation
  • Protect health care workers
  • Contact history
  • Physical examination
  • Anthropometric measurement
  • AFB microscopy
  • Gene/Xpert
  • Chest radiography
  • Directly Observed Therapy (DOTs)
  • Self-administrative therapy (SAT) to those with good adherence
  • Referral of people living HIV for regular screening and possible TPT * TB drugs refill for SAT
  • Trace and follow up of defaulters
  • Referral of people with adverse reactions and complications
  • Breathing exercise
  • Psychosocial support
  • Linkage with support groups
Referral Facility: General
  • Promote cough etiquette and cough hygiene
  • Promote strong TB Infection control measures
  • Strong TB Infection control measures
  • Triage people with presumptive TB for “fast-track” or separation
  • Ensure rapid diagnosis and initiation of treatment
  • Improve room ventilation
  • Protect health care workers
  • Contact history
  • Physical examination
  • Anthropometric measurement
  • AFB microscopy
  • Tuberculin skin test
  • Gene/Xpert
  • HIV testing
  • Chest radiography
  • Ultrasound
  • Directly Observed Therapy (DOTs)
  • Self-administrative therapy (SAT) to those with good adherence
  • ART therapy for TB/HIV co-infection
  • Referral of people living HIV for regular screening and possible TPT * TB drugs refill for SAT
  • Trace and follow up of defaulters
  • Referral of people with adverse reactions and complications
  • Breathing exercise
  • Psychosocial support
  • Linkage with support groups
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Promote cough etiquette and cough hygiene
  • Promote strong TB Infection control measures
  • Strong TB Infection control measures
  • Triage people with presumptive TB for “fast-track” or separation
  • Ensure rapid diagnosis and initiation of treatment
  • Improve room ventilation
  • Protect health care workers
  • Contact history
  • Physical examination
  • Anthropometric measurement
  • Tuberculin skin test (TST)
  • Blood tests e.g. (interferon gamma release assay)
  • HIV testing
  • Gene/Xpert or other molecular diagnostic tests
  • Chest radiography
  • Ultrasound
  • Fluid analysis
  • Sputum culture
  • Drug sensitivity test (DST)
  • Computerized tomography (CT) scan
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
  • Fine-needle aspiration
  • Biopsy of tissues
  • Direct Observed Therapy (DOT)
  • Self-administered treatment (SAT)
  • Management of severe adverse infections and complications
  • Management of TB/HIV co-infection
  • ART therapy for TB/HIV co-infection
  • MDR/XDR TB diagnosis and management
  • Nutritional support and supplement
  • ICU care as clinically indicated
  • Linkage to non-medical social support
  • Breathing exercise
  • Psychosocial support
  • Linkage with support groups
Age Cohort: 12 - 24 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Contact tracing, screening and management
  • Isolation of confirmed or presumptive TB cases
  • Casefinding campaign in the community to increase case detection
  • Institute the following measures in homes where there is a suspected or confirmed TB case
  • Adequate ventilation Education on cough etiquette Isolation of confirmed or suspected case if feasibleAdvise confirmed or suspected case to spend as much time outdoors Spend as little time as possible on public transport while smear positive Spend as little time as possible in crowded places when smear positive
  • Sputum collection and transportation for TB suspects
  • Isolation of confirmed TB patients at community level if possible
  • Screening for TB at the community level
  • Active TB case finding
  • TB contacts tracing
  • Referral of contacts of a confirmed TB case who have symptoms to next level for preventive treatment
  • Referral of contacts of confirmed TB case who are HIV positive to next level for preventive treatment.
  • Recognition of tuberculosis signs and symptoms
  • Directly Observed Therapy (DOTs)
  • Referral of people with presumptive TB to next level
  • Referral of people living HIV for regular screening and possible TPT * Trace and follow up of defaulters Primary level
  • Family & community based DOTS
  • Home-based self-management rehabilitation
  • Psychosocial support
  • Linkage with support groups
Primary Care
  • Promote cough etiquette and cough hygiene
  • Promote strong TB Infection control measures
  • Triage people with presumptive TB for “fast-track” or separation
  • Ensure rapid diagnosis and initiation of treatment
  • Improve room ventilation
  • Protect health care workers
  • Contact history
  • Physical examination
  • Anthropometric measurement
  • AFB microscopy
  • Rapid molecular diagnostic tests
  • Chest radiography
  • Directly Observed Therapy (DOTs)
  • Self-administrative therapy (SAT) to those with good adherence
  • Referral of people living HIV for regular screening and possible TPT * TB drugs refill for SAT
  • Trace and follow up of defaulters
  • Referral of people with adverse reactions and complications
  • Diagnosis using Xpert MTB/RIF
  • Breathing exercise
  • Psychosocial support
  • Linkage with support group
Referral Facility: General
  • Promote cough etiquette and cough hygiene
  • Promote strong TB Infection control measures
  • Strong TB Infection control measures
  • Triage people with presumptive TB for “fast-track” or separation
  • Ensure rapid diagnosis and initiation of treatment
  • Improve room ventilation
  • Protect health care workers
  • Contact history
  • Physical examination
  • Anthropometric measurement
  • AFB microscopy
  • Tuberculin skin test
  • Rapid molecular diagnostic tests
  • HIV testing
  • Chest radiography
  • Ultrasound
  • Directly Observed Therapy (DOTs)
  • Self-administrative therapy (SAT) to those with good adherence
  • ART therapy for TB/HIV co-infection
  • Referral of people living HIV for regular screening and possible TPT * TB drugs refill for SAT
  • Trace and follow up of defaulters
  • Manage adverse reactions and complications
  • Diagnosis using Xpert MTB/RIF
  • Breathing exercise
  • Psychosocial support
  • Linkage with support groups
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Advocacy for TB
  • Distribution of IEC materials on TB
  • Health education to communities on TB
  • Promote use of personal protective equipment (PPE)
  • Universal precaution for TB (eg. cough etiquette,
  • Train health workers on TB
  • Strong TB Infection control measures
  • Triage people with presumptive TB for “fast-track” or separation
  • Rapid diagnosis and initiation of treatment
  • Improve room ventilation
  • Protect health care workers
  • Contact history
  • Physical examination
  • Anthropometric measurement
  • Tuberculin skin test (TST)
  • Interferon gamma release assay
  • HIV testing
  • Rapid molecular diagnostic tests
  • Chest radiography
  • Ultrasound
  • Fluid analysis
  • Sputum culture
  • Drug sensitivity test (DST)
  • Line probe assay (LPA)
  • Computed tomography (CT)
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
  • Fine-needle aspiration
  • Biopsy of tissues
  • Direct Observed Therapy (DOT)
  • Self-administered treatment (SAT)
  • Manage severe adverse infections
  • Manage complications
  • Manage HIV co-infection
  • Manage MDR/XDR TB
  • Nutritional support and supplement
  • Intensive care as clinically indicated
  • Linkage to non-medical social support
  • Breathing exercise
  • Psychosocial support
  • Linkage to support groups
Age Cohort: 25 - 59 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Social and behavioural change communication
  • Promote cough etiquette and cough hygiene
  • Create awareness on Tuberculosis risk factors and prevention methods
  • Social and behavioural change communication on tuberculosis
  • Mass media to raise awareness on tuberculosis and its prevention
  • Promote infection prevention control for TB
  • Contact tracing, screening and management
  • Isolation of confirmed or presumptive TB cases
  • Directly Observed Therapy (DOTs)
  • Referral of people with presumptive TB to next level
  • Referral of people living HIV for regular screening and possible TPT * Trace and follow up of defaulters
  • Directly Observed Therapy (DOTs) by family/community/CHAs to promote adherence
  • Self administrative therapy (SAT) to those with good adherence
  • Referral of presumptive TB cases to next level
  • Referral of people living HIV for regular screening and possible TPT * TB drugs refill
  • Trace and follow up of defaulters
  • Home-based self-management rehabilitation
  • Psychosocial support
  • Linkage with support groups
Primary Care
  • Promote cough etiquette and cough hygiene
  • Promote strong TB Infection control measures
  • Triage people with presumptive TB for “fast-track” or separation
  • Ensure rapid diagnosis and initiation of treatment
  • Improve room ventilation
  • Protect health care workers
  • TB preventive therapy
  • Contact history
  • Physical examination
  • AFB microscopy
  • Gene/Xpert
  • Chest radiography
  • Physical and clinical examination
  • Confirmation of diagnosis using Chest X-ray and acid fast stain and culture of sputum
  • Treatment of confirmed TB cases with anti TB medication using Direct Observed Therapy (DOT )
  • Direct Observed Therapy (DOT) to promote adherence to medication
  • TB drugs refill
  • Sputum collection and specimen referral to labortaories within hospitals
  • Sputum smear -acid stain and culture of sputum
  • Monitoring of TB complications
  • Diagnosis confirmation using AFB,
  • Directly Observed Therapy (DOTs) by family/community/CHAs to promote adherence
  • Self administrative therapy (SAT) to those with good adherence
  • Referral of people with presumptive TB to next level
  • Referral of people living with HIV for regular TB screening
  • B Preventive Therapy
  • TB drugs refill
  • Trace and follow up of defaulters
  • Breathing exercise
  • Psychosocial support
  • Linkage with support groups
Referral Facility: General
  • Promote cough etiquette and cough hygiene
  • Promote strong TB Infection control measures
  • Strong TB Infection control measures
  • Triage people with presumptive TB for “fast-track” or separation
  • Ensure rapid diagnosis and initiation of treatment
  • Improve room ventilation
  • Protect health care workers
  • TB preventive therapy
  • Contact history
  • Physical examination
  • AFB microscopy
  • Tuberculin skin test
  • Gene/Xpert
  • HIV testing
  • Chest radiography
  • Ultrasound
  • Directly Observed Therapy (DOTs)
  • Self-administrative therapy (SAT) to those with good adherence
  • ART therapy for TB/HIV co-infection
  • Referral of people living HIV for regular screening and possible TPT * TB drugs refill for SAT
  • Trace and follow up of defaulters
  • Manage adverse reactions and complications
  • Diagnosis confirmation using chest x-ray, AFB, GeneXpert
  • Directly Observed Therapy (DOTs) by family/community/CHAs to promote adherence
  • Self administrative therapy (SAT) to those with good adherence
  • Referral of people with presumptive TB to next level
  • Referral of people living HIV for regular screening and possible TPT * TB drugs refill
  • Trace and follow up of defaulters
  • Linkage to non-medical social support
  • Breathing exercise
  • Psychosocial support
  • Linkage with support groups
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Promote cough etiquette and cough hygiene
  • Promote strong TB Infection control measures
  • Strong TB Infection control measures
  • Triage people with presumptive TB for “fast-track” or separation
  • Ensure rapid diagnosis and initiation of treatment
  • Improve room ventilation
  • Protect health care workers
  • TB preventive therapy
  • History
  • Physical examination
  • Tuberculin skin test (TST)
  • Interferon gamma release assay test
  • HIV testing
  • Molecular diagnostic tests
  • Chest radiography
  • Ultrasound
  • Fluid analysis
  • Sputum culture
  • Drug sensitivity test (DST)
  • Line probe assay (LPA)
  • Computed tomography (CT)
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
  • Fine-needle aspiration
  • Biopsy of tissues
  • Direct Observed Therapy (DOT)
  • Self-administered treatment (SAT)
  • Management of severe adverse infections and complications
  • Management of TB/HIV co-infection
  • ART therapy for TB/HIV co-infection
  • MDR/XDR TB management
  • Nutritional support and supplement
  • Management of complication
  • Linkage to non-medical social support
  • Breathing exercise
  • Psychosocial support
  • Linkage with support groups
Age Cohort: 60+ years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Social and behavioural change communication
  • Promote cough etiquette and cough hygiene
  • Create awareness on Tuberculosis risk factors and prevention methods
  • Social and behavioural change communication on tuberculosis
  • Mass media to raise awareness on tuberculosis and its prevention
  • Promote infection prevention control for TB
  • Contact tracing, screening and management
  • TB Prevention Therapy (TPT)
  • Isolation of confirmed or presumptive TB cases
  • Recognition of tuberculosis signs and symptoms
  • Sputum transportation
  • Referral of people with presumptive TB to next level
  • Referral of people living HIV for regular screening and possible TPT
  • Direct observation of patients
  • Trace and follow up of defaulters
  • Home-based self-management rehabilitation
  • Psychosocial support
  • Linkage with support groups
Primary Care
  • Promote cough etiquette and cough hygiene
  • Promote strong TB Infection control measures
  • Triage people with presumptive TB for “fast-track” or separation
  • Ensure rapid diagnosis and initiation of treatment
  • Improve room ventilation
  • Protect health care workers
  • History
  • Physical examination
  • AFB microscopy
  • POC Molecular diagnostic tests
  • Chest radiography
  • Directly Observed Therapy (DOTs)
  • Self-administrative therapy (SAT) to those with good adherence
  • Referral of people living HIV for regular screening and possible TPT * TB drugs refill for SAT
  • Trace and follow up of defaulters
  • Referral of people with adverse reactions and complications
  • Breathing exercise
  • Psychosocial support
  • Linkage with support groups
Referral Facility: General
  • Promote cough etiquette and cough hygiene
  • Promote strong TB Infection control measures
  • Strong TB Infection control measures
  • Triage people with presumptive TB for “fast-track” or separation
  • Ensure rapid diagnosis and initiation of treatment
  • Improve room ventilation
  • Protect health care workers
  • History
  • Physical examination
  • AFB microscopy
  • Tuberculin skin test
  • POC Molecular diagnostic tests
  • HIV testing
  • Chest radiography
  • Ultrasound
  • Directly Observed Therapy (DOTs)
  • Self-administrative therapy (SAT) to those with good adherence
  • ART therapy for TB/HIV co-infection
  • Referral of people living HIV for regular screening and possible TPT * TB drugs refill for SAT
  • Trace and follow up of defaulters
  • Referral of people with adverse reactions and complications
  • Breathing exercise
  • Psychosocial support
  • Linkage with support groups
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Promote cough etiquette and cough hygiene
  • Promote strong TB Infection control measures
  • Strong TB Infection control measures
  • Triage people with presumptive TB for “fast-track” or separation
  • Ensure rapid diagnosis and initiation of treatment
  • Improve room ventilation
  • Protect health care workers
  • History
  • Physical examination
  • Tuberculin skin test (TST)
  • Interferon gamma release assay test
  • HIV testing
  • Molecular diagnostic tests
  • Chest radiography
  • Ultrasound
  • Fluid analysis
  • Sputum culture
  • Drug sensitivity test (DST)
  • Computed tomography (CT)
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
  • Fine-needle aspiration
  • Biopsy of tissues
  • Direct Observed Therapy (DOT)
  • Self-administered treatment (SAT)
  • Management of severe adverse infections and complications
  • Management of TB/HIV co-infection
  • ART therapy for TB/HIV co-infection
  • MDR/XDR TB diagnosis and management
  • Nutritional support and supplement
  • Management of complication
  • Linkage to non-medical social support
  • Breathing exercise
  • Psychosocial support
  • Linkage with support groups