Interventions for Road traffic Injuries

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Age Cohort: 12 - 24 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Increased taxation on alcohol
  • Increased minimum legal drinking age
  • Alcohol advertisement bans
  • Limited hours of alcohol sale
  • Mass media campaigns on road safety
  • Enforcement of traffic regulations
  • Installation of speed bumps at high risk intersections
  • Requirement and enforcement of helmets
  • Breath testing for alcohol
Primary Care
  • Increased access to surgery
Referral Facility: General
  • Limited hours of alcohol sale
  • Increased access to surgery
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Limited hours of alcohol sale
  • Increased access to surgery
Age Cohort: < 5 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Mass media campaigns on road safety for children
  • Community awareness on the prevention of fire, heat, falls and drowning of children
  • Educate kindergarten students on safety
  • Enforcement of traffic regulations including seatbelt use * Use a car safety seat every time your child rides in the car.
  • Installation of speed bumps at high risk intersections(e.g. schools, playground areas)
  • Requirement and enforcement of helmets
  • Breath testing for alcohol * Keeping children under close supervision * Reduce the risk of injuries by making a few practical changes to your home.

First aid Early recognition of danger signs for the need for referral

Primary Care
  • Promote the use of safety belt * Public awareness campaigns on road safety for children * Education and public awareness of the risks of injuries to children
  • Counselling on fall prevention
  • Counselling on safety and injury prevention
  • Counselling on vehicular child restraint and road safety behaviours
  • Strength and balance training for fall prevention
  • History and physical examination for serious injury
  • Early recognition of danger signs and referral
Referral Facility: General
  • Making parents aware of common injuries and ways to prevent them
  • Enforcement of traffic regulations including seatbelt use
  • Installation of speed bumps at high risk intersections (e.g. schools, playground areas) * Make sure children are in constant visual eye contact and within arm’s reach of an adult at all times when in and around water. * Keep children away from fires, flames, hot surfaces and hot liquids * Create a clear area for play by removing tripping hazards from the floor, such as toys, rugs and electrical cords * Keep all medicines and household products out of the reach and out of sight of children. * Creating an environment that is safe and not risky such as: -Locking windows and using barriers and stair gates -Using a car seat for infants and toddlers and booster seats for older children -Installing a fence around a swimming pool -Installing a smoke alarm -Using child resistant packages for all medications and discarding unused medications

History and physical examination for serious injury Basic laboratory tests Advanced laboratory tests Basic imaging (x-ray, ultrasound) Advanced imaging (Computed tomography (CT) scan, MRI) Perform temperature management including non-invasive cooling and warming Supplemental oxygen Intramuscular analgesia for serious injury Oral volume resuscitation Oral antimicrobials for serious injury Intramuscular anxiolysis for serious injury Intranasal analgesia for serious injury Intranasal anxiolysis for serious injury Oral analgesia for serious injury Topical analgesia for serious injury Intravenous analgesics for serious injury Intravenous antimicrobials for serious injury Intravenous anxiolytics for serious injury Intravenous fluids Intravenous vasopressor infusion for serious injury Intravenous antifibrinolytics for haemorrhage control Intravenous sedatives for serious injury Intravenous osmotic medications to reduce intracranial pressure Burr hole Craniotomy Blood and blood product transfusion Mechanical ventilation (invasive) Mechanical ventilation (non-invasive) Wound care Continuous vital sign monitoring Transurethral catheter placement Intramuscular tetanus toxoid for serious injury and wounds Spine immobilization Surgical spinal decompression Surgical spinal fixation Pelvic binding Suture repair of lacerations Surgical wound debridement Laparotomy Needle thoracostomy Pericardiocentesis Three sided chest dressing for sucking chest wound Thoracostomy tube Wound care Thoracotomy Bronchoscopy

Referral Facility: Specialist