Interventions for Fire, heat, and hot substances injuries

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Age Cohort: 5 - 11 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Community awareness on home hazards of fire, burns and burn prevention
  • Community awareness on avoiding harmful traditional practice in the management of burn
  • Use of a safer and cleaner kerosene stove design
  • Cooking on a platform to distance children from fires and from toppling cooking vessels.
  • Recognition of Fire, heat, and hot substances signs and symptoms
  • First aid: cooling in running water
  • Early recognition of the need for referral
  • Physical therapy
  • Occupational therapy
  • Counselling and psycho-social support
Primary Care
  • Health education to parents, teachers and care givers on home hazards, burns and burn prevention
  • Education on avoiding harmful traditional practice in the management of burn
  • Guidance and counselling on burn prevention
  • History
  • Physical examination
  • First aid: cooling in running water for burns
  • Early recognition of the need for referral
  • Physical therapy
  • Occupational therapy
  • Counselling and psycho-social support
Referral Facility: General
  • Health education to parents, teachers and care givers on home hazards, burns and burn prevention
  • Education on avoiding harmful traditional practice in the management of burn
  • History
  • Physical examination
  • Total Body Surface Area (TBSA) estimation
  • Analgesia
  • IV fluid therapy
  • Oxygen therapy
  • Prophylactic antibiotics
  • Therapeutic antibiotics
  • Prevention of hypothermia
  • Wound management (cleaning, dressing, debridement, escharotomy)
  • Tetanus toxoid
  • Blood and blood product transfusion
  • Physical therapy
  • Occupational therapy
  • Counselling and psycho-social support
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Health education parents, teachers and care givers on home hazards, burns
  • History and
  • Physical examination
  • Total Body Surface Area (TBSA) estimation
  • Analgesia
  • IV fluid therapy
  • Oxygen therapy
  • Prophylactic antibiotics
  • Therapeutic antibiotics
  • Prevention of hypothermia
  • Wound management (cleaning, dressing, debridement, escharotomy)
  • Tetanus toxoid
  • Blood and blood product transfusion
  • corrective surgery
  • Physical therapy
  • Occupational therapy
  • Counselling and psycho-social support
Age Cohort: < 5 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Community awareness on home hazards of fire, burns and burn prevention
  • Community awareness on avoiding harmful traditional practice in the management of burn
  • Use of a safer and cleaner kerosene stove design
  • Cooking on a platform to distance children from fires and from toppling cooking vessels
  • Recognition of fire, heat, and hot substances signs and symptoms
  • First aid: cooling in running water
  • Early recognition of the need for referral
  • Physical therapy
  • Occupational therapy
  • Psychological and social support to parents of babies with burn-related complications and deformities
Primary Care
  • Health education to parents, teachers and care givers on home hazards, burns and burn prevention
  • Education on avoiding harmful traditional practice in the management of burn
  • Guidance and counselling for parents on home burn prevention
  • History
  • Physical examination
  • First aid: cooling in running water for burns
  • Early recognition of the need for referral
  • Physical therapy
  • Occupational therapy
  • Psychological and social support to parents of babies with burn-related complications and deformities
Referral Facility: General
  • Health education to parents, teachers and care givers on home hazards, burns and burn prevention
  • Education on avoiding harmful traditional practice in the management of burn
  • Guidance and counselling for parents on home burn prevention
  • History
  • Physical examination
  • Total Body Surface Area (TBSA) estimation
  • Analgesia
  • IV fluid therapy
  • Oxygen supplementation
  • Prophylactic antibiotics
  • Therapeutic antibiotics
  • Prevention of hypothermia
  • Wound management (cleaning, dressing, debridement, escharotomy)
  • Tetanus toxoid
  • Blood and blood product transfusion
  • Physical therapy
  • Occupational therapy
  • Psychological and social support to parents of babies with burn-related complications and deformities
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Health education to parents, teachers and care givers on home hazards, burns and burn prevention
  • Guidance and counselling for parents on home burn prevention
  • History and
  • Physical examination
  • Total Body Surface Area (TBSA) estimation
  • Analgesia
  • IV fluid therapy
  • Oxygen supplementation
  • Prophylactic antibiotics
  • Therapeutic antibiotics
  • Prevention of hypothermia
  • Wound management (cleaning, dressing, debridement, escharotomy)
  • Tetanus toxoid
  • Blood and blood product transfusion
  • corrective surgery
  • Physical therapy
  • Occupational therapy
  • Psychological and social support to parents of babies with burn-related complications and deformities