Interventions for Drug Use Disorders

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Age Cohort: 5 - 11 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level

Community engagement [community sensitization on risks of drug use, effects of drug abuse, safe use of prescription opioids, safe disposal of opioids, alternate agents for pain control, synthetic cannabanoids (kush), safe practices for injection drug use/harm reduction]

  • Counselling on risks opioids, synthetic cannabanoids (kush)
  • Education for prescribers on opioids
  • Counselling on harm reduction services: needle and syringe programmes (NSP

Family oriented treatment approaches Mutual-help groups for people with drug use and drug use disorders

Primary Care

Community engagement [community sensitization on risks of drug use, effects of drug abuse, safe use of prescription opioids, safe disposal of opioids, alternate agents for pain control, synthetic cannabanoids (kush), safe practices for injection drug use/harm reduction]

  • Counselling on risks opioids, synthetic cannabanoids (kush)
  • Education for prescribers on opioids
  • Counselling on harm reduction services: needle and syringe programmes (NSP

Community reinforcement approach Contingency management Counselling and other psychosocial support Motivational and Mutual-help groups interventions Psychoeducation for patients with drug use disorders and their caregivers Early recognition of need for referral

Referral Facility: General

Community engagement [community sensitization on risks of drug use, effects of drug abuse, safe use of prescription opioids, safe disposal of opioids, alternate agents for pain control, synthetic cannabanoids (kush), safe practices for injection drug use/harm reduction]

  • Counselling on risks opioids, synthetic cannabanoids (kush)
  • Education for prescribers on opioids
  • Counselling on harm reduction services: needle and syringe programmes (NSP)

Provision of harm reduction services; opiate substitution therapy (OST), needle and syringe programmes (NSP), overdose prevention Community reinforcement approach Contingency management Counselling and other psychosocial support

Motivational and Mutual-help groups interventions Psychoeducation for patients with drug use disorders and their caregivers Psychosocial support for people with acute problems related to disorders due to drug use Early recognition of need for referral

Referral Facility: Specialist

Counselling on risks of tramadol, other opioids, synthetic cannabanoids (kush) Education for prescribers on tramadol Counseling on harm reduction services: needle and syringe programmes (NSP)

Provision of harm reduction services; opiate substitution therapy (OST), needle and syringe programmes (NSP), overdose prevention Community reinforcement approach Contingency management Counselling and other psychosocial support

Motivational and Mutual-help groups interventions Psychoeducation for patients with drug use disorders and their caregivers Psychosocial support for people with acute problems related to disorders due to drug use Early recognition of need for referral

Age Cohort: 25 - 59 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level

Community engagement [community sensitization on risks of drug use, effects of drug abuse, safe use of prescription opioids, safe disposal of opioids, alternate agents for pain control, synthetic cannabanoids (kush), safe practices for injection drug use/harm reduction]

  • Counselling on risks opioids, synthetic cannabanoids (kush)
  • Education for prescribers on opioids
  • Counselling on harm reduction services: needle and syringe programmes (NSP

Family oriented treatment approaches Mutual-help groups for people with drug use and drug use disorders

Primary Care

Community engagement [community sensitization on risks of drug use, effects of drug abuse, safe use of prescription opioids, safe disposal of opioids, alternate agents for pain control, synthetic cannabanoids (kush), safe practices for injection drug use/harm reduction]

  • Counselling on risks opioids, synthetic cannabanoids (kush)
  • Education for prescribers on opioids
  • Counselling on harm reduction services: needle and syringe programmes (NSP

Community reinforcement approach Contingency management Counselling and other psychosocial support Motivational and Mutual-help groups interventions Psychoeducation for patients with drug use disorders and their caregivers Early recognition of need for referral

Referral Facility: General

Community engagement [community sensitization on risks of drug use, effects of drug abuse, safe use of prescription opioids, safe disposal of opioids, alternate agents for pain control, synthetic cannabanoids (kush), safe practices for injection drug use/harm reduction]

  • Counselling on risks opioids, synthetic cannabanoids (kush)
  • Education for prescribers on opioids
  • Counselling on harm reduction services: needle and syringe programmes (NSP)

Provision of harm reduction services; opiate substitution therapy (OST), needle and syringe programmes (NSP), overdose prevention Community reinforcement approach Contingency management Counselling and other psychosocial support Motivational and Mutual-help groups interventions Psychoeducation for patients with drug use disorders and their caregivers Psychosocial support for people with acute problems related to disorders due to drug use Early recognition of need for referral

Referral Facility: Specialist

Counselling on risks of tramadol, other opioids, synthetic cannabanoids (kush) Education for prescribers on tramadol Counseling on harm reduction services: needle and syringe programmes (NSP)

Provision of harm reduction services; opiate substitution therapy (OST), needle and syringe programmes (NSP), overdose prevention Community reinforcement approach Contingency management Counselling and other psychosocial support Motivational and Mutual-help groups interventions Psychoeducation for patients with drug use disorders and their caregivers Psychosocial support for people with acute problems related to disorders due to drug use Early recognition of need for referral

Age Cohort: 60+ years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level

Community engagement [community sensitization on risks of drug use, effects of drug abuse, safe use of prescription opioids, safe disposal of opioids, alternate agents for pain control, synthetic cannabanoids (kush), safe practices for injection drug use/harm reduction]

  • Counselling on risks opioids, synthetic cannabanoids (kush)
  • Counselling on harm reduction services: needle and syringe programmes (NSP)

Family oriented treatment approaches Mutual-help groups for people with drug use and drug use disorders Early refrerral for further diagnosis and treatment

Primary Care

Patient education on risks of drug use, effects of drug abuse, safe use of prescription opioids, safe disposal of opioids

  • Counselling on risks opioids, synthetic cannabanoids (kush)
  • Education for prescribers on opioids
  • Counselling on harm reduction services: needle and syringe programmes (NSP

Community reinforcement approach Contingency management Counselling and other psychosocial support Motivational and Mutual-help groups interventions Psychoeducation for patients and their caregivers Early recognition of need for referral

Referral Facility: General

Patient education on risks of drug use, effects of drug abuse, safe use of prescription opioids, safe disposal of opioids Promote alternate agents for pain control, synthetic cannabanoids (kush), safe practices for injection drug use/harm reduction

  • Counselling patients on risks of addiction prone medications
  • Prescribe addiction prone medications at safe doses and amounts and monitor their use

Opiate substitution therapy (OST) Needle and syringe programmes (NSP), Overdose prevention Community reinforcement approach Contingency management Counselling and other psychosocial support Motivational and Mutual-help groups interventions Psychoeducation for patients and their caregivers Early recognition of need for referral

Referral Facility: Specialist

Counselling patients on risks of addiction prone medications Prescribe addiction prone medications at safe doses and amounts and monitor their use

  • Opiate substitution therapy (OST)
  • Needle and syringe programmes (NSP)
  • Overdose prevention
  • Community reinforcement approach
  • Contingency management
  • Counselling and other psychosocial support
  • Motivational and Mutual-help groups interventions
  • Psychoeducation for patients and their caregivers