Interventions for Birth asphyxia

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Age Cohort: Pregnancy and newborn
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Educate pregnant women on the need for facility births attended by a skilled birth attendant
  • Promote Good maternal nutrition
  • Promote early initaion of breastfeeding
  • Promote ANC attendance
  • promote good maternal nutrition/including nutrition supplementation
    • Infection prevention cand control practices
  • Encourage mothers to delier at health faclitiees
    • Timely referall for mothers
  • Full assessment of any community births with Apgar scores
  • Refer neonates with Apgar score less than 7 to next level for assessment
  • Follow up neonates treated for birth asphyxia to detect any signs of neurologic dysfunction such as delayed developmental milestones
  • Linkage with rehabilitation centres eg for physical rehabilation, speech atc
Primary Care
  • create awareness on birth aspyxia
  • Health Education to pregnanct women on birth asphyxia
  • Health education to pregancnt women on the need for ANC
  • promote eraly health seeking behaviour
  • Educate pregnant women on the need for facility births attended by a skilled birth attendant
  • Dstribution of IEC materails
  • Strengten health workers knowledge on birth asphyxia including management
  • Full assessment of all newborns with Apgar score
  • Training of all delivery staff in neonatal resuscitation
  • Start neonatal resuscitation for nenates with Apgar scores of 0 to 3 as follows;
  • Dry neonate and place supine under overhead warmer
  • Suctioning of airways Tactile stimulation to encourage spontaneous breathing Oxygen therapy,
  • Bag-mask ventilation (Ambu bag) for non-responsive neonates Chest compression if heart rate does not improve
  • Refer to next level with ongoing resuscitation if not responsive to procedures
  • Refer responsive neonates to next level for further assessment and observation
  • Follow up neonates treated for birth asphyxia to detect any signs of neurologic dysfunction such as delayed developmental milestones
Referral Facility: General
  • create awareness on birth aspyxia
  • Health Education to pregnanct women on birth asphyxia
  • Health education to pregancnt women on the need for ANC
  • promote eraly health seeking behaviour
  • Educate pregnant women on the need for facility births attended by a skilled birth attendant
  • Dstribution of IEC materails
  • Strengten health workers knowledge on birth asphyxia including management
  • Training of all delivery staff in neonatal resuscitation
  • Full assessment of all newborns with Apgar score
  • Start neonatal resuscitation for nenates with Apgar scores of 0 to 3 as follows;
  • Dry neonate and place supine under overhead warmer
  • Suctioning of airways Tactile stimulation to encourage spontaneous breathing Oxygen therapy,
  • Bag-mask ventilation (Ambu bag) for non-responsive neonates Endotracheal intubation for neonates not responsive to bag-mask ventilation * * Chest compression if heart rate does not improve
  • Transfer to neonatal intensive care unit for further assessment
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • create awareness on birth aspyxia
  • Health Education to pregnanct women on birth asphyxia
  • Health education to pregancnt women on the need for ANC
  • promote eraly health seeking behaviour
  • Educate pregnant women on the need for facility births attended by a skilled birth attendant
  • Dstribution of IEC materails
  • Strengten health workers knowledge on birth asphyxia including management
  • Promote ANC attendance
  • Promote early initaion of breastfeeding
  • promote good maternal nutrition/including nutrition supplementation
  • clean and safe delivery
  • Infection prevention cand control practices
  • Full assessment of all newborns with Apgar score
  • Monitoring quality of care and instituting remedial measures
  • Timely referall for mothers
  • Physical and clinical examination
  • ManagEment of neonates with birth asphyxia as per IMCI guidelines
  • Antibiotics therapy for neonates with possible severe bacterial infections
  • Neonatal resuscitation
    • Dry neonate and place supine under overhead warmer
  • *Suctioning of airways
    • Tactile stimulation to encourage spontaneous breathing
  • Oxygen therapy,
    • Bag-mask ventilation (Ambu bag) for non-responsive neonates
    • Chest compression if heart rate does not improve
  • Encourage kangaroo mother care /or kangaroo father care
  • Nutritional support
  • Encourage breastfeeding
  • ICU Services -eg for life support where indfdicated
  • Tests
  • Blood tests -eg blood gases
    • Ultrasound
  • CT scan
  • MRI
  • Electro-encephalogram EEG
Age Cohort: < 5 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Educate pregnant women on the need for regular ANC and facility births attended by a skilled birth attendants * Promote good maternal nutrition/including nutritional supplementation
  • Education of mothers and caregivers about signs and symptoms of asphyxia using job aides
  • Education of mothers on importance of facility delivery, exclusive breastfeeding good hygienic practices
  • Timely referral to the next level
  • Health Education to pregnant women to create awareness on birth asphyxia
  • Health education to pregnant women on the need for regular ANC follow up and skilled birth attendance
  • Promote early health seeking behaviour
  • Strengthen health workers knowledge on birth asphyxia including management
  • Psychological support to parents of babies with birth-related complications
  • Physical therapy for children with neurological complications
Primary Care
  • Health Education to pregnant women to create awareness on birth asphyxia
  • Health education to pregnant women on the need for regular ANC follow up and skilled birth attendance
  • Promote early health seeking behaviour
  • Strengthen health workers knowledge on birth asphyxia including management
  • Educate pregnant women to deliver at health facility by skilled birth attendant
  • Full assessment of all newborn with Apgar score
  • Monitoring quality of care and instituting remedial measures
  • Timely referral for mothers
  • Use partograph for labour monitoring.
  • Ensure supportive 2nd stage management based on foetal and maternal condition.
  • Manage pre-eclampsia correctly.
  • Assess, look and classify all new born using IMNCI guidelines Manage neonate based on the IMNCI classification * Refer to next level with ongoing resuscitation if not responsive to procedures Refer responsive neonates to next level for further assessment and observation
  • Follow up neonates treated for birth asphyxia to detect any signs of neurologic dysfunction such as delayed developmental milestones
  • Referral for management of any complications eg speech therapy if speech is affected, physical rehabilitation
  • Psychological support to parents of babies with birth-related complications
  • Physical therapy for children with neurological complications
Referral Facility: General
  • Health Education to pregnant women to create awareness on birth asphyxia
  • Health education to pregnant women on the need for regular ANC and skilled birth attendance
  • Promote early health seeking behaviour
  • Strengthen health workers knowledge on birth asphyxia including management
  • Educate pregnant women to deliver at health facility by skilled birth attendant * Full assessment of all newborn with Apgar score
  • Monitoring quality of care and instituting remedial measures
  • Timely referral for mothers
  • Use partograph for labour monitoring.
  • Ensure supportive 2nd stage management based on foetal and maternal condition.
  • Manage pre-eclampsia correctly.
  • History and physical examination
  • Bag and mask ventilation
  • Maintain normal temperature
  • Oxygen by nasal cannula or hood. *Normal saline bolus
  • Transfuse in case of blood loss
  • Intravenous dextrose
  • Anti-epileptic drugs
  • IV fluids
  • Intra gastric tube feeding
  • Monitor urine output
  • Resuscitate in special care baby unit (SCBU) for those not responding
  • Refer If no improvement or deterioration
  • Managemnet of any complications eg speech therapy if speech is affected, physical rehabilitation
  • Follow up children treated for birth asphyxia to detect any signs of neurologic dysfunction such as delayed developmental milestones
  • Psychological support to parents of babies with birth-related complications
  • Follow up neonates treated for birth asphyxia to detect any signs of neurologic dysfunction such as delayed developmental milestones
  • Linkage with rehabilitation centres for physical rehabilitation, speech
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Health Education to pregnant women to create awareness on birth asphyxia
  • Health education to pregnant women on the need for regular ANC and skilled birth attendance
  • Promote early health seeking behaviour
  • Strengthen health workers knowledge on birth asphyxia including management
  • Educate pregnant women to deliver at health facility by skilled birth attendant * Full assessment of all newborn with Apgar score
  • Monitoring quality of care and instituting remedial measures
  • Timely referral for mothers
  • Use partograph for labour monitoring.
  • Ensure supportive 2nd stage management based on foetal and maternal condition.
  • Manage pre-eclampsia correctly.
  • History and physical examination
  • Dry neonate and place supine under overhead warmer
  • Antibiotics therapy for neonates with possible severe bacterial infections
  • Neonatal resuscitation including oxygen therapy
  • Suctioning of airways
  • Tactile stimulation to encourage spontaneous breathing
  • Bag-mask ventilation (Ambu bag) for non-responsive neonates
  • Chest compression if heart rate does not improve
  • Encourage kangaroo mother care /or kangaroo father care
  • ICU Services -e.g. for life support where indicated
  • Laboratory tests e.g. blood gases analysis,
  • Imaging modalities such as ultrasound, CT scan, MRI
  • Electroencephalogram (EEG)
  • managemnet of any complications eg speech therapy if speech is affected; physical rehabilitation
  • Follow up children treated for birth asphyxia to detect any signs of neurologic dysfunction such as delayed developmental milestones