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Condition: Meningitis
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Community awareness on prevention and control methods of meningitis
  • Advocacy for proper sanitation and good housing Vaccination: pneumococcal conjugate Vaccination: haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) Vaccination: meningococcal
  • Frequent hand washing
  • Vaccination: pneumococcal conjugate
  • Vaccination: haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib)
  • Vaccination: meningococcal
  • Advocacy for proper sanitation and good housing Vaccination: pneumococcal conjugate Vaccination: haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) Vaccination: meningococcal
  • Recognition of meningitis signs and symptoms
  • Isolate child suspected with meningitis
  • Immediate transfer to a higher-level health care facility
  • Linkage with rehabilitation centres for deafness, learning impairment or behavioural problems
  • Psychological and emotional support for meningitis sequel
Primary Care
  • Health education and information on prevention and treatment of meningitis
  • Chemoprophylaxis for close contacts
  • Vaccination: pneumococcal conjugate
  • Vaccination: haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib)
  • Vaccination: meningococcal

Oral antimicrobials chemoprophylaxis for contacts "Vaccination: pneumococcal conjugate Vaccination: haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) Vaccination: meningococcal"

  • History
  • Physical examination
  • Rapid blood agglutination test
  • Antibiotic treatment
  • Immediate transfer to a higher-level health care facility
  • Linkage with rehabilitation centres for deafness, learning impairment or behavioural problems
  • Psychological and emotional support for meningitis sequel
Referral Facility: General
  • Awareness campaign on causes, signs and symptoms of meningitis including prevention measures (IPC)
  • Distribution of IEC materials
  • Mobilisation for routine immunisation
  • Chemoprophylaxis for close contacts
  • Vaccination: pneumococcal conjugate
  • Vaccination: haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib)
  • Vaccination: meningococcal
  • History
  • Physical examination
  • Lumbar puncture
  • CSF analysis
  • CSF culture
  • Rapid CSF agglutination test
  • Blood culture
  • Throat swab,
  • Serology.
  • Full blood count,
  • C reactive protein (CRP),
  • Clotting studies,
  • BUN
  • Electrolytes
  • Parenteral antibiotics
  • Parenteral corticosteroids
  • Physiotherapy
  • Occupational therapy
  • Language and speech therapy
  • Assisting in hearing devices
  • Psychological and emotional support for meningitis sequel
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Awareness campaign on causes, signs and symptoms of meningitis including prevention measures (IPC)
  • Distribution of IEC materials
  • Mobilisation for routine immunisation

Oral antimicrobials chemoprophylaxis for contacts "Vaccination: pneumococcal conjugate Vaccination: haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) Vaccination: meningococcal"

  • History
  • Physical examination
  • Lumbar puncture
  • CSF analysis
  • CSF culture
  • Rapid CSF agglutination test
  • Blood culture
  • Throat swab,
  • Serology.
  • Full blood count,
  • C reactive protein (CRP)
  • Clotting tests
  • BUN
  • Electrolytes
  • Parenteral antibiotics
  • Intravenous fluids
  • Anti-TB treatment for TB meningitis
  • Antifungal treatment for fungal meningitis
  • Parenteral corticosteroids
  • Physiotherapy
  • Occupational therapy
  • Language and speech therapy
  • Assisting in hearing devices
  • Psychological and emotional support for meningitis sequel
Condition: Whooping Cough
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Community-based awareness on prevention and control of VPDs
  • Community education on proper nutrition for young children
  • Pertussis-containing vaccination
  • Good hygiene practices including hand hygiene
  • Stay at home if any symptoms of whooping cough
  • Avoiding close contact with patient
  • Antipyretics
  • Hydration
  • Feeding
  • Immediate transfer to a higher-level health care facility
Primary Care
  • Health education and information to parents, families on immunization including vaccination schedule
  • Pertussis-containing vaccination
  • Chemoprophylaxis to contacts
  • Vitamin A supplementation
  • Antipyretics
  • Hydration
  • Nutritional support
  • Vitamin A
  • Immediate transfer of unresponsive or sever cases to a higher-level health care facility
Referral Facility: General
  • Health education and information to parents, families on immunization including vaccination schedule
  • Post exposure prophylaxis for close contacts
  • Antibiotics if indicated
  • Antipyretics
  • Hydration
  • Nutritional support
  • Vitamin A
  • Rehabilitation services depending on complications
  • Physical rehabilitation
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Health education and information to parents, families on immunization including vaccination schedule
  • Post exposure prophylaxis for close contacts
  • Antibiotics if indicated
  • Oral Vitamin A
  • IV fluid for rehydration
  • ICU services for severely ill
  • Physical rehabilitation
  • Rehabilitation services depending on complications
Condition: Encephalitis
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Create awareness to families and communities on the disease and prevention measures
  • Information/creation of awareness on healthy living
  • Awareness on good nutrition
  • Provision of IEC materials
  • Information to the communities on the importance of immunization for children
  • Awareness/education on animal handling and animal health e.g. dogs (rabies)
  • Community health workers training on encehaplitis including on prevention measures
  • Vectors/mosquitos control (as a carrier for some of the virus arbovirus)
  • Parasites such as Ticks control
  • Recognition of features indicative of encephalitis including Fever, Aches in muscles, weakness, fits (Seizures), Muscle weakness,
  • Supportive and symptomatic management for school age children suspected to have encephalitis awaiting referral through:
  • Bed rest
  • Plenty of fluids
  • Use of Anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Management of fever-sponging, use of anti pyretics
  • Relieve pain/aches with analgesics such as paracetamol
  • Urgent Referral of patient suspected to have encephalitis to the nearest health facility
  • Continued Rehabilitation at community level and follow up of patients referred backwards from the health facilities (those who may have had complications)
  • Physical therapy to improve motor coordination
  • Occupational therapy to develop everyday skills
  • Community based rehabilitation
  • Speech therapy
  • Psycho-social support for school going age children with encephalitis and their families
  • Counselling
  • Psycho- therapy to learn coping strategies and new behavioral skills
Primary Care
  • Create awareness to families and communities on the disease and prevention measures
  • Information on the importance of immunization for children
  • Information/creation of awareness on healthy living
  • Awareness on good nutrition
  • Provision of IEC materials
  • Awareness/education on animal handling and animal health e.g. dogs (rabies)
  • Training/sensitizing health workforce
  • Vectors/mosquitos control (as a carrier for some of the virus arbovirus)
  • Parasites such as Ticks control
  • Clinical examination/Physical examination
  • Supportive and symptomatic management for encephalitis before urgent referral to hospital including:
  • Bed rest
  • Fluids therapy /Plenty of fluids
  • Adminstration of Anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Management of fever using anti pyretics
  • Management if pain with analgesisc
  • Suction to remove secretions
  • Monitor for any danger signs e.g. lethargy, unconsciousness, convulsions
  • Urgent referral of a child suspected to have encephalitis to the nearest hospital
  • Rehabilitation and follow up of patients referred backwards from the Hospitals
  • Physical therapy to improve motor coordination and mobility
  • Occupational therapy to develop everyday skills
  • Referral downwards to communities for further/continued rehabilitation
  • Psycho-social support for school going age children with encephalitis and their families
  • Counselling
  • Psycho- therapy to learn coping strategies and new behavioral skills
  • Spiritual support
Referral Facility: General
  • Creation of awareness to families and school going age children on encephalitis prevention measures
  • Information/creation of awareness on healthy living
  • Guidance on good nutrition for children
  • Training/sensitizing health workforce on encephalitis management
  • Guidance /advise to families on importance of immunisation for the children
  • Guidance on vector control eg Vectors/mosquitos control (as a carrier for some of the virus arbovirus) Parasites such as Ticks control
  • Early recognition and Initiate anti-viral treatment immediately
  • Computerized Tomography CT
  • Initiate anti-microbial therapy including appropriate therapy for presumed bacterial meningitis (use antibiotics for acute bacterial meningitis
  • Initiate specific regimen after determining the etiology of encephalitis
  • For Viral encephalitis use of antiviral treatment.e.g. for herpes simplex virus /Antiviral medications e.g. Acyclovir
  • Antimicrobial therapy targeting the identified infectious agent,
  • Supportive care for severe encephalitis including: * Breathing assistance,
  • Intravenous fluids adminstration
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs administration
  • Administration of Anticonvulsant medications
  • Admissions for persons with encephalitis
  • Management of any complications
  • Prevention/or management of shock or hypertension
  • Prevention/Management of seizures
  • Management of hydrocephalus and increased intracranial pressure
  • ICU services
  • Laboartory diagnostic interventions for Encephalitis including:
  • Blood and urine tests
  • lumbar puncture (LP)
  • CSF culture
  • Blood cultures for bacterial pathogens
  • Serologic tests for Toxoplasma
  • Imaging such as Computerized Tomography CT- MRI
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging MRI
  • Follow-up therapy for complications of encephalitis
  • Physical therapy to improve motor coordination and mobility function
  • Speech therapy
  • Occupationla therapy to develop every day skills
  • Referral downwards to primary care facilities and communities for follow up and rehabilitation
  • Psycho-social support for school going age children with encephalitis and their parents and families encephalitis
  • Counselling
  • Psycho- therapy to learn coping strategies and new behavioral skills
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Creation of awareness to families, school going age children on encephalitis prevention measures
  • Information/creation of awareness on healthy living
  • Guidance on good nutrition for children Training/sensitizing health workforce on encephalitis management
  • Guidance /advise to families on importance of immunisation for the children
  • Guidance on vector control eg Vectors/mosquitos control (as a carrier for some of the virus arbovirus) Parasites such as Ticks control
  • Initiate anti-viral treatment immediately
  • Initiate anti-microbial therapy including appropriate therapy for presumed bacterial meningitis (use antibiotics for acute bacterial meningitis
  • Initiate specific regimen after determining the etiology of encephalitis
  • For Viral encephalitis use of antiviral treatment.e.g. for herpes simplex virus /Antiviral medications e.g. Acyclovir
  • Antimicrobial therapy targeting the identified infectious agent,
  • Supportive care for severe encephalitis including: * Breathing assistance,
  • Intravenous fluids adminstration
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs administration
  • Administration of Anticonvulsant medications
  • Admissions for persons with encephalitis
  • Management of any complications
  • Prevention /or management of shock or hypertension
  • Prevention/Management of seizures
  • Management of hydrocephalus and increased intracranial pressure
  • ICU services
  • Laboartory diagnostic interventions for Encephalitis including:
  • Blood and urine tests
  • lumbar puncture (LP) -CSF culture
  • Blood cultures for bacterial pathogens
  • Serologic tests for Toxoplasma
  • Imaging such as:
  • Computerized Tomography CT
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging MRI
  • Physical therapy to improve motor coordination and mobility function
  • Speech therapy
  • Occupationla therapy to develop every day skills Referral downwards to primary care facilities and communities for follow up and rehabilitation
  • Psycho-social support for school going age children with encephalitis and their parents and families encephalitis
  • Counselling
  • Psycho- therapy to learn coping strategies and new behavioral skills
  • Spiritual support
Condition: Measles
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Community-based awareness on measles and other VPDs including transmission and prevention measures * Community education on proper nutrition for young children
  • Routine on schedule vaccination
  • Good hygiene practices including hand hygiene
  • Stay at home if any symptoms of measles
  • Avoiding close contact with measles cases
  • Antipyretics
  • Hydration
  • Proper nutrition
  • Immediate transfer of unresponsive or sever cases to a higher-level health care facility
Primary Care
  • Information and health education on VPDs and immunization
  • Routine on schedule vaccination
  • Vitamin A supplementation
  • Antipyretics
  • Hydration
  • Proper nutrition
  • Vitamin A
  • Immediate transfer of unresponsive or sever cases to a higher-level health care facility
Referral Facility: General
  • Routine on schedule vaccination
  • Vitamin A supplementation
  • Antibiotics if indicated
  • Antipyretics
  • Hydration
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Routine on schedule vaccination
  • Vitamin A supplementation
  • Antibiotics
  • Oral Vitamin A
  • IV fluid
  • ICU services for severely ill
Condition: Trichomoniasis
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Adolescent centered education on delaying sexual debut and safe sex practices School-based education on sexuality and safe sex practices
  • Education on symptoms of sexually transmitted infections and what to do in the event of occurrence of symptoms
  • School age children education on delaying sexual debut and safe sex practices
  • School-based education on sexuality and safe sex practices
  • Education on symptoms of sexually transmitted infections and what to do in the event of occurrence of symptoms
  • Screening of female adolescents for sexual abuse during home visits by Community Health Workers
  • Referral of suspected cases of sexual abuse for management
  • Referral of female adolescents with persistent vaginal discharge to next level for examination and treatment
  • Home based supervision of adolescents with confirmed
  • Trichomoniasis diagnosis for treatment compliance
Primary Care
  • Screening of girls for evidence of sexual abuse
  • Investigation of victims of sexual abuse for Trichomoniasis
  • Examination and investigation of girls with persistent vaginal discharge for sexually transmitted infections
  • Treatment with oral metronidazole or tinidazole
  • Treatment of sex partners
Referral Facility: General
  • Screening of girls for evidence of sexual abuse 
  • Investigation of victims of sexual abuse for Trichomoniasis 
  • Examination and investigation of girls with persistent vaginal discharge for sexually transmitted infections 
  • Diagnostic tests
    - Swab test: Vaginal swab is cultured for identifying the causative of infection.
    - Antigen test: Rapid test in which antibody reacts with antigen forming a color on positive test.
    - DNA test: Nucleic acid from vaginal swab undergoes PCR to detect nucleic acid.
    - Wet prep: Fluid from vagina may be examined under microscope.
  • Treatment with metronidazole or tindazole
  • Treatmnet of sexual partners
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Screening of girls for evidence of sexual abuse 
  • Investigation of victims of sexual abuse for Trichomoniasis 
  • Examination and investigation of girls with persistent vaginal discharge for sexually transmitted infections 
  • Diagnostic tests
    - Swab test: Vaginal swab is cultured for identifying the causative of infection.
    - Antigen test: Rapid test in which antibody reacts with antigen forming a color on positive test.
    - DNA test: Nucleic acid from vaginal swab undergoes PCR to detect nucleic acid.
    - Wet prep: Fluid from vagina may be examined under microscope.
  • Treatment with metronidazole or tindazole
  • Treatmnet of sexual partners
Condition: Tuberculosis
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Social and behavioural change communication for parents
  • School health education
  • Promote cough etiquette and cough hygiene
  • Contact tracing, screening and management
  • TB Prevention Therapy (TPT)
  • Isolation of confirmed or presumptive adult TB cases
  • Directly Observed Therapy (DOTs)
  • Self-administrative therapy (SAT) to those with good adherence
  • Referral of people with presumptive TB to next level
  • Referral of people living HIV for regular screening and possible TPT * TB drugs refill for SAT
  • Trace and follow up of defaulters
  • Home-based self-management rehabilitation
Primary Care
  • Promote cough etiquette and cough hygiene
  • Promote strong TB Infection control measures
  • Triage people with presumptive TB for “fast-track” or separation
  • Ensure rapid diagnosis and initiation of treatment
  • Improve room ventilation
  • Protect health care workers
  • Directly Observed Therapy (DOTs)
  • Self-administrative therapy (SAT) to those with good adherence
  • Referral of people living HIV for regular screening and possible TPT * TB drugs refill for SAT
  • Trace and follow up of defaulters
  • Referral of people with adverse reactions and complications
Referral Facility: General
  • Promote cough etiquette and cough hygiene
  • Promote strong TB Infection control measures
  • Strong TB Infection control measures
  • Triage people with presumptive TB for “fast-track” or separation
  • Ensure rapid diagnosis and initiation of treatment
  • Improve room ventilation
  • Protect health care workers
  • Directly Observed Therapy (DOTs)
  • Self-administrative therapy (SAT) to those with good adherence
  • ART therapy for TB/HIV co-infection
  • Referral of people living HIV for regular screening and possible TPT * TB drugs refill for SAT
  • Trace and follow up of defaulters
  • Referral of people with adverse reactions and complications
  • Breathing exercise
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Promote cough etiquette and cough hygiene
  • Promote strong TB Infection control measures
  • Strong TB Infection control measures
  • Triage people with presumptive TB for “fast-track” or separation
  • Ensure rapid diagnosis and initiation of treatment
  • Improve room ventilation
  • Protect health care workers
  • Direct Observed Therapy (DOT)
  • Self-administered treatment (SAT)
  • Management of severe adverse infections and complications
  • Management of TB/HIV co-infection
  • ART therapy for TB/HIV co-infection
  • MDR/XDR TB diagnosis and management
  • Nutritional support and supplement
  • ICU care as clinically indicated
  • Linkage to non-medical social support
  • Breathing exercise
Condition: Syphilis
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Education of parents on the risks and prevention of sexual abuse of children
  • Home based supervision of girls with confirmed Syphilis infection to comply with treatment and follow-up instructions
Primary Care
  • Screening of girls for evidence of sexual abusGirls with evidence of sexual abuse should be screened for sexually transmitted infections
  • Test is non-reactiveGirls with positive VDRL or RPR test should have the FTA test
  • Examination and reaginic tests of treated clients at 3, 6 and 12 months and annually until
  • Refer suspected cases of neurosyphilis to hospital for further investigation and treatment
  • Treatment with Penicillin
Referral Facility: General
  • Screening of girls for evidence of sexual abuse
  • Girls with evidence of sexual abuse should be screened for sexually transmitted infections
  • Girls with positive VDRL or RPR test should have the FTA testExamination and reaginic tests of treated clients at 3, 6 and 12 months and annually until test is non-reactive
  • For neurosyphilis, CSF testing every 6 months until CSF cell count is normal

Treatment with Penicillin

Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Screening of girls for evidence of sexual abuse Girls with evidence of sexual abuse should be screened for sexually transmitted infections
  • Girls with positive VDRL or RPR test should have the FTA test
  • Examination and reaginic tests of treated clients at 3, 6 and 12 months and annually until test is non-reactive
  • For neurosyphilis, CSF testing every 6 months until CSF cell count is normal

Treatment with Penicillin

Condition: Other STDs
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Education on sexuality and safe sex practices
  • Education on symptoms of sexually transmitted infections and what to do in the event of occurrence of symptoms
  • Promote early health seeking behaviour distribute IEC materials,
  • Promote condoms use to prevent STIs
  • Promotion of stigma reduction

Counselling on STI prevention, risk reduction, and safer sex Promote and provide female condoms Promote and provide male condoms post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) for STIs Vaccination: human papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccination: hepatitis B Risk assessment with sexual history and risk factors

Early recognition of need for referra

Primary Care

Counselling on STI prevention, risk reduction, and safer sex Promote and provide female condoms Promote and provide male condoms Vaccination: human papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccination: hepatitis B

  • Risk assessment with sexual history and risk factors
  • History and physical examination for STI and reproductive tract infections
  • Syndromic diagnosis and treatment of STIs
  • Counselling on partner notification, diagnosis and treatment
  • Information on treatment compliance and use of condom
  • Referral for management of complications of STIs
Referral Facility: General

Brief sexuality counselling Periodic presumptive oral treatment of STIs Counselling on sexuality Counselling on STI prevention, risk reduction, and safer sex Promote and provide female condoms Promote and provide male condoms Vaccination: human papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccination: hepatitis B Risk assessment with sexual history and risk factors

  • History and physical examination for STI and reproductive tract infections
  • Basic laboratory tests for STI
  • Etiologic diagnosis and treatment of STIs
  • Counselling on partner notification, diagnosis and treatment
  • Information on treatment compliance and use of condom
  • Referral for management of complications of STIs
Referral Facility: Specialist

Counselling on STI prevention, risk reduction, and safer sex Promote and provide female condoms Promote and provide male condoms Vaccination: human papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccination: hepatitis B

  • History and physical examination for STI and reproductive tract infections
  • Point of care testing/GeneXpert
  • Advanced laboratory tests for STI including culture and sensitivity tests
  • Etiologic diagnosis and treatment of STIs
  • Counselling on partner notification, diagnosis and treatment
  • Information on treatment compliance and use of condom
Condition: HIV/AIDS
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Social and behavioural change communication for parents
  • School health education
  • Community awareness on the risks and prevention of sexual abuse of children
  • Primary prevention of HIV in adolescents and women of child bearing ages
  • Screening pregnant women for HIV
  • Community outreach HIV testing
  • Recognition of HIV/AIDS signs and symptoms
  • HIV counselling and testing
  • Adherence support
  • Refills /Supply of antiretroviral
  • Trace loss to follow-ups
  • Self-management education for parents
  • Support for disclosure
  • Emotional, social, spiritual assessment and support based on cultural needs, values and preferences of patients and families
  • Linkage with adolescent support groups
Primary Care
  • Health education and risk reduction counselling to parents
  • Screen pregnant women for HIV
  • ARV for HIV positive pregnant women
  • ARV prophylaxis to HIV exposed infant
  • Contraceptives
  • History
  • Physical examination
  • Antibody/Antigen based RDT
  • Clinical staging
  • Complete blood count
  • POC CD4 testing
  • POC Viral load testing
  • Chest radiograph
  • First-line antiretroviral therapy
  • Co-trimoxazole prophylaxis
  • TB preventive therapy
  • Adverse drug reactions (ADR) monitoring
  • Treat opportunistic infections
  • Treat TB
  • Nutritional support
  • Adherence support
  • Referral to higher level for advanced HIV infection
  • Self-management education for parents
  • Support for disclosure
  • Emotional, social, spiritual assessment and support based on cultural needs, values and preferences of patients and families Linkage with adolescent support groups
Referral Facility: General
  • Health education and risk reduction counselling to parents
  • Screen pregnant women for HIV
  • ARV for HIV positive pregnant women
  • ARV prophylaxis to HIV exposed infant
  • Contraceptives
  • HIV counselling and testing
  • PCR based HIV testing
  • Clinical staging
  • Complete blood count
  • CD4 testing
  • Basic metabolic panel
  • Viral load testing
  • Chest radiograph
  • HBV and HCV tests
  • Ultrasound
  • Cryptococcal antigen test
  • First-line antiretroviral therapy
  • Second-line antiretroviral therapy
  • Co-trimoxazole prophylaxis
  • TB preventive therapy
  • Manage moderate to severe adverse reactions * Viral load monitoring
  • Treat moderate to severe OIs
  • Treat TB
  • Manage co-morbidities
  • Referral to higher level for to non-responders
  • Self-management education for parents
  • Support for disclosure
  • Emotional, social, spiritual assessment and support based on cultural needs, values and preferences of patients and families
  • Linkage with adolescent support groups
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Health education and risk reduction counselling to parents
  • Screen pregnant women for HIV
  • ARV for HIV positive pregnant women
  • ARV prophylaxis to HIV exposed infant
  • Contraceptives
  • HIV counselling and testing
  • PCR based HIV testing
  • Clinical staging
  • Complete blood count
  • CD4 testing
  • Basic metabolic panel
  • Viral load testing
  • Chest radiograph
  • HBV and HCV tests
  • Ultrasound
  • Cryptococcal antigen test
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
  • Computed tomography (CT)
  • Second-line antiretroviral therapy
  • Co-trimoxazole prophylaxis
  • TB preventive therapy
  • Manage severe adverse reactions * Viral load monitoring
  • Management of severe opportunistic infections
  • Treat TB
  • Manage co-morbidities
  • Intensive care as clinically indicated
  • Self-management education for parents
  • Support for disclosure
  • Emotional, social, spiritual assessment and support based on cultural needs, values and preferences of patients and families
  • Linkage with adolescent support groups
Condition: Gonorrhoea
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level

Education of parents on the risks and prevention of sexual abuse of children

  • Home based supervision of girls with confirmed Gonococcal diagnosis for treatment compliance
  • Referral of girls with offensive vaginal discharge to next level for examination and treatment
Primary Care
  • Screening of girls for evidence of sexual abuse
  • Examination and investigation of girls with offensive vaginal discharge for sexually transmitted infections

Treatment with single dose of Ceftriaxone or Cefixime Concomitant treatment for Chlamydia

Referral Facility: General
  • Screening of girls for evidence of sexual abuse
  • Examination and investigation of girls with offensive vaginal discharge for sexually transmitted infections
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Examination and investigation of girls with offensive vaginal discharge for sexually transmitted infections
  • Screening of girls for evidence of sexual abuse
Condition: Genital herpes
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Education of parents on the risks and prevention of sexual abuse of children
  • Screening of children for sexual abuse during home visits by Community Health Workers
  • Referral of children suspected to be victims of sexual abuse to the next level for examination and needed treatment
  • Referral of suspected cases of sexual abuse to appropriate authorities
  • Home based supervision of women with confirmed genital herpes to comply with treatment
  • Referral of pregnant women with genital or perianal vesicles or ulcers to next level of care for investigation and treatment
Primary Care
  • Screening of girls for evidence of sexual abuse
  • Treatment with Acyclovir, valacyclovir/famciclovir
Referral Facility: General
  • Screening of girls for evidence of sexual abuse
Referral Facility: Specialist

Screening of girls for evidence of sexual abuse

Condition: Diarrhoeal diseases
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Community-based awareness campaign on sanitation, hygiene, and safe water supply
  • Community mobilisation for routine immunisation
  • Good sanitation and hygiene practices
  • Safe water supply
  • Danger signs recognition
  • Preventive zinc supplements
  • Access to safe drinking-water
  • Use of improved sanitation
  • Hand washing with soap
  • Good personal and food hygiene
  • Recognition of diarrheal diseases signs and symptoms
  • Recognition of danger signs
  • Oral rehydration salts (ORS) solution
  • Oral sugar-salt solution
  • Nutrient-rich foods
  • Zinc supplements
  • Immediate transfer of severe cases to a higher-level health care facility
  • Home based provision of oral rehydration therapy
  • Zinc tablets in mild cases
  • Refer moderate to severe cases and cases with vomiting or fever
  • Vitamin A supplementation
Primary Care
  • Health education on prevention and treatment of diarrhoea
  • Access to safe drinking water
  • Use of improved sanitation
  • Hand washing with soap
  • Early recognition and action on danger signs
  • Preventive zinc supplements
  • History
  • Physical examination
  • Stool exam for ova and parasites
  • Serological assays
  • Oral rehydration salts (ORS) solution
  • Intravenous hydration
  • Antibiotics for bacterial infections
  • Zinc supplements
  • Nutrient-rich foods
  • Immediate transfer of severe or complicated cases to a higher-level health care facility

History and physical examination for diarrhoea, abdominal pain. Assess and classify for diarrhoea using IMNCI strategy Point of care testing Basic laboratory tests Oral zinc supplementation for diarrhoeal infections Oral rehydration solution Counselling on increased fluid intake Oral antimicrobials for enteric and diarrhoeal infections Intravenous fluids Oral multivitamins for persistent diarrhoea Referral for management of severe dehydration for other complications.

Referral Facility: General
  • Health education on prevention and treatment of diarrhoea
  • Access to safe drinking water
  • Use of improved sanitation
  • Hand washing with soap
  • Stool culture
  • Blood culture
  • Intravenous hydration
  • Antibiotics to treat bacterial infections
  • Zinc supplements
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Health education on prevention and treatment of diarrhoea
  • Access to safe drinking water
  • Use of improved sanitation
  • Hand washing with soap
  • Stool culture
  • Blood culture
  • Intravenous hydration
  • Antibiotics to treat bacterial infections
  • Zinc supplements
Condition: Chlamydia
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Education of parents on the risks and prevention of sexual abuse of children
  • Community health workers sesnistization on chlamydia including prevention measures
  • Screening of children for sexual abuse during home visits by Community Health Workers
  • Referral of children suspected to be victims of sexual abuse to the next level for examination and needed treatment
  • Referral of suspected cases of sexual abuse to appropriate authorities
  • Referral of girls with offensive vaginal discharge to next level for examination and treatment
  • Home based supervision of girls with confirmed Chlamydia diagnosis for treatment compliance
Primary Care
  • Screening of girls for evidence of sexual abuse
  • Examination and investigation of girls with offensive vaginal discharge for sexually transmitted infections
  • Physical and clinical examination
  • Treatment of confirmed Chlamydia infection antibiotics
  • Referral
Referral Facility: General
  • Screening of girls for evidence of sexual abuse
  • Examination and investigation of girls with offensive vaginal discharge for sexually transmitted infections
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Screening of girls for evidence of sexual abuse
  • Examination and investigation of girls with offensive vaginal discharge for sexually transmitted infections
Condition: Dengue
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Community awareness and education On Dengue
  • Proper solid waste disposal and improved
  • Primary prevention through
  • Vector control against the mosquito using Indoor Residual
Primary Care
  • Community awareness and education On Dengue
  • Proper solid waste disposal and improved
  • use of mosquito repellents, mosquito bed nets, mosquito coils, protective clothing and regularly removing sources of stagnant water to prevent mosquito breeding
  • Community awareness and education On Dengue
  • Proper solid waste disposal and improved
  • use of mosquito repellents, mosquito bed nets, mosquito coils, protective clothing and regularly removing sources of stagnant water to prevent mosquito breeding
  • Able to conduct NS1 Ag, IgA and IgM antigens by rapid test
  • Able to conduct Overall assessment, diagnosis and identification of phase of severity
  • Management of non-severe dengue without warning signs by providing medical advice, supervising rest and drinking of plenty of fluids and prescribing of Paracetamol
Referral Facility: General
  • Community awareness and education On Dengue
  • Proper solid waste disposal and improved water storage practices, including covering of containers to prevent access by egg-laying female mosquitoes are among methods that are encouraged through community-based programmes

In addition to primary care interventions

  • Conduct virus isolation, genome detection, NS1 Ag, IgA and IgM antigens by rapid test, ELISA and in addition for IgA by IHS and neutralization assays.
  • Implement case management decisions for severe dengue with warning signs (Group B and C) including treatment of profound/ compensated shock, electrolyte imbalances, metabolic acidosis, ensure glucose control, hemorrhagic complications
Referral Facility: Specialist

Community awareness and education On Dengue Proper solid waste disposal and improved water storage practices, including covering of containers to prevent access by egg-laying female mosquitoes are among methods that are encouraged through community-based programmes

Conduct virus isolation, genome detection, NS1 Ag, IgA and IgM antigens by rapid test, ELISA and in addition for IgA by IHS and neutralization assays. Implement case management decisions for severe dengue with warning signs (Group B and C) including treatment of profound/ compensated shock, electrolyte imbalances, metabolic acidosis, ensure glucose control, hemorrhagic complications In addition to primary care interventions

Condition: Lymphatic filariasis
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Community awareness and education of families and communities on Lymphatic Filariasis to promote positive attitudes towards people with disabilities
  • Primary prevention through
- Single dose preventive chemotherapy with Albendazole (Alb), Ivermectin (IV) or Diethylcarbamazine (DEC)
- Single dose preventive chemotherapy with Albendazole (Alb), Ivermectin (IV) or Diethylcarbamazine (DEC)
  • Vector control against the mosquito using Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS) and use of Insecticide Treated Nets (ITN) Primary prevention through
  • Improvement in community Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
  • Vector control against the mosquito using Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS) and use of Insecticide Treated Nets (ITN) Primary prevention through
  • Community screening of patients with scrotal swelling. Either the patient himself or a community health worker identifies scrotal swelling and the patient is referred or reports to a level II facility
  • Management of Acute dermatolymphangioadenitis with antibiotics, antipyretics, analgesics
  • Management of Lymphoedema and elephantiasis through limb washing and improved hygiene practices, wound care, foot care, wearing of suitable footwear, physiotherapy and exercise, and the application of antibacterial creams and antifungal creams
  • Tertiary prevention
  • Counseling - Occupational and physiotherapy
Primary Care
  • Community awareness and education
  • Education of families and communities on Lymphatic Filariasis
  • Promote positive attitudes towards people with disabilities
  • Primary prevention
- Single dose preventive chemotherapy with Albendazole (Alb), Ivermectin (IV) or Diethylcarbamazine (DEC) Secondary prevention measures
  • Diagnosis
  • Management of Lymphoedema and elephantiasis through limb washing and improved hygiene practices, wound care, foot care, wearing of suitable footwear, physiotherapy and exercise, and the application of antibacterial creams and antifungal creams
  • Management of Acute dermatolymphangioadenitis with Antibiotics, antipyretics, analgesics
  • Single dose preventive chemotherapy with Albendazole (Alb), Ivermectin (IV) or Diethylcarbamazine (DEC)
  • Tertiary prevention
  • Counselling - Occupational and physiotherapy
Referral Facility: General
  • Primary prevention
- Single dose preventive chemotherapy with Albendazole (Alb), Ivermectin (IV) or Diethylcarbamazine (DEC) Secondary prevention measure
  • Diagnosis
  • Management of Lymphoedema and elephantiasis through limb washing and improved hygiene practices, wound care, foot care, wearing of suitable footwear, physiotherapy and exercise, and the application of antibacterial creams and anti fungal creams
  • Management of Acute dermatolymphangioadenitis with Antibiotics, antipyretics, analgesics
  • Single dose preventive chemotherapy with Albendazole (Alb), Ivermectin (IV) or Diethylcarbamazine (DEC)
  • Management of Hydrocele through surgery
  • Tertiary prevention
  • Counseling - Occupational and physiotherapy
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Primary prevention
  • Single dose preventive chemotherapy with Albendazole (Alb), Ivermectin (IV) or Diethylcarbamazine (DEC)
  • Secondary prevention measure
  • Diagnosis
  • Management of Acute dermatolymphangioadenitis with Antibiotics, antipyretics, analgesics
  • Management of Lymphoedema and elephantiasis through limb washing and improved hygiene practices, wound care, foot care, wearing of suitable footwear, physiotherapy and exercise, and the application of antibacterial creams and anti fungal creams
  • Management of Hydrocele through surgery
  • Single dose preventive chemotherapy with Albendazole (Alb), Ivermectin (IV) or Diethylcarbamazine (DEC)
  • Counseling
  • Occupational and physiotherapy
  • Tertiary prevention
Condition: Diphtheria
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Information/education on transmission and prevention of Diphtheria
  • Education on proper nutrition for primary school age children - Proper sanitation - School health program
  • Community health workers education on Diphtheria including recognition of signs and symptoms in primary school age children and on prevention measures
  • Vaccination-booster doses of diphtheria toxoid-containing vaccine
  • Contact tracing for primary school age children who have been in contacts with patients with Diphtheria
  • Quarantine for contacts
  • Recognition of features of worsening condition due to diphtheria – such as shortness of breath
  • Supportive management for primary school age children with Diphtheria - Plenty of rest
  • Proper nutrition for a child with diphtheria
  • Recognition of features of Diphtheria in primary school age children which include: _ sore throat, low fever and swollen glands in the neck, a thick coating in the throat or nose, hoarse voice
  • Referral to a health facility of the child with suspected diphtheria
Primary Care
  • Information/education on transmission and prevention of diphtheria
  • Creation of awareness on importance on immunization
  • Education on proper nutrition for school age children
  • School health programs
  • Provision of IEC materials through schools and communities
  • Training/sensitizing health workforce on diphtheria and its management
  • Training health workforce
  • Update/training of health care workers on immunization as recommended in national immunization schedules.
  • Routine vaccination (booster vaccination) for diphtheria according to the national schedule
  • Active surveillance and early detection of diphtheria
  • (use of Diphtheria toxoid-vaccine combined with tetanus toxoid (Td) as well with other antigens such as pertussis (DTwP/DTaP/Tdap)
  • Identify close contacts such as caretakers, relatives, sexual contacts, friend, Health care workers
  • Prophylactic antibiotics (penicillin or erythromycin) for close contacts
  • Monitor close contacts for signs and symptoms of diphtheria
  • Vaccination with diphtheria toxoid-containing vaccine for unvaccinated contacts and for Under-vaccinated contacts to complete their vaccination series
  • Recording and reporting of diphtheria cases through established reporting mechanisms
Referral Facility: General
  • Guidance to school children on prevention of diphtheria
  • Education on importance of immunization
  • Guidance to school children on hygiene practices
  • Guidance to school children on proper nutrition
  • Health workers education on management of diphtheria among primary school age children
  • Identify close contacts such as caretakers, relatives, sexual contacts, friends, Health care workers
  • Monitor close contacts for signs and symptoms of diphtheria
  • Prophylactic antibiotics (penicillin or erythromycin) for close contacts
  • Vaccination with diphtheria toxoid-containing vaccine for unvaccinated contacts and for Under-vaccinated contacts to complete their vaccination series
  • Recording and reporting of diphtheria cases through established reporting mechanisms
  • Physical and Clinical examination and diagnosis of diphtheria in children under 5 years of age. -based on signs and symptoms of diphtheria including; - Fever
  • Tests, Nasal/pharyngeal swabs for culture
  • Antitoxin treatment with DAT immediately diphtheria is strongly suspected in school age children (without waiting for lab results)
  • Antibiotic treatment (penicillin or erythromycin) to eliminate the bacteria and toxin production
  • Immunization with diphtheria toxoid vaccine during convalescence for school age children who are immunised/have not completed the appropriate course
  • Isolation. Respiratory droplet isolation of school age children with respiratory diphtheria and contact precautions for those with cutaneous diphtheria
  • Monitor and management of any diphtheria complications such as obstruction of the airways, systemic diphtheria -to the heart, kidney or peripheral nerves
  • Emergency management for diphtheria complication such as airway obstructions
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Guidance to school children on prevention of diphtheria
  • Education on importance of immunization
  • Guidance to school children on hygiene practices
  • Guidance to school children on proper nutrition
  • Health workers education on management of diphtheria among primary school age children
  • Identify close contacts such as caretakers, relatives, sexual contacts, friends, Health care workers
  • Monitor close contacts for signs and symptoms of diphtheria
  • Prophylactic antibiotics (penicillin or erythromycin) for close contacts
  • Recording and reporting of diphtheria cases through established reporting mechanisms
  • Vaccination with diphtheria toxoid-containing vaccine for unvaccinated contacts and for Under-vaccinated contacts to complete their vaccination series
  • Tests, Nasal/pharyngeal swabs for culture
  • Antitoxin treatment with DAT immediately diphtheria is strongly suspected in school age children (without waiting for lab results)
  • Antibiotic treatment (penicillin or erythromycin) to eliminate the bacteria and toxin production
  • Immunization with diphtheria toxoid vaccine during convalescence for school age children who are immunised/have not completed the appropriate course
  • Isolation. Respiratory droplet isolation of school age children with respiratory diphtheria and contact precautions for those with cutaneous diphtheria
  • Monitor and management of any diphtheria complications such as obstruction of the airways, systemic diphtheria -to the heart, kidney or peripheral nerves
  • Physical and Clinical examination and diagnosis of diphtheria in children under 5 years of age. -based on signs and symptoms of diphtheria including; - Fever
Condition: Acute Hepatitis B
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Awareness creation on Hepatitis B including transmission and prevention measures
  • Health Education on Hepatitis B
  • Mass awareness campaigns through such days as World Hepatitis Day and World immunization Week
  • Awareness creation on other risky behaviours such as illicit drugs and sharing needles and other sharp objects; no sharing personal items
  • Distribution of IEC materials on Heaptitis B
    • Promote testing for HBV and for HIV/AIDs
  • Provide Hepatitis B testing services.
  • Community health workers training on Hepatitis B,including prevention measures
  • Catch-up immunization for older children who missed immunization as infants /The hepatitis B vaccine for:the primary school age not vaccinated at birth
  • Screening the children at high risk –I,e children living with persons infected with Hepatitis B
  • Linkage to health facilities
  • Recognition of features on Hepatitis B infection in primary school age children such as yellowing of the skin and eyes (jaundice), dark urine, tiredness, nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain.
  • Supportive management
  • Relieve of pain with painkillers such as paracetamol
  • Provision of plenty of fluids
  • Provision of Healthy diet to the child
  • Promote breastfeeding
  • Encourage plenty of sleep
  • Encourage Exercises
    • Referral of a child suspected to have Hepatitis B to a health facility
Primary Care
  • School health education on risk factors for viral hepatitis and preventive measures
  • Universal precaution
  • Hepatitis B Screening for high risk persons
  • Hepatitis B vaccination
  • Safe blood donation
  • Safe injection practices
  • Eliminate unnecessary injections
  • Avoiding re-use of needles and syringes

• History • Physical examination • Viral hepatitis B serology • Point of care Viral load testing • Complete blood count • Urine test • Liver function tests • Liver ultrasound

  • Provision of high caloric diet
  • Adequate of fluids
  • Restricted physical activity
  • Avoid hepatotoxic drugs
  • Referral to next level health facility
Referral Facility: General
  • Education and awareness creation on Hepatitis B including transmission and prevention measures
  • Education on safe sex practices among the primary school age children
  • Distribution of IEC materials on Hepatitis B through schools
  • Health workers training on Hepatitis B,including prevention measures
  • Hepatitis B Vaccination
  • Screening for Hepatitis B for primary school age children at risk, e.g. those living with someone who has hepatitis B
  • Screening all donated blood/Test all blood donations for hepatitis B to ensure blood safety before any transfusion
  • Safe injection practices, including eliminating unnecessary and unsafe injections,
  • Avoid re-use of needles and syringes
  • Physical examination,Clinical examination and diagnosis of Hepatitis B
  • Supportive management for patients with Acute Hepatitis B - Provision of Healthy diet - Plenty of fluids - Encourage Exercises - Encourage the patient with Hepatitis B to have Enough sleep/rest
  • Relieve of pain with painkillers
  • Admission for patient with severe Acute Hepatitis B
  • Administer anti-retroviral drugs for severe acute Hepatitis B to prevent complications
  • Monitoring and management of any complications including acute Liver failure
  • Follow up
  • Investigations
  • Blood tests to detect Hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg)
  • Serum immunoglobulin M (IgM)Test for Chronic Hepatitis B indicated by persistent Hepatitis B surface antigen for at least 6 months - Test for Hepatitis A and C - Liver ultrasound - Liver Biopsy
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Education and awareness creation on Hepatitis B including transmission and prevention measures
  • Education on safe sex practices among the primary school age children
  • Distribution of IEC materials on Hepatitis B through schools
  • Health workers training on Hepatitis B,including prevention measures
  • Hepatitis B Vaccination
  • Safe injection practices, including eliminating unnecessary and unsafe injections,
    • Avoid re-use of needles and syringes
  • Screening for Hepatitis B for primary school age children at risk, e.g. those living with someone who has hepatitis B;
  • Screening all donated blood/Test all blood donations for hepatitis B to ensure blood safety before any transfusion
  • Physical examination
  • Clinical examination and diagnosis of Hepatitis B
  • Supportive management for patients with Acute Hepatitis B
  • Provision of Healthy diet
  • Plenty of fluids
  • Encourage Exercises-
  • Encourage the patient with Hepatitis B to have Enough sleep/rest
  • Relieve of pain with painkillers
  • Admission for patient with severe Acute Hepatitis B
  • Administer anti-retroviral drugs for severe acute Hepatitis B to prevent complications
  • Monitoring and management of any complications including acute Liver failure
  • Follow up
  • Investigations
  • Blood tests to detect Hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg)
  • Serum immunoglobulin M (IgM)Test for Chronic Hepatitis B indicated by persistent Hepatitis B surface antigen for at least 6 months
  • Test for Hepatitis A and C -
  • Liver ultrasound-
  • Liver Biopsy
Condition: Hepatitis A
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Create awareness through schools and communities on Hepatitis A including risk factors;-
  • Individuals education on the need for strict enteric precautions especially for individuals with HAV
  • Schools and community education on proper hygiene measures; Advice on Improved sanitation.
  • Sensitize through schools and families on use of clean, safe water
  • Community health workers training/sensitization on Hepatitis A including prevention measure
  • Sensitization of teachers and school communities on Hepatitis A and prevention measures
  • School health programs
  • Reduce chances of infections and transmission to others through advice and sensitization on;-
  • Proper hand hygiene
  • Proper food hygiene including;
  • proper cooking/heating
  • Use clean safe water for drinking
  • Strict personal hygiene and hand washing to prevent fecal -oral transmission to others for those already infected
  • Proper cleaning of Contaminated surfaces/with disinfectant .
  • Recognition of possible features of Hepatitis A including fever, malaise, loss of appetite, diarrhea, nausea, abdominal discomfort, dark-colored urine and yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes
  • Supportive Home remedies;
  • Plenty of rest
  • Plenty of fluids/hydration
  • Referral to a health facility if symptoms worsen
Primary Care
  • Create awareness through schools and communities on Hepatitis A including risk factors
  • Schools and community education on proper hygiene measuresAdvice on Improved sanitationSensitize through schools and families on use of clean, safe water
  • Individuals education on the need for strict enteric precautions especially for individuals with HAV
  • Health workers education/sensitization on Hepatitis A , including prevention measures and management
  • Sensitization of teachers and school communities.
  • School health programs
  • Reduce chances of infections and transmission to others through advice and sensitization.
  • Proper hand hygiene
  • Proper food hygiene including proper cooking/heating
  • Use clean safe water for drinking
  • Strict personal hygiene and hand washing to prevent fecal -oral transmission to others for those already infection
  • Proper cleaning of Contaminated surfaces/with disinfectant
  • Physical and Clinical examination,Diagnosis of Hepatitis A based on signs and symptoms fever, malaise, loss of appetite, diarrhea, nausea, abdominal discomfort, dark-colored urine and yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes
  • Advice on home remedies;
  • Plenty of rest
  • Plenty of fluids/hydration
  • Relieve any symptom -fever, dehydration i.e. (no specific medicines except to relive symptoms)
  • Monitor for any worsening of the condition/any complications
  • Referral to a hospital if symptoms worsen
Referral Facility: General
  • Create awareness through schools and communities on Hepatitis A including risk factors
  • Schools and community education on proper hygiene measures
  • Advice on Improved sanitation
  • Individuals education on the need for strict enteric precautions especially for individuals with HAV
  • Sensitize through schools and families on use of clean, safe water
  • Sensitization of teachers and school communities
  • Health workers training/sensitization on Hepatitis A , including prevention measures and management
  • Reduce chances of infections and transmission to others through advice and sensitization.
  • Proper hand hygiene
  • Proper food hygiene including proper cooking/heating
  • Use clean safe water for drinking
  • Strict personal hygiene and hand washing to prevent fecal -oral transmission to others for those already infected
  • Proper cleaning of Contaminated surfaces/with disinfectant.
  • Physical and Clinical examination
  • Relieve any symptom -fever, dehydration i.e. (no specific medicines except to relive symptoms)
  • Investigations;-
  • Blood test -To detect HAV-specific immunoglobulin G (IgM) antibodies in the blood -
  • Reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) to detect the hepatitis A virus RNA
  • Liver function tests
  • Test also for hepatitis B and C
  • Monitor and management of complications the main one being fulminant hepatitis (acute liver failure)
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Create awareness through schools and communities on Hepatitis A including risk factors
  • Sensitization of teachers and school communities
  • Schools and community education on proper hygiene measuresAdvice on Improved sanitation
  • Sensitize through schools and families on use of clean, safe water
  • Individuals education on the need for strict enteric precautions especially for individuals with HAV
  • Health workers training /sensitization on Hepatitis A , including prevention measures and management
  • Reduce chances of infections and transmission to others through advice and sensitization.
  • Proper hand hygiene
  • Proper food hygiene including proper cooking / heating
  • Use clean safe water for drinking
  • Strict personal hygiene and hand washing to prevent fecal -oral transmission to others for those already infected
  • Proper cleaning of Contaminated surfaces /with disinfectant.
  • Physical and Clinical examination
  • Investigations -
  • Blood test -To detect HAV-specific immunoglobulin G (IgM) antibodies in the blood -
  • Reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) to detect the hepatitis A virus RNA
  • Liver function tests
  • Test also for hepatitis B and C
Condition: Hepatitis E
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Create awareness on Hepatitis E disease the transmission mode and preventive measures
  • Education on good hygiene practices
  • Improve access to clean and safe drinking water - Water sources protection e g. protection of wells
  • Strategies to address poverty especially for resource poor areasImprove access to good sanitation/including safe human waste disposal in communities including in congregate populations
  • Improve access to health servicesStrategies to reduce overcrowding such as in refugee camps where sanitation and safe water supply pose special challenges
  • Community health workers education/sensitization on Hepatitis E including prevention measures
  • Monitoring and Proper record keeping/reporting especially in out breaks situation
  • Proper disposal of human waste /feaces
  • Maintaining individual hygiene practices
  • Consumption of clean safe water
  • Consumption of properly cooked meat and meat products (consumption of uncooked meat and meat products accounts for a small number of clinical cases
  • Recognition of features indicative of Hepatitis E including initial mild fever, reduced appetite nausea and vomiting,abdominal pain,itching (without skin lesions), yellow color of the skin and whiteness of the eyes, with dark urine and pale stools
  • Relieving fever through use of pain killers/tepid sponging
  • Supportive treatment including, - proper nutrition - Adequate rest
  • Referral to a health facility in case symptoms worsens
Primary Care
  • Create awareness on Hepatitis E disease,the transmission mode and preventive measures
  • Education on good hygiene practicesImprove access to clean and safe drinking water
  • Water sources protection e.g protection of wells
  • Improve access to good sanitation/including safe human waste disposal in communities including in congregate populations
  • Strategies to address poverty especially for resource poor areasImprove access to health services Strategies to reduce overcrowding such as in refugee camps where
  • Health workers education/sensitization on Hepatitis E including prevention measures and management
  • Maintaining individual hygiene practices
  • Guidance/education on proper hygiene practices including: - Proper disposal of human waste/feaces - Consumption of clean safe water
  • Consumption of properly cooked meat and meat products (consumption of uncooked meat and meat products accounts for a small number of clinical cases
  • Monitoring and Proper record keeping/reporting especially in out breaks situation
  • Physical and clinical examination,Diagnosis of Hepatitis E based on signs and symptoms including initial mild fever, reduced appetite nausea and vomiting,abdominal pain, itching (without skin lesions),jaundice,with dark urine and pale stools
  • Supportive treatment including; - proper nutrition - Adequate rest
  • Relieving fever through use of pain killers
  • Referral to a health facility in case symptoms worsens
Referral Facility: General
  • Guidance on Proper disposal of human faeces
  • Maintaining individual hygiene practices
  • Consumption of clean safe water
  • Consumption of properly cooked meat and meat products consumption of uncooked meat and meat products accounts for a small number of clinical cases)
  • Monitoring and Proper record keeping/reporting especially in out breaks situation
  • N/b There is no specific treatment capable of altering the course of acute hepatitis E.; usually self-limiting disease
  • Supportive treatment including:
  • proper nutrition,
  • Adequate rest
  • relieving fever through use of pain killers
  • Physical and clinical examination
  • Diagnosis based on Strong link in appropriate epidemiology settings, e.g. when several cases occur in localities in known disease-endemic areas, or in settings with risk of water contamination.
  • Rule out hepatitis A
  • Blood tests for detection of specific IgM antibodies to the virus for definitive diagnosis.
Referral Facility: Specialist

Guidance onProper disposal of human faecesMaintaining individual hygiene practicesConsumption of clean safe waterConsumption of properly cooked meat and meat products consumption of uncooked meat and meat products accounts for a small number of clinical cases) Monitoring and Proper record keeping/reporting especially in out breaks situation

  • N/b There is no specific treatment capable of altering the course of acute hepatitis E.; usually self-limiting disease
  • Supportive treatment including:
  • proper nutrition,
  • Adequate rest
  • relieving fever through use of pain killers
  • Physical and clinical examination
  • Diagnosis based on Strong link in appropriate epidemiology settings, e.g. when several cases occur in localities in known disease-endemic areas, or in settings with risk of water contamination.
  • Rule out hepatitis A
  • Blood tests for detection of specific IgM antibodies to the virus for definitive diagnosis.
Condition: Diabetes mellitus
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Educate community to create awareness to identify diabetes symptoms early

Integrated counselling on healthy diet, physical activity, Encourage compliance with medications, and regular clinical check-ups and prevention of complications

  • Immediate transfer of suspected diabetes cases to a higher-level health care facility
  • Self-management education
  • Physical activity counselling and exercise training
  • Emotional and psychosocial support to patients and family members
Primary Care
  • Health education on early identification of diabetes, early treatment and complication prevention

Integrated counselling on healthy diet, physical activity, Encourage compliance with medications, and regular clinical check-ups and prevention of complications

History and physical examination for diabetes mellitus Point of care testing Basic laboratory tests Condition-specific nutrition assessment and counselling Provision of blood glucose monitoring device and test strips Diabetic foot examination Test for visual acuity Counselling on home glucose monitoring Monitoring of blood glucose

  • Self-management education
  • Physical activity counselling and exercise training
  • Emotional and psychosocial support to patients and family members
Referral Facility: General
  • Healthy diet
  • Physical activity
  • Insulin
  • Monitoring glycaemic control
  • Prevent and treat diabetic ketoacidosis
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Health education on early identification of diabetes, early treatment and complication prevention

Integrated counselling on healthy diet, physical activity, Encourage compliance with medications, and regular clinical check-ups and prevention of complications

  • Healthy diet
  • Physical activity
  • Insulin
  • Monitoring glycaemic control
  • Prevent and treat diabetic ketoacidosis
  • Monitor long-term complications
  • Manage complications
  • Self-management education
  • Physical activity counselling and exercise training
  • Counseling for children with diabetes type 1 and their parents/families
  • To help them adjust with the diagnosis and long term treatment
  • Linkage to support groups
  • Psycho social support to he child and parents to promoted adherence to medication
Condition: Rabies
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Awareness creation on rabies and prevention measures including preventing dog bites
  • Education on dog behavior and bite prevention
  • Increasing awareness of rabies prevention and control in communities including education and information on responsible pet ownership, how to prevent dog bites, immediate care measures after a bite.
  • Community Health workers training on rabies ,prevention measures and its management
  • Eliminating rabies in dogs-through Vaccinating dogs (multi-sectoral approach with veterinary departments)
  • Advice and Referral to hospital for Immunization consideration for children living in, high rabies exposure risk areas ( As they play with animals, they may receive more severe bites, or may not report bites)
  • Joint contact tracing by veterinary and public health services to identify additional suspected rabid animals and human bite victims, with the goal to apply preventive measures accordingly
  • Record keeping and reporting to the public health departments and veterinary departments
  • Recognition of animal bite exposures categorized as carrying a risk of developing rabies which include:if the biting mammal is a known rabies reservoir or vector species, the exposure occurs in a geographical area where rabies is still present, the animal looks sick or displays abnormal behavior, a wound was contaminated by the animal’s saliva, the bite was unprovoked, the animal has not been vaccinated. The vaccination status of the suspect animal is questionable
  • First aid to a child following a deep bite or scratch from an animal suspected to have rabies, through extensive wound washing—i.e thorough flushing and washing of the wound for a minimum of 15 minutes with soap and water, detergent,anti septic’s such povidone iodine
  • Relive any pain with pain killers such as paracetamol
  • Immediate Referral to a health facility for PEP vaccination and further management
  • Report/alert the veterinary services to remove the biting animal from the community/quarantined
Primary Care
  • Awareness creation on rabies and prevention measures including preventing dog bites.
  • Education on dog behavior and bite prevention
  • Increasing awareness of rabies prevention and control in communities including education and information on responsible pet ownership, how to prevent dog bites, and immediate care measures after a bite.
  • Health workers training on rabies,prevention measures and its management
  • Advice and Referral to hospital for Immunization consideration for children living in, high rabies exposure risk areas ( As they play with animals, they may receive more severe bites, or may not report bites.)
  • Joint contact tracing by veterinary and public health services to identify additional suspected rabid animals and human bite victims, with the goal to apply preventive measures accordingly
  • Record keeping and reporting to the public health departments and veterinary departments
  • Physical and clinical examination
  • Recognition and categorization of animal bite exposures categorized as carrying a risk of developing rabies which include: if the biting mammal is a known rabies reservoir or vector species, the exposure occurs in a geographical area where rabies is still present, the animal looks sick or displays abnormal behavior, a wound or mucous membrane was contaminated by the animal’s saliva, the bite was unprovoked, the animal has not been vaccinated, The vaccination status of the suspect animal is questionable
  • Immediate post exposure prophylaxis through Extensive washing; flushing and local treatment of the bite wound or scratch
  • Relieve of any other symptoms such as pain with analgesics
  • Immediate Referral to a hospital for further management including Immunization of people with rabies vaccine after exposure (PEP)
  • Integrated bite case management through alerting the veterinary services to remove the biting animal from the community /quarantined
Referral Facility: General
  • Awareness creation on rabies and prevention measures including preventing dog bites.
  • Education on dog behavior and bite prevention
  • Increasing awareness of rabies prevention and control in communities including education and information on responsible pet ownership, how to prevent dog bites, and immediate care measures after a bite.
  • Health workers education on rabies ,prevention measures and its management
  • Immunization of children with rabies vaccine after exposure (PEP) or before exposure
  • Immunization consideration for children living in, high rabies exposure risk areas ( As they play with animals, they may receive more severe bites, or may not report bites)
  • Joint contact tracing by veterinary and public health services to identify additional suspected rabid animals and human bite victims, with the goal to apply preventive measures accordingly
  • Record keeping and reporting to the public health departments and veterinary departments
  • Physical and clinical examination,
  • Recognition and categorization of animal bite exposures categorized as carrying a risk of developing rabies which include:if the biting mammal is a known rabies reservoir or vector species, the exposure occurs in a geographical area where rabies is still present,the animal looks sick or displays abnormal behavior, a wound or mucous membrane was contaminated by the animal’s saliva; the bite was unprovoked, the animal has not been vaccinated, The vaccination status of the suspect animal is questionable
  • Immediate post exposure prophylaxis of all categorise exposures assessed as carrying a risk of developing rabies;
  • Extensive washing; flushing and local treatment of the bite wound or scratch as soon as possible after a suspected exposure, Administration of rabies vaccine, the administration of rabies immunoglobulin (RIG), if indicated.
  • Relieve of any other symptoms such as pain with analgesics
  • Monitor and manage any complications depending on the two forms of rabies – such as cardiopulmonary arrest as a result of furious rabies or muscle paralysis and coma due to paralytic rabies
  • ICU services for patients with complications e.g. those in coma
  • Integrated bite case management/alert the veterinary services to remove the biting animal from the community/quarantined
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Awareness creation on rabies and prevention measures including preventing dog bites.
  • Education on dog behavior and bite prevention
  • Increasing awareness of rabies prevention and control in communities including education and information on responsible pet ownership, how to prevent dog bites, and immediate care measures after a bite.
  • Health workers education on rabies ,prevention measures and its management
  • Immunization of children with rabies vaccine after exposure (PEP) or before exposure
  • Immunization consideration for children living in, high rabies exposure risk areas ( As they play with animals, they may receive more severe bites, or may not report bites)
  • Joint contact tracing by veterinary and public health services to identify additional suspected rabid animals and human bite victims, with the goal to apply preventive measures accordingly
  • Record keeping and reporting to the public health departments and veterinary departments
  • Physical and clinical examination,
  • Recognition and categorization of animal bite exposures categorized as carrying a risk of developing rabies which include; if the biting mammal is a known rabies reservoir or vector species, the exposure occurs in a geographical area where rabies is still present, the animal looks sick or displays abnormal behavior, a wound or mucous membrane was contaminated by the animal’s saliva; the bite was unprovoked, the animal has not been vaccinated,The vaccination status of the suspect animal is questionable
  • Immediate post exposure prophylaxis of all categorised exposures assessed as carrying a risk of developing rabies
    • Extensive washing ; flushing and local treatment of the bite wound or scratch as soon as possible after a suspected exposure;
    • Administration of rabies vaccine
    • the administration of rabies immunoglobulin (RIG), if indicated.
  • Relieve of any other symptoms such as pain with analgesics
  • Monitor and manage any complications depending on the two forms of rabies – such as cardiopulmonary arrest as a result of furious rabies or muscle paralysis and coma due to paralytic rabies
  • ICU services for patients with complications e.g. those in coma
  • Integrated bite case management/alert the veterinary services to remove the biting animal from the community/quarantined
Condition: Yellow Fever
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Strengthen families and community-based awareness on Yellow Fever including transmission and prevention measures * Information and health education to parents, families and Communities on immunization including vaccination schedule for young children
  • Integrated vector control management (ITN, IRS, larva source management, etc.) * Vaccination: Yellow fever and other routine on schedule vaccination
  • Personal protective measures (mosquito repellent, long sleeved clothes)
  • Recognition of Yellow Fever symptoms
  • Supportive care (e.g., fever reduction, hydration, feeding, etc.)
  • Referrals to a health facility if symptoms worsen
Primary Care
  • Strengthen families and community-based awareness on Yellow Fever including transmission and prevention measures * Information and health education to parents, families and Communities on immunization including vaccination schedule for young children
  • Integrated vector control management (ITN, IRS, larva source management, etc.) * Vaccination: Yellow fever and other routine on schedule vaccination
  • Personal protective measures (mosquito repellent, long sleeved clothes)
  • Recognition of Yellow Fever symptoms
  • Supportive care (e.g., fever reduction, hydration, feeding, etc.)
  • Referrals to a health facility if symptoms worsen
  • Report immediately to local authorities
Referral Facility: General
  • Strengthen families and community-based awareness on Yellow Fever including transmission and prevention measures * Information and health education to parents, families and Communities on immunization including vaccination schedule for young children
  • Vaccination: Yellow fever

History and physical examination Basic laboratory tests Advanced laboratory tests Supportive care (e.g. fever reduction, hydration, feeding, etc.) IV fluid hydration Treat mild complications Refer if severe or not responding

Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Strengthen families and community-based awareness on Yellow Fever including transmission and prevention measures * Information and health education to parents, families and Communities on immunization including vaccination schedule for young children
  • Vaccination: Yellow fever

History and physical examination Basic laboratory tests Advanced laboratory tests Treat bacterial infections with antibiotics IV fluid for rehydration Manage complications such as liver and kidney failure Manage fever with antipyretics Nutritional support

Condition: Acute Hepatitis C
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Create awareness to school age children on Hepatitis C including transmission, risk factors and prevention measure
  • Mass awareness campaigns during health days such as World Hepatitis DayAwareness campaigns through schools
  • Community health workers sensitization on Hepatitis C, including transmission & prevention measures
  • school communities sensitization on Hepatitis C, including transmission & prevention measures
  • Guidance to children on Avoiding sharing personal care items that might have blood on them (razors, toothbrushes, nail clippers)
  • Guidance to children on safe handling and disposal of sharps and waste
  • Immunization with the hepatitis A and B vaccines to prevent coinfection from these hepatitis viruses and to protect their liver
  • Screening for Hepatitis C infection
  • Recognition of features indicative of Hepatitis C in school children including fever, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and yellowing of skin and the whites of the eyes
  • Supportive Home therapies for school children with Hepatitis C including - proper nutrition - Plenty of fluids - plenty of rest - relieve pain
  • Referral to a health facility if symptoms worsens
Primary Care
  • Create awareness to school age children on Hepatitis C including transmission, risk factors and prevention measures.
  • Mass awareness campaigns during health days such as World Hepatitis Day/ school health days
  • School communities sensitizations on Hepatitis C, including transmission and prevention measures.
  • Health workers training on on Hepatitis C, including transmission, prevention measures and management .
  • Primary prevention , Injection safety -safe and appropriate use of health care injections, Safe handling and disposal of sharps and waste
  • Screening for hepatitis C infection
  • Immunization with the hepatitis A and B vaccines to prevent coinfection from these hepatitis viruses and to protect their liver
  • Physical and clinical examination
  • Diagnosis of hepatitis C in primary school age children based on signs and symptoms including fever, fatigue, decreased appetite, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, joint pain and yellowing of skin and the whites of the eyes.
  • Supportive therapies for school age children with Hepatitis C including - proper nutrition - fluids therapy - plenty of rest - relieve of pain
  • Monitor for any complications
  • Referral to a hospital if symptoms worsens
Referral Facility: General
  • Create awareness to school age children on Hepatitis C including transmission, risk factors and prevention measures
  • Mass awarenes creation on Heaptitis C eg through world hepatitis Day/ through schools ie schools health programs
  • Health education to school age children on hepatitsi C
  • Distribution of IEC materuials on Hepatitis C
  • Training/sensitizing school communities on Hepatitis C, including transmission, prevention measures
  • Health workers trainings on Hepatitis C including transmission, prevention measures and management
  • Primary prevention measures
  • Injection safety, safe and appropriate use of health care injections
  • Safe handling and disposal of sharps and waste
  • Training of health personnel on hepatitis C
  • Secondary prevention measures
  • Screening, for hepatitis C infection
  • Injection safety -safe and appropriate use of health care injections
  • Immunization with the hepatitis A and B vaccines to children with hepatitis C infection to prevent coinfection from these hepatitis viruses and to protect their liver.
  • Physical and clinical examination
  • Monitor for any progression to Chronic Hepatitis C
  • Diagnosis of hepatitis C in children based on signs and symptoms including fever, fatigue, decreased appetite, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, joint pain and yellowing of skin and the whites of the eyes
  • Supportive therapies for children with Hepatitis C including; - proper nutrition - fluids therapy - PLenty of rest - relieve of pain
  • Monitor for any progression to Chronic Hepatitis C
  • Follow up
  • WHO -recommends Deferring anti-retroviral treatment for children aged less than 12 years with chronic HCV infection until 12 years of age
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Health workers trainings on Hepatitis C, including transmission; prevention measures and management
  • Training/sensitizing school communities on Hepatitis C, including transmission; prevention measures
  • Health education to school age children on hepatitsi C
    • Distribution of IEC materuials on Hepatitis C
  • Mass awarenes creation on Heaptitis C eg through world hepatitis Day/ through schools ie. schools health programs
  • Primary prevention measures
  • Training of health personnel on hepatitis C
  • Injection safety -safe and appropriate use of health care injections
  • Safe handling and disposal of sharps and waste
  • Immunization with the hepatitis A and B vaccines to children with hepatitis C infection to prevent coinfection from these hepatitis viruses and to protect their liver.
  • Physical and clinical examination
  • Diagnosis of hepatitis C in children based on signs and symptoms including fever, fatigue, decreased appetite, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, joint pain and yellowing of skin and the whites of the eyes
  • Supportive therapies for children with Hepatitis C including
  • proper nutrition;
  • fluids therapy ;
  • PLenty of rest;
  • relieve of pain
  • Monitor for any progression to Chronic Hepatitis C
  • Follow up
  • n/b WHO -recommends Deferring anti-retroviral treatment for children aged less than 12 years with chronic HCV infection until 12 years of age
Condition: Leprosy
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
Primary Care
  • Strengthening patient and community awareness of leprosy
  • Community Health education to raise suspicion of leprosy by the community members
  • Demand creation for community to seek early diagnosis and treatment
  • Community Capacity building on basic facts about leprosy,signs and symptoms, and mode of transmission will improve early diagnosis and treatment
  • Community knowledge that leprosy disease is curable will reduce stigma and discrimination
  • Involving communities in actions for improvement of leprosy services
  • Multi-sectoral approach in addressing leprosy
  • Community Health workers sensitization on Leprosy
  • Avoidance of close and frequent contacts with persons with untreated leprosy
  • Community screening to identify presumptive leprosy case
  • Early case detection through active case finding Contact tracing
  • Guidance on prompt start and adherence to treatment
  • Strengthening surveillance for leprosy
  • Strengthening the reporting system for leprosy (health information systems for program monitoring and evaluation)
  • Identification of a presumptive leprosy case based on signs including presence of :-
  • pale (lighter than normal skin) or Hypo pigmented skin patches,
  • Guidance /Advice to the school age child with leprosy on self care including Care of Eyes, care of hands and feet, guidance on voluntary muscle testing and sensory testing use of correct footwear
  • Numbness in the hands and feet,
  • Weakness and difficulty in normal movement of fingers/thumb/wrist/toes/ankles or eyelids;
  • Painless injuries, blisters, burns or ulcers in hands and feet,
  • presence of deformities such as clawing of fingers/ thumb, clawing of toes or inability to close eyes properly
  • care for the patient with Leprosy including Care of Eyes; care of hands and feet, guidance on voluntary muscle testing and sensory testing use of correct footwear
  • Follow up Guidance and Ensuring adherence to treatment, for known leprosy patients
  • Referral of a patient suspected to have Leprosy to a health facility for management
  • Supporting a known leprosy patient o Ensure adherence to medicines
  • Promoting societal inclusion by addressing all forms of discrimination and stigma
  • Empowering persons affected by leprosy and strengthening their capacity to participate actively in leprosy services
  • Promoting coalition-building among persons affected by leprosy including self care groups –such groups encourage each other on self care needs
  • Supporting community-based rehabilitation for people with leprosy-related disabilities
  • Working towards abolishing discriminatory laws and promote policies facilitating inclusion of persons affected by leprosy through a multi sectoral approach
  • Provide psycho social and counseling support services for school age children affected by leprosy and their families
Referral Facility: General
  • Strengthening patient and community awareness of leprosy
  • Community Health education to raise suspicion of leprosy by the community members
  • Multi-sectoral approach in addressing leprosy
  • Health workers training on leprosy including prevention, diagnosis and management
  • Guidance to parents/families /;school communites of o ensuring school age going children avoid close and frequent contacts with persons with untreated leprosy
  • Early case detection through active case finding Contact tracing Surveillance for leprosy
  • Guidance on prompt start and adherence to treatment
  • Recording and reporting on leprosy (health information systems for program monitoring and evaluation)
  • Conducting basic and operational research in all aspects of leprosy and maximize the evidence base to inform policies, strategies and activities
  • physical and clinical examination
  • Presumptive diagnosis of Leprosy based on cardinal signs;
  • Definite loss of sensation in a pale (hypo pigmented) or reddish skin patch
  • Thickened or enlarged peripheral nerve with loss of sensation and/weakness of the muscles supplied by that nerve
  • Follow up and prevention of complications including progressive and permanent damage to the skin, nerves, limbs, and eyes through early diagnosis and early treatment
  • Prevention and management of disabilities.
  • Guidance/Advice to parents on care for the child with Leprosy including Care of Eyes, care of hands and feet, guidance on voluntary muscle testing and sensory testing use of correct footwear
  • Referral to a hospital for definitive diagnosis and for further management
  • Follow up and prevention of complications including progressive and permanent damage to the skin, nerves, limbs and eyes
  • Guidance and Ensuring adherence to treatment for known leprosy patients
  • Empowering persons affected by leprosy and strengthening their capacity to participate actively in leprosy services
  • Promoting coalition-building among persons affected by leprosy including self care groups, such groups encourage each other on self care needs
  • Promoting societal inclusion by addressing all forms of discrimination and stigma
  • Supporting community-based rehabilitation for people with leprosy-related disabilities.
  • Provide psycho social and counseling support services for school age children affected by leprosy and their families
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Strengthening patient and community awareness of leprosy
  • Community Health education to raise suspicion of leprosy by the community members
  • Multi-sectoral approach in addressing leprosy
  • Health workers traiing on leprosy including prevention, diagnosis and management
    • Guidance on avoidance of close and frequent contacts with persons with untreated leprosy
  • Early case detection through active case finding
  • Contact tracing
  • Guidance on prompt start and adherence to treatment
  • Surveillance for leprosy
  • Recording and reporting on leprosy (health information systems for program monitoring and evaluation)
  • Conducting basic and operational research in all aspects of leprosy and maximize the evidence base to inform policies, strategies and activities
  • physical and clinical examination
  • Presumptive diagnosis of Leprosy based on cardinal signs:
  • Definite loss of sensation in a pale (hypo pigmented) or reddish skin patch *
  • Thickened or enlarged peripheral nerve with loss of sensation and/or weakness of the muscles supplied by that nerve*
  • Hospital admission
  • Management of Leprosy with Multidrug therapy (MDT)
  • Prevention and management of disabilities.
  • Follow up and prevention of complications including progressive and permanent damage to the skin, nerves, limbs, and eyes through early diagnosis and early treatment
  • Strengthening surveillance for antimicrobial resistance including laboratory network.
  • Promoting societal inclusion by addressing all forms of discrimination and stigma
  • Empowering persons affected by leprosy and strengthening their capacity to participate actively in leprosy services
  • Promoting coalition-building among persons affected by leprosy including self care groups, such groups encourage each other on self care needs
  • Supporting community-based rehabilitation for people with leprosy-related disabilities.
  • Provide psycho social and counseling support services for school age children affected by leprosy and their families
Condition: Ascariasis
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Education and social mobilization for successful prevention and control of ascariasis
  • Community-led total sanitation with market approaches (CLTS+), promotion of hygiene, building of latrines, and related SBC.
  • Proper handwashing/good hand hygiene practices before handing food and after handling soil/manure
  • Avoidance of consuming or contact with soil that may be contaminated with human faecal matter
  • Community-based deworming campaigns
  • Antispasmodics
  • Analgesics
  • Nutritional support (proper nutrition)
  • Referral to health facility for definitive diagnosis and treatment
Primary Care

Health education on risk factors for ascariasis and preventive measures such as good sanitation and hygiene practice

  • Mass drug administration with albendazole
  • Anthelmintic
  • Antispasmodics
  • Analgesics
Referral Facility: General
  • Health education to primary school age children on ascariasis and prevention measures
  • School children education on personal hygiene as well as proper disposal of human faeces
  • School health programs/outreaches
  • Health workers training on ascariasis including prevention measures and management among school children
  • Guidance to parents and children on primary prevention measures incluidng;
  • Proper cleaning and cooking of food
  • Proper handwashing/good hand hygiene practices before handing food and after handling soil/manure
  • Promote good nutrition for school age children
  • Avoidance of consuming or contact with soil that may be contaminated with human feacal matter
  • Proper waste disposal/not passing stool in the soil or outdoors
  • Wash, peel, or cook all raw vegetables and fruits before eating, particularly those that have been grown in soil that has been fertilized with manure
  • Taking safety precautions like wearing gloves when handling soil/manure
  • Anthelmintic
  • Steroids for complication
  • Surgery for obstruction
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Health education to primary school age children on ascariasis and prevention measures
  • School children education on personal hygiene as well as proper disposal of human faeces
  • School health programs/outreaches
  • Health workers training on ascariasis including prevention measures and management among school children
  • Guidance to parents and children on primary prevention measures incluidng :

    • Proper cleaning and cooking of food
    • proper handwashing/good hand hygiene practices before handing food and after handling soil/manure
    • Avoidance of consuming or contact with soil that may be contaminated with human feacal matter
    • Proper waste disposal/ not passing stool in the soil or outdoors
    • Wash, peel, or cook all raw vegetables and fruits before eating, particularly those that have been grown in soil that has been fertilized with manure
    • Taking safety precautions like wearing gloves when handling soil/manure promote good nutrition for school age children
  • Anthelmintic
  • Steroids for complication
  • Surgery for obstruction
Condition: Tetanus
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Awareness Creation among communities and families on Tetanus and preventive measures
  • Creation of awareness on importance of school age children vaccination (booster) and on vaccination schedule
  • Health education activities to increase community awareness of the importance of tetanus immunization
  • School health programs
  • Distribution of IEC materials on Tetanus
  • Training the community Health workers on tetanus including prevention measures/on vaccination, detection of tetanus
  • Immunization with tetanus-toxoid-containing vaccines (TTCV), which are included in routine immunization programmes (booster vaccination)
  • Advice to school age child/parents/families on proper wound care
  • Proper care for minor Wounds-thorough cleaning of the wound and covering to prevent infections
  • Effective surveillance to identify areas or populations at high risk of neonatal tetanus
  • Effective tetanus vaccination monitoring system including immunization register, personal vaccination cards
  • Recognition of symptoms indicative of tetanus in school age children including jaw cramping or the inability to open the mouth (lock jaw), muscle spasms often in the back, abdomen and extremities, sudden painful muscle spasms often triggered by sudden noises, trouble swallowing, seizures, Headache, fever and sweating
  • Immediate referral to a health facility for a child suspected to have tetanus
  • Home based/community based physical therapy rehabilitation for muscle movements
  • Psycho social support and counseling
  • Linkage to patient support groups
Primary Care
  • Effective tetanus surveillance to identify areas or populations at high risk of tetanus
  • Effective tetanus vaccination monitoring system including immunization register, personal vaccination cards and maternal health records.
  • Outreach activities inorder to increase TT immunizaton
  • Post exposure TT vaccination
  • Booster Tetanus vaccination Tetanus Toxoid containing vaccine /Immunization with tetanus-toxoid-containing vaccines (TTCV), which are included in routine immunization programmes
  • Proper wound care
  • School based health programs including TT vaccination
    • Physical and clinical examination
  • Clinical diagnosis of tetanus based on Clinical features
  • Recognition of any signs and symptoms indicating severe or complications of RHD eg severe chest pain, feet oedema
  • Relive pain
  • Relive fever
  • Management of inflammation with anti-inflammatory medications such as aspirin
  • Antibiotic prophylaxis to prevent recurrent infection with Group A streptococcus.
  • Referral to a hospital
Referral Facility: General
  • Awareness Creation among school going age children on Tetanus and preventive measures
  • Health education activities to increase awareness of the importance of tetanus immunization
  • Distribution of IEC materials
  • Training Health care workers on Tetanus prevention measures and management among adolescents
  • Post exposure vaccination for school going age children with Tetanus Toxoid containing vaccine
  • Proper wound care for the school going age children
  • Proper wound care for surgical and dental procedures
  • Effective surveillance to identify areas or populations at high risk of tetanus
  • Effective tetanus vaccination monitoring system including immunization register, personal vaccination cards
  • Data keeping/monitoring the impact of interventions and reporting

** Physical and clinical examination

  • Clinical diagnosis of tetanus based on Clinical features
  • Non-neonatal tetanus)requires at least one of the following signs: a sustained spasm of the facial muscles in which the person appears to be grinning or painful muscular contractions. And with a history of injury or wound, tetanus (but may also occur in patients who are unable to recall a specific wound or injury)*
  • Relieve of other symptoms such as headache with analgesics, fever with anti pyretic
  • Immediate admission for school age child with tetanus(Tetanus is a medical emergency)
  • Immediate management with medicines human tetanus immune globulin (TIG)
  • Prevention and management of any complications such as respiratory failure
  • Referral to specialsed hospital for further managemnet eg Intensive care services to manage any complications/severe tetanus eg for ventilation
  • Follow up
  • Physiotherapy, rehabilitation for muscle movements e.g swallowing and oral motor movements
  • Psycho social support and counseling
  • Linkage to patient support groups
Referral Facility: Specialist
    • Awareness Creation among school going age children on Tetanus and preventive measures
  • Health education activities to increase awareness of the importance of tetanus immunization
  • Distribution of IEC materials
  • Training Health care workers on Tetanus prevention measures and management among adolescents
  • Post exposure vaccination for school going age children with Tetanus Toxoid containing vaccine
  • Proper wound care for the school going age children
  • Proper wound care for surgical and dental procedures
  • Effective surveillance to identify areas or populations at high risk of tetanus
  • Effective tetanus vaccination monitoring system including immunization register, personal vaccination cards
  • Data keeping/monitoring the impact of interventions and reporting
    • Physical and clinical examination
  • Clinical diagnosis of tetanus based on Clinical features

  • Non-neonatal tetanus)requires at least one of the following signs: a sustained spasm of the facial muscles in which the person appears to be grinning or painful muscular contractions. And with a history of injury or wound, tetanus (but may also occur in patients who are unable to recall a specific wound or injury)*

  • Relieve of other symptoms such as headache with analgesics, fever with anti pyretic

  • Immediate admission for school age child with tetanus(Tetanus is a medical emergency)

  • Immediate management with medicines human tetanus immune globulin (TIG)

  • Aggressive wound care for the school age child with tetanus

  • Prevention and management of any complications such as respiratory failure

  • Intensive care services to manage any complications/severe tetanus eg for ventilation

  • Management/control of muscle spasms

  • Administration of antibiotics

  • Tetanus Vaccination for the school age child who has recovered from tetanus since infection with tetanus does not confer natural immunity

  • Follow up

  • Physiotherapy, rehabilitation for muscle movements e.g swallowing and oral motor movements
  • Psycho social support and counseling
  • Linkage to patient support groups
Condition: Trichuriasis
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Community engagement on the importance of clean water and safe sanitation and waste disposal
  • Education and social mobilization for the prevention and control of trichuriasis
  • Proper handwashing/good hand hygiene practices before handing food and after handling soil/manure
  • Avoidance of consuming or contact with soil that may be contaminated with human faecal matter
  • Mass drug administration with albendazole
  • Deworming
  • Anthelmintic
  • Antispasmodics
  • Analgesics
Primary Care
  • Health education on risk factors for trichuriasis and preventive measures such as good sanitation and hygiene practice
  • Guidance to parents on proper cleaning and cooking of food for school age children
  • Guidance to school age children on proper handwashing/good hand hygiene practices before handing food and after handling soil/manure
  • Guidance on Avoidance of consuming or getting into contact with soil that may be contaminated with human feacal matter
  • Proper waste disposal -Not passing stool in the soil or outdoors
  • Wash, peel, or cook all raw vegetables and fruits before eating, particularly those that have been grown in soil that has been fertilized with manure
  • Taking safety precautions like wearing gloves when handling soil/manure
  • Provide guidance on good nutrition for school age children
  • Mass deworming for all school-age children through school health programs
  • Anthelmintic
  • Antispasmodics
  • Analgesics
Referral Facility: General
  • Health education to primary school age children on Trichuriasis and prevention measures
  • School children education on personal hygiene as well as proper disposal of human faeces
  • School health programs/outreaches
  • Deworming of school children
  • Health workers training on Trichuriasis including prevention measures and management among school children
  • Guidance to parents on proper cleaning and cooking of food for school age children
  • Guidance to school age children on proper handwashing/good hand hygiene practices before handing food and after handling soil/manure
  • Guidance on Avoidance of consuming or getting into contact with soil that may be contaminated with human feacal matter
  • Proper waste disposal-Not passing stool in the soil or outdoors
  • Wash, peel or cook all raw vegetables and fruits before eating, particularly those that have been grown in soil that has been fertilized with manure
  • Taking safety precautions like wearing gloves when handling soil/manure
  • Provide guidance on good nutrition for school age children
  • Anthelmintic
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Health education to primary school age children on Trichuriasis and prevention measures
  • School children education on personal hygiene as well as proper disposal of human faeces
  • School health programs/outreaches
  • Deworming of school children
  • Health workers training on Trichuriasis including prevention measures and management among school children
  • Guidance to parents on proper cleaning and cooking of food for school age children
  • Guidance to school age children on proper handwashing/good hand hygiene practices before handing food and after handling soil/manure
  • Guidance on Avoidance of consuming or getting into contact with soil that may be contaminated with human feacal matter
  • Proper waste disposal-Not passing stool in the soil or outdoors
  • Wash, peel or cook all raw vegetables and fruits before eating, particularly those that have been grown in soil that has been fertilized with manure
  • Taking safety precautions like wearing gloves when handling soil/manure
  • Provide guidance on good nutrition for school age children
  • Anthelmintic
Condition: Iodine deficiency
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • School-based education on nutritious diets
  • Education of proprietors of schools on adding provision of one healthy meal to children in their facilities
  • School-based education on nutritious diets
  • Education of proprietors of schools on adding provision of one healthy meal to children in their facilities
  • Examination during home visits for presence of goiter and signs of hypothyroidism
  • Follow up cases of iodine deficiency being managed at home to ensure compliance with treatment and advice
  • Refer children with suspected iodine deficiency to next level for further assessment and management
Primary Care
  • Refer cases of iodine deficiency and cases of goiter to hospital for treatment
Referral Facility: General
  • Treat iodine deficiency cases with iodide with or without levothyroxine
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Treat iodine deficiency cases with iodide with or without levothyroxine
Condition: Vitamin A deficiency
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Community awareness on appropriate and timely complementary feeding and healthy infant and young child nutrition
  • Counselling on good hygiene practices including hand hygiene and quitting smoking
  • Community engagement on Infant and Young Child Nutrition IYCN
  • Adequate dietary intake of vitamin A during and after weaning
  • Good hygiene, sanitation practice
  • Deworming for preschool children * Immunization
  • Micronutrient supplementation including Vit. A
  • Counselling on use of therapeutic and supplementary foods
Primary Care
  • School- based education on nutritious diets
  • Education of proprietors of schools on adding provision of one healthy meal to children in their facilities
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin A-rich foods
Referral Facility: General
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin A-rich foods
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin A-rich foods
Condition: Leukemia
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Refer people with anaemia or easy bruising and bleeding or recurrent infection to next level for assessment
  • Immediate transfer of suspected cancer cases to a higher-level health care facility
  • Psychosocial support for people diagnosed with the disease
  • Supervision of people diagnosed with the condition for compliance with management
  • Community and home-based care for providing pain relief
  • Psychosocial support to patients and their families
Primary Care
  • Immediate transfer of suspected cancer cases to a higher-level health care facility
  • Physical therapy
Referral Facility: General
  • Immediate transfer of suspected cancer cases to a higher-level health care facility
  • Physical therapy
  • Occupational therapy
  • Palliative care for providing relief of pain and other associated symptoms
  • Psychosocial support to patients and their families
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Chemotherapy
  • Targeted therapy
  • Immunotherapy
  • Bone marrow or Stem cell transplantation
  • Radiotherapy
  • Physical therapy
  • Occupational therapy
  • Palliative care for providing relief of pain and other associated symptoms
  • Psychosocial support to patients and their families
Condition: Breast cancer
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Health and Wellness education on diet management, regular exercise, weight management, reduced exposure to radiation, reducing alcohol intake and avoiding exposure to tobacco smoke
  • Pursue intersectoral collaborations, with Ministry of Agriculture and its agencies, that make nutritious food sources available and affordable
  • Pursue intersectoral collaborations with Ministry of Environment, that reduce exposure to sources of radiation
  • Health Education on Breast Cancer–symptoms, risk factors, available treatment, need for prevention, early detection and early reporting for management
  • Social Marketing campaigns instituted towards generating empathy and promotion social inclusion of those who have completed a treatment cycle
  • Promotion of manufacturing of prosthetics, post-Surgical treatment
  • Set up publicly owned-and-run hospices
  • Promote private sector participation in setting up hospices and palliative care centres
Primary Care
  • Provision of Clinical Psychology services as part of Primary Care for clients who have completed treatment cycles
  • Set up publicly run hospices to collaborate with Primary Care Centers
Referral Facility: General
  • Institute Specialist teams to offer a combination of Surgery, Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy depending on the stage of the condition
  • Ductal Carcinoma-In-Situ (DCIS) – Surgery and Radiotherapy
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Physical examination
  • supportive therapy
  • relive pain
  • Nutritional support
  • managemnet of any opportunistc infections
  • Investigations
  • Biopsy
  • Ultrasoud
  • MRI
  • N/B Often when children have tumors in their breast tissue, the tumors aren’t cancerous but mainly fibroadenomas. (Benign in nature)
  • Surgery to remove the tumour
  • Radiotherapy
  • follow up
Condition: Corpus uteri cancer
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Social Marketing campaigns instituted towards generating empathy and promotion social inclusion of those who have completed a treatment cycle
  • Promotion of manufacturing of prosthetics, post-Surgical treatment
  • Set up publicly owned-and-run hospices
  • Promote private sector participation in setting up hospices and palliative care centres
Primary Care
  • Provision of Clinical Psychology services as part of Primary Care for clients who have completed treatment cycles
  • Set up publicly run hospices to collaborate with Primary Care Centres
Referral Facility: General
  • Stage I – Surgery (Total Hysterectomy with Bilateral Salpingo-OOphrectomy and Pelvic and Para-aortic lymphadenectomy)
  • Stages II and III – Pelvic Radiation and Chemotherapy Surgery (Total Hysterectomy with Bilateral Salpingo-OOphrectomy and Pelvic and Para-aortic lymphadenectomy) may also be done
  • Stage IV – Surgery, Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy and Hormonal Therapy may be used in various combinations
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Stage I – Surgery (Total Hysterectomy with Bilateral Salpingo-OOphrectomy and Pelvic and Para-aortic lymphadenectomy)
  • Stages II and III – Pelvic Radiation and Chemotherapy Surgery (Total Hysterectomy with Bilateral Salpingo-OOphrectomy and Pelvic and Para-aortic lymphadenectomy) may also be done
  • Stage IV – Surgery, Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy and Hormonal Therapy may be used in various combinations
Condition: African trypanosomiasis
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • IEC on African trypanosomiasis to all age cohorts
  • The main approaches to controlling African trypanosomiasis are to reduce the reservoirs of infection and the presence of the tsetse fly.

  • Primary prevention emasures *

  • Fly control measures

  • clear bushes.

  • Use insect repellent,

  • vector control using a multisectoral appraoch

  • use of Protective clothings: Wear long-sleeved shirts and pants of medium-weight material in neutral colors that blend with the background environment. (Tsetse flies are attracted to bright or dark colors, and they can bite through lightweight clothing).

  • Inspection of places before entry eg cars --since the flies are attracted to bright lights eg car lights

  • The use of trypanotolerant breeds for livestock farming should be considered if the disease is widespread.

  • Fly control is another option but is difficult to implement.

  • screening -The card agglutination test for trypanosomiasis T. b. gambiense (CATT) is a serologic screening test used for population screening

  • Screening of people at risk helps identify patients at an early stage.

Primary Care
    • Physical and clinical examinaton
  • Direct observation of tredatrmnet offered at the hospital level (for outpatient referred back to primary facilities for obsaervation)
  • Monitor any complicdations including adverse drugs reaction and refer
  • Referal to a hospital for a patient suspected to have african trypanasomiasis
Referral Facility: General
    • Physical and clinical examinaton
  • *Experienced staff to conduct clinical assessment For T.b. gambiense **
  • Treatment under direct observation either through outpatient or as inpatients
  • Admission/inpatient services
  • Treatmnet with relevant medication first-line treatment or second line treatmnet aas indicated
  • Management of relapses
  • Mananagement of nay complications eg reduce the risk of encephalopathy
  • Management of any adverse drug effects- eg Encephalopathy gastrointestinal and skin reactions, pyrexia, and peripheral neuropathy.
  • Diagnostic tests
  • Microscopy of fresh blood chancre fluid or lymph node aspirate
  • Microscopy of celebral spinal fluid (CSF) (wet preparation)
Referral Facility: Specialist
    • Physical and clinical examinaton
  • *Experienced staff to conduct clinical assessment For T.b. gambiense **
  • Treatment under direct observation either through outpatient or as inpatients
  • Admission/inpatient services
  • Treatmnet with relevant medication first-line treatment or second line treatmnet aas indicated
  • Management of relapses
  • Mananagement of nay complications eg reduce the risk of encephalopathy
  • Management of any adverse drug effects- eg Encephalopathy gastrointestinal and skin reactions, pyrexia, and peripheral neuropathy.
  • Diagnostic tests
  • Microscopy of fresh blood chancre fluid or lymph node aspirate
  • Microscopy of celebral spinal fluid (CSF) (wet preparation)
Condition: Malaria
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Mass media on malaria prevention measures * Community based campaigns to promote use of bed nets, early health seeking behaviour * Community mobilization and engagement on malaria prevention and control measures
  • Insecticide-treated nets (ITNs)
  • Indoor residual spraying (IRS)
  • Larvicidal
  • Environmental management
  • Perennial malaria chemoprevention (PMC
  • Recognition of malaria signs and symptoms
  • Rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs)
  • Oral antimalarial treatment
  • Pre-referral artesunate rectal suppository
  • Immediate transfer of severe or unresponsive cases to a higher-level health care facility
Primary Care
  • Health education on early identification of malaria symptoms and early treatment
  • Perennial malaria chemoprevention (PMC)
  • Seasonal malaria chemoprevention (SMC)
  • Early identification and treatment of malaria
  • Insecticide treated bed net for malaria cases
  • History
  • Physical examination
  • Microscopy Rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs)
  • Oral antimalaria treatment
  • Intramuscular antimalarials empiric therapy for initial phase treatment of severe malaria * Pre-referral artesunate rectal suppository
  • Immediate transfer of severe or unresponsive cases to a higher-level health care facility
Referral Facility: General
  • Health education on early identification of malaria symptoms and early treatment
  • Early identification and treatment of malaria
  • Insecticide treated bed net for malaria cases
  • History
  • Physical examination
  • Microscopy
  • Full blood count
  • Renal function tests
  • Liver function tests
  • Blood grouping and cross-match
  • Intravenous antimalarials for treatment of severe malaria
  • IV Glucose
  • IV anticonvulsants
  • Blood and blood product transfusion
  • Immediate transfer of unresponsive or complicated cases to a higher-level health care facility
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Health education on early identification of malaria symptoms and early treatment
  • Early identification and treatment of malaria
  • Insecticide treated bed net for malaria cases
  • Microscopy
  • PCR-based tests
  • Full blood count
  • Renal function tests
  • Liver function tests
  • Blood grouping and cross-match
  • Intravenous antimalarial for severe malaria
  • IV Glucose
  • IV anticonvulsants * Blood and blood product transfusion
  • Haemodialysis for acute kidney injury
  • Intensive care unit for cerebral malaria
Condition: Schistosomiasis
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Improvement in community Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
  • Vector control
  • It is recommended that pre-school children should be treated for schistosomiasis within child-health services where their weight is monitored, they are immunized, dewormed and given micronutrient supplements.
  • Preventive chemotherapy with Praziquantel (PZQ)
  • Preventive chemotherapy with Praziquantel (PZQ) for 12 -14-year olds and for those above, only for persons at risk whicjh may include groups with occupations involving contact with infested water, such as fishermen, farmers, irrigation workers, or women in their domestic tasks, to entire communities living in endemic areas
  • Treatment
  • Praziquantel 40 mg/kg body weight
Primary Care
  • IEC for all age cohorts
  • Schistosomiasis,
  • Hygiene
  • Improvement in community Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
  • Preventive chemotherapy with Praziquantel (PZQ)
  • Preventive chemotherapy with Praziquantel (PZQ) for 12 -14-year olds and for those above, only for persons at risk whicjh may include groups with occupations involving contact with infested water, such as fishermen, farmers, irrigation workers,women in their domestic tasks, to entire communities living in endemic areas
  • Vector control
  • It is recommended that pre-school children should be treated for schistosomiasis within child-health services where their weight is monitored, they are immunized, dewormed and given micronutrient supplements.
Referral Facility: General
Referral Facility: Specialist
Condition: Echinococcosis
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Improved water sanitation and hygiene in the community
  • Hygiene in the slaughtering of livestock (including the proper destruction of infected offal)
  • Public education campaigns on prevention
    - Limit the areas where dogs are allowed
    - Prevent animals from consuming meat infected with cysts
    - Do not allow dogs to feed on rodents and other wild animals
    - Avoid contact with wild animals such as foxes, coyotes and stray dogs
    - Do not encourage wild animals to come close to your home or keep them as pets
    - Prevent dogs from feeding on the carcasses of infected sheep
    - Control stray dog populations
    - Restrict home slaughter of sheep and other livestock
    - Do not consume any food or water that may have been contaminated by fecal matter from dogs
    - Wash your hands with soap and warm water after handling dogs, and before handling food
    - Teach children the importance of washing hands to prevent infection
    - Periodic deworming of domestic carnivores (dogs etc.) with praziquantel (at least 4 times per year)
    - Vaccination of sheep with an E. granulosus recombinant antigen (EG95)
  • A programme
  • Treatment
    - Both albendazole 10 to 15 mg/kg body weight per day (max 800 mg orally in two doses) and, as a second choice for treatment, mebendazole 40-50 mg/kg body weight per day continuously for several months have been highly effective.
Primary Care
  • Improved water sanitation and hygiene in the community
  • Hygiene in the slaughtering of livestock (including the proper destruction of infected offal)
  • Public education campaigns on prevention
    - Limit the areas where dogs are allowed
    - Prevent animals from consuming meat infected with cysts
    - Do not allow dogs to feed on rodents and other wild animals
    - Avoid contact with wild animals such as foxes, coyotes and stray dogs
    - Do not encourage wild animals to come close to your home or keep them as pets
    - Prevent dogs from feeding on the carcasses of infected sheep
    - Control stray dog populations
    - Restrict home slaughter of sheep and other livestock
    - Do not consume any food or water that may have been contaminated by fecal matter from dogs
    - Wash your hands with soap and warm water after handling dogs and before handling food
    - Teach children the importance of washing hands to prevent infection
    - Periodic deworming of domestic carnivores (dogs etc.) with praziquantel (at least 4 times per
    - Vaccination of sheep with an E. granulosus recombinant antigen (EG95)
  • A programme
  • Diagnosis  
    - Ultrasonography imaging is the technique of choice for the diagnosis of both cystic echinococcosis and alveolar echinococcosis in humans.
  • Treatment  
    - Both albendazole 10 to 15 mg/kg body weight per day (max 800 mg orally in two doses) and, as a second choice for treatment, mebendazole 40-50 mg/kg body weight per day continuously for several months have been highly effective  
    - Percutaneous treatment of the hydatid cysts with the PAIR (Puncture, Aspiration, Injection, Re-aspiration) technique
Referral Facility: General
  • Improved water sanitation and hygiene in the community
  • Hygiene in the slaughtering of livestock (including the proper destruction of infected offal)
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Improved water sanitation and hygiene in the community
  • Hygiene in the slaughtering of livestock (including the proper destruction of infected offal)
Condition: Cysticercosis
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
Primary Care
Referral Facility: General
  • Widespread Improvement of water, sanitation and hygiene conditions
    - Strict meat inspection
  • Health education
    - Identification and treatment of tapeworm carriers
    - Cooking pork and beef well
    - Avoid foods that might be contaminated by human faeces.
  • Food handlers should be educated in good handwashing practices
  • Anthelminthic therapy using albendazole (conventional dosage 15 mg/kg/day in 2 divided doses for 15 days) may be superior to praziquantel (50 mg/kg/day for 15 days) for the treatment of neurocysticercosis
  • Co-administration of corticosteroids that cross the blood brain barrier (e.g. dexamethasone) is used to mitigate these effects
  • Treatment of edema, intracranial hypertension or hydrocephalus, which may include ventricular shunt or other neurosurgical procedures
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Widespread Improvement of water, sanitation and hygiene conditions
    - Strict meat inspection
  • Health education
    - Identification and treatment of tapeworm carriers
    - Cooking pork and beef well
    - Avoid foods that might be contaminated by human faeces.
  • Food handlers should be educated in good handwashing practices
  • Anthelminthic therapy using albendazole (conventional dosage 15 mg/kg/day in 2 divided doses for 15 days) may be superior to praziquantel (50 mg/kg/day for 15 days) for the treatment of neurocysticercosis
  • Co-administration of corticosteroids that cross the blood brain barrier (e.g. dexamethasone) is used to mitigate these effects
  • Treatment of edema, intracranial hypertension or hydrocephalus, which may include ventricular shunt or other neurosurgical procedures
Condition: Autism and Asperger syndrome
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Create awareness on autism spectrum disorder to the community
  • Families and community education to reduce stigma and discrimination
  • Encourage a multi-sectoral approach to ensure children’s education and opportunities to engage and participate in their communities.
  • Monitoring of child development as part of routine maternal and child health care
  • Encourage child’s physical activity
  • Proper nutrition for child
  • Behavioural therapy
  • Referral to the next level health facility
  • Parental/care givers skills training programme
  • Home based Physiotherapy
  • Physical exercises
  • Community based Social support system for patient families
  • Linkage with education sector to promote access to educational facilities
  • Long term psychosocial support and care for the children with severe disabilities
Primary Care
  • Provision of information on autism spectrum disorder to the parents and family members
  • Monitoring of child development as part of routine maternal and child health care
  • Encourage child’s physical activity
  • Proper nutrition for child
  • Behavioural therapy
  • Referral to the next level health facility
  • Community based Social support system for patient families
  • Linkage with education sector to promote access to educational facilities
  • Long term psychosocial support and care for the children with severe disabilities
Referral Facility: General
  • Provision of information on autism spectrum disorder to the parents and family members
  • Monitoring of child development as part of routine maternal and child health care
  • Encourage child’s physical activity
  • Proper nutrition for child
  • Behavioural therapy
  • Symptomatic Pharmacotherapy
  • Physiotherapy including physical exercises
  • Speech and language therapy
  • Social skills development training,
  • Occupational therapy
  • Sensory integration therapy
  • Community based Social support system for patient families
  • Linkage with education sector to promote access to educational facilities
  • Long term psychosocial support and care for the children with severe disabilities
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Provision of information on autism spectrum disorder to the parents and family members
  • Monitoring of child development as part of routine maternal and child health care
  • Encourage child’s physical activity
  • Proper nutrition for child
  • Behavioural therapy
  • Symptomatic Pharmacotherapy
  • Physiotherapy including physical exercises
  • Speech and language therapy
  • Social skills development training,
  • Occupational therapy
  • Sensory integration therapy
  • Community based Social support system for patient families
  • Linkage with education sector to promote access to educational facilities
  • Long term psychosocial support and care for the children with severe disabilities
Condition: Asthma
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Create awareness on triggers/ risk factors of asthma and preventive measures * Multi sectoral approach to ensure clean environments
  • Avoidance of aeroallergen
  • Avoidance of direct or passive exposure to cigarette smoke
  • Short-acting beta-2 agonist.
Primary Care
  • Health education on triggers/ risk factors of asthma and preventive measures
  • Avoidance of aeroallergen
  • Avoidance of direct or passive exposure to cigarette smoke
  • Vaccination against influenza and pneumonia
  • Short-acting beta-2 agonist.
  • Inhaled steroids
  • Long-acting beta-2 agonists
  • Buteyko or yoga breathing techniques
Referral Facility: General
  • Health education on triggers/ risk factors of asthma and preventive measures
  • Vaccination: influenza
  • Vaccination: pneumonia
  • Vaccination: COVID
  • Short-acting bronchodilator,
  • Low-dose inhaled corticosteroid (ICS)
  • Long-acting bronchodilator (LABA)
  • Long-acting muscarinic agonist (LAMA)
  • Supplemental oxygen
  • Bilevel Positive Airway Pressure (BiPAP)
  • Counselling on personalised asthma management plan
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Health education on triggers/ risk factors of asthma and preventive measures
  • Vaccination: influenza
  • Vaccination: pneumonia
  • Vaccination: COVID
  • Short-acting bronchodilator,
  • Low-dose inhaled corticosteroid (ICS)
  • Long-acting bronchodilator (LABA)
  • Long-acting muscarinic agonist (LAMA)
  • Supplemental oxygen
  • Bilevel Positive Airway Pressure (BiPAP)
Condition: Conduct disorder
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • School-based life skills training to build social and emotional competencies
  • Community awareness creation campaign on behavioural and emotional problems
  • Avoid use of alcohol or illicit drugs and smoking during pregnancy
  • Avoiding exposure to physical or sexual abuse or domestic violence,
  • Early treatment of parental substance use disorders or criminal behaviour
  • Behavioural support for good behaviour and skills training to improve social competence in schools
  • Referral for specialized mental health and other needed services
  • Community based Social support for child and family
  • Linkage to education sector to promote access to education
  • Long term psychosocial support and care
  • Parental/care givers skills training programme
Primary Care
  • Provide information to school age children their parents/families and communities at large on conduct disorder including prevention measures
  • Health workers education on conduct disorder, prevention measures and interventions /management
  • Guidance to school age children,their parents/families on improving family interactions and communication among family members
  • Guidance to school children on Avoidance of substance abuse
  • Advice to parents/families/schools on prevention of childhood abuse,
  • Encourage parents/schools to avoid inconsistent discipline to the children
  • Guidance to school age children on moral awareness
  • Guidance to school children on social interactions with peers
  • Psychoeducation for patients and caregivers
  • Referral for specialized mental health and other needed services
  • Social support for the child and family
  • Linkage to education sector to promote access to education
  • Long term psychosocial support and care
  • Parental/care givers skills training programme
Referral Facility: General
  • Health workers training on conduct disorder, prevention measures and interventions /management
  • Information to parents/families and communities at large on conduct disorder including prevention measures
  • Guidance to adolescents, their parents/families on improving family interactions and communication among family members
  • Guidance to adolescents on Avoidance of substance abuse
  • Encourage parents to avoid inconsistent discipline to the adolescents
  • Guidance to adolescents on moral awareness
  • Guidance to adolescents on social interactions with peers
  • Treat comorbid conditions such as attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
  • Group parent training programme
  • Parent and child training programmes
  • Referral for specialized mental health and other needed services
  • Social support for the child and family
  • Linkage to education sector to promote access to education
  • Long term psychosocial support and care
  • Parental/care givers skills training programme
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Health workers training on conduct disorder, prevention measures and interventions /management
  • Information to parents/families and communities at large on conduct disorder including prevention measures
  • Guidance to adolescents, their parents/families on improving family interactions and communication among family members
  • Guidance to adolescents on Avoidance of substance abuse
  • Encourage parents to avoid inconsistent discipline to the adolescents
  • Guidance to adolescents on moral awareness
  • Guidance to adolescents on social interactions with peers
  • Treat comorbid conditions such as attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
  • Group parent training programme
  • Parent and child training programmes
  • Referral for specialized mental health and other needed services
  • Family therapy/counselling to help improve family interactions and communication among family members. Including to children
  • Parent management training (PMT) -Specialized training that teaches parents ways to positively alter their child's behavior in the home.
Condition: Eating disorders
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Awareness creation to communities on eating disorders and how to prevent them
  • Distribution of IEC materials on eating disorders
  • Guidance to children on healthy balanced diets/healthy eating
  • Education to children on effective ways of coping with emotions
  • Education and guidance to school age children on health exercises
  • Guidance to children on coping with peer pressure
  • Protection of children from trauma including sexual abuse
  • Early recognition of signs indicative of eating disorder
  • Referral to a health facility for children with eating disorder
  • Family & Community social support systems where people can share their feelings
Primary Care
  • Awareness creation to children, families, school communities on eating disorders and how to prevent them
  • Early identification of eating disorder among children
  • Guidance/advice to children and their families on a healthy development before the occurrence of eating disorders.
  • Guidance to children/parents/families on healthy balanced diets/healthy eating including body image
  • Education to children on effective ways of coping with emotions
  • Education and guidance to children on healthy physical exercises
  • Guidance to children on coping with peer pressure
  • Early detection and management of eating disorders
  • Nutrition counselling
  • Advisory on exercises/exercise moderation/reducing excessive exercises
  • Recognition and referral to a hospital for child with severe eating disorder, mental disorders and severe complications
  • Counselling services for school age children with eating disorders and their families
  • Linkage of school children with eating disorders and their families to Self-help/ support groups
Referral Facility: General
  • Counselling of children, families, on causes and prevention of eating disorders.
  • Early identification of eating disorder among children
  • Sensitize children and families on eating disorders, prevention measures and management. multi-sectoral engagement in addressing eating disorders
  • Assessment of mental and social wellbeing of children with eating disorder
  • multi-disciplinary treatment approach involving psychiatrists, psychologists, physicians, dieticians or nutritional advisers, social workers
  • Medical nutrition therapy
  • Psychological interventions
  • Cognitive behavioural therapy
  • Behavioural therapy
  • Oral medications for eating disorders
  • Management of any concurrent mental ailments like depression and anxiety disorders.
  • Hospitalization for serious cases
  • Referral
  • Counselling age children with eating disorders
  • services for school Family therapy
  • Linkage of school children with eating disorders and their families to Self-help / support groups
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Counselling of children, families, on causes and prevention of eating disorders.
  • Early identification of eating disorder among children
  • Sensitize children and families on eating disorders, prevention measures and management. multi-sectoral engagement in addressing eating disorders
  • Assessment mental and social wellbeing of the school age child with eating disorder
  • multi-disciplinary treatment approach involving psychiatrists, psychologists’ physicians, dieticians or nutritional advisers, social workers
  • Medical nutrition therapy
  • Psychological interventions
  • Cognitive behavioural therapy
  • Behavioural therapy
  • Oral medications for eating disorders
  • Management of any concurrent mental ailments like depression and anxiety disorders.
  • Hospitalization for serious cases
  • Counselling age children with eating disorders
  • services for school Family therapy
  • Linkage of school children with eating disorders and their families to Self-help / support groups
Condition: Periodontal disease
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Create awareness on oral health including periodontal disease to the communities
  • Increase knowledge and practices among the public through community programmes
  • Fully integrating oral health into community health programmes.
  • Community Health workers training on periodontal disease including prevention measures
  • Daily oral hygiene measures to prevent periodontal disease including brushing properly on a regular basis (at least twice daily), Flossing daily
  • Using an antiseptic mouthwash: Chlorhexidine gluconate-based mouthwash
  • Adoption of healthy lifestyles such as use of healthy balanced diets
  • Regular dental check-ups
  • Community level screening for periodontal disease
  • Recognition of symptoms indicative of periodontal disease such as bleeding gums, drifted or loose teeth or a complaint of bad breath, Good oral hygiene /oral hygiene instructions including brushing and flossing
  • Guidance on healthy diet/good nutrition
  • Use of antiseptic mouth washes as a temporary primary oral hygiene measure
  • Relieve of symptoms such as pain with analgesics
  • Referral to a health facility for management of school age children with periodontal disease
Primary Care
  • Education to the school age children and their families on periodontal disease and prevention measures
  • Health workers training on periodontal disease including prevention and management in children
  • Guidance to school age child on good oral hygiene practices including brushing, flossing
  • Guidance to the school age child on their role in improving periodontal health.
  • Information and guidance to the school age child /to their parents/families on the benefits of a healthy, balanced diet to the child’s oral health including prevention of periodontal disease
  • Advice on frequent visits for dental prophylaxis and or supportive periodontal therapy
  • Screen school children for periodontal diseases at every routine examination.
  • Physical, clinical and full periodontal assessment involving charting of recession, probing depths, bleeding on probing and mobility for every tooth
  • Treatment planning and Patient/parent education on the treatment choice
  • Guidance to patient/parents /school age child on their role in improving periodontal health.
  • Oral Hygiene instructions modelled on patient behaviour change strategies (TIPPS-talk, instruct, practice, plan, support)
  • Use of mouth washes as a temporary primary oral hygiene measure
  • Ensure that the patient or parents is/are motivated to achieve and maintain effective plaque removal for the child
  • Antimicrobial Medication, Local antimicrobials, including disinfectants such as chlorhexidine and systemic antimicrobials
  • Use of analgesics where there is pain
  • Referal for school age child with periodontal disease to a hospital for further management and Management of any underlying conditions such as diabetes /cardiovascular disease that predisposes to periodontal disease
Referral Facility: General
  • Education to the school age children and their families on periodontal disease and prevention measures
  • Health workers training on periodontal disease including prevention and management in children
  • Guidance to school age child on good oral hygiene practices including brushing; flossing
  • Guidance to the school age child on their role in improving periodontal health.
  • Information and guidance to the school age child/to their parents/families on the benefits of a healthy, balanced diet to the child’s oral health including prevention of periodontal disease
  • Advice on frequent visits for dental prophylaxis or supportive periodontal therapy
  • Screen school age children for periodontal diseases at every routine examination.
  • Physical, clinical and full periodontal assessment involving charting of recession, probing depths, bleeding on probing and mobility for every tooth
  • Diagnostics including; * Study models for diagnostics especially of gingival recession * Use of clinical photographs calibrated by inclusion of a probe to monitor gingival recession * Use of Radiographs (x-rays) to determine the extent of periodontal disease and for treatment planning. These include periapical radiographs or panoramic radiographs
  • Treatment planning and school age child education on the treatment choice
  • Oral Hygiene instructions modelled on patient behaviour change strategies (TIPPS-talk, instruct, practice, plan, support)
  • Use of mouth washes as a temporary primary oral hygiene measure
  • Removal of plaque and calculus including supragingival debridement and root surface instrumentation
  • Ensure that the patient is motivated to achieve and maintain effective plaque removal.
  • Management of Local Plaque-retentive Factors e.g. crowded teeth, partial dentures, bridgework, orthodontic appliances
  • Antimicrobial Medication; Local antimicrobials, including disinfectants such as chlorhexidine and systemic antimicrobials
  • Use of analgesics where there is pain
  • Advanced treatment through periodontal surgery to prevent more bone loss
  • Management of any underlying conditions in school age child such as diabetes /cardiovascular disease that predisposes to periodontal disease
  • Supportive periodontal therapy-long term program of Follow up and check ups after successful periodontal treatment
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Education to the school age children and their families on periodontal disease and prevention measures
  • Health workers training on periodontal disease including prevention and management in children
  • Guidance to school age child on good oral hygiene practices including brushing; flossing
  • Guidance to the school age child on their role in improving periodontal health.
  • Information and guidance to the school age child/to their parents/families on the benefits of a healthy, balanced diet to the child’s oral health including prevention of periodontal disease
  • Advice on frequent visits for dental prophylaxis or supportive periodontal therapy
  • Screen school age children for periodontal diseases at every routine examination.
  • Physical, clinical and full periodontal assessment involving charting of recession, probing depths, bleeding on probing and mobility for every tooth
  • Diagnostics including;
    • Study models for diagnostics especially of gingival recession
    • Use of clinical photographs calibrated by inclusion of a probe to monitor gingival recession
    • Use of Radiographs (x-rays) to determine the extent of periodontal disease and for treatment planning. These include periapical radiographs or panoramic radiographs
  • Treatment planning and Patient education on the treatment choice
  • Oral Hygiene instructions modelled on patient behaviour change strategies (TIPPS-talk, instruct, practice, plan, support)
  • Use of mouth washes as a temporary primary oral hygiene measure
  • Removal of plaque and calculus including supragingival debridement and root surface instrumentation
  • Ensure that the patient is motivated to achieve and maintain effective plaque removal.
  • Management of Local Plaque-retentive Factors e.g. crowded teeth, partial dentures, bridgework, orthodontic appliances
  • Antimicrobial Medication; Local antimicrobials, including disinfectants such as chlorhexidine and systemic antimicrobials
  • Use of analgesics where there is pain
  • Advanced treatment through periodontal surgery to prevent more bone loss
  • Management of any underlying conditions in school age child such as diabetes /cardiovascular disease that predisposes to periodontal disease
  • Supportive periodontal therapy-long term program of Follow up and check ups after successful periodontal treatment
Condition: Attention deficit/hyperactivity syndrome
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Community education/awareness creation on ADHD
  • Advocacy for ADHD including provision of services for persons with ADHD
  • Community Health workers training/sensitization on ADHD
  • Physical exercise for the school children
  • Reduction of exposure to Children to certain toxic substances, such industrial chemicals, organophosphate insecticides
  • Prevention of child abuse, neglect or social deprivation
  • Recognition of symptoms indicative of ADHD including inattention, or excessive activity and impulsivity, which are otherwise not
  • Psychotherapy and Psychosocial Interventions including;
  • Behavioral therapy to help the patient change their behavior
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy to teach on mindfulness techniques or meditation and help patient adjust to the life changes that come with treatment,appropriate for a person's age.
  • Referral to a health facility
  • Community/home based physical activities/Promote exercises
  • Children with ADHD need guidance and understanding from their parents, families and teachers to reach their full potential and to succeed.
  • Help to the child and parents develop new skills, attitudes and ways of relating to each other.
  • Linkage to Support groups to help children, their parents and families connect with others who have similar problems and concerns.
  • Linkage with schools and advice on Specific behavioral classroom management e.g. teacher-implemented reward system
Primary Care
  • Community education/awareness creation on ADHD
  • Advocacy for ADHD including provision of services for persons with ADHD
  • Health workers training on ADHD
  • Awareness caretion on prevention measures including:
  • Reduction of exposure to Children to certain toxic substances, such industrial chemicals, organophosphate insecticides
  • Prevention of child abuse, neglect or social deprivation
  • Physical exercise for the school children
    • physical and clinical examination
  • Symptomatic diagnosis of AHDD-Inattention, hyperactivity, disruptive behavior and impulsivity
    • Diagnosis based on assessment of child’s behavioral and mental development (must be diagnosed by the age of six)
  • Referral to a hospital Psychotherapy and Psychosocial Interventions including,
  • Behavioral therapy to help the patient change their behavior
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy to teach on mindfulness techniques or meditation; and help patient adjust to the life changes that come with treatment,
  • Physical therapy
  • Promote exercises
  • Children with ADHD need guidance and understanding from their parents, families and teachers to reach their full potential and to succeed.
  • Help to the child and parents develop new skills, attitudes, and ways of relating to each other.
  • Linkage to Support groups to help children, their parents and families connect with others who have similar problems and concerns.
  • Linkage with schools and advice on Specific behavioral classroom management e.g. teacher-implemented reward system
Referral Facility: General
  • Community education/awareness creation on ADHD
  • Advocacy for ADHD including provision of services for persons with ADHD
  • Health workers training on ADHD
  • Physical exercise for the school children
  • Reduction of exposure to Children to certain toxic substances such industrial chemicals, organophosphate insecticides
  • Awareness creation on prevention measures including:
  • Prevention of child abuse, neglect or social deprivation
  • physical and clinical examination
  • Symptomatic diagnosis of AHDD-Inattention, hyperactivity, disruptive behavior and impulsivity
    • Diagnosis based on assessment of child’s behavioral and mental development (must have been diagnosed by the age of six)
  • Psychotherapy and Psychosocial Interventions including;
  • Behavioral therapy to help the patient change their behavior
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy to teach on mindfulness techniques or meditation and help patient adjust to the life changes that come with treatment,
  • Medication therapy (e.g. use of non-stimulants & stimulants) to reduce hyperactivity and impulsivity and improve ability to focus, work, learn and physical coordination.
  • Monitoring and management of complications including those related to medication use including headaches; increased anxiety and irritability
  • Rule out effects of drugs, medications and other medical or psychiatric problems as the cause of ADHD
  • Follow up
  • Physical therapy
  • Promote exercises
  • Children with ADHD need guidance and understanding from their parents, families and teachers to reach their full potential and to succeed.
  • Help to the child and parents develop new skills, attitudes, and ways of relating to each other.
  • Linkage to Support groups to help school children, their parents and families connect with others who have similar problems and concerns.
  • Linkage with schools and advice on Specific behavioral classroom management e.g. teacher-implemented reward system
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Community education/awareness creation on ADHD
  • Advocacy for ADHD including provision of services for persons with ADHD
  • Health workers training on ADHD
  • Physical exercise for the school children
  • Reduction of exposure to Children to certain toxic substances such industrial chemicals, organophosphate insecticides
  • Awareness creation on prevention measures including:
  • Prevention of child abuse, neglect or social deprivation
  • physical and clinical examination
  • Symptomatic diagnosis of AHDD-Inattention, hyperactivity, disruptive behavior and impulsivity
    • Diagnosis based on assessment of child’s behavioral and mental development (must have been diagnosed by the age of six)
  • Rule out effects of drugs, medications and other medical or psychiatric problems as the cause of ADHD
  • Psychotherapy and Psychosocial Interventions including;
  • Behavioral therapy to help the patient change their behavior
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy to teach on mindfulness techniques or meditation and help patient adjust to the life changes that come with treatment.
  • Medication therapy (e.g. use of non-stimulants & stimulants) to reduce hyperactivity and impulsivity and improve ability to focus, work, learn and physical coordination.
    • Monitoring and management of complications including those related to medication use including headaches; increased anxiety and irritability
  • Follow up
  • Physical therapy
  • Promote exercises
  • Children with ADHD need guidance and understanding from their parents, families and teachers to reach their full potential and to succeed.
  • Help to the child and parents develop new skills, attitudes, and ways of relating to each other.
  • Linkage to Support groups to help school children, their parents and families connect with others who have similar problems and concerns.
  • Linkage with schools and advice on Specific behavioral classroom management e.g. teacher-implemented reward system
Condition: Migraine
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Education and awareness creation/information to school age children/families on migraine headache, prevention measures
  • Community Health worker training on migraine, prevention , recognition and management at the community level
  • Advice to parents and the school age children on lifestyle factors that the child need to avoid or the migraine triggers to reduce the frequency of attacks including,
  • irregular or skipped meals,
  • irregular or too little sleep,
  • astressful lifestyle,
  • lack of exercise,
  • obesity
  • Encourage parents and the school age child to participate actively in their treatment and to employ management principles including.
  • Monitoring the child to identify factors influencing migraine
  • Managing migraine triggers effectively
  • Pacing activity to avoid triggering or exacerbating migraine
  • Ensure the child has a lifestyle that does not worsen migraine
  • Ensure the child relaxes enough
  • Ensure the child has good sleep hygiene
  • Help the child to develop stress management skills
  • Using acute and prophylactic medication on the child
  • Recognition/Identification of features suggestive of migraine I headache in children including:
  • Complaints of Headache (usually on both right and left side of the head or the front),
  • Vomiting
  • irritability
  • gastrointestinal disturbance
  • sensitivity to light and/sound
  • Supportive therapy for the child with migraine headache through
  • Ensuring adequate rest/sleep, regular meals
  • help the child to exercise
  • Give adequate fluids especially if the child is vomiting
  • Use of painkillers such as ibuprofen/paracetamol
  • Monitor for any features of worsening of the condition of the child with migraine and referrer to a health facility for further management.
  • Relaxation therapy e.g massage therapy to relive migraine
  • Counselling and patient/parents/families education on use and adherence to the medication for the child according to the prescription
Primary Care
Referral Facility: General
Referral Facility: Specialist
Condition: Hookworm disease
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Community engagement on the importance of clean water and safe sanitation and waste disposal
  • Education and social mobilization for the prevention and control of hook worm infection
  • Proper handwashing/good hand hygiene practices before handing food and after handling soil/manure
  • Avoidance of consuming or contact with soil that may be contaminated with human faecal matter
  • Deworming and iron supplementation
  • MDA with albendazole
  • Anthelmintic
  • Antispasmodics
  • Analgesics
Primary Care
  • Health education on risk factors for hook worm infection and preventive measures such as good sanitation and hygiene practice
  • Deworming and iron supplementation
  • Anthelmintic
  • Antispasmodics
  • Analgesics
  • Iron supplementation
Referral Facility: General
  • Health education on risk factors for hook worm infection and preventive measures such as good sanitation and hygiene practice
  • Advice to school age children on use of safe Drinking water
  • Advice to parents/families/schools on Properly cleaning and cooking food
  • Advice on use of barrier to prevent the skin from getting in contact with the soil especially in areas that may have feaces in the soil e.g use of shoes, gloves when gardening
  • Guidance on proper handwashing/hand hygiene
  • Guidance on proper human waste disposal
  • Anthelmintic
  • Iron supplementation
  • Blood transfusion
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Health education on risk factors for hook worm infection and preventive measures such as good sanitation and hygiene practice
  • Advice to school age children on use of safe Drinking water
  • Advice to parents/families/schools on Properly cleaning and cooking food
  • Advice on use of barrier to prevent the skin from getting in contact with the soil especially in areas that may have feaces in the soil e.g use of shoes, gloves when gardening
  • Guidance on proper handwashing/hand hygiene
  • Guidance on proper human waste disposal
  • Diagnosis based of the different clinical entities of hookworm disease i.e. Classic hookworm disease (gastrointestinal (GI) infection), Cutaneous larva migrans and Eosinophilic enteritis
  • Nutritional support/therapy to address any deficiency of nutrients due to the worms (e.g. Iron, Protein)
  • Administration of anthelminthic drugs (e.g. mebendazole; albendazole) to school age children with hook worm disease
  • Management of larvae in the skin (Topical administration of anthelminthic e.g. .Thiabendazole to destroy the larvae in the skin.
  • Local cryotherapy to destroy the hookworms while still in the skin
  • Management of anemia and its complications (use of iron supplements, vitamin C. Folic acid and vitamin B12 supplements) Diagnostic tests
  • Examination of a stool sample to identify hookworm eggs
  • Blood tests to check for anemia and nutritional deficiencies
  • Chest X-ray to check lung involvement in hookworm infection.
Condition: Lower respiratory tract infections (LRTI)
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Create awareness on respiratory tract infections including prevention measures (hand feeding, bottle feeding)
  • Distribution of IEC materials on lower respiratory tract infections
  • Advocacy for proper sanitation and good housing
  • Community mobilisation for routine immunisation especially for the pneumococcal vaccine
  • Good hygiene practices including hand washing
  • Avoidance of smoking within the household
  • Avoidance of secondary exposure to smoke
  • Avoidance of biomass combustion (particularly indoor cooking fires) and
  • Avoidance of air pollutants
  • Observation of good hygiene practices in food preparation for the children
  • Encourage utilization of safe portable water in homes and communities Counselling on WASH services (use of safe water supply, sanitation and hygiene)
  • Early recognition of danger signs by the family members
  • Preventive zinc supplements Vaccination: rotavirus
  • Recognition of LRTI signs and symptoms
  • First-line antibiotic treatment
  • Immediate transfer of unresponsive or sever cases to a higher-level health care facility
  • Syndromic diagnosis of lower respiratory tract infection (LRTI) and management with oral antimicrobials
  • Oral antipyretics
  • Oral hydration * Clinical assessment for early recognition of need for referral
Primary Care
  • Health education on LRTI prevention measures and early treatment
  • Good hygiene practices including hand washing
  • Counselling and guidance on avoidance of smoking within the household and secondary exposure to smoke
  • Immunizations
  • Vaccination: pneumococcal conjugate
  • Vaccination: haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib)
  • Vaccination: seasonal influenza
  • Vaccination: COVID-19
  • Vaccination: diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis-containing vaccines (DTPCV)
  • History
  • Physical examination
  • Pulse Oximetry
  • First-line antibiotic treatment
  • Immediate transfer of unresponsive or sever cases to a higher-level health care facility
  • History and physical examination for lower respiratory infections
  • Clinical assessment for early recognition of need for referral Pulse oximetry Point of care testing Inhaled bronchodilators for lower respiratory infections Oral antimicrobials for acute lower respiratory tract infections Oral antipyretics for acute lower respiratory tract infections Intramuscular antimicrobials for lower respiratory tract infections Education for home-based monitoring for danger signs History and physical examination for lower respiratory infections Basic laboratory tests Point of care testing Supplemental oxygen Inhaled bronchodilators for lower respiratory infections
Referral Facility: General
  • Health education on LRTI prevention measures and early treatment
  • Immunizations
  • History
  • Physical examination
  • Pulse Oximetry
  • Full blood count,
  • Chest radiography
  • Parenteral antibiotics
  • Oxygen therapy
  • IV fluids

Post-pneumonia pulmonary rehabilitation

Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Health education on LRTI prevention measures and early treatment
  • Immunizations
  • History
  • Physical examination
  • Pulse Oximetry
  • Full blood count,
  • Chest radiography
  • Parenteral antibiotics
  • Oxygen therapy
  • IV fluids
  • Intensive care for severe disease

Post-pneumonia pulmonary rehabilitation

Condition: Non-migraine headache
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Guidance to patient on Practicing healthy behaviors Including;
  • Getting plenty of sleep,
  • Staying physically active,
  • Eating healthy meals and snacks,
  • Drinking plenty of water daily,
  • Management of stress.
  • Practicing relaxation techniques
  • Advice to patient on monitoring the pattern of the headache/keeping a headache diary
  • Guidance on avoidance of headache triggers-such as caffeine
  • Adherence to any medication as prescribes
  • Recognition of features indicative of non-migraine headache including, Mild to moderate, non-pulsating pain on both sides of the head; Pain that's not worsened by physical activity; one sided headache (headaches not accompanied by nausea or vomiting, as is often the case with migraine
  • Drinking plenty of water
  • Use of over the counter pain killers such as ibuprofen
  • keeping a headache diary to study the patterns of the headache and associated symptoms
  • Guidance to patient on relaxation techniques including;
  • Heat therapy, such as applying warm compresses or taking a warm shower
  • Massage
  • Meditation
  • Neck stretching
  • Relaxation exercises
  • Identify warning features of serious headaches such as vomiting, blurred vision
  • Referral to a health facility for management of serious headaches
Primary Care
  • Provide information to school age children on headaches their prevention measures and their treatment.
  • Health workers training on the different types on non migraine head aches, their prevention and treatment measures
  • Guidance to patient on Practicing healthy behaviors Including;
  • Getting plenty of sleep,
  • Staying physically active,
  • Eating healthy meals and snacks,
  • Drinking plenty of water daily,
  • Management of stress.
  • Practicing relaxation techniques
  • Advice to patient on monitoring the pattern of the headache/keeping a headache diary
  • Guidance on avoidance of headache triggers-such as caffeine
  • Adherence to any medication as prescribes
  • Physical and clinical examination
  • Diagnosis of headaches based on the history and clinical features
  • Guidance to patient on keeping a headache diary to study the patterns of the headache and associated symptoms
  • Medication -use of analgesics such as ibuprofen
  • Guidance to patient on relaxation techniques including;
  • Heat therapy, such as applying warm compresses or taking a warm shower
  • Massage
  • Meditation
  • Neck stretching
  • Relaxation exercises
  • Identify warning features of serious headaches or headaches due to underlying conditions such as new headache in a patient with cancer, HIV, headache with motor weakness could indicate stroke,
  • Referral to a hospital for management of serious headaches or headaches due to other underlying conditions
Referral Facility: General
  • Guidance to patient on Practicing healthy behaviors. Including
  • Getting plenty of sleep,
  • Staying physically active,
  • Eating healthy meals and snacks,
  • Drinking plenty of water daily,
  • Management of stress.
  • Practicing relaxation techniques
  • Advice to patient on monitoring the pattern of the headache/keeping a headache diary
  • Guidance on avoidance of headache triggers-such as caffeine
  • Adherence to any medication as prescribes
  • Physicaland clinical examination
  • Identify and distinguish the different types of non-migraine headaches based the clinical features including;
  • For tensional headache, usually mild or moderate; more generalized and typically described as pressure or tightness
  • For cluster headache, severe headache strictly unilateral around the eye, red and watering eyes with running or blocked nostrils and marked agitation
  • Medication over use headache -usually due to chronic use of medication mainly for migraine or tension headache (usually diagnosed if symptoms improve within 2 months of medicine withdrawal)
  • Encourage patient to keep a headache diary to study the patterns of the headache and associated symptoms
  • Medication -use of analgesics such as ibuprofen
  • Guidance to patient on relaxation techniques including;
  • Heat therapy, such as applying warm compresses or taking a warm shower
  • Massage
  • Meditation
  • Neck stretching
  • Relaxation exercises
  • Identify warning features of serious headaches or headaches due to underlying conditions such as new headache in a patient with cancer,HIV, headache with motor weakness could indicate stroke,
  • Management of any underlying conditions causing headaches
  • Patients follow up
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Guidance to patient on Practicing healthy behaviors. Including
  • Getting plenty of sleep,
  • Staying physically active,
  • Eating healthy meals and snacks,
  • Drinking plenty of water daily,
  • Management of stress.
  • Practicing relaxation techniques
  • Advice to patient on monitoring the pattern of the headache/keeping a headache diary
  • Guidance on avoidance of headache triggers-such as caffeine
  • Adherence to any medication as prescribes
  • Physical and clinical examination
  • Identify and distinguish the different types of non-migraine headaches based the clinical features including;
  • For tensional headache, usually mild or moderate; more generalized and typically described as pressure or tightness
  • For cluster headache, severe headache strictly unilateral around the eye, red and watering eyes with running or blocked nostrils and marked agitation
  • Medication over use headache -usually due to chronic use of medication mainly for migraine or tension headache (usually diagnosed if symptoms improve within 2 months of medicine withdrawal)
  • Encourage patient to keep a headache diary to study the patterns of the headache and associated symptoms
  • Medication -use of analgesics such as ibuprofen
  • Guidance to patient on relaxation techniques including;
  • Heat therapy, such as applying warm compresses or taking a warm shower
  • Massage
  • Meditation
  • Neck stretching
  • Relaxation exercises
  • Identify warning features of serious headaches or headaches due to underlying conditions such as new headache in a patient with cancer,HIV, headache with motor weakness could indicate stroke,
  • Management of any underlying conditions causing headaches
  • Patients follow up
Condition: Dental Caries
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Community awareness on dental caries and prevention measures
  • Multi sectoral approach in addressing socio-cultural determinants such as poor living conditions
  • Multi-sectoral approach in ensuring access to clean safe water
  • Community water fluoridation
  • Community/school dental outreach services
  • Training community health workers on dental caries including prevention measures
  • Oral hygiene through regular cleaning of teeth -tooth brushing and flossing
  • Diet modification -use of low sugar diets
  • Use of fluoridated tooth pastes
  • Avoidance of tobacco use.
  • Avoidance of alcohol use
  • Screening for early detection of dental caries
  • Recognition of signs of dental caries including pain and difficulty with eating holes in teeth
  • Pain relief with pain medications such as paracetamol and ibuprofen
  • Recognition of symptoms of complications of dental caries including swelling of the tissue around the tooth, tooth loss and infection or abscess formation
  • Referral to a health facility for management
Primary Care
  • Community awareness on dental caries and prevention measures
  • Multi sectoral approach in addressing socio-cultural determinants such as poor living conditions
  • Multi-sectoral approach in ensuring access to clean safe water
  • Community water fluoridation
  • Community dental outreach services
  • Training health workers on dental caries including prevention measures
  • Oral hygiene education
  • Advice on oral hygiene -teeth brushing and flossing
  • Advice on healthy diets -avoidance of sugars
  • Tobacco and alcohol cessation programs
  • Early screening for dental caries
  • Oral Hygiene instructions
  • Relieve of pain with analgesics
  • Monitor any complications of caries including development of abscesses
  • Monitor and manage for any complication such as gum inflammations and dental abscesses
  • Referral to a hospital for further management
Referral Facility: General
  • Community awareness on dental caries and prevention measures
  • Multi sectoral approach in addressing socio-cultural determinants such as poor living conditions
  • Multi-sectoral approach in ensuring access to clean safe water
  • Community water fluoridation
  • Community dental outreach services
  • Training health workers on dental caries including prevention measures
  • Oral hygiene education
  • Advice on oral hygiene -teeth brushing and flossing
  • Advice on healthy diets -avoidance of sugars
  • Tobacco and alcohol cessation programs
  • Application of topical fluorides/application of fluorides to prevent caries
  • Application of sealants
  • Early screening for dental caries
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Community awareness on dental caries and prevention measures
  • Multi sectoral approach in addressing socio-cultural determinants such as poor living conditions
  • Multi-sectoral approach in ensuring access to clean safe water
  • Community water fluoridation
  • Community dental outreach services
  • Multi sectoral approach in addressing socio-cultural determinants such as poor living conditions
  • Multi-sectoral approach in ensuring access to clean safe water
  • Community water fluoridation Community dental outreach services
  • Training health workers on dental caries including prevention measures
  • Early screening for dental caries
  • Oral hygiene education
  • Advice on oral hygiene -teeth brushing and flossing
  • Advice on healthy diets -avoidance of sugars
  • Tobacco and alcohol cessation programs
  • Application of topical fluorides/application of fluorides to prevent caries
  • Application of sealants
Condition: Rheumatic Heart Disease
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Awareness creation among the communities/families on Rheumatic Heart disease including prevention measures
  • Awareness creation on risk factors of Rheumatic heart disease such as overcrowding, poor sanitary conditions
  • Distribution of IEC materials on RHD
  • Promote multi-sectoral approach in promoting improvement in environmental conditions such as housing conditions, improving the standards of living
  • Advocacy for Improved access health services including to oral health care, access to life saving heart surgery
  • Community health workers training on RHD
  • Guidance on healthy hygiene practice for school age child
  • Seek treatment early for any child with sore throat or any infections
  • Teaching/guidance on Good oral hygiene practices for the school age child
  • Guidance to the school age child their families/parents to ensure that the child takes antibiotics as prescribed and to complete the dose as instructed.
  • Recognition of symptoms indicative of RHD including fever, painful joints especially knees ankles, elbows and wrists, pain that moves between different joints, fatigue, jerky uncontrollable body movements, nodules under the skin near joints and/or a non-itchy rash
  • Relive of pain with pain killers
  • Relieve of fever with ibuprofen or through tepid sponging
  • Proper nutrition for child suspected to have RHD
  • Ensure adherence to any prescribed medicines such as antibiotics
  • Recognition of symptoms indicative of worsening of the condition such as complaints of chest pain, shortness of breath, swelling of the stomach, hands or feet
  • Early Referral to a health facility
  • Psychosocial support and counselling to reduce stress associated with the prolonged treatment or admission
  • Linkage with social and support services
Primary Care
  • Awareness creation among the communities/families on Rheumatic Heart disease including prevention measures
  • Awareness creation on risk factors of Rheumatic heart disease such as overcrowding, poor sanitary conditions
  • Distribution of IEC materials on RHD
  • Promote multi-sectoral approach in promoting improvement in environmental conditions such as housing conditions, improving the standards of living
  • Advocacy for Improved access health services including to oral health care, access to life saving heart surgery
  • Community health workers training on RHD
  • Guidance to parents/families/children on healthy hygiene practice
  • Advice to parents/families/school age child on the need for seeking treatment early for any child with sore throat or any signs of infection such as fever
  • Promoting good nutrition for children
  • Teaching/guidance on Good oral hygiene practices for the school age children
  • Advice to school age children on the need to ensure Adherence to antibiotics medication
  • Early identification and treatment of streptococcal infections with antibiotics such as penicillin to reduce the risk of Rheumatic fever and possible eventual progression to Rheumatic Heart disease
  • Psychosocial support and counselling for the child and their families/parents for any psychological trauma due to the long nature of treatment
Referral Facility: General
  • Awareness creation among the communities/families on Rheumatic Heart disease including prevention measures
  • Awareness creation on risk factors of Rheumatic heart disease such as overcrowding, poor sanitary conditions
  • Distribution of IEC materials on RHD
  • Promote multi-sectoral approach in promoting improvement in environmental conditions such as housing conditions, improving the standards of living
  • Advocacy for Improved access health services including to oral health care, access to life saving heart surgery
  • Community health workers training on RHD
  • Guidance to parents/families/children on healthy hygiene practice
  • Advice to parents/families/school age child on the need for seeking treatment early for any child with sore throat or any signs of infection such as fever,
  • Promoting good nutrition for children
  • Teaching/guidance on Good oral hygiene practices for the school age children
  • Advice to school age children on the need to ensure Adherence to antibiotics medication* Early identification and treatment of streptococcal infections with antibiotics such as penicillin to reduce the risk of Rheumatic fever and possible eventual progression to Rheumatic Heart disease
  • Early identification and treatment of Rheumatic fever to reduce the likelihood of Rheumatic Heart disease
  • Complete Physical and clinical examination
  • Diagnostics -tests including;
    • Throat swab culture for evidence of streptococcus infection
    • Blood tests
    • Echocardiogram (echo)-. check the heart's chambers and valves.
    • Electrocardiogram (ECG)-.To test the strength and timing of the electrical activity of the heart.
    • Chest x-rays
    • Cardiac MRI
  • Relive pain
  • Relive fever
  • Management of inflammation with anti-inflammatory medications such as aspirin or corticosteroids
  • Antibiotic prophylaxis to prevent recurrent infection with Group A streptococcus. -use/Benzathine penicillin G
  • Early identification and treatment of ARF, as well as interventions to prevent recurrences of ARF and therefore reduce the likelihood of RHD.-use of antibiotics,
  • Admissions for management of severe disease/complications
  • Management of heart failure or heart rhythm abnormalities heart failure e.g.with diuretics, beta blockers
  • Prevention and management of clotting with blood thinners
  • Anti-coagulants
  • Surgical interventions including Cardiac catheterization to repair damaged valves or
  • ICU services for severely ill patients e.g. post-surgery
  • Follow up
  • Psychosocial support and counselling for child and families for any psychological trauma due to the long nature of treatment
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Awareness creation among the communities/families on Rheumatic Heart disease including prevention measures
  • Awareness creation on risk factors of Rheumatic heart disease such as overcrowding, poor sanitary conditions
  • Distribution of IEC materials on RHD
  • Promote multi-sectoral approach in promoting improvement in environmental conditions such as housing conditions, improving the standards of living
  • Advocacy for Improved access health services including to oral health care, access to life saving heart surgery
  • Community health workers training on RHD
  • Guidance to parents/families/children on healthy hygiene practice
  • Advice to parents/families/school age child on the need for seeking treatment early for any child with sore throat or any signs of infection such as fever,
  • Promoting good nutrition for children
  • Teaching/guidance on Good oral hygiene practices for the school age children
  • Advice to school age children on the need to ensure Adherence to antibiotics medication
  • Early identification and treatment of streptococcal infections with antibiotics such as penicillin to reduce the risk of Rheumatic fever and possible eventual progression to Rheumatic Heart disease
  • Early identification and treatment of Rheumatic fever to reduce the likelihood of Rheumatic Heart disease
  • Complete Physical and clinical examination
  • Diagnostics -tests including;
    • Throat swab culture for evidence of streptococcus infection
    • Blood tests
    • Echocardiogram (echo)-. check the heart's chambers and valves.
    • Electrocardiogram (ECG)-.To test the strength and timing of the electrical activity of the heart.
    • Chest x-rays
    • Cardiac MRI
  • Relive pain
  • Relive fever
  • Management of inflammation with anti-inflammatory medications such as aspirin or corticosteroids
  • Antibiotic prophylaxis to prevent recurrent infection with Group A streptococcus. -use/Benzathine penicillin G
  • Early identification and treatment of ARF, as well as interventions to prevent recurrences of ARF and therefore reduce the likelihood of RHD.-use of antibiotics,
  • Admissions for management of severe disease/complications
  • Management of heart failure or heart rhythm abnormalities heart failure e.g.with diuretics, beta blockers
  • Prevention and management of clotting with blood thinners
  • Anti-coagulants
  • Surgical interventions including Cardiac catheterization to repair damaged valves or
  • ICU services for severely ill patients e.g. post-surgery
  • Follow up
  • Psychosocial support and counselling for child and families for any psychological trauma due to the long nature of treatment
Condition: Upper Respiratory Tract Infections
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Awareness creation on upper respiratory tract infections including prevention measures
  • Distribution of IEC materials on URTI
  • Community Health workers training on URTI including prevention measures and management at community level
  • Multi-sectoral approach in ensuring proper environmental sanitation including good housing
  • Proper nutrition for the child
  • Hand hygiene practices for parents/caregivers and the school children
  • Avoidance of smoking in the household/exposure of children to secondary smoking
  • Vitamin supplementation
  • Ensure Vaccination for the school age children –Influenza, pneumococcal vaccines .
  • Seek treatment early for any child with illness
  • Recognition of symptoms indicative of upper respiratory tract infections including fever, cough, nasal congestion, runny nose and sneezing, sore throat, red waterly or sore eyes
  • Relieve of pain with pain killers such as paracetamol
  • Relieve of fever
  • Proper nutrition
  • Plenty of fluids for the patient
  • Plenty of rest
  • Vitamins - such as Vitamin C
  • Referral to a health facility for further management
Primary Care
  • Provide Information on upper respiratory tract infections including prevention measures
  • Distribution of IEC materials on URTI
  • Promote Multi-sectoral approach in ensuring proper environmental sanitation including good housing
  • Health workers training on URTI including prevention measures and its management
  • Guidance on Proper nutrition for the child
  • Advice/promote good Hand hygiene practices for the school children
  • Advice on Avoidance of smoking in the household/exposure of children to secondary smoking
  • Vitamin supplementation
  • Vaccination for the school age children –Influenza, pneumococcal vaccines
  • Early treatment of URTI in school Age children
  • Hydration/fluids therapy
  • Management of Nasal congestion/use of decongestants/e.g. pseudoephedrine
  • Management of pain -Analgesics e.g. paracetamol and NSAIDs)
  • Management of fever
  • Management of allergies – use of antihistamines e.g. chlorpheniramine
  • Antibiotics therapy e.g. co*amoxiclav
  • Management of cough- use of mucolytics
  • Vitamin C
  • Zinc gluconate
  • Follow up, prevention of complications such as otitis media, compromised airways
  • Referral to hospital for further management or management of any complications
Referral Facility: General
  • Information on upper respiratory tract infections including prevention measures
  • Distribution of IEC materials on URTI
  • Promote Multi-sectoral approach in ensuring proper environmental sanitation including good housing
  • Health workers training on URTI including prevention measures and its management
  • Guidance on Proper nutrition for the child
  • Advice/promote good Hand hygiene practices for the school children
  • Advice on Avoidance of smoking in the household/exposure of children to secondary smoking
  • Vitamin supplementation
  • Vaccination for the school age children –Influenza, pneumococcal vaccines
  • Early treatment of URTI in school. Age children
  • Diagnostic tests including culture and sensitivity, radiological examination (X-rays, CT scans)
  • Hydration/fluids therapy
  • Management of Nasal congestion/use of decongestants/e.g.pseudoephedrine
  • Management of pain -Analgesics e.g. paracetamol and NSAIDs)
  • Management of fever
  • Management of allergies – use of antihistamines e.g. chlorpheniramine
  • Antibiotics therapy e.g. co*amoxiclav
  • Management of cough- use of mucolytics
  • Vitamin C
  • Zinc gluconate
  • Humidified hot air
  • Follow up, prevention and management of complications such as otitis media, compromised airways
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Information on upper respiratory tract infections including prevention measures
  • Distribution of IEC materials on URTI
  • Promote Multi-sectoral approach in ensuring proper environmental sanitation including good housing
  • Health workers training on URTI including prevention measures and its management
  • Guidance on Proper nutrition for the child
  • Advice/promote good Hand hygiene practices for the school children
  • Advice on Avoidance of smoking in the household/exposure of children to secondary smoking
  • Vitamin supplementation
  • Vaccination for the school age children –Influenza, pneumococcal vaccines
  • Early treatment of URTI in school. Age children
  • Diagnostic tests including culture and sensitivity, radiological examination (X-rays, CT scans)
  • Hydration/fluids therapy
  • Management of Nasal congestion/use of decongestants/e.g.pseudoephedrine
  • Management of pain -Analgesics e.g. paracetamol and NSAIDs)
  • Management of fever
  • Management of allergies – use of antihistamines e.g. chlorpheniramine
  • Antibiotics therapy e.g. co*amoxiclav
  • Management of cough- use of mucolytics
  • Vitamin C
  • Zinc gluconate
  • Humidified hot air
  • Follow up, prevention and management of complications such as otitis media, compromised airways
Condition: Dietary iron deficiency
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Promote appropriate and timely complementary feeding and healthy nutrition including micronutrient dietary diversification and dietary modification
  • Timely and appropriate complementary feeding especially dietary diversification and frequency of feeding
  • Deworming * Integrated vector control measures (use of bed nets and indoor residual spraying) * Mothers Support Groups (MSGs) to prepare local micronutrient rich diversified complementary foods
  • Recognition of dietary iron deficiency signs and symptoms
  • Treatment with anti-helminths
  • Treatment with anti-malaria
  • Immediate transfer of severe symptoms to a higher-level health care facility
Primary Care
  • Education on appropriate feeding and healthy nutrition including micronutrient dietary diversification and dietary modification
  • Routine prenatal supplementation of iron and folate
  • Multiple Micronutrient Supplements
  • Deworming * Perennial malaria chemoprevention (PMC)
  • Early detection and treatment of malaria
  • History
  • Physical examination
  • Haemoglobin
  • Haematocrit
  • Complete blood count
  • Stool exam
  • Malaria RDT
  • Daily iron suplate II supplementation +malaria chemoprophylaxis - Deltaprim
  • Oral iron sulphate tablets
  • Immediate transfer of severe anaemia to a higher-level health care facility
Referral Facility: General
  • Advice to parents on ensuring breastfeeding including early initiation, exclusive breastfeeding
  • Counselling on appropriate and timely complementary feeding and healthy infant and young child nutrition including micronutrient dietary diversification and dietary modification
  • Counselling on good hygiene practices including hand hygiene
  • Community based MUAC and bilateral edema screening for early identification * Community engagement on Infant and Young Child Nutrition IYCN * Education on use of safe water and good compound practices * Counselling on when to seek medical help at facility level. * Promotion of food safety, appropriate and safe sanitation facilities, safely managed drinking source, water treatment, safe clean play areas * Promote safe blood donation Build capacity of CHWS * Counselling on feeding the sick child
  • Routine prenatal supplementation of iron and folate
  • Routine haemoglobin screening for early detection
  • History
  • Physical examination
  • Haemoglobin
  • Haematocrit
  • Complete blood count
  • Stool exam
  • Malaria RDT
  • Treat underlying cause
  • Oral iron sulphate
  • Blood transfusion for severe anaemia
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Education on appropriate feeding and healthy nutrition including micronutrient dietary diversification and dietary modification
  • Routine prenatal supplementation of iron and folate
  • Routine haemoglobin screening for early detection
  • History
  • Physical examination
  • Haemoglobin
  • Haematocrit
  • Complete blood count
  • Serum ferritin level
  • Bone marrow
  • Treat underlying cause
  • Oral iron sulphate
  • Parenteral iron
  • Blood transfusion for severe anaemia
Condition: Vaccine Preventable Diseases
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Strengthen community health workers knowledge on vaccine preventable diseases (VPDs)
  • Strengthen families and community-based awareness on VPDs including transmission and prevention measures * Information and health education to parents, families and Communities on immunization including vaccination schedule for young children * Community education on proper nutrition for young children
  • Routine on schedule vaccination for infants and children
  • Guidance on good hygiene practices including hand hygiene and stay at home if any symptoms of VPDs
  • Avoiding close contact with people with VPDs
  • Recognition of VPDs symptoms
  • Referrals to a health facility if symptoms worsen * Supportive care (e.g., fever reduction, hydration, feeding, etc.)
Primary Care
  • Strengthen families and community- based awareness on VPDs including transmission and prevention measures/awareness raising campaigns
  • Create awareness among family members and communities on importance of vaccination and the vaccination schedule
  • Guidance on hygiene during childhood
  • Sensitization/education on appropriate nutrition for children
  • Knowledge on the importance of timely uptake of vaccine dose
  • Appropriate storage and delivery of vaccines on optimal temperature
  • Routine vaccination on schedule by infants and children * Vitamin A supplementation
  • Guidance on good hygiene practices including hand hygiene and stay at home if any symptoms of VPDs
  • Avoiding close contact with people with VPDs
  • Recognition of danger signs of vaccine preventable diseases
  • Antimicrobial therapy when indicated
  • Monitor and manage complications such as apnoea, cyanosis, pneumonia, encephalopathy
  • Report and refer immediately suspected cases of VPDs
Referral Facility: General
  • Awareness to parents on VPDs and prevention measures
  • Guidance on hygiene practices for children including hand hygiene, cough etiquette
  • Guidance on good nutrition/diet for the children
  • Routine childhood vaccinations, timely and complete

History and physical examination Manage complications accordingly

  • Oral antibiotics if indicated
  • Supportive therapy
  • Antipyretics for fever and analgesics for aches/pains
  • Nutritional support and supplementation years of age with VPD
  • Hydration /fluids administration
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Awareness to parents on VPDs and prevention measures
  • Guidance on hygiene practices for children including hand hygiene; cough etiquette
  • Guidance on good nutrition/diet for the children
  • Routine childhood vaccinations, timely and complete
  • Physical and Clinical examination
  • Hospitalisation of severely ill
  • Oral antibiotics for complications
  • IV antibiotics for complications
  • Monitoring /special attention to prevent and manage any complications e.g., apnea and pneumonia
  • Oral Vitamin A
  • IV fluid for rehydration
  • ICU services for severely ill
  • Laboratory tests (serology, culture, etc...)
  • Close follow up
Condition: COVID-19
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Promote hand washing facilities
  • Promote use of face masks
  • Promote maintenance of physical and social distance
  • Vaccine: COVID 19
  • Wash hands with running water and soap following all contact with sick persons or their immediate environment.
  • Avoid direct contact with body fluids, particularly oral or respiratory secretions or stool of the patient.
  • Avoid sharing toothbrushes, eating utensils, dishes, drinks, towels, washcloths or bed linen with the sick person.
  • Persons with symptoms should remain at home until their symptoms are resolved based on either clinical and/or laboratory findings.
  • All household members should be considered contacts and their health should be monitored.
  • Keep physical distance of at least 1 metre apart from others, even if they don’t appear to be sick.
  • Wear a properly fitted mask when physical distancing is not possible or when in poorly ventilated settings.
  • Surveillance and Point of care test
  • Community Quarantine
  • Eating balanced diet
  • Isolation and referral to next level
Primary Care
  • Screening of vulnerable groups
  • Promote hand washing facilities
  • Promote use of face masks
  • Promote maintenance of physical and social distance

Vaccine: COVID 19 Wash hands with running water and soap following all contact with sick persons or their immediate environment. Avoid direct contact with body fluids, particularly oral or respiratory secretions or stool of the patient. Avoid sharing toothbrushes, eating utensils, dishes, drinks, towels, washcloths or bed linen with the sick person. Persons with symptoms should remain at home until their symptoms are resolved based on either clinical and/or laboratory findings. All household members should be considered contacts and their health should be monitored. Keep physical distance of at least 1 metre apart from others, even if they don’t appear to be sick. Wear a properly fitted mask when physical distancing is not possible or when in poorly ventilated settings

  • Surveillance and testing
  • Community Quarantine
  • Eating balanced diet
  • Isolation and referral to next level
Referral Facility: General
  • Screening of vulnerable groups
  • Promote hand washing facilities
  • Promote use of face masks
  • Promote maintenance of physical and social distance
  • Conduct routine and mass Vaccination
  • Active case finding in the community
  • Education on infection prevention control, including cough etiquette

History and physical examination Clinical assessment for early recognition of need for referral Advanced laboratory tests Basic laboratory tests Supplemental oxygen Basic imaging (Ultrasound, X-ray) Treat bacterial infections with antibiotics Oral or IV fluid for rehydration Oral or IM antipyretics Oral or IV or IM steroids Manage complications such as liver and kidney failure Mechanical ventilation (non-invasive) Antiviral medications Immunomodulators

Pulmonary rehabilitation for post-pneumonia

Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Screening of vulnerable groups
  • Promote hand washing facilities
  • Promote use of face masks
  • Promote maintenance of physical and social distance
  • Conduct routine and mass Vaccination
  • Active case finding in the community
  • Education on infection prevention control, including cough etiquette

History and physical examination Clinical assessment for early recognition of need for referral Advanced laboratory tests Basic laboratory tests Supplemental oxygen Basic imaging (Ultrasound, X-ray) Treat bacterial infections with antibiotics Oral or IV fluid for rehydration Oral or IM antipyretics Oral or IV or IM steroids Manage complications such as liver and kidney failure Mechanical ventilation (non-invasive) Antiviral medications Immunomodulators

  • Screening of vulnerable groups
  • Promote hand washing facilities
  • Promote use of face masks
  • Promote maintenance of physical and social distance
Condition: Renal Injury (acute renal failure)
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Educate, parents, teachers, community on measures to prevent kidney injuries and infections by avoiding excessive dehydration, misuse of drugs and trauma
  • Adequate hydration
  • Avoid nephrotoxic medicines and traditional herbs
  • Early treatment seeking for malaria and other infections
  • Keep drugs and harmful substances away from children
  • Safe environment for play
  • Early recognition of kidney disease symptoms such as fever, flank pain, scanty/coloured urine and seek health care early
  • Early treatment of malaria and other infections
Primary Care
  • Educate, parents, teachers, community on measures to prevent kidney injuries and infections by avoiding excessive dehydration, misuse of drugs
  • Adequate hydration,
  • Early recognition of kidney disease symptoms
  • Avoid nephrotoxic medicines and traditional herbs
  • Safe environment for play
  • Early recognition of kidney disease symptoms
  • Early treatment of acute febrile illnesses such as malaria * Advice on adequate hydration
Referral Facility: General
  • Educate, parents, teachers, community on measures to prevent kidney injuries and infections by avoiding excessive dehydration, misuse of drugs
  • Adequate hydration,
  • Early recognition of kidney disease symptoms and seek health care early * Avoid nephrotoxic medicines and traditional herbs
  • Safe environment for play
  • Laboratory investigations such as urine, blood to diagnose the underlying diseases * Treat early treatable urinary tract infections and other febrile illnesses * Adequate hydration,
  • In case of kidney trauma, toxicity and overdose of medicines stabilize and refer to the next level
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Educate, parents, teachers, community on measures to prevent kidney injuries and infections by avoiding excessive dehydration, misuse of drugs and trauma
  • Adequate hydration,
  • Early recognition of kidney disease symptoms such as fever, flank pain, scanty/coloured urine and seek health care early * Avoid nephrotoxic medicines and traditional herbs
  • Safe environment for play
  • Laboratory investigations such as urine analysis, renal function tests,
  • Screen for congenital renal diseases
  • Basic Imaging modalities (x-ray, contrast x-ray, ultrasound,
  • Advance imaging modalities( CT scan, MRI)
  • Treat renal diseases according the diagnosis * Renal dialysis for acute and chronic renal failures * Surgical management for trauma to the kidneys
Condition: Sickle cell anemia/disorder
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Community education and awareness on sickle cell disease * Community education and sensitization with links to civil society organizations, parents’ groups, schools, and school clubs
  • Sensitize and use local governance structures to establish community-based intervention program
  • Genetic counselling for carriers of haemoglobin disorders, including premarital counselling
  • Prophylaxis for infection, pneumococcal vaccines, oral penicillin,
  • Insecticide treated bed nets,
  • Prophylaxis for Malaria
  • Folate supplementation with folic acid
  • Immediate transfer of severe anaemia to a higher-level health care facility
Primary Care
  • Community education and awareness on sickle cell disease * Community education and sensitization with links to civil society organizations, parents’ groups, schools, and school clubs
  • Sensitize and use local governance structures to establish community-based intervention program
  • Insecticide treated bed nets,
  • Prophylaxis for Malaria
  • Folate supplementation with folic acid
  • Management of pain
  • Referral to the next higher level
  • Folic acid
Referral Facility: General
  • Patient education and awareness on sickle cell disease, physical activity and need of being mobile, breathing techniques
  • Genetic counselling for carriers of haemoglobin disorders, including premarital counselling
  • Prophylaxis for infection, pneumococcal vaccines, oral penicillin,
  • Prophylaxis for Malaria
  • Folate supplementation with folic acid
  • Condition-specific nutrition assessment and counselling
  • Chemoprophylaxis for sickle cell disease
  • Oral hydroxyurea for prevention of vaso-occlusive crises
  • Oral or intravenous fluid rehydration
  • Supplemental oxygen
  • Analgesics for pain relief
  • Antibiotics for bacterial infections
  • Blood and blood product transfusion
  • Referral to the next level facility
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Patient education and awareness on sickle cell disease, physical activity and need of being mobile, breathing techniques
  • Genetic counselling for carriers of haemoglobin disorders, including premarital counselling
  • Prophylaxis for infection, pneumococcal vaccines, oral penicillin,
  • Prophylaxis for Malaria
  • Folate supplementation with folic acid
  • Chemoprophylaxis
  • Oral hydroxyurea
  • IV fluids
  • Supplemental oxygen
  • IV/IM analgesics
  • IV/IM antibiotics
  • Blood and blood product transfusion
  • Splenectomy
  • Red cell exchange transfusion
Condition: Ebola
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level

Counselling about handwashing with soap Counselling on WASH services (use of safe water supply, sanitation and hygiene)

  • Vaccination: Ebola virus disease
  • Reduce risk of wildlife-to-human transmission by avoiding contact with infected fruit bats, monkeys, apes, forest antelope or porcupines and the consumption of their raw meat * Reduce risk of human-to-human transmission by avoiding direct or close contact with people with Ebola symptoms, particularly with their bodily fluids
  • Safe and dignified burial of the dead
  • Identifying people who may have been in contact with someone infected with Ebola and monitoring their health for 21 days,
  • Separate the healthy from the sick to prevent further spread,
  • Good hygiene and maintaining a clean environment.
  • Safe sex practice for men who have survived Ebola disease
  • Frequent ANC attendance of pregnant women who have survived Ebola
  • Report suspected cases accordingly * Referral to the next level
Primary Care

Counselling about handwashing with soap Counselling on WASH services (use of safe water supply; sanitation and hygiene)

  • Vaccination: Ebola virus disease
  • Reduce risk of wildlife-to-human transmission by avoiding contact with infected fruit bats, monkeys, apes, forest antelope or porcupines and the consumption of their raw meat * Reduce risk of human-to-human transmission by avoiding direct or close contact with people with Ebola symptoms, particularly with their bodily fluids
  • Safe and dignified burial of the dead
  • Identifying people who may have been in contact with someone infected with Ebola and monitoring their health for 21 days,
  • Separate the healthy from the sick to prevent further spread,
  • Good hygiene and maintaining a clean environment.
  • Safe sex practice for men who have survived Ebola disease
  • Frequent ANC attendance of pregnant women who have survived Ebola disease
  • Report suspected cases accordingly
  • Rapid antigen detection tests
  • Referral to the next level
Referral Facility: General

Counselling about handwashing with soap Counselling on WASH services (use of safe water supply, sanitation and hygiene)

  • Vaccination: Ebola virus disease
  • Safe and dignified burial of the dead

History and physical examination Rapid antigen detection tests Basic laboratory test Advanced laboratory test Ultrasound Computed tomography (CT) scan Oral salts for Ebola virus disease Provide water purification for Ebola virus disease Vitamins A, B1, C Oral rehydration solution Oral diuretics for Ebola virus disease Oral anxiolytic for Ebola virus disease Oral antipyretic for Ebola virus disease Pharmacological interventions for symptomatic management Inhaled bronchodilators for Ebola virus disease Topical antimicrobials for complications of Ebola virus disease Rectal anxiolytic for Ebola virus disease Vitamin K as indicated Counselling to ensure safer sexual practices

Referral Facility: Specialist

Counselling about handwashing with soap Counselling on WASH services (use of safe water supply, sanitation and hygiene)

  • Vaccination: Ebola virus disease
  • Safe and dignified burial of the dead

Automated or semi-automated nucleic acid tests (NAT) Rehydration with oral or intravenous fluids Management of specific symptoms Treat bacterial infections with antibiotics Manage complications such as liver and kidney failure Blood and blood product transfusion Supplemental oxygen Monoclonal antibody treatments Mechanical ventilation Counselling to ensure safer sexual practices

Condition: Viral Hepatitis
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level

Community engagement [community sensitization on transmission and prevention for hepatitis B and C, safe sex practices, condom use, harmful traditional practices, sharing of sharp objects, tattoos, IV drug use and needle sharing]

  • Promote testing for Hepatitis B and C
  • Provision of IEC/BCC materials
  • Mass awareness campaigns through such days as World Hepatitis Day and World immunization Week
  • Abstinence
  • Avoiding harmful traditional practices including sharing needles and unsafe tattoo
  • Vaccination: Pentavalent vaccine
  • Consistent and correct use of condoms
  • Referral of sick children and adolescents by CHWs to health facilities

Clinical assessment for early recognition of need for referral

Primary Care
  • Provision of IEC/BCC materials
  • Promote testing for Hepatitis B and C Sensitization of the community on preventive measures on hepatitis B and C
  • Abstinence
  • Avoiding harmful traditional practices including sharing needles and unsafe tattoo
  • Vaccination: Pentavalent vaccine
  • Consistent and correct use of condoms

History and physical examination for viral hepatitis Condition specific counselling Point of care testing Oral antipyretics for acute hepatitis infection Oral hydration for acute viral hepatitis Intravenous fluids Clinical assessment for early recognition of need for referral.

Referral Facility: General

counselling on healthy diet, physical activity, weight management, and alcohol and tobacco use

  • Abstinence
  • Avoiding harmful traditional practices including sharing needles and unsafe tattoo
  • Vaccination: Pentavalent vaccine
  • Consistent and correct use of condoms
  • Post exposure prophylaxis
  • Hep B Vaccination of high-risk population groups
  • Safe blood transfusion practice

History and physical examination for viral hepatitis Point of care testing Basic laboratory tests Advanced laboratory tests Basic imaging e.g., ultrasound Condition specific counselling Oral antipyretics Oral hydration Intravenous fluids Oral antivirals for HBV Vaccination: HBIG Oral pan genotypic antivirals for HCV cure

Referral Facility: Specialist

Provision of IEC/BCC materials Promote testing for Hepatitis B and C Sensitization of the community on preventive measures on hepatitis B and C

  • Avoiding harmful traditional practices including sharing needles and unsafe tattoo
  • Vaccination: Pentavalent vaccine
  • Consistent and correct use of condoms
  • Post exposure prophylaxis
  • Hep B Vaccination of high-risk population groups
  • Safe blood transfusion practice

History and physical examination for viral hepatitis Point of care testing Basic laboratory tests Advanced laboratory tests Ultrasound Condition specific counselling Oral antipyretics Oral hydration Intravenous fluids Oral antivirals for HBV Vaccination: HBIG Oral pan genotypic antivirals for HCV cure

Condition: Childhood Cancers
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Educate community to identify childhood cancer symptoms such as unusual swelling, early bruising or bleeding, unexplained weight loss and fever, persisting headache and vomiting, sudden eye problem
  • Keeping children away from second-hand smoke
  • Reducing exposure to traffic-related air pollution
  • Avoiding exposure to chemicals that can cause cancer.

Early identification of cancer symptoms and referral

Primary Care
  • Educate community to identify childhood cancer symptoms such as unusual swelling, early bruising or bleeding, unexplained weight loss and fever, persisting headache and vomiting, sudden eye problem
  • Keeping children away from second-hand smoke
  • Reducing exposure to traffic-related air pollution
  • Avoiding exposure to chemicals that can cause cancer

Early identification of cancer symptoms and referral

Referral Facility: General
  • Educate community to identify childhood cancer symptoms such as unusual swelling, early bruising or bleeding, unexplained weight loss and fever, persisting headache and vomiting, sudden eye problem
  • Keeping children away from second-hand smoke
  • Reducing exposure to traffic-related air pollution
  • Avoiding exposure to chemicals that can cause cancer

Early identification of cancer symptoms and referral

Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Educate community to identify childhood cancer symptoms such as unusual swelling, early bruising or bleeding, unexplained weight loss and fever, persisting headache and vomiting, sudden eye problem
  • Keeping children away from second-hand smoke
  • Reducing exposure to traffic-related air pollution
  • Avoiding exposure to chemicals that can cause cancer

Counselling on nutrition, food safety, and healthy diet Histopathology Staging Intravenous chemotherapy Intravenous targeted therapy Intravenous immunotherapy Bone marrow transplantation Radiotherapy application Management of toxicities Monitoring for new cancers Monitor for cardiac function Monitor for cardiac function Monitor for neurocognitive function Monitor for growth and development

Provide palliative and supportive care Psychological support with counselling Physical therapy and occupational therapy (peripheral neuropathy, after severe illnesses)

Condition: Idiopathic epilepsy
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Provide information and Awareness creation on seizures disorders including Epilepsy, its recognition and prevention measures
  • Education to prevent misunderstanding, discrimination and social stigma.
  • multi-sectoral approach to reduce incidences of trauma e.g., falls, burns and promote access to education
  • Community Health workers education on seizures disorders including epilepsy on signs and symptoms, preventive measures and it management at community level
  • Adequate perinatal care to reduce new cases of epilepsy caused by birth injury
  • Prevention and seeking treatment early for febrile infections such as malaria, other viral/bacterial infections
  • Prevent head injury to prevent post-traumatic epilepsy
  • Complete vaccination of children to prevent diseases and infections
  • Early recognition of signs of seizures disorders
  • Relieve of any pain due to physical injuries as a result of seizures through use of pain medications
  • First aid on any other complication due to seizures e.g., burns
  • Referral to a health facility for management
  • Promote access to occupational opportunities/education
Primary Care
  • Provide information and Awareness creation on seizures disorders including Epilepsy, its recognition and prevention measures
  • Education to prevent misunderstanding, discrimination and social stigma.
  • Multi-sectoral approach to reduce incidences of trauma e.g. falls, burns and promote access to education
  • Health workers education on seizures disorders including epilepsy on signs and symptoms, preventive measures and it management
  • Adequate perinatal care to reduce new cases of epilepsy caused by birth injury
  • Prevention and seeking treatment early for febrile infections such as malaria, other viral/bacterial infections
  • Prevent head injury to prevent post-traumatic epilepsy
  • Complete vaccination of children to prevent diseases and infections

History and physical examination for epilepsy Anti-seizure medications (ASMs)

Referral Facility: General
  • Provide information and Awareness creation on seizures disorders including Epilepsy, its recognition and prevention measures
  • Education to prevent misunderstanding, discrimination and social stigma.
  • Multi-sectoral approach to reduce incidences of trauma e.g. falls, burns and promote access to education
  • Health workers education on seizures disorders including epilepsy on signs and symptoms, preventive measures and it management
  • Adequate perinatal care to reduce new cases of epilepsy caused by birth injury
  • Prevention and seeking treatment early for febrile infections such as malaria, other viral/bacterial infections
  • Prevent head injury to prevent post-traumatic epilepsy
  • Complete vaccination of children to prevent diseases and infections

History and physical examination for epilepsy Point of care testing Special diet (ketogenic diet) Basic laboratory tests Lumbar puncture Condition specific nutrition assessment and counselling Anti-seizure medications (ASMs) Monitor therapeutic drug level

Psychoeducation and psychosocial support (including for patient’s carers)

Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Provide information and Awareness creation on seizures disorders including Epilepsy, its recognition and prevention measures
  • Education to prevent misunderstanding, discrimination and social stigma.
  • Multi-sectoral approach to reduce incidences of trauma e.g. falls, burns and promote access to education
  • Health workers education on seizures disorders including epilepsy on signs and symptoms, preventive measures and it management
  • Adequate perinatal care to reduce new cases of epilepsy caused by birth injury
  • Prevention and seeking treatment early for febrile infections such as malaria, other viral/bacterial infections
  • Prevent head injury to prevent post-traumatic epilepsy
  • Complete vaccination of children to prevent diseases and infections

History and physical examination for epilepsy Point of care testing Basic laboratory tests Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) Computed tomography (CT) scan Lumbar puncture Electroencephalography (EEG) Condition specific nutrition assessment and counselling Special diet (ketogenic diet) Anti-seizure medications (ASMs) Monitor therapeutic drug level Vagus nerve stimulation therapy Surgery for poorly responding to ASMs

Condition: Bites and Envenomation
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Community awareness on prevention and control of dog bites, snake bites and immediate care measures
  • Community education about animal bites, venomous snakes and snake-bite
  • Counselling on prevention of bite and envenoming injuries
  • Wear high, thick rubber boots when walking through snake-prone areas
  • Eliminating rabies in dogs- through Vaccinating dogs.
  • Pre-exposure immunization for high-risk occupations
  • Early recognition of the need for referral of bites and envenoming injuries Wound care
Primary Care
  • Community awareness on prevention and control of dog bites, snake bites and immediate care measures
  • Community education about animal bites, venomous snakes and snake-bite
  • Counselling on prevention of bite and envenoming injuries
  • Wear high, thick rubber boots when walking through snake-prone areas
  • Eliminating rabies in dogs- through Vaccinating dogs.
  • Pre-exposure immunization for high-risk occupations

History and examination for bites and envenoming injuries Wound care Oral analgesics Early recognition of the need for referral of bites and envenoming injuries

Referral Facility: General
  • Community awareness on prevention and control of dog bites, snake bites and immediate care measures
  • Community education about animal bites, venomous snakes and snake-bite
  • Counselling on prevention of bite and envenoming injuries
  • Wear high, thick rubber boots when walking through snake-prone areas
  • Eliminating rabies in dogs- through Vaccinating dogs.
  • Pre-exposure immunization for high-risk occupations

History and examination for bites and envenoming injuries Adequate analgesics Adequate hydration Immunoglobulin for bites and envenoming injuries Vaccine for bites and envenoming injuries Intravenous antivenin for bites and envenoming injuries Surgical exploration and debridement for bites and envenoming injuries

Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Community awareness on prevention and control of dog bites, snake bites and immediate care measures
  • Community education about animal bites, venomous snakes and snake-bite
  • Counselling on prevention of bite and envenoming injuries
  • Wear high, thick rubber boots when walking through snake-prone areas
  • Eliminating rabies in dogs- through Vaccinating dogs.
  • Pre-exposure immunization for high-risk occupations

History and examination for bites and envenoming injuries Adequate analgesics Adequate hydration Immunoglobulin for bites and envenoming injuries Vaccine for bites and envenoming injuries Antivenin for bites and envenoming injuries Surgical exploration and debridement for bites and envenoming injuries

Condition: Burns
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Community awareness on safe environment
  • Community awareness on how to identify and modify hazards that might lead to in indoor and outdoor environment
  • Sensitization of parents, teachers and care givers on home hazards, burns
  • Community awareness on responsible parenting
  • Discourage harmful traditional practice in the management of burn

Counselling for prevention of burns Media campaigns for burn prevention

Decontamination Home wound care Oral fluids Early recognition of the need for referral of thermal and chemical injuries

Primary Care
  • Community awareness on safe environment
  • Community awareness on how to identify and modify hazards that might lead to in indoor and outdoor environment
  • Sensitization of parents, teachers and care givers on home hazards, burns
  • Community awareness on responsible parenting
  • Discourage harmful traditional practice in the management of burn

Counselling for prevention of burns

Clinical assessment of burns Decontamination Outpatient wound care Adequate analgesics and hypothermia prevention Intravenous fluids resuscitation Early recognition of the need for referral of thermal and chemical injuries

Referral Facility: General
  • Community awareness on safe environment
  • Community awareness on how to identify and modify hazards that might lead to in indoor and outdoor environment
  • Sensitization of parents, teachers and care givers on home hazards, burns
  • Community awareness on responsible parenting
  • Discourage harmful traditional practice in the management of burn

Health education on burn prevention

Accurate Total Body Surface Area (TBSA) estimation Adequate analgesia to facilitate assessment and patient comfort IV fluid resuscitation Check peripheral perfusion and need for escharotomy Prevention of hypothermia Dressings depending on the type of burn Burn wound management depending on the type of burn Intramuscular tetanus toxoid for burns Blood and blood product transfusion Nutritional support including therapeutic feeding for thermal and chemical injuries Surgical interventions: trauma management, debridement, basic skin grafting, escharotomy fasciotomy-myectomy

Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Sensitization of parents, teachers and care givers on home hazards, burns

Health education on burn prevention

Accurate Total Body Surface Area (TBSA) estimation Adequate analgesia to facilitate assessment and patient comfort IV fluid resuscitation Check peripheral perfusion and need for escharotomy Prevention of hypothermia Dressings depending on the type of burn Burn wound management depending on the type of burn Intramuscular tetanus toxoid for burns Blood and blood product transfusion Nutritional support including therapeutic feeding for thermal and chemical injuries Surgical interventions: trauma management, debridement, basic skin grafting, escharotomy fasciotomy-myectomy

Condition: Drowning
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Community awareness about the risks and prevention of childhood drowning
  • Teaching swimming and water safety skills to school-age children
  • Close and constant supervision during swimming
  • Physical barriers to stop children coming into contact with open water sources
  • Use of doorway barriers, pool fencing, and cistern, tank or well covering
  • First aid (ABC)
  • Immediate transfer to a higher-level health care facility
Primary Care
  • Health education about the risks and prevention of childhood drowning
  • Basic swimming and water safety skills
  • Close and constant supervision during swimming
  • Barriers that fully enclose pools, water points and wells.
  • First aid: artificial respiration
  • Adequate oxygenation,
  • Prevent aspiration
  • Stabilise body temperature
  • Immediate transfer to a higher-level health care facility
Referral Facility: General
  • Formal basic swimming skills and water safety lessons in schools to reduce the risk of drowning
  • Legislation and enforcement of safe boating, shipping and ferry regulation
  • Building protective barriers around pools, wells, dams, and ponds
  • Teach basic swimming and water safety skills.
  • Prevent unintended, unsupervised access to water, pools, beaches
  • Continuous vital sign monitoring
  • Management Grade II & III drowning
  • Prevention of hypothermia
  • Oxygen supply
  • Mechanical ventilation
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Health education about the risks and prevention of drowning
  • Building protective barriers around pools, wells, dams, and ponds
  • Teach basic swimming and water safety skills. Prevent unintended, unsupervised access to water, pools, beaches
  • Continuous vital sign monitoring
  • Management of Grade IV & V drowning
  • Warmed IV Fluids
  • Humidified oxygen delivery
  • Mechanical ventilation
Condition: Emotional Disorders
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level

School-based life skills training to build social and emotional competencies

Awareness creation campaign on emotional problems

History and physical examination for emotional disorders in children and adolescents Caregiver skills training Psychoeducation for patients and caregivers Psychosocial interventions for children and adolescents with emotional disorders Referral for specialized mental health and other needed services

Primary Care

School-based life skills training to build social and emotional competencies

Awareness creation campaign on emotional problems

History and physical examination for emotional disorders in children and adolescents Caregiver skills training Psychoeducation for patients and caregivers Psychosocial interventions for children and adolescents with emotional disorders Referral for specialized mental health and other needed services

Referral Facility: General

History and physical examination for emotional disorders in children and adolescents Psychoeducation for patients and caregivers Psychosocial interventions for children and adolescents with emotional disorders Medication for moderate to severe depression in adolescents Referral for specialized mental health and other needed services

Referral Facility: Specialist

History and physical examination for emotional disorders in children and adolescents Psychoeducation for patients and caregivers Psychosocial interventions for children and adolescents with emotional disorders Medications for moderate to severe depression in adolescents

Condition: Alcohol Use Disorders
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Community engagement [community sensitization on risks of alcohol use, harmful behavioural changes, symptoms of withdrawal, and resources for quitting, stress management]
  • Increase minimum age for alcohol purchasing and consumption
  • Taxation of alcohol
  • Counselling on alcohol use and moderation
  • Provide resources on healthy ways to reduce and manage stress
  • Twelve-step facilitation, mutual-support and self-help group approaches for people with alcohol use disorders
  • Early recognition of need for referral
Primary Care
  • Community engagement [community sensitization on risks of alcohol use, harmful behavioural changes, symptoms of withdrawal, and resources for quitting, stress management]
  • Increase minimum age for alcohol purchasing and consumption
  • Taxation of alcohol
  • Counselling on alcohol use and moderation
  • Systematic screening for substance uses among at risk population

History and physical examination for alcohol use disorders Point of care testing Brief interventions for alcohol use and alcohol use disorders among at risk populations Motivational intervention for alcohol use disorders Psychoeducation for alcohol use disorders and their caregivers Twelve-step facilitation, mutual-support and self-help group approaches for people with alcohol use disorders Oral vitamins for alcohol use disorder Early recognition of need for referral

Referral Facility: General
  • Community engagement [community sensitization on risks of alcohol use, harmful behavioural changes, symptoms of withdrawal, and resources for quitting, stress management]
  • Increase minimum age for alcohol purchasing and consumption
  • Taxation of alcohol
  • Counselling on alcohol use and moderation
  • Systematic screening for substance uses among at risk population

History and physical examination for alcohol use disorders Brief interventions for alcohol use and alcohol use disorders among at risk populations Motivational intervention for alcohol use disorders Psychoeducation for alcohol use disorders and their caregivers Twelve-step facilitation, mutual-support and self-help group approaches for people with alcohol use disorders Oral vitamins for alcohol use disorder Early recognition of need for referral

Referral Facility: Specialist

History and physical examination for alcohol use disorders Brief interventions for alcohol use and alcohol use disorders among at risk populations Motivational intervention for alcohol use disorders Psychoeducation for alcohol use disorders and their caregivers Twelve-step facilitation, mutual-support and self-help group approaches for people with alcohol use disorders Oral vitamins for alcohol use disorder

Condition: Drug Use Disorders
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level

Community engagement [community sensitization on risks of drug use, effects of drug abuse, safe use of prescription opioids, safe disposal of opioids, alternate agents for pain control, synthetic cannabanoids (kush), safe practices for injection drug use/harm reduction]

  • Counselling on risks opioids, synthetic cannabanoids (kush)
  • Education for prescribers on opioids
  • Counselling on harm reduction services: needle and syringe programmes (NSP

Family oriented treatment approaches Mutual-help groups for people with drug use and drug use disorders

Primary Care

Community engagement [community sensitization on risks of drug use, effects of drug abuse, safe use of prescription opioids, safe disposal of opioids, alternate agents for pain control, synthetic cannabanoids (kush), safe practices for injection drug use/harm reduction]

  • Counselling on risks opioids, synthetic cannabanoids (kush)
  • Education for prescribers on opioids
  • Counselling on harm reduction services: needle and syringe programmes (NSP

Community reinforcement approach Contingency management Counselling and other psychosocial support Motivational and Mutual-help groups interventions Psychoeducation for patients with drug use disorders and their caregivers Early recognition of need for referral

Referral Facility: General

Community engagement [community sensitization on risks of drug use, effects of drug abuse, safe use of prescription opioids, safe disposal of opioids, alternate agents for pain control, synthetic cannabanoids (kush), safe practices for injection drug use/harm reduction]

  • Counselling on risks opioids, synthetic cannabanoids (kush)
  • Education for prescribers on opioids
  • Counselling on harm reduction services: needle and syringe programmes (NSP)

Provision of harm reduction services; opiate substitution therapy (OST), needle and syringe programmes (NSP), overdose prevention Community reinforcement approach Contingency management Counselling and other psychosocial support

Motivational and Mutual-help groups interventions Psychoeducation for patients with drug use disorders and their caregivers Psychosocial support for people with acute problems related to disorders due to drug use Early recognition of need for referral

Referral Facility: Specialist

Counselling on risks of tramadol, other opioids, synthetic cannabanoids (kush) Education for prescribers on tramadol Counseling on harm reduction services: needle and syringe programmes (NSP)

Provision of harm reduction services; opiate substitution therapy (OST), needle and syringe programmes (NSP), overdose prevention Community reinforcement approach Contingency management Counselling and other psychosocial support

Motivational and Mutual-help groups interventions Psychoeducation for patients with drug use disorders and their caregivers Psychosocial support for people with acute problems related to disorders due to drug use Early recognition of need for referral

Condition: Ear Infections
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level

Distribution of IEC materials on lower respiratory tract infections

  • Sensitization on personal hygiene, proper sanitation and good housing
  • Community mobilisation for routine immunisation sensitization on IPC

Vaccination: pneumococcal conjugate Vaccination: haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib)

Counselling on oral hydration
Clinical assessment for early recognition of need for referral

Primary Care

Counselling about handwashing with soap and water/sanitizer Counselling about household and indoor air pollution

Vaccination: pneumococcal conjugate Vaccination: haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib)

History and physical examination for ENT infections Oral or IM antibiotics for Ear infections Referral of complications

Referral Facility: General

sensitization on IPC Sensitization on household and indoor air pollution

Vaccination: pneumococcal conjugate Vaccination: haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib)

History and physical examination for ENT infections and complications Oral or IM antibiotics for Ear infections Oral or IM analgesics for ENT infections Referral to next level for non-responders

Referral Facility: Specialist

sensitization on IPC Sensitization on household and indoor air pollution

Vaccination: pneumococcal conjugate Vaccination: haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib)

History and physical examination for ENT infections and complications Oral or IM antibiotics for Ear infections Oral or IM analgesics for ENT infections Adenoidectomy Tympanocentesis Needle aspiration Referral

Condition: Oral Conditions
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Community awareness on dental caries, periodontal disease and prevention measures
  • Fully integrating oral health into community health programmes.
  • Multi sectoral approach in addressing socio-cultural determinants such as poor living conditions
  • Multi-sectoral approach in ensuring access to clean safe water
  • Oral health education to the community by Teeth savers
  • Community water fluoridation

Counselling on daily oral hygiene including toothbrushing with fluoride toothpaste, flossing daily Counselling on nutrition, food safety, and healthy diet

  • Community level screening for oral diseases
  • School based screening for oral diseases
  • Counselling on the use of Kola nuts
  • History and intraoral examination
  • Provide disinfectant mouthwash
  • Referral to a health facility for management of oral diseases
  • Screening, treatment of minor oral conditions
Primary Care
  • Community awareness on dental caries, periodontal disease and prevention measures
  • Fully integrating oral health into community health programmes.
  • Multi sectoral approach in addressing socio-cultural determinants such as poor living conditions
  • Multi-sectoral approach in ensuring access to clean safe water
  • Oral health education to the community by Teeth savers
  • Community water fluoridation

Counselling on daily oral hygiene including toothbrushing with fluoride toothpaste, flossing daily Counselling on nutrition, food safety, and healthy diet

  • Community level screening for oral diseases
  • School based screening for oral diseases
  • Counselling on the use of Kola nuts

History and intraoral examination Provide disinfectant mouthwash Application of fluoride varnish on tooth surface Silver diamine fluoride application Counselling on use of saline mouthwash Oral analgesics for oral diseases Oral antibiotics for dental abscess

  • Referral for management of oral diseases
Referral Facility: General
  • Community awareness on dental caries, periodontal disease and prevention measures
  • Fully integrating oral health into community health programmes.
  • Multi sectoral approach in addressing socio-cultural determinants such as poor living conditions
  • Multi-sectoral approach in ensuring access to clean safe water
  • Oral health education to the community by Teeth savers
  • Community water fluoridation

Counselling on daily oral hygiene including toothbrushing with fluoride toothpaste, flossing daily Counselling on nutrition, food safety, and healthy diet

  • Community level screening for oral diseases
  • School based screening for oral diseases
  • Counselling on the use of Kola nuts

History and intraoral examination Provide disinfectant mouthwash Application of fluoride varnish on tooth surface X-ray Counselling on use of saline mouthwash Oral analgesics for oral diseases Oral antibiotics for dental abscess Dental extraction Incision and drainage Atraumatic restorative treatment Filling dental caries using advanced procedures Silver diamine fluoride application

  • Monitor and manage any complications
  • Fixing of dentures
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Community awareness on dental caries, periodontal disease and prevention measures
  • Fully integrating oral health into community health programmes.
  • Multi sectoral approach in addressing socio-cultural determinants such as poor living conditions
  • Multi sectoral approach in ensuring access to clean safe water
  • Oral health education to the community by Teeth savers
  • Community water fluoridation

Counselling on daily oral hygiene including toothbrushing with fluoride toothpaste, flossing daily Counselling on nutrition, food safety, and healthy diet

  • Community level screening for oral diseases
  • School based screening for oral diseases
  • Counselling on the use of Kola nuts

History and intraoral examination Provide disinfectant mouthwash Application of fluoride varnish on tooth surface X-ray Counselling on use of saline mouthwash Incision and drainage Atraumatic restorative treatment Filling dental caries using advanced procedures Silver diamine fluoride application

  • Endodontic therapy/Root canal treatment
  • Use of crowns and bridges in extensive caries with little tooth structure left
  • Monitor and manage any complications
  • Fixing of dentures
Condition: Eye Conditions
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level

Community awareness on the importance of early and regular comprehensive eye examinations

Job aids (protocols) for eye conditions

Early identification of eye conditions and refer

Primary Care

Community awareness on the importance of early and regular comprehensive eye examinations

Oral vitamin A supplementation Vaccination: measles rubella Counselling on adherence to treatment regimen for chronic eye diseases Counselling to promote good eye health practices and prevention strategies Counselling and education on importance of spectacle compliance

Screening and diagnosis of eye diseases and vision impairment Test for visual acuity Visual field assessment Torchlight examination (external eye assessment)

Referral Facility: General

Community awareness on the importance of early and regular comprehensive eye examinations

Screening and diagnosis of eye diseases and vision impairment in community, schools Preferential looking visual acuity test for preverbal infants and toddlers

Management of refractive error, amblyopia and strabismus Patching for the treatment of amblyopia Provide spectacles Spectacle correction - presbyopia Topical cycloplegic drugs for the treatment of amblyopia

Referral Facility: Specialist

Community awareness on the importance of early and regular comprehensive eye examinations

Screening and diagnosis of eye diseases and vision impairment in community, schools Preferential looking visual acuity test for preverbal infants and toddlers

Management of refractive error, amblyopia and strabismus Strabismus surgery Patching for the treatment of amblyopia Provide spectacles Spectacle correction - presbyopia Topical cycloplegic drugs for the treatment of amblyopia Management of ocular cancer Intravenous chemotherapy for retinoblastoma Surgery for retinoblastoma Focal laser therapy for ocular cancer Cryotherapy for ocular cancer

Condition: Scabies and other skin disorders
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Creating awareness and community empowerment on WASH services (use of safe water supply, sanitation and hygiene, handwashing with soap)
  • Advocacy to address overcrowding and access to health services, and WASH services
  • Avoidance of direct skin-to-skin contact with an infected person
  • Avoidance of direct contact with an infected item such as clothing or bedding
  • Frequently hand washing with soap and warm water
  • Topical scabicide for patient, close contacts and family members
Primary Care
  • Advocacy to address overcrowding and access to health services, and WASH services
  • Early identification and treatment of index cases
  • Treatment of all contacts
  • Topical scabicide for patient, close contacts and family members
Referral Facility: General

Counselling about handwashing with soap Counselling on WASH services (use of safe water supply; sanitation and hygiene) Create awareness campaign on healthy diet, physical activity,

Avoidance of direct skin-to-skin contact with an infected person Avoidance of direct contact with an infected items such as clothing or bedding used by an infected person. Frequently hand washing with soap and warm water Avoid triggers and irritants

History and physical examination for inflammatory/infectious skin disorder Basic laboratory tests Management of skin diseases with topical and systemic medications Incision and drainage Surgical debridement

Referral Facility: Specialist

Counselling about handwashing with soap Counselling on WASH services (use of safe water supply; sanitation and hygiene) Create awareness campaign on healthy diet, physical activity,

Avoidance of direct skin-to-skin contact with an infected person Avoidance of direct contact with an infected items such as clothing or bedding used by an infected person. Frequently hand washing with soap and warm water Avoid triggers and irritants

History and physical examination for inflammatory/infectious skin disorder Identification of characteristic skin lesion of inflammatory skin disorder Basic laboratory tests Potassium hydroxide (KOH) preparation Histopathology: skin biopsy and scraping Management of skin diseases with topical and systemic medications Phototherapy Incision and drainage Surgical debridement

Condition: Family planning
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Create mass awareness on family planning using social media, mass media, print media, public gatherings
  • Social and behavioural change communication
  • Promote the use of Information Education Communication (IEC) materials
  • Improve health workers knowledge on family planning * School based sex education
  • Male involvement in family planning

Counselling on family planning, with all available contraceptive methods Provide condoms Oral hormonal contraceptive for family planning and contraception Emergency contraceptive pills

Primary Care
  • Health education on family planning
  • Create mass awareness on family planning using social media, mass media, print media, public gatherings
  • Social and behavioural change communication
  • Promote the use of Information Education Communication (IEC) materials
  • Improve health workers knowledge on family planning * School based sex education
  • Male involvement in family planning

History and physical examination HIV testing for contraceptive services Basic laboratory tests Point of care testing Counselling on family planning methods Oral hormonal contraceptive for family planning and contraception Injectable hormonal contraceptive method Oral hormonal medications for emergency contraception Counselling on post-partum and post-abortion contraceptives Vaginal ring Fertility-awareness based methods Intrauterine devices (IUD)

Referral Facility: General
  • Health education on family planning
  • Create mass awareness on family planning using social media, mass media, print media, public gatherings
  • Social and behavioural change communication
  • Promote the use of Information Education Communication (IEC) materials
  • Improve health workers knowledge on family planning * School based sex education
  • Male involvement in family planning

History and physical examination for contraception and family planning HIV testing for contraceptive services Basic laboratory tests Counselling on family planning, with all available barrier and contraceptive methods Oral hormonal contraceptive for family planning and contraception Insertion and removal of sub-dermal contraceptive implant Insertion and removal of intrauterine devices (IUD) Female sterilization Male sterilization

Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Health education on family planning
  • Create mass awareness on family planning using social media, mass media, print media, public gatherings
  • Social and behavioural change communication
  • Promote the use of Information Education Communication (IEC) materials
  • Improve health workers knowledge on family planning * School based sex education
  • Male involvement in family planning

Insertion and removal of sub-dermal contraceptive implant Insertion and removal of intrauterine devices (IUD) Female sterilization Male sterilization

Condition: Menopause
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • School based education programs (comprehensive sexual education)
  • Sensitization of religious leaders and other stakeholder on sexual health
  • Services to increase physical activity
  • Education on avoiding the use of drugs for sexuality

Provision of menstrual care products

Primary Care
  • Counselling on menarche
  • Counselling on menstruation
  • Sensitization of religious leaders and other stakeholder on sexual health
  • Services for recreation (Sex)
  • Education on avoiding the use of drugs for sexuality

History and physical examination for menstrual health problems Counselling on menstrual disorders Management of anaemia related to heavy menstrual bleeding Counselling on respectful and equal gender relations and rights Counselling on sexuality and sexual health, including consent and age of maturation Clinical assessment for sexual dysfunction and other sexual health complications Referral for severe menstrual disorders

Referral Facility: General
  • Counselling on menarche
  • Counselling on menstruation
  • Sensitization of religious leaders and other stakeholder on sexual health
  • Services for recreation (Sex)
  • Education on avoiding the use of drugs for sexuality

History and physical examination for menstrual health problems Counselling on menstrual disorders Management of menstrual disorders Management of anaemia related to heavy menstrual bleeding Counselling on respectful and equal gender relations and rights Counselling on sexuality and sexual health, including consent and age of maturation Clinical assessment for sexual dysfunction and other sexual health complications Referral for severe menstrual disorders Topical vaginal lubricants (for use during sexual activity)

Referral Facility: Specialist
Condition: Gender Based Violence (GBV)
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Sensitize the community and other stakeholders (e.g., CSOs, community and religious leaders, youth groups) on the of the need to prevent SGBV and promote gender equality
  • Mass media sensitization on the GBV
  • School based education programs (comprehensive sexual education)
  • Grievance redress mechanisms in communities
  • Routine school health profiling
  • Social Empowerment activities
  • Assess the victims
  • Render necessary first aid treatment
  • Referral for intimate partner and sexual violence
  • Refer to the health facility if necessary
  • Inform appropriate authorities
Primary Care
  • Sensitize the community and other stakeholders (e.g., CSOs, community and religious leaders, youth groups) on the of the need to prevent SGBV and promote gender equality
  • Mass media sensitization on the GBV
  • School based education programs (comprehensive sexual education)
  • Group education to raise awareness about VAW and promote egalitarian gender norms and relations
  • Counselling and treatment for survivors
  • History and physical examination including documentation and evidence collection as appropriate for survivors of violence
  • STI screening and treatment
  • HIV testing and post exposure prophylaxis
  • Emergency contraception
  • Referrals when necessary
  • Collaborate with appropriate authorities (One stop shops, adolescent friendly centres)
Referral Facility: General
  • Sensitize the community and other stakeholders (e.g., CSOs, community and religious leaders, youth groups) on the of the need to prevent SGBV and promote gender equality
  • Mass media sensitization on the GBV
  • School based education programs (comprehensive sexual education)

Education to raise awareness about VAW and promote egalitarian gender norms and relations

History and complete physical examination, including documentation and evidence collection as appropriate for survivors of GBV Care and support for survivors of GBV Vaccination: hepatitis B Vaccination: HPV Clinical assessment for mental health disorders Safe and confidential documentation of GBV in health care record First line psychological support Sexually transmitted infection (STI) screening, prophylaxis and treatment HIV testing and post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) Emergency contraception Discrete materials with information about available services Counselling to improve communication and conflict resolution when safe and appropriate

Psychoeducation, including for stress reduction, for survivors of violence

Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Sensitize the community and other stakeholders (e.g., CSOs, community and religious leaders, youth groups) on the of the need to prevent SGBV and promote gender equality
  • Mass media sensitization on the GBV
  • School based education programs (comprehensive sexual education)
  • Education to raise awareness about VAW and promote egalitarian gender norms and relations

History and complete physical examination, including documentation and evidence collection as appropriate for survivors of GBV Care and support for survivors of GBV Vaccination: hepatitis B Vaccination: HPV Clinical assessment for mental health disorders Safe and confidential documentation of GBV in health record First line psychological support Sexually transmitted infection (STI) screening, prophylaxis and treatment HIV testing and post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) Emergency contraception Discrete materials with information about available services Counselling to improve communication and conflict resolution when safe and appropriate

Condition: Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level

Awareness raising on dangers of FGM Hygiene promotion School health education Sensitization of communities (SOWEI) on dangers of FGM

Counselling of youth on the preventions and dangers of FGM Engage community stakeholders on elimination of FGM

Education and counselling including on prevention of FGM

Primary Care

Awareness raising on dangers of FGM Hygiene promotion School health education

Sensitization of communities (SOWEI) on dangers of FGM Counselling of youth on the preventions and dangers of FGM Engage community stakeholders on elimination of FGM

Education and counselling including on prevention of FGM History and assessment of FGM Counselling on sexual health care Referral for the management of mental illness Emergency care to stop bleeding, suture lacerations Provide antibiotics and analgesics Referral for surgical procedures

Referral Facility: General

Awareness raising on dangers of FGM Hygiene promotion

Education and counselling including on prevention of FGM Sensitization of communities (SOWEI) on dangers of FGM Counselling of youth on the preventions and dangers of FGM Engage community stakeholders on elimination of FGM

History and assessment of FGM Clinical assessment for complications of FGM, sexual health disorders and mental health disorders Provide first line psychological support Counselling on sexual health care Provide antibiotics and analgesics Referral for surgical procedures

Referral Facility: Specialist

Education and counselling including on prevention of FGM

History and assessment of FGM Clinical assessment for complications of FGM, sexual health disorders and mental health disorders Management of FGM and its complications Manage mental health disorders Provide first line psychological support Refer for the management of sexual health

Condition: Maternal haemorrage
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Community sensitization on dangers of haemorrhage
  • Maternal haemorrhage posters at the community * Promoting skilled birth attendance
  • Encourage regular ANC visits * Timely referral of high risk pregnant women * Educate pregnant women and family members to avoid activities that lead to higher risk pregnancy conditions e.g. lifting and carrying heavy load, domestic fighting, laundry boards etc. * Encourage use of maternity waiting homes for high-risk pregnant women
  • Early referral of haemorrhage cases
Primary Care
  • Sensitization on dangers of haemorrhage * Maternal haemorrhage posters at the health facilities * Promoting skilled birth attendance
  • Encourage regular ANC visits * Timely referral of high-risk pregnant women
  • Educate pregnant women and family members to avoid activities that lead to higher risk pregnancy conditions e.g., lifting and carrying heavy load, domestic fighting, laundry boards etc.
  • Encourage use of maternity waiting homes for high-risk pregnant women
  • Active management of third stage labour to prevent postpartum haemorrhage
  • Prophylactic use of uterotonics (oxytocin)to prevent PPH
  • Manual removal of placenta and retained products * Open an intravenous access, urinary catheterization * Early referral of haemorrhage cases
Referral Facility: General
  • Sensitization on dangers of haemorrhage * Maternal haemorrhage posters at the health facilities * Promoting skilled birth attendance
  • Encourage regular ANC visits * Timely referral of high-risk pregnant women
  • Active management of third stage of labour
  • Prophylactic uterotonics for uterine contraction
  • Management of postpartum haemorrhage
  • Uterine tamponade to exert pressure from within the uterus * Fluid replacement for the resuscitation of women with PPH
  • Use of Non-pneumatic antishock garment (NASG) to stabilize women with hypovolemic shock
  • Surgical interventions such as compression sutures or subtotal hysterectomy.
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Sensitization on dangers of haemorrhage
  • Maternal haemorrhage posters at the hospitals * Promoting skilled birth attendance * Training of health workers on the dangers of maternal haemorrhage
  • Timely referral and improved responsiveness to patients * Delivery of high risk women in maternity waiting homes * Postpartum abdominal uterine tonus assessment for early identification of uterine atony
  • Active management of third stage of labour
  • Prophylactic uterotonics for uterine contraction
  • Management of postpartum haemorrhage
  • Uterine tamponade to exert pressure from within the uterus * Fluid replacement for the resuscitation of women with PPH
  • Use of Non-pneumatic antishock garment (NASG) to stabilize women with hypovolemic shock
  • Surgical interventions such as compression sutures or subtotal hysterectomy.
Condition: Hypertensive Disorders in Pregnancy
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Provide information/create awareness on the symptoms and preventive measures of hypertension and hypertensive diseases of pregnancy
  • Engage male partners in RMNCH issues * Engage families in dialogue to identify barriers and negotiate actions to RMNCH issues
  • Regular ANC attendance -to receive antenatal education to make them aware of the symptoms associated with pre-eclampsia, its importance and the need to obtain medical care
  • Advice to pregnant women to seek urgent medical advice if they experience symptoms preeclampsia/eclampsia
  • Calcium supplementation to all women especially high-risk women and populations with low dietary calcium intake * Low-dose aspirin in women at high risk of preeclampsia
  • Recognition of symptoms associated with hypertension in pregnancy
  • Administer antihypertensive medicines and immediate referral to the next level
Primary Care
  • Provide information/create awareness on the symptoms and preventive measures of hypertension and hypertensive diseases of pregnancy
  • Engage male partners in RMNCH issues * Engage families in dialogue to identify barriers and negotiate actions to RMNCH issues
  • Antenatal education to pregnant women so that they are aware of the symptoms associated with pre-eclampsia,
  • Advice to pregnant women to seek medical advice if they experience symptoms such as severe headache: blurred vision or flashing before the eyes, vomiting, sudden swelling of the face, hands or feet.
  • Guidance on low salt intake (less use of seasoning)
  • Guidance on physical activities and physical exercises
  • Advice on the need for adequate rest-including adequate sleep
  • Avoidance of smoking tobacco
  • Cessation of alcohol use
  • Maintaining a healthy body weight
  • Monitor blood pressure and cholesterol levels
  • Screening for high blood pressure,
  • Screening for diabetes mellitus
  • Recognition of symptoms associated with hypertension in pregnancy
  • Administer antihypertensive medicines and close monitoring of blood pressure and foetal heart
  • Close monitoring to signs of stroke, epigastric and RUQ pain * Pharmacological management of eclampsia
  • Corticosteroids to pregnant woman of gestational age less than or equal to 32 weeks
  • Immediate referral to the next level if patient fails to respond to treatment
Referral Facility: General
  • Provide information/create awareness on the symptoms and preventive measures of hypertension and hypertensive diseases of pregnancy * Engage male partners in RMNCH issues * Engage families in dialogue to identify barriers and negotiate actions to RMNCH issues
  • Antenatal education to pregnant women so that they are aware of the symptoms associated with pre-eclampsia,
  • Advice to pregnant women to seek medical advice if they experience symptoms of preeclampsia
  • Guidance on low sodium intake (less seasoning)
  • Guidance on Physical activities and physical exercises
  • Advice on the need for adequate rest-including adequate sleep
  • Avoidance of smoking tobacco
  • Cessation of alcohol use
  • Maintaining a healthy body weight
  • Monitor blood pressure and cholesterol levels
  • Screening for high blood pressure,
  • Screening for diabetes mellitus
  • Basic laboratory test
  • Advanced laboratory
  • Ultrasound examination of the eyes or fundoscopy * Management of gestational hypertension or pre-existing hypertension in pregnant
  • Pharmacological management
  • Non-pharmacological management including close supervision, advice on limitation of activities, and some bed rest
  • Use of dietetic management
  • Review of medication accordingly for mother with pre-existing hypertension
  • Close monitoring of blood pressure, urine output, total protein & proteinuria, renal function tests
  • Monitoring foetal heart and foetal growth
  • Terminate pregnancy if patient fails to respond to treatment
  • post-natal monitoring
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Provide information/create awareness on the symptoms and preventive measures of hypertension and hypertensive diseases of pregnancy
  • Engage male partners in RMNCH issues * Engage families in dialogue to identify barriers and negotiate actions to RMNCH issues
  • Low-dose aspirin for women with high risk for preeclampsia * High-dose calcium supplementation for women at risk of hypertensive disorders and those with low-calcium diets.
  • Basic laboratory test
  • Advanced laboratory tests
  • Ultrasound examination of the eyes or fundoscopy * Management of gestational hypertension or pre-existing hypertension in pregnant women based on severity and gestational age *Pharmacological management
  • Non-pharmacological management including close supervision, advice on limitation of activities, and some bed rest
  • Use of dietetic management
  • Review of medication accordingly for mother with pre-existing hypertension
  • Close monitoring of blood pressure, urine output, total protein & proteinuria, renal function tests
  • Monitoring foetal heart and foetal growth
  • Terminate pregnancy if patient fails to respond to treatment
  • post-natal monitoring
Condition: Congenital anomalies
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Educate adolescent girls and mothers have a healthy diet including a wide variety of vegetables, fruits, vitamins and minerals particularly folic acid and maintain a healthy weight
  • Information education and communication on harmful substances, particularly alcohol and tobacco, exposure of pregnant women to medications or medical radiation
  • Train community health workers in promoting prevention and early identification of congenital anomalies
  • Ensure adolescent girls and mothers have a healthy diet including a wide variety of vegetables, fruits, vitamins and minerals including folic acid and maintain a healthy weight
  • Avoidance of harmful substances, particularly alcohol and tobacco
  • Avoidance of travel by pregnant women (and sometimes women of childbearing age) to regions experiencing outbreaks of infections known to be associated with birth defects
  • Reduce or eliminate environmental exposure to hazardous substances (such as heavy metals or pesticides) during pregnancy
  • Vaccination, especially against the rubella virus, for children and women
  • Early identification of congenital abnormalities and referral
  • Physical therapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy and support from families and community.
Primary Care
  • Train health staff and others involved in promoting prevention of congenital anomalies
  • Folic acid supplementation in early pregnancy
  • Correction of maternal iodine deficiency before conception
  • Screening all women of childbearing age for rubella antibodies before conception * Measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine
  • Primary prevention of maternal infection with herpes simplex virus and Toxoplasma gondii to prevent mother-to-child transmission
  • Avoiding teratogenic medications during pregnancy

Early identification and referral

Referral Facility: General
  • Train health staff and others involved in promoting prevention of congenital anomalies;
  • Folic acid supplementation in early pregnancy
  • Correction of maternal iodine deficiency before conception
  • Screening all women of childbearing age for rubella antibodies before conception
  • Measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine
  • Primary prevention of maternal infection with herpes simplex virus and Toxoplasma gondii to prevent mother-to-child transmission
  • Avoiding teratogenic medications during pregnancy
  • Medical treatment for some metabolic, endocrine and haematological conditions e.g.congenital hypothyroidism
  • Early screening for early correction (e.g. congenital hearing loss, congenital cataract, etc.)
  • Physical therapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy and support from families and community.
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Train health staff and others involved in promoting prevention of congenital anomalies
  • Folic acid supplementation in early pregnancy
  • Correction of maternal iodine deficiency before conception
  • Screening all women of childbearing age for rubella antibodies before conception
  • Measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine
  • Primary prevention of maternal infection with herpes simplex virus and Toxoplasma gondii to prevent mother-to-child transmission
  • Avoiding teratogenic medications during pregnancy
  • Surgery with good follow up care (e.g., congenital heart defects, congenital talipes, cleft lip/palate)
  • Screening of newborn for certain metabolic, hematologic and endocrine disorders
Condition: Malnutrition and Micronutrient Deficiency
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Advice to mothers on ensuring breastfeeding including early initiation, exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months of life and for at least till the child is two years * Counselling on appropriate and timely complementary feeding and healthy infant and young child nutrition
  • Counselling on good hygiene practices including hand hygiene and quitting smoking
  • Community based MUAC and bilateral edema screening for early identification * Community engagement on Infant and Young Child Nutrition IYCN * Counselling on micronutrient supplementation -Vit. A Supplementation, albendazole * Counselling on use of therapeutic and supplementary foods with malnourished children * Education on use of safe water and good compound practices * Counselling on when to seek medical help at facility level. * Counselling on use of family MUAC. Self-screening of children 6-59 months by mothers
  • Exclusive breastfeeding, early initiation of breastfeeding and complementary feeding, * Vitamin A supplementation * Hygiene, sanitation and deworming for preschool children * Follow up/home visits to ensure nutrition products for malnourished children are given to patients
  • Examine/assess children during home/school visits for signs of acute malnutrition using MUAC and Edema to identify and refer identified
  • Refer children identified with MUAC<12.5cm to next level
  • Home follow-up of cases of moderate and severe acute malnutrition to ensure compliance with treatment and advice
Primary Care

Same as Community Level plus

  • Group and focused counselling of mothers and carers at facility level on MIYCN
  • Early initiation of breastfeeding, EBF, Appropriate and timely complementary feeding, food demonstrations. Counselling on feeding of the sick child.
  • Feeding on good hygiene practices. * Growth monitoring and promotion
  • Breast breastfeeding and complementary feeding * Routine and outreach of vitamin A and deworming administration * Hygiene, sanitation promotion * community based growth monitoring
  • Nutrition products for malnourished children. * Examine children during home visits for signs of acute malnutrition and advise parents accordingly
  • Management of Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) without Complications
  • Educate mothers on feeding of children through provision of practical examples using local foods
  • Provide treatment to correct other specific deficiencies
  • Treat moderate cases with balanced local oral diet
  • Provide children with multivitamin supplement * Conduct food demonstrations on local food preparation
Referral Facility: General
  • Advice to mothers on ensuring breastfeeding including exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months of life and for at least till the child is two years
  • Counselling on Healthy nutrition for the under 5s
  • Counselling on Good hygiene practices including hand hygiene
  • Growth monitoring
  • Early initiation and exclusive breastfeeding and complementary feeding; * Vitamin A administration and deworming * Counselling on hygiene, sanitation practices
  • Facility based growth monitoring
  • Use of Local foods for complementary feeding and nutrition products for malnourished children
  • Examine children during home visits for signs of acute malnutrition and advise parents accordingly
  • Management of Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) with Complications
  • Provision of therapeutic meals for clinical management of patients
  • Educate mothers on feeding of children through provision of practical examples using local foods
  • Treat moderate cases with balanced oral diet, correct fluid and electrolyte imbalances
  • Provide macronutrients for severe cases by appropriate means (orally, feeding tube, nasogastric tube)
  • Provide children with multivitamin supplement
  • Provide treatment to correct other specific deficiencies
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Counselling of mothers/caregivers on Breastfeeding- including early initiation and exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months of life and for at least till the child is two years
  • Counselling on Healthy IYCN for the under 5s
  • Counselling on Good hygiene practices including hand hygiene
  • Growth monitoring and promotion -screening for malnutrition
  • BFHI promotion
  • Early initiation and exclusive breastfeeding and complementary feeding
  • Vitamin A administration and deworming * Counselling on hygiene, sanitation practices * Facility based growth monitoring * Use of Local foods for complementary feeding and nutrition products for malnourished children
  • Examine children during home visits for signs of acute malnutrition and advise parents accordingly
  • Management of Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) with Complications by the national IMAM Protocol * Management of SAM without complications and Management of MAM as per National IMAM protocol.
  • Provision of therapeutic meals for clinical management of under-fives
  • Nutrition counselling for the clinical management of both inpatient and outpatients
  • Educate mothers on feeding of children through provision of practical examples using local foods
  • Treat existing infections in severe cases Provide macronutrients for severe cases by appropriate means (orally, feeding tube, nasogastric tube, gastrostomy tube)
  • Provide children with multivitamin supplement as appropriate
  • Counsel caregivers on feeding the sick child.
  • Provide lactose free liquid oral food supplements if solid food cannot be adequately ingested Provide children with multivitamin supplement
Condition: Overweight and Obesity
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Create awareness on causes, dangers of obesity including prevention measures (physical exercises)
  • Provide IEC materials on obesity Sensitization on proper nutrition
  • Multi sectoral approach to obesity (Min of Education, Sport, MAFFS, MOHs) Sensitization against stigma in schools.

Counselling on nutrition, food safety, and healthy diet for adolescents Conduct assessment and counselling on physical activity Counselling on weight management/weight maintenance Physical exercise training

Primary Care
  • Create awareness on obesity including prevention measures
  • Provide IEC materials on obesity
  • Multi sectoral approach to obesity (Min of Education, Sport, MAFFS, MOHs)
  • Sensitization against stigma in schools.
  • History and physical examination for overweight and obesity
  • Counselling on nutrition, food safety, and healthy diet for adolescents
  • Conduct assessment and counselling on physical activity Counselling on weight management/weight maintenance
  • Psychosocial support and therapy for weight loss and weight maintenance
  • Physical exercise training
  • Screen for secondary complication and treat
Referral Facility: General
  • Counselling on nutrition, food safety, and healthy diet for adolescents
  • Conduct assessment and counselling on physical activity
  • Counselling on weight management/weight maintenance
  • History and physical examination for overweight and obesity
  • Psychosocial support and therapy for weight loss and weight maintenance
  • Provide cognitive behavioural therapy or interpersonal therapy for overweight and obesity
  • Physical exercise training
  • Screen for secondary complications and treat

Psychoeducation and psychosocial support (including for patient’s carers)

Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Counselling on nutrition, food safety, and healthy diet for adolescents
  • Conduct assessment and counselling on physical activity
  • Counselling on weight management/weight maintenance
  • History and physical examination for overweight and obesity
  • Psychosocial support and therapy for weight loss and weight maintenance
  • Provide cognitive behavioural therapy or interpersonal therapy for overweight and obesity
  • Physical exercise training
  • Screen for secondary complications and treat

Psychoeducation and psychosocial support (including for patient’s carers)

Condition: Road traffic Injuries
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Community awareness on road safety
  • Setting and enforce laws on key risks such as speeding, driving while intoxicated, failing to use motorcycle helmets, seat-belts, and distracted driving
  • Advocacy for improving the design of roads and road infrastructure
  • Educate children and students on road safety
  • Enforcement of traffic regulations
  • Using appropriate child restraints and seatbelts
  • Requiring children to sit in the rear passenger seat
  • Environmental modifications for the reduction of speed (e.g., around schools, play grounds)
  • Using appropriate bicycle and motorcycle helmets
  • Breath testing for alcohol
  • Recognition of signs and symptoms of road traffic injuries
  • Advance trauma life support (ATLS) Pre-hospital care
  • Basic life support
  • Early recognition of signs for the need for referral
  • Physical rehabilitation
  • Family or caregiver educational training
  • Non-opioid analgesia for effective control of mild to moderate- pain
  • Symptomatic non-pharmacological treatment
  • Emotional, social, spiritual assessment and support based on cultural needs, values and preferences of patients and families
Primary Care
  • Health education on road safety to children and their parents
  • Guidance and counselling on safety and injury prevention
  • Guidance and counselling on vehicular seat belts
  • History
  • Physical examination
  • Advance trauma life support (ATLS)- Primary survey and ABCDE approach
  • Early recognition of danger signs and referral
Referral Facility: General
  • Health education on road safety to children and their parents
  • Advance trauma life support (ATLS)- secondary survey
  • IV fluids
  • Blood and blood product transfusion
  • Definitive care
  • Transfer to higher centres for complicated cases
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Health education on road safety to children and their parents
  • Advance trauma life support (ATLS)- tertiary survey
  • Resuscitation
  • Blood and blood product transfusion
  • Major surgery
  • Re-constructive surgery
Condition: Poisoning
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Regulations on packaging for cleaning products and medications
  • Prevention of various forms of child accidents at home and the environment
  • Community awareness on avoidance of using harmful traditional practices in the management of poisoning
  • Awareness on disciplining adolescents and avoiding risk of harsh punishment on children
  • Counselling on household safety for infants and young children
  • Keeping toxic chemicals, drugs, dangerous household instruments out of the reach of children
  • Early recognition of the need for referral of poisonings and toxic exposures
Primary Care
  • Regulations on packaging for cleaning products and medications
  • Prevention of various forms of child accidents at home and the environment
  • Community awareness on avoidance of using harmful traditional practices in the management of poisoning
  • Awareness on disciplining adolescents and avoiding risk of harsh punishment on children
  • Counselling on household safety for infants and young children
  • Keeping toxic chemicals, drugs, dangerous household instruments out of the reach of children
  • History and physical examination for poisonings and toxic exposures
  • Early recognition of the need for referral of poisonings and toxic exposures
Referral Facility: General
  • Counselling on household safety for infants and young children
  • Keeping toxic chemicals, drugs, dangerous household instruments out of the reach of children

History and physical examination for poisonings and toxic exposures Advanced laboratory tests Antidotes and reversal medications Intravenous fluid and electrolytes Continuous vital sign monitoring

Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Counselling on household safety for infants and young children
  • Keeping toxic chemicals, drugs, dangerous household instruments out of the reach of children

History and physical examination for poisonings and toxic exposures Advanced laboratory tests Antidotes and reversal medications Intravenous fluid and electrolytes Continuous vital sign monitoring Enhanced elimination by hemoperfusion or haemodialysis Enhanced elimination by urinary alkalinization

Condition: Preventive Chemotherapy (PC) NTDs
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Health education to parents, families and communities on NTDs prevention measures such as personal hygiene as well as proper disposal of human faeces including children fecal matter
  • Community Health workers education on NTDs including prevention measures
  • Observation of good hygiene practices in food preparation
  • Provision of portable water to homes and communities
  • Early recognition of danger signs by the family members
  • Early health seeking behaviour
  • Mass drug administration
  • Identification of features/signs indicative
  • Relief of any abdominal pain
  • Oral rehydration with oral fluids,
  • Nutritional support (proper nutrition)
  • Administer treatment for prevalent NTDs
  • Referral to health facility for definitive diagnosis and treatment
Primary Care
  • Health education to parents, families and communities on NTDs prevention measures such as personal hygiene as well as proper disposal of human faeces including children fecal matter
  • Periodical deworming to eliminate infecting worms,
  • Health education to prevent re-infection,
  • Access to safe water, adequate sanitation and hygiene
  • Mass drug administration (MDA) for lymphatic filariasis (LF), onchocerciasis, schistosomiasis, trachoma, soil-transmitted helminth (STH) infections (ascariasis, hookworm, and trichuriasis)
  • Monitor adverse events during MDA
  • Counselling on to clean and disinfect commonly used surfaces
  • Confirm diagnosis with laboratory tests
  • Relief of any abdominal pain
  • Oral rehydration
  • Nutritional support (proper nutrition) * Administer treatment for prevalent NTDs
  • Follow up and prevention of complications e.g. anaemia
  • Referral to hospital for management of complications
Referral Facility: General
  • Health education to parents, families and communities on NTDs prevention measures such as personal hygiene as well as proper disposal of human faeces including children fecal matter and protection from insect bites
  • Periodical deworming to eliminate infecting worms
  • Health education to prevent re-infection
  • Improved sanitation to reduce soil contamination with infective eggs. * Preventive chemotherapy students including the whole community residing
  • Counselling on to clean and disinfect commonly used surfaces
  • Integrated vector control
  • Antigen detection (ICT) or microfilaria detection (microscopy) in whole blood, for LF
  • Nodule detection using rapid techniques and skin snip for onchocerciasis
  • Detection of eggs in urine or stool
  • Eyelid examination for follicular inflammation (TF)
  • Relief of any abdominal pain
  • Oral rehydration with oral fluids,
  • Nutritional support (proper nutrition) * Administer treatment
  • Follow up and prevention of complications e.g. anaemia
  • Referral to hospital for management of complications
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Health education to parents, families and communities on NTDs prevention measures such as personal hygiene as well as proper disposal of human faeces including children fecal matter
  • Periodical deworming to eliminate infecting worms,
  • Health education to prevent re-infection,
  • Improved sanitation to reduce soil contamination with infective eggs. * Mass drug administration to infected community
  • Antigen detection (ICT) or microfilaria detection (microscopy) in whole blood, for LF
  • Nodule detection using rapid techniques and skin snip for onchocerciasis
  • Detection of eggs in urine or stool
  • Eyelid examination for follicular inflammation (TF)
  • Oral rehydration with oral fluids,
  • Nutritional support (proper nutrition)
  • Administer treatment for NTDs
  • Prevention and management of any complications
  • Follow up for children including those who may have cognitive delays
  • Surgical interventions for complications, Trichiasis, lymphedema, eye complication
Condition: Appendicitis
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level

Community engagement [community sensitization on symptoms of appendicitis and when to seek care]

Early recognition of need for referral and appropriate referral

Primary Care

Sensitization on symptoms of appendicitis and when to seek care

History and physical examination for gastrointestinal diseases Early recognition of need for referral Provide analgesics

Referral Facility: General

sensitization on symptoms of appendicitis and when to seek care

Sensitize on disease prevention of appendicitis

  • History and physical examination for gastrointestinal diseases Point of care testing Basic laboratory tests Basic imaging: Ultrasound Pharmacological intervention as clinically indicated including electrolytes, fluids, analgesic
  • Non-surgical reduction of intestinal obstruction
  • Laparotomy Surgical procedures for appendicitis, mechanical bowel obstruction
Referral Facility: Specialist

Sensitization on symptoms of appendicitis and when to seek care

Sensitize on disease prevention of appendicitis

  • History and physical examination for gastrointestinal diseases Point of care testing Basic laboratory tests Basic imaging: Ultrasound Pharmacological intervention as clinically indicated including electrolytes, fluids, analgesic
  • Non-surgical reduction of intestinal obstruction
  • Laparotomy
Condition: Invasive non-typhoid Salmonella (iNTS)
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Community and mass media-based awareness campaign
  • Good sanitation and hygiene practices
  • Safe water supply
  • Malaria prevention
  • Recognition of Invasive Non-Typhoid Salmonella (iNTS) signs and symptoms
  • Oral rehydration
  • Antipyretics
  • Immediate transfer to a higher-level health care facility
Primary Care
  • Health education on prevention and treatment of Invasive Non-typhoid salmonella
  • Access to safe drinking water
  • Use of improved sanitation
  • Hand washing with soap
  • Malaria prevention
  • History
  • Physical examination
  • Oral rehydration
  • Antipyretics
  • Immediate transfer to a higher-level health care facility
Referral Facility: General
  • Health education on prevention and treatment of Invasive Non-typhoid salmonella
  • Access to safe drinking water
  • Use of improved sanitation
  • Hand washing with soap
  • Malaria prevention
  • History
  • Physical examination
  • Anthropometric measurement
  • Complete blood count
  • Malaria test
  • HIV test
  • Serologic tests
  • Oral rehydration salts (ORS) solution
  • Antibiotics
  • IV fluids
  • Anti-malaria treatment
  • Nutritional support
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Health education on prevention and treatment of Invasive Non-typhoid salmonella
  • Access to safe drinking water
  • Use of improved sanitation
  • Hand washing with soap
  • Malaria prevention
  • Blood culture
  • Bone marrow culture
  • Stool culture
  • Lumbar puncture
  • CSF analysis
  • Antibiotics
  • Anti-malaria treatment
  • IV fluid
  • Nutritional support