Health Promotion Interventions

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Condition: Meningitis
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Community awareness on prevention and control methods of meningitis
< 5 years
  • Community awareness on prevention and control methods of meningitis
5 - 11 years
  • Community awareness on prevention and control methods of meningitis
12 - 24 years
  • Community awareness on prevention and control methods of meningitis
25 - 59 years
  • Create awareness on meningitis including prevention measures (IPC)
  • Distribution of IEC materials
60+ years
  • Community health workers sensitization on meningitis including recognition of meningitis features among the elderly
  • Create awareness to the elderly persons, their families and communities on meningitis and prevention measures
  • Information/creation of awareness on healthy living for the elderly
  • Awareness on good nutrition
  • Provision of IEC materials
  • Promote good hygiene practices including hand hygiene for the elderly
Condition: Whooping Cough
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Strengthen mothers, families and community-based awareness on whooping cough including transmission and prevention measures
  • Create knowledge among family members and communities on importance of vaccination and the vaccination schedule
  • Knowledge on the importance of timely uptake of vaccine dose
  • Strengthen community health workers knowledge on whooping cough
< 5 years
  • Community-based awareness on prevention and control of VPDs
  • Community education on proper nutrition for young children
5 - 11 years
  • Community-based awareness on prevention and control of VPDs
  • Community education on proper nutrition for young children
12 - 24 years
  • Strengthen families and community-based awareness on whooping cough including prevention measures
  • Create knowledge among family members and communities on importance of vaccination and the vaccination schedule
  • Knowledge on the importance of timely uptake of vaccine dose
  • Strengthen community health workers knowledge on whooping cough
25 - 59 years
  • Strengthen families and community-based awareness on whooping cough including prevention measures
  • Create knowledge among family members and communities on importance of vaccination and the vaccination schedule.
  • Knowledge on the importance of timely uptake of vaccine dose
  • Strengthen community health workers knowledge on whooping cough
60+ years
  • Strengthen community-based awareness on whooping cough including prevention measures
  • Create knowledge among family members and communities on importance of vaccination and the vaccination schedule
  • Knowledge on the importance of timely uptake of vaccine dose
  • Strengthen community health workers knowledge on whooping cough
Condition: Encephalitis
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Mothers and families on encephalitis and prevention measures
  • Information on ANC attendance
  • Information on the importance of immunization for children
  • Information/creation of awareness on healthy living
  • Awareness on good nutrition
< 5 years
  • Create awareness to families and communities on the disease and prevention measures
  • Information to the communities on the importance of immunization for children
  • Information/creation of awareness on healthy living
  • Awareness on good nutrition
  • Provision of IEC materials
  • Awareness/education on animal handling and animal health e.g. Dogs (rabies)
5 - 11 years
  • Create awareness to families and communities on the disease and prevention measures
  • Information/creation of awareness on healthy living
  • Awareness on good nutrition
  • Provision of IEC materials
  • Information to the communities on the importance of immunization for children
  • Awareness/education on animal handling and animal health e.g. dogs (rabies)
  • Community health workers training on encehaplitis including on prevention measures
12 - 24 years
  • Create awareness to families and communities on the disease and prevention measures
  • Information/creation of awareness on healthy living
  • Information provision to the communities on the importance of immunization for children
  • Awareness creation on good nutrition
  • Provision of IEC materials
  • Awareness creation/education on animal handling and animal health e.g. dogs (rabies)
  • Community health workers training on encehaplitis including on prevention measures
25 - 59 years
  • Create awareness to families and communities on the disease and prevention measures
  • Information/creation of awareness on healthy living
  • Awareness creation on good nutrition
  • Provision of IEC materials
  • Awareness creation/education on animal handling and animal health e.g. dogs (rabies)
  • Information provision to the communities on the importance of immunization for children
  • Community health workers tarining on encehaplitis including on prevention measures
60+ years
  • Create awareness to families and communities on the disease and prevention measures
  • Information/creation of awareness on healthy living
  • Awareness creation on good nutrition
  • Provision of IEC materials
  • Awareness creation/education on animal handling and animal health e.g. dogs (rabies)
  • Community health workers tarining on encehaplitis including on prevention measures
Condition: Measles
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Health education on measles
  • Information and health education to women,families and community on measles
  • Information and health education to women,families and community on immunization
  • Educate mothers on well baby clinics
  • Good nutrition for the mother
  • knowledge of vaccination schedule
  • Importance of timely uptake of vaccine dose
  • Community health workers training on measles including prevention and recognition of measles in pregnant women
< 5 years
  • community-based awareness on VPDs including transmission and prevention measures * Community education on proper nutrition for young children
5 - 11 years
  • Community-based awareness on measles and other VPDs including transmission and prevention measures * Community education on proper nutrition for young children
12 - 24 years
  • Adolescents and Families education on transmission and prevention of measles
  • Community education on proper nutrition for adolescents
  • Proper sanitation
  • Promoting planning especially in urban areas to avoid over-crowding through multi sectoral approach
  • Community health workers training on measles including prevention and recognition of signs of measles in adolescents
25 - 59 years
  • Families and community education on transmission and prevention of measles
  • Education on proper nutrition for adults
  • Health education on Proper sanitation
  • Promoting proper planning especially in urban areas to avoid over-crowding
  • Community health workers training on measles including prevention and recognition of measles in adults
60+ years
  • Information to Families and community education on transmission and prevention of measles
  • Proper sanitation
  • Promoting proper planning especially in urban areas to avoid over-crowding
  • Community education on proper nutrition for the elderly
  • Community health workers training on measles including prevention and recognition of measles in the elderly
Condition: Trichomoniasis
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Education for high risk reproductive age women on regular condom use with non-regular partners
  • Education at ANC and CWC on symptoms of STIs and what to do if such symptoms occur
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
  • Adolescent centered education on delaying sexual debut and safe sex practices School-based education on sexuality and safe sex practices
  • Education on symptoms of sexually transmitted infections and what to do in the event of occurrence of symptoms
12 - 24 years
  • General public education on condom use and maintaining one sexual partner
  • Education on symptoms of sexually transmitted infections and what to do in the event of occurrence of symptoms
25 - 59 years
  • General public education on condom use and maintaining one sexual partner
  • Education on symptoms of sexually transmitted infections and what to do in the event of occurrence of symptoms
60+ years
Condition: Tuberculosis
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Advocay for TB
  • Health Education on TB to pregnanct women/families/communities
  • Distribution of IEC materials
  • Social behaviour change and communication (SBCC)
  • Education on good hygiene parctices eg Promotion of cough etiquette,
  • General public education on TB symptoms, cough etiquette, TB treatment and actions to take after contact with a suspected TB case
  • Advise to Pregnant women to avoid contact with people with persistent cough
  • General public education on good nutrition
  • Promotion of multi-sectoral approach in improving housing and saniation to combat TB
  • community Health workers training on TB including prevention measures
< 5 years
  • Social and behavioural change communication for parents
  • Promote cough etiquette and cough hygiene
5 - 11 years
  • Social and behavioural change communication for parents
  • School health education
  • Promote cough etiquette and cough hygiene
12 - 24 years
  • Contact tracing, screening and management
  • Isolation of confirmed or presumptive TB cases
25 - 59 years
  • Social and behavioural change communication
  • Promote cough etiquette and cough hygiene
  • Create awareness on Tuberculosis risk factors and prevention methods
  • Social and behavioural change communication on tuberculosis
  • Mass media to raise awareness on tuberculosis and its prevention
  • Promote infection prevention control for TB
60+ years
  • Social and behavioural change communication
  • Promote cough etiquette and cough hygiene
Condition: Syphilis
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Social and behavioural change communication for parents
  • Community awareness on the risks and prevention of sexual abuse of children
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
  • Education of parents on the risks and prevention of sexual abuse of children
12 - 24 years
  • Adolescent centered education on delaying sexual debut and safe sex practices
  • School-based education on sexuality and safe sex practices
  • Education on symptoms of sexually transmitted infections and what to do in the event of occurrence of symptoms
25 - 59 years
  • Education on symptoms of sexually transmitted infections and what to do in the event of occurrence of symptoms
  • General public education on condom use and maintaining one sexual partner
60+ years
  • Education on symptoms of sexually transmitted infections and what to do in the event of occurrence of symptoms
  • General public education on condom use and maintaining one sexual partner
Condition: Other STDs
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Education for high risk reproductive age women on regular condom use with non-regular partner
  • Education on symptoms of sexually transmitted infections and what to do in the event of occurrence of symptoms
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
  • Adolescent centered education on delaying sexual debut and safe sex practices School-based education on sexuality and safe sex practices
  • Education on symptoms of sexually transmitted infections and what to do in the event of occurrence of symptoms
  • Sensitization of traditional healers and community leaders.
  • promote substance use cessation
  • Promote early health seeking behaviour distribute IEC materials,
  • promote condoms use to prevent STIs
  • Educate communities on sex and sexual education for guidance to prevent risk factors
  • Promotion of stigma reduction
  • Training of community Health Workers on STI
25 - 59 years
  • Education on sexuality and safe sex practices
  • Education on symptoms of sexually transmitted infections and what to do in the event of occurrence of symptoms
  • Promote early health seeking behaviour distribute IEC materials,
  • Promote condoms use to prevent STIs
  • Promotion of stigma reduction
60+ years
  • General public education on condom use and maintaining one sexual partner
  • Education on symptoms of sexually transmitted infections and what to do in the event of occurrence of symptoms
  • Sensitization of traditional healers and community leaders.
  • promote substance use cessation
  • Promote early health seeking behaviour
  • distribute IEC materials,
  • promote condoms use to prevent STIs
  • Educate communities on sex and sexual education for guidance to prevent risk factors
  • Promotion of stigma reduction
  • Training of community Health Workers on STI
Condition: HIV/AIDS
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Health education
  • Create mass awareness on STIs /HIV/AIDs
  • Sensitization on comprehensive sexuality education
  • Health education on risk factors for STIs /HIV /AIDs
  • Social and behavioural change communication
  • Promote Condom use
  • Promote early health seeking behaviour
  • Promotion of stigma reduction
  • Information Education Communication (IEC) materials distribution
  • Condom and lubricants demonstration and distribution
  • Strengthen CHWs and health workers knowledge on STIs/HIV/AIDs through trainings
  • Training on support for GBV Including first line support at community level
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
  • Social and behavioural change communication for parents
  • School health education
  • Community awareness on the risks and prevention of sexual abuse of children
12 - 24 years
  • Social and behavioural change communication
  • School-based HIV education
  • Peer-based HIV education
  • Comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) for AGYW and adolescent boys
  • Mass media on HIV awareness
  • Condom social marketing
  • Structural interventions (policy, legal, Cash transfers and incentives)
25 - 59 years
  • Social and behavioural change communication
  • Peer-based HIV education
  • Health education and risk reduction counselling
  • Mass media on HIV awareness
  • Condom social marketing
  • Structural (policy, legal) interventions
  • Create awareness on STIs and HIV/AIDS risk factors and prevention methods
  • Social and behavioural change communication for parents
  • Mass media to raise awareness on HIV/AIDs and its prevention
60+ years
  • Social and behavioural change communication
Condition: Gonorrhoea
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Education at ANC and CWC on symptoms of Gonococcal eye infection in neonates and what to do if such symptoms occur
  • Education for high risk reproductive age women on regular condom use with non-regular partners
< 5 years
5 - 11 years

Education of parents on the risks and prevention of sexual abuse of children

12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
  • Education on symptoms of sexually transmitted infections and what to do in the event of occurrence of symptoms
  • General public education on condom use and maintaining one sexual partner
60+ years
  • Education on symptoms of sexually transmitted infections and what to do in the event of occurrence of symptoms
  • General public education on condom use and maintaining one sexual partner
Condition: Genital herpes
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Education on symptoms of sexually transmitted infections and what to do in the event of occurrence of symptoms
  • Education for high risk reproductive age women on regular condom use with non-regular partners
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
  • Education of parents on the risks and prevention of sexual abuse of children
12 - 24 years
  • Adolescent centered education on delaying sexual debut and safe sex practices
  • School-based education on sexuality and safe sex practices
  • Education on symptoms of sexually transmitted infections and what to do in the event of occurrence of symptoms
25 - 59 years
  • General public education on condom use and maintaining one sexual partner
  • Education on symptoms of sexually transmitted infections and what to do in the event of occurrence of symptoms
60+ years
  • General public education on condom use and maintaining one sexual partner
  • Education on symptoms of sexually transmitted infections and what to do in the event of occurrence of symptoms
Condition: Diarrhoeal diseases
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Community-based awareness campaign
  • Mass media based awareness
  • Community mobilisation for routine immunisation
< 5 years
  • Community-based awareness campaign
  • Mass media based awareness
  • Community mobilisation for routine immunisation
  • Create awareness on diarrhoea including prevention measures
  • Distribution of IEC materials on diarrhoea
  • Advocacy for proper sanitation and good housing
  • Community mobilisation for routine immunisation
5 - 11 years
  • Community-based awareness campaign on sanitation, hygiene, and safe water supply
  • Community mobilisation for routine immunisation
12 - 24 years
  • Community-based awareness campaign on sanitation, hygiene, and safe water supply
  • Community mobilisation for routine immunisation
25 - 59 years
  • Community-based awareness campaign
  • Mass media based awareness
60+ years
  • Community-based awareness campaign
  • Mass media based awareness
Condition: Chlamydia
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Education for high risk reproductive age women on regular condom use with non-regular partners
  • Education at ANC and CWC on symptoms of chlamydia eye infection in neonates and what to do if such symptoms occur
  • Community health workers sensitization on chlamydia including prevention measures
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
  • Education of parents on the risks and prevention of sexual abuse of children
  • Community health workers sesnistization on chlamydia including prevention measures
12 - 24 years
  • Adolescent centered education on delaying sexual debut and safe sex practices
  • School-based education on sexuality and safe sex practices
  • Education on symptoms of sexually transmitted infections and what to do in the event of occurrence of symptoms
  • Community health wrkers sensitization on chlamydia including prevention measures
25 - 59 years
  • General public education on condom use and maintaining one sexual partner
  • Education on symptoms of sexually transmitted infections and what to do in the event of occurrence of symptoms
  • Community health workers sensitization on chlamydia including prevention measures
60+ years
  • General public education on condom use and maintaining one sexual partner
  • Education on symptoms of sexually transmitted infections and what to do in the event of occurrence of symptoms
  • Community health workers sensisitization on chlamydia including prevention measures
Condition: Dengue
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Community awareness and education On Dengue
  • Proper solid waste disposal and improved
  • use of mosquito repellents, mosquito bed nets, mosquito coils, protective clothing and regularly removing sources of stagnant water to prevent mosquito breeding
< 5 years
  • Community awareness and education On Dengue
  • Proper solid waste disposal and improved
5 - 11 years
  • Community awareness and education On Dengue
  • Proper solid waste disposal and improved
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
  • Community awareness and education On Dengue
  • Proper solid waste disposal and improved
60+ years
  • Water storage practices, including covering of containers to prevent access by egg-laying female mosquitoes are among methods that are encouraged through community-based programmes.
Condition: Lymphatic filariasis
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Community awareness and education of families and communities on Lymphatic Filariasis
  • To promote positive attitudes towards people with disabilities
< 5 years
  • Community awareness and education of families and communities on Lymphatic Filariasis to promote positive attitudes towards people with disabilities
5 - 11 years
  • Community awareness and education of families and communities on Lymphatic Filariasis to promote positive attitudes towards people with disabilities
12 - 24 years
  • Community awareness and education of families and communities on Lymphatic Filariasis to promote positive attitudes towards people with disabilities.
- Community awareness and education of families and communities on Lymphatic Filariasis to promote positive attitudes towards people with disabilities
25 - 59 years
  • Community awareness and education of families and communities on Lymphatic Filariasis to promote positive attitudes towards people with disabilities
60+ years
  • Community awareness and education of families and communities on Lymphatic Filariasis to promote positive attitudes towards people with disabilities
Condition: Diphtheria
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Information and health education to women, families and community on Diphtheria including prevention measures
  • Provide Information to women, families, and community on;
    • Immunization
    • Educate mothers on well baby clinics
    • Good nutrition for the mother
  • Community health workers education on Diphtheria
< 5 years
  • Information and health education to parents, families and Communities on immunization including vaccination schedule for the young children
  • Families and community education on transmission and prevention of Diphtheria
  • Community education on proper nutrition for young children/under 5s
  • Education on hygiene measures for young children
  • Promoting proper planning especially in urban areas to avoid over-crowding through multi-sectoral approach
  • Community health workers education on Diphtheria including recognition of signs and symptoms in children and on prevention measures
5 - 11 years
  • Information/education on transmission and prevention of Diphtheria
  • Education on proper nutrition for primary school age children - Proper sanitation - School health program
  • Community health workers education on Diphtheria including recognition of signs and symptoms in primary school age children and on prevention measures
12 - 24 years
  • Adolescents and Families education on transmission and prevention of Diphtheria
  • Community education on proper nutrition for adolescents
  • Proper sanitation
  • Promoting proper planning especially in urban areas to avoid over-crowding through multi sector al approach
  • Community health workers education on Diphtheria including prevention and recognition of signs of Diphtheria adolescents
25 - 59 years
  • Families and community education on transmission and prevention of
  • Education on proper nutrition for adults
  • Proper sanitation
  • Promoting proper planning especially in urban areas to avoid over-crowding through multi sector al approach
  • Community health workers education on diphtheria including prevention measure
60+ years
  • Information to Families and community education on transmission and prevention of diphtheria
  • Awareness creation on hygiene measures
  • Community education on proper nutrition for the elderly
  • Proper sanitation
  • Promoting proper planning especially in urban areas to avoid over-crowding
  • Community health workers education on diphtheria including prevention measures
Condition: Acute Hepatitis B
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Education and awareness creation on Hepatitis B including transmission and prevention measures
  • Education on safe sex practices among the mothers
  • Awareness creation on safer sex practices, including minimizing the number of partners and using barrier protective measures (condoms)
  • Condom distribution
  • Mass awareness campaigns such as World Hepatitis Day and World immunization Week
  • Maternal counseling
  • Promote ANC attendance
  • Distribution of IEC materials on Hepatitis B
  • Community health workers training on Hepatitis B,including prevention measures
< 5 years
  • Community health workers training on Hepatitis B, including prevention measures among children
  • Health Education to parents/families /communities on Heaptitis B
  • Awareness creation among parents/communities on Hepatitis B including transmission and prevention measures
  • Distribution of IEC materials on Hepatitis B
  • Create awareness on the importance of Hepatitis B vaccination for the children
  • Mass awareness campaigns such as World Hepatitis Day and World immunization Week
  • Promote Child Welfare Clinics CWC attendance
5 - 11 years
  • Awareness creation on Hepatitis B including transmission and prevention measures
  • Health Education on Hepatitis B
  • Mass awareness campaigns through such days as World Hepatitis Day and World immunization Week
  • Awareness creation on other risky behaviours such as illicit drugs and sharing needles and other sharp objects; no sharing personal items
  • Distribution of IEC materials on Heaptitis B
    • Promote testing for HBV and for HIV/AIDs
  • Provide Hepatitis B testing services.
  • Community health workers training on Hepatitis B,including prevention measures
12 - 24 years
  • Awareness creation on Hepatitis B including transmission and prevention measures
  • Health Education on Hepatitis B
  • Mass awareness campaigns through such days as World Hepatitis Day and World immunization Week
  • Awareness creation on safer sex practices, including minimizing the number of partners and using barrier protective measures (condoms),
  • Awareness creation on other risky behaviours such as illicit drugs and sharing needles and other sharp objects; no sharing personal items
  • Distribution of IEC materials on Heaptitis B
  • condom distribution
  • Promote testing for HBV and for HIV/AIDs
  • Provide Hepatitis B testing services.
  • Community health workers training on Hepatitis B,including prevention measures
25 - 59 years
  • Community awareness creation on Hepatitis B transmission, prevention measures and treatment
60+ years
  • Community awareness creation on Hepatitis B transmission, prevention measures and treatment
Condition: Hepatitis A
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Create awareness to mothers and families on Hepatitis A including risk factors
  • Families and community education on proper hygiene measuresSensitize communities on use of clean, safe waterEducation families on proper human waste disposal -including for children
  • Community health workers training/sensitization on Hepatitis A including prevention measure
< 5 years
  • Create awareness to mothers and families/communities on Hepatitis A including risk factors
  • Families and community education on proper hygiene measuresSensitize communities on use of clean, safe waterEducation families on proper human waste disposal -including for children
  • Community health workers training/sensitization on Hepatitis A including prevention measure
5 - 11 years
  • Create awareness through schools and communities on Hepatitis A including risk factors;-
  • Individuals education on the need for strict enteric precautions especially for individuals with HAV
  • Schools and community education on proper hygiene measures; Advice on Improved sanitation.
  • Sensitize through schools and families on use of clean, safe water
  • Community health workers training/sensitization on Hepatitis A including prevention measure
  • Sensitization of teachers and school communities on Hepatitis A and prevention measures
12 - 24 years
  • Create community awareness on Hepatitis A including risk factors:
  • Individuals and families education on the need for strict enteric precautions especially for individuals with HAV
  • Create awareness on the benefits of immunization, particularly in high-risk individuals Individuals, families and community education on proper hygiene measures
  • Advice on Improved sanitation
  • Sensitize communities on use of clean, safe water
  • Community health workers education/sensitization on Hepatitis A including prevention measure
25 - 59 years
  • Create awareness on the benefits of immunization, particularly in high-risk individuals
  • Individuals and families education on the need for strict enteric precautions especially for individuals with HAV
  • Individuals, families and community education on proper hygiene measuresAdvice on Improved sanitation
  • Sensitize communities on use of clean, safe water
  • Community health workers training/sensitization on Hepatitis A including prevention measure
60+ years
  • Create community awareness on Hepatitis A including risk factors;
  • Individuals and families education on the need for strict enteric precautions especially for individuals with HAV
  • Create awareness on the benefits of immunization, particularly in high-risk individuals
  • Individuals, families and community education on proper hygiene measuresAdvice on Improved sanitation
  • Sensitize communities on use of clean, safe water
  • Community health workers education/sensitization on Hepatitis A including prevention measure
Condition: Hepatitis E
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Create awareness to mothers and families on Hepatitis E including risk factors
  • Families and community education on proper hygiene measures Sensitize communities on consumption of clean, safe waterEducation families on proper human waste disposal -including for children.
  • Community health workers education/sensitization on Hepatitis E including prevention measures
< 5 years
  • Create awareness to mothers and families/communities on Hepatitis A including risk factors
  • Families and community education on proper hygiene measuresSensitize communities on use of clean, safe waterEducation families on proper human waste disposal -including for children.
  • Community health workers education/sensitization on Hepatitis E including prevention measures
5 - 11 years
  • Create awareness on Hepatitis E disease the transmission mode and preventive measures
  • Education on good hygiene practices
  • Improve access to clean and safe drinking water - Water sources protection e g. protection of wells
  • Strategies to address poverty especially for resource poor areasImprove access to good sanitation/including safe human waste disposal in communities including in congregate populations
  • Improve access to health servicesStrategies to reduce overcrowding such as in refugee camps where sanitation and safe water supply pose special challenges
  • Community health workers education/sensitization on Hepatitis E including prevention measures
12 - 24 years
  • Create awareness on Hepatitis E disease, the transmission mode and preventive measures
  • Education on good hygiene practices
  • Improve access to clean and safe drinking water
  • Strategies to address poverty especially for resource poor areas Improve access to good sanitation/including safe human waste disposal in communities including in congregate populations
  • Improve access to health services
  • Strategies to reduce overcrowding such as in refugee camps where sanitation and safe water supply pose special challenges
  • Community health workers education/sensitization on Hepatitis E including prevention measures
25 - 59 years
  • Create awareness on Hepatitis E disease,the transmission mode and preventive measures
  • Education on good hygiene practicesImprove access to clean and safe drinking waterStrategies to address poverty especially for resource poor areas
  • Improve access to good sanitation/including safe human waste disposal in communities including in congregate populations
  • Improve access to health services
  • Strategies to reduce overcrowding such as in refugee camps where sanitation and safe water supply pose special challenges Intersect oral collaboration to address social determinants of health e.g. Sanitation
  • Community health workers education/sensitization on Hepatitis E including prevention measures
60+ years
  • Create awareness on Hepatitis E disease, the transmission mode and preventive measures Education on good hygiene practicesImprove access to clean and safe drinking water
  • Strategies to address poverty especially for resource poor areas
  • Improve access to good sanitation/including safe human waste disposal in communities including in congregate populations
  • Improve access to health services
  • Strategies to reduce overcrowding such as in refugee camps where sanitation and safe water supply pose special challengesIntersectoral collaboration to address social determinants of health e.g. Sanitation
  • Community health workers education/sensitization on Hepatitis E including prevention measures
Condition: Diabetes mellitus
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Create awareness on diabetes including prevention measures
  • Create awareness on health diets for the pregnant women
  • Education to pregnant women, Families and communities on importance of physical exercise
  • Creation of awareness on avoidance risk factors such as avoidance of tobacco use and harmful use of alcohol.
  • Distribution of IEC materials
  • Community Health workers training on diabetes including prevention measures
< 5 years
  • Create awareness to parents, families and communities on type 1 diabetes
  • Awareness creation on measures to prevent complications of type 1 diabetes among children
  • Awareness creation on healthy diets for children, physical activity
  • Community health workers education on diabetes including type 1 diabetes and its management
5 - 11 years
  • Educate community to create awareness to identify diabetes symptoms early
12 - 24 years
  • Educate community to create awareness to identify diabetes symptoms early
25 - 59 years
  • Community engagement/sensitization on risk factors for diabetes mellitus and preventive measures such as weight control, regular exercise, healthy diet, and stress management

Community engagement [community sensitization on diabetes and risk factors, healthy diets, regular blood sugar testing, and exercise]. Provision of IEC/BCC materials

60+ years
  • Community engagement/sensitization on risk factors for diabetes mellitus and preventive measures such as weight control, regular exercise, healthy diet and stress management
Condition: Rabies
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Awareness creation on rabies and prevention measures including preventing dog bites
  • Education on dog behavior and bite prevention
  • Increasing awareness of rabies prevention and control in communities including education and information on responsible pet ownership, how to prevent dog bites and immediate care measures after a bite
  • Community Health workers training on rabies ,prevention measures and its management
< 5 years
  • Awareness creation on rabies and prevention measures including preventing dog bites
  • Education on dog behavior and bite prevention
  • Increasing awareness of rabies prevention and control in communities including education and information on responsible pet ownership, how to prevent dog bites and immediate care measures after a bite
  • Community Health workers training on rabies , prevention measures and its management
5 - 11 years
  • Awareness creation on rabies and prevention measures including preventing dog bites
  • Education on dog behavior and bite prevention
  • Increasing awareness of rabies prevention and control in communities including education and information on responsible pet ownership, how to prevent dog bites, immediate care measures after a bite.
  • Community Health workers training on rabies ,prevention measures and its management
12 - 24 years
  • Awareness creation on rabies and prevention measures including preventing dog bites.
  • Education on dog behavior and bite prevention
  • Increasing awareness of rabies prevention and control in communities including education and information on responsible pet ownership, how to prevent dog bites, immediate care measures after a bite.
  • Community Health workers education on rabies ,prevention measures and its management
25 - 59 years
  • Awareness creation on rabies and prevention measures including preventing dog bites.
  • Education on dog behavior and bite prevention
  • Increasing awareness of rabies prevention and control in communities including education and information on responsible pet ownership, how to prevent dog bites and immediate care measures after a bite.
  • Community Health workers education on rabies ,prevention measures and its management
60+ years
  • Awareness creation on rabies and prevention measures including preventing dog bites.
  • Education on dog behavior and bite prevention
  • Increasing awareness of rabies prevention and control in communities including education and information on responsible pet ownership, how to prevent dog bites, and immediate care measures after a bite.
  • Community Health workers training on rabies ,prevention measures and its management
Condition: Yellow Fever
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Education and awareness creation on yellow fever including transmission and prevention measures
  • Education on the need for yellow fever vaccination
  • Education on vector/mosquito control measures
  • Distribution of IEC materials
  • Community health workers training on yellow fever including prevention measures
< 5 years
  • Education and awareness creation on yellow fever including transmission and prevention measures
  • Awareness creation on yellow fever vaccination
  • Education on vector/mosquito control measures
  • Distribution of IEC materials on Yellow fever
  • Mass awareness campaigns on yellow fever
  • Community health workers training on yellow fever including prevention measures
5 - 11 years
  • Strengthen families and community-based awareness on Yellow Fever including transmission and prevention measures * Information and health education to parents, families and Communities on immunization including vaccination schedule for young children
12 - 24 years
  • Education and awareness creation on yellow fever including transmission and prevention measures
  • Awareness creation on yellow fever vaccination
  • Education on the need for yellow fever vaccination
  • Education on vector/mosquito control measures
  • Distribution of IEC materials
  • Community health workers training on yellow fever including prevention measures
25 - 59 years
  • Strengthen families and community-based awareness on Yellow Fever including transmission and prevention measures * Information and health education to parents, families and communities on Yellow Fever vaccination
60+ years
  • Education and awareness creation on yellow fever including transmission and prevention measures
  • Education on the need for yellow fever vaccination
  • Education on vector /mosquito control measures
  • Distribution of IEC materials
  • Community health workers training on yellow fever including prevention measures
Condition: Acute Hepatitis C
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Create awareness to pregnant women on Hepatitis C including transmission, risk factors and prevention measures
  • Mass awareness campaigns during health days such as World Hepatitis Day
  • Education to mothers on safe sex practices
  • Community health workers training/sensitization on Hepatitis C, including transmission & prevention measures
< 5 years
  • Create awareness to parents and families on Hepatitis C including transmission, risk factors and prevention measures
  • Mass awareness campaigns during health days such as World Hepatitis Day
  • Community health workers training/sensitization on Hepatitis C, including
5 - 11 years
  • Create awareness to school age children on Hepatitis C including transmission, risk factors and prevention measure
  • Mass awareness campaigns during health days such as World Hepatitis DayAwareness campaigns through schools
  • Community health workers sensitization on Hepatitis C, including transmission & prevention measures
  • school communities sensitization on Hepatitis C, including transmission & prevention measures
12 - 24 years
  • Create awareness to adolescents and families on Hepatitis C including transmission, risk factors and prevention measures
  • Mass awareness campaigns during health days such as World Hepatitis Day
  • Education to adolesents on Hepatitis C
  • Education to adolescents on safe sex practices
  • Distribution of IEC materials
  • Community health workers sensitization on Hepatitis C, including transmission & prevention measures
25 - 59 years
  • Create awareness to adults and families on Hepatitis C including transmission, risk factors and prevention measures
  • Mass awareness campaigns during health days such as World Hepatitis Day
  • Provision of education & comprehensive harm-reduction services to elderly who inject drugs including sterile injecting equipment and effective and evidence-based treatment of dependence Health education on hepatitis C
  • Education on safe sex practices
  • Distribution of IEC materials
  • Community health workers sensitization on Hepatitis C, including transmission & prevention measures
60+ years
  • Create awareness to the elderly and families on Hepatitis C including transmission, risk factors and prevention measures
  • Mass awareness campaigns during health days such as World Hepatitis Day
  • Provision of education & comprehensive harm-reduction services to elderly who inject drugs including sterile injecting equipment and effective and evidence-based treatment of dependence
  • Health education on hepatitis C - Education on safe sex practices - Distribution of IEC materials
  • Community health workers sensitization on Hepatitis C, including transmission & prevention measures
Condition: Leprosy
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Strengthening patient and community awareness of leprosy
  • Community Health education to raise suspicion of leprosy by the community members
  • Demand creation for community to seek early diagnosis and treatment
  • Community Capacity building on basic facts about leprosy, signs and symptoms and mode of transmission will improve early diagnosis and treatment
  • Community knowledge that leprosy disease is curable will reduce stigma and discrimination
  • Involving communities in actions for improvement of leprosy services
  • Multi-sectoral approach in addressing leprosy
  • Community Health workers sensitization on Leprosy
< 5 years
  • Strengthening patient and community awareness of leprosy
  • Community Health education to raise suspicion of leprosy by the community members
  • Demand creation for community to seek early diagnosis and treatment
  • Community Capacity building on basic facts about leprosy, signs and symptoms and mode of transmission will improve early diagnosis and treatment
  • Community knowledge that leprosy disease is curable will reduce stigma and discrimination
  • Involving communities in actions for improvement of leprosy services
  • Multi-sectoral approach in addressing leprosy
  • Community Health workers sensitization on Leprosy
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Ascariasis
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Health education to pregnant women/families on ascariasis and prevention measures
  • Pregnant women/families/Community education on personal hygiene as well as proper disposal of human faeces
  • Community awareness on effective sewerage disposal systems
  • Promote through multi sectoral approach wastewater treatment before use for irrigation due to food grown in contaminated soil.
  • Community Health workers teaining on ascariasis including prevention measures
< 5 years
  • Education and social mobilization for successful prevention and control of ascariasis
  • Community-led total sanitation with market approaches (CLTS+), promotion of hygiene, building of latrines, and related SBC.
5 - 11 years
  • Education and social mobilization for successful prevention and control of ascariasis
  • Community-led total sanitation with market approaches (CLTS+), promotion of hygiene, building of latrines, and related SBC.
12 - 24 years
  • Health education for adolescents on ascariasis and prevention measures
  • Adolescents education on personal hygiene as well as proper disposal of human faeces
  • Community awareness on effective sewerage disposal systems
  • Promote through multi sectoral approach wastewater treatment before use for irrigation due to food grown in contaminated soil
  • Community Health workers education on ascariasis including prevention measures
25 - 59 years
  • Health education to adults and communities on ascariasis and prevention measures
  • Community,adult persons education on personal hygiene as well as proper disposal of human faeces
  • Community awareness on effective sewerage disposal systems
  • Promote through multi sectoral approach wastewater treatment before use for irrigation due to food grown in contaminated soil
  • Community Health workers training on ascariasis including prevention measures
60+ years
  • Health education to elderly persons/families and communities on ascariasis and prevention measures
  • Community,family and elderly persons education on personal hygiene as well as proper disposal of human faeces
  • Community awareness on effective sewerage disposal systems
  • Promote through multi sectoral approach effective sewerage disposal and wastewater treatment before use for irrigation due to food grown in contaminated soil
  • Community Health workers education on ascariasis including prevention measures
Condition: Tetanus
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Awareness Creation among mothers and families on Tetanus and preventive measures
  • Education and awareness creation on safe delivery to the mothers
  • Creation of awareness on importance of infant/child vaccination and on vaccination schedule
  • Health education activities to increase community awareness of the importance of tetanus immunization
  • Distribution of IEC materials
  • Training the community Health workers on tetanus, including prevention measures/on vaccination, detection of tetanus
< 5 years
  • Awareness Creation among communities/families on Tetanus and preventive measures
  • Creation of awareness on importance of child vaccination and on vaccination schedule
  • Health education activities to increase community awareness of the importance of tetanus immunization
  • Distribution of IEC materials on Tetanus
  • Training the community Health workers on tetanus, including prevention measures/on vaccination including schedules/detection of Tetanus
5 - 11 years
  • Awareness Creation among communities and families on Tetanus and preventive measures
  • Creation of awareness on importance of school age children vaccination (booster) and on vaccination schedule
  • Health education activities to increase community awareness of the importance of tetanus immunization
  • School health programs
  • Distribution of IEC materials on Tetanus
  • Training the community Health workers on tetanus including prevention measures/on vaccination, detection of tetanus
12 - 24 years
  • Awareness Creation communities on Tetanus and preventive measures
  • Health education activities to increase community awareness of the importance of tetanus immunization including vaccination schedules Distribution of IEC materials
  • Training the community Health workers on tetanus, including prevention measures/on vaccination, detection of tetanus
25 - 59 years
  • Awareness Creation among communities on Tetanus and preventive measures
  • Health education activities to increase community awareness of the importance of tetanus immunization
  • Distribution of IEC materials
  • Training the community Health workers on tetanus, including prevention measures/on vaccination/vaccination schedules/detection
60+ years
  • Awareness Creation among communities on Tetanus and preventive measures
  • Health education activities to increase community awareness of the importance of tetanus immunization
  • Distribution of IEC materials
  • Training the community Health workers on tetanus, including prevention measures/on vaccination/vaccination schedules/detection
Condition: Trichuriasis
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Health education to pregnant women/families on Trichuriasis and prevention measures
  • Pregnant women/families/Community education on personal hygiene as well as proper
  • Community awareness on effective sewerage disposal systems disposal of human faeces
  • Community Health workers education on trichuriasis including prevention measures
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
  • Community engagement on the importance of clean water and safe sanitation and waste disposal
  • Education and social mobilization for the prevention and control of trichuriasis
12 - 24 years
  • Health education for adolescents on trichuriasis and prevention measures
  • Adolescents education on personal hygiene as well as proper disposal of human faeces
  • Community awareness on effective sewerage disposal systems
  • Promote through multi sectoral approach wastewater treatment before use for irrigation due to food grown in contaminated soil
  • Community Health workers training on trichuriasis including prevention measures
25 - 59 years
  • Health education to adults and communities on trichuriasis and prevention measures
  • Community/adult persons education on personal hygiene as well as proper disposal of human faeces
  • Community awareness on effective sewerage disposal systems
  • Promote through multi sectoral approach wastewater treatment before use for irrigation due to food grown in contaminated soil.
  • Community Health workers training on trichuriasis including prevention measures
60+ years
  • Health education to elderly persons/families and communities on trichuriasis and prevention measures
  • Communitt/family and elderly persons education on personal hygiene as well as proper disposal of human faeces
  • Community awareness on effective sewerage disposal systems
  • Promote through multi sectoral approach effective sewerage disposal and wastewater treatment before use for irrigation due to food grown in contaminated soil
  • Community Health workers education on trichuriasis including prevention measures
Condition: Birth asphyxia
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Educate pregnant women on the need for facility births attended by a skilled birth attendant
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Birth trauma
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Educate pregnant women on the need for facility births attended by a skilled birth attendant
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Iodine deficiency
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Education of pregnant women on infant and child feeding
< 5 years
  • Educate mothers and families on ways of providing nutritious diets for children
  • Educate on the benefits of cooking with iodized salt
5 - 11 years
  • School-based education on nutritious diets
  • Education of proprietors of schools on adding provision of one healthy meal to children in their facilities
12 - 24 years
  • Education on nutritious and healthy eating
25 - 59 years
  • Education on nutritious and healthy eating
60+ years
  • Education on nutritious and healthy eating
Condition: Maternal conditions
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Education on good nutrition for women and importance of antenatal care when pregnant
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
  • Education on good nutrition for women and importance of antenatal care when pregnant
  • Education on importance of regular medical checkups to ensure that women are in good health before embarking on a pregnancy
25 - 59 years
  • Education on good nutrition for women and importance of antenatal care when pregnant
  • Education on importance of regular medical checkups to ensure that women are in good health before embarking on a pregnancy
60+ years
Condition: Neonatal sepsis and infections
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Educate mothers/fathers and caregivers on signs and symptoms of neonatal infection using job aides
  • Educate mothers/fathers and community on importance of facility delivery, exclusive breastfeeding good hygienic practices, care of the umbilical cord and avoidance of harmful traditional birth practices
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Protein-energy malnutrition
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Education of pregnant women on infant and child feeding
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
  • Education of families on healthy nutrition for the elderly
Condition: Preterm birth complications
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Education of pregnant women on importance of early registration for antenatal care
  • Education of pregnant women on signs and symptoms of labor
  • Education of pregnant women on what to do when signs and symptoms of labor occur
  • Education on Kangaroo mother care and Kangaroo Father care
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Vitamin A deficiency
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Education of pregnant women on infant and child feeding
< 5 years
  • Educate mothers and families on ways of providing nutritious diets for children and whole family using locally available foods with emphasis on Vitamin A rich foods
5 - 11 years
  • Community awareness on appropriate and timely complementary feeding and healthy infant and young child nutrition
  • Counselling on good hygiene practices including hand hygiene and quitting smoking
  • Community engagement on Infant and Young Child Nutrition IYCN
12 - 24 years
  • Education on nutritious and healthy eating
25 - 59 years
60+ years
  • Education on nutritious and healthy eating
Condition: Colon and rectum cancers
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
  • Community engagement [community sensitization on increasing dietary fibre and reducing red and processed meat consumption and alcoholic drinks as well as regular physical exercise
  • Community engagement and empowerment on cancer awareness and early health-seeking behaviour
  • Community leaders and advocates engagement to address cancer stigma and identification of barriers to accessing care
60+ years
  • Community engagement [community sensitization on increasing dietary fibre and reducing red and processed meat consumption and alcoholic drinks as well as regular physical exercise
  • Community engagement and empowerment on cancer awareness and early health-seeking behaviour
  • Community leaders and advocates engagement to address cancer stigma and identification of barriers to accessing care
Condition: Larynx cancer
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
  • Public education about dangers of smoking and alcohol use
60+ years
  • Public education about dangers of smoking and alcohol use
Condition: Liver Cancer
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
  • Public education about dangers of alcohol use Public education on symptoms of liver disease
60+ years
  • Community engagement and empowerment on cancer awareness and early health-seeking behaviour
  • Community leaders and advocates engagement to address cancer stigma and identification of barriers to accessing care
Condition: Trachea, bronchus, lung cancers
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
  • Community awareness on risk factors (smoking) and occupational and environmental exposure (e.g., goal mining, cement factories, etc.)
  • Mass media campaigns that educate the public about the harms of smoking/tobacco use and second hand smoke
  • Community engagement and empowerment on cancer awareness and early health-seeking behaviour
  • Community leaders and advocates engagement to address cancer stigma and identification of barriers to accessing care
60+ years
  • Community awareness on risk factors (smoking) and occupational and environmental exposure (e.g., goal mining, cement factories, etc.)
  • Mass media campaigns that educate the public about the harms of smoking/tobacco use and second hand smoke
  • Community engagement and empowerment on cancer awareness and early health-seeking behaviour
  • Community leaders and advocates engagement to address cancer stigma and identification of barriers to accessing care
Condition: Malignant skin melanoma
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Educate pregnant women with skin moles on need to monitor change in size and colour of mole during pregnancy
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
  • Educate people with skin moles on need to monitor change in size and colour of mole
60+ years
  • Educate people with skin moles on need to monitor change in size and colour of mole
Condition: Nasopharynx cancer and other pharyngeal cancers
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
  • Public education about ENT symptoms and need to report for examination with such symptoms
60+ years
  • Public education about ENT symptoms and need to report for examination with such symptoms
Condition: Oesophagus cancer
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
  • Public education about dangers of smoking and alcohol use
60+ years
  • Community engagement and empowerment on cancer awareness and early health-seeking behaviour
  • Community leaders and advocates engagement to address cancer stigma and identification of barriers to accessing care
Condition: Non-melanoma skin cancer
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
  • Educate people on need for hospital follow up for skin lesions and non-healing skin ulcers
60+ years
  • Educate people on need for hospital follow up for skin lesions and non-healing skin ulcers
Condition: Breast cancer
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Encourage exclusive breastfeeding in first 6 months and breastfeeding for a minimum of 1
< 5 years
  • Health and Wellness education on diet management, regular exercise, weight management, reduced exposure to radiation, reducing alcohol intake and avoiding exposure to tobacco smoke
  • Pursue intersectoral collaborations, with Ministry of Agriculture and its agencies, that make nutritious food sources available and affordable
  • Pursue intersectoral collaborations with Ministry of Environment, that reduce exposure to sources of radiation
  • Parents education on need for breastfeeding (exclusive for 6 months and breastfeeding at least upto 2 years
5 - 11 years
  • Health and Wellness education on diet management, regular exercise, weight management, reduced exposure to radiation, reducing alcohol intake and avoiding exposure to tobacco smoke
  • Pursue intersectoral collaborations, with Ministry of Agriculture and its agencies, that make nutritious food sources available and affordable
  • Pursue intersectoral collaborations with Ministry of Environment, that reduce exposure to sources of radiation
12 - 24 years
  • Health and Wellness education on diet management, regular exercise, weight management, reduced exposure to radiation, reducing alcohol intake and avoiding exposure to tobacco smoke
  • Pursue intersectoral collaborations, with Ministry of Agriculture and its agencies, that make nutritious food sources available and affordable
  • Pursue intersectoral collaborations with Ministry of Environment that reduce exposure to sources of radiation
25 - 59 years
  • Community awareness on symptoms of breast cancer, importance of screening with regular breast exams and mammography
  • Community engagement and empowerment on cancer awareness and avoiding harmful traditional practice for breast cancer treatment
  • Community leaders and advocates engagement to address cancer stigma and identification of barriers to accessing care
60+ years
  • Community awareness on symptoms of breast cancer, importance of screening with regular breast exams and mammography
  • Community engagement and empowerment on cancer awareness and avoiding harmful traditional practice for breast cancer treatment
  • Community leaders and advocates engagement to address cancer stigma and identification of barriers to accessing care
Condition: Cervix uteri cancer
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Health and Wellness education on;-
  • diet management,
  • regular exercise, weight management,
  • reduced exposure to radiation,
  • reducing alcohol intake and
  • avoiding smoking or exposure to tobacco smoke
  • Reproductive health education on the benefit safe sex practices including use of condoms
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
  • Health and Wellness education on diet management, regular exercise, weight management, reduced exposure to radiation, reducing alcohol intake and avoiding exposure to tobacco smoke
  • Reproductive health education on the benefit of reduced sexual partners and use of condoms
  • Pursue intersectoral collaborations, with Ministry of Agriculture and its
25 - 59 years
  • Community engagement and empowerment on cancer awareness and early health-seeking behaviour
  • Community leaders and advocates engagement to address cancer stigma and identification of barriers to accessing care
60+ years
  • Community engagement and empowerment on cancer awareness and early health-seeking behaviour
  • Community leaders and advocates engagement to address cancer stigma and identification of barriers to accessing care
Condition: Corpus uteri cancer
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Encourage exclusive breastfeeding in first 6 months and breastfeeding for a minimum of 1 year
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Malaria
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Community mobilization and engagement in malaria prevention and control activities
  • Mass media on malaria prevention measures
< 5 years
  • Community mobilization and engagement in malaria prevention and control activities
  • Mass media on malaria prevention measures
  • Mass media on malaria prevention measures
  • Community based campaigns to promote use of bed nets, early health seeking behaviour
  • Community mobilization and engagement on malaria prevention and control measures * Environmental Sanitation
5 - 11 years
  • Mass media on malaria prevention measures * Community based campaigns to promote use of bed nets, early health seeking behaviour * Community mobilization and engagement on malaria prevention and control measures
12 - 24 years
  • Community mobilization and engagement in malaria prevention and control activities
  • Mass media on malaria prevention measures
25 - 59 years
  • Community mobilization and engagement on malaria prevention and control
  • Mass media on malaria prevention measures
  • Community mobilization and engagement on malaria risk reduction, prevention and control and early treatment seeking
  • Create mass awareness on malaria using social media, mass media, print media, public gatherings
  • Social and behavioural change communication
  • Promote the use of Information Education Communication (IEC) materials
  • Improve CHW knowledge on malaria * School based education on malaria prevention
60+ years
  • Community mobilization and engagement on malaria prevention and control
  • Mass media on malaria prevention measures
Condition: African trypanosomiasis
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
  • IEC on African trypanosomiasis to all age cohorts
< 5 years
  • Public education on personal protection against the bites of the tsetse fly
  • Community leaders and advocates engagement to eliminate breeding sites for tsetse fly and identification of barriers to accessing care
5 - 11 years
  • IEC on African trypanosomiasis to all age cohorts
12 - 24 years
  • IEC on African trypanosomiasis to all age cohorts
25 - 59 years
  • IEC on African trypanosomiasis to all age cohorts
60+ years
  • IEC on African trypanosomiasis to all age cohorts
Condition: Schistosomiasis
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Hygiene
  • IEC for all age cohorts
  • Schistosomiasis,
< 5 years
  • Health education to parents, families and communities on NTDs prevention measures such as personal hygiene as well as proper disposal of human faeces including children fecal matter
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Echinococcosis
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Improved water sanitation and hygiene in the community
  • Hygiene in the slaughtering of livestock (including the proper destruction of infected offal)
< 5 years
  • Improved water sanitation and hygiene in the community
  • Hygiene in the slaughtering of livestock (including the proper destruction of infected offal)
5 - 11 years
  • Improved water sanitation and hygiene in the community
  • Hygiene in the slaughtering of livestock (including the proper destruction of infected offal)
12 - 24 years
  • Improved water sanitation and hygiene in the community
  • Hygiene in the slaughtering of livestock (including the proper destruction of infected offal)
25 - 59 years
  • Improved water sanitation and hygiene in the community
  • Hygiene in the slaughtering of livestock (including the proper destruction of infected offal)
60+ years
  • Improved water sanitation and hygiene in the community
  • Hygiene in the slaughtering of livestock (including the proper destruction of infected offal)
Condition: Cysticercosis
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Alzheimer disease and other dementias
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
  • Awareness creation among the communities on memory loss including prevention measures
Condition: Autism and Asperger syndrome
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
  • Provision of information on neurodevelopmental disorders to the parents and family members
  • Families and community education to reduce stigma and discrimination
  • Distribution of IEC materials on neurodevelopmental disorders
  • Encourage a multi-sectoral approach to ensure children’s education and opportunities to engage and participate in their communities.
  • Community health workers on neurodevelopmental disorders including recognition of symptoms
5 - 11 years
  • Create awareness on autism spectrum disorder to the community
  • Families and community education to reduce stigma and discrimination
  • Encourage a multi-sectoral approach to ensure children’s education and opportunities to engage and participate in their communities.
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Asthma
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Create awareness on Asthma including prevention measures
  • Create awareness on the possible triggers/possible risk factors of asthma and how to avoid them
  • Provide IEC materials on Asthma
  • Multi sectoral approach to ensure clean environments
  • Community Health workers training on Asthma including prevention measures
< 5 years
  • Create awareness on triggers/ risk factors of asthma and preventive measures * Multi sectoral approach to ensure clean environments
5 - 11 years
  • Create awareness on triggers/ risk factors of asthma and preventive measures * Multi sectoral approach to ensure clean environments
12 - 24 years
  • Create awareness on triggers/ risk factors of asthma and preventive measures * Multi sectoral approach to ensure clean environments
25 - 59 years
  • Create awareness on triggers/ risk factors of asthma and preventive measures * Multi sectoral approach to ensure clean environments
60+ years
  • Create awareness on triggers/ risk factors of asthma and preventive measures * Multi sectoral approach to ensure clean environments
Condition: Conduct disorder
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
  • School-based life skills training to build social and emotional competencies
  • Community awareness creation campaign on behavioural and emotional problems
12 - 24 years
  • School-based life skills training to build social and emotional competencies
  • Community awareness creation campaign on behavioural and emotional problems
  • Promote multi sectoral approach to ensure children’s education and opportunities to engage and participate in their communities.
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Eating disorders
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Awareness creation to communities on eating disorders and how to prevent them
  • Distribution of IEC materials on eating disorders
  • Community health workers education on eating disorders, including prevention measures
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
  • Awareness creation to communities on eating disorders and how to prevent them
  • Distribution of IEC materials on eating disorders
12 - 24 years
  • Awareness creation to communities on eating disorders and how to prevent them
  • Distribution of IEC materials on eating disorders
  • Community health workers education on eating disorders, including prevention measures
25 - 59 years
  • Awareness creation to communities on eating disorders, early recognition and how to prevent them
  • Distribution of IEC materials on eating disorders
  • Community health workers education on eating disorders, including prevention measures
60+ years
  • Awareness creation to communities on eating disorders and how to prevent them
  • Counselling services for elderly persons with eating disorder
  • Family therapy
  • Linkage of elderly with eating disorder to Self-help/support groups
  • Encourage elderly with eating disorder to attend social activities
  • Distribution of IEC materials on eating disorders
  • Community health workers education on eating disorders, including prevention measures
Condition: COVID-19
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Periodontal disease
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Create awareness on oral health including periodontal disease to the communities
  • Increase knowledge and practices among the public through community programmes
  • Fully integrating oral health into community health programmes.
  • Community Health workers training on periodontal disease including prevention measures
< 5 years
  • Create awareness on oral health including periodontal disease to the communities
  • Increase knowledge and practices among the public through community programmes
  • Fully integrating oral health into community health programmes.
  • Community Health workers training on periodontal disease including prevention measures
5 - 11 years
  • Create awareness on oral health including periodontal disease to the communities
  • Increase knowledge and practices among the public through community programmes
  • Fully integrating oral health into community health programmes.
  • Community Health workers training on periodontal disease including prevention measures
12 - 24 years
  • Create awareness on oral health including periodontal disease to the communities
  • Increase knowledge and practices among the public through community programmes
  • Fully integrating oral health into community health programmes.
  • Community Health workers training on periodontal disease including prevention measures
25 - 59 years
  • Create awareness on oral health including periodontal disease to the communities
  • Increase knowledge and practices among the public through community programmes
  • Fully integrating oral health into community health programmes.
  • Community Health workers training on periodontal disease including prevention measures
60+ years
  • Create awareness on oral health including periodontal disease to the communities
  • Increase knowledge and practices among the public through community programmes
  • Fully integrating oral health into community health programmes.
  • Community Health workers training on periodontal disease including prevention measures
Condition: Trachoma
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
  • Health education and awareness craetion on Trachoma
  • Education on personal hygiene including hand and facial hygiene /cleanliness
  • commuity health workers training on Trachoma including prevention measures
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Onchocerciasis
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
  • Education and social mobilization for successful prevention and control of onchocerciasis
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Eye Conditions
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
  • Distribute IEC materials, such as brochures, leaflet, booklets on eye conditions
  • Health education to communities on eye health
  • Community education on hygiene and environmental sanitation
  • Multi sectoral approach in improving environmental sanitation
  • Training of CHWs on eye conditions including vision impairment
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Otitis media
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Creation of awareness on otitis media including prevention measures
  • Distribution of IEC materials
  • Community health workers training on otitis media prevention measures and management
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
  • Creation of awareness on otitis media including prevention measures
  • Distribution of IEC materials
  • Community health workers training on otitis media , prevention measures and management
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Attention deficit/hyperactivity syndrome
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
  • Community education/awareness creation on ADHD
  • Advocacy for ADHD including provision of services for persons with ADHD
  • Community Health workers training/sensitization on ADHD
5 - 11 years
  • Community education/awareness creation on ADHD
  • Advocacy for ADHD including provision of services for persons with ADHD
  • Community Health workers training/sensitization on ADHD
12 - 24 years
  • Community education/awareness creation on ADHD
  • Advocacy for ADHD including provision of services for persons with ADHD
  • Community Health workers education on ADHD
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Epilepsy
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Provide information and Awareness creation on Epilepsy, its recognition and prevention measures
  • Education to prevent misunderstanding, discrimination and social stigma.
  • Multi-sectoral approach to reduce incidences of trauma e.g. reducing the road traffic accidents
  • Distribution of IEC materials on Epilepsy
  • Multi sectoral approach in promotion of access to opportunities such as educational,occupations to epileptics
  • Promote public private partnership to improve care and reduce the disease impact
  • Integration of epilepsy care in community health systems
  • Community Health workers education on epilepsy, including signs and symptoms, prevention measures, its management at community level
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
Condition: Migraine
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Education and awareness creation/information to mothers/families on migraine headache, prevention measures
  • Community Health worker training on migraine, prevention, recognition and management at the community level
< 5 years
  • Education and awareness creation/information to Parents/families on migraine headache, prevention measures among the under 5s
  • Community Health worker training on migraine, prevention , recognition and management at the community level
5 - 11 years
  • Education and awareness creation/information to school age children/families on migraine headache, prevention measures
  • Community Health worker training on migraine, prevention , recognition and management at the community level
12 - 24 years
  • Education and awareness creation/information to communities on headache prevention measures
  • Community awareness on healthy behaviours Including; getting plenty of sleep, staying physically active, eating healthy meals and snacks, drinking plenty of water, management of stress, practicing relaxation techniques
25 - 59 years
  • Education and awareness creation/information to communities on headache prevention measures
  • Community awareness on healthy behaviours Including; getting plenty of sleep, staying physically active, eating healthy meals and snacks, drinking plenty of water, management of stress, practicing relaxation techniques
60+ years
  • Education and awareness creation/information to the elderly on migraine headache, prevention measures
  • Community Health worker training on migraine, prevention , recognition and management at the community level
Condition: Edentulism
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
  • Awareness creation among the population on oral health including prevention of dental conditions that lead to loss of teeth
  • Mass awareness campaigns on healthy lifestyles including on good nutrition
  • Awareness creation on good oral hygiene
  • Integration of oral health program into community health programmes.
  • Health educaton/ Guidance on preventive measures including:
  • appropriate diet and good nutrition
  • Practising good oral hygiene
  • Avoidance of tobacco smoking
  • Advice on seeking treatment early for other dental conditions that lead to edentulism including dental caries, periodontal diseases, trauma, and oral cancer.
  • Avoidance of lifestyle behavior that affects general health such as tobacco use, excessive alcohol consumption and poor dietary choices which are associated with increased risk of periodontal disease, dental caries which lead to edentulism (loss of all teeth)
  • Training/sensitising community helth workers on dental caries including preventon measures
Condition: Parkinson disease
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
  • Health education/ Awareness creation among the elderly and communities on Parkinson disease and related conditions
  • Advocacy programs on parkinsonism
60+ years
  • Integrated media and public education campaigns to avoid stigmatizing perceptions of PD and to create awareness on symptoms and initiation of treatment
Condition: Hookworm disease
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Education and awareness creation among mothers/families/communities on hookworm disease including prevention measures
  • Public health education about proper hygiene
  • Awareness creation on improving sanitation including proper waste disposal to reduce the risk of infection
  • Provision of IEC materials on hook worm disease
  • Multisectoral approach in addressing the risk factors of hook worm disease including improving sanitation, access to clean water and income status of communities
  • Community health workers education on hookworm disease and prevention measures
< 5 years
  • Community engagement on the importance of clean water and safe sanitation and waste disposal
  • Education and social mobilization for the prevention and control of hook worm infection
5 - 11 years
  • Community engagement on the importance of clean water and safe sanitation and waste disposal
  • Education and social mobilization for the prevention and control of hook worm infection
12 - 24 years
  • Education and awareness creation among adolescents/families/communities on hookworm disease including prevention measures
  • Public health education about proper hygiene
  • Awareness creation on improving sanitation including proper waste disposal to reduce the risk of infection
  • Provision of IEC materials on hook worm disease
  • Multisectoral approach in addressing the risk factors of hook worm dieses including improving sanitation, access to clean water and income status of communities
  • Community health workers education on hookworm disease and prevention measures
25 - 59 years
  • Education and awareness creation among adults/communities on hookworm disease including prevention measures
  • Public health education about proper hygiene
  • Awareness creation on improving sanitation including proper waste disposal to reduce the risk of infection
  • Provision of IEC materials on hook worm disease
  • Multisectoral approach in addressing the risk factors of hook worm dieses including improving sanitation, access to clean water and income status of communities
  • Community health workers education on hookworm disease and prevention measures
60+ years
  • Education and awareness creation among elderly/families/communities on hookworm disease including prevention measures
  • Public health education about proper hygiene
  • Awareness creation on improving sanitation including proper waste disposal to reduce the risk of infection
  • Provision of IEC materials on hook worm disease
  • Multisectoral approach in addressing the risk factors of hook worm dieses including improving sanitation, access to clean water and income status of communities
  • Community health workers education on hookworm disease and prevention measures
Condition: Lower respiratory tract infections (LRTI)
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Create awareness on respiratory tract infections including prevention measures (hand feeding, bottle feeding)
  • Distribution of IEC materials on lower respiratory tract infections
  • Advocacy for proper sanitation and good housing
  • Community mobilisation for routine immunisation especially for the pneumococcal vaccine

Breast feeding promotion

< 5 years
  • Create awareness on respiratory tract infections including prevention measures (hand feeding, bottle feeding)
  • Distribution of IEC materials on lower respiratory tract infections i.e. danger signs like chest indrawing fast and difficult breathing.
  • Advocacy for proper sanitation and good housing
  • Community mobilisation for routine immunisation especially for the pneumococcal vaccine
5 - 11 years
  • Create awareness on respiratory tract infections including prevention measures (hand feeding, bottle feeding)
  • Distribution of IEC materials on lower respiratory tract infections
  • Advocacy for proper sanitation and good housing
  • Community mobilisation for routine immunisation especially for the pneumococcal vaccine
12 - 24 years
  • Create awareness on respiratory tract infections including prevention measures (hand feeding, bottle feeding)
25 - 59 years
  • Create awareness on respiratory tract infections including prevention measures
  • Distribution of IEC materials on lower respiratory tract infections
  • Advocacy for proper sanitation and good housing
60+ years
  • Create awareness on respiratory tract infections including prevention measures (hand feeding, bottle feeding)
  • Distribution of IEC materials on lower respiratory tract infections
  • Advocacy for proper sanitation and good housing
Condition: Non-migraine headache
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Education and awareness creation/information to communities on headaches including prevention measures
  • Community Health worker training on headaches prevention, recognition and management at the community level
< 5 years
  • Education and awareness creation information to communities on headaches including prevention measures
  • Community Health worker training on headaches prevention, recognition and management at the community level
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
  • Education and awareness creation/information to communities on headaches including prevention measures
  • Community Health worker training on headaches prevention, recognition and management at the community level
25 - 59 years
  • Education and awareness creation/information to communities on headaches including prevention measures
  • Community Health worker training on headaches prevention, recognition and management at the community level
60+ years
  • Education and awareness creation/information to communities on headaches including prevention measures
  • Community Health worker training on headaches prevention, recognition and management at the community level
Condition: Ischaemic (Coronary) Heart Disease
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
  • Community engagement/sensitization on risk factors for ischaemic heart disease and preventive measures such as regular exercise, healthy diet, and stress management]
60+ years
  • Health education on risk factors for ischaemic heart disease and preventive measures including stress management Provision of patient friendly IEC/BCC materials
Condition: Haemorrhagic Stroke
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
  • Information to patients/families/communities on hemorrhagic stroke disease including prevention measures
  • Provision of IEC materials
  • Advocacy for patients with hemorrhagic stroke disease including for availability of services
  • Health workers training on hemorrhagic stroke
Condition: Ischaemic Stroke
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
  • Community sensitization on early identification of signs and symptoms of stroke using FAST (facial weakness, arm weakness, speech problems, and time to call)
Condition: Peptic Ulcers
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Create awareness to the communities/families on peptic ulcer disease including prevention measure
  • Provision of IEC materials on Peptic ulcers disease
  • Community health workers training on peptic ulcers disease, its prevention and remedies at community level
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
  • Create awareness to the communities/families on peptic ulcer disease including prevention measure
  • Provision of IEC materials on Peptic ulcers disease
  • Community health workers training on peptic ulcers disease; its prevention and remedies at community level
60+ years
  • Create awareness to the communities/families on peptic ulcer disease including prevention measure
  • Provision of IEC materials on Peptic ulcers disease
  • Community health workers training on peptic ulcers disease, its prevention and remedies at community level
Condition: Multiple Sclerosis
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years
  • Creation of awareness among the communities,Families on multiple sclerosis including prevention measures
  • Provision of IEC materials on multiple sclerosis
  • Community health workers training on multiple sclerosis
Condition: Dental Caries
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Community awareness on dental caries and prevention measures
  • Multi sectoral approach in addressing socio-cultural determinants such as poor living conditions
  • Multi-sectoral approach in ensuring access to clean safe water
  • Community water fluoridation
  • Community dental outreach services
  • Training community health workers on dental caries including prevention measures
< 5 years
  • Community awareness on dental caries and prevention measures
  • Multi sectoral approach in addressing socio-cultural determinants such as poor living conditions
  • Multi-sectoral approach in ensuring access to clean safe water
  • Community water fluoridation
  • Community dental outreach services
  • Training community health workers on dental caries including prevention measures
5 - 11 years
  • Community awareness on dental caries and prevention measures
  • Multi sectoral approach in addressing socio-cultural determinants such as poor living conditions
  • Multi-sectoral approach in ensuring access to clean safe water
  • Community water fluoridation
  • Community/school dental outreach services
  • Training community health workers on dental caries including prevention measures
12 - 24 years
  • Community awareness on dental caries and prevention measures
  • Multi sectoral approach in addressing socio-cultural determinants such as poor living conditions
  • Multi-sectoral approach in ensuring access to clean safe water
  • Community water fluoridation
  • Community/school dental outreach services
  • Training community health workers on dental caries including prevention measures
25 - 59 years
  • Community awareness on dental caries and prevention measures
  • Multi sectoral approach in addressing socio-cultural determinants such as poor living conditions
  • Multi-sectoral approach in ensuring access to clean safe water
  • Community water fluoridation
  • Community dental outreach services
  • Training community health workers on dental caries including prevention measures
60+ years
  • Community awareness on dental caries and prevention measures
  • Multi sectoral approach in addressing socio-cultural determinants such as poor living conditions
  • Multi-sectoral approach in ensuring access to clean safe water
  • Community water fluoridation
  • Community dental outreach services
  • Training community health workers on dental caries including prevention measures
Condition: Rheumatic Heart Disease
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Awareness creation among the communities/families on Rheumatic Heart disease including prevention measures
  • Awareness creation on risk factors of Rheumatic heart disease such as overcrowding, poor sanitary conditions
  • Distribution of IEC materials on RHD
  • Advocacy for ANC attendance for the mother
  • Promote multi-sectoral approach in promoting improvement in environmental conditions such as housing conditions, improving the standards of living
  • Advocacy for Improved access health services including to oral health care, access to life saving heart surgery
  • Community Health Workers training on RHD
< 5 years
  • Awareness creation among the communities/families on Rheumatic Heart disease including prevention measures
  • Awareness creation on risk factors of Rheumatic heart disease such as overcrowding, poor sanitary conditions
  • Distribution of IEC materials on RHD
  • Promote multi-sectoral approach in promoting improvement in environmental conditions such as housing conditions, improving the standards of living
  • Advocacy for Improved access health services including to oral health care, access to life saving heart surgery
  • Community health workers training on RHD
5 - 11 years
  • Awareness creation among the communities/families on Rheumatic Heart disease including prevention measures
  • Awareness creation on risk factors of Rheumatic heart disease such as overcrowding, poor sanitary conditions
  • Distribution of IEC materials on RHD
  • Promote multi-sectoral approach in promoting improvement in environmental conditions such as housing conditions, improving the standards of living
  • Advocacy for Improved access health services including to oral health care, access to life saving heart surgery
  • Community health workers training on RHD
12 - 24 years
  • Awareness creation among the communities/families on risk factors for rheumatic heart disease, complications and prevention measures
  • Promote multi-sectoral approach in promoting improvement in environmental conditions such as housing conditions, improving the standards of living
25 - 59 years
  • Awareness creation among the communities/families on Rheumatic Heart disease including prevention measures
  • Awareness creation on risk factors of Rheumatic heart disease such as overcrowding, poor sanitary conditions
  • Distribution of IEC materials on RHD
  • Promote multi-sectoral approach in promoting improvement in environmental conditions such as housing conditions, improving the standards of living
  • Advocacy for Improved access health services including to oral health care, access to life saving heart surgery
  • Community health workers training on RHD
  • Population wide reduction in daily salt consumption
  • Financial incentives to consume a healthy diet
  • Reduction of sugar consumption
  • Mass media campaign on salt reduction
  • Tax reduction on fruit & vegetables and tax increase on fats & sugar
  • Taxation of junk food
  • Front of pack - Traffic Light Labeling of nutrition on processed foods
  • Legislation to limit trans fats in processed food
  • Food product reformulation with less sodium
  • Higher consumption of grain-based foods, seafood, fruits and vegetables and lower consumption of meat, dairy, fats
  • Tobacco price increase
60+ years
  • Awareness creation among the communities/families on Rheumatic Heart disease including prevention measures
  • Awareness creation on risk factors of Rheumatic heart disease such as overcrowding, poor sanitary conditions
  • Distribution of IEC materials on RHD
  • Promote multi-sectoral approach in promoting improvement in environmental conditions such as housing conditions, improving the standards of living
  • Advocacy for Improved access health services including to oral health care, access to life saving heart surgery
  • Community health workers training on RHD
Condition: Upper Respiratory Tract Infections
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Awareness creation on upper respiratory tract infections including prevention measures
  • Distribution of IEC materials on URTI
  • Multi-sectoral approach in ensuring proper environmental sanitation including good housing
  • Community Health workers training on URTI including prevention measures and management at community level
< 5 years
  • Proper nutrition for the pregnant women
  • Good Hand hygiene practices
  • Smoking cessation/avoidance to exposure to secondary smoking
  • Vitamin supplementation
  • Seeking early treatment for any upper respiratory tract infection
  • Adherence to medication including completion of antibiotic dosage
5 - 11 years
  • Awareness creation on upper respiratory tract infections including prevention measures
  • Distribution of IEC materials on URTI
  • Community Health workers training on URTI including prevention measures and management at community level
  • Multi-sectoral approach in ensuring proper environmental sanitation including good housing
12 - 24 years
  • Awareness creation on upper respiratory tract infections including prevention measures
  • Distribution of IEC materials on URTI
  • Community Health workers training on URTI including prevention measures and management at community level
  • Multi-sectoral approach in ensuring proper environmental sanitation including good housing
25 - 59 years
  • Awareness creation on upper respiratory tract infections including prevention measures
  • Distribution of IEC materials on URTI
  • Multi-sectoral approach in ensuring proper environmental sanitation including good housing
  • Community Health workers training on URTI including prevention measures and management at community level
60+ years
  • Awareness creation on upper respiratory tract infections including prevention measures
  • Distribution of IEC materials on URTI
  • Multi-sectoral approach in ensuring proper environmental sanitation including good housing
  • Community Health workers training on URTI including prevention measures and management at community level
Condition: Cardiomyopathy - Myocarditis
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
  • Information to patients/families/communities on cardiomyopathy including prevention measures
  • Provision of IEC materials
  • Advocacy for patients with cardiomyopathy including for availability of services
  • Community Health workers training on cardiomyopathy including prevention measures
60+ years
Condition: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
  • Create awareness on risk factors and preventive measures of COPD * Multi sectoral approach to ensure clean environments
60+ years
Condition: Hypertensive heart disease
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Provide Information/create awareness on hypertensive heart disease, including prevention measures
  • Provide information to women/families on gestational hypertension
  • Provision of IEC materials
  • Community Health workers training on hypertensive Heart disease including prevention measures
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
  • Community engagement/sensitization on risk factors for Hypertension and preventive measures such as weight control, regular exercise, healthy diet, and stress management
60+ years
  • Community engagement/sensitization on risk factors for Hypertension and preventive measures such as weight control, regular exercise, healthy diet, and stress management
Condition: Obstetric Haemorrhage
Community Level Primary Care Referral Facility: General Referral Facility: Specialist
Pregnancy and newborn
  • Regular age-appropiate ANC focused on maternal and foetal monitoring
  • Food fortification i-maternal nutrition
  • Risk assessment
  • Obstetric Hemorrhage Protocols
  • Emergency response to obstetric care across Health Systems
  • Obstetric care coordination across health systems.
  • Timely referral and improved responsiveness to patients
  • Skilled birth attendance
  • NASG training on the standard emergency obstetric care curriculum for medical, midwifery and nursing students
< 5 years
5 - 11 years
12 - 24 years
25 - 59 years
60+ years