Interventions for Psychosis

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Age Cohort: 25 - 59 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Community engagement [community sensitization on psychosis] Education directed at elimination of stigmatization of people living with mental health conditions Provision of IEC/BCC materials
  • Encourage compliance with medications
  • Promote functioning in activities of daily living and rehabilitation and inclusion in the community
  • Early recognition of the need for referral
Primary Care
  • Assessment for symptoms of anxiety
  • Referral to the next level for specialized mental health investigation
Referral Facility: General
  • Assessment of self-harm and suicide risk in people with mental, neurological, and substance use conditions
  • History and physical examination for psychosis
  • Basic laboratory tests
  • Referral for self-harm and suicide risk in people with mental, neurological, and substance use conditions
  • Promote functioning in activities of daily living and rehabilitation and inclusion in the community
  • Provide interpersonal therapy (IPT) for psychotic disorders Psychoeducation and psychosocial
  • support (including for patient’s carers)
  • Oral anticholinergic medications for drug induced extrapyramidal side effects
  • Intramuscular antipsychotics for psychosis
  • Oral antipsychotics for psychosis
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Assessment of self-harm and suicide risk in people with mental, neurological, and substance use conditions
  • History and physical examination for psychosis
  • Basic laboratory tests
  • Advanced laboratory tests
  • Electroencephalography (EEG)
  • Referral for self-harm and suicide risk in people with mental, neurological, and substance use conditions
  • Promote functioning in activities of daily living and rehabilitation and inclusion in the community
  • Provide interpersonal therapy (IPT) for psychotic disorders
  • Psychoeducation and psychosocial support (including for patient’s carers)
  • Provide cognitive behavioural therapy or interpersonal therapy for psychotic disorders
  • Oral anticholinergic medications for drug induced extrapyramidal side effects
  • Intramuscular antipsychotics for psychosis
  • Oral antipsychotics for psychosis
  • Oral antipsychotics for treatment-resistant psychosis
  • Intravenous antipsychotics for treatment-resistant psychosis
  • Oral benzodiazepines for catatonia
  • Intramuscular benzodiazepines for catatonia
  • Intravenous benzodiazepines for catatonia
Age Cohort: 60+ years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Community engagement [community sensitization on psychosis] Education directed at elimination of stigmatization of people living with mental health conditions Provision of IEC/BCC materials
  • Encourage compliance with medications
  • Promote functioning in activities of daily living and rehabilitation and inclusion in the community
  • Early recognition of the need for referral
Primary Care
  • Behavioural therapy
  • Referral to the next level for specialized mental health investigation
Referral Facility: General
  • Cognitive Therapy
  • Individual psychotherapy
  • Family therapy
  • Group therapy/support groups
  • “First-generation" antipsychotic
  • “Second-generation" antipsychotic
  • Psychosocial therapy
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Cognitive Therapy
  • Individual psychotherapy
  • Family therapy
  • Group therapy/support groups
  • “First-generation" antipsychotics
  • “Second-generation" antipsychotics
  • Psychosocial therapy
  • Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)