Interventions for Lymphatic filariasis

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Age Cohort: Pregnancy and newborn
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Community awareness and education of families and communities on Lymphatic Filariasis
  • To promote positive attitudes towards people with disabilities
  • Primary prevention through
- Single dose preventive chemotherapy with Albendazole (Alb), Ivermectin (IV) or Diethylcarbamazine (DEC)
- Single dose preventive chemotherapy with Albendazole (Alb), Ivermectin (IV) or Diethylcarbamazine (DEC)
  • Vector control against the mosquito using Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS) and use of Insecticide Treated Nets (ITN) Primary prevention through
  • Improvement in community Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
  • Vector control against the mosquito using Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS) and use of Insecticide Treated Nets (ITN) Primary prevention through
  • Community screening of patients with scrotal swelling. Either the patient himself or a community health worker identifies scrotal swelling and the patient is referred or reports to a level II facility
  • Management of Acute dermatolymphangioadenitis with antibiotics, antipyretics, analgesics
  • Management of Lymphoedema and elephantiasis through limb washing and improved hygiene practices, wound care, foot care, wearing of suitable footwear, physiotherapy and exercise, and the application of antibacterial creams and antifungal creams
  • Primary prevention through
- Single dose preventive chemotherapy with Albendazole (Alb), Ivermectin (IV) or Diethylcarbamazine (DEC)
- Single dose preventive chemotherapy with Albendazole (Alb), Ivermectin (IV) or Diethylcarbamazine (DEC)
  • Vector control against the mosquito using Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS) and use of Insecticide Treated Nets (ITN) Primary prevention through
  • Improvement in community Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
  • Vector control against the mosquito using Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS) and use of Insecticide Treated Nets (ITN) Primary prevention through
  • Community screening of patients with scrotal swelling. Either the patient himself or a community health worker identifies scrotal swelling and the patient is referred or reports to a level II facility
  • Management of Acute dermatolymphangioadenitis with antibiotics, antipyretics, analgesics
  • Management of Lymphoedema and elephantiasis through limb washing and improved hygiene practices, wound care, foot care, wearing of suitable footwear, physiotherapy and exercise, and the application of antibacterial creams and antifungal creams
  • Tertiary prevention
  • Counseling - Occupational and physiotherapy
Primary Care
  • Community awareness and education
  • Education of families and communities on Lymphatic Filariasis
  • Promote positive attitudes towards people with disabilities
Referral Facility: General
Referral Facility: Specialist
Age Cohort: < 5 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Community awareness and education of families and communities on Lymphatic Filariasis to promote positive attitudes towards people with disabilities
  • Primary prevention through
- Single dose preventive chemotherapy with Albendazole (Alb), Ivermectin (IV) or Diethylcarbamazine (DEC)
- Single dose preventive chemotherapy with Albendazole (Alb), Ivermectin (IV) or Diethylcarbamazine (DEC)
  • Vector control against the mosquito using Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS) and use of Insecticide Treated Nets (ITN) Primary prevention through
  • Improvement in community Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
  • Vector control against the mosquito using Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS) and use of Insecticide Treated Nets (ITN) Primary prevention through
  • Community screening of patients with scrotal swelling. Either the patient himself or a community health worker identifies scrotal swelling and the patient is referred or reports to a level II facility
  • Management of Acute dermatolymphangioadenitis with antibiotics, antipyretics, analgesics
  • Management of Lymphoedema and elephantiasis through limb washing and improved hygiene practices, wound care, foot care, wearing of suitable footwear, physiotherapy and exercise, and the application of antibacterial creams and antifungal creams
  • Tertiary prevention
  • Counseling - Occupational and physiotherapy
Primary Care
  • Community awareness and education
  • Education of families and communities on Lymphatic Filariasis
  • Promote positive attitudes towards people with disabilities
Referral Facility: General
Referral Facility: Specialist
Age Cohort: 5 - 11 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Community awareness and education of families and communities on Lymphatic Filariasis to promote positive attitudes towards people with disabilities
  • Primary prevention through
- Single dose preventive chemotherapy with Albendazole (Alb), Ivermectin (IV) or Diethylcarbamazine (DEC)
- Single dose preventive chemotherapy with Albendazole (Alb), Ivermectin (IV) or Diethylcarbamazine (DEC)
  • Vector control against the mosquito using Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS) and use of Insecticide Treated Nets (ITN) Primary prevention through
  • Improvement in community Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
  • Vector control against the mosquito using Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS) and use of Insecticide Treated Nets (ITN) Primary prevention through
  • Community screening of patients with scrotal swelling. Either the patient himself or a community health worker identifies scrotal swelling and the patient is referred or reports to a level II facility
  • Management of Acute dermatolymphangioadenitis with antibiotics, antipyretics, analgesics
  • Management of Lymphoedema and elephantiasis through limb washing and improved hygiene practices, wound care, foot care, wearing of suitable footwear, physiotherapy and exercise, and the application of antibacterial creams and antifungal creams
  • Tertiary prevention
  • Counseling - Occupational and physiotherapy
Primary Care
  • Community awareness and education
  • Education of families and communities on Lymphatic Filariasis
  • Promote positive attitudes towards people with disabilities
  • Primary prevention
- Single dose preventive chemotherapy with Albendazole (Alb), Ivermectin (IV) or Diethylcarbamazine (DEC) Secondary prevention measures
  • Diagnosis
  • Management of Lymphoedema and elephantiasis through limb washing and improved hygiene practices, wound care, foot care, wearing of suitable footwear, physiotherapy and exercise, and the application of antibacterial creams and antifungal creams
  • Management of Acute dermatolymphangioadenitis with Antibiotics, antipyretics, analgesics
  • Single dose preventive chemotherapy with Albendazole (Alb), Ivermectin (IV) or Diethylcarbamazine (DEC)
  • Tertiary prevention
  • Counselling - Occupational and physiotherapy
Referral Facility: General
  • Primary prevention
- Single dose preventive chemotherapy with Albendazole (Alb), Ivermectin (IV) or Diethylcarbamazine (DEC) Secondary prevention measure
  • Diagnosis
  • Management of Lymphoedema and elephantiasis through limb washing and improved hygiene practices, wound care, foot care, wearing of suitable footwear, physiotherapy and exercise, and the application of antibacterial creams and anti fungal creams
  • Management of Acute dermatolymphangioadenitis with Antibiotics, antipyretics, analgesics
  • Single dose preventive chemotherapy with Albendazole (Alb), Ivermectin (IV) or Diethylcarbamazine (DEC)
  • Management of Hydrocele through surgery
  • Tertiary prevention
  • Counseling - Occupational and physiotherapy
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Primary prevention
  • Single dose preventive chemotherapy with Albendazole (Alb), Ivermectin (IV) or Diethylcarbamazine (DEC)
  • Secondary prevention measure
  • Diagnosis
  • Management of Acute dermatolymphangioadenitis with Antibiotics, antipyretics, analgesics
  • Management of Lymphoedema and elephantiasis through limb washing and improved hygiene practices, wound care, foot care, wearing of suitable footwear, physiotherapy and exercise, and the application of antibacterial creams and anti fungal creams
  • Management of Hydrocele through surgery
  • Single dose preventive chemotherapy with Albendazole (Alb), Ivermectin (IV) or Diethylcarbamazine (DEC)
  • Counseling
  • Occupational and physiotherapy
  • Tertiary prevention
Age Cohort: 12 - 24 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Community awareness and education of families and communities on Lymphatic Filariasis to promote positive attitudes towards people with disabilities.
- Community awareness and education of families and communities on Lymphatic Filariasis to promote positive attitudes towards people with disabilities
  • Primary prevention through
- Single dose preventive chemotherapy with Albendazole (Alb), Ivermectin (IV) or Diethylcarbamazine (DEC)
- Single dose preventive chemotherapy with Albendazole (Alb), Ivermectin (IV) or Diethylcarbamazine (DEC)
  • Vector control against the mosquito using Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS) and use of Insecticide Treated Nets (ITN) Primary prevention through
  • Improvement in community Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
  • Vector control against the mosquito using Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS) and use of Insecticide Treated Nets (ITN) Primary prevention through
  • Community screening of patients with scrotal swelling. Either the patient himself or a community health worker identifies scrotal swelling and the patient is referred or reports to a level II facility
  • Management of Acute dermatolymphangioadenitis with antibiotics, antipyretics, analgesics
  • Management of Lymphoedema and elephantiasis through limb washing and improved hygiene practices, wound care, foot care, wearing of suitable footwear, physiotherapy and exercise, and the application of antibacterial creams and antifungal creams
  • Tertiary prevention
  • Counseling- Occupational and physiotherapy
Primary Care
  • Community awareness and education
  • Education of families and communities on Lymphatic Filariasis
  • Promote positive attitudes towards people with disabilities
  • Primary prevention
- Single dose preventive chemotherapy with Albendazole (Alb), Ivermectin (IV) or Diethylcarbamazine (DEC) Secondary prevention measures
  • Diagnosis
  • Management of Lymphoedema and elephantiasis through limb washing and improved hygiene practices, wound care, foot care, wearing of suitable footwear, physiotherapy and exercise, and the application of antibacterial creams and anti fungal creams
  • Management of Acute dermatolymphangioadenitis with Antibiotics, antipyretics, analgesics
  • Single dose preventive chemotherapy with Albendazole (Alb), Ivermectin (IV) or Diethylcarbamazine (DEC)
  • Tertiary prevention
  • Counseling - Occupational and physiotherapy
Referral Facility: General
  • Primary prevention
- Single dose preventive chemotherapy with Albendazole (Alb), Ivermectin (IV) or Diethylcarbamazine (DEC) Secondary prevention measure * Diagnosis * Management of Lymphoedema and elephantiasis through limb washing and improved hygiene practices, wound care, foot care, wearing of suitable footwear, physiotherapy and exercise, and the application of antibacterial creams and anti fungal creams * Management of Acute dermatolymphangioadenitis with Antibiotics, antipyretics, analgesics
  • Single dose preventive chemotherapy with Albendazole (Alb), Ivermectin (IV) or Diethylcarbamazine (DEC)
  • Management of Hydrocele through surgery
  • Tertiary prevention
  • Counseling - Occupational and physiotherapy
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Primary prevention
- Single dose preventive chemotherapy with Albendazole (Alb), Ivermectin (IV) or Diethylcarbamazine (DEC) Secondary prevention measure
  • Diagnosis
  • Management of Acute dermatolymphangioadenitis with Antibiotics, antipyretics, analgesics
  • Management of Lymphoedema and elephantiasis through limb washing and improved hygiene practices, wound care, foot care, wearing of suitable footwear, physiotherapy and exercise, and the application of antibacterial creams and anti fungal creams
  • Management of Hydrocele through surgery
  • Single dose preventive chemotherapy with Albendazole (Alb), Ivermectin (IV) or Diethylcarbamazine (DEC)
  • Counseling
  • Occupational and physiotherapy
  • Tertiary prevention
Age Cohort: 25 - 59 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Community awareness and education of families and communities on Lymphatic Filariasis to promote positive attitudes towards people with disabilities
  • Primary prevention through
- Single dose preventive chemotherapy with Albendazole (Alb), Ivermectin (IV) or Diethylcarbamazine (DEC)
- Single dose preventive chemotherapy with Albendazole (Alb), Ivermectin (IV) or Diethylcarbamazine (DEC)
  • Vector control against the mosquito using Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS) and use of Insecticide Treated Nets (ITN) Primary prevention through
  • Improvement in community Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
  • Vector control against the mosquito using Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS) and use of Insecticide Treated Nets (ITN) Primary prevention through
  • Community screening of patients with scrotal swelling. Either the patient himself or a community health worker identifies scrotal swelling and the patient is referred or reports to a level II facility
  • Management of Acute dermatolymphangioadenitis with antibiotics, antipyretics, analgesics
  • Management of Lymphoedema and elephantiasis through limb washing and improved hygiene practices, wound care, foot care, wearing of suitable footwear, physiotherapy and exercise, and the application of antibacterial creams and antifungal creams
  • Tertiary prevention
  • Counseling
  • Occupational and physiotherapy
Primary Care
  • Community awareness and education
  • Education of families and communities on Lymphatic Filariasis
  • Promote positive attitudes towards people with disabilities
  • Primary prevention
- Single dose preventive chemotherapy with Albendazole (Alb), Ivermectin (IV) or Diethylcarbamazine (DEC) Secondary prevention measures
  • Diagnosis
  • Management of Lymphoedema and elephantiasis through limb washing and improved hygiene practices, wound care, foot care, wearing of suitable footwear, physiotherapy and exercise, and the application of antibacterial creams and antifungal creams
  • Management of Acute dermatolymphangioadenitis with Antibiotics, antipyretics, analgesics
  • Single dose preventive chemotherapy with Albendazole (Alb), Ivermectin (IV) or Diethylcarbamazine (DEC)
Referral Facility: General
  • Primary prevention
- Single dose preventive chemotherapy with Albendazole (Alb), Ivermectin (IV) or Diethylcarbamazine (DEC)
  • Secondary prevention measure:
- Diagnosis - Management of Acute dermatolymphangioadenitis with Antibiotics, antipyretics, analgesics
  • Management of Lymphoedema and elephantiasis through limb washing and improved hygiene practices, wound care, foot care, wearing of suitable footwear, physiotherapy and exercise, and the application of antibacterial creams and anti fungal creams
  • Single dose preventive chemotherapy with Albendazole (Alb), Ivermectin (IV) or Diethylcarbamazine (DEC)
  • Management of Hydrocele through surgery
  • Tertiary prevention
  • Counseling - Occupational and physiotherapy
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Primary prevention
- Single dose preventive chemotherapy with Albendazole (Alb), Ivermectin (IV) or Diethylcarbamazine (DEC)
  • Secondary prevention measure:
- Diagnosis - Management of Acute dermatolymphangioadenitis with Antibiotics, antipyretics, analgesics
  • Management of Lymphoedema and elephantiasis through limb washing and improved hygiene practices, wound care, foot care, wearing of suitable footwear, physiotherapy and exercise, and the application of antibacterial creams and anti fungal creams
  • Management of Hydrocele through surgery
  • Single dose preventive chemotherapy with Albendazole (Alb), Ivermectin (IV) or Diethylcarbamazine (DEC)
  • Counseling
  • Occupational and physiotherapy
  • Tertiary prevention
Age Cohort: 60+ years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Community awareness and education of families and communities on Lymphatic Filariasis to promote positive attitudes towards people with disabilities
  • Primary prevention through
- Single dose preventive chemotherapy with Albendazole (Alb), Ivermectin (IV) or Diethylcarbamazine (DEC)
- Single dose preventive chemotherapy with Albendazole (Alb), Ivermectin (IV) or Diethylcarbamazine (DEC)
  • Vector control against the mosquito using Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS) and use of Insecticide Treated Nets (ITN) Primary prevention through
  • Improvement in community Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
  • Vector control against the mosquito using Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS) and use of Insecticide Treated Nets (ITN) Primary prevention through
  • Community screening of patients with scrotal swelling. Either the patient himself or a community health worker identifies scrotal swelling and the patient is referred or reports to a level II facility
  • Management of Acute dermatolymphangioadenitis with antibiotics, antipyretics, analgesics
  • Management of Lymphoedema and elephantiasis through limb washing and improved hygiene practices, wound care, foot care, wearing of suitable footwear, physiotherapy and exercise, and the application of antibacterial creams and antifungal creams
  • Tertiary prevention
  • Counseling - Occupational and physiotherapy
Primary Care
  • Community awareness and education
  • Education of families and communities on Lymphatic Filariasis ยท
  • Promote positive attitudes towards people with disabilities
  • Primary prevention
- Single dose preventive chemotherapy with Albendazole (Alb), Ivermectin (IV) or Diethylcarbamazine (DEC) Secondary prevention measures
  • Diagnosis
  • Management of Lymphoedema and elephantiasis through limb washing and improved hygiene practices, wound care, foot care, wearing of suitable footwear, physiotherapy and exercise, and the application of antibacterial creams and anti fungal creams
  • Management of Acute dermatolymphangioadenitis with Antibiotics, antipyretics, analgesics
  • Single dose preventive chemotherapy with Albendazole (Alb), Ivermectin (IV) or Diethylcarbamazine (DEC)
  • Tertiary prevention
  • Counsellin - Occupational and physiotherapy
Referral Facility: General
  • Primary prevention
  • Single dose preventive chemotherapy with Albendazole (Alb), Ivermectin (IV) or Diethylcarbamazine (DEC)
  • Secondary prevention measure
  • Diagnosis
  • Management of Lymphoedema and elephantiasis through limb washing and improved hygiene practices, wound care, foot care, wearing of suitable footwear, physiotherapy and exercise, and the application of antibacterial creams and anti fungal creams
  • Management of Acute dermatolymphangioadenitis with Antibiotics, antipyretics, analgesics
  • Management of Hydrocele through surgery
  • Single dose preventive chemotherapy with Albendazole (Alb), Ivermectin (IV) or Diethylcarbamazine (DEC)
  • Tertiary prevention
  • Counseling - Occupational and physiotherapy
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Primary prevention
- Single dose preventive chemotherapy with Albendazole (Alb), Ivermectin (IV) or Diethylcarbamazine (DEC)
  • Secondary prevention measure:
- Diagnosis - Management of Acute dermatolymphangioadenitis with Antibiotics, antipyretics, analgesics
  • Management of Lymphoedema and elephantiasis through limb washing and improved hygiene practices, wound care, foot care, wearing of suitable footwear, physiotherapy and exercise, and the application of antibacterial creams and anti fungal creams
  • Management of Hydrocele through surgery
  • Single dose preventive chemotherapy with Albendazole (Alb), Ivermectin (IV) or Diethylcarbamazine (DEC)
  • Counseling
  • Occupational and physiotherapy
  • Tertiary prevention