Interventions for Onchocerciasis

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Age Cohort: 12 - 24 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Education and social mobilization for successful prevention and control of onchocerciasis
  • Annual community-directed treatment with ivermectin
  • Vector control
  • Personal protection against insect bite
  • Recognition signs and symptoms of Onchocerciasis
  • Oral ivermectin
  • Orientation and mobility training
  • Eye care to prevent blindness and treat ophthalmic comorbidities
Primary Care
  • recognizing, responding to and referring cases of Severe Adverse Events (SAEs) following treatment with Mectizan® to a designated health facility for clinical management of such cases. (Same for community distributors and all health personnel involved in the program) Community awareness and education on
  • Onchocerciasis
  • ground larviciding using environmentally safe insecticides
  • vector control using mainly the spraying of insecticides against blackfly (genus Simulium) larvae Primary Prevention through . Annual preventive chemotherapy with single dose of Ivermectin.
  • History
  • Physical examination
  • Oral ivermectin
  • Orientation and mobility training
  • Eye care to prevent blindness and treat ophthalmic comorbidities
  • Provision of a white cane and other assistive products to support senses other than sight (e.g. alarm signallers, talking watches)
Referral Facility: General

Community awareness and education on

  • Onchocerciasis recognizing, responding to and referring cases of Severe Adverse Events (SAEs) following treatment with Mectizan to a designated health facility for clinical management of such cases. (Same for community distributors and all health personnel involved in the program)

Primary Prevention through

  • Annual preventive chemotherapy with single dose of Ivermectin.
  • History
  • Physical examination
  • Slit-lamp ophthalmic examination
  • Skin snips
  • Serological tests
  • Oral ivermectin
  • Manage Mazzotti reaction
  • Orientation and mobility training
  • Eye care to prevent blindness and treat ophthalmic comorbidities
  • Provision of a white cane and other assistive products to support senses other than sight (e.g. alarm signallers, talking watches)
Referral Facility: Specialist

Community awareness and education on

  • Onchocerciasis recognizing, responding to and referring cases of Severe Adverse Events (SAEs) following treatment with Mectizan to a designated health facility for clinical management of such cases. (Same for community distributors and all health personnel involved in the program)

Primary Prevention through

  • Annual preventive chemotherapy with single dose of Ivermectin.
  • History
  • Physical examination
  • Slit-lamp ophthalmic examination
  • Skin snips
  • Serological tests
  • Oral ivermectin
  • Manage Mazzotti reaction
  • Orientation and mobility training
  • Eye care to prevent blindness and treat ophthalmic comorbidities
  • Provision of a white cane and other assistive products to support senses other than sight (e.g. alarm signallers, talking watches)