Interventions for Eating disorders

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Age Cohort: Pregnancy and newborn
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Awareness creation to communities on eating disorders and how to prevent them
  • Distribution of IEC materials on eating disorders
  • Community health workers education on eating disorders, including prevention measures
  • Early identification and referral for treatment of mothers with eating disorder
  • Education to mothers on effective ways of coping with emotions
  • Education and guidance to mothers on health exercises
  • Guidance to mothers on healthy balanced diets/healthy eating
  • Early Recognition of signs indicative of eating disorder such as eating extremely small amounts of food or severely overeating,This may be coupled with weakness, fatigue, weight loss, growth failure
  • Recognition of signs of any concurrent mental ailments as indicated by signs such as nervousness, withdrawal, trouble sleeping
  • Encourage school Age children to eat healthy diets/Guidance on Diet/Nutrition counseling
  • Encourage school age children with eating disorders to do healthy exercises e.g. exercise moderation/reducing excessive exercises
  • Referral to a health facility for school age children with eating disorder and any associated ailments for further management
  • Family & Community social support systems where people can share their feelings
Primary Care
  • Awareness creation to mothers, families on eating disorders and how to prevent them
  • Education to health workers on eating disorders, prevention measures and management
  • Early identification and management of eating disorder among mothers
  • Education/guidance to mothers on effective ways of coping with emotions
  • Education and guidance to mothers on healthy exercises
  • Guidance to mother on healthy balanced diets/healthy eating
  • Early detection and management of eating disorders
  • Assessment mental and social well being
  • Diet education and advice/Nutrition counseling
  • Advisory on exercises/exercise moderation/reducing excessive exercises
  • Recognition of any concurrent mental ailments like depression and anxiety disorders.
  • Monitoring: and recognition of any complications related to eating disorders in women such as infertility, threat of miscarriage
  • Monitoring and recognition of other complications associated with eating disorders such as obesity, diabetes, hypertension (high blood pressure)
  • Referral of mothers with severe eating disorders and any associated complications to a hospital for further management
  • Counselling services for mothers with eating disorder and their families
  • Linkage of mothers with eating disorders to Self-help/support groups
Referral Facility: General
  • Awareness creation to mothers, families on eating disorders and how to prevent them
  • Education to health workers on eating disorders, prevention measures and management
  • Early identification and treatment of eating disorder among mothers
  • Guidance to mother on healthy balanced diets/healthy eating
  • Education/guidance to mothers on effective ways of coping with emotions
  • Education and guidance to mothers on healthy exercises
  • Early detection and treatment of eating disorders
  • Assessment mental and social well being
  • Multi-disciplinary treatment approach involving psychiatrists, psychologists, physicians, dieticians or nutritional advisers, social workers,
  • Diet education and advice/Nutrition counseling
  • Medical nutrition therapy
  • Advisory on exercises/exercise moderation /reducing excessive exercises
  • Psychological interventions
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy to help the patient control their thoughts
  • Behavioral therapy focusing on assisting patient to gain control and change unwanted behaviors
  • Medications
  • Management of any concurrent mental ailments like depression and anxiety disorders.
  • Monitoring: prevention and management of complications related to eating disorders in women such as infertility, threat of miscarriage
  • Monitoring and management of other complications associated with eating disorders such as obesity, diabetes, hypertension (high blood pressure)
  • Hospitalization for more serious cases.
  • Follow up
  • Counselling services for mothers with eating disorder
  • Family therapy
  • Linkage of mothers with eating disorders to Self-help/support groups
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Awareness creation to mothers, families on eating disorders and how to prevent them
  • Education to health workers on eating disorders, prevention measures and management
  • Early identification and treatment of eating disorder among mothers
  • Guidance to mother on healthy balanced diets/healthy eating
  • Education/guidance to mothers on effective ways of coping with emotions
  • Education and guidance to mothers on healthy exercises
  • Early detection and treatment of eating disorders
  • Assessment mental and social well being
  • Multi-disciplinary treatment approach involving psychiatrists, psychologists, physicians, dieticians or nutritional advisers, social workers,
  • Diet education and advice/Nutrition counseling
  • Medical nutrition therapy
  • Advisory on exercises/exercise moderation /reducing excessive exercises
  • Psychological interventions
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy to help the patient control their thoughts
  • Behavioral therapy focusing on assisting patient to gain control and change unwanted behaviors
  • Medications
  • Management of any concurrent mental ailments like depression and anxiety disorders.
  • Monitoring: prevention and management of complications related to eating disorders in women such as infertility, threat of miscarriage
  • Monitoring and management of other complications associated with eating disorders such as obesity, diabetes, hypertension (high blood pressure)
  • Hospitalization for more serious cases.
  • Follow up
  • Counselling services for mothers with eating disorder
  • Family therapy
  • Linkage of mothers with eating disorders to Self-help/support groups
Age Cohort: 5 - 11 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Awareness creation to communities on eating disorders and how to prevent them
  • Distribution of IEC materials on eating disorders
  • Guidance to children on healthy balanced diets/healthy eating
  • Education to children on effective ways of coping with emotions
  • Education and guidance to school age children on health exercises
  • Guidance to children on coping with peer pressure
  • Protection of children from trauma including sexual abuse
  • Early recognition of signs indicative of eating disorder
  • Referral to a health facility for children with eating disorder
  • Family & Community social support systems where people can share their feelings
Primary Care
  • Awareness creation to children, families, school communities on eating disorders and how to prevent them
  • Early identification of eating disorder among children
  • Guidance/advice to children and their families on a healthy development before the occurrence of eating disorders.
  • Guidance to children/parents/families on healthy balanced diets/healthy eating including body image
  • Education to children on effective ways of coping with emotions
  • Education and guidance to children on healthy physical exercises
  • Guidance to children on coping with peer pressure
  • Early detection and management of eating disorders
  • Nutrition counselling
  • Advisory on exercises/exercise moderation/reducing excessive exercises
  • Recognition and referral to a hospital for child with severe eating disorder, mental disorders and severe complications
  • Counselling services for school age children with eating disorders and their families
  • Linkage of school children with eating disorders and their families to Self-help/ support groups
Referral Facility: General
  • Counselling of children, families, on causes and prevention of eating disorders.
  • Early identification of eating disorder among children
  • Sensitize children and families on eating disorders, prevention measures and management. multi-sectoral engagement in addressing eating disorders
  • Assessment of mental and social wellbeing of children with eating disorder
  • multi-disciplinary treatment approach involving psychiatrists, psychologists, physicians, dieticians or nutritional advisers, social workers
  • Medical nutrition therapy
  • Psychological interventions
  • Cognitive behavioural therapy
  • Behavioural therapy
  • Oral medications for eating disorders
  • Management of any concurrent mental ailments like depression and anxiety disorders.
  • Hospitalization for serious cases
  • Referral
  • Counselling age children with eating disorders
  • services for school Family therapy
  • Linkage of school children with eating disorders and their families to Self-help / support groups
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Counselling of children, families, on causes and prevention of eating disorders.
  • Early identification of eating disorder among children
  • Sensitize children and families on eating disorders, prevention measures and management. multi-sectoral engagement in addressing eating disorders
  • Assessment mental and social wellbeing of the school age child with eating disorder
  • multi-disciplinary treatment approach involving psychiatrists, psychologists’ physicians, dieticians or nutritional advisers, social workers
  • Medical nutrition therapy
  • Psychological interventions
  • Cognitive behavioural therapy
  • Behavioural therapy
  • Oral medications for eating disorders
  • Management of any concurrent mental ailments like depression and anxiety disorders.
  • Hospitalization for serious cases
  • Counselling age children with eating disorders
  • services for school Family therapy
  • Linkage of school children with eating disorders and their families to Self-help / support groups
Age Cohort: 12 - 24 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Awareness creation to communities on eating disorders and how to prevent them
  • Distribution of IEC materials on eating disorders
  • Community health workers education on eating disorders, including prevention measures
  • Guidance/advice to adolescents and their family on a healthy development before the occurrence of eating disorders.
  • Early identification and referral for treatment for persons with eating disorder
  • Guidance to adolescents on healthy balanced diets/healthy eating including body image
  • Education to adolescents on effective ways of coping with emotions
  • Education and guidance to adolescents on health exercises
  • Guidance to adolescents on coping with peer pressure
  • Guidance on avoidance of drugs and alcohol abuse among adolescents
  • Early Recognition of signs indicative of eating disorder such as eating extremely small amounts of food or severely overeating. This may be coupled with weakness; fatigue; weight loss
  • Encourage adolescents to eat healthy diets/Guidance on Diet/Nutrition counseling
  • Encourage adolescents with eating disorders to do healthy exercises /e.g. exercise moderation/reducing excessive exercises
  • Recognition of signs of any concurrent mental ailments as indicated by signs such as nervousness; withdrawal; trouble sleeping
  • Referral to a health facility for adolescent patients with eating disorder and any associated ailments for further management
  • Family & Community social support systems where adolescents with eating disorders can share their feelings
Primary Care
  • Awareness creation to adolescents, families, school communities on eating disorders and how to prevent them
  • Education to health workers on eating disorders, prevention measures and management
  • Early identification and treatment of an eating disorder among adolescents
  • Education to adolescents on effective ways of coping with emotions
  • Education and guidance to adolescents on health exercises
  • Guidance to adolescents on coping with peer pressure
  • Guidance/advice to adolescents and their family on a healthy development before the occurrence of eating disorders.
  • Guidance to adolescents on healthy balanced diets/healthy eating including body image
  • Early detection and management t of eating disorders
  • Diet education and advice /Nutrition counseling
  • Advisory on exercises/exercise moderation/reducing excessive exercises
  • Recognition of any concurrent mental ailments like depression and anxiety disorders.
  • Monitoring and recognition of any complications associated with eating disorders such as obesity, diabetes,
  • Referral to a hospital for adolescent patient with severe eating disorder and any complications for further management
  • Counselling services for adolescents with eating disorder and their families
  • Linkage for adolescents with eating disorders to Self-help/support groups
Referral Facility: General
  • Awareness creation to adolescents, families on eating disorders and how to prevent them
  • Education to health workers on eating disorders; prevention measures and management
  • Early identification and treatment of any eating disorder among adolescents
  • Guidance to adolescents on coping with peer pressure
  • Guidance/advice to adolescents and their family on healthy development before the occurrence of eating disorders.
  • Education to adolescents on effective ways of coping with emotions
  • Education and guidance to adolescents on health exercises
  • Guidance to adolescents on coping with peer pressure
  • Early detection and treatment of eating disorders
  • Assessment mental and social well being
  • Multi-disciplinary treatment approach involving psychiatrists, psychologists, physicians, dieticians or nutritional advisers, social workers,
  • Diet education and advice/Nutrition counseling
  • Medical nutrition therapy
  • Advisory on exercises/exercise moderation/reducing excessive exercises
  • Psychological interventions
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy to help the patient control their thoughts
  • Behavioral therapy focusing on assisting patient to gain control and change unwanted behaviors
  • Medications
  • Management of concurrent mental ailments like depression anxiety disorders and substance abuse
  • Monitoring and management of any complications associated with eating disorders such as obesity, diabetes,
  • Hospitalization for more serious cases.
  • Follow up
  • Counselling services for adolescents with eating disorder
  • Family therapy
  • Linkage for adolescents with eating disorders to Self-help/support groups
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Awareness creation to adolescents, families on eating disorders and how to prevent them
  • Education to health workers on eating disorders; prevention measures and management
  • Guidance/advice to adolescents and their family on healthy development before the occurrence of eating disorders.
  • Early identification and treatment of any eating disorder among adolescents
  • Guidance to adolescents on healthy balanced diets/healthy eating including body image
  • Education to adolescents on effective ways of coping with emotions
  • Education and guidance to adolescents on health exercises
  • Guidance to adolescents on coping with peer pressure
  • Early detection and treatment of eating disorders
  • Assessment mental and social well being
  • Multi-disciplinary treatment approach involving psychiatrists, psychologists, physicians, dieticians or nutritional advisers, social workers,
  • Diet education and advice/Nutrition counseling
  • Medical nutrition therapy
  • Advisory on exercises/exercise moderation/reducing excessive exercises
  • Psychological interventions
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy to help the patient control their thoughts
  • Behavioral therapy focusing on assisting patient to gain control and change unwanted behaviors
  • Medications
  • Management of concurrent mental ailments like depression anxiety disorders and substance abuse
  • Monitoring and management of any complications associated with eating disorders such as obesity, diabetes,
  • Hospitalization for more serious cases.
  • Follow up
  • Counselling services for adolescents with eating disorder
  • Family therapy
  • Linkage for adolescents with eating disorders to Self-help/support groups
Age Cohort: 25 - 59 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Awareness creation to communities on eating disorders, early recognition and how to prevent them
  • Distribution of IEC materials on eating disorders
  • Community health workers education on eating disorders, including prevention measures
  • Early identification and referral for treatment for persons with eating disorder
  • Promoting healthy balanced diets/healthy eating for the adults
  • Promoting healthy exercises
  • Social support systems for at community level
  • Guidance and support on effective ways of coping with emotions
  • Early Recognition of signs indicative of eating disorder such as eating extremely small amounts of food or severely overeating,This may be coupled with weakness, fatigue, weight loss
  • Recognition of signs of any concurrent mental ailments as indicated by signs such as nervousness, withdrawal, trouble sleeping
  • Encourage elderly to eat healthy diets/Guidance on Diet /Nutrition counseling
  • Encourage elderly to do healthy exercise moderation /reducing excessive exercises
  • Referral to a health facility for elderly patients with eating disorder and any associated ailments for further management
  • Family & Community social support systems where people can share their feelings
Primary Care
  • Awareness creation to adults, families on eating disorders and how to prevent them
  • Education to health workers on eating disorders, prevention measures and management
  • Early identification and treatment of any eating disorder among adults
  • Education to adults on effective ways of coping with emotions
  • Education and guidance to adults on health exercises
  • Guidance to adults on healthy balanced diets/healthy eating including body image
  • Advisory on exercises/exercise moderation/reducing excessive exercises
  • Recognition of any concurrent mental ailments like depression and anxiety disorders.
  • Clinical and physical examination
  • Early detection and management of eating disorders
  • Diet education and advice/Nutrition counseling
  • Monitoring and recognition of any complications associated with eating disorders such as obesity, diabetes,
  • Referral to a hospital for adult patient with severe eating disorder and any complications for further management
  • Counselling services for adult patients with eating disorder and their families
  • Linkage of adult patients with eating disorder to Self-help/support groups
Referral Facility: General
  • Awareness creation to adults, families on eating disorders and how to prevent them
  • Training health workers on eating disorders, prevention measures and management
  • Early identification and treatment of any eating disorder among adults
  • Education to adults on effective ways of coping with emotions
  • Education and guidance to adults on health exercises
  • Guidance to adults on healthy balanced diets/healthy eating including body image
  • Early detection and treatment of eating disorders
  • Assessment mental and social well being
  • Multi-disciplinary treatment approach involving psychiatrists, psychologists, physicians, dieticians or nutritional advisers, social workers,
  • Diet education and advice/Nutrition counseling
  • Medical nutrition therapy
  • Advisory on exercises/exercise moderation/reducing excessive exercises
  • Psychological interventions
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy to help the patient control their thoughts
  • Behavioral therapy focusing on assisting patient to gain control and change unwanted behaviors
  • Medications
  • Management of concurrent mental ailments like depression and anxiety disorders.
  • Monitoring and management of any complications associated with eating disorders such as obesity, diabetes, hypertension (high blood pressure) and heart disease.
  • Hospitalization for more serious cases.
  • Follow up
  • Counselling services for adult patients with eating disorder
  • Family therapy
  • Linkage of adult patients with eating disorder to Self-help/support groups
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Awareness creation to adults, families on eating disorders and how to prevent them
  • Training health workers on eating disorders, prevention measures and management
  • Early identification and treatment of any eating disorder among adults
  • Education to adults on effective ways of coping with emotions
  • Education and guidance to adults on health exercises
  • Guidance to adults on healthy balanced diets/healthy eating including body image
  • Advisory on exercises/exercise moderation/reducing excessive exercises
  • Psychological interventions
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy to help the patient control their thoughts
  • Behavioral therapy focusing on assisting patient to gain control and change unwanted behaviors
  • clinical and physical examination
  • Early detection and treatment of eating disorders
  • Assessment mental and social well being
  • Hospitalization for more serious cases.
  • Follow up
  • Medical nutrition therapy
  • Medications
  • Management of concurrent mental ailments like depression and anxiety disorders.
  • Monitoring and management of any complications associated with eating disorders such as obesity, diabetes, hypertension (high blood pressure) and heart disease.
  • Multi-disciplinary treatment approach involving psychiatrists, psychologists, physicians, dieticians or nutritional advisers, social workers,
  • Diet education and advice/Nutrition counseling
  • Counselling services for adult patients with eating disorder
  • Family therapy
  • Linkage of adult patients with eating disorder to Self-help/support groups
Age Cohort: 60+ years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Awareness creation to communities on eating disorders and how to prevent them
  • Counselling services for elderly persons with eating disorder
  • Family therapy
  • Linkage of elderly with eating disorder to Self-help/support groups
  • Encourage elderly with eating disorder to attend social activities
  • Distribution of IEC materials on eating disorders
  • Community health workers education on eating disorders, including prevention measures
  • Early identification and referral for treatment for elderly persons with eating disorder
  • Promoting healthy balanced diets/healthy eating for the elderly
  • Social support systems for elderly persons at community level
  • Guidance and support to elderly persons on effective ways of coping with emotions
  • Early Recognition of signs indicative of eating disorder such as eating extremely small amounts of food or severely overeating,This may be coupled with weakness, fatigue, weight loss
  • Encourage elderly to eat healthy diets/ Guidance on Diet/Nutrition counseling
  • Encourage elderly to do healthy exercises/exercise moderation /reducing excessive exercises
  • Recognition of signs of any concurrent mental ailments as indicated by signs such as nervousness, withdrawal, trouble sleeping
  • Referral to a health facility for elderly patients with eating disorder and any associated ailments for further management
  • Family & Community social support systems where people can share their feelings
Primary Care
  • Awareness creation to elderly, families on eating disorders and how to prevent them
  • Education to health workers on eating disorders, prevention measures and management
  • Early identification and treatment of an eating disorder among the elderly
  • Education to elderly on effective ways of coping with emotions
  • Education and guidance to elderly on health exercises
  • Guidance to elderly on healthy balanced diets/healthy eating including body image
  • Advisory on exercises/exercise moderation/reducing excessive exercises
  • Clinical examination
  • Early detection and treatment of eating disorders
  • Diet education and advice/Nutrition counseling
  • Early detection and management of eating disorders
  • Recognition of any concurrent mental ailments like depression and anxiety disorders.
  • Monitoring and recognition of any complications associated with eating disorders such as obesity, diabetes
  • Referral to a hospital for elderly patients with severe eating disorder and any complications for further management
  • Physical rehabilitation program to enhance mobility and endurance for the elderly persons with eating disorders
  • Counselling services for elderly persons with eating disorder
  • Family therapy
  • Linkage of elderly with eating disorder to Self-help/support groups
  • Encourage elderly with eating disorder to attend social activities.
Referral Facility: General
  • Awareness creation to elderly, families on eating disorders and how to prevent them
  • Education to health workers on eating disorders, prevention measures and management
  • Early identification and treatment of an eating disorder among the elderly
  • Education and guidance to elderly on health exercises
  • Education to elderly on effective ways of coping with emotions
  • Guidance to elderly on healthy balanced diets/healthy eating including body image
  • Early detection and treatment of eating disorders
  • Assessment mental and social well being
  • Multi-disciplinary treatment approach involving psychiatrists, psychologists, physicians, dieticians or nutritional advisers, social workers,
  • Diet education and advice /Nutrition counseling
  • Medical nutrition therapy
  • Advisory on exercises/exercise moderation /reducing excessive exercises
  • Psychological interventions
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy to help the patient control their thoughts
  • Behavioral therapy focusing on assisting patient to gain control and change unwanted behaviors
  • Medications
  • Management of concurrent mental ailments like depression and anxiety disorders.
  • Monitoring and management of any complications associated with eating disorders such as obesity, diabetes, hypertension (high blood pressure) and heart disease.
  • Hospitalization for more serious cases.
  • Follow up
  • physical rehabilitation program to enhance mobility and endurance for the elderly persons with eating disorders
  • Counselling services for elderly persons with eating disorder
  • Family therapy
  • Linkage of elderly with eating disorder to Self-help/support groups
  • Encourage elderly with eating disorder to attend social activities
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Awareness creation to elderly, families on eating disorders and how to prevent them
  • Education to health workers on eating disorders, prevention measures and management
  • Early identification and treatment of an eating disorder among the elderly
  • Education and guidance to elderly on health exercises
  • Education to elderly on effective ways of coping with emotions
  • Guidance to elderly on healthy balanced diets/healthy eating including body image
  • History and clinical examination
  • Early detection and treatment of eating disorders
  • Assessment mental and social well being
  • Multi-disciplinary treatment approach involving psychiatrists, psychologists, physicians, dieticians or nutritional advisers, social workers,
  • Diet education and advice /Nutrition counseling
  • Medical nutrition therapy
  • Advisory on exercises/exercise moderation /reducing excessive exercises
  • Psychological interventions
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy to help the patient control their thoughts
  • Behavioral therapy focusing on assisting patient to gain control and change unwanted behaviors
  • Medications
  • Management of concurrent mental ailments like depression and anxiety disorders.
  • Monitoring and management of any complications associated with eating disorders such as obesity, diabetes, hypertension (high blood pressure) and heart disease.
  • Hospitalization for more serious cases.
  • Follow up
  • physical rehabilitation program to enhance mobility and endurance for the elderly persons with eating disorders
  • Counselling services for elderly persons with eating disorder
  • Family therapy
  • Linkage of elderly with eating disorder to Self-help/support groups
  • Encourage elderly with eating disorder to attend social activities