Interventions for Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)

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Age Cohort: 5 - 11 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level

Awareness raising on dangers of FGM Hygiene promotion School health education Sensitization of communities (SOWEI) on dangers of FGM

Counselling of youth on the preventions and dangers of FGM Engage community stakeholders on elimination of FGM

Education and counselling including on prevention of FGM

Primary Care

Awareness raising on dangers of FGM Hygiene promotion School health education

Sensitization of communities (SOWEI) on dangers of FGM Counselling of youth on the preventions and dangers of FGM Engage community stakeholders on elimination of FGM

Education and counselling including on prevention of FGM History and assessment of FGM Counselling on sexual health care Referral for the management of mental illness Emergency care to stop bleeding, suture lacerations Provide antibiotics and analgesics Referral for surgical procedures

Referral Facility: General

Awareness raising on dangers of FGM Hygiene promotion

Education and counselling including on prevention of FGM Sensitization of communities (SOWEI) on dangers of FGM Counselling of youth on the preventions and dangers of FGM Engage community stakeholders on elimination of FGM

History and assessment of FGM Clinical assessment for complications of FGM, sexual health disorders and mental health disorders Provide first line psychological support Counselling on sexual health care Provide antibiotics and analgesics Referral for surgical procedures

Referral Facility: Specialist

Education and counselling including on prevention of FGM

History and assessment of FGM Clinical assessment for complications of FGM, sexual health disorders and mental health disorders Management of FGM and its complications Manage mental health disorders Provide first line psychological support Refer for the management of sexual health

Age Cohort: 25 - 59 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level

Awareness raising on dangers of FGM Hygiene promotion Sensitization of communities (SOWEI) on dangers of FGM

Counselling of youth on the preventions and dangers of FGM Engage community stakeholders on elimination of FGM

Education and counselling including on prevention of FGM

Primary Care

Awareness raising on dangers of FGM Hygiene promotion

Sensitization of communities (SOWEI) on dangers of FGM Counselling of youth on the preventions and dangers of FGM Engage community stakeholders on elimination of FGM

  • Education and counselling including on prevention of FGM
  • History and assessment of FGM
  • Counselling on sexual health care
  • Referral for the management of mental illness
  • Emergency care to stop bleeding, suture lacerations
  • Provide antibiotics and analgesics
  • Referral for surgical procedures
Referral Facility: General
  • Education and counselling including on prevention of FGM
  • History and assessment of FGM
  • Counselling on sexual health care
  • Referral for the management of mental illness
  • Emergency care to stop bleeding, suture lacerations
  • Provide antibiotics and analgesics
  • Referral for surgical procedures
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • History and assessment of FGM
  • Clinical assessment for complications of FGM, sexual health disorders and mental health disorders
  • Management of FGM and its complications
  • Manage mental health disorders
  • Surgical management of tears and lacerations