Interventions for Haemorrhagic Stroke

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Age Cohort: 60+ years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Information to patients/families/communities on hemorrhagic stroke disease including prevention measures
  • Provision of IEC materials
  • Advocacy for patients with hemorrhagic stroke disease including for availability of services
  • Health workers training on hemorrhagic stroke
  • Lifestyle changes to prevent high blood pressure/blood pressure control
  • Avoidance of Alcohol and drug use
  • Physical activity
  • Exercises
  • Healthy nutrition
  • Regular medical check ups
  • Recognition of signs of hemorrhagic stroke including total or limited loss of consciousness, vomiting sudden and severe headache weakness or numbness in the face, leg or arm on one side of the body, seizures, dizziness, loss of balance problems with speech or swallowing, confusion or disorientation
  • Immediate referral to a hospital
  • Home based rehabilitation services
  • Community based rehabilitation programs for persons with stroke
  • Psychosocial support for the adults with ischemic heart disease and their families to prevent anxiety, depression and stress that may be associated with living with the condition
  • Joining a patient support group
  • Seeking support from family and friends
Primary Care
  • Health workers training on hemorrhagic stroke
  • Information to patients/families/communities on hemorrhagic stroke disease including prevention measures
  • Provision of IEC materials
  • Advocacy for patients with hemorrhagic stroke disease including for availability of services
  • Lifestyle changes to prevent high blood pressure/blood pressure control,
  • Avoidance of Alcohol and drug use
  • Physical activity
  • Exercises
  • Healthy nutrition
  • Early diagnosis and management of High blood pressure
  • Regular medical check ups
  • Stabilize the patient eg IV fluids/control bleeding
  • Immediate referral to a hospital for emergency treatment for elderly persons with hemorrhagic stroke.
  • Physical rehabilitation/physical exercises to restore the motor functions
  • Psychosocial support for the elderly person with Hemorrhagic stroke and their families to prevent anxiety, depression and stress that may be associated with having the condition
  • Joining a patient support group
  • Seeking support from family and friends
Referral Facility: General
  • Information to patients/families/communities on hemorrhagic stroke disease including prevention measures
  • Provision of IEC materials
  • Advocacy for patients with hemorrhagic stroke disease including for availability of services
  • Health workers training on hemorrhagic stroke
  • Lifestyle changes to prevent high blood pressure/blood pressure control
  • Avoidance of Alcohol and drug use
  • Physical activity
  • Exercises
  • Healthy nutrition
  • Early diagnosis and management of High blood pressure
  • Regular medical check ups
  • Immediate emergency treatment for elderly persons with hemorrhagic stroke.
  • Controlling the bleeding in the brain
  • Reducing the pressure caused by the bleeding.
  • Supportive care
  • Fluids therapy-IV fluids
  • Plenty of rest rest
  • Surgical interventions for serious haemorrhagic stroke-e.g. to repair raptured vessels
  • Management of other associated medical problems e.g. blood pressure
  • ICU services
  • Follow up
  • Occupational, therapy to help the patient participate in gainful occupation
  • Physical therapy /exercises for motor function
  • Rehabilitation to help regain motor skills and coordination.
  • Speech therapy to help regain lost speech
  • Therapy to help regain sensory function
  • Psychosocial support for the elderly person with ischemic stroke and their families to prevent anxiety, depression, and stress that may be associated with having the condition and/or the complications
  • Joining a patient support group
  • Seeking support from family and friends
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Information to patients/families/communities on hemorrhagic stroke disease including prevention measures
  • Provision of IEC materials
  • Advocacy for patients with hemorrhagic stroke disease including for availability of services
  • Health workers training on hemorrhagic stroke
  • Lifestyle changes to prevent high blood pressure/blood pressure control
  • Avoidance of Alcohol and drug use
  • Physical activity
  • Exercises
  • Healthy nutrition
  • Early diagnosis and management of High blood pressure
  • Regular medical check ups
  • Immediate emergency treatment for elderly persons with hemorrhagic stroke.
  • Controlling the bleeding in the brain
  • Reducing the pressure caused by the bleeding.
  • Supportive care
  • Fluids therapy-IV fluids
  • Plenty of rest rest
  • Surgical interventions for serious haemorrhagic stroke-e.g. to repair raptured vessels
  • Management of other associated medical problems e.g. blood pressure
  • ICU services
  • Follow up
  • Occupational, therapy to help the patient participate in gainful occupation
  • Physical therapy /exercises for motor function
  • Rehabilitation to help regain motor skills and coordination.
  • Speech therapy to help regain lost speech
  • Therapy to help regain sensory function
  • Psychosocial support for the elderly person with ischemic stroke and their families to prevent anxiety, depression, and stress that may be associated with having the condition and/or the complications
  • Joining a patient support group
  • Seeking support from family and friends