Interventions for Asthma

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Age Cohort: Pregnancy and newborn
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Create awareness on Asthma including prevention measures
  • Create awareness on the possible triggers/possible risk factors of asthma and how to avoid them
  • Provide IEC materials on Asthma
  • Multi sectoral approach to ensure clean environments
  • Community Health workers training on Asthma including prevention measures
  • Guidance on Avoidance of asthma triggers including:
  • indoor allergens (for example, house dust mites in bedding, carpets and stuffed furniture, pollution and pet dander)
  • Outdoor allergens(such as pollens and moulds)
  • Avoidance of tobacco smoking/cessation of smoking
  • Avoidance of exposure to second hand smoke
  • Avoidance of other triggers such as cold air, extreme emotional arousal such as anger or fear, and physical exercise.
  • Avoidance of exposure to exhaust fumes or other types of pollution
  • Avoidance of Exposure to occupational triggers, such as chemicals used in farming, hairdressing and manufacturing
  • Having an elaborate plan for living with asthma and preventing asthma attacks
  • Taking medication as per prescription to prevent attack
  • Vaccination against influenza and pneumonia as flu and pneumonia can trigger flare ups
  • Weight control through proper diet and exercise
  • community level Surveillance to map the magnitude of asthma, and monitoring trends
  • Recognition of symptoms including Shortness of breath, Chest tightness or chest pain, Wheezing when breathing out,Trouble sleeping caused by shortness of breath,coughing or wheezing
  • Seek emergency treatment–referral to a health facility
  • Use quick relief inhaler asthma patients (as prescribed)
  • Steam inhalation
  • Guidance on use of medication as prescribed
  • Guidance to patient on how to Monitor their breathing and how to recognize warning signs of an impending attack, such as slight coughing, wheezing or shortness of breath.
  • Recognition of signs that asthma is probably worsening including, more frequent attacks, rapid worsening of difficulty in breathing or wheezing; shortness of breath when one is doing minimal physical activity
Primary Care
  • Create awareness on Asthma including prevention measures
  • Create awareness on the possible triggers of asthma and how to avoid them
  • Provide IEC materials on Asthma
  • Health workers training on Asthma including prevention and management measures
  • Guidance on Avoidance of asthma triggers including:

  • indoor allergens (for example, house dust mites in bedding, carpets and stuffed furniture, pollution and pet dander)

  • Outdoor allergens(such as pollens and moulds)

  • Avoidance of tobacco smoking/cessation of smoking

  • Avoidance of exposure to second hand smoke

  • Avoidance of other triggers such as cold air, extreme emotional arousal such as anger or fear, and physical exercise.

  • Avoidance of exposure to exhaust fumes or other types of pollution

  • Avoidance of Exposure to occupational triggers, such as chemicals used in farming, hairdressing and manufacturing

  • Weight control through proper diet and exercise

  • Having an elaborate plan for living with asthma and preventing asthma attacks

  • Taking medication as per prescription to prevent attack

  • Vaccination against influenza and pneumonia as flu and pneumonia can trigger flare ups

  • Effective Surveillance to map the magnitude of asthma, and monitoring trends

  • physical and clinical examination
  • Advice and guidance to the patient on recognition of asthma triggers, and how to avoid them
  • Use of medications
  • Quick-relief (rescue) medications for rapid, short-term symptom relief during an asthma attack. /inhalers
  • Use Allergy medications
  • Treatment of aggravating factors such as lower and upper respiratory tract infections
  • Monitoring for any complications
  • Referral to a hospital for further management of pregnant women with asthma including any complications
Referral Facility: General
  • Create awareness on Asthma including prevention measures
  • Create awareness on the possible triggers of asthma and how to avoid them
  • Provide IEC materials on Asthma
  • Health workers training on Asthma including prevention and management measures
  • Guidance on Avoidance of asthma triggers including:
    • indoor allergens (for example, house dust mites in bedding, carpets and stuffed furniture, pollution and pet dander)
    • Outdoor allergens(such as pollens and moulds)
  • Avoidance of tobacco smoking/cessation of smoking
  • Avoidance of exposure to second hand smoke
  • Avoidance of exposure to exhaust fumes or other types of pollution
  • Avoidance of Exposure to occupational triggers, such as chemicals used in farming, hairdressing and manufacturing
  • Avoidance of other triggers such as cold air, extreme emotional arousal such as anger or fear, and physical exercise.
  • Guidance on Weight control through proper diet and exercise
  • Guidance to patient to develop an elaborate plan for living with asthma and preventing asthma attacks
  • Taking medication as per prescription to prevent attack
  • Vaccination against influenza and pneumonia as flu and pneumonia can trigger flare ups
  • Surveillance to map the magnitude of asthma, and monitoring trends
  • physical and clinical examination
  • **Diagnostic tests including **
  • Measure of lung function (Spirometry, Peak flow.)
  • Methacholine challenge.
  • Allergy testing. Either through a skin test or blood test
  • Nitric oxide test to measure the amount of nitric oxide gas in the breath
  • Sputum eosinophils *Provocative testing for exercise and cold-induced asthma *Imaging tests- chest x ray]
  • Advice and guidance to the patient on recognition of asthma triggers and how to avoid them
  • Use of medications -bronchodilator
  • Quick-relief (rescue) medications for rapid, short-term symptom relief during an asthma attack. /inhalers
  • Use Allergy medications
  • Treatment of aggravating factors such as lower and upper respiratory tract infections
  • Monitoring for and management of any complications
  • Regular follow up
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Create awareness on Asthma including prevention measures
  • Create awareness on the possible triggers of asthma and how to avoid them
  • Provide IEC materials on Asthma
  • Health workers training on Asthma including prevention and management measures
  • Guidance on Avoidance of asthma triggers including:
  • indoor allergens (for example, house dust mites in bedding, carpets and stuffed furniture, pollution and pet dander)
  • Outdoor allergens(such as pollens and moulds)
  • Avoidance of tobacco smoking/cessation of smoking
  • Avoidance of exposure to second hand smoke
  • Avoidance of other triggers such as cold air, extreme emotional arousal such as anger or fear, and physical exercise.
  • Avoidance of exposure to exhaust fumes or other types of pollution
  • Avoidance of Exposure to occupational triggers, such as chemicals used in farming, hairdressing and manufacturing
  • Guidance to aptients on an elaborate plan for living with asthma and preventing asthma attacks
  • Guidance on use of the medication as per prescription to prevent attack
  • Vaccination against influenza and pneumonia as flu and pneumonia can trigger flare ups
  • Guidance on Weight control through proper diet and exercise
  • Effective Surveillance to map the magnitude of asthma, and monitoring trends
  • physical and clinical examination
  • **Diagnostic tests including **
  • Measure of lung function (Spirometry, Peak flow.)
  • Methacholine challenge.
  • Imaging tests- chest x ray]
  • Allergy testing. Either through a skin test or blood test
  • Nitric oxide test to measure the amount of nitric oxide gas in the breath
  • Sputum eosinophils
  • Provocative testing for exercise and cold-induced asthma
  • Advice and guidance to the patient on recognition of asthma triggers and how to avoid them
  • Use of medications -bronchodilator
  • Quick-relief (rescue) medications for rapid, short-term symptom relief during an asthma attack. /inhalers
  • Use Allergy medications
  • Treatment of aggravating factors such as lower and upper respiratory tract infections
  • Monitoring for and management of any complications
  • Regular follow up
Age Cohort: < 5 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Create awareness on triggers/ risk factors of asthma and preventive measures * Multi sectoral approach to ensure clean environments
  • Avoidance of aeroallergen
  • Avoidance of direct or passive exposure to cigarette smoke
  • Recognition of asthma signs and symptoms
  • Short-acting beta-2 agonist.
  • Counselling on personalised asthma management
  • Physical exercise
  • Emotional, social assessment and support based on cultural needs, values and preferences of parents and families
Primary Care
  • Health education on triggers/ risk factors of asthma and preventive measures
  • Avoidance of aeroallergen
  • Avoidance of direct or passive exposure to cigarette smoke
  • Vaccination against influenza and pneumonia
  • History
  • Physical examination
  • Response to asthma treatment trial
  • Short-acting beta-2 agonist.
  • Inhaled steroids
  • Long-acting beta-2 agonists
  • Breathing techniques
  • Counselling on personalised asthma management
  • Physical exercise
  • Emotional, social assessment and support based on cultural needs, values and preferences of parents and families
Referral Facility: General
  • Vaccination against influenza and pneumonia
  • History
  • Physical examination
  • Complete blood count
  • Chest radiography
  • Short-acting bronchodilator,
  • Low-dose inhaled corticosteroid (ICS)
  • Long-acting bronchodilator (LABA)
  • Long-acting muscarinic agonist (LAMA)
  • Supplemental oxygen
  • Bilevel Positive Airway Pressure (BiPAP)
  • Counselling on personalised asthma management plan
  • Counselling on personalised asthma management
  • Physical exercise
  • Emotional, social assessment and support based on cultural needs, values and preferences of parents and families
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Health education on triggers/risk factors of asthma and preventive measures
  • Vaccination against influenza and pneumonia
  • History
  • Physical examination
  • Chest radiography
  • Short-acting bronchodilator,
  • Low-dose inhaled corticosteroid (ICS)
  • Long-acting bronchodilator (LABA)
  • Long-acting muscarinic agonist (LAMA)
  • Supplemental oxygen
  • Bilevel Positive Airway Pressure (BiPAP)
  • Counselling on personalised asthma management
  • Physical exercise
  • Emotional, social assessment and support based on cultural needs, values and preferences of parents and families
Age Cohort: 5 - 11 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Create awareness on triggers/ risk factors of asthma and preventive measures * Multi sectoral approach to ensure clean environments
  • Avoidance of aeroallergen
  • Avoidance of direct or passive exposure to cigarette smoke
  • Recognition of asthma signs and symptoms
  • Short-acting beta-2 agonist.
  • Counselling on personalised asthma management
  • Physical exercise
  • Emotional, social, spiritual assessment and support based on cultural needs, values and preferences of patients and families
Primary Care
  • Health education on triggers/ risk factors of asthma and preventive measures
  • Avoidance of aeroallergen
  • Avoidance of direct or passive exposure to cigarette smoke
  • Vaccination against influenza and pneumonia
  • History
  • Physical examination
  • Response to asthma treatment trial
  • Short-acting beta-2 agonist.
  • Inhaled steroids
  • Long-acting beta-2 agonists
  • Buteyko or yoga breathing techniques
  • Counselling on personalised asthma management
  • Physical exercise
  • Emotional, social, spiritual assessment and support based on cultural needs, values and preferences of patients and families
Referral Facility: General
  • Health education on triggers/ risk factors of asthma and preventive measures
  • Vaccination: influenza
  • Vaccination: pneumonia
  • Vaccination: COVID
  • History
  • Physical examination
  • Complete blood count
  • Chest radiography
  • Short-acting bronchodilator,
  • Low-dose inhaled corticosteroid (ICS)
  • Long-acting bronchodilator (LABA)
  • Long-acting muscarinic agonist (LAMA)
  • Supplemental oxygen
  • Bilevel Positive Airway Pressure (BiPAP)
  • Counselling on personalised asthma management plan
  • Counselling on personalised asthma management
  • Physical exercise
  • Emotional, social, spiritual assessment and support based on cultural needs, values and preferences of patients and families
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Health education on triggers/ risk factors of asthma and preventive measures
  • Vaccination: influenza
  • Vaccination: pneumonia
  • Vaccination: COVID
  • History
  • Physical examination
  • Chest radiography
  • Short-acting bronchodilator,
  • Low-dose inhaled corticosteroid (ICS)
  • Long-acting bronchodilator (LABA)
  • Long-acting muscarinic agonist (LAMA)
  • Supplemental oxygen
  • Bilevel Positive Airway Pressure (BiPAP)
  • Counselling on personalised asthma management
  • Physical exercise
  • Emotional, social, spiritual assessment and support based on cultural needs, values and preferences of patients and families
Age Cohort: 12 - 24 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Create awareness on triggers/ risk factors of asthma and preventive measures * Multi sectoral approach to ensure clean environments
  • Avoidance of aeroallergen
  • Avoidance of direct or passive exposure to cigarette smoke

Recognition of asthma signs and symptoms

  • Short-acting beta-2 agonist.
  • Counselling on personalised asthma management
  • Physical exercise
  • Emotional, social, spiritual assessment and support based on cultural needs, values and preferences of patients and families
Primary Care
  • Health education on triggers/ risk factors of asthma and preventive measures
  • Avoidance of aeroallergen
  • Avoidance of direct or passive exposure to cigarette smoke
  • Vaccination: influenza
  • Vaccination: pneumonia
  • Vaccination: COVID
  • History
  • Physical examination
  • Response to asthma treatment trial
  • Pulse oximetry
  • Short-acting beta-2 agonist.
  • Inhaled steroids
  • Long-acting beta-2 agonists
  • Buteyko or yoga breathing techniques
  • Counselling on personalised asthma management
  • Physical exercise
  • Emotional, social, spiritual assessment and support based on cultural needs, values and preferences of patients and families
Referral Facility: General
  • Health education on triggers/ risk factors of asthma and preventive measures
  • Vaccination: influenza
  • Vaccination: pneumonia
  • Vaccination: COVID
  • History
  • Physical examination
  • Pulse oximetry
  • Complete blood count
  • Chest radiography
  • Short-acting bronchodilator,
  • Low-dose inhaled corticosteroid (ICS)
  • Long-acting bronchodilator (LABA)
  • Long-acting muscarinic agonist (LAMA)
  • Supplemental oxygen
  • Bilevel Positive Airway Pressure (BiPAP)
  • Counselling on personalised asthma management plan
  • Counselling on personalised asthma management
  • Physical exercise
  • Emotional, social, spiritual assessment and support based on cultural needs, values and preferences of patients and families
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Health education on triggers/ risk factors of asthma and preventive measures
  • Vaccination: influenza
  • Vaccination: pneumonia
  • Vaccination: COVID
  • History
  • Physical examination
  • Pulse oximetry
  • Chest radiography
  • Short-acting bronchodilator,
  • Low-dose inhaled corticosteroid (ICS)
  • Long-acting bronchodilator (LABA)
  • Long-acting muscarinic agonist (LAMA)
  • Supplemental oxygen
  • Bilevel Positive Airway Pressure (BiPAP)
  • Counselling on personalised asthma management
  • Physical exercise
  • Emotional, social, spiritual assessment and support based on cultural needs, values and preferences of patients and families
Age Cohort: 25 - 59 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Create awareness on triggers/ risk factors of asthma and preventive measures * Multi sectoral approach to ensure clean environments
  • Avoidance of aeroallergen
  • Avoidance of direct or passive exposure to cigarette smoke
  • Recognition of classic asthma symptom patterns
  • Counselling on recognition of symptoms
  • Guidance to patient on how to monitor their breathing and how to recognize warning signs
  • Guidance on use of medication as prescribed
  • Recognition of danger signs and referral to the next higher level
  • Self-management education
  • Physical exercise
  • Emotional, social, spiritual support
Primary Care
  • Health education on triggers/ risk factors of asthma and preventive measures
  • Avoidance of aeroallergen
  • Avoidance of direct or passive exposure to cigarette smoke
  • Vaccination: influenza
  • Vaccination: pneumonia
  • History
  • Physical examination
  • Response to asthma treatment trial
  • Short-acting beta-2 agonist.
  • Inhaled steroids
  • Long-acting beta-2 agonists
  • Buteyko or yoga breathing techniques
  • Counselling on personalised asthma management
  • Physical exercise
  • Emotional, social, spiritual assessment and support based on cultural needs, values and preferences of patients and families
Referral Facility: General
  • Health education on triggers/ risk factors of asthma and preventive measures
  • Vaccination: influenza
  • Vaccination: pneumonia
  • History
  • Physical examination
  • Complete blood count
  • Chest radiography
  • Short-acting bronchodilator,
  • Low-dose inhaled corticosteroid (ICS)
  • Long-acting bronchodilator (LABA)
  • Long-acting muscarinic agonist (LAMA)
  • Oxygen supplementation
  • Bilevel Positive Airway Pressure (BiPAP)
  • Counselling on personalised asthma management
  • Physical exercise
  • Emotional, social, spiritual assessment and support based on cultural needs, values and preferences of patients and families
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Health education on triggers/ risk factors of asthma and preventive measures
  • Vaccination: influenza
  • Vaccination: pneumonia
  • History
  • Physical examination
  • Chest radiography
  • Short-acting bronchodilator,
  • Low-dose inhaled corticosteroid (ICS)
  • Long-acting bronchodilator (LABA)
  • Long-acting muscarinic agonist (LAMA)
  • Oxygen supplementation
  • Bilevel Positive Airway Pressure (BiPAP
  • Counselling on personalised asthma management
  • Physical exercise
  • Emotional, social, spiritual assessment and support based on cultural needs, values and preferences of patients and families
Age Cohort: 60+ years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Create awareness on triggers/ risk factors of asthma and preventive measures * Multi sectoral approach to ensure clean environments
  • Avoidance of aeroallergen
  • Avoidance of direct or passive exposure to cigarette smoke

Recognition of classic asthma symptom patterns

  • Short-acting beta-2 agonist.
  • Self-management education
  • Physical exercise
  • Emotional, social, spiritual support
Primary Care
  • Health education on triggers/ risk factors of asthma and preventive measures
  • Avoidance of indoor, outdoor asthma triggers and smoking
  • Avoidance of exposure to exhaust fumes or other types of pollution
  • Vaccination against influenza and pneumonia to prevent trigger flare ups
  • History
  • Physical examination
  • Response to asthma treatment trial
  • Short-acting beta-2 agonist.
  • Inhaled steroids
  • Long-acting beta-2 agonists
  • Buteyko or yoga breathing techniques
  • Counselling on personalised asthma management
  • Physical exercise
  • Emotional, social, spiritual assessment and support based on cultural needs, values and preferences of patients and families
Referral Facility: General
  • Health education on triggers/risk factors of asthma and preventive measures
  • Vaccination: influenza
  • Vaccination: pneumonia
  • History
  • Physical examination
  • Complete blood count
  • Chest radiography
  • Short-acting bronchodilator,
  • Low-dose inhaled corticosteroid (ICS)
  • Long-acting bronchodilator (LABA)
  • Long-acting muscarinic agonist (LAMA)
  • Oxygen supplementation
  • Bilevel Positive Airway Pressure (BiPAP)
  • Counselling on personalised asthma management
  • Physical exercise
  • Emotional, social, spiritual assessment and support based on cultural needs, values and preferences of patients and families
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Health education on triggers/ risk factors of asthma and preventive measures
  • Vaccination: influenza
  • Vaccination: pneumonia
  • History
  • Physical examination
  • Chest radiography*
  • Short-acting bronchodilator,
  • Low-dose inhaled corticosteroid (ICS)
  • Long-acting bronchodilator (LABA)
  • Long-acting muscarinic agonist (LAMA)
  • Oxygen supplementation
  • Bilevel Positive Airway Pressure (BiPAP)
  • Counselling on personalised asthma management
  • Physical exercise
  • Emotional, social, spiritual assessment and support based on cultural needs, values and preferences of patients and families