Interventions for Appendicitis

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Age Cohort: 5 - 11 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level

Community engagement [community sensitization on symptoms of appendicitis and when to seek care]

Early recognition of need for referral and appropriate referral

Primary Care

Sensitization on symptoms of appendicitis and when to seek care

History and physical examination for gastrointestinal diseases Early recognition of need for referral Provide analgesics

Referral Facility: General

sensitization on symptoms of appendicitis and when to seek care

Sensitize on disease prevention of appendicitis

  • History and physical examination for gastrointestinal diseases Point of care testing Basic laboratory tests Basic imaging: Ultrasound Pharmacological intervention as clinically indicated including electrolytes, fluids, analgesic
  • Non-surgical reduction of intestinal obstruction
  • Laparotomy Surgical procedures for appendicitis, mechanical bowel obstruction
Referral Facility: Specialist

Sensitization on symptoms of appendicitis and when to seek care

Sensitize on disease prevention of appendicitis

  • History and physical examination for gastrointestinal diseases Point of care testing Basic laboratory tests Basic imaging: Ultrasound Pharmacological intervention as clinically indicated including electrolytes, fluids, analgesic
  • Non-surgical reduction of intestinal obstruction
  • Laparotomy
Age Cohort: 25 - 59 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level

Community engagement [community sensitization on symptoms of surgical emergencies when to seek care] Community engagement [community sensitization on healthy diet, fluid intake, risk factors and symptoms of ileus and obstruction]

  • Integrated counselling on healthy diet, physical activity, weight management, and alcohol and tobacco use
  • Counselling on seeking care for abdominal pain and mass
  • Health education on recognition of signs and symptoms in postoperative patients

Early recognition of need for referral and appropriate referral

Primary Care

Community engagement [community sensitization on healthy diet, fluid intake, risk factors and symptoms of obstruction]

Integrated counselling on healthy diet (high fibre and low saturated fat), physical activity, weight management, and alcohol and tobacco use Condition-specific nutrition assessment and counselling

  • Assess for risk factors for obstruction (History of abdominal/Pelvic surgery, hernia)

History and physical examination Early recognition of need for referral

Referral Facility: General

Community engagement [community sensitization on healthy diet, fluid intake, risk factors and symptoms of obstruction]

Integrated counselling on healthy diet (high fibre and low saturated fat), physical activity, weight management, and alcohol and tobacco use Condition-specific nutrition assessment and counselling

  • Assess for risk factors for obstruction (History of abdominal/Pelvic surgery, hernia)
  • History and physical examination for gastrointestinal diseases Point of care testing Basic laboratory tests Basic imaging: Ultrasound Pharmacological intervention as clinically indicated including electrolytes, fluids, analgesic
  • Non-surgical reduction of intestinal obstruction
  • Laparotomy
  • Surgical procedures for appendicitis, mechanical bowel obstruction
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • History and physical examination for gastrointestinal diseases Point of care testing Basic laboratory tests Basic imaging: Ultrasound Pharmacological intervention as clinically indicated including electrolytes, fluids, analgesic
  • Non-surgical reduction of intestinal obstruction
  • Laparotomy Surgical procedures for appendicitis, mechanical bowel obstruction
Age Cohort: 60+ years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level

Community engagement [community sensitization on symptoms of surgical emergencies when to seek care] Community engagement [community sensitization on healthy diet, fluid intake, risk factors and symptoms of ileus and obstruction]

  • Integrated counselling on healthy diet, physical activity, weight management, and alcohol and tobacco use
  • Counselling on seeking care for abdominal pain and mass
  • Health education on recognition of signs and symptoms in postoperative patients

Early recognition of need for referral and appropriate referral

Primary Care

Community engagement [community sensitization on healthy diet, fluid intake, risk factors and symptoms of obstruction]

Integrated counselling on healthy diet (high fibre and low saturated fat), physical activity, weight management, and alcohol and tobacco use Condition-specific nutrition assessment and counselling

  • Assess for risk factors for obstruction (History of abdominal/Pelvic surgery, hernia)

History and physical examination Early recognition of need for referral

Referral Facility: General

Community engagement [community sensitization on healthy diet, fluid intake, risk factors and symptoms of obstruction]

Integrated counselling on healthy diet (high fibre and low saturated fat), physical activity, weight management, and alcohol and tobacco use Condition-specific nutrition assessment and counselling

  • Assess for risk factors for obstruction (History of abdominal/Pelvic surgery, hernia)
  • History and physical examination for gastrointestinal diseases Point of care testing Basic laboratory tests Basic imaging: Ultrasound Pharmacological intervention as clinically indicated including electrolytes, fluids, analgesic
  • Non-surgical reduction of intestinal obstruction
  • Laparotomy
  • Surgical procedures for appendicitis, mechanical bowel obstruction
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • History and physical examination for gastrointestinal diseases Point of care testing Basic laboratory tests Basic imaging: Ultrasound Pharmacological intervention as clinically indicated including electrolytes, fluids, analgesic
  • Non-surgical reduction of intestinal obstruction
  • Laparotomy Surgical procedures for appendicitis, mechanical bowel obstruction