Interventions for Periodontal disease

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Age Cohort: Pregnancy and newborn
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Create awareness on oral health including periodontal disease to the communities
  • Increase knowledge and practices among the public through community programmes
  • Fully integrating oral health into community health programmes.
  • Community Health workers training on periodontal disease including prevention measures
  • Daily oral hygiene measures to prevent periodontal disease including brushing properly on a regular basis (at least twice daily), Flossing daily
  • Using an antiseptic mouthwash: Chlorhexidine gluconate-based mouthwash
  • Adoption of healthy lifestyles such as no smoking or cessation of smoking, use of healthy balanced diets
  • Regular dental check-ups
  • Community level screening for periodontal disease
  • Recognition of symptoms indicative of periodontal disease such as bleeding gums, drifted or loose teeth or a complaint of bad breath,
  • Good oral hygiene/oral hygiene instructions including brushing and flossing
  • Guidance on healthy diet/good nutrition
  • Use of antiseptic mouth washes as a temporary primary oral hygiene measure
  • Relieve of symptoms such as pain with pan killers such as paracetamol
  • Referral to a health facility for management of pregnant women with periodontal disease
Primary Care
  • Education to pregnant women on periodontal disease including prevention measures
  • Information to pregnant women on the increased risk of developing pregnancy gingivitis and its prevention measures
  • Health workers training on periodontal disease, prevention and management
  • Guidance on good oral hygiene practices including brushing; flossing
  • Guidance on avoidance of factors that predispose to periodontal disease including on the effect of smoking on their oral health and general health and assist them on smoking cessation.
  • Advice/guidance on control of diabetes as Poorly controlled diabetes enhances the signs and symptoms of gingivitis and periodontitis
  • Information and guidance to patient on the benefits of a healthy, balanced diet to their oral health including prevention of periodontal disease
  • Encourage patients to modify other lifestyle factors that may impact on their oral health.
  • Dental prophylaxis during pregnancy
  • Screening pregnant women for periodontal disease at every routine examination.
  • History and full periodontal assessment involving charting of recession, probing depths, bleeding on probing and mobility for every tooth
  • Treatment planning and Patient education on the treatment choice
  • Guidance to patient on their role in improving periodontal health.
  • Oral Hygiene instructions modelled on patient behavior change strategies (TIPPS-talk, instruct, practice, plan, support)
  • Use of mouth washes as a temporary primary oral hygiene measure
  • Ensure that the patient is motivated to achieve and maintain effective plaque removal.
  • Antimicrobial Medication, Local antimicrobials, including disinfectants such as chlorhexidine and systemic antimicrobials
  • Use of analgesics where there is pain
  • Referral of pregnant women with periodontal disease to a hospital for further management including management of any underlying conditions such as diabetes /cardiovascular disease that predisposes to periodontal disease
Referral Facility: General
  • Education to pregnant women on periodontal disease including prevention measures
  • Information to pregnant women on the increased risk of developing pregnancy gingivitis and its prevention measures
  • Health workers training on periodontal disease; prevention and management
  • Guidance on good oral hygiene practices including brushing, flossing
  • Guidance on avoidance of factors that predispose to periodontal disease including on the effect of smoking on their oral health and general health and assist them on smoking cessation
  • Early treatment/management of predisposing conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease as a preventive measure
  • Advice/guidance on control of diabetes as Poorly controlled diabetes enhances the signs and symptoms of gingivitis and periodontitis
  • Information and guidance to patient on the benefits of a healthy, balanced diet to their oral health including prevention of periodontal disease
  • Encourage patients to modify other lifestyle factors that may impact on their oral health.
  • Dental prophylaxis during pregnancy
  • Screening pregnant women for periodontal disease at every routine examination.
  • Physical, clinical and full periodontal assessment involving charting of recession, probing depths, bleeding on probing and mobility for every tooth
  • Diagnostics including; * Study models for diagnostics especially of gingival recession * Use of clinical photographs calibrated by inclusion of a probe to monitor gingival recession * Use of Radiographs (x-rays) to determine the extent of periodontal disease and for treatment planning. These include periapical radiographs & or panoramic radiographs
  • Treatment planning and Patient education on the treatment choice
  • Oral Hygiene instructions modelled on patient behaviour change strategies (TIPPS-talk, instruct, practice, plan, support)
  • Use of mouth washes as a temporary primary oral hygiene measure
  • Removal of plaque and calculus including supragingival debridement and root surface instrumentation
  • Ensure that the patient is motivated to achieve and maintain effective plaque removal.
  • Management of Local Plaque-retentive Factors e.g. crowded teeth, partial dentures, bridgework, orthodontic appliances
  • Antimicrobial Medication; Local antimicrobials, including disinfectants such as chlorhexidine and systemic antimicrobials
  • Use of analgesics where there is pain
  • Advanced treatment through periodontal surgery to prevent more bone loss
  • Management of any underlying conditions such as diabetes/cardiovascular disease that predisposes to periodontal disease
  • Supportive periodontal therapy-long term program of Follow up and check ups after successful periodontal treatment
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Education to pregnant women on periodontal disease including prevention measures
  • Information to pregnant women on the increased risk of developing pregnancy gingivitis and its prevention measures
  • Health workers training on periodontal disease; prevention and management
  • Guidance on good oral hygiene practices including brushing, flossing
  • Guidance on avoidance of factors that predispose to periodontal disease including on the effect of smoking on their oral health and general health and assist them on smoking cessation
  • Early treatment/management of predisposing conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease as a preventive measure
  • Advice/guidance on control of diabetes as Poorly controlled diabetes enhances the signs and symptoms of gingivitis and periodontitis
  • Information and guidance to patient on the benefits of a healthy, balanced diet to their oral health including prevention of periodontal disease
  • Encourage patients to modify other lifestyle factors that may impact on their oral health.
  • Dental prophylaxis during pregnancy
  • Screening pregnant women for periodontal disease at every routine examination.
  • Physical, clinical and full periodontal assessment involving charting of recession, probing depths, bleeding on probing and mobility for every tooth
  • Diagnostics including;
    • Study models for diagnostics especially of gingival recession
    • Use of clinical photographs calibrated by inclusion of a probe to monitor gingival recession
    • Use of Radiographs (x-rays) to determine the extent of periodontal disease and for treatment planning. These include periapical radiographs & or panoramic radiographs
  • Treatment planning and Patient education on the treatment choice
  • Oral Hygiene instructions modelled on patient behaviour change strategies (TIPPS-talk, instruct, practice, plan, support)
  • Use of mouth washes as a temporary primary oral hygiene measure
  • Removal of plaque and calculus including supragingival debridement and root surface instrumentation
  • Ensure that the patient is motivated to achieve and maintain effective plaque removal.
  • Management of Local Plaque-retentive Factors e.g. crowded teeth, partial dentures, bridgework, orthodontic appliances
  • Antimicrobial Medication; Local antimicrobials, including disinfectants such as chlorhexidine and systemic antimicrobials
  • Use of analgesics where there is pain
  • Advanced treatment through periodontal surgery to prevent more bone loss
  • Management of any underlying conditions such as diabetes/cardiovascular disease that predisposes to periodontal disease
  • Supportive periodontal therapy-long term program of Follow up and check ups after successful periodontal treatment
Age Cohort: < 5 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Create awareness on oral health including periodontal disease to the communities
  • Increase knowledge and practices among the public through community programmes
  • Fully integrating oral health into community health programmes.
  • Community Health workers training on periodontal disease including prevention measures
  • Daily oral hygiene measures to prevent periodontal disease including brushing properly on a regular basis (at least twice daily) Flossing daily
  • Using an antiseptic mouthwash Chlorhexidine gluconate-based mouthwash
  • Ensuring the child eats healthy balanced diets
  • Regular dental check-ups
  • Recognition of symptoms indicative of periodontal disease such as bleeding gums, drifted or loose teeth or a complaint of bad breath,
  • Good oral hygiene/ oral hygiene instructions including brushing and flossing.
  • Guidance on healthy diet/good nutrition
  • Use of antiseptic mouth washes as a temporary primary oral hygiene measure
  • Relieve of symptoms such as pain with analgesics
  • Referral to a health facility for management of under 5s with periodontal disease
Primary Care
  • Education to the under 5s and their families on periodontal disease and prevention measures
  • Health workers training on periodontal disease including prevention and management in children
  • Guidance to under 5s and their parents/families on good oral hygiene practices including brushing, flossing for the child
  • Guidance to parents on their role in improving periodontal health of the under 5s
  • Information and guidance to parents/families on the benefits of a healthy, balanced diet to the child’s oral health including prevention of periodontal disease
  • Advice on frequent dental visits for dental prophylaxis and or supportive periodontal therapy for the under 5s
  • Screen under 5s for periodontal diseases at every routine examination.
  • Physical, clinical and full periodontal assessment involving charting of recession, probing depths, bleeding on probing and mobility for every tooth
  • Treatment planning and Patient/parent education on the treatment choice
  • Guidance to patient/parents on their role in improving periodontal health.
  • Oral Hygiene instructions modelled on patient behaviour change strategies (TIPPS-talk, instruct, practice, plan, support)
  • Use of mouth washes as a temporary primary oral hygiene measure
  • Ensure that the patient or parents is/are motivated to achieve and maintain effective plaque removal for the child
  • Antimicrobial Medication, Local antimicrobials, including disinfectants such as chlorhexidine and systemic antimicrobials
  • Use of analgesics where there is pain
  • Referral to a hospital for further management including management of any underlying conditions such as cardiovascular diseases that predisposes to periodontal disease
Referral Facility: General
  • Education to the under 5s and their families on periodontal disease and prevention measures
  • Health workers training on periodontal disease including prevention and management in children
  • Guidance to under 5s and their parents/families on good oral hygiene practices including brushing; flossing for the child
  • Guidance to parents on their role in improving periodontal health of the under 5s
  • Information and guidance to parents/families on the benefits of a healthy, balanced diet to the childs oral health including prevention of periodontal disease
  • Advice on frequent dental visits for dental prophylaxis or supportive periodontal therapy for the under 5s
  • Screen under 5s for periodontal diseases at every routine examination.
  • Physical, clinical and full periodontal assessment involving charting of recession, probing depths, bleeding on probing and mobility for every tooth
  • Diagnostics including; * Study models for diagnostics especially of gingival recession * Use of clinical photographs calibrated by inclusion of a probe to monitor gingival recession * Use of Radiographs (x-rays) to determine the extent of periodontal disease and for treatment planning. These include periapical radiographs & or panoramic radiographs
  • Oral Hygiene instructions modelled on patient behaviour change strategies (TIPPS-talk, instruct, practice, plan, support)
  • Use of mouth washes as a temporary primary oral hygiene measure
  • Removal of plaque and calculus including supragingival debridement and root surface instrumentation
  • Ensure that the patient is motivated to achieve and maintain effective plaque removal.
  • Management of Local Plaque-retentive Factors e.g. crowded teeth, partial dentures, bridgework, orthodontic appliances
  • Antimicrobial Medication; Local antimicrobials, including disinfectants such as chlorhexidine and systemic antimicrobials
  • Use of analgesics where there is pain
  • Supportive periodontal therapy-long term program of Follow up and check ups after successful periodontal treatment
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Education to the under 5s and their families on periodontal disease and prevention measures
  • Health workers training on periodontal disease including prevention and management in children
  • Guidance to under 5s and their parents/families on good oral hygiene practices including brushing; flossing for the child
  • Guidance to parents on their role in improving periodontal health of the under 5s
  • Information and guidance to parents/families on the benefits of a healthy, balanced diet to the childs oral health including prevention of periodontal disease
  • Advice on frequent dental visits for dental prophylaxis or supportive periodontal therapy for the under 5s
  • Screen under 5s for periodontal diseases at every routine examination.
  • Physical, clinical and full periodontal assessment involving charting of recession, probing depths, bleeding on probing and mobility for every tooth
  • Diagnostics including
    • Study models for diagnostics especially of gingival recession
    • Use of clinical photographs calibrated by inclusion of a probe to monitor gingival recession
    • Use of Radiographs (x-rays) to determine the extent of periodontal disease and for treatment planning. These include periapical radiographs & or panoramic radiographs
  • Oral Hygiene instructions modelled on patient behaviour change strategies (TIPPS-talk, instruct, practice, plan, support)
  • Use of mouth washes as a temporary primary oral hygiene measure
  • Removal of plaque and calculus including supragingival debridement and root surface instrumentation
  • Ensure that the patient is motivated to achieve and maintain effective plaque removal.
  • Management of Local Plaque-retentive Factors e.g. crowded teeth, partial dentures, bridgework, orthodontic appliances
  • Antimicrobial Medication; Local antimicrobials, including disinfectants such as chlorhexidine and systemic antimicrobials
  • Use of analgesics where there is pain
  • Supportive periodontal therapy-long term program of Follow up and check ups after successful periodontal treatment
Age Cohort: 5 - 11 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Create awareness on oral health including periodontal disease to the communities
  • Increase knowledge and practices among the public through community programmes
  • Fully integrating oral health into community health programmes.
  • Community Health workers training on periodontal disease including prevention measures
  • Daily oral hygiene measures to prevent periodontal disease including brushing properly on a regular basis (at least twice daily), Flossing daily
  • Using an antiseptic mouthwash: Chlorhexidine gluconate-based mouthwash
  • Adoption of healthy lifestyles such as use of healthy balanced diets
  • Regular dental check-ups
  • Community level screening for periodontal disease
  • Recognition of symptoms indicative of periodontal disease such as bleeding gums, drifted or loose teeth or a complaint of bad breath, Good oral hygiene /oral hygiene instructions including brushing and flossing
  • Guidance on healthy diet/good nutrition
  • Use of antiseptic mouth washes as a temporary primary oral hygiene measure
  • Relieve of symptoms such as pain with analgesics
  • Referral to a health facility for management of school age children with periodontal disease
Primary Care
  • Education to the school age children and their families on periodontal disease and prevention measures
  • Health workers training on periodontal disease including prevention and management in children
  • Guidance to school age child on good oral hygiene practices including brushing, flossing
  • Guidance to the school age child on their role in improving periodontal health.
  • Information and guidance to the school age child /to their parents/families on the benefits of a healthy, balanced diet to the child’s oral health including prevention of periodontal disease
  • Advice on frequent visits for dental prophylaxis and or supportive periodontal therapy
  • Screen school children for periodontal diseases at every routine examination.
  • Physical, clinical and full periodontal assessment involving charting of recession, probing depths, bleeding on probing and mobility for every tooth
  • Treatment planning and Patient/parent education on the treatment choice
  • Guidance to patient/parents /school age child on their role in improving periodontal health.
  • Oral Hygiene instructions modelled on patient behaviour change strategies (TIPPS-talk, instruct, practice, plan, support)
  • Use of mouth washes as a temporary primary oral hygiene measure
  • Ensure that the patient or parents is/are motivated to achieve and maintain effective plaque removal for the child
  • Antimicrobial Medication, Local antimicrobials, including disinfectants such as chlorhexidine and systemic antimicrobials
  • Use of analgesics where there is pain
  • Referal for school age child with periodontal disease to a hospital for further management and Management of any underlying conditions such as diabetes /cardiovascular disease that predisposes to periodontal disease
Referral Facility: General
  • Education to the school age children and their families on periodontal disease and prevention measures
  • Health workers training on periodontal disease including prevention and management in children
  • Guidance to school age child on good oral hygiene practices including brushing; flossing
  • Guidance to the school age child on their role in improving periodontal health.
  • Information and guidance to the school age child/to their parents/families on the benefits of a healthy, balanced diet to the child’s oral health including prevention of periodontal disease
  • Advice on frequent visits for dental prophylaxis or supportive periodontal therapy
  • Screen school age children for periodontal diseases at every routine examination.
  • Physical, clinical and full periodontal assessment involving charting of recession, probing depths, bleeding on probing and mobility for every tooth
  • Diagnostics including; * Study models for diagnostics especially of gingival recession * Use of clinical photographs calibrated by inclusion of a probe to monitor gingival recession * Use of Radiographs (x-rays) to determine the extent of periodontal disease and for treatment planning. These include periapical radiographs or panoramic radiographs
  • Treatment planning and school age child education on the treatment choice
  • Oral Hygiene instructions modelled on patient behaviour change strategies (TIPPS-talk, instruct, practice, plan, support)
  • Use of mouth washes as a temporary primary oral hygiene measure
  • Removal of plaque and calculus including supragingival debridement and root surface instrumentation
  • Ensure that the patient is motivated to achieve and maintain effective plaque removal.
  • Management of Local Plaque-retentive Factors e.g. crowded teeth, partial dentures, bridgework, orthodontic appliances
  • Antimicrobial Medication; Local antimicrobials, including disinfectants such as chlorhexidine and systemic antimicrobials
  • Use of analgesics where there is pain
  • Advanced treatment through periodontal surgery to prevent more bone loss
  • Management of any underlying conditions in school age child such as diabetes /cardiovascular disease that predisposes to periodontal disease
  • Supportive periodontal therapy-long term program of Follow up and check ups after successful periodontal treatment
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Education to the school age children and their families on periodontal disease and prevention measures
  • Health workers training on periodontal disease including prevention and management in children
  • Guidance to school age child on good oral hygiene practices including brushing; flossing
  • Guidance to the school age child on their role in improving periodontal health.
  • Information and guidance to the school age child/to their parents/families on the benefits of a healthy, balanced diet to the child’s oral health including prevention of periodontal disease
  • Advice on frequent visits for dental prophylaxis or supportive periodontal therapy
  • Screen school age children for periodontal diseases at every routine examination.
  • Physical, clinical and full periodontal assessment involving charting of recession, probing depths, bleeding on probing and mobility for every tooth
  • Diagnostics including;
    • Study models for diagnostics especially of gingival recession
    • Use of clinical photographs calibrated by inclusion of a probe to monitor gingival recession
    • Use of Radiographs (x-rays) to determine the extent of periodontal disease and for treatment planning. These include periapical radiographs or panoramic radiographs
  • Treatment planning and Patient education on the treatment choice
  • Oral Hygiene instructions modelled on patient behaviour change strategies (TIPPS-talk, instruct, practice, plan, support)
  • Use of mouth washes as a temporary primary oral hygiene measure
  • Removal of plaque and calculus including supragingival debridement and root surface instrumentation
  • Ensure that the patient is motivated to achieve and maintain effective plaque removal.
  • Management of Local Plaque-retentive Factors e.g. crowded teeth, partial dentures, bridgework, orthodontic appliances
  • Antimicrobial Medication; Local antimicrobials, including disinfectants such as chlorhexidine and systemic antimicrobials
  • Use of analgesics where there is pain
  • Advanced treatment through periodontal surgery to prevent more bone loss
  • Management of any underlying conditions in school age child such as diabetes /cardiovascular disease that predisposes to periodontal disease
  • Supportive periodontal therapy-long term program of Follow up and check ups after successful periodontal treatment
Age Cohort: 12 - 24 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Create awareness on oral health including periodontal disease to the communities
  • Increase knowledge and practices among the public through community programmes
  • Fully integrating oral health into community health programmes.
  • Community Health workers training on periodontal disease including prevention measures
  • Daily oral hygiene measures to prevent periodontal disease including brushing properly on a regular basis (at least twice daily), Flossing daily
  • Using an antiseptic mouthwash Chlorhexidine gluconate-based mouthwash
  • Adoption of healthy lifestyles such as no smoking or cessation of smoking, use of healthy balanced diets
  • Regular dental check-ups
  • Community level screening for periodontal disease
  • Recognition of symptoms indicative, of periodontal disease such as bleeding gums, drifted or loose teeth or a complaint of bad breath
  • Good oral hygiene/oral hygiene instructions including brushing and flossing
  • Guidance on healthy diet/good nutrition
  • Use of antiseptic mouth washes as a temporary primary oral hygiene measure
  • Relieve of symptoms such as pain with analgesics
  • Referral to a health facility for management of adolescent with periodontal disease
Primary Care
  • Education to the adolescents and their families on periodontal disease and prevention measures
  • Health workers training on periodontal disease including prevention and management in adolescents
  • Guidance to adolescents on good oral hygiene practices including brushing, flossing
  • Guidance to the adolescents on their role in improving periodontal health.
  • Guidance on avoidance of factors that predispose to periodontal disease including the effect of smoking on their oral health and general health and assist them on smoking cessation.
  • Advice/guidance on control of diabetes as Poorly controlled diabetes enhances the signs and symptoms of gingivitis and periodontitis
  • Information and guidance to the adolescents on the benefits of a healthy, balanced diet to their oral health including prevention of periodontal disease
  • Advice on frequent visits for dental prophylaxis and or supportive periodontal therapy
  • Screen adolescents for periodontal diseases at every routine examination.
  • Physcal, clinical and full periodontal assessment involving charting of recession, probing depths, bleeding on probing and mobility for every tooth
  • Treatment planning and Patient education on the treatment choice
  • Guidance to patient on their role in improving periodontal health.
  • Oral Hygiene instructions modelled on patient behaviour change strategies (TIPPS-talk, instruct, practice, plan, support)
  • Use of mouth washes as a temporary primary orla hygiene measure
  • Ensure that the patient is motivated to achieve and maintain effective plaque removal.
  • Antimicrobial Medication, Local antimicrobials, including disinfectants such as chlorhexidine and systemic antimicrobials
  • Use of analgesics where there is pain management
  • Referral for an adolescent with periodontal disease to a hospital for further management including management of any underlying conditions such as diabetes /cardiovascular disease that predisposes to periodontal disease
Referral Facility: General
  • Education to the adolescents and their families on periodontal disease and prevention measures
  • Health workers training on periodontal disease including prevention and management in adolescents
  • Guidance to adolescents on good oral hygiene practices including brushing, flossing
  • Guidance to the adolescents on their role in improving periodontal health.
  • Guidance on avoidance of factors that predispose to periodontal disease including the effect of smoking on their oral health and general health and assist them on smoking cessation.
  • Early treatment/management of predisposing conditions such as diabetes; cardiovascular disease as a preventive measure
  • Advice/guidance on control of diabetes as Poorly controlled diabetes enhances the signs and symptoms of gingivitis and periodontitis
  • Information and guidance to the adolescents on the benefits of a healthy, balanced diet to their oral health including prevention of periodontal disease
  • Advice on frequent visits for dental prophylaxis and or supportive periodontal therapy
  • Screen adolesents for periodontal diseases at every routine examination.
  • Physical, clinical and full periodontal assessment involving charting of recession, probing depths, bleeding on probing and mobility for every tooth
  • Diagnostics including; * Study models for diagnostics especially of gingival recession * Use of clinical photographs calibrated by inclusion of a probe to monitor gingival recession * Use of Radiographs (x-rays) to determine the extent of periodontal disease and for treatment planning. These include periapical radiographs & or panoramic radiographs
  • Treatment planning and Patient education on the treatment choice
  • Oral Hygiene instructions modelled on patient behaviour change strategies (TIPPS-talk, instruct, practice, plan, support)
  • Use of mouth washes as a temporary primary oral hygiene measure
  • Removal of plaque and calculus including supragingival debridement and root surface instrumentation
  • Ensure that the patient is motivated to achieve and maintain effective plaque removal.
  • Management of Local Plaque-retentive Factors e.g. crowded teeth, partial dentures, bridgework, orthodontic appliances
  • Antimicrobial Medication, Local antimicrobials, including disinfectants such as chlorhexidine and systemic antimicrobials
  • Use of analgesics where there is pain
  • Advanced treatment through periodontal surgery to prevent more bone loss
  • Management of any underlying conditions such as diabetes /cardiovascular disease that predisposes to periodontal disease
  • Supportive periodontal therapy-long term program of Follow up and check-ups after successful periodontal treatment
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Education to the adolescents and their families on periodontal disease and prevention measures
  • Health workers training on periodontal disease including prevention and management in adolescents
  • Guidance to adolescents on good oral hygiene practices including brushing, flossing
  • Guidance to the adolescents on their role in improving periodontal health.
  • Guidance on avoidance of factors that predispose to periodontal disease including the effect of smoking on their oral health and general health and assist them on smoking cessation.
  • Early treatment/management of predisposing conditions such as diabetes; cardiovascular disease as a preventive measure
  • Advice/guidance on control of diabetes as Poorly controlled diabetes enhances the signs and symptoms of gingivitis and periodontitis
  • Information and guidance to the adolescents on the benefits of a healthy, balanced diet to their oral health including prevention of periodontal disease
  • Advice on frequent visits for dental prophylaxis and or supportive periodontal therapy
  • Screen adolesents for periodontal diseases at every routine examination.
  • Physical, clinical and full periodontal assessment involving charting of recession, probing depths, bleeding on probing and mobility for every tooth
  • Diagnostics including;
    • Study models for diagnostics especially of gingival recession
    • Use of clinical photographs calibrated by inclusion of a probe to monitor gingival recession
    • Use of Radiographs (x-rays) to determine the extent of periodontal disease and for treatment planning. These include periapical radiographs & or panoramic radiographs
  • Treatment planning and Patient education on the treatment choice
  • Oral Hygiene instructions modelled on patient behaviour change strategies (TIPPS-talk, instruct, practice, plan, support)
  • Use of mouth washes as a temporary primary oral hygiene measure
  • Removal of plaque and calculus including supragingival debridement and root surface instrumentation
  • Ensure that the patient is motivated to achieve and maintain effective plaque removal.
  • Management of Local Plaque-retentive Factors e.g. crowded teeth, partial dentures, bridgework, orthodontic appliances
  • Antimicrobial Medication; Local antimicrobials, including disinfectants such as chlorhexidine and systemic antimicrobials
  • Use of analgesics where there is pain
  • Advanced treatment through periodontal surgery to prevent more bone loss
  • Management of any underlying conditions such as diabetes /cardiovascular disease that predisposes to periodontal disease
  • Supportive periodontal therapy-long term program of Follow up and check-ups after successful periodontal treatment
Age Cohort: 25 - 59 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Create awareness on oral health including periodontal disease to the communities
  • Increase knowledge and practices among the public through community programmes
  • Fully integrating oral health into community health programmes.
  • Community Health workers training on periodontal disease including prevention measures
  • Daily oral hygiene measures to prevent periodontal disease including brushing properly on a regular basis (at least twice daily), Flossing daily
  • Using an antiseptic mouthwash, Chlorhexidine gluconate-based mouthwash
  • Adoption of healthy lifestyles such as no smoking or cessation of smoking, use of healthy balanced diets
  • Regular dental check-ups
  • Community level screening for periodontal disease
  • Recognition of symptoms indicative of periodontal disease such as bleeding gums, drifted or loose teeth or a complaint of bad breath
  • Good oral hygiene/oral hygiene instructions including brushing and flossing
  • Guidance on healthy diet/good nutrition
  • Use of antiseptic mouth washes as a temporary primary oral hygiene measure
  • Relieve of symptoms such as pain with analgesics
  • Referral to a health facility for management of adult with periodontal disease
Primary Care
  • Education to the adults on periodontal disease and prevention measures
  • Health workers training on periodontal disease including prevention and management in adults
  • Guidance on good oral hygiene practices including brushing
  • Guidance to patient on their role in improving periodontal health.
  • Guidance on avoidance of factors that predispose to periodontal disease including the effect of smoking on their oral health and general health and assist them on smoking cessation .
  • Advice/guidance on control of diabetes as Poorly controlled diabetes enhances the signs and symptoms of gingivitis and periodontitis
  • Information and guidance to patient on the benefits of a healthy, balanced diet to their oral health including prevention of periodontal disease
  • Advice on frequent visits for dental prophylaxis and or supportive periodontal therapy
  • Screen adults for periodontal diseases at every routine examination
  • Physical, clinical and full periodontal assessment involving charting of recession, probing depths, bleeding on probing and mobility for every tooth
  • Treatment planning and Patient education on the treatment
  • Guidance to patient on their role in improving periodontal health.
  • Oral Hygiene instructions modelled on patient behaviour change strategies (TIPPS-talk, instruct, practice, plan, support)
  • Use of mouth washes as a temporary primary orla hygiene measure
  • Ensure that the patient is motivated to achieve and maintain effective plaque removal.
  • Management of Local Plaque-retentive Factors e.g. crowded teeth, partial dentures, bridgework, orthodontic appliances
  • Antimicrobial Medication, Local antimicrobials, including disinfectants such as chlorhexidine and systemiicrobials
  • Use of analgesics where there is pain
  • Referral for the adult patient with periodontal disease to a hospital for further management including managemnet of any underlyng conditions
Referral Facility: General
  • Early treatment/management of predisposing conditions such as diabetes cardiovascular disease as a preventive measure
  • Advice/guidance on control of diabetes as Poorly controlled diabetes enhances the signs and symptoms of gingivitis and periodontitis
  • Guidance on good oral hygiene practices including brushing
  • Guidance to patient on their role in improving periodontal health.
  • Guidance on avoidance of factors that predispose to periodontal disease including the effect of smoking on their oral health and general health and assist them on smoking cessation
  • Information and guidance to patient on the benefits of a healthy, balanced diet to their oral health including prevention of periodontal disease
  • Advice on frequent visits for dental prophylaxis and or supportive periodontal therapy
  • Screen adults for periodontal diseases at every routine examination.
  • Education to the adults on periodontal disease and prevention measures
  • Health workers education on periodontal disease including prevention and management in adults
  • Physical, clinical and full periodontal assessment involving charting of recession, probing depths, bleeding on probing and mobility for every tooth
  • Diagnostics including;
    • Study models for diagnostics especially of gingival recession
    • Use of clinical photographs calibrated by inclusion of a probe to monitor gingival recession
    • Use of Radiographs (x-rays) to determine the extent of periodontal disease and for treatment planning. These include periapical radiographs & or panoramic radiographs
  • Treatment planning and Patient education on the treatment choice
  • Oral Hygiene instructions modelled on patient behaviour change strategies (TIPPS-talk, instruct, practice, plan, support)
  • Use of mouth washes as a temporary primary oral hygiene measure
  • Removal of plaque and calculus including supragingival debridement and root surface instrumentation
  • Ensure that the patient is motivated to achieve and maintain effective plaque removal.
  • Management of Local Plaque-retentive Factors e.g. crowded teeth, partial dentures, bridgework, orthodontic appliances
  • Antimicrobial Medication; Local antimicrobials, including disinfectants such as chlorhexidine and systemic antimicrobials
  • Use of analgesics where History and full periodontal assessment involving charting of recession, probing depths, bleeding on probing and mobility for every there is pain
  • Advanced treatment through periodontal surgery to prevent more bone loss
  • Management of any underlying conditions such as diabetes /cardiovascular disease that predisposes to periodontal disease
  • Supportive periodontal therapy-long term program of Follow up and check ups after successful periodontal treatment
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Early treatment/management of predisposing conditions such as diabetes cardiovascular disease as a preventive measure
  • Advice/guidance on control of diabetes as Poorly controlled diabetes enhances the signs and symptoms of gingivitis and periodontitis
  • Guidance on good oral hygiene practices including brushing
  • Guidance to patient on their role in improving periodontal health.
  • Guidance on avoidance of factors that predispose to periodontal disease including the effect of smoking on their oral health and general health and assist them on smoking cessation
  • Information and guidance to patient on the benefits of a healthy, balanced diet to their oral health including prevention of periodontal disease
  • Advice on frequent visits for dental prophylaxis and or supportive periodontal therapy
  • Screen adults for periodontal diseases at every routine examination.
  • Education to the adults on periodontal disease and prevention measures
  • Health workers education on periodontal disease including prevention and management in adults
  • Physical, clinical and full periodontal assessment involving charting of recession, probing depths, bleeding on probing and mobility for every tooth
  • Diagnostics including;
    • Study models for diagnostics especially of gingival recession
    • Use of clinical photographs calibrated by inclusion of a probe to monitor gingival recession
    • Use of Radiographs (x-rays) to determine the extent of periodontal disease and for treatment planning. These include periapical radiographs & or panoramic radiographs
  • Treatment planning and Patient education on the treatment choice
  • Oral Hygiene instructions modelled on patient behaviour change strategies (TIPPS-talk, instruct, practice, plan, support)
  • Use of mouth washes as a temporary primary oral hygiene measure
  • Removal of plaque and calculus including supragingival debridement and root surface instrumentation
  • Ensure that the patient is motivated to achieve and maintain effective plaque removal.
  • Management of Local Plaque-retentive Factors e.g. crowded teeth, partial dentures, bridgework, orthodontic appliances
  • Antimicrobial Medication; Local antimicrobials, including disinfectants such as chlorhexidine and systemic antimicrobials
  • Use of analgesics where there is pain
  • Advanced treatment through periodontal surgery to prevent more bone loss
  • Management of any underlying conditions such as diabetes /cardiovascular disease that predisposes to periodontal disease
  • Supportive periodontal therapy-long term program of Follow up and check ups after successful periodontal treatment
Age Cohort: 60+ years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Create awareness on oral health including periodontal disease to the communities
  • Increase knowledge and practices among the public through community programmes
  • Fully integrating oral health into community health programmes.
  • Community Health workers training on periodontal disease including prevention measures
  • Daily oral hygiene measures to prevent periodontal disease including brushing properly on a regular basis (at least twice daily), Flossing daily
  • Using an antiseptic mouthwash: Chlorhexidine gluconate-based mouthwash
  • Adoption of healthy lifestyles such as no smoking or cessation of smoking, use of healthy balanced diets
  • Regular dental check-ups
  • Community level screening for periodontal disease
  • Recognition of symptoms indicative of periodontal disease such as bleeding gums, drifted or loose teeth or a complaint of bad breath
  • Good oral hygiene/oral hygiene instructions including brushing and flossing
  • Guidance on healthy diet/good nutrition
  • Use of antiseptic mouth washes as a temporary primary oral hygiene measure
  • Relieve of symptoms such as pain with analgesics
  • Referral to a health facility for management of elderly person with periodontal disease
Primary Care
  • Education to the elderly and their families on periodontal disease and prevention measures
  • Health workers training on periodontal disease including prevention and management in elderly patients
  • Guidance on good oral hygiene practices including brushing
  • Guidance to patient on their role in improving periodontal health.
  • Guidance on avoidance of factors that predispose to periodontal disease including the effect of smoking on their oral health and general health and assist them on smoking cessation.
  • Advice/guidance on control of diabetes as Poorly controlled diabetes enhances the signs and symptoms of gingivitis and periodontitis
  • Information and guidance to patient on the benefits of a healthy, balanced diet to their oral health including prevention of periodontal disease
  • Advice on frequent visits for dental prophylaxis and or supportive periodontal therapy
  • Screen elderly persons for periodontal diseases at every routine examination.
  • Physcal, clinical and full periodontal assessment involving charting of recession, probing depths, bleeding on probing and mobility for every tooth
  • Treatment planning and Patient education on the treatment choice
  • Guidance to patient on their role in improving periodontal health.
  • Oral Hygiene instructions modelled on patient behaviour change strategies (TIPPS-talk, instruct, practice,plan, support)* * Use of mouth washes as a temporary primary oral hygiene measure
  • Use of mouth washes as a temporary primary oral hygiene measure
  • Ensure that the patient is motivated to achieve and maintain effective plaque removal.
  • Antimicrobial Medication, Local antimicrobials, including disinfectants such as chlorhexidine and systemic antimicrobials
  • Use of analgesics where there is pain
  • Referral to a hospital for further management of an elderly person with periodontal disease
Referral Facility: General
  • Education to the elderly and their families on periodontal disease and prevention measures
  • Health workers training on periodontal disease including prevention and management in elderly patients
  • Guidance on good oral hygiene practices including brushing
  • Guidance to patient on their role in improving periodontal health.
  • Guidance on avoidance of factors that predispose to periodontal disease including the effect of smoking on their oral health and general health and assist them on smoking cessation
  • Early treatment/management of predisposing conditions such as diabetes cardiovascular disease as a preventive measure
  • Advice/guidance on control of diabetes as Poorly controlled diabetes enhances the signs and symptoms of gingivitis and periodontitis
  • Information and guidance to patient on the benefits of a healthy, balanced diet to their oral health including prevention of periodontal disease
  • Advice on frequent visits for dental prophylaxis and or supportive periodontal therapy
  • Screen elderly persons for periodontal diseases at every routine examination.
  • Physical, clinical and full periodontal assessment involving charting of recession, probing depths, bleeding on probing and mobility for every tooth
  • Diagnostics including:
    • Study models for diagnostics especially of gingival recession
    • Use of clinical photographs calibrated by inclusion of a probe to monitor gingival recession
    • Use of Radiographs (x-rays) to determine the extent of periodontal disease and for treatment planning. These include periapical radiographs & or panoramic radiographs
  • Treatment planning and Patient education on the treatment choice
  • Oral Hygiene instructions modelled on patient behaviour change strategies (TIPPS-talk, instruct, practice, plan, support)
  • Use of mouth washes as a temporary primary oral hygiene measure
  • Removal of plaque and calculus including supragingival debridement and root surface instrumentation
  • Ensure that the patient is motivated to achieve and maintain effective plaque removal.
  • Management of Local Plaque-retentive Factors e.g.crowded teeth, partial dentures, bridgework, orthodontic appliances
  • Antimicrobial Medication, Local antimicrobials, including disinfectants such as chlorhexidine and systemic antimicrobials
  • Use of analgesics where there is pain
  • Advanced treatment through periodontal surgery to prevent more bone loss
  • Management of any underlying conditions such as diabetes /cardiovascular disease that predisposes to periodontal disease
  • Supportive periodontal therapy-long term program of Follow up and check ups after successful periodontal treatment
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Education to the elderly and their families on periodontal disease and prevention measures
  • Health workers training on periodontal disease including prevention and management in elderly patients
  • Guidance on good oral hygiene practices including brushing
  • Guidance to patient on their role in improving periodontal health.
  • Guidance on avoidance of factors that predispose to periodontal disease including the effect of smoking on their oral health and general health and assist them on smoking cessation
  • Early treatment/management of predisposing conditions such as diabetes cardiovascular disease as a preventive measure
  • Advice/guidance on control of diabetes as Poorly controlled diabetes enhances the signs and symptoms of gingivitis and periodontitis
  • Information and guidance to patient on the benefits of a healthy, balanced diet to their oral health including prevention of periodontal disease
  • Advice on frequent visits for dental prophylaxis and or supportive periodontal therapy
  • Screen elderly persons for periodontal diseases at every routine examination.
  • Physical, clinical and full periodontal assessment involving charting of recession, probing depths, bleeding on probing and mobility for every tooth
  • Diagnostics including;
    • Study models for diagnostics especially of gingival recession
    • Use of clinical photographs calibrated by inclusion of a probe to monitor gingival recession
    • Use of Radiographs (x-rays) to determine the extent of periodontal disease and for treatment planning. These include periapical radiographs & or panoramic radiographs
  • Treatment planning and Patient education on the treatment choice
  • Oral Hygiene instructions modelled on patient behaviour change strategies (TIPPS-talk, instruct, practice, plan, support)
  • Use of mouth washes as a temporary primary oral hygiene measure
  • Removal of plaque and calculus including supragingival debridement and root surface instrumentation
  • Ensure that the patient is motivated to achieve and maintain effective plaque removal.
  • Management of Local Plaque-retentive Factors e.g.crowded teeth, partial dentures, bridgework, orthodontic appliances
  • Antimicrobial Medication, Local antimicrobials, including disinfectants such as chlorhexidine and systemic antimicrobials
  • Use of analgesics where there is pain
  • Advanced treatment through periodontal surgery to prevent more bone
  • Management of any underlying conditions such as diabetes /cardiovascular disease that predisposes to periodontal disease
  • Supportive periodontal therapy-long term program of Follow up and check ups after successful periodontal treatment