Interventions for Oral Conditions

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Age Cohort: 5 - 11 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Community awareness on dental caries, periodontal disease and prevention measures
  • Fully integrating oral health into community health programmes.
  • Multi sectoral approach in addressing socio-cultural determinants such as poor living conditions
  • Multi-sectoral approach in ensuring access to clean safe water
  • Oral health education to the community by Teeth savers
  • Community water fluoridation

Counselling on daily oral hygiene including toothbrushing with fluoride toothpaste, flossing daily Counselling on nutrition, food safety, and healthy diet

  • Community level screening for oral diseases
  • School based screening for oral diseases
  • Counselling on the use of Kola nuts
  • History and intraoral examination
  • Provide disinfectant mouthwash
  • Referral to a health facility for management of oral diseases
  • Screening, treatment of minor oral conditions
Primary Care
  • Community awareness on dental caries, periodontal disease and prevention measures
  • Fully integrating oral health into community health programmes.
  • Multi sectoral approach in addressing socio-cultural determinants such as poor living conditions
  • Multi-sectoral approach in ensuring access to clean safe water
  • Oral health education to the community by Teeth savers
  • Community water fluoridation

Counselling on daily oral hygiene including toothbrushing with fluoride toothpaste, flossing daily Counselling on nutrition, food safety, and healthy diet

  • Community level screening for oral diseases
  • School based screening for oral diseases
  • Counselling on the use of Kola nuts

History and intraoral examination Provide disinfectant mouthwash Application of fluoride varnish on tooth surface Silver diamine fluoride application Counselling on use of saline mouthwash Oral analgesics for oral diseases Oral antibiotics for dental abscess

  • Referral for management of oral diseases
Referral Facility: General
  • Community awareness on dental caries, periodontal disease and prevention measures
  • Fully integrating oral health into community health programmes.
  • Multi sectoral approach in addressing socio-cultural determinants such as poor living conditions
  • Multi-sectoral approach in ensuring access to clean safe water
  • Oral health education to the community by Teeth savers
  • Community water fluoridation

Counselling on daily oral hygiene including toothbrushing with fluoride toothpaste, flossing daily Counselling on nutrition, food safety, and healthy diet

  • Community level screening for oral diseases
  • School based screening for oral diseases
  • Counselling on the use of Kola nuts

History and intraoral examination Provide disinfectant mouthwash Application of fluoride varnish on tooth surface X-ray Counselling on use of saline mouthwash Oral analgesics for oral diseases Oral antibiotics for dental abscess Dental extraction Incision and drainage Atraumatic restorative treatment Filling dental caries using advanced procedures Silver diamine fluoride application

  • Monitor and manage any complications
  • Fixing of dentures
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Community awareness on dental caries, periodontal disease and prevention measures
  • Fully integrating oral health into community health programmes.
  • Multi sectoral approach in addressing socio-cultural determinants such as poor living conditions
  • Multi sectoral approach in ensuring access to clean safe water
  • Oral health education to the community by Teeth savers
  • Community water fluoridation

Counselling on daily oral hygiene including toothbrushing with fluoride toothpaste, flossing daily Counselling on nutrition, food safety, and healthy diet

  • Community level screening for oral diseases
  • School based screening for oral diseases
  • Counselling on the use of Kola nuts

History and intraoral examination Provide disinfectant mouthwash Application of fluoride varnish on tooth surface X-ray Counselling on use of saline mouthwash Incision and drainage Atraumatic restorative treatment Filling dental caries using advanced procedures Silver diamine fluoride application

  • Endodontic therapy/Root canal treatment
  • Use of crowns and bridges in extensive caries with little tooth structure left
  • Monitor and manage any complications
  • Fixing of dentures
Age Cohort: 25 - 59 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Community awareness on dental caries, periodontal disease and prevention measures
  • Fully integrating oral health into community health programmes.
  • Multi sectoral approach in addressing socio-cultural determinants such as poor living conditions
  • Multi-sectoral approach in ensuring access to clean safe water
  • Oral health education to the community by Teeth savers
  • Community water fluoridation

Counselling on daily oral hygiene including toothbrushing with fluoride toothpaste, flossing daily Counselling on nutrition, food safety, and healthy diet

  • Community level screening for oral diseases
  • Counselling on the use of Kola nuts
  • History and intraoral examination
  • Provide disinfectant mouthwash
  • Referral to a health facility for management of oral diseases
  • Screening, treatment of minor oral conditions
Primary Care
  • Community awareness on dental caries, periodontal disease and prevention measures
  • Fully integrating oral health into community health programmes.
  • Multi sectoral approach in addressing socio-cultural determinants such as poor living conditions
  • Multi-sectoral approach in ensuring access to clean safe water
  • Oral health education to the community by Teeth savers
  • Community water fluoridation

Counselling on daily oral hygiene including toothbrushing with fluoride toothpaste, flossing daily Counselling on nutrition, food safety, and healthy diet

  • Community level screening for oral diseases
  • School based screening for oral diseases
  • Counselling on the use of Kola nuts

History and intraoral examination Provide disinfectant mouthwash Application of fluoride varnish on tooth surface Silver diamine fluoride application Counselling on use of saline mouthwash Oral analgesics for oral diseases Oral antibiotics for dental abscess

  • Referral for management of oral diseases
Referral Facility: General

History and intraoral examination Provide disinfectant mouthwash Application of fluoride varnish on tooth surface X-ray Counselling on use of saline mouthwash Oral analgesics for oral diseases Oral antibiotics for dental abscess Dental extraction Incision and drainage Atraumatic restorative treatment Filling dental caries using advanced procedures Silver diamine fluoride application

  • Monitor and manage any complications
  • Fixing of dentures
Referral Facility: Specialist

History and intraoral examination Provide disinfectant mouthwash Application of fluoride varnish on tooth surface Basic imaging: X-ray Counselling on use of saline mouthwash Incision and drainage Atraumatic restorative treatment Filling dental caries using advanced procedures Silver diamine fluoride application

  • Endodontic therapy/Root canal treatment
  • Use of crowns and bridges in extensive caries with little tooth structure left
  • Monitor and manage any complications
  • Fixing of dentures
Age Cohort: 60+ years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Community awareness on dental caries, periodontal disease and prevention measures
  • Fully integrating oral health into community health programmes.
  • Multi sectoral approach in addressing socio-cultural determinants such as poor living conditions
  • Multi-sectoral approach in ensuring access to clean safe water
  • Oral health education to the community by Teeth savers
  • Community water fluoridation
  • Counselling on daily oral hygiene including toothbrushing with fluoride toothpaste, flossing daily Counselling on nutrition, food safety, and healthy diet
  • Community level screening for oral diseases
  • Provide disinfectant mouthwash
  • Screening, treatment of minor oral conditions
  • Referral to a health facility for management of oral diseases
Primary Care
  • Community awareness on dental caries, periodontal disease and prevention measures
  • Fully integrating oral health into community health programmes.
  • Multi sectoral approach in addressing socio-cultural determinants such as poor living conditions
  • Multi-sectoral approach in ensuring access to clean safe water
  • Community water fluoridation

Counselling on daily oral hygiene including toothbrushing with fluoride toothpaste, flossing daily Counselling on nutrition, food safety, and healthy diet Community level screening for oral diseases

Provide disinfectant mouthwash Application of fluoride varnish on tooth surface Silver diamine fluoride application Counselling on use of saline mouthwash Oral analgesics for oral diseases Oral antibiotics for dental abscess Referral for management of oral diseases

Referral Facility: General
  • Provide disinfectant mouthwash
  • Application of fluoride varnish on tooth surface
  • Oral analgesics for oral diseases
  • Oral antibiotics for dental abscess
  • Dental extraction
  • Incision and drainage
  • Atraumatic restorative treatment
  • Filling dental caries using advanced procedures
  • Silver diamine fluoride application
  • Monitor and manage any complications
  • Fixing of dentures
Referral Facility: Specialist

Application of fluoride varnish on tooth surface Incision and drainage Atraumatic restorative treatment Filling dental caries using advanced procedures Silver diamine fluoride application Endodontic therapy/Root canal treatment
Use of crowns and bridges in extensive caries with little tooth structure left Management of severe periodontitis Monitor and manage any complications Fixing of dentures