Interventions for Leprosy

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Age Cohort: Pregnancy and newborn
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Strengthening patient and community awareness of leprosy
  • Community Health education to raise suspicion of leprosy by the community members
  • Demand creation for community to seek early diagnosis and treatment
  • Community Capacity building on basic facts about leprosy, signs and symptoms and mode of transmission will improve early diagnosis and treatment
  • Community knowledge that leprosy disease is curable will reduce stigma and discrimination
  • Involving communities in actions for improvement of leprosy services
  • Multi-sectoral approach in addressing leprosy
  • Community Health workers sensitization on Leprosy
  • Guidance on :
  • Avoidance of close and frequent contacts with persons with untreated leprosy
  • Community screening to identify presumptive leprosy cases
  • Early case detection through active case finding
  • Contact tracing
  • Strengthening surveillance for leprosy
  • Guidance on prompt start and adherence to treatment
  • Strengthening the reporting system for leprosy (health information systems for program monitoring and evaluation)
  • Identification of a presumptive leprosy case based on signs including presence of pale (lighter than normal skin) or Hypo pigmented skin patches, Numbness in the hands and feet; Weakness and difficulty in normal movement of fingers/thumb/wrist/toes/ankles or eyelid, Painless injuries, blisters, burns or ulcers in hands and feet, presence of deformities such as clawing of fingers/thumb, clawing of toes or inability to close eyes properly
  • Guidance/Advice to the mother with leprosy on self-care including; Care of Eyes - care of hands and feet - guidance on voluntary muscle testing and sensory testing - use of correct footwear
  • supportive management
  • Referral of a patient suspected to have Leprosy to a health facility for management
  • Supporting a known leprosy patient to Ensure adherence to medicines
  • Promoting societal inclusion by addressing all forms of discrimination and stigma
  • Empowering persons affected by leprosy and strengthening their capacity to participate actively in leprosy services
  • Promoting coalition-building among persons affected by leprosy including self care groups such groups encourage each other on self-care needs
  • Supporting community-based rehabilitation for people with leprosy-related disabilities
  • Working towards abolishing discriminatory laws and promote policies facilitating inclusion of persons affected by leprosy through multi sectoral approach
  • Psychological social support and counseling services for pregnant women affected by leprosy and their families
Primary Care
  • Strengthening patient and community awareness of leprosy
  • Health education to raise suspicion of leprosy in the community
  • Demand creation for the pregnant women/community to seek early diagnosis and treatment
  • Pregnant women/Community Capacity building on basic facts about leprosy,signs and symptoms and mode of transmission will improve early diagnosis and treatment
  • Community knowledge that leprosy disease is curable will reduce stigma and discrimination
  • Involving communities in actions for improvement of leprosy services
  • Health workers education on leprosy including prevention,diagnosis and management
  • Guidance on avoidance of close and frequent contacts with persons with untreated leprosy
  • Early case detection through active case finding
  • Contact tracing
  • Surveillance for leprosy
  • Guidance on prompt start and adherence to treatment
  • Recording and reporting on leprosy (health information systems for program monitoring and evaluation)
  • Conducting basic and operational research in all aspects of leprosy and maximize the evidence base to inform policies,strategies and activities
  • Physical and clinical examination
  • Diagnosis of Leprosy based on the cardinal signs;
  1. loss of sensation in a pale (hypo pigmented) or reddish skin patch
  2. Thickened or enlarged peripheral nerve with loss of sensation and/or weakness of the muscles supplied by that nerve
  3. Presence of acid-fast bacilli in a slit-skin smear (confirmatory test)
  • Hospital admission
  • Management of Leprosy with Multidrug therapy (MDT) (dapsone, rifampicin and clofazimine
  • Ensuring adherence to treatment
  • Follow up and prevention of complications including progressive and permanent damage to the skin, nerves, limbs, and eyes through early diagnosis and early treatment
  • Prevention and management of disabilities
  • Guidance /Advice to pregnant women with leprosy on self-care including Care of Eyes, care of hands and feet, guidance on voluntary muscle testing and sensory testing use of correct footwear
  • Strengthening surveillance for antimicrobial resistance including laboratory network * Follow up for patients
  • Physical rehabilitation services for pregnant women with complications of Leprosy/leprosy related disabilities
  • Linkage of pregnant women with leprosy to support groups/self care groups
  • Guidance to communities on the Need for inclusion by addressing all forms of discrimination and stigma
  • Guidance to pregnant women affected by leprosy on how to participate actively in leprosy services.
  • Physio-social support and counseling services for pregnant women affected by leprosy and their families
Referral Facility: General
  • Strengthening patient and community awareness of leprosy
  • Community Health education to raise suspicion of leprosy by the community members
  • Demand creation for community to seek early diagnosis and treatment
  • Community Capacity building on basic facts about leprosy, signs and symptoms, and mode of transmission will improve early diagnosis and treatment
  • Community knowledge that leprosy disease is curable will reduce stigma and discrimination
  • Involving communities in actions for improvement of leprosy services
  • Multi-sectoral approach in addressing leprosy
  • Health workers training on leprosy including prevention and diagnosis and management
  • Guidance to pregnant women to avoid close and frequent contacts with persons with untreated leprosy
  • Early case detection through active case finding Contact tracing
  • Surveillance for leprosy
  • Guidance on prompt start and adherence to treatment
  • Recording and reporting on leprosy (health information systems for program monitoring and evaluation)
  • Conducting basic and operational research in all aspects of leprosy and maximize the evidence base to inform policies, strategies and activities
  • physical and clinical examination
  • Presumptive diagnosis of Leprosy based on cardinal signs;
  • Definite loss of sensation in a pale (hypo pigmented) or reddish skin patch
  • Thickened or enlarged peripheral nerve with loss of sensation and/weakness of the muscles supplied by that nerve
  • Guidance/Advice to elderly patients with leprosy on self-care including Care of Eyes, care of hands and feet, guidance on voluntary muscle testing and sensory testing use of correct footwear
  • Follow up and prevention of complications including progressive and permanent damage to the skin, nerves, limbs, and eyes through early diagnosis and early treatment
  • Follow up Guidance and Ensuring adherence to treatment for known leprosy patients
  • Work with communities to Promote societal inclusion by addressing all forms of discrimination and stigma
  • Work with communities to Empower persons affected by leprosy and strengthening their capacity to participate actively in leprosy services
  • Work with communities to Promote societal inclusion by addressing all forms of discrimination and stigma
  • Promoting coalition-building among persons affected by leprosy including self care groups, such groups encourage each other on self care needs
  • Supporting community-based rehabilitation for people with leprosy-related disabilities
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Community Capacity building on basic facts about leprosy, signs and symptoms, and mode of transmission will improve early diagnosis and treatment
  • Community knowledge that leprosy disease is curable will reduce stigma and discrimination
  • Involving communities in actions for improvement of leprosy services
  • Health workers education on leprosy including prevention, diagnosis and management
  • Multi-sectoral approach in addressing leprosy
  • Strengthening patient and community awareness of leprosy
  • Community Health education to raise suspicion of leprosy by the community members
  • Demand creation for community to seek early diagnosis and treatment
    • Guidance on avoidance of close and frequent contacts with persons with untreated leprosy
  • Early case detection through active case finding
  • Contact tracing
  • Guidance on prompt start and adherence to treatment
  • Surveillance for leprosy
  • Recording and reporting on leprosy (health information systems for program monitoring and evaluation)
  • Conducting basic and operational research in all aspects of leprosy and maximize the evidence base to inform policies, strategies and activities
  • physical and clinical examination
  • Presumptive diagnosis of Leprosy based on cardinal signs:
  • Definite loss of sensation in a pale (hypo pigmented) or reddish skin patch *
  • Thickened or enlarged peripheral nerve with loss of sensation and/or weakness of the muscles supplied by that nerve*
  • Follow up and prevention of complications including progressive and permanent damage to the skin, nerves, limbs, and eyes through early diagnosis and early treatment
  • Prevention and management of disabilities.
  • Management of Leprosy with Multidrug therapy (MDT)
  • Hospital admission
  • Strengthening surveillance for antimicrobial resistance including laboratory network.
  • Work with communities to Promote societal inclusion by addressing all forms of discrimination and stigma
  • Work with communities to Empower persons affected by leprosy and strengthening their capacity to participate actively in leprosy services
  • Promoting coalition-building among persons affected by leprosy including self care groups, such groups encourage each other on self care needs
  • supporting community-based rehabilitation for people with leprosy-related disabilities
Age Cohort: < 5 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Strengthening patient and community awareness of leprosy
  • Community Health education to raise suspicion of leprosy by the community members
  • Demand creation for community to seek early diagnosis and treatment
  • Community Capacity building on basic facts about leprosy, signs and symptoms and mode of transmission will improve early diagnosis and treatment
  • Community knowledge that leprosy disease is curable will reduce stigma and discrimination
  • Involving communities in actions for improvement of leprosy services
  • Multi-sectoral approach in addressing leprosy
  • Community Health workers sensitization on Leprosy
  • Avoidance of close and frequent contacts with persons with untreated leprosy
  • Community screening to identify presumptive leprosy cases
  • Early case detection through active case finding
  • Contact tracing
  • Guidance on prompt start and adherence to treatment
  • Strengthening surveillance for leprosy
  • Identification of a presumptive leprosy case based on signs including presence of pale (lighter than normal skin) or Hypo pigmented skin patches, Numbness in the hands and feet; Weakness and difficulty in normal movement of fingers/thumb/wrist/toes/ankles or eyelids, Painless injuries, blisters, burns or ulcers in hands and feet; presence of deformities such as clawing of fingers/ thumb, clawing of toes or inability to close eyes properly
  • Guidance/Advice to the parents/families on care for a child with leprosy including
  • Care of Eyes,care of hands and feet, guidance on voluntary muscle testing and sensory testing,use of correct footwear
  • supportive managemnet
  • Referral of a patient suspected to have Leprosy to a health facility for management
  • Supporting a known leprosy patient o Ensure adherence to medicines
  • Promoting societal inclusion by addressing all forms of discrimination and stigma
  • Empowering persons affected by leprosy and strengthening their capacity to participate actively in leprosy services
  • Promoting coalition-building among persons affected by leprosy including self care groups –such groups encourage each other on self care needs
  • Supporting community-based rehabilitation for people with leprosy-related disabilities
  • Working towards abolishing discriminatory laws and promote policies facilitating inclusion of persons affected by leprosy through a multi sectoral approach
  • Provide psycho social and counseling support services for families/parents of children affected by leprosy
Primary Care
  • Strengthening patient and community awareness of leprosy
  • Health education to raise suspicion of leprosy in the community
  • Demand creation for the community/parents with under 5s to seek early diagnosis and treatment for under 5s with Leprosy
  • Community/parents/families Capacity building on basic facts about leprosy,signs and symptoms and mode of transmission will improve early diagnosis and treatment
  • Community knowledge that leprosy disease is curable will reduce stigma and discrimination
  • Involving communities in actions for improvement of leprosy services
  • Health workers education on leprosy including prevention,diagnosis and management
  • Guidance to parents/families to ensure the under 5s does not come into close and frequent contacts with persons with untreated leprosy
  • Early case detection through active case finding
  • contact tracing.
  • Surveillance for leprosy
  • Recording and reporting ON leprosy (health information systems for program monitoring and evaluation)
  • Conducting basic and operational research in all aspects of leprosy and maximize the evidence base to inform policies, strategies and activities

History and clinical examination,Diagnosis of Leprosy based on the cardinal signs; 1.loss of sensation in a pale (hypo pigmented)reddish skin patch 2. Thickened or enlarged peripheral nerve with loss of sensation and/or weakness of the muscles supplied by that nerve 3. Presence of acid-fast bacilli in a slit-skin smear (confirmatory test) Hospital admission

  • Follow up and prevention of complications including progressive and permanent damage to the skin, nerves, limbs, and eyes through early diagnosis and early treatmentFollow up for patients Management of Leprosy with Multidrug therapy (MDT)(dapsone,rifampicin and clofazimine)
  • Prevention and management of disabilities
  • Guidance /Advice to parents on care for children with leprosy including Care of Eyes, care of hands and feet, guidance on voluntary muscle testing and sensory testing use of correct footwear
  • Strengthening surveillance for antimicrobial resistance including laboratory network
  • Follow up for patients
  • Psycho-social support and counseling services,for parents/families with under 5s affected by leprosy
Referral Facility: General
  • Strengthening patient and community awareness of leprosy
  • Community Health education to raise suspicion of leprosy by the community members
  • Demand creation for community to seek early diagnosis and treatment
  • Community Capacity building on basic facts about leprosy, signs and symptoms and mode of transmission will improve early diagnosis and treatment
  • Community knowledge that leprosy disease is curable will reduce stigma and discrimination
  • Involving communities in actions for improvement of leprosy services
  • Multi-sectoral approach in addressing leprosy
  • Health workers training on leprosy including prevention, diagnosis and management
  • physical and clinical examination
  • Presumptive diagnosis of Leprosy based on cardinal signs:
  • Definite loss of sensation in a pale (hypo pigmented) or reddish skin patch *
  • Thickened or enlarged peripheral nerve with loss of sensation and/or weakness of the muscles supplied by that nerve*
  • Guidance to the elderly leprosy patient on adherence to treatment,
  • Guidance /Advice to elderly patients with leprosy on self-care including Care of Eyes; care of hands and feet; guidance on voluntary muscle testing and sensory testing use of correct footwear
  • Hospital admission
  • Management of Leprosy with Multidrug therapy (MDT)
  • Prevention and management of disabilities.
  • Follow up and prevention of complications including progressive and permanent damage to the skin, nerves, limbs, and eyes through early diagnosis and early treatment
  • Strengthening surveillance for antimicrobial resistance including laboratory network.
  • Conducting basic and operational research in all aspects of leprosy and maximize the evidence base to inform policies, strategies and activities
  • Guidance and Ensuring adherence to treatment for known leprosy patients Guidance/Advice to parents on care for the child with Leprosy including Care of Eyes,care of hands and feet, guidance on voluntary muscle testing and sensory testing use of correct footwear
  • History and clinical examination Presumptive diagnosis of Leprosy based on cardinal signs;
  1. Definite loss of sensation in a pale (hypo pigmented) or reddish skin patch,
  2. Thickened or enlarged peripheral nerve with loss of sensation or weakness of the muscles supplied by that nerve
  • Referral to a hospital for definitive diagnosis and for further management
  • Follow up and prevention of complications including progressive and permanent damage to the skin, nerves, limbs,eyes
  • Promoting societal inclusion by addressing all forms of discrimination and stigma
  • Promoting coalition-building among persons affected by leprosy including self care groups –such groups encourage each other on self care needs
  • Empowering persons affected by leprosy and strengthening their capacity to participate actively in leprosy services
  • Supporting community-based rehabilitation for people with leprosy-related disabilities.
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Strengthening patient and community awareness of leprosy
  • Community Health education to raise suspicion of leprosy by the community members
  • Demand creation for community to seek early diagnosis and treatment
  • Community Capacity building on basic facts about leprosy, signs and symptoms, and mode of transmission will improve early diagnosis and treatment
  • Community knowledge that leprosy disease is curable will reduce stigma and discrimination
  • Involving communities in actions for improvement of leprosy services
  • Multi-sect oral approach in addressing leprosy
  • Health workers training on leprosy including prevention, diagnosis and management
  • physical and clinical examination
  • Presumptive diagnosis of Leprosy based on cardinal signs:
  • Definite loss of sensation in a pale (hypo pigmented) or reddish skin patch *
  • Thickened or enlarged peripheral nerve with loss of sensation and/or weakness of the muscles supplied by that nerve*
  • Prevention and management of disabilities.
  • Hospital admission
  • Management of Leprosy with Multidrug therapy (MDT)
  • Follow up and prevention of complications including progressive and permanent damage to the skin, nerves, limbs, and eyes through early diagnosis and early treatment
  • Strengthening surveillance for antimicrobial resistance including laboratory network.
  • Conducting basic and operational research in all aspects of leprosy and maximize the evidence base to inform policies, strategies and activities
  • Physical rehabilitation services for under 5s with complications of Leprosy/leprosy related disabilities
  • Linkage of parents/families of under 5s with leprosy to support groups /self care groups
  • Guidance to communities on need for inclusion of families with under 5s affected by leprosy by addressing all forms of discrimination and stigma.
  • Guidance to parents with under 5s affected by leprosy on how to participate actively in leprosy services..
  • Promoting coalition-building among persons affected by leprosy including self care groups –such groups encourage each other on self care needs
  • Promoting societal inclusion by addressing all forms of discrimination and stigma
  • Empowering persons affected by leprosy and strengthening their capacity to participate actively in leprosy services
  • Supporting community-based rehabilitation for people with leprosy-related disabilities.
Age Cohort: 5 - 11 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
Primary Care
  • Strengthening patient and community awareness of leprosy
  • Community Health education to raise suspicion of leprosy by the community members
  • Demand creation for community to seek early diagnosis and treatment
  • Community Capacity building on basic facts about leprosy,signs and symptoms, and mode of transmission will improve early diagnosis and treatment
  • Community knowledge that leprosy disease is curable will reduce stigma and discrimination
  • Involving communities in actions for improvement of leprosy services
  • Multi-sectoral approach in addressing leprosy
  • Community Health workers sensitization on Leprosy
  • Avoidance of close and frequent contacts with persons with untreated leprosy
  • Community screening to identify presumptive leprosy case
  • Early case detection through active case finding Contact tracing
  • Guidance on prompt start and adherence to treatment
  • Strengthening surveillance for leprosy
  • Strengthening the reporting system for leprosy (health information systems for program monitoring and evaluation)
  • Identification of a presumptive leprosy case based on signs including presence of :-
  • pale (lighter than normal skin) or Hypo pigmented skin patches,
  • Guidance /Advice to the school age child with leprosy on self care including Care of Eyes, care of hands and feet, guidance on voluntary muscle testing and sensory testing use of correct footwear
  • Numbness in the hands and feet,
  • Weakness and difficulty in normal movement of fingers/thumb/wrist/toes/ankles or eyelids;
  • Painless injuries, blisters, burns or ulcers in hands and feet,
  • presence of deformities such as clawing of fingers/ thumb, clawing of toes or inability to close eyes properly
  • care for the patient with Leprosy including Care of Eyes; care of hands and feet, guidance on voluntary muscle testing and sensory testing use of correct footwear
  • Follow up Guidance and Ensuring adherence to treatment, for known leprosy patients
  • Referral of a patient suspected to have Leprosy to a health facility for management
  • Supporting a known leprosy patient o Ensure adherence to medicines
  • Promoting societal inclusion by addressing all forms of discrimination and stigma
  • Empowering persons affected by leprosy and strengthening their capacity to participate actively in leprosy services
  • Promoting coalition-building among persons affected by leprosy including self care groups –such groups encourage each other on self care needs
  • Supporting community-based rehabilitation for people with leprosy-related disabilities
  • Working towards abolishing discriminatory laws and promote policies facilitating inclusion of persons affected by leprosy through a multi sectoral approach
  • Provide psycho social and counseling support services for school age children affected by leprosy and their families
Referral Facility: General
  • Strengthening patient and community awareness of leprosy
  • Community Health education to raise suspicion of leprosy by the community members
  • Multi-sectoral approach in addressing leprosy
  • Health workers training on leprosy including prevention, diagnosis and management
  • Guidance to parents/families /;school communites of o ensuring school age going children avoid close and frequent contacts with persons with untreated leprosy
  • Early case detection through active case finding Contact tracing Surveillance for leprosy
  • Guidance on prompt start and adherence to treatment
  • Recording and reporting on leprosy (health information systems for program monitoring and evaluation)
  • Conducting basic and operational research in all aspects of leprosy and maximize the evidence base to inform policies, strategies and activities
  • physical and clinical examination
  • Presumptive diagnosis of Leprosy based on cardinal signs;
  • Definite loss of sensation in a pale (hypo pigmented) or reddish skin patch
  • Thickened or enlarged peripheral nerve with loss of sensation and/weakness of the muscles supplied by that nerve
  • Follow up and prevention of complications including progressive and permanent damage to the skin, nerves, limbs, and eyes through early diagnosis and early treatment
  • Prevention and management of disabilities.
  • Guidance/Advice to parents on care for the child with Leprosy including Care of Eyes, care of hands and feet, guidance on voluntary muscle testing and sensory testing use of correct footwear
  • Referral to a hospital for definitive diagnosis and for further management
  • Follow up and prevention of complications including progressive and permanent damage to the skin, nerves, limbs and eyes
  • Guidance and Ensuring adherence to treatment for known leprosy patients
  • Empowering persons affected by leprosy and strengthening their capacity to participate actively in leprosy services
  • Promoting coalition-building among persons affected by leprosy including self care groups, such groups encourage each other on self care needs
  • Promoting societal inclusion by addressing all forms of discrimination and stigma
  • Supporting community-based rehabilitation for people with leprosy-related disabilities.
  • Provide psycho social and counseling support services for school age children affected by leprosy and their families
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Strengthening patient and community awareness of leprosy
  • Community Health education to raise suspicion of leprosy by the community members
  • Multi-sectoral approach in addressing leprosy
  • Health workers traiing on leprosy including prevention, diagnosis and management
    • Guidance on avoidance of close and frequent contacts with persons with untreated leprosy
  • Early case detection through active case finding
  • Contact tracing
  • Guidance on prompt start and adherence to treatment
  • Surveillance for leprosy
  • Recording and reporting on leprosy (health information systems for program monitoring and evaluation)
  • Conducting basic and operational research in all aspects of leprosy and maximize the evidence base to inform policies, strategies and activities
  • physical and clinical examination
  • Presumptive diagnosis of Leprosy based on cardinal signs:
  • Definite loss of sensation in a pale (hypo pigmented) or reddish skin patch *
  • Thickened or enlarged peripheral nerve with loss of sensation and/or weakness of the muscles supplied by that nerve*
  • Hospital admission
  • Management of Leprosy with Multidrug therapy (MDT)
  • Prevention and management of disabilities.
  • Follow up and prevention of complications including progressive and permanent damage to the skin, nerves, limbs, and eyes through early diagnosis and early treatment
  • Strengthening surveillance for antimicrobial resistance including laboratory network.
  • Promoting societal inclusion by addressing all forms of discrimination and stigma
  • Empowering persons affected by leprosy and strengthening their capacity to participate actively in leprosy services
  • Promoting coalition-building among persons affected by leprosy including self care groups, such groups encourage each other on self care needs
  • Supporting community-based rehabilitation for people with leprosy-related disabilities.
  • Provide psycho social and counseling support services for school age children affected by leprosy and their families
Age Cohort: 12 - 24 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
Primary Care
  • Strengthening patient and community awareness of leprosy
  • Community Health education to raise suspicion of leprosy by the community members
  • Demand creation for community to seek early diagnosis and treatment
  • Community Capacity building on basic facts about leprosy, signs and symptoms and mode of transmission will improve early diagnosis and treatment
  • Community knowledge that leprosy disease is curable will reduce stigma and discrimination
  • Involving communities in actions for improvement of leprosy services
  • Multi-sect oral approach in addressing leprosy
  • Community Health workers sensitization on Leprosy
  • Avoidance of close and frequent contacts with persons with untreated leprosy
  • Community screening to identify presumptive leprosy cases
  • Early case detection through active case finding Contact tracing
  • Strengthening surveillance for leprosy
  • Guidance on prompt start and adherence to treatment
  • Strengthening the reporting system for leprosy (health information systems for program monitoring and evaluation)
  • Physical and clinical examination
  • Identification of a presumptive leprosy case based on signs including
  • presence of pale (lighter than normal skin) or Hypo pigmented skin patches,
  • Numbness in the hands and feet,
  • Weakness and difficulty in normal movement of fingers/thumb/wrist/toes/ankles or eyelids;
  • Painless injuries, blisters, burns or ulcers in hands and feet,
  • presence of deformities such as clawing of fingers/ thumb, clawing of toes or inability to close eyes properly*
  • care for the patient with Leprosy including Care of Eyes; care of hands and feet; guidance on voluntary muscle testing and sensory testing use of correct footwear
  • Follow up
  • Guidance and Ensuring adherence to treatment for known leprosy patients
  • Referral of a patient suspected to have Leprosy to a health facility for management
  • Supporting a known leprosy patient Ensure adherence to medicines
  • Promoting societal inclusion by addressing all forms of discrimination and stigma
  • Empowering persons affected by leprosy and strengthening their capacity to participate actively in leprosy services
  • Promoting coalition-building among persons affected by leprosy including self care groups –such groups encourage each other on self care needs
  • Supporting community-based rehabilitation for people with leprosy-related disabilities
  • Working towards abolishing discriminatory laws and promote policies facilitating inclusion of persons affected by leprosy through a multi sectoral approach
  • Psycho social and counseling support services for adolescents affected by leprosy and their families
Referral Facility: General
  • Strengthening patient and community awareness of leprosy
  • Community Health education to raise suspicion of leprosy by the community members
  • Demand creation for community to seek early diagnosis and treatment
  • Community Capacity building on basic facts about leprosy, signs and symptoms, and mode of transmission will improve early diagnosis and treatment
  • Community knowledge that leprosy disease is curable will reduce stigma and discrimination
  • Involving communities in actions for improvement of leprosy services
  • Multi-sectoral approach in addressing leprosy
  • Health workers training on leprosy including prevention, diagnosis and management
  • Guidance to adolescents to avoid close and frequent contacts with persons with untreated leprosy
  • Early case detection through active case finding Contact tracing
  • Surveillance for leprosy
  • Guidance on prompt start and adherence to treatment
  • Recording and reporting on leprosy (health information systems for program monitoring and evaluation)
  • Conducting basic and operational research in all aspects of leprosy and maximize the evidence base to inform policies, strategies and activities
  • physical and clinical examination
  • Presumptive diagnosis of Leprosy based on cardinal signs:
  • Definite loss of sensation in a pale (hypo pigmented) or reddish skin patch *
  • Thickened or enlarged peripheral nerve with loss of sensation and/or weakness of the muscles supplied by that nerve*
  • Follow up and prevention of complications including progressive and permanent damage to the skin, nerves, limbs, and eyes through early diagnosis and early treatment
  • Prevention and management of disabilities.
  • Hospital admission
  • Management of Leprosy with Multidrug therapy (MDT)
  • Strengthening surveillance for antimicrobial resistance including laboratory network.
  • Promoting societal inclusion by addressing all forms of discrimination and stigma
  • Empowering persons affected by leprosy and strengthening their capacity to participate actively in leprosy services
  • Promoting coalition-building among persons affected by leprosy including self care groups–such groups encourage each other on self care needs
  • Supporting community-based rehabilitation for people with leprosy-related disabilities
  • Working towards abolishing discriminatory laws and promote policies facilitating inclusion of persons affected by leprosy
  • Empowering persons affected by leprosy and strengthening their capacity to participate actively in leprosy services
  • Promoting coalition-building among persons affected by leprosy including self care groups –such groups encourage each other on self care needs
  • Supporting community-based rehabilitation for people with leprosy-related disabilities
  • Provide psycho social and counseling support services for adolescents affected by leprosy and their families
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Strengthening patient and community awareness of leprosy
  • Community Capacity building on basic facts about leprosy, signs and symptoms, and mode of transmission will improve early diagnosis and treatment
  • Demand creation for community to seek early diagnosis and treatment
  • Community knowledge that leprosy disease is curable will reduce stigma and discrimination
  • Involving communities in actions for improvement of leprosy services
  • Multi-sectoral approach in addressing leprosy
  • Community Health education to raise suspicion of leprosy by the community members
  • Health workers training on leprosy including prevention, diagnosis and management
    • Guidance on avoidance of close and frequent contacts with persons with untreated leprosy
  • Early case detection through active case finding
  • Contact tracing
  • Guidance on prompt start and adherence to treatment
  • Surveillance for leprosy
  • Recording and reporting on leprosy (health information systems for program monitoring and evaluation)
  • Conducting basic and operational research in all aspects of leprosy and maximize the evidence base to inform policies, strategies and activities
  • physical and clinical examination
  • Presumptive diagnosis of Leprosy based on cardinal signs:
  • Definite loss of sensation in a pale (hypo pigmented) or reddish skin patch *
  • Thickened or enlarged peripheral nerve with loss of sensation and/or weakness of the muscles supplied by that nerve*
  • Follow up and prevention of complications including progressive and permanent damage to the skin, nerves, limbs, and eyes through early diagnosis and early treatment
  • Prevention and management of disabilities.
  • Management of Leprosy with Multidrug therapy (MDT)
  • Hospital admission
  • Strengthening surveillance for antimicrobial resistance including laboratory network.
  • Promoting societal inclusion by addressing all forms of discrimination and stigma

  • Empowering persons affected by leprosy and strengthening their capacity to participate actively in leprosy services

  • Promoting coalition-building among persons affected by leprosy including self care groups –such groups encourage each other on self care needs

  • Supporting community-based rehabilitation for people with leprosy-related disabilities

  • Working towards abolishing discriminatory laws and promote policies facilitating inclusion of persons affected by leprosy

  • Promoting societal inclusion by addressing all forms of discrimination and stigma

  • Empowering persons affected by leprosy and strengthening their capacity to participate actively in leprosy services

  • Promoting coalition-building among persons affected by leprosy including self care groups–such groups encourage each other on self care needs

  • Supporting community-based rehabilitation for people with leprosy-related disabilities

  • Provide psycho social and counseling support services for adolescents affected by leprosy and their families
Age Cohort: 25 - 59 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
Primary Care
  • Strengthening patient and community awareness of leprosy
  • Community Health education to raise suspicion of leprosy by the community members
  • Demand creation for community to seek early diagnosis and treatment
  • Community Capacity building on basic facts about leprosy, signs and symptoms and mode of transmission will improve early diagnosis and treatment
  • Community knowledge that leprosy disease is curable will reduce stigma and discrimination
  • Involving communities in actions for improvement of leprosy services
  • Multi-sectoral approach in addressing leprosy
  • Community Health workers sensitization on Leprosy
  • Avoidance of close and frequent contacts with persons with untreated leprosy
  • Community screening to identify presumptive leprosy cases
  • Early case detection through active case finding - Contact tracing
  • Strengthening surveillance for leprosy
  • Guidance on prompt start and adherence to treatment
  • Strengthening the reporting system for leprosy (health information systems for program monitoring and evaluation)
  • Physical and clinical examination
  • care for the patient with Leprosy including; Care of Eyes,care of hands and feet,guidance on voluntary muscle testing and sensory testing use of correct footwear
  • Presumptive diagnosis of Leprosy based on cardinal signs
  • Definite loss of sensation in a pale (hypo pigmented) or reddish skin patch
  • Thickened or enlarged peripheral nerve with loss of sensation and/or weakness of the muscles supplied by that nerve
  • Follow up
  • Guidance and Ensuring adherence to treatment, for known leprosy patients
  • Follow up and prevention of complications including progressive and permanent damage to the skin, nerves, limbs and eyes.
  • Referral to a hospital for definitive diagnosis and for further management
  • Supporting a known leprosy patient Ensure adherence to medicines
  • Promoting societal inclusion by addressing all forms of discrimination and stigma
  • Empowering persons affected by leprosy and strengthening their capacity to participate actively in leprosy services
  • Promoting coalition-building among persons affected by leprosy including self care groups such groups encourage each other on self care needs
  • Supporting community-based rehabilitation for people with leprosy-related disabilities
  • Working towards abolishing discriminatory laws and promote policies facilitating inclusion of persons affected by leprosy.
  • Psycho social and counseling support services for adults affected by leprosy and their families
Referral Facility: General
  • Strengthening patient and community awareness of leprosy
  • Community Health education to raise suspicion of leprosy by the community members
  • Demand creation for community to seek early diagnosis and treatment
  • Community Capacity building on basic facts about leprosy,signs and symptoms and mode of transmission will improve early diagnosis and treatment
  • Community knowledge that leprosy disease is curable will reduce stigma and discrimination
  • Involving communities in actions for improvement of leprosy services
  • Multi-sectoral approach in addressing leprosy
  • Health workers training on leprosy including prevention, diagnosis and management
  • Guidance to parents/families on ensuring the adults avoid close and frequent contacts with persons with untreated leprosy
  • Early case detection through active case finding Contact tracing
  • Surveillance for leprosy
  • Recording and reporting on leprosy (health information systems for program monitoring and evaluation)
  • Conducting basic and operational research in all aspects of leprosy and maximize the evidence base to inform policies, strategies and activities
  • physical and clinical examination
  • Presumptive diagnosis of Leprosy based on cardinal signs;
  • 1.Definite loss of sensation in a pale (hypo pigmented) or reddish skin patch
  • 2.Thickened or enlarged peripheral nerve with loss of sensation and/or weakness of the muscles supplied by that nerve
  • Guidance to the elderly leprosy patient on adherence to treatment,
  • Guidance/Advice to elderly patients with leprosy on self-care including Care of Eyes, care of hands and feet, guidance on voluntary muscle testing and sensory testing use of correct footwear
  • Management of Leprosy with Multidrug therapy (MDT)
  • Hospital admission
  • Follow up and prevention of complications including progressive and permanent damage to the skin, nerves, limbs, and eyes through early diagnosis and early treatment
  • Guidance and Ensuring adherence to treatment for known leprosy patients
  • Promoting societal inclusion by addressing all forms of discrimination and stigma
  • Empowering persons affected by leprosy and strengthening their capacity to participate actively in leprosy services
  • Promoting coalition-building among persons affected by leprosy including self care groups –such groups encourage each other on self care needs
  • Supporting community-based rehabilitation for people with leprosy-related disabilities
  • Working towards abolishing discriminatory laws and promote policies facilitating inclusion of persons affected by leprosy.
  • Provide psycho social and counseling support services for adults affected by leprosy and their families
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Strengthening patient and community awareness of leprosy
  • Community Capacity building on basic facts about leprosy,signs and symptoms and mode of transmission will improve early diagnosis and treatment
  • Demand creation for community to seek early diagnosis and treatment
  • Community Health education to raise suspicion of leprosy by the community members
  • Community knowledge that leprosy disease is curable will reduce stigma and discrimination
  • Involving communities in actions for improvement of leprosy services
  • Multi-sectoral approach in addressing leprosy
  • Health workers training on leprosy including prevention, diagnosis and management
    • Guidance on avoidance of close and frequent contacts with persons with untreated leprosy
  • Early case detection through active case finding
  • Contact tracing
  • Guidance on prompt start and adherence to treatment
  • Surveillance for leprosy
  • Recording and reporting on leprosy (health information systems for program monitoring and evaluation)
  • Conducting basic and operational research in all aspects of leprosy and maximize the evidence base to inform policies, strategies and activities
  • physical and clinical examination
  • Guidance to the elderly leprosy patient on adherence to treatment,
  • Guidance /Advice to patients with leprosy on self-care including Care of Eyes; care of hands and feet; guidance on voluntary muscle testing and sensory testing use of correct footwear
  • Presumptive diagnosis of Leprosy based on cardinal signs:
  • Definite loss of sensation in a pale (hypo pigmented) or reddish skin patch *
  • Thickened or enlarged peripheral nerve with loss of sensation and/or weakness of the muscles supplied by that nerve*
  • Follow up and prevention of complications including progressive and permanent damage to the skin, nerves, limbs, and eyes through early diagnosis and early treatment
  • Management of Leprosy with Multidrug therapy (MDT)
  • Hospital admission
  • Prevention and management of disabilities.
  • Strengthening surveillance for antimicrobial resistance including laboratory network.
  • Promoting societal inclusion by addressing all forms of discrimination and stigma
  • Empowering persons affected by leprosy and strengthening their capacity to participate actively in leprosy services
  • Promoting coalition-building among persons affected by leprosy including self care groups –such groups encourage each other on self care needs
  • Supporting community-based rehabilitation for people with leprosy-related disabilities
  • Working towards abolishing discriminatory laws and promote policies facilitating inclusion of persons affected by leprosy.
  • Provide psycho social and counseling support services for adults affected by leprosy and their families
Age Cohort: 60+ years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
Primary Care
  • Strengthening patient and community awareness of leprosy
  • Community Health education to raise suspicion of leprosy by the community members
  • Demand creation for community to seek early diagnosis and treatment
  • Community Capacity building on basic facts about leprosy, signs and symptoms and mode of transmission will improve early diagnosis and treatment
  • Community knowledge that leprosy disease is curable will reduce stigma and discrimination
  • Involving communities in actions for improvement of leprosy services
  • Multi-sectoral approach in addressing leprosy
  • Community Health workers sensitization on Leprosy
  • Avoidance of close and frequent contacts with persons with untreated leprosy
  • Community screening to identify presumptive leprosy cases
  • Early case detection through active case finding
  • Contact tracing
  • Surveillance for leprosy
  • Guidance on prompt start and adherence to treatment
  • Recording and reporting on leprosy (health information systems for program monitoring and evaluation
  • Identification of a presumptive leprosy case based on signs including presence of pale (lighter than normal skin) or Hypo pigmented skin patches, Numbness in the hands and feet, Weakness and difficulty in normal movement of fingers/thumb/wrist/toes/ankles or eyelids,Painless injuries, blisters, burns or ulcers in hands and feet, presence of deformities such as clawing of fingers/thumb, clawing of toes or inability to close eyes properly
  • Guidance/Advice to the elderly patient on self care including Care of Eyes, care of hands and feet; guidance on voluntary muscle testing and sensory testing use of correct footwear
  • Referral of a patient suspected to have Leprosy to a health facility for management
  • Supporting a known leprosy patient to Ensure adherence to medicines
  • Promoting societal inclusion by addressing all forms of discrimination and stigma
  • Empowering persons affected by leprosy and strengthening their capacity to participate actively in leprosy services
  • Promoting coalition-building among persons affected by leprosy including self care groups such groups encourage each other on self care needs
  • Supporting community-based rehabilitation for people with leprosy-related disabilities
  • Working towards abolishing discriminatory laws and promote policies facilitating inclusion of persons affected by leprosy.
  • Psycho social and counseling support services for the elderly affected by leprosy and their families
Referral Facility: General
  • Strengthening patient and community awareness of leprosy
  • Community Capacity building on basic facts about leprosy, signs and symptoms and mode of transmission will improve early diagnosis and treatment
  • Demand creation for community to seek early diagnosis and treatment
  • Community Health education to raise suspicion of leprosy by the community members
  • Community knowledge that leprosy disease is curable will reduce stigma and discrimination
  • Involving communities in actions for improvement of leprosy services
  • Multi-sectoral approach in addressing leprosy
  • Health workers training on leprosy including prevention, diagnosis and management
  • Guidance on avoidance of close and frequent contacts with persons with untreated leprosy
  • Early case detection through active case finding
  • Contact tracing
  • Surveillance for leprosy
  • Recording and reporting on leprosy (health information systems for program monitoring and evaluation)
  • Conducting basic and operational research in all aspects of leprosy and maximize the evidence base to inform policies,strategies and activities
  • physical and clinical examination
  • Presumptive diagnosis of Leprosy based on cardinal signs;
  1. Definite loss of sensation in a pale (hypo pigmented) or reddish skin patch,
  2. Thickened or enlarged peripheral nerve with loss of sensation and/or weakness of the muscles supplied by that nerve
  • Guidance/Advice to elderly patients with leprosy on self-care including Care of Eyes,care of hands and feet, guidance on voluntary muscle testing and sensory testing use of correct footwear
  • Definite loss of sensation in a pale (hypo pigmented) or reddish skin patch
  • Thickened or enlarged peripheral nerve with loss of sensation and/or weakness of the muscles supplied by that nerve
  • Follow up and prevention of complications including progressive and permanent damage to the skin, nerves, limbs, and eyes through early diagnosis and early treatment
  • Prevention and management of disabilities.
  • Management of Leprosy with Multidrug therapy (MDT)
  • Hospital admission
  • Follow up for patients
  • Strengthening surveillance for antimicrobial resistance including laboratory network.
  • Guidance and Ensuring adherence to treatment for known leprosy patients
  • Promoting societal inclusion by addressing all forms of discrimination and stigma
  • Work with communities to Empower persons affected by leprosy and strengthening their capacity to participate actively in leprosy services
  • Promoting coalition-building among persons affected by leprosy including self care groups,such groups encourage each other on self care needs
  • Supporting community-based rehabilitation for people with leprosy-related disabilities
  • Provide psycho social and counseling support services for elderly persons affected by leprosy and their families
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Strengthening patient and community awareness of leprosy
  • Community Capacity building on basic facts about leprosy, signs and symptoms and mode of transmission will improve early diagnosis and treatment
  • Demand creation for community to seek early diagnosis and treatment
  • Community Health education to raise suspicion of leprosy by the community members
  • Community knowledge that leprosy disease is curable will reduce stigma and discrimination
  • Involving communities in actions for improvement of leprosy services
  • Multi-sectoral approach in addressing leprosy
  • Health workers training on leprosy including prevention, diagnosis and management
    • Guidance on avoidance of close and frequent contacts with persons with untreated leprosy
  • Early case detection through active case finding
  • Contact tracing
  • Guidance on prompt start and adherence to treatment
  • Surveillance for leprosy
  • Recording and reporting on leprosy (health information systems for program monitoring and evaluation)
  • Conducting basic and operational research in all aspects of leprosy and maximize the evidence base to inform policies, strategies and activities
  • physical and clinical examination

  • Guidance to the elderly leprosy patient on adherence to treatment,

  • Guidance /Advice to elderly patients with leprosy on self-care including Care of Eyes; care of hands and feet; guidance on voluntary muscle testing and sensory testing use of correct footwear

  • Presumptive diagnosis of Leprosy based on cardinal signs:

  • Definite loss of sensation in a pale (hypo pigmented) or reddish skin patch *

  • Thickened or enlarged peripheral nerve with loss of sensation and/or weakness of the muscles supplied by that nerve*

  • Follow up and prevention of complications including progressive and permanent damage to the skin, nerves, limbs, and eyes through early diagnosis and early treatment

  • Prevention and management of disabilities.

  • Hospital admission

  • Management of Leprosy with Multidrug therapy (MDT)

  • Follow up for patients

  • Strengthening surveillance for antimicrobial resistance including laboratory network.

  • Promoting societal inclusion by addressing all forms of discrimination and stigma
  • Work with communities to Empower persons affected by leprosy and strengthening their capacity to participate actively in leprosy services
  • Promoting coalition-building among persons affected by leprosy including self care groups,such groups encourage each other on self care needs
  • Supporting community-based rehabilitation for people with leprosy-related disabilities
  • Provide psycho social and counseling support services for elderly persons affected by leprosy and their families