Interventions for Dengue

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Age Cohort: Pregnancy and newborn
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Community awareness and education On Dengue
  • Proper solid waste disposal and improved
  • use of mosquito repellents, mosquito bed nets, mosquito coils, protective clothing and regularly removing sources of stagnant water to prevent mosquito breeding
  • Primary prevention through
  • Vector control against the mosquito using Indoor Residual
Primary Care
  • Community awareness and education On Dengue
  • Proper solid waste disposal and improved
  • use of mosquito repellents, mosquito bed nets, mosquito coils, protective clothing and regularly removing sources of stagnant water to prevent mosquito breeding
  • Community awareness and education On Dengue
  • Proper solid waste disposal and improved
  • use of mosquito repellents, mosquito bed nets, mosquito coils, protective clothing and regularly removing sources of stagnant water to prevent mosquito breeding
  • Able to conduct NS1 Ag, IgA and IgM antigens by rapid test
  • Able to conduct Overall assessment, diagnosis and identification of phase of severity
  • Management of non-severe dengue without warning signs by providing medical advice, supervising rest and drinking of plenty of fluids and prescribing of Paracetamol
Referral Facility: General
  • Community awareness and education On Dengue
  • Proper solid waste disposal and improved water storage practices, including covering of containers to prevent access by egg-laying female mosquitoes are among methods that are encouraged through community-based Programmes
Referral Facility: Specialist

Community awareness and education On Dengue Proper solid waste disposal and improved water storage practices, including covering of containers to prevent access by egg-laying female mosquitoes are among methods that are encouraged through community-based Programmes

Age Cohort: < 5 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Community awareness and education On Dengue
  • Proper solid waste disposal and improved
  • Primary prevention through
  • Vector control against the mosquito using Indoor Residual
Primary Care
  • Community awareness and education On Dengue
  • Proper solid waste disposal and improved
  • use of mosquito repellents, mosquito bed nets, mosquito coils, protective clothing and regularly removing sources of stagnant water to prevent mosquito breeding
  • Community awareness and education On Dengue
  • Proper solid waste disposal and improved
  • use of mosquito repellents, mosquito bed nets, mosquito coils, protective clothing and regularly removing sources of stagnant water to prevent mosquito breeding
  • Able to conduct NS1 Ag, IgA and IgM antigens by rapid test
  • Able to conduct Overall assessment, diagnosis and identification of phase of severity
  • Management of non-severe dengue without warning signs by providing medical advice, supervising rest and drinking of plenty of fluids and prescribing of Paracetamol
Referral Facility: General
  • Community awareness and education On Dengue
  • Proper solid waste disposal and improved water storage practices, including covering of containers to prevent access by egg-laying female mosquitoes are among methods that are encouraged through community-based programmes
  • In addition to primary care interventions
  • Conduct virus isolation, genome detection, NS1 Ag, IgA and IgM antigens by rapid test, ELISA and in addition for IgA by IHS and neutralization assays.
  • Implement case management decisions for severe dengue with warning signs (Group B and C) including treatment of profound/compensated shock, electrolyte imbalances, metabolic acidosis, ensure glucose control, hemorrhagic complications
Referral Facility: Specialist

Community awareness and education On Dengue Proper solid waste disposal and improved water storage practices, including covering of containers to prevent access by egg-laying female mosquitoes are among methods that are encouraged through community-based programmes

Conduct virus isolation, genome detection, NS1 Ag, IgA and IgM antigens by rapid test, ELISA and in addition for IgA by IHS and neutralization assays. Implement case management decisions for severe dengue with warning signs (Group B and C) including treatment of profound/ compensated shock, electrolyte imbalances, metabolic acidosis, ensure glucose control, hemorrhagic complications In addition to primary care interventions

Age Cohort: 5 - 11 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Community awareness and education On Dengue
  • Proper solid waste disposal and improved
  • Primary prevention through
  • Vector control against the mosquito using Indoor Residual
Primary Care
  • Community awareness and education On Dengue
  • Proper solid waste disposal and improved
  • use of mosquito repellents, mosquito bed nets, mosquito coils, protective clothing and regularly removing sources of stagnant water to prevent mosquito breeding
  • Community awareness and education On Dengue
  • Proper solid waste disposal and improved
  • use of mosquito repellents, mosquito bed nets, mosquito coils, protective clothing and regularly removing sources of stagnant water to prevent mosquito breeding
  • Able to conduct NS1 Ag, IgA and IgM antigens by rapid test
  • Able to conduct Overall assessment, diagnosis and identification of phase of severity
  • Management of non-severe dengue without warning signs by providing medical advice, supervising rest and drinking of plenty of fluids and prescribing of Paracetamol
Referral Facility: General
  • Community awareness and education On Dengue
  • Proper solid waste disposal and improved water storage practices, including covering of containers to prevent access by egg-laying female mosquitoes are among methods that are encouraged through community-based programmes

In addition to primary care interventions

  • Conduct virus isolation, genome detection, NS1 Ag, IgA and IgM antigens by rapid test, ELISA and in addition for IgA by IHS and neutralization assays.
  • Implement case management decisions for severe dengue with warning signs (Group B and C) including treatment of profound/ compensated shock, electrolyte imbalances, metabolic acidosis, ensure glucose control, hemorrhagic complications
Referral Facility: Specialist

Community awareness and education On Dengue Proper solid waste disposal and improved water storage practices, including covering of containers to prevent access by egg-laying female mosquitoes are among methods that are encouraged through community-based programmes

Conduct virus isolation, genome detection, NS1 Ag, IgA and IgM antigens by rapid test, ELISA and in addition for IgA by IHS and neutralization assays. Implement case management decisions for severe dengue with warning signs (Group B and C) including treatment of profound/ compensated shock, electrolyte imbalances, metabolic acidosis, ensure glucose control, hemorrhagic complications In addition to primary care interventions

Age Cohort: 25 - 59 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Community awareness and education On Dengue
  • Proper solid waste disposal and improved
  • Primary prevention through
  • Vector control against the mosquito using Indoor Residual
Primary Care
  • Community awareness and education On Dengue
  • Proper solid waste disposal and improved
  • use of mosquito repellents, mosquito bed nets, mosquito coils, protective clothing and regularly removing sources of stagnant water to prevent mosquito breeding
  • Community awareness and education On Dengue
  • Proper solid waste disposal and improved
  • use of mosquito repellents, mosquito bed nets, mosquito coils, protective clothing and regularly removing sources of stagnant water to prevent mosquito breeding
  • Able to conduct NS1 Ag, IgA and IgM antigens by rapid test
  • Able to conduct Overall assessment, diagnosis and identification of phase of severity
  • Management of non-severe dengue without warning signs by providing medical advice, supervising rest and drinking of plenty of fluids and prescribing of Paracetamol
Referral Facility: General
  • Community awareness and education On Dengue
  • Proper solid waste disposal and improved water storage practices, including covering of containers to prevent access by egg-laying female mosquitoes are among methods that are encouraged through community-based programmes
  • In addition to primary care interventions
  • Conduct virus isolation, genome detection, NS1 Ag, IgA and IgM antigens by rapid test, ELISA and in addition for IgA by IHS and neutralization assays.
  • Implement case management decisions for severe dengue with warning signs (Group B and C)including treatment of profound/compensated shock, electrolyte imbalances, metabolic acidosis, ensure glucose control, hemorrhagic complications
Referral Facility: Specialist

Community awareness and education On Dengue Proper solid waste disposal and improved water storage practices, including covering of containers to prevent access by egg-laying female mosquitoes are among methods that are encouraged through community-based programmes

Conduct virus isolation, genome detection, NS1 Ag, IgA and IgM antigens by rapid test, ELISA and in addition for IgA by IHS and neutralization assays. Implement case management decisions for severe dengue with warning signs (Group B and C)including treatment of profound/compensated shock, electrolyte imbalances, metabolic acidosis, ensure glucose control, hemorrhagic complications In addition to primary care interventions

Age Cohort: 60+ years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Water storage practices, including covering of containers to prevent access by egg-laying female mosquitoes are among methods that are encouraged through community-based programmes.
  • Primary prevention through Vector control against the mosquito using Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS) and use of Insecticide Treated Nets (ITN)
  • Environmental manipulation such as frequent emptying and cleaning, by scrubbing, of water-storage vessels, flower vases and desert room coolers, cleaning of gutters, sheltering stored tyres from rainfall, recycling or proper disposal of discarded containers and tyres, management of plants close to homes that collect water in the leaf axils, street cleansing and draining of drainage system
  • Environmental modification such as installation of a reliable piped water supply to communities, including household connections
  • Installing mosquito screening on windows, doors and other entry points, and using mosquito nets while sleeping during daytime.
  • Use of larvicides, adulticides (2-3 times annually) use of Indoor residual spraying (IRS) and insecticide treated nets (ITN)
  • Mosquito-proofing of water-storage containers
  • Breeding and distribution of biological control organisms such as native larvivorous fish and predatory copepods, into water-storage containers, open freshwater wells, concrete irrigation ditches and industrial tanks, wells etc.
Primary Care
  • Community awareness and education On Dengue
  • Proper solid waste disposal and improved
  • use of mosquito repellents, mosquito bed nets, mosquito coils, protective clothing and regularly removing sources of stagnant water to prevent mosquito breeding
  • Community awareness and education On Dengue
  • Proper solid waste disposal and improved
  • use of mosquito repellents, mosquito bed nets, mosquito coils, protective clothing and regularly removing sources of stagnant water to prevent mosquito breeding
  • Able to conduct NS1 Ag, IgA and IgM antigens by rapid test
  • Able to conduct Overall assessment, diagnosis and identification of phase of severity
  • Supervising rest and drinking of plenty of fluids and prescribing of Paracetamol
  • Management of non-severe dengue without warning signs by providing medical advice,
Referral Facility: General
  • Community awareness and education On Dengue
  • Proper solid waste disposal and improved water storage practices, including covering of containers to prevent access by egg-laying female mosquitoes are among methods that are encouraged through community-based programmes
  • In addition to primary care interventions
  • Conduct virus isolation, genome detection, NS1 Ag, IgA and IgM antigens by rapid test, ELISA and in addition for IgA by IHS and neutralization assays.
  • Implement case management decisions for severe dengue with warning signs (Group B and C) including treatment of profound/ compensated shock, electrolyte imbalances, metabolic acidosis, ensure glucose control, hemorrhagic complications
Referral Facility: Specialist

Community awareness and education On Dengue Proper solid waste disposal and improved water storage practices, including covering of containers to prevent access by egg-laying female mosquitoes are among methods that are encouraged through community-based programmes

Conduct virus isolation, genome detection, NS1 Ag, IgA and IgM antigens by rapid test, ELISA and in addition for IgA by IHS and neutralization assays. Implement case management decisions for severe dengue with warning signs (Group B and C) including treatment of profound/ compensated shock, electrolyte imbalances, metabolic acidosis, ensure glucose control, hemorrhagic complications In addition to primary care interventions

Age Cohort: 12 - 24 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
Primary Care
  • Community awareness and education On Dengue
  • Proper solid waste disposal and improved
  • use of mosquito repellents, mosquito bed nets, mosquito coils, protective clothing and regularly removing sources of stagnant water to prevent mosquito breeding
  • Community awareness and education On Dengue
  • Proper solid waste disposal and improved
  • use of mosquito repellents, mosquito bed nets, mosquito coils, protective clothing and regularly removing sources of stagnant water to prevent mosquito breeding
  • Able to conduct NS1 Ag, IgA and IgM antigens by rapid test
  • Able to conduct Overall assessment, diagnosis and identification of phase of severity
  • Management of non-severe dengue without warning signs by providing medical advice, supervising rest and drinking of plenty of fluids and prescribing of Paracetamol
Referral Facility: General
  • Community awareness and education On Dengue
  • Proper solid waste disposal and improved water storage practices, including covering of containers to prevent access by egg-laying female mosquitoes are among methods that are encouraged through community-based programmes
  • In addition to primary care interventions
  • Conduct virus isolation, genome detection, NS1 Ag, IgA and IgM antigens by rapid test, ELISA and in addition for IgA by IHS and neutralization assays.
  • Implement case management decisions for severe dengue with warning signs (Group B and C) including treatment of profound/ compensated shock, electrolyte imbalances, metabolic acidosis, ensure glucose control, hemorrhagic complications
Referral Facility: Specialist

Community awareness and education On Dengue Proper solid waste disposal and improved water storage practices, including covering of containers to prevent access by egg-laying female mosquitoes are among methods that are encouraged through community-based programmes

Conduct virus isolation, genome detection, NS1 Ag, IgA and IgM antigens by rapid test, ELISA and in addition for IgA by IHS and neutralization assays. Implement case management decisions for severe dengue with warning signs (Group B and C) including treatment of profound/ compensated shock, electrolyte imbalances, metabolic acidosis, ensure glucose control, hemorrhagic complications In addition to primary care interventions