Interventions for Burns

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Age Cohort: < 5 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Mass media campaigns on preventing burns in children * Community awareness on the prevention of fire, heat, burn
  • Educate KG students on safety measures
  • Counselling on burn prevention
  • Keep children away from fires, flames, hot surfaces and hot liquids
  • Create a safe and not risky environment at home and school

Decontamination Home wound care Oral fluids Early recognition of the need for referral of thermal and chemical injuries

Primary Care
  • Mass media campaigns on preventing burns in children
  • Community awareness on the prevention of fire, heat, burn
  • Educate KG students on safety measures
  • Counselling on burn prevention
  • Keep children away from fires, flames, hot surfaces and hot liquids * Create a safe and not risky environment at home and school

Decontamination Outpatient wound care Oral analgesics for thermal and chemical injuries Intravenous fluids Clinical assessment for early recognition of the need for referral

Referral Facility: General
  • Mass media campaigns on preventing burns in children
  • Community awareness on the prevention of fire, heat, burn
  • Educate KG students on safety measures
  • Counselling on burn prevention
  • Keep children away from fires, flames, hot surfaces and hot liquids
  • Create a safe and not risky environment at home and school
  • Accurate Total Body Surface Area (TBSA) estimation
  • Adequate analgesia to facilitate assessment and patient comfort
  • IV fluid resuscitation
  • Check peripheral perfusion and need for escharotomy
  • Prevention of hypothermia
  • Dressings depending on the type of burn
  • Burn wound management depending on the type of burn
  • Intramuscular tetanus toxoid for burns
  • Blood and blood product transfusion
  • Nutritional support including therapeutic feeding for thermal and chemical injuries
  • Surgical interventions: trauma management, debridement, basic skin grafting, escharotomy fasciotomy-myectomy
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Mass media campaigns on preventing burns in children
  • Community awareness on the prevention of fire, heat, burn
  • Educate KG students on safety measures.
  • Counselling on burn prevention
  • Keep children away from fires, flames, hot surfaces and hot liquids * Create a safe and not risky environment at home and school
  • Accurate Total Body Surface Area (TBSA) estimation
  • Adequate analgesia to facilitate assessment and patient comfort
  • IV fluid resuscitation
  • Check peripheral perfusion and need for escharotomy
  • Prevention of hypothermia
  • Dressings depending on the type of burn
  • Burn wound management depending on the type of burn
  • Intramuscular tetanus toxoid for burns Blood and blood product transfusion Nutritional support including therapeutic feeding for thermal and chemical injuries
  • Surgical interventions: trauma management, debridement, basic skin grafting, escharotomy fasciotomy-myectomy
Age Cohort: 5 - 11 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Community awareness on safe environment
  • Community awareness on how to identify and modify hazards that might lead to in indoor and outdoor environment
  • Sensitization of parents, teachers and care givers on home hazards, burns
  • Community awareness on responsible parenting
  • Discourage harmful traditional practice in the management of burn

Counselling for prevention of burns Media campaigns for burn prevention

Decontamination Home wound care Oral fluids Early recognition of the need for referral of thermal and chemical injuries

Primary Care
  • Community awareness on safe environment
  • Community awareness on how to identify and modify hazards that might lead to in indoor and outdoor environment
  • Sensitization of parents, teachers and care givers on home hazards, burns
  • Community awareness on responsible parenting
  • Discourage harmful traditional practice in the management of burn

Counselling for prevention of burns

Clinical assessment of burns Decontamination Outpatient wound care Adequate analgesics and hypothermia prevention Intravenous fluids resuscitation Early recognition of the need for referral of thermal and chemical injuries

Referral Facility: General
  • Community awareness on safe environment
  • Community awareness on how to identify and modify hazards that might lead to in indoor and outdoor environment
  • Sensitization of parents, teachers and care givers on home hazards, burns
  • Community awareness on responsible parenting
  • Discourage harmful traditional practice in the management of burn

Health education on burn prevention

Accurate Total Body Surface Area (TBSA) estimation Adequate analgesia to facilitate assessment and patient comfort IV fluid resuscitation Check peripheral perfusion and need for escharotomy Prevention of hypothermia Dressings depending on the type of burn Burn wound management depending on the type of burn Intramuscular tetanus toxoid for burns Blood and blood product transfusion Nutritional support including therapeutic feeding for thermal and chemical injuries Surgical interventions: trauma management, debridement, basic skin grafting, escharotomy fasciotomy-myectomy

Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Sensitization of parents, teachers and care givers on home hazards, burns

Health education on burn prevention

Accurate Total Body Surface Area (TBSA) estimation Adequate analgesia to facilitate assessment and patient comfort IV fluid resuscitation Check peripheral perfusion and need for escharotomy Prevention of hypothermia Dressings depending on the type of burn Burn wound management depending on the type of burn Intramuscular tetanus toxoid for burns Blood and blood product transfusion Nutritional support including therapeutic feeding for thermal and chemical injuries Surgical interventions: trauma management, debridement, basic skin grafting, escharotomy fasciotomy-myectomy

Age Cohort: 25 - 59 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Community awareness on safe environment
  • Community awareness on how to identify and modify hazards that might lead to in indoor and outdoor environment
  • Discourage harmful traditional practice in the management of burn

Counselling for prevention of burns Media campaigns for burn prevention

Decontamination Home wound care Oral fluids Early recognition of the need for referral of thermal and chemical injuries

Primary Care
  • Community awareness on safe environment
  • Community awareness on how to identify and modify hazards that might lead to in indoor and outdoor environment
  • Discourage harmful traditional practice in the management of burn

Counselling for prevention of burns

  • Clinical assessment of burns
  • Decontamination
  • Outpatient wound care
  • Adequate analgesics and hypothermia prevention
  • Intravenous fluids resuscitation
  • Early recognition of the need for referral of thermal and chemical injuries
Referral Facility: General
  • Community awareness on safe environment
  • Community awareness on how to identify and modify hazards that might lead to in indoor and outdoor environment
  • Sensitization of parents, teachers and care givers on home hazards, burns
  • Community awareness on responsible parenting
  • Discourage harmful traditional practice in the management of burn

Health education on burn prevention

  • Accurate Total Body Surface Area (TBSA) estimation
  • Adequate analgesia to facilitate assessment and patient comfort
  • IV fluid resuscitation
  • Check peripheral perfusion and need for escharotomy
  • Prevention of hypothermia
  • Dressings depending on the type of burn
  • Burn wound management depending on the type of burn
  • Intramuscular tetanus toxoid for burns Blood and blood product transfusion Nutritional support including therapeutic feeding for thermal and chemical injuries
  • Surgical interventions: trauma management, debridement, basic skin grafting, escharotomy fasciotomy-myectomy
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Sensitization of parents, teachers and care givers on home hazards, burns

Health education on burn prevention

  • Accurate Total Body Surface Area (TBSA) estimation
  • Adequate analgesia to facilitate assessment and patient comfort
  • IV fluid resuscitation
  • Check peripheral perfusion and need for escharotomy
  • Prevention of hypothermia
  • Dressings depending on the type of burn
  • Burn wound management depending on the type of burn
  • Intramuscular tetanus toxoid for burns Blood and blood product transfusion Nutritional support including therapeutic feeding for thermal and chemical injuries
  • Surgical interventions: trauma management, debridement, basic skin grafting, escharotomy fasciotomy-myectomy
Age Cohort: 60+ years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Community awareness on safe environment
  • Community awareness on how to identify and modify hazards that might lead to in indoor and outdoor environment
  • Discourage harmful traditional practice in the management of burn

Counselling for prevention of burns Media campaigns for burn prevention

Decontamination Home wound care Oral fluids Early recognition of the need for referral of thermal and chemical injuries

Primary Care
  • Community awareness on safe environment
  • Community awareness on how to identify and modify hazards that might lead to in indoor and outdoor environment
  • Discourage harmful traditional practice in the management of burn

Counselling for prevention of burns

  • Clinical assessment of burns
  • Decontamination
  • Outpatient wound care
  • Adequate analgesics and hypothermia prevention
  • Intravenous fluids resuscitation
  • Early recognition of the need for referral of thermal and chemical injuries
Referral Facility: General
  • Community awareness on safe environment
  • Community awareness on how to identify and modify hazards that might lead to in indoor and outdoor environment
  • Sensitization of parents, teachers and care givers on home hazards, burns
  • Community awareness on responsible parenting
  • Discourage harmful traditional practice in the management of burn

Health education on burn prevention

  • Accurate Total Body Surface Area (TBSA) estimation
  • Adequate analgesia to facilitate assessment and patient comfort
  • IV fluid resuscitation
  • Check peripheral perfusion and need for escharotomy
  • Prevention of hypothermia
  • Dressings depending on the type of burn
  • Burn wound management depending on the type of burn
  • Intramuscular tetanus toxoid for burns Blood and blood product transfusion Nutritional support including therapeutic feeding for thermal and chemical injuries
  • Surgical interventions: trauma management, debridement, basic skin grafting, escharotomy fasciotomy-myectomy
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Sensitization of parents, teachers and care givers on home hazards, burns

Health education on burn prevention

  • Accurate Total Body Surface Area (TBSA) estimation
  • Adequate analgesia to facilitate assessment and patient comfort
  • IV fluid resuscitation
  • Check peripheral perfusion and need for escharotomy
  • Prevention of hypothermia
  • Dressings depending on the type of burn
  • Burn wound management depending on the type of burn
  • Intramuscular tetanus toxoid for burns Blood and blood product transfusion Nutritional support including therapeutic feeding for thermal and chemical injuries
  • Surgical interventions: trauma management, debridement, basic skin grafting, escharotomy fasciotomy-myectomy