Interventions for Vaccine Preventable Diseases

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Age Cohort: < 5 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Strengthen community health workers knowledge on vaccine preventable diseases (VPDs)
  • Strengthen families and community-based awareness on VPDs including transmission and prevention measures * Information and health education to parents, families and Communities on immunization including vaccination schedule for young children * Community education on proper nutrition for young children
  • Routine on schedule vaccination for infants and children
  • Strengthen community reporting systems on VPD symptoms
  • Guidance on good hygiene practices including hand hygiene and stay at home if any symptoms of VPDs
  • Avoiding close contact with people with VPDs
  • Recognition of VPDs symptoms
  • Referrals to a health facility if symptoms worsen * Supportive care (e.g., fever reduction, hydration, feeding, etc.)
  • Immediate Referral of infants to hospitals
Primary Care
  • Strengthen families and community- based awareness on VPDs including transmission and prevention measures/awareness raising campaigns
  • Create awareness among family members and communities on importance of vaccination and the vaccination schedule
  • Guidance on hygiene during childhood
  • Sensitization/education on appropriate nutrition for children
  • Knowledge on the importance of timely uptake of vaccine dose
  • Appropriate storage and delivery of vaccines on optimal temperature
  • Routine vaccination on schedule by infants and children * Vitamin A supplementation
  • Strengthen community reporting systems on VPD symptoms
  • Guidance on good hygiene practices including hand hygiene and stay at home if any symptoms of VPDs
  • Avoiding close contact with people with VPDs
  • Recognition of danger signs of vaccine preventable diseases
  • Antimicrobial therapy when indicated
  • Monitor and manage complications such as apnoea, cyanosis, pneumonia, encephalopathy
  • Report and refer immediately suspected cases of VPDs
Referral Facility: General
  • Awareness to parents on VPDs and prevention measures
  • Guidance on hygiene practices for children including hand hygiene, cough etiquette
  • Guidance on good nutrition/diet for the children
  • Routine childhood vaccinations, timely and complete
  • Recognition of signs and symptoms (features) of VPDs in infants and in children * Report and refer immediately suspected cases of VPDs
  • Emergency care to stabilize VPDs before referral
  • If urgent transfer is not possible: * Oral antibiotics if indicated
  • Supportive therapy
  • Antipyretics for fever and analgesics for aches/pains
  • Nutritional support and supplementation years of age with VPD
  • Hydration /fluids administration for the under 5 with VPD
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Awareness to parents on VPDs and prevention measures
  • Guidance on hygiene practices for children including hand hygiene; cough etiquette
  • Guidance on good nutrition/diet for the children
  • Routine childhood vaccinations, timely and complete
  • Physical and Clinical examination
  • Hospitalisation of severely ill
  • Oral antibiotics for complications
  • IV antibiotics for complications *Monitoring /special attention to prevent and manage any complications e.g., apnea and pneumonia
  • Oral Vitamin A
  • IV fluid for rehydration
  • ICU services for severely ill
  • Laboratory tests (serology, culture, etc...)
  • Close follow up
Age Cohort: 5 - 11 years
Health Promotion Disease Prevention Diagnostic Curative Rehabilitative Palliative
Community Level
  • Strengthen community health workers knowledge on vaccine preventable diseases (VPDs)
  • Strengthen families and community-based awareness on VPDs including transmission and prevention measures * Information and health education to parents, families and Communities on immunization including vaccination schedule for young children * Community education on proper nutrition for young children
  • Routine on schedule vaccination for infants and children
  • Guidance on good hygiene practices including hand hygiene and stay at home if any symptoms of VPDs
  • Avoiding close contact with people with VPDs
  • Recognition of VPDs symptoms
  • Referrals to a health facility if symptoms worsen * Supportive care (e.g., fever reduction, hydration, feeding, etc.)
Primary Care
  • Strengthen families and community- based awareness on VPDs including transmission and prevention measures/awareness raising campaigns
  • Create awareness among family members and communities on importance of vaccination and the vaccination schedule
  • Guidance on hygiene during childhood
  • Sensitization/education on appropriate nutrition for children
  • Knowledge on the importance of timely uptake of vaccine dose
  • Appropriate storage and delivery of vaccines on optimal temperature
  • Routine vaccination on schedule by infants and children * Vitamin A supplementation
  • Guidance on good hygiene practices including hand hygiene and stay at home if any symptoms of VPDs
  • Avoiding close contact with people with VPDs
  • Recognition of danger signs of vaccine preventable diseases
  • Antimicrobial therapy when indicated
  • Monitor and manage complications such as apnoea, cyanosis, pneumonia, encephalopathy
  • Report and refer immediately suspected cases of VPDs
Referral Facility: General
  • Awareness to parents on VPDs and prevention measures
  • Guidance on hygiene practices for children including hand hygiene, cough etiquette
  • Guidance on good nutrition/diet for the children
  • Routine childhood vaccinations, timely and complete

History and physical examination Manage complications accordingly

  • Oral antibiotics if indicated
  • Supportive therapy
  • Antipyretics for fever and analgesics for aches/pains
  • Nutritional support and supplementation years of age with VPD
  • Hydration /fluids administration
Referral Facility: Specialist
  • Awareness to parents on VPDs and prevention measures
  • Guidance on hygiene practices for children including hand hygiene; cough etiquette
  • Guidance on good nutrition/diet for the children
  • Routine childhood vaccinations, timely and complete
  • Physical and Clinical examination
  • Hospitalisation of severely ill
  • Oral antibiotics for complications
  • IV antibiotics for complications
  • Monitoring /special attention to prevent and manage any complications e.g., apnea and pneumonia
  • Oral Vitamin A
  • IV fluid for rehydration
  • ICU services for severely ill
  • Laboratory tests (serology, culture, etc...)
  • Close follow up